Riding Lessons

Story by Nalz on SoFurry

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Nalz and Icy make their unexpected return in another delightfully raunchy outing! This time they aren't in Afghanistan anymore and are back in the good 'ol USA. No more of that blasted dust, grime and garbage for these two. Back into the loving bosom of democracy and rampant capitalism. With Nalz attempting to teach Icy his passion: Fast, sexy and evil motorcycles. They start out strong and devolve into something much more entertaining. Will these two ever stay out of trouble? You should hope not!

Well, I am back! With another raunchy outing featuring our two insatiable friends: Nalz and Icy! This time they aren't in Afghanistan anymore. Will these two ever stay out of trouble? You should hope not! That would mean no more stories of these two and their immortal libidos.

This was another gift for my good friend Icy. His FA is http://www.furaffinity.net/user/iceman/ and he's a pretty cool dude. Give him some loves and check out his stuffs. It's good.

End of Author's Note. ONTO THE DEBAUCHERY!

Riding Lessons

This neighborhood, like most middle class American suburbs, was rather quiet this time of day, early in the afternoon. Most of the cul-de-sac residents away at work and their children still safely behind closed, educating doors. Their malleable young gray matter absorbing the day's lessons. Or more likely planning the evening's possibilities for debauchery.

Kids these days. No appreciation for education.

The high pitched chatter of a landscaping company's two-stroke lawnmower echoed up the short hill to the blue house nestled at the head of the half circle of homes. A small forest of evergreen towering beyond in the backyard. Nothing else moved, save for several birds flitting about from treetop to treetop and every branch in between. Chirping and singing their delights. Mindlessly chattering with a tune that many find an indispensable part of the daily ambiance.

No one would argue that the day was not a perfect early summer day. Sun filtering through the innumerable pine needles that laced into nearly impenetrable covers. Casting splotchy, picturesque rays of sunshine onto modest porch gardens and swaths of verdant grass. Still enough moisture in the soil to allow lush growth despite home owner neglect. Although, the blue house had grass that was long overdue for a pass of a lawnmower. Bunch of no good, lazy young renters.

A new sound infiltrated the quaint neighborhood with the suddenness of a car crash. All of the neighbors agreed that it was more of a noise than a sound. Barking up the road like a dog up the wrong tree. Sounds were pleasant. This was maddening and most certainly unwanted. However, they were all so passive aggressive that they hated with silent scorn. Not once had they bothered to lodge a complaint with the owner. Hopefully someday somebody else would do it for them.

Perhaps they were afraid the rider might shoot them. Each knew that the owner was a former Marine and veteran; having served a tour in Afghanistan and further time abroad as an embassy security guard. Well traveled often meant many friends with the ability to inflict mischief. Maybe even make certain people disappear or suffer disastrous setbacks.

There was also the possibility that because he rode a motorcycle - a crotch rocket at that - that he was predisposed to lapses of judgment and quick to initiate violence. After all, who knew how the military had brainwashed him or what sort of things may have happened to him? The television said the type could be dangerous. Have to make sure to tell the kids to watch out.

Secretly they hoped that one day all the malicious thoughts would materialize and strike out, destroying the object they so despised on early weekend mornings. Some divine intervention causing a tree to fall on it while parked in the driveway. No one wanted the owner hurt, of course. Just that blasted two-wheeled monstrosity.

However the sound, to a select few, was purely orchestral. Bouncing off of every surface. A mighty fortissimo growl that echoed like a roll of thunder, diminuendo to a deep burble that died into a pianissimo. It drilled into your ear drums and soul with the force of a jackhammer. Up close the thrum of which vibrated through the very air to rouse the sleepwalkers we call businessmen. Spearing straight into the part of your brain that tells your blood to boil, fires you up and excites the primal instincts that lust for danger. Back from under the social weight of morality. Screaming at you to wake from comatose daily rituals, grab hold of life and fuck the shit out of it.

The volume grew rapidly, giving way to a miniscule, by comparison, motorcycle turning onto the street and climbing the small hump - called a hill to its face - into the cul-de-sac. How something so small could create such a deafening racket confused many. Up to the point that their curiosity commit suicide and they covered their ears. Calling curses unheard by the rider.

Those few that didn't sported ear to ear grins, basking in the auditory bliss others deemed a nuisance. The fire in their hearts blazing. They understood the passion of motorcycling or motorsport in general. The sonorous rumble of a V-twin mated with the high pitched scream of a middleweight four-cylinder to create the three-cylinder trumpeting blast that rocketed the bike up the street. Straight for the blue house with its speckled and cracked driveway, overgrown grass and empty porch. Front wheel lifting slightly from the tarmac at the crest of the lump as if playfully testing the limits of gravity. How far away could it get before gravity yelled to come back?

The engine's harmonics were evil. Hinting at life born from the mind of detestable maniacs. An esoteric faction of engineers slaving away behind the scenes. Their creation's mechanical clatter sinful in its aural delight.

With the same intensity that it had displayed shooting up the street the motorcycle slowed to a near halt before the quickly approaching curb. Forks diving under the combined weight of the two riders, springs struggling to resist the motion and return to equilibrium. Extreme weight transfer flattening the front tire, increasing grip and allowing even more braking to take place while the rear tire only caressed the surface of the asphalt. Threatening to leave the ground, an unwanted lover. The passenger had not particularly enjoyed the display of braking potential and clung tightly to the pilot, knocking their helmets together.

