Mary the Mare 2 - A surprising love

Story by Serabot on SoFurry

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#1 of Mary the Mare 2

Finally done. For all who red the first one, this follow up is not completely different, but I personally feel this is more what I wanted an experience with Mary to be. Won't mention any warnings or details, (except from the keywords, but you could avoid looking at them if you don't want to spoil it) but I have classified it as adult, so be warned. I might add that even if you don't exactly enjoy vore, I've done my best to still keep this story as rewarding as possible for you too. It's more a love story than a straight vore story.

I hope you enjoy it!

Mary the Mare 2

There must have been at least seven or eight days gone by, probably even more. Mary wasn't sure; she had been sleeping a lot after that late night with her owner. Previous owner, that is. It took a lot of effort to complete such an act, and it had her pretty much drained on energy, although, nutrients and energy wasn't really an issue now that someone opened the doors to that barn, making Mary partly shut her eyes until she managed to adjust to the bright light of the sun outside. Whoever opened the doors didn't enter right away, and there was talking outside, although Mary couldn't really make out what was being said. She thought about that evening, and she thought about him. How wonderful but short their time together had been. She surprised herself a little as she felt small hints of loss, she knew their actions were inevitable, she could have tried to fight her desires, but there was no chance she could win that fight on her own. Had he not shown interest to begin with, it would have been a different matter. And identifying interest, it seemed, was a talent she possessed. So it was only a matter of time, she figured, allowing her to not feel any regret, even if it now left her with a somewhat bittersweet remembrance. But the rewarding feeling from it all, mental and physical in a very sensual way, was definitely worth it. It had to be.

Suddenly someone entered the barn, a male by the scent, she had already figured that out, but with the strong light in the back of the one entering, it was hard to tell. But as soon as he got closer to her she noticed he wore a uniform, not unlike some of the people in that place she had been before she ended up at this place. It had probably not been three or even two weeks since she left that place, yet she could only make out small fragments of memories from the place. Long corridors, white floor, roof and walls, metallic doors, and nothing but a few random human faces to which she didn't remember any names. She felt a light anxiety hard to define when thinking about that place, but on the other hand she couldn't recall anything specifically unpleasant either. Now, the man in that uniform in front of her wore a set of shades, but it was obvious he was observing her when he stood there.

"So then girl. Where is your owner?" He asked while looking at her, but it was of course obvious he didn't expect an answer. And he didn't get one either. He turned and had a look around in the dim barn, he cleared his throat a few times, and then mumbled to himself something about how he hated to be locked up on those unexplainable disappearances. He looked at the coverall and the boots on the ground, but other than shaking his head and releasing a long and troublesome "Sigh", he didn't seem to draw any conclusions. He didn't seem to give much effort to do so either. He looked at Mary again for a short while, then he removed his hat and wiped the sweat out of his forehead and said "Well girl, you shouldn't worry. We have someone picking you up, so you won't be starving in here." He then turned around and started to walk out of the barn while silently saying "God knows how long that poor creature been standing here alone. Damn shame." And then Mary was once again alone in that barn. She looked at the boots and pieces of clothing in front of her, bent her head down and inhaled, closing her eyes and again thought of him, savouring the sweet sensation from having subdued and made him hers.

"You miss him, don't you?" Mary suddenly heard a male voice saying. It wasn't the uniformed man, she could tell that by his tone long before she raised her head to look. Once again she had lost track of time, but it was still day outside, so she could only have dozed off for a few hours at most. By the entrance to the barn was another man looking at her, this one showing off a slightly taller and thinner figure than any of the last two humans she had seen. As he too approached her, she noticed his deep green eyes looking right into hers, perfectly placed in a smooth young face with features that reminded her more of a boy in his teens than of a fully grown human male, even if he had just recently displayed a most masculine and adult voice when speaking to her.In gentle and slow yet determined steps he walked up to her. He looked at her with an expression on his face as if he was searching for something, as if he had the ability to understand what was going on in her mind just by observing her. At least his face looked as questioning and troublesome as she felt right now, and it actually made her feel a little nervous, as if she didn't have control of the situation at all. He raised a hand and was just about to touch her cheek when the voice of that uniformed other man suddenly ripped the silence and tension right out of the air in what felt like a most assaulting manner, almost scaring her as it did.

