Children Of Keeval-da: Family Interests

Story by Etalrian on SoFurry

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#11 of Children Of Keeval-da

I just put this story in the correct order. it was supposed to go after Valda leaves to college from the Salvation part. Trouble with writing some things out of order... oops.If you have not read "Keeval-da" you may not get rare references but overall it should not matter. Enjoy.

I honestly did not enjoy this one as much as "Keeval-da" but this story I made up from nowhere and "Keeval-da" was based on a dream and had more visual sense for me when I was writing it. Hope it at least stay up to par with the other though.

Sentences inside -'s are Gri's thoughts to himself. ( "I won't" he said thinking -Yes I will.- and walking out.)

Please excuse my grammar errors, it has become apparent the public school system in Texas sucks since I got A's. Course that was a long time ago.

Business was always better now that dragons were about. Everyone buying Armour, weapons, potions, and arrows by the quiver. Tailess-Gri was a happy store clerk and self trained alchemist running the "Fair Scale Trader" (weight scales logo out front).

Tailess-Gri stood behind the counter, a half breed Human/Argonian male, he was tailess and without scales aside from a patch of small gray scales near his neck line leading only around the back of his shoulders. His only sign of being a argonian half breed was diligently kept out of view.

Tailess-Gri stood at his counter polishing the amour and weapons he just bought from an adventurer who took an arrow to the knee and was unable to continue his journeys. (sorry had to make the joke, it's viral)

When his sister Valda walked in, a thin but well endowed figure, her mother's genes graced her with beauty as did the sun's rays giving her scales a shiny glimmering quality. Her gaze caught the adventurer's on his way out "Good day ma' lady, a fine lady at that." Stopping to look her up and down. Valda turned with a glare and a hiss on her lips.

-AH, my sister... somehow you manage to sway any your way even with though your an Argonian.- Gri sighed and broke the agitated air by asking "Valda, my dear sister! What brings you by this afternoon?" she noticed as she began to answer that the adventurer had hurried out of view. "I came to pick up my usual supplies, and to see if you could sell these for me." handing over a slightly worn set of gloves. Knowing his sister's title as "The Scaled Enchantress" he asked with a smirk, "What did you do to them?". turning them over in his hands.

"Nothing major... well not major for me... okay, they allow the user to have undetected hands, unfelt by most flesh and materials. Would be great for certain buyers." he slipped one on and felt for his gloved hand but indeed felt nothing only that he was not able to pass it, almost as if the flesh was instantly numbed by contact with the glove.

Gri merely rolled his eyes and replied "Yes, I can sell them. How much are you looking for them, Valda?" "I was thinking around 2200." she said matter of factly "I will try for 2400, but expect 2000, and my normal cut." Admiring the gloves as he turned and placed them upon the display shelf. "Of course, Gri." She paused briefly to look about the shop and asked "Heard you had a new lover, plan on keeping this one beyond two weeks?" "What?! What I do with my life is none of your concern ,Valda." He said with a huff while passing her supplies across the table. "Just asking, since you seem to go through them quickly." Valda began to pick up items nearby her, prodding them curiously. "I know your closing up soon, why don't we head over to the tavern and share a few drinks?"

"For your information, Sharley is coming by later and we plan to have a night out. I would appreciate if you could keep your curiosity in check for once and NOT ask her anything nor mention our relation." As he snatched a ring she was peering at from her hand "Why not? Gri, if anything I am a well known person and can get you recognized." "You don't understand! You are a true Argonian, while I'm a... freak with a alchemy table." A woman of mid height entered through the door as he finished his statement, she was young and blonde with a rather large bust which demanded attention.

"Gri? Honey, are you done with your customer?" Motioning to Valda without looking at her. which got a dark grimace from Valda's naturally happy visage. "Yes, my business with the lizard is complete." at the word "lizard" Valda's mouth dropped and her eyes doubled in size at the appalling term. -That got in her craw, hahaha.- he thought merrily. Grabbing his date's hand he led her to the back room and shut the door leaving his sister stunned by his actions. "Lock they door on your way out." Gri Called. -There'll by hell to pay later, but Valda deserves to be put in her place from time to time- Once alone in the back room he got himself set to leave out the back exit of his shop. "So my love, where are we going tonight?" He eyed her up and down as she spoke. -Such a lovely nieve thing, I wonder how long I can keep it working this time- "I was thinking we should head out for dinner at the edge of the woods, I can cook for you." "I love when you cook for me!" She squealed as she held onto his arm pressing her chest intentionally against him. "I love everything you do." She pecked him on the cheek in a childish and girly fashion. "Great, I have already prepared most the food and your special herbal tea." Grabbing the tankard with lid and hoisting it to her. "Oh good! I love your tea! It makes me so happy!" Estaticly, she hopped up and down at it's mention and quickly opened the door. "Come on, let's not waste time! I want to love you during our dinner!"