A bystander might have heard the pilot's uproarious laugh were they close enough.

Slowly, the pilot pulled up onto the driveway, thumbing a switch in his pocket through his leather jacket. The right door of the two car garage began its slow ascent; electric motor complaining loudly at the weight as the chain drive ticked noisily. With a restrained, off tempo grumble the motorcycle revved enough to crawl into the garage. Pilot countering a small wobble, due to the slow speed, to maintain balance.

The pilot walked the bike to a stop in the garage. He spread his feet wide and held the bike firmly so the dismounting passenger wouldn't upset his balance and send all involved parties to the concrete. Becoming fast acquaintances. The passengers tail thrashed in irritation as his hands fumbled with the helmet strap. It was a few moments before the pilot had the kickstand down, engine off, both pairs of gloves removed and able to assist. His chuckle was amused, though muffled by his own helmet, as he pulled the passenger's frustrated fingers away and undid the doubled back clasp. An exasperated sigh followed his freedom from the helmet, exposing his scowling, scaled face to the world. Or, at least, the singular audience.

"It helps to take your gloves off first." The pilot said after flipping up his silver mirrored visor. Pointing out the obvious to the oblivious.

His scales were baby blue with purple accents running down the throat into his jacket. His eccentric purple mane bounced slightly with every movement of his head. Ruby eyes glared contemptuously at the helmeted pilot as he removed it. The drake's brow furrowed in annoyance at the rider's, now revealed, unrepentant smirk. He seemed greatly amused by the drake's expression.

"What?" The four-armed, gray scaled reptile asked, alighting his helmet on the motorcycle' mirror.

"Was that necessary? You know I already don't really like this deathtrap." He glanced at the bike's sharp angles, menacing stance and gleaming golden suspension components. White body work, black belly pan and arrest-me-red painted sub frame added to the mischievous appearance. It might be a deathtrap but it was a brilliant looking deathtrap. He could admit that.

The lizard gasped, emerald eyes glowing with protective fire. A multitude of small, red spines ran from the top of his head down the back to his neck. There was a single exotic metal stud in his left nostril that glowed with a fiery swirl of ocher and scarlet; akin to the glow of a burning star. He patted the white fuel tank affectionately. Trying to soothe an offended loved one.

"Don't worry, he didn't mean it." Nalz cooed to the cool metal with an intimate gaze. The drake rolled his eyes. He jabbed an accusing finger in the drake's direction. "I was just having a bit of fun! I thought you were a big drake, not a scared little hatchling." Icy, the drake, crossed his arms and harrumphed. "How about I teach you how to ride. Give you some basic lessons. Maybe you'll like it more once you get to know it. Sorta like how it was with me."

Icy tilted his head as he thought about it. He had enjoyed the feeling of freedom and speed. Wind ripping at him while the speedometer climbed ever higher towards the sky. The lightning acceleration and gravity, wrenching at his gut, trying to pull it out of his body the deeper the lean. He could imagine it was even stronger when riding alone. Able to ride at an extreme level. He could now more easily understand the other male's burning obsession. If he pursued it a little fanatically.

In the end he couldn't really say no to Nalz's cute, innocent enthusiasm. The poor lizard would be crushed if he said no! Icy grinned and shook his head in defeat. "Alright, teach away. You had better make me love this as much as you do."

Nalz beamed and bounced on his toes in place. Icy had to resist the urge to snuggle him. He beckoned the buff drake to his side on the left of the motorcycle, facing towards the front of the bike. He stuffed his gloves into his mounted helmet and unzipped his leather jacket, settling in for the long haul. May as well get comfortable.

"I know you know the basics, so I'll try and keep it interesting." Icy nodded. "This side of the bike deals only with shifting and the gearbox. The left handlebar contains the clutch lever and left rearset, the shifter." Nalz accompanied each explanation with a swift demonstration or finger pointing out the subject.

"One click up to shift up and one click down to shift down. You can only shift one gear at a time so you don't have to worry about shifting too hard. You just have to release the pressure to allow the selector to reset. Neutral is a half click up or down from first or second, respectively. Still with me?

"Now, on to the right side where everything makes the bike go faster or slower. The right handlebar lever controls the front brake while the grip twists to adjust the throttle. The bike has a throttle cable that runs to the throttle bodies, controlling how much they open, which in turn, meters the amount of fuel that enters the engine. Some fancier bikes are adopting the ride-by-wire throttle controls of most newer cars. Instead of a cable you have a computer that sends a signal to a motor that controls the throttle bodies. The grip sends electrical signals to the computer instead of tightening a wire. This allows for more accurate and precise fueling and for more electronic rider aids. There is the additional benefit of easing some aspects of engine tuning. Deep breath!

"Next, you have the right rearset and the rear brake foot lever. The key thing to remember with the brakes is the eighty-twenty rule. The front brakes handle roughly eighty percent of the braking work while the rear is, obviously, about twenty percent, give or take. This is due to weight transfer under braking and the idea is similar to cars but more extreme. However, that is a more advanced topic. We can worry about weight transfer after you've mastered the basics."