"-A fine horse, don't you think, Jason? And she's about the only living thing on the entire property too. Or dead for that matter, not a single trace of Mr... Uhm... What's his name again..." But he never got the chance to recall his name, that tall man with his hand still only inches from Mary's nose interrupted the uniformed mans seemingly ineffective name-searching with a dismissing "I see." without even looking at him. His green eyes were still connected to Mary's, and they remained so while the expression on his face slowly turned into the sweetest smile before he finally turned around towards the uniformed man. This also made him remove the hand in front of Mary before she got a chance to feel it, surprising her with a somewhat disappointed feeling.

/* */

Jason decided to leave the matters on his mind aside for a while, the officer, Mr. Harding, didn't seem to show any understanding on Jason's work with horses anyway, as usual. But it was after all Harding who had called him about this mare, so the least he could do to show his gratitude was to not ignore him, even if the mare now behind him had triggered a most rare fascination inside him, and this just by spending less than a few minutes with her. Besides, he respected Harding deeply, the officer had more often than not shown signs of an admirable attitude towards animals despite his rough and sometimes rugged appearance; this was not the first time Jason had gotten a call from him regarding an animal Harding had worried about.

"Well..." Jason begun. "It's hard to say anything at all. It's obvious she have only been alone and locked up here for a week or two." He then paused and waited for Harding to reply. When he didn't Jason filled in "I mean, she still seems well fed, but then again, I don't know how much food she was left with. I hope you don't expect me to be able to perform some sort of interrogation on her." He said the last part more in a joking manner than a true questioning statement, and Harding seemed to catch on well. "Aw!" Harding pretended to complain. "Then what good does a horse whisperer do?" Harding asked and laughed in an honest but tired way before continuing "But a week you say? Well, I suppose that's at least something to begin with. I'll see what wonders the technicians can manage with this place." And then he once again removed his hat and wiped sweat out of his forehead. "And the mare?" Jason asked while looking at Harding as if Harding had forgotten to mention the most important issue of them all. Harding knew what answer was expected of him, this wasn't the first time this conversation had been taking place between them. "Well, I was hoping you'd help me out there. If you knew someone who could take care of her until we manage to spread some light on all of this." Harding said, and even if he knew that Jason was going to accept, he still added that begging touch to his words just for the sake of formality.

Jason looked at Harding for a few seconds more than was comfortable when you asked someone a favour, but Harding wasn't going to be disappointed. "In fact I think I'll tend to her myself this time. She seems to puzzle me but I can't seem to put my finger on what it is." Jason said, and he didn't have to wait for Harding's reply. "Well. How original. Well I don't really expect you to come up with anything, but you know, should you notice something that might be of interest." He didn't care to finish the sentence, the two of them understood each other perfectly well. "Of course." Jason said, and where one would normally expect the conversation between the two men to end, Jason suddenly asked "By the way, you didn't come across her name somewhere?" Harding shook his head and then replied "Sorry, I'll let you know when we find something, I'm sure there are some papers on the horse to be found somewhere."

Jason nodded at Harding who greeted him back with a "That would be all then" before he turned around and left Jason alone with the mare again. Jason turned towards her in the same slow manner he had approached her to begin with. "Have you ever heard something so silly?" he asked silently, and obviously not to Harding who had already gone far out of hearing range. "A horse whisperer."

/* */

Mary grunted silently to herself. Jason, he was obviously called, the man with the fascinating green eyes, was nowhere to be seen. Shortly after the officer had left the two of them alone, he too had turned around and left the barn. She had wanted him to stay. Instead, two completely new officers, smaller and seemingly younger than the first one, had entered the barn and directed her onto another one of these vans. A short bumpy while later, she had been presented into a new barn, this one a little better lit than the previous one, and obviously a little more effort had been offered at keeping it nice and clean. She still remembered how her last befriending with a human had started and felt like, how he had given her a name, and how she instantly had felt those certain feelings, those desires, and never once questioned her determined way of acting on them. Now she almost felt the same way again, making her feel a little too greedy than she found comfortable. She didn't know if it was because she was still quite satisfied from her last partner, but right now she allowed herself to approach the situation from a more open minded point of view. Although knowing what she had felt right away when his green eyes had met hers, what she wanted with him, she now started to consider what other options there were, what other outcomes from befriending someone awakening that certain desires in her could bring?