-So far it's still going well, I think maybe a bit too strong but oh well. That should shut mom and my mental father down.- "Of course, we will head out as soon as we can."

After finishing the dinner meal which she excitedly proclaimed to "love" everything about. She layed back on the ground. "Gri?" "Yes Sharley?" "I love you..." "And I you, my cherry blossom" He replied before taking a swig of his ale. "Then..." Staring at him hungrily. "Why have you not decided to take me yet? I want you inside me so bad it hurts." Gri nearly sprayed the ale but managed to catch himself. -Wow, I finally try not to push it and this one is beyond open to the idea on day 3. I'll make a note of what I changed.- "My dear, I only wanted to ensure you were ready." Gri said scooting himself to her side. -Nice instinctive reply Gri!- "I was ready as soon as I became your woman, I will love noone else. I love how smart you are, that you smell good, and I love you're man with good hair and teeth! I even Love the way you blink your eyes!"

  • Hmm, that seems a bit... odd. No matter.- Sharley gripped her clothes tight in the middle and pulled furiously, ripping her blouse apart the buttons sent flying as her breasts were bared to his gaze "Take my body, Take my life and fuse your gender to my own!" She fell backwards groping herself and eyeing him intently. Gri was both excited and astonished. -Too strong perhaps, but I like the results!- He thought as he hurried to her, groping her soft mounds and kissing her tender lips. Not one to delay, he reached under her dress giving her most feminine region a good rub through the fabric placing his thumb over her clit, his palm rubbing across her opening, and his fingers under her ass which gained an excited giggle from her. Sharley became moist almost instantly, her inexperienced body fast to give in to the new feelings of her arousal. "Oh Sharley!" Gri groaned as he fondled her snatch and squeezed her bare breast. she adored the attention and frantically kissed him whenever she could while her hands desperately tried to remove his clothes.

"Gri, let me walk down the path with the divines! Take me! Take me!" She was grinding her opening urgently against his hand her wetness becoming very apparent through her garments while he was trying to remove his pants with one hand while she was holding the other against her sex. "My loins burn for your seed!" Gri was over enticed as he frantically stripped his pants away and freed his member from the tightened binding. Gri teased her by pressing his cock against her folds unable, obviously, to penetrate the fabric. "I beg you..." she quivered with delight pleading for release. "You torture me, please my love, bury your manhood within my womb! Breach my walls and give me freedom." He obliged by lifting her dress and pulling down her wet undergarments. The scent of her dripping sex was so thick enough that it caught him offguard but did not deter his thoughts of lust as she spread herself wide.

Her glistening gender pulsating visibly to him, already soaked by his mere fondling. He lined himself up carefully and began pressing slowly and with effort into her tight folds. She halted her own actions to savor the act. "by your desires, my dear." Tailess-gri said as he penetrated her for the first time. Her flesh enveloped him eagerly and with a pinch of pain, a hefty grunt, and a sharp inhale followed by a moan of passion her cervix was reached by the pressure he placed into his stroke. A small amount of thier fluids mixed as he remained deep in her , waiting for her to readjust to the new girth inside her. She pumped herself against him saying "I am your's! Ride me my love." More then happy to oblige Tailess-Gri thrust into her wet hole eagerly. pulling out and ramming back in while her hands struggled for grip. his hands lay on her upper thighs holding them apart and pulling her to him fiercely.