Nalz turned from his demonstration and speech to find Icy's eyes half lidded and glazed. The reptile sighed, slightly amused. He put one hand on his hip and regained the drake's attention with a snap of his fingers. Icy blinked twice and looked at the lizard with an apologetic grin. Nalz had Icy help him mount the bike on a rear wheel paddock stand for his indiscretion. This kept the bike more stable that the kick stand and held the bike upright and near level. It was obvious the drake needed training that was a little more hands on to keep him interested.

"Sit on the bike." Nalz instructed, moving to the front of the motorcycle. Icy complied and swung a leg over, situating his large form on the, somewhat, small bike. Nalz had to stifle a chuckle at how diminutive he made the bike appear.

"I think I need something bigger." Icy mused, looking around the bike. "Something with at least 1000cc's."

"Now, now. You can't just go jumping on a litrebike or a hyperbike and expect to survive or learn to ride well. It's easier to learn to ride fast on a slow bike than it is the other way around. Also, less chance of really turning the bike into a deathtrap." Nalz pointed out, realizing it must have looked very amusing seeing Icy riding bitch behind himself.

For a moment he was afraid Icy had caught his grin, an expectant look on his face. "You can upgrade to a 'Busa when I say you're good and ready. So, in a couple of years!"

"Yes, Father." Icy teased, sticking his tongue out.

"Keep it up, see what happens. OK, go ahead and name all the controls for me and their function so I know how much of what I said you actually heard." Icy did so without hesitation, looking rather pleased with himself. "Good! Now get a feel for the clutch and gearbox. Pull the clutch lever in to disengage it and then press down on the shift lever. Do it. Good. If it doesn't click, which it didn't, that means you're in first gear. Now flick the lever up with the top of your toes. It should click. You're in second gear now. Between these two gears is neutral. Press down lightly when in second until the shifter feels loose. It should feel like it's falling out of gear and not solidly into first. Similar to neutral in a car. Awesome. Easy, huh?" Icy grinned and nodded. Nalz was just as happy that he had him interested. Students that learned quickly were always pleasant.

They also received rewards for their dedication.

"Moving on to the fun stuff! The go faster switch and shit-it's-the-cops lever." Nalz paused with a smirk and Icy chuckled. "I've had to use that lever many times for that very reason. The go faster switch was just as useful when running from them once. Although, trying not to get into trouble is less sketchy than running from them.

Remember to keep in mind that the front brake is extremely powerful. You never want to just grab it like your dick when you jerk off. Always remember to be smooth on and smooth off. Same with the throttle, be gentle. Snapping the throttle open can flip the bike in low gears. Snapping it closed can upset the chassis at high lean angles, enough to wreck you. Smooth is fast, fast is smooth." He repeated the mantra several times for emphasis.

Icy snickered at the phrase with a lewd hand gesture and Nalz sighed, walked around the bike and prodded the drake in the side. "Pervert."

"Your favorite." He responded instantly with a toothy grin. Nalz rolled his eyes but smiled despite it.

"Anyways!" Nalz exclaimed as the drake had begun to lean towards him, moving out of his range. Most likely he was thinking devious thoughts. "Back to business. Go ahead and turn the key once to the on position." Icy did as he was told with mild irritation over Nalz's rejection and the bike buzzed, priming the fuel system while the LCD screen flashed through self-diagnostics. The instrument panel illuminated white numerals and the running lights warmed to life.

"Go ahead and find neutral. When the bike is in it, a neutral indicator will light up. It's the green on with the big N in it. However, it is good practice to always verify the light isn't lying. You can do that by slightly rocking the bike back. If it doesn't stop rolling, you're in neutral! Got it? Now make sure the ignition kill switch is set to run. The red toggle switch next to your right thumb is the one."

Nalz pointed to everything as he instructed. Always making sure his student understood exactly what to do. It is very important to be professional, after all. Except for the extended stares and light brushes of his fingers across Icy's, which might have been accidental, when pointing out what to do. However, they were entirely on purpose.

Icy noticed every single time. Lizard thought he was being sly. Hah! The drake would be sure to give him what he had coming to him. Deviant.

"Okay, pull in the clutch lever and use your thumb to press the starter button until she's purring like a kitten." The drake held the button and the engine coughed, fighting against itself to start. A moment later fuel, spark and air symbiotically united to initiate combustion and the motor exploded to life with a sneeze. Churning mirthfully at idle at moment later.

"Like music to my ears," Nalz professed, "notch into first gear and ease out the clutch. You don't need any throttle with the rear tire off of the ground, but on the street you would feed in throttle while smoothly letting out the clutch until you got under way. You know how to drive a stick so you shouldn't have any trouble with the concept. It's just a little different working the clutch with fingers instead of foot." Nalz smirked mischievously alongside the comment. "This is just so you can get a feel for the movement. Eventually you won't even have to think about it."

Nalz spent the next ten minutes going over basic riding skills and miscellaneous bits of useful information. Icy had shut off the bike and clambered off. He had been interested earlier but now he was bored again. On the verge of making it obvious with a disruptive, uncouth yawn. What else could he do to get the lizard talking about something else? Or better yet, shut him up. He knew just the thing!

"Nalz!" He shouted to the reptile's back.

"Yes?" Nalz sang as he turned to face Icy.

