Forbidden Chapter 9

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Forbidden Chapter 9-- That Doesn't Matter Anymore

Alex sat in the back seat of Matt's car, as they headed back to Matt's house, playing with Sirrus and his plushy to keep his mind off of everything that had happened the last two days.

The fox chuckled at the dragon and his stuffed rabbit, "You have a name for him yet, Sirrus?"

Sirrus nodded and giggled, rolling around the back seat before looking up at Alex, "Bacon!"

Alex smiled and nudged Jasyn in the front seat, "You hear that, Jasyn?"

Jasyn's head just bobbed a bit and rolled over to the side; he was asleep, tired from the day.

So Alex turned to Matt instead, "Well you heard it, right Matt?"

Matt turned around, smiling for a second before looking back at the road, "Yes I heard it...why'd you name him that Sirrus?"

Sirrus smiled, "Because HE said it!" He pointed at Jasyn.

"You like Jasyn, boy?" Alex petted Sirrus's head and smiled.

Sirrus smiled and nodded, "Yup! 'Cause he loves people too!"

"What do you mean?"

Sirrus looked at Alex, and tilted his head in the same adorable way as always, "He loves you! He's nice!"

Alex smiled, "Yeah, he really is...but he yelled at Matt yesterday. That didn't bother you?"

Sirrus shook his head, "No, 'cause he didn't get Master in trouble. So he was nice to him!"

"Sirrus, do you even know why Matt could have gotten in trouble?"

Sirrus tilted his head again, "Nope!"

"So, do you like it when he plays with you? You never want him to stop...or ask him to stop, or anything?" Alex took the saliva soaked rabbit from Sirrus and dangled it above his muzzle.

In the driver's seat, Matt sat quietly, letting Sirrus talk for himself.

The little dragon giggled and jumped for the plushy, "Nope! I like it! It's fun!"

"What all," Alex pulled the plushy up when Sirrus tried to bite for it, " you two do, when you play?"

Matt chuckled lightly and kept quiet, knowing what the fox was about to get himself into.

Sirrus smiled, placing a claw on Alex's pants, "We play with these!" Sirrus stopped to think, and then smiled even wider at the fox, "Like WE did!"

Alex smiled back and let Sirrus's hand stay there for a moment before moving it, "I know that, but I mean: HOW do you play with them?"

Sirrus tilted his head again, a bit confused, "What do we do with them?"

Alex chuckled, "Right."

Sirrus smiled, "Master sticks his up here!" The dragon rolled over onto his back, and pointed to his tail hole, "And I lick his!"

Alex snickered. Not only was this proving to be a great distraction, but he was also getting very turned on by all of Sirrus's antics. He reached forward without thinking, and poked at Sirrus's presented hole with his finger, ""

Sirrus just murred and sat still, "Yup...he puts it in there...and it feels REALLY good!" He murred louder as Alex's finger pressed against him, just barely starting to push inside, " wanna' do it too?" The dragon smiled.

Matt laughed out loud and looked back at Alex and Sirrus, barely missing Alex jerking his hand away from Sirrus's hole, "A little straight forward, aren't you Sirrus?"

Sirrus smiled and flipped back up, snatching his plushy and looking at Matt, "Huh?"

"Don't worry about it, boy..." Matt chuckled and turned back to the road, "You two just don't have too much fun back there, without me."

Sirrus's ears perked up, "Are we gonna play?" Sirrus looked at Alex.

"Uhm..." Alex looked around and adjusted his pants with a sigh, "Not that I don't want to, boy...but Jasyn doesn't like it, and I don't want him to be angry with me."

Sirrus frowned, reaching forward for a second and feeling the bulge in Alex's pants, but let go, "Okay..."

The dragon smiled suddenly, though, as he remembered something. In an over-exaggerated show, he wrestled his plushy onto the bench seat beside him, and immediately rammed his oddly sizable hard-on into the rabbit, right where its hole would be.

Alex smiled and watched on as Sirrus violated the poor little rabbit plushy, and he chuckled as the dragon pivoted for the perfect position, and ramming himself in and out of its fluff. Facing away from Alex, with his tail raised, Sirrus was presenting his rear and his tail hole to Alex, bouncing up and down while he fucked the plushy. Getting more and more turned on by the minute, it was everything Alex could do not to mount Sirrus right there in the back seat, but he was controlling himself.