"Sharley, I am going to make this a day you will remember." "Yes! YES! Sweet divines, yes!" She belowed as he pounded her vigorously. Sharley was in heaven with the feeling of her lover inside her. His girth forcing her tight walls apart and delving deep within her. She felt like she was under some kind of magic for the joys she felt parralled nothing in her past. Never while pleasuring herself or by lover had she gained such a flurry of sexual desire and satisfaction. She began to quiver, her body was nearing orgasm though she fought to stave it off longer. Her body jerked and twisted when he pushed passed her cervix, her hands sprung against the blanket they layed upon gripping it tight while her head slung back with eyes rolled and mouth gapping wide. -Thank the nine she is so wet and warm! I didn't expect this bimbo to be so tight!-

Sharley's love tunnel trembled and shook as her orgasm took hold over her causing Tailless-gri to press deeper hilting himself in her delicate passage and releasing his pent up load there. this sent waves of pleasure crashing against her causing a double orgasm with his. Slowly Gri released her legs and slid out of her sore, aching, cum dripping hole. Panting heavily he rolled over while she let her legs fall apart and her body completely relax, as their combined juices practically poured out of her freshly pumped love crevice thoroughly staining the blanket. after a while of heavy breathing and recovery Gri turned to her saying "I will come to get you again tomorrow, my love." To which she whispered stroking his no longer hard shaft "OH, Gri, won't you take me home and marry me? Have I not been the best thing in your life as you are mine?".

-A good lay but who can say how long this will last. Be smooth about this Gri.- "Of course you have my dear, but we must not hurry things. I would want our marriage to be the best in the lands." hoping she would accept that answer. "Oh, my lovely Gri! You're surely my destiny, I will wait for the day when you ask, and shall answer most swiftly and with great joy, YES.". "Let's get dressed and head back, my shop opens in a few hours and I need to rest." "Rest here, with me, my love." Cuddling up to him for warmth and wrapping the blanket over the two of them. chuckling, "Verywell." he said giving in.

The next morning Gri went with haste to his shop's cellar to prepare Sharley's tea. This became routine for him fixing his special blend of tea for his lovers before opening the shop but today he was late to start and he had customers who interrupted the process. "Sorry, be with you shortly!" He called to the knock at the door. He hurried to finish when the voice on the other side answered. "Gri, open the door, it's Valda. I've got something great for you to see!". Knowing it was only his sister he waved it off and continued his effort of preparing the tea properly. "Come back later, I am busy." But Valda was not the only one wanting to see him so early. "Won't you hurry my love? I so desperately wish to see you. My loins ache from solitude." Sharley called and Gri could hear the audible choke of surprise from Valda even from the cellar.

-Crap, why would she yell such things! That foolish girl! And next to Valda... No doubt that I must hurry before they converse further.- Halting the nearly complete project he ran to the door replying "Coming!" Valda stood on the other side of the door with a giggling Sharely who said in whisper to Valda "He didn't give me such warning last night.".

Valda was flabbergasted, in complete shock that the girl had such a private subject openly stated. When he opened the door a stunned Valda and a half laughing Sharley were there to great him. One with a blinking stare of amazement and the other with a leap into his arms and a kiss. Valda gathered herself and asked aloud "How long has this been going on?" With a puzzled expression that still hinted of shock despite her attempt to mask it. Gri started to speak but was interrupted by Sharley who quickly answered "We have been together for 5 days already! Gri, is my destiny.".

Gri stepped back into the shop telling them "Please have a seat, I was making Sharley's tea, I will go finish that and return shortly." He motioned to the chairs nearby and turned but stopped when he heard Valda ask "Oh, your making fresh tea? I would love some too. I've never had your tea but I hear it's very good." looking to Sharley she smiled uncomfortably thinking again of the girl's talkative nature that brought about the subject of his tea as they walked to Gri's shop. "Uhhh..." Gri was suddenly petrified with fear and thought to himself. -What do i say to that? I can't make real tea! I can't give her that tea... Maybe I can try to make regular tea after Sharley's and claim I was not making extra for guests yet, YES!-

"Oh, I'm sorry Valda. I had not expected company and will have to spend a bit more time to make an extra glass." "That's okay Gri, Valda can share mine!" Gri tried to swallow with a dry throat and turned quickly to hide his wide eyed and paling features. -DAMN HER!!! Why does she have to be nice to her too?- "Of course... uhhh, I can get you a sampling glass Valda." He went to his cellar and nearly wept.

-What can I do? I guess a small amount won't cause any effects, she's a half Argonian like me even though she looks full blood and should resist it more then humans...right? Giving away a small amount shouldn't effect Sharley- Taking a deep calming breath he finished the tea and poured some into a small sampling glass of about three ounces. Returning with a full glass for Sharley (nearly full) and the sample for Valda. "Gri, you didn't make yourself any?" asked Valda as she took the sample glass with a look that told she was hoping for more then that. "I am not a tea drinker." He replied on instinct which paid off yet again. Sharley gulped her tea eagerly speaking praises of her loves talent in everything he does while Valda sipped her glass thinking quite the opposite, her lips curling at its taste. "Noone makes tea like Gri!" barked a grinning Sharley to which Valda agreed "Your right on that." thanking the fact of the small portion. "Your glass is empty! Here take some of mine." Valda tried to stop her but was too late and received another portion in her cup and with an exasperating sigh thanked her.