"Shut up." Icy whispered forcefully and, having closed the gap between them as Nalz had turned, pressed his lips firmly to the lizard's. Nalz was surprised and shrank back against the bike, dropping onto the seat as the drake insisted on persisting the contact. The kiss was accompanied by Icy's strong hands securing Nalz's snout to his own. One hand gripping his jaw while the other hooked around his neck.

Nalz braced himself against the bike with all four hands, each searching for purchase on a different surface. The moment of confusion passed and he tilted his head to be more accepting of Icy's lips. Nalz found it oddly exhilarating making out on his motorcycle. New experiences did tend to be exciting and this with an extra helping of intoxicating thrill. Especially when the garage door was wide open and the whole neighborhood could see. If only they looked up the street.

The sudden realization that anybody could see made his stomach churn and body tingle with dread. Almost nobody knew, not even his best friends, that he was bisexual. Nalz's enthusiasm toward the kiss dropped to absolute zero and he tried to sever the contact. Icy opened his eyes and cocked a brow in question, softening his grip on Nalz's jaw. "Something wrong, Nalzy?"

"The garage door is still open." He blurted, distraught.

Icy glanced out into the, deathly quiet, cul-de-sac and back at the nervous reptile. The only thing that had moved were leaves disturbed by a gentle breeze. "So? There is nobody out there."

"School is almost out. Kids will be walking up the street any time now." Nalz pointed out after an uneasy glance at his watch. He fidgeted and glanced between Icy and the empty street.

"Looks like they'll have to deal with being scarred for life at seeing two guys making out then." Icy quipped with a lopsided grin.

"What do you--"

Icy cut Nalz off easily enough. Pulling the lizard's snout back to his and resuming their, prior interruption, activity. Nalz tried to speak but the words were muffled. It wouldn't have mattered even if they had been intelligible. Icy would have ignored them for the reptile's own good.

When the lizard moved to attempting to physically push the drake away he brought a hand up and rubbed the small, pliable red spines on the back of Nalz's head in retaliation.

The lizard was instantly placated and docile. Icy chuckled into Nalz's suddenly eager lips. He loved the way head rubbing made the reptile so agreeable. A mental note was made to take advantage of the fact when Nalz was being difficult in non-intimate situations. The pleasured face he always made was too cute and enticing. This time when Nalz whined, 'you win' into the drake's parted lips, he understood. Selective hearing, you know?

Nalz sent his long, violet tongue exploring into the drake's cavernous maw.

The pair exchanged ravenous breaths, lungs rapaciously fighting to consume the shared airspace. Nostrils flaring as they bathed each other in salacious suspiration. Icy had stopped teasing Nalz's spines, yet Nalz made no indication of stopping himself; despite no longer being under their insistent, obedience inducing control. His probing tongue touching teeth, tasting flesh and wrestling tongue. The fear of being caught subsisted but only in the farthest reaches of his mind. Buried under layers of insistent libido and put out by more pressing matters.

He couldn't say for sure but, Nalz thought he heard the squeal of a large vehicle's air brakes and the disgruntled chuff of released excess pressure. Common to the species of big, yellow school bus. When the bright laughter of teenagers carried up the street on a pleasantly warm breeze he knew his assumption had been correct. Five minutes ago he would have begun spazzing out, scrambling to get Icy away and the garage door closed. It wouldn't be hard, all he had to do was key the remote in his pocket and the world would be none the wiser.

But where was the mischief in subjecting adolescents to two men making out if the door was closed?

Although, when he thought about it, they would probably just assume he was a girl. The synapse that spawned the perception was probably just depressed. However, he was smaller than Icy in bulk and it wasn't like he hung out enough outside for any of the young people to recognize him. They knew the motorcycle and the geared up rider. Not the sans helmet one.

Thus, Nalz put an extra dose of passion into the kiss as the throng of kids, freed from the shackles of public education, swarmed up the street to their homes. Icy must have just realized the incoming mob and pulled back, ready to save their impressionable young minds from witnessing their lewd behavior. Of course Nalz had every intention of impressing upon them and grabbed fistfuls of Icy's jacket in his upper hands, snarled 'c'mere' with ardor and yanked the drake's lips to his. Icy didn't try to protest again.

Fuck it.

Nalz opened one eye and rolled it to look out the door. The group had broken up as each kid went their separate ways but some pointed directly at Icy and himself. Girls blushing and boys chuckling. Unfortunately, there were no contemptuous looks of disgust. Damn. They all probably assumed he had a vagina, much to his chagrin. One older boy did cat call, along with presenting a ribald hand gesture, and was quickly scolded by the girl on his arm for his trouble. Icy chuckled, a mirthful wheezing noise, into his snout at that.

Once they had all disappeared behind closed doors Nalz leaned back and grinned seductively at the drake. "Wanted to put on a show, huh? You almost wouldn't even kiss me with the door open a minute ago." Icy teased.

"I'm not allowed to conquer my fear in a moment of blind passion? I thought it might be fun. Besides, they probably all thought I was a girl." He pouted - dejected - feigning offense.

Icy walked around the lizard and his bike, coming up behind him. He slipped his arms between the lizards two pair and leaned into him. Hands suddenly rubbing the insides of his thighs aroused suspicion in the reptile. Nalz leaned his head back until he was cheek-to-cheek with the drake. A lone hand gently caressed the side of his scabrous baby blue snout.

"Can I help you?" Nalz inquired airily. Icy's hands slid up under his shirt to rub the lizard's sleek belly scales, feeling the defined outline of solid abdominal muscles beneath with a pleased murmur.