"Damn-it Matt..." The fox murred, "I can see why you can't hold back!"

Sirrus whined and stretched out as he shot his small load on and into the plush, before pulling it up close in a hug.

Alex pulled little Sirrus up beside him, silently wishing Jasyn weren't in the car, "Was that fun, Sirrus?"

Sirrus panted and nodded, "Yeah..."

Alex nuzzled Sirrus a little, "Uhm Matt...?"

"Yes?" Matt didn't turn around this time, as he was half expecting to see Alex yiffing his pet already.

"Can..." The fox whimpered lightly, adjusting himself again, "Could Sirrus stay with me, tonight?"

"That depends. Does Sirrus want to?"

Sirrus tilted his head and smiled up at Alex, "Huh? Sleep with Alex?" He wagged his tail quickly, "We gonna play!?"

Alex petted Sirrus and nuzzled him again, "Shh...don't wake Jasyn up..."

Sirrus titled his head again, "But he can play! He has one too! See?" Sirrus scooted forward, leaning way into the front, and gripped Jasyn's bulge, causing the wolf to grunt but not wake up.

Alex quickly moved Sirrus's hand away, pulling him back into the back seat, "No..." Alex shook his head, "No. Jasyn doesn't like that. Okay, boy?"

Sirrus tilted his head, "But he has one too. Why doesn't he like it?"

"I dunno. Maybe that's something you should ask him...not me."

Sirrus smiled wide again, "Okay!" The dragon jumped back forward and began to shake Jasyn, "Wake up! Alex has something that he wanted me to ask you!"

Alex hurriedly reached and pulled Sirrus back, hoping he didn't wake Jasyn up...but he was too late.

Jasyn murred and stretched as he opened his eyes, "Huh? Whoa...did I fall asleep...?" The wolf scratched his head fur.

Sirrus giggled and squirmed in Alex's arms, "Alex asked me something to ask you!"

"No! Nononono!" Alex waved his hands franticly, "He asked ME! I told him that if he wanted to know, he had to ask you! There's a BI-I-I-IG difference!

Sirrus looked up at Alex with a scrunched brow, "Nu-uh! You wanted to know!"

Jasyn smiled sleepily and looked back, "Uhm...well....what was the question?"

Alex scooted away and looked out the window, uttering a 'huh?' noise that no one noticed as he sat up straighter and looked confused and surprised at something outside the car. Matt, meanwhile, just tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for Sirrus to finish his daily task of complicating everything.

Sirrus smiled, "Alex wanted to know why, if you have a...a..." Sirrus spread his hind legs and pointed at his sheath, "One of these! Why you still don't wanna play?" He looked over at Alex, "Right?"

Jasyn coughed for a second and looked at Alex, too, who was still staring out the window, "Uhm...Alex?"

"Okay." Matt stopped taping his fingers, "I'm tired of waiting to see how long it's going to take you three to realize that we're in my driveway..." He opened his door and got out.

Alex opened his door as well, "Yeah."

Jasyn sat speechless for a moment, and then hopped out and started following them to the house. He shook his head, deciding to ignore what was said in the car for the moment, and jogged to catch up with the ottercoon, "Hey, Matt? Would it be okay if I took a shower and borrowed some clothes? I spunk."

"Yeah. I'll have Sirrus show you the way." Matt snapped his fingers, "Sirrus! Hurry up!"

"Oh, and Alex," The wolf turned to his friend as Sirrus ran up to them, "...mind calling my folks?

"Yeah..." Alex just looked at the ground, still embarrassed from the car, "Yeah...I'll call them."

Jasyn patted the fox on the shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile that Alex returned shyly. The wolf then went on ahead of Matt and his friend, following Sirrus into the house and up the stairs.

Matt, stopping to lock the car with his keyless entry button, entered the house last to find Alex already on the couch and Sirrus jumping up beside the fox.

"Which bathroom did you take him to, Sirrus?" The ottercoon stopped behind the couch, "The one upstairs or down?"

Sirrus smiled, "Upstairs!"

Matt smiled a bit, "Good boy. I should bring him some clean clothes." With a short pat on the dragon's head, Matt turned to walk up the stairs, himself, "We're probably the same size."