-She's giving away too much! Every day I need to up the dose to counter the tolerance the body builds, I might have to make more for the picnic at this rate.- Without notice of it Valda seemed more pleased with the second serving she was given. "Valda, you should come with us to our picnic! I want to know everyone of Gri's wonderful family before we get married." Valda choked on her final sip with that phrase. "Now Sharley, I'm sure Valda has better things to do today." Gri said hopefully but when he glanced to Valda she was smiling fully at him stating "Nope, I have nothing but free time. Being a mage gives me enough time for whatever I want to do." -She surely could tell I didn't want her to come along, why would she... Oh, I bet she wants to break us up. Just like her to want me to be miserable. That also explains why she must have told Sharley about our relation- Gri thought as a grimace swept across his face. "Fine." He said bluntly "I'll gather some extra food for you, Valda." "Thanks Gri. Your a sweet brother." "He is wonderful isn't he?" Sharley asked. "Yes, he is." both smiling at each other.

Gri had made another batch of tea knowing that only 2/3 of the correct amount were given to Sharley. He had Valda help him set up the placement and they sat with Gri in the middle Valda close to his left and Sharley nearby to his right. "So, Sharley what does your family do?" Asked the Argonian enchantress reaching across to the bread. Seemingly off key she mentioned "My family tends the fields north of the city. We get by and I get a decent wage for helping out." She paused a moment glancing at Valda and Gri. "So, you two are related?" "Of course, Tailless-Gri is my big brother." Putting a arm around his shoulder Valda pulled him up against her side. "But, you're an Argonian..." she said looking at gri for a confirmation. "Well, half Argonian. I may look full but I am only half. Gri has no tail and only some scales, does that bother you?" "I suppose it doesn't" Sounding unsure, enough that Valda picked up on it. "Want some bread?" handing her a small roll. "Yes, I have argonian traits, but it only strengthens my immune system. no need to worry dear." He reached out to her hand but she pulled it aside and reached out to the cheese instead. "Here have some tea Sharley." Gri said quickly while passing it her way. "Oh, thanks." she said taking a sip and recoiling slightly from the taste. -oh no, am I too late?- "What did you put in this!? Are you trying to poison me?" Sharley leapt up from the blanket. "What? NO! I made the same tea I always do for you." Gri stood up and reached out but as he clasped his hands on her arms she pulled away. "By the nine! I don't know how I felt anything for you... you freak!"

"Sharley, wait!" He pleaded. "Don't use my name you jerk, I don't know what I saw in you but it's gone. I can't believe I gave myself to you!" She turned and stormed away leaving Gri standing disappointedly at the loss. Gri felt Valda's arms grip his shoulders reassuringly. she had stood up during the issue. "It wasn't meant to be Gri, you need someone more like yourself to love you for who your are."

"I guess you have a point." In that moment Valda turned him around and kissed him square on his lips. She pressed herself up against him and held him around the neck her fingers reaching over his ears. Valda kept him in her kiss till he could put his hands between her arms and force himself free. Holding Valda's hands at her side he saw her wearing a devilish grin. "Careful Gri, I bite." She snapped her jaw playfully toward him. Her tail was swaying eagerly behind her visible over her shoulder. "Valda! Did you drink her tea?" He asked, assuming he already knew the answer. "I drank alot while you were setting the spot up, and it was delicious!" Giggling, she pressed herself up against him again while trying to get her hands free. "No, Valda. listen to me" She looped her tail around his ankle which knocked him over with her on top.

"Listen!" He yelled. She merely giggled and moved her free hands under his shirt. "Valda! You're not thinking clearly. Stop!" He pleaded while she stradled his lap with some effort due to her dress. -She would have gotten all the Argonian traits except the resistance to diseases and some poisons it seems. This is going to be hard to explain.- "Yes I am. I Looooove you, hehehe." Flicking his nose with her tongue while feeling his chest. He could not deny that she had an elegant figure, she was built for sex, lean frame, well toned body, tight muscles, a perky set of breasts not too big not too small and a tail that showed no wear in it's full length. Gri rolled over putting her beneath him, her legs quickly spread around his hips.