"No, but together we're going to see how much of that fear you've really overcome, Leezard." Nalz tensed, holding Icy's snout against his. The drake only called him that when he had lascivious intentions in that perverse mind of his. Icy's hands continued up to his chest with strokes and playful gropes. Nalz didn't really see how this would prove anything. Except for maybe that he wasn't a girl to nobody but Icy. That wouldn't change the fact that the neighborhood still hated him for his noisome bike. Being mildly homosexual wouldn't bring the homeowner's association down on him like an obnoxiously loud exhaust.

As long as the kids didn't snitch.

In the next few moments the drake's intentions became as blindingly obvious as the fact that staring at the sun is a truly bad idea. Icy slid one hand down the lizard's front and straight underneath his belt. With all the deftness of a master thief, stealing away into his pants in search of cock. Nalz hardly had a chance to realize what was going on before Icy had two fingers in his slit, trying to coax out the hibernating inhabitant. Affectionately coined 'Little Leezard.'

"Ice-Icy, seriously!" Nalz stuttered while trying to squirm away, grasping onto his offending arm in a futile attempt to extract it. He found his rear escape route blocked by Icy's imposing chest. The front wasn't an option with the two fingers fish hooking him. "Come on, we can't do this out here. Kissing is one thing but-!"

Icy cut off the pleading, shivering lizard with authoritative nuzzles to the spines. Nalz emitted a sound that could be best described as a wanton moan with overtones of piteous whining. He halfheartedly tried to lean forward to escape the offending snout. The nuzzles just followed and his swelling erection persisted in its insubordination. Quickly pressing against the drake's spelunking fingertips. A minute later his belt was undone, pants unbuttoned and unzipped. Icy was a crafty one and didn't hesitate to take advantage of the easier access.

While Nalz's dick had no moral obligation against being hard as a rock, his brain hated it for the ignorance of its own situation. Licks followed more nuzzles to his spines and the drake had freed Nalz's oblivious organ and began to make it perfectly content with its incognizance. Nalz's jaw went slack and body relaxed once he decided that surrender was the only viable option. It was also the only one any sane man would choose.

If they were going to be seen he might as well enjoy the hell out of it.

The neighborhood had long been silent after the school aged crowd had reached their domiciles. Everybody stayed inside to play these days. Never know when some pervert or pedophile might peek on or steal your children. The downside of national media playing on fear for a ratings boost. Video games and the internet were far more exciting than being outside, becoming irradiated by ultraviolet rays from a evil, scheming sun.

Nalz glanced out through the, still open, garage door, between bated breaths, to check for peeping Toms. Satisfied that they were alone, with the knowledge that none of his roommates were home or soon to be home, he hooked an upper arm around the drake's neck. He pulled his snout alongside the drake's and lavished it with nuzzles and affectionate licks. A few light kisses here and there for variety. A sly lower hand reached behind and groped the horny, very aroused drake.

"You're terrible, you know that?" Nalz groaned breathlessly through clenched teeth. A sudden stab of pleasure compromising his ability to render clear, concise communication.

"Yes but, look who's talking." Icy accused with a growl, referring to the lizard's hand now in his pants, delicately massaging his testicles. Nalz snickered and squeezed. The drake flinched.

"You started it."

"I'll finish it, too." Icy sneered with an imposing snap of his jaws at the reptile's eye level. Nalz grinned toothily in defiance.

"I'm so - scared." He started, gasping mid sentence when Icy tried to shut him up with a squeeze and flick of the thumb. If the drake could see, Nalz was glowering.

Icy's next move came as a surprise to him. Mostly because he almost fell over backwards and split his head on the concrete floor. If the drake hadn't intervened. One split eye ridge was more than enough for one lifetime. Icy would never have allowed that to transpire of course and supported the off balance lizard.

Nalz found himself reclined, supported by the drake's shoulder, a strong arm wrapping around his back. He had snaked around his right side, under his lower arm, and paused. Icy realized he'd never taken much time to appreciate the reptile's unique phallus. Its color was similar to the reptile's tongue, a violet that leaned more towards blue than purple. The overall shape was varied and quite pleasing to the eye. Narrow at the base where it disappeared into his body, thickening about an inch up from that point. The surface looked smooth but subtle ridges could be felt beneath, slightly undulating like the ripples from a small rock dropped into a pond. His penis' thickness began to taper at about three quarters of the full length, slightly tapering to a nearly flat head with a gentle flare. He hadn't noticed it previously but there was a stud at the top of Nalz's slit, metal glowing with the same effulgent luster of the one in his nostril. Icy secured Nalz's flesh within his humid, salivating mouth. Snuggling it in a warm blanket of wet, pierced tongue. A wonderful added sensation, that, Nalz noted.

He partially supported himself by holding Icy's opposite shoulder and grasping the strap of leather across the pillion seat. A lower hand ran smoothly through the drake's fluffy crest. Ruffling his hair playfully. A content rumble from the drake providing vibrations that made his toes curl with delight.

The position was awkward though. He felt like he was going to fall at any moment if his strength failed. His feet had no purchase, dangling uselessly just above the concrete floor. Despite it all, his lower half could give two shits. Breath left his body by way of ragged fits of muscle spasm. Lungs struggling valiantly to keep the reptile alive and brain functioning between exclamations of euphoria.