As Matt passed by the bathroom door, Jasyn stood on the other side, already in the shower and just letting the hot water run over him. As it washed the cum and the bit of blood from his fur, his head was hung low and his eyes were on his crotch. A paw trailed his stomach and found the still sticky fur of his sheath. Rubbing, he helped the water clear away the residue of the day there, followed by his balls and back up along his waist line. With a breath, he pulled his sheath back, his baculum, again, letting his dick stand out at attention, albeit thin. He gasped as the hot water flowed across the pink flesh, washing away the remnants of blood and fluids. Normally he wouldn't have bothered. It pretty much took care of itself when he'd been with girls; it was built to. But today...was different.

He stared at his pink wolfhood in a trance. Only a short while ago, it had been in a male. Which male and why was irrelevant. It had been in a male, and Jasyn had liked it. He'd never thought about it, he'd never enjoyed porn of it, and he'd never pawed off to it, but today he did it...and it felt good.

His cock twitched under the shower water.

What was it? Was it the power: how the fox was completely under his control? Was it just...that any hole's as good as the next? Or was it...could it have even been, that there was something arousing to the knowledge, to the simple fact that it was another male under him? Could he be bisexual? Even gay? If not, then why did he even do it to begin with?

His eyes drifted closed, his cock swelling in his slowly stroking paw.

Did the answer even matter? He'd liked it. Straight or gay...wrong or right...rape or justice...he still got off on the feeling of sliding in and out of another guy. He'd never thought about it -- not even enough to dismiss it, let alone consider it -- not before today. But here it was: he fucked a guy, and he liked it. Bottom line.


The wolf yelped, slipping in the shower and only barely managing to catch himself on the soap shelf on the wall. His cock, knot still unformed, slipped half way back into his sheath in a single, painful jerk, causing a second yelp as he panted against the wall.


Jasyn heard the door swing open farther and a pair of bare paw pads tap lightly into the room. Hesitantly, he peeked his wet head out from behind the shower curtain, to find Matt in the room, the ottercoon intentionally looking away from both Jasyn and the room's mirror.

"I uhm..." Matt held up a folded stack of clothes, "You said you wanted to borrow some clothes. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh..." Jasyn blushed under his fur. The curtain was cloudy, but not entirely opaque, and he hoped he hadn't been caught with the silhouette of his dick in his paw, ", it's okay. Thanks, Matt."

"No problem." The ottercoon still didn't look, out of respect, "Where should I set them?"

"A-anywhere, really." Jasyn's voice lowered, "And,'s okay. You don't have to be weird about this. I...I've showered at the school." He chuckled nervously, "You can't see much but shadows through the curtain anyway, right?"

"Right..." Matt sat the clothes on the counter and turned to the wolf. He took a deep breath and furrowed his brow, "Jasyn...are you okay?"

"Yeah." Jasyn answered without thinking, but then lowered his muzzle and shook his head just as quickly, " I...I guess I really don't know."

"If you need anyone to talk to..." Matt tilted his head, "I've been doin' it for a couple of days, reason to stop, now."

Jasyn chuckled, "Thanks for the offer. I'll think about it."

"You know where to find me." Matt turned to leave, but stopped at the door, "Oh...and one more thing. About Peter...and me..."


"If Sirrus ever asked...I'd stop." Matt turned his head to look back at the wolf, but not far enough to make eye contact, "I'm not like Peter."

"I know, Matt." Jasyn smiled, "It's okay."

"Anyway," The ottercoon let out a sigh and smiled too, "I'll be in my room if you need me."

Matt pulled the door open and started out, but Jasyn stopped him, "Wait!" The wolf nearly yelped, "Err...wait."

Matt just turned back around to Jasyn, his muzzle still sticking out of the shower curtain, but the ottercoon didn't say anything.

"Can I ask you a question...about today?"

"Something..." Matt quietly closed the door behind him, "...about a subject I might have some insight on?"

"Probably." Jasyn took a deep breath before looking Matt in the eyes, "What does it mean, if...I mean..." He clenched his jaw for a moment, "Does it mean something...if I...liked it? If...if enjoyed myself today...does that mean something?"

"You mean fucking Peter." Matt stated bluntly.


Matt closed half the gap between him and the wolf, "Short answer? Yes."

Jasyn sighed, "Long answer?"

"It's up to you." Matt smiled at him, "It doesn't have to mean anything...except whatever YOU decide you want it to mean."