"No, you don't. That's the tea." He said pulling her hands from under his shirt causing her to giggle again. While he tried to move from her legs she locked them behind his back. "Is this the tea?" She asked, taking his hands onto her chest. Massaging her perky peaks with his hands caused him to blush feverishly. She arched her back pressing against him while he tried to get up. "Valda!" He slid his hands down from her bosom only to find them on her slender waist and while pressing down managed to shove her against his groin which began it's arousal. "Yes, scream my name!" Grinding her nethers with his. Noticing he was getting a bit turned on he began to think to himself -She's my sister, what's wrong with me?-. "DAMN IT! STOP!" He swallowed hoping to find a way to avoid this course till the effects wore off her.

"Oh!" She stopped struggling a moment and he let his guard down. Course She only stopped in fascination "You say stop, but your body says to continue." She said glancing down at his groin. His erection passed over his beltline exposing his tip and with a sultry voice she declared "I won't ignore what we both desire. love me.". -She is so damn sexy... Gah! She's my sister, NO!- "No." He tried to pry away but she spoke the truth. He did want her body for the pleasures but didn't for the incest issue. She spoke a few inaudible words and nearby a flame atronach came into existence pulling him off of her and holding him tightly upright.

"What? What are you doing?" He could feel the atronach's heat against his back and the things rough breasts in his back thinking -They may look cute but they don't feel good.- "I am getting what I want." She crept up to him and undid his belt. The fresh air warmed by the atronach holding him from behind. He tried to move his legs she only sighed and tapped the ground sending vine to hold his ankles. "I learned many things, magic has few limits when you know what to do." She began stripping him of his pants.

"That is how I got rid of that bitch Sharley." She proclaimed. "What?" Gri was obviously puzzled. "low level spell to make her attack anyone around. I couldn't risk her ruining our fun, my love." Freeing his manhood she began to stroke it with her scaled hands humming merrily. She was measuring his tool mentally thinking of it penetrating her she felt it end to end as she licked her muzzle and lowered her other claw to touch herself. "The tea was drugged Valda... You're not yourself." Gri tried to explain.

"I know what I want..." She gave his dick a lick with her tongue and hearing his reaction gave it another. "And now I know what you want." He tried to break free from the atronach but it far outmatched his strength at this angle. She slipped his girth into her maw and gently guided it over her sharp teeth, letting her large sticky tongue rub across his shaft. She sucked him with an eager smile trying to gain his approval yet he resisted. "Valda, please stop." Looking up at the sky thinking -Oh, god she feels so good.-. She let his cock slide from her muzzle leaving her thick saliva on it. "Maybe this would help put you in the mood?"

Valda stood up and walked ten paces away with her back to him. Glancing seductively over her shoulder at him she lowered the left strap of her dress. Then the right... Slowly she let it fall down to her tail where she turned to her side taking her tail through the hole in the dress. Her breasts half revealed via the angle she chose. Valda ran her hands down her flanks and back up to squeeze her breasts. She gasped and hissed at him before shifting her back to him again. She then removed her bra revealing her bare back to him as she tossed it aside. Gri was intent on not looking but the prospect of seeing such curves and her fine form teased his mind. Tempted to do so, he watched Vlada as she bent down removing her undergarments.

While still bent low she lifted her tail showing partial view of her reptilian vent to him before he glanced away. Gri was blushing. Sweat was forming on his brow. His rod was excited already but this was maddening and it began pulsing on it's own from the sight of her nethers. She turned to face him with an arm holding up her perky twins. Five paces from him she walked more seductively back to him uncovering her chest and adding a heavy sway of her hips. When she could she reached out cupping his balls in her hand giving them a light squeeze. Gri moaned at her touch and Valda knew he was all but broken. He didn't resist when she pressed her bare breasts against his flesh and gave him a passionate kiss. In fact he returned it before stating "This is wrong." The reply was slow but understood. She moved from his balls to his throbbing member and pressed it against her clit teasing herself and him with near penetration. "Do not fight me, Gri. I need this. I love you." His reply was a weak and defeated "Alright.".