The level of retained higher level functionality was debatable.

All together the fear of being caught, plus the mild adrenaline injection from the feeling of falling and the drake's exquisitely skilled tongue lashing - the tantalizing tongue ring a satisfying bonus - was working him towards a nirvanic release.

"I think this is the closest you can get to road head on a motorcycle." Nalz joked between a groan and fervent breath. Icy stopped only long enough to respond with that superior air of his.

"That is why cars are better." Then went straight back to Nalz's member with all the enthusiasm of a child with a giant lollipop; world revolving around finishing it to secure bragging rights. He could suggest that they borrow one of his roommate's cars, whenever they got back, to see if Icy wanted to test that assumption. Then Nalz's brain decided thinking took up more oxygen than he had to spare and concentrated on something simple. Like petting the drake's head and playing with his mane.

Nalz didn't have to worry about ensuring each hair received its share of pets much longer. His body was on the verge of ending the struggle. Valiantly it had fought, as impossible as the battle was to win; ready to sign the terms of surrender and vouchsafe the spoils to the victor. In this case Icy, the victor, and semen, the spoils. Who was it that was really winning? Despite the best efforts of Nalz's pelvic muscles, the dam burst. His head fell back in ecstasy and with that came vertigo.

The sensation a wonderfully foreign, nauseous delight aided by the drake's tongue, delicate pricks of teeth and maw; milking every ejaculation as if it was the last. Nalz could only shudder helplessly with each touch of tongue across his glans. His eyes screwed shut and hands balled into white knuckled fists. Sporadic, uncontrollable muscle contractions made him feel like he was about to lose what little grip he had. The feelings all coalesced into a mind wiping afterglow.

If it wasn't for Icy's strength he would have painted the floor red.

"Fuck." The lizard finally wheezed after an extended period of silence. Mind finally catching back up to the present. No longer deprived of oxygen. After a fashion, even his panting slowed to something akin to a normal breath rate. Hunched over with his dick hanging out of his pants. A quick, insecure glance outside reassured him that no one was outside.

Icy had long walked around to the lizard's front and when Nalz finally looked up he wore a grin stretching from ear to ear. Happier than a pig in shit. He placed his hands on either side of the reptile, on the bike, and brought his snout right up to Nalz's.

"That wasn't so bad with the door open, was it?" He asked playfully. A nose to nose tap to ensure Nalz was lucid, despite his wide eyed expression. "You made enough noise to wake the neighborhood. That's for sure." Nalz looked up into the drake's fiery eyes, full of warm affection, and was on him in an instant, locking his lips to the drake's; passion polluting his blood and fogging his mind with its twisted desires.

Later, when Icy would try and recall what, exactly, had transpired between the kiss and sex, he couldn't be entirely certain. The details of what were clear, for the most part, but the how was a blur. He would remember the lizard removing his pants, refusing to break snout contact and, very effectively, utilizing all four hands to occupy him. However, at one point the reptile did break contact and left him sitting, naked from the waist down with an uncomfortably hard, and unattended, erection. The tease! Nalz had taken off, holding up his own pants, and loudly bounding up the stairs to the second story with haste.

It was no more than two minutes before he returned, practically tumbling down the stairs from the sound of it, sans pants. His underwear was still on and clinging deliciously tight to his form. The emerald color almost a match for his eyes. They had the side effect of accenting an important bit of anatomy that drew Icy's gaze like a beacon. For whatever reason he hadn't ditched his white leather riding jacket during the trip. The reptile wore a grin entirely too large. One fist closed tight around something that Icy couldn't pick out.

The how was at this point. How exactly Nalz lost his underwear. How the garment ended up hanging from the other side mirror. How they ended up back on the motorcycle with himself bent over the tank and the lizard behind him. Those were the specifics that he couldn't recall.

His fickle memory returned to vivid detail at the point that Nalz squealed, 'your turn!' with contagious, if gay, enthusiasm. Icy only questioned how exactly the lizard convinced him to use the motorcycle as a prop for their next kinky carnal act. When he thought about it he realized that it probably hadn't required much effort. Oh well, he was going to Hell anyway.

Nalz half stood on the pegs and half sat on the sparsely padded pillion seat with the drake standing, on his tip toes, chest to the bulbous fuel tank; handlebars supplying additional support. His thick tail was down, off to the side of the bike, and twitched in silent anticipation. Nalz leaned forward, sliding two hands up the drake's back, under his protective jacket and dragged his claws down the thick scale with agonizing protraction. Icy's back arced and his tail went up, similar to a cat having its butt scratched, with a graceful curve. The lizard's lower hands fondled his tail base, caressing the underside while the upper hands moved to work Icy's firm rump.

He rumbled under the thoughtful stimulation and he couldn't resist lifting his tail just a bit higher, draping the thinner midsection around Nalz's neck like a big, amorous snake. Affording Nalz that much more access. Who was quick to take selfish advantage.

Grotesque squishing and bubbling noises came from behind. Sounding like somebody trying to get the last squirt out of the mustard bottle. This was followed by cold, wet hands on his butt and tail. It seemed crude to rub lubricant in such unnecessary places but the hands were massaging beautifully; so he saw no reason to interrupt by complaining. In fact, he had slid back slightly to encourage Nalz. Show that what his hard work was appreciated. His ulterior motive was to be closer to the reptile's crotch in an attempt to goad him.