Back downstairs on the couch, Sirrus rolled over again, having fallen asleep a few minutes before. His tail tapped lightly against Alex's leg in his sleep.

The fox sighed and reached over, nudging him a bit to wake him up, "Sirrus, don't go to sleep on me, boy. I need company..."

The dragon grunted and murred, rolling over to look at Alex, "Master?"

The fox chuckled and pushed one of Sirrus's eyelids open a bit more, "Not quite, boy. He's upstairs getting Jasyn clothes."

Sirrus smiled and nodded, sitting up, "Oh! Okay..."

Alex scritched Sirrus's chest and leaned down to nuzzle him, "You're absolutely the cutest thing I've seen in my whole life, you know that?"

Sirrus just giggled and squirmed under him, plopping back over on his back as he was scratched.

"How many times have you and Matt played, boy?"

Sirrus thought for a moment, but didn't really know how to count, "Lots!"

Alex sat back up and smiled, "What's your favorite thing that you two do?"

Sirrus wiggled his tail, still lying on his back where the fox could see his tail hole, "When he puts his thing in me!"

Alex sputtered out a laugh, "Tha-that's your favorite part?"

Sirrus grinned and laughed, "Yeah! It feels good!"

Alex looked around a bit and sighed, "We're gonna' need to stop talking about this, boy. You're Matt's, not mine, and you're getting me all riled uh..." He paused to rephrase, "'re uhm...making me want to play, and it wouldn't be right."

Sirrus smiled and flipped over, "You wanna' play!?" The dragon pressed a paw firmly on Alex's crotch.

Alex froze up, unable at sixteen to be strong enough to control himself, "W...well...Matt didn't seem to mind the thought, earlier..." After a pause, the fox slowly stood up, already tenting his pants, and then reached down to pick Sirrus up, "Do want to play?"

Sirrus just smiled and nodded as he was lifted up and cradled in Alex's arms.

"I want you to promise me something though, okay?" Alex paused while the dragon nodded, "Okay...if Jasyn asks, you lie to him. Tell him we didn't play. I uhm...I don't think Jasyn would be too happy with me."

Sirrus smiled, happy with any agreement that would let him play, "Okay!"

Alex nuzzled him and then turned around to see Jasyn walking down the last few steps of the stairs, "Shit..."

At the bottom of the stairs, Jasyn stood, still more or less soaked, with a towel around his neck. Draped over his arm were the pants and shirt Matt had given him, but he was only wearing a pair of boxers. Luckily for Alex, he had no idea what he'd walked in on; he was more distracted with other thoughts. Not the least of which was how weird it was to be wearing a pair of Matt's underwear.

"Hey, did you call my folks?"

"Yeah. I just told them that you were at my place." Alex sat Sirrus down, wondering if Jasyn noticed how tented he was, and, if so, why he hadn't said anything, "They weren't surprised; they figured you'd be there all week."

Jasyn nodded and padded over, tossing the towel over Sirrus, playfully. That made sense; where else would he spend spring break?

Alex took the towel off of Sirrus, "Go on upstairs and wait for Matt in his room, okay boy?"

Sirrus just nodded and ran quickly up the stairs on all fours, while Jasyn tossed the pants and shirt over the arm of the couch.

Alex just shook his head, "It's hard to believe that that little guy is such a sex maniac..." The fox winced and looked at Jasyn. "Erm...sorry..."

"What for? S'the truth, isn't it?" Jasyn plopped down on the sofa and smiled up at Alex as he grabbed the TV controls, "You gonna' join me?"

Alex just smiled and sat down by the wolf, rewarded by Jasyn quickly wrapping his arm around him and giving him yet another kiss on the cheek. Alex didn't argue with the affection, and Jasyn wouldn't have listened.

The rest of the day, barring trips to the bathroom, or to get food and drinks, was spent right there for the two of them, Jasyn's arm around Alex as they watched TV. It was like they were a couple, even though they both knew better. Matt and Sirrus never interrupt them, either. The two stayed in their room the whole night, save for a few times Sirrus was sent down to fetch something for them to eat or drink, and, even then, he just passed in and out in silence. It was nothing of this had ever happened.

"Uhm...are you ready to head on off to bed, Jasyn?" Alex finally asked hours after the sun had gone down.

Jasyn yawned and placed his hands behind my head to stretch, "Right."