She didn't wait for anything else to be said carefully guiding him in her while they stood. her legs trembled as she began to take in his length. Her own saliva from before helping her force his girth into her tight opening. She was spreading her legs slightly to widen her vent helping her body adapt to his size, her body sending tremors of pleasure driving her for more. Gri began to whimper in delight while her slick folds invited him inside. Valda slid him in a few inches biting her lip to hold back her cries of passion and lust. She managed with effort to breach her inner core with his rod and held him there savoring the filling of her void. "Oh, Gri... You feel so good inside of me.".

"I can't believe how great this feels either." He began trying to pump her while she kissed him deep and felt his body with her hands. The atronach released it hold and vanished with a snap of her fingers as she moved herself from his shaft. Her moist hole tugging to keep him in gave a slurp as she loosed a deep sigh upon removal. Laying him down gently she left the vines around his feet in case he tried to leave. His cock now coated with precum and her moisture on it was eager to return to it's sheath within her. She slid up over him placing one hand above the other and dragging her body along his. Continuing this trend she placed his length at the base of her tail rubbing herself back and forth across him while she looked him in the eyes "Valda, stop teasing me." She giggled "Now it's "Get on with it" eh? I can handle that."

Giving him a deep kiss she positioned Gri's fleshy tower at her door and slowly forced him back into her folds. Vlada's moist vent had already returned to the former tightness which required her to make a slow and slightly painful intrusion. Her inner muscles contracted on him with each inch that pressed in. Her arms were positioned on the ground to help her pace the penetration to barable means. Each inch inside her she got tighter and tighter gaining much approved moans from her loving brother. "Valda, you're so tight! You feel so amazing. I am not even sure how I can fit." She rocked her body on his lap taking much of his length in and out at a slow pace trying to get him deeper while he gripped her thighs pulling her down to accomplish that goal. "You will... I want you... Completely inside me." she replied between taxed thrusts. Gri was pressed nearly to her hips before she raised up and lowered herself again this time sealing the deal.

She was playing with her breasts, squeezing them roughly, teasing her scaled flesh. Her tail danced between his legs while she started to ride him faster. Valda's legs began to shiver and her back arched as he drove her from below. Thrusting up into her reaching new depths for Valda, Gri was fairly well endowed like his father and it was sending jolts of pleasure through her body that everytime she received another impalement from him she thought she would tear apart but she did not care.

Their minds raced without thought. both gropping and stroking, bumping and thrusting, kissing and licking each other. He pulled her down onto him holding his shaft deep in her while rolling atop of Valda and squeezing her firm hindquarters. Getting a tiny yelp from her as his fingers slid under her tail. Moaning was heard across a distance for sure but neither cared. Gri slammed his cock hard into Valda's drenched cunt repeatedly the feeling was beyond words as they came near a climax."Valda, I can't hold it anymore." as he slowed attempting to pull out he found her muscles refusing to let him. She pulled him harder saying with a taxed effort "Do it, I want to feel the warmth of your seed in my loins!" Kissing him deeply while embracing and drilling herself on his meat spear.

Her drug induced passion tossed her to orgasm, her walls were clenching down around Gri tightly. "OH, Valda!" Gri was unable to pull out due to her immense tightness and errupted his seed in Valda's precious regions with a howl of delight. Her walls pulsed and body shook as Gri let his mighty load loose into her. Her tail was twitching wildly during her climax adding an extra vibration and sensation to the mix. The warm spurts coated her internally and gave her a extreme feeling of pleasure. Valda's silken folds were encompassing him completely. Her body was soon full of her brother's seed. Once her orgasms subsided she relaxed enough for him to pull out but he remained till they ended the kiss with a heavy breath and deep sigh of relief Gri mentioned "Valda... I can't believe we just did that."

"How could you be so tight?" Gri asked.

"I guess I just am." Was her modest reply.

Valda had her body openly displayed out on the field the cum from their efforts leaking messily down from her freshly used gender and onto her tail. "It feels like a dream doesn't it? A wonderful blissful dream." She said rubbing herself gently before inserting two fingers into her own completely saturated vent and using her thumb to rub her clit in attempt to fill her newly realized emptiness. She was still in blissful heaven and afraid to come back to reality.

"Valda, you are my sister. This was a mistake. If only you hadn't forced me..." "Forced you?" Valda said slipping her fingers out of herself leaving a trail of their fluids across the air when she pointed at him. "I would never force someone I love. You wanted me, just admit it." Gri looked at his sister again in the daylight -Her scales glisten so beautifully, her breasts are so perfectly shaped, her vagina is so tight and comforting, and that ass... No, it's Valda...course, she is amazing. We already did the deed once.- "You're right Valda." putting an arm around her to pull her close his erection reappearing was prodding her belly. "Oh, eager for me again?"