Icy was perturbed when Nalz responded by sticking two fingers in his ass. The lizard's scandalous giggle set him to scowling. He tensed as the digits forced themselves deeper. Advancing with unwavering dedication. Strange warmth began to melt through each scale the reptile had touched; penetrating muscle with soothing heat after the previous cool of air on his oiled scales. It was different. His tail hole and body burned with exquisite fire. Like warming your behind on a bonfire.

"What did you rub on me?" Icy inquired, mild suspicion in his voice. Not that he was complaining.

"Just a little something I thought might be fun." Nalz worked his fingers with long strokes in the drake's tail. He emptied more of the bottle's thick contents into an idle hand, slathering Icy's rigid length with the substance. The prone male rewarded him with a deep, lustful growl. Tail tip poking at the lizard's erection.

"Feels delightful." Icy moaned in response, referencing the penetrating warmth.

Nalz grinned and prepared himself for the drake with another raunchy squirt of the bottle. He removed his fingers and stood on the foot pegs, leaning over the drake's back; softly molesting the supple scales along the underside of his tail.

"So will this." Nalz hissed into his ear, pressing his upper hands into the drake's shoulder blades while guiding his lubricious length to its intended, fleshy target. One lower hand held the base of Icy's uplifted tail, to arrest any escape attempt, as he smoothly entered. Grinning greedily as he met little resistance to imposing his will.

Icy made no attempt, accepting the reptile and even pressing back into him. He'd been waiting long enough for Nalz to finally show some initiative. The heat of the lubricant permeated his tail, punctuated by the reptile's burrowing warmth. He could get used to using this wonderful, viscous substance on a frequent basis.

When hips met rump Nalz exhaled the breath he'd been holding. Breaking the metaphorical surface, gluttonously gasping for air. He relished the doubled sensation of heat. The claims the clerk had made at the adult oriented establishment, where he'd purchased the stuff, certainly had known what he was talking about when he'd recommended it. He wondered what it would be like to have it rubbed into every scale. Massaged into every sore muscle.

Maybe he could con Icy into giving him a full body massage. An experience worth the effort to achieve.

Back to the matters at hand.

Nalz rocked his hips in a slow, fluid motion. The hands on the drake sliding to his lumbar region for improved leverage. A stray hand fondling Icy's salubrious testicles. Gentle squeezes just the way he liked it. He settled into a steady rhythm, smooth and deep with an easy listening tempo. No complaints originated from the front of the motorcycle.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

He took the volume and frequency of moaned growls as a compliment to his chosen genre. The motorcycle's suspension sank and rebounded slightly under their combined weight and inertia, creating a sort of wave motion. Cresting with each muted rasp of scale on scale contact. If they ever ended up doing this again, Nalz decided, he would adjust the shock and forks to their softest settings. Maybe lower the rebound and compression dampening on the low speed circuit. Make the motorcycle a more plush platform for fucking.

When Nalz attempted to jerk the drake off he quickly realized, when the drake grunted painfully, that their position was not the best for such activity. Icy's cock ended up being mushed into the fuel tank with each of his thrusts.

"I think we should try a new position." Icy suggested after another uncomfortable encounter with the cold steel.

"Yeah." Nalz agreed, pulling out carefully and dropping onto the sparsely padded seat. Letting his feet dangle like an impatient child. He would have to upgrade the seat to something more plush. More for his own comfort when riding.

Icy climbed off, somewhat awkwardly, turned around and climbed back on; just as awkwardly. He had to use Nalz's shoulders for support with how high the seat was with the bike on the swing arm stand. Once aboard he sat in the lizard's lap, grinned at him and grasped their, previously, nearly touching hard-ons. Slow, erection maintaining, fluid spreading strokes followed. Nalz sighed and pulled Icy into a long, sensual kiss. He had a thing for tracing jaw lines while making out.

The drake placed his feet on the vacated foot pegs and stood, curling his spine, tenaciously maintaining the kiss. Tongue pressing against the reptile's supple lips. He was quickly awarded with unlimited, VIP access. Gentle insistence with one hand leaned the lizard back. The other guiding his rigid flesh back where it belonged. Though the tempo had sped up to an upbeat jazz.

Nalz got the idea to use the passenger foot pegs as leverage and grasped them with his upper hands. The pillion seat dug into his back. The discomfort was easily ignored. Especially with a studly, sexy drake panting, face painted with ecstasy, riding him like he was the year's latest and greatest model. Icy was the epicenter of his elation. Nalz profoundly enjoyed making the drake happy. If it was as simple as putting his dick in him, then so be it. Sex just carried a hint of selfish, self satisfaction with it. It was hard to be completely altruistic when he was concupiscent.

"I'm pretty sure there is a joke about riding somewhere in this." Nalz quipped, gasping as Icy impaled himself on his length with extra emphasis and then paused. He leaned forward and kissed the reptile. Claws scratching the underside of his jaw fondly.

"You've been pulled over for negligent riding before, right?" Nalz nodded with a sheepish chuckle. "If I'm not careful there could be two of us. I wouldn't say I'm being the safest rider right now. Facing the wrong way, not wearing a helmet or proper protective clothing and very, very distracted." The lizard rolled his eyes and punctuated it with a playful hump and snicker. Icy flinched, growled and resumed his previous, lawbreaking ways. "I'm just saying, I wouldn't trust an unlicensed rider if I were you."