Alex fidgeted slightly and managed a smile, trying not to look like he was staring, "You lead the way?"

Jasyn smiled and got up, walking to and immediately padding up the stairs, his tail swaying as he walked.

Alex's head tilted, watching the wolf's ass as he went, but he caught himself just in time to stop his friend, "Hey! Wait! You must pretty be tired. Unless Matt gave us his room for the night, I think you're going the wrong way."

Jasyn stopped and turned around, "Er...right: downstairs. Sorry."

Alex chuckled softly and wandered on down the nearby hall, a little upset that he was leading the way now and didn't get to stare at Jasyn as they went. The fox lead them down the hall and passed two doors, before opening the third, to the room he'd spent the night in, before. Jasyn padded in after his friend, looked around, and then ran and jumped on the bed, his arms and legs sprawled out wide.

Alex smiled and started to take his shirt off, "You know Jasyn...I really do need to thank you. Not just for the help and for being here and everything but, well...I really didn't expect you to stay friends with me after you found out about...everything..."

Jasyn rolled over, smiling, "Hey, you're my best friend! And besides...I still need someone to kick around, right?" Jasyn chuckled and rolled over farther, lying on the left side of the bed, with his arms behind his head.

Alex threw his shirt and pants off into the corner of the room, stripping back down to his boxers. "Right..."

The fox sighed, a little discouraged at such an insensitive answer during all of this, but moved over and sat down on the right side of the bed with a smile either way. Clicking off the only lamp in the room, Alex turned and slid into the bed, lying on his side and facing toward the wolf.

"I never thought that I'd be able to say this out loud, but...I love you, Jasyn..."

The fox was met with only silence.

Jasyn just continued to look up at the ceiling as his and Alex's eyes adjusted to the dark. There was that word again: Love. Alex was in love with him, and the wolf had no clue what to even SAY back, let alone feel.

Alex was his best friend. He loved him back at least that much, right? Like a friend? But he was more than that, too, and Jasyn knew it. Alex was the first person he turned to when he needed something, and he'd always made sure the fox could do the same, the previous day at the park notwithstanding. So, perhaps he loved him more than just as a friend...

When Jasyn's thoughts brought to mind the most important people in his life, Alex was always there. The fox sat high above anyone else he knew at school, too: right alongside the wolf's family. So, then, he could easily say he loved him like a brother.

But what about something more? Since finding Alex in this very bed earlier this morning, Jasyn had hugged him, held him, and even kissed him. He had rushed in rage and vengeance, striking out at the fox's brother without a moment's hesitation. And he'd spent the last few hours cuddling him on the couch through the twilight hours. There was definitely something more there: more than just a friend, a best friend, or even a brother.

So, if he loved the fox, then what was left to stand in the way? Labels? Jasyn had always considered himself straight. Was that description more important to him than his friend? What kind of person would that make him, if something so stupid was that important to him? And after today, he couldn't lie to himself and say it was the sex standing in the way. He'd done it with Peter, and he'd enjoyed it. What, other than stubbornness, was standing in the way of him doing the same with Alex?

In the long, cold silence Alex sighed nervously at the wolf's lack of any response, and then shuffled a bit before pulling the blankets up around himself, "Sorry...ha-have a good night's sleep, okay?"

Jasyn hesitated briefly and then let out a long sigh of his own. He pulled himself under the blankets as well and rolled over, his fur brushing against the fox's as he rested a small kiss on Alex's cheek, "You too, Alex."

" don't have to keep doing that Jasyn. I know you don't want to."

Jasyn laughed a bit, "Alex...when have you ever known me to do anything I didn't want to? You know I love you...and if a kiss is what it takes to show you, then why not?" The wolf smiled in the dark.

"I know you do...but you don't love me like I do YOU. You don't...think about being with me, and I'm sure...that you don't really want to be kissing me so much."

"Heh..." Jasyn scooted closer, still, and wrapped his arms around Alex, pulling the fox close to his bare chest, "So what...what exactly DO you think? What IS it that you picture, Alex?"

The fox shuddered involuntarily as his nose filled with the wolf's scent, "When I'm thinking...a-about being with you?"


"You really want to know?"

"Would I have asked?" Jasyn's paw trailed the back of Alex's neck.