"Oh, yes." Moving in he kissed her lips and used his legs to spread hers. her hands went to hold his cheeks during the kiss which left a mess on his face. He lined himself up and rubbed up and down her clit with his manhood, prodding her entrance. "Don't tease me or I will have to get rough."

"Sounds kinky."

"I just want you inside me again." Obligingly he entered her again and slid easily in and out of her from the pooling amount of cum already within rapidly taking her with much more ease. They sighed out into each other's ears expressing passion as they spent the next few minutes testing her riding skills and his endurance. Later he was brought back from lust to the sound of Valda crying under him, her hand wiping in vayne what it could from her sore and tender hole. "Valda?What's wrong?" Forgetting what he had done was not normal. "You... You, How could you?" Gri suddenly realized the drugs were indeed to blame and she was coming out of it early from the small dose. -That dose should have ended far before the second go. What got into us?- "Valda, I don't know what happened." "You raped me! That is what happened" She said shoving him off of her their sticky remnants creating a audible release. "What?! You forced me!" He jabbed "Forced you? To rape me?" She slapped him across the face and looking down became wide-eyed. "You think you can fuck me again!? Like hell Gri!" Valda was staring at his morning wood in rage. "No, I fell asleep! It's a morning thing!" He pleaded as she pounced ontop of him conjuring a small dagger out of thin air. Her tail hole was just over the tip of his erection and was making him excited again thinking back a few hours.

His dick betrayed him and throbbed against her tail between Valda's lean thighs. The look of surprise told Gri to act fast and he flipped her over and wrestled the dagger away which fizzled out of reality once it left her hand. Now, holding both her hands above her head he was able to get her to talk. She tilted her head aside and bit his arm getting a howl of pain before he continued. "You summoned a atronach... and had it hold me, snared my legs and started sucking my dick!" She kept struggling against him her soft belly scales like lace against his balls. She twisted her head and let her teeth rip his flesh -Now that is kinky! Focus, Gri.- "You then waited for me to stop fighting and had me taken to the ground so you could fuck me." She stopped with thought. Releasing his arm from her jaws she yelled at him "The tea, you drugged me!". "I only meant to drug Sharely!" He said defensively "That's not any better!" "Why did you drink her tea?" "I was thirsty, and it tasted better then mine!" "That tea should have worn off sooner." "..." the sudden silence from her got him thinking about the act differently. "The second time you chose to have sex with me didn't you?" his head tilting to the side in query "You were already inside of me!" She barked. "No, you were fingering yourself!"

"I will bite you again!" Valda threatened by opening her jaws again before stopping.

Silence overcame them both. Valda sighed before stating the obvious. "Mother must never know about this." "Agreed." Gri said feeling lucky this was over and lucky to have experienced Valda's wonderous passage. She was truely a scaled vixen like her mother before her. Maybe more so. -God my sister is so amazing to have, her tight little hole is so small, still I wonder how I could even fit... What am I saying! Why am I thinking of her body again like that? Even though her tight cunt wrapping around my dick felt so awesome. She's right with me here I could take her right now. Just a slight slide back then ram into her... mmm, that warm silky cove around my cock would feel so great. Her tail spazzing under us while she orgasms again...-

"Gri?" She said her face showing her blushing attitude. looking him in the eyes with an expression he couldn't place. His balls were resting against her tail in the sticky remnants of their labors and his length was quite hardened and was still firmly pressed across her vent. With a prolonged stare between them she once more called, "Gri?" She looked down and his eyes followed down her glorious body with it's sleek curves to her sopping wet snatch where his cock lay above still lubed from the events. "Oh, sorry..." He gulped, but didn't move. He simply stared at his manhood so close to his sister's slippery enclosure. -I could take her again, she probably would not fight me... Even so, I could overpower her.- "Get off?" Releasing her hand he pushed back slowly thinking to himself -Don't push back into her, DO NOT- Passing up his chance for reentry to her love core, he managed a sigh of relief as he sat up knowing the event was over.

Valda quickly turned in search of her clothes and began dressing hurriedly while Gri did the same in between glances at her. -I never should have but I am glad I hit that, DAMN she is so beautiful.-.