Her last partner had briefly mentioned a few fantasies of his, but she had been too focused on introducing him to her ideas to allow the two of them to try anything else. Maybe that was a mistake? Maybe there was other means of satisfying her desires too? After all, anything that meant she wouldn't be the only one left afterwards would have to be better, right? She did see the logic in that way of reasoning, but large parts of her mind doubted such a thing could exist. She found it very hard to imagine that something could replace the feelings and state of mind she had been rewarded with when her partner had willingly given into her and accepted her offer and request, even if that something would mean her partner was still around afterwards. It was that strong of a feeling. She found herself smiling as she debated with her self on this matter, but she also kept in mind that maybe this Jason had just brought her here just because from his point of view, she had nowhere else to go. But then again, she did feel there was something certain already, and she knew she shouldn't doubt her feelings on such matters. But where was he?

/* */

Jason took off his hat and placed it on the shelf, right above his previously removed coat. He had asked Harding to have the mare moved to his place since he himself had not had the possibility to do so right away. There had been a few other errands to take care of this day, but he hadn't managed to get even half of them done. That mare had been on his mind since he left that barn behind him. There had been something about her, something unexplainable that made him unable to lock her out of his mind. So as the evening was getting closer he had made a few calls, postponing what could be postponed and then returned back home to his own place. He didn't really recognize himself as he opened the door to the otherwise empty barn, normally he knew people considered him rather calm and assertive, maybe sometimes a little grieved-with-a-passion, and that was pretty much how he knew himself too, but right now he didn't feel that way at all. He almost felt nervous, not at all as confident as he usually felt around horses, or any other animal for that matter. But he didn't hesitate to enter the barn, and with a silent grunting giggle he ignored those seemingly gratuitous feelings, declaring to himself how it all probably just had to do with the odd circumstances that had led the mare to him, an unexplainable disappearing. Wasn't too common around here and now that he thought about it, it was in a way a little spooky. With some of his usual identity boosted back to normal with that statement, he suddenly found himself laying eyes on her. She stood there, a short distance in front of him, already looking at him with her deep dark eyes. He almost felt as if time stood still, but then he slowly approached her, and with that felt the very same nervous mood softly come back to him in an almost comfortably intriguing way. This time he didn't even bother to try to find a reason for it.

When he stopped she was close enough to touch, but at first he just looked at her, her tall feminine frame leaving nothing to wish for on a mare, the perfect bay colouring, the elegant graze with which she carried herself, but most of all, her eyes. He looked into them, like he had done on so many horses before her, but still at the same time it was not at all the very same way, it ended up more of a gaze than an ordinary searching look. But search was what he tried to do, that was why they called him a horse whisperer. She didn't move as he looked into her, trying to identify a feeling he usually knew he should have felt by now. But as he kept looking, the only feelings he got were those of a perplexed and lost mind, and he was pretty sure it was as much his own mind as it was hers. Maybe even just his own mind alone, he couldn't tell anything at all, not even with slightest trace of certainty, from her enchanting eyes. He didn't know how long he had been having eye contact with her when he broke the ocular bond, and while tilting his head down he shook it slowly from side to side with a smile forming on his lips. He took a few breaths, and then looked back at her. "Why won't you talk to me?"

/* */

Mary was taken somewhat by surprise by his question, making her give a short grunt as she for mere a second actually thought he in some mystical way had figured out about her ability to talk and now demanded an answer. But then he broke the eye contact again and thereby made it obvious that he wasn't really expecting an answer. At least not an oral one. But still, he had left a doubt in her mind; he seemed to try to communicate with her in a way she obvious was not familiar with. It was not as much out of excitement and curiosity as it was of uncertainty on him and his intentions that she, at least for now, decided it was probably a better idea not to expose her ability to talk at all. He was clearly not as easy to look through as the last person she got intimate with. She couldn't quite figure out what more he was looking for. Because it was obvious that he had the kind of liking for her that she had been trying to identify in him, he felt something more than usual too. This she had already happily and victoriously declared to herself when he had entered the barn a few