Alex shuddered again and cuddled closer to his friend, "Well...this, really." Alex nuzzled Jasyn's chest and kissed it quickly, despite fears the wolf might push him away if he did, "Years from now...together, in a place all our own...wh-where I can wake up every morning and see you beside me..."

Jasyn smiled as his paw gently brushed the back of Alex's head, "Go on..."

"I picture sitting with you on our couch watching the TV, like we did tonight, except...except we're cuddled together under a BIG blanket, and drinking hot chocolate with a fireplace burning off to the side, in the middle of some god-awful cold winter." Alex took a deep breath and shook, hesitant to continue, "I think...think about kissing you...about holding you...and having...making love to you..."

Jasyn held him close, his breaths falling on the side of the fox's neck, "'re saying...that you want to be my mate?"

"Of...of course I do. I love you!'re the person that I want to...that I wish I could spend the rest of my life with, Jasyn. There isn't another person alive I could talk like this to...that I could...could feel so whole, holding onto like this..."


"I'm sorry Jasyn...but asked..."

Jasyn just wrapped his arms around Alex, tighter, and held him as close as their bodies would allow...but he said nothing back.

Alex rested his muzzle against the wolf's chest, "I'm sorry..."

Jasyn shook his head, "No...don't you dare be sorry for loving me." He lifted Alex's chin up, their muzzles only inches away from one another, "Never be sorry."

" more?" The fox whispered.


" more kiss?" Alex gulped, tears in his eyes, "Just...once more?"

Jasyn didn't hesitate. The wolf brought their muzzles together in a deep kiss, with his hand on the back of Alex's head. Alex let his tongue find its way into Jasyn's muzzle, without even a hint of an argument as to why the wolf was letting him. The fox closed his eyes, imagining that this wasn't just a favor from his best friend. He imagined that they were together on that couch or in that bed in their love.

Jasyn continued the kiss, leaning into it and gently sucking on Alex's tongue as he scratched behind one of the fox's ears. It was odd, knowing that the muzzle attached to his this way was, for the first time, not a female's. But what was a kiss, French or otherwise, in comparison to what had already happened in the day? He owed it to them both to make this kiss count: to give it the chance it deserved. And so far...he was happy he had.

Alex brought his own hands up behind Jasyn's head, running his fingers through the wolf's head fur. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss more, and showed no signs of his earlier arguments for Jasyn to stop this if he didn't like it. And Jasyn just leaned in farther, tilting his own head as well, as he brought the kiss to its peak, now holding Alex, again, as close as possible.

After a few long moments, both, slowly began to drift back into reality, as their eyes fluttered open to meet one another. First Alex and then Jasyn backed away, and Jasyn finally ended the kiss by suckling lightly on the fox's lower lip.

After adding one more quick, short kiss, Jasyn pulled away completely, "So...Is that what you had in mind?"

"Thank you." Alex sniffled a little from the earlier crying, as the wolf wiped away one of the fox's stray tears, " do too much for me Jasyn..."

Jasyn wrapped his arms around Alex and held him close again, "It's because I love you Alex: because I love you..."

"I love you too, Jasyn." Alex nuzzled Jasyn's chest, "I only hope that when I do find a mate...he's as good to me as you are."

"He will be. I...I know he will..." Jasyn rubbed the fox's back, " I DO know it."

Alex looked up at him, into the wolf's eyes, "Jasyn?"

"He will be..." Jasyn took a deep breath, "...because he'll be me."

"" Alex blinked shook his head, "Don't joke..."

The wolf grinned, "Did that kiss seem like a joke to you?"

"You..." Alex stammered, "'re serious?"

"Never been more..." Jasyn shrugged, "Got a lot of reasons to say yes...and not even one good one to say no."

Alex teared up again, still shaking his head, "'re not...I're straight. Right?"

"That doesn't matter anymore..." Jasyn touched his nose to the fox's, "I love you, Alex."

Alex teared up again, " do?"

Jasyn kissed the tear away, "Always have...always will."


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Alexander Collin Moen and Eric Matthew Cameron Cecil B. North as Jasyn Aiden Fuller and Sirrus *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

YAY! Alex and Jasyn got together! So...what comes next for the characters of Forbidden? Will Jasyn continue to explore his new-found psuedo-bisexuality? Has Alex found, in the wolf, his dream come true? Will Matt get a little peace and quiet soon? And whose life might Sirrus complicate next? Continue to tune in, to find out.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for the next 47 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^