"Wouldn't be the first dumb thing I've done in my life. I think I can live with the consequences." Telling him to pull over, hand over the keys and reform his ways would be the upstanding citizen thing to do. Where was the fun or pleasure in doing that? Being a miscreant was so much more intoxicating.

After a few minutes Nalz was beginning to become concerned with how loud their exclamations of corporeal delight were becoming. It would be no good, this close to orgasm, to have somebody take notice and yell at them. He didn't want to be cock blocked by some stupid neighbor. Neither would Icy be likely to stop, nor himself to insist such action, until they were finished and satisfied.

Nalz put his lower hands back to work on Icy's still wet cock, glistening under the reflected light of the waning afternoon sun. Work the shaft and cup the balls. Maintaining the proper tempo was a little more difficult. He found that just holding his hand still and letting the drake make sweet love to it worked the best. Icy's tail was doing a better job on him. Driving him towards orgasm like a MotoGP bike hauls its rider to absurd speeds at extreme lean angles. Not the first bad metaphor Nalz had ever conceived. His stroking of the drake's phallus approaching desperate.

As if he was going to achieve his own through the effort.

Icy leaned down over Nalz, nibbling down his jaw to his throat. "Come on Leezard, let it all out for me." Icy whispered passionately. The words vibrated through Nalz's scales. An electric tingle telling his body it was time. He didn't respond. His jaw locked in defiance. Struggling to hold back his second release. Riding atop the clouds on his hormonal high as long as possible.

Inevitably, it happened. There was no preventing it.

Nalz's head dropped back, muscle spasms wracked his body, each jerk of ecstasy a spurt of sudden warmth into the drake's gut. He floated on the tumultuous sea of endorphins. Waves so high he almost missed Icy's orgasm, scarcely minding the beads of spunk that landed haphazardly on his belly. He was conscious enough to milk the drake's length for all it was worth. Hand coated with drake spunk.

He wasn't entirely sure how much time slipped by after his opulent orgasm, but it must have been a decent spell. Several rapid fire jabs from a claw to his soiled belly convinced him to wake from his torpor and open his eyes. He arced a questioning brow to the drake.

"What?" He asked incredulously. When he saw the drake's 'oh fuck' expression and finger pointing beyond him to something unseen he grew suddenly worried. Adrenaline dumping into his veins like so much toxic waste into the local water supply. The feeling that he'd been caught doing something very wrong by his parents dropped heavily into his bowels.

He fell back over the pillion seat, hips leveraged against Icy's butt, head dropping until he saw the world upside down. What his contorted vision discerned from reflected photons of light and the electrical signals that his mind received, decoded and translated into images he could perceive, did not settle his stomach.

A maroon Hyundai was now parked in front of the open garage door where, previously, there had been nothing but vacant space. One of his roommates sat, petrified, in the driver's seat. Nalz wasn't sure whether he was staring at Icy or himself but, it was abundantly clear he was scarred for life by what he witnessed.

His roommate's look of horror was so comical Nalz would have laughed if this had been any other situation. Bulging eyes, slack jaw and a white knuckle grip at ten and two o'clock on the tortured steering wheel. Finally, some semblance of intelligence flickered into existence in Nalz's sluggish thought process, a fluorescent light bulb struggling to life, and he clicked the garage door opener in his jacket pocket.

Overhead machinery started noisily, causing the drake to flinch - which Nalz felt rather intimately - and the door began to descend with excruciating lethargy. His roommate's eyes flicked to the sloth of a door and then directly to Nalz's. He sensed mild annoyance replacing his previous horror. The lizard could imagine his roommate's first nasally response: 'Holy shit, you couldn't have just gone to your room?"

After an eternity the door was nearly halfway closed and all Nalz could think of doing to attempt to make the situation less awkward for all involved parties was to wave.

So he did.

With a big, stupid what-can-you-do grin and an 'I'm sorry?' shrug of his shoulders. The annoyed look turned to a baleful glare as the door severed eye contact.

Well, this was a predicament. Roommates always come home at the worst possible times!

Nalz sat up and frowned, boner thoroughly annihilated by the cataclysmic turn of events that had befallen him. He wondered how long it would be before his roommate recovered enough to speak to him or if he would mention it to the rest of the household. A group of long time friends.

"Is this a bad thing?" Icy asked warily, shakily climbing off Nalz and the motorcycle. Still recovering from the sex and excitement.

"I honestly doubt this revelation is really that much of a shock to him. He'll probably say some shit like 'I knew it all along.'" Nalz desperately wanted to believe his own words. He'd known them all long enough. All they would probably do was make fun of him. However, he had other things to worry about at the present time. Like where were the shop towels to clean up their mess with!

Once the mess was sorted out and the smudges of precum carefully cleaned from the fuel tank, that Icy had been so kind to leave behind, Nalz turned to the half naked drake. "Well, ready for another riding lesson?" Icy eyed the reptile suspiciously but laughed once he realized the gray male was serious.

"Might be a good idea to get dressed first."

He was, of course, one hundred percent correct. Nalz hoped his roommate would be hiding in his room when he had to run upstairs to retrieve his pants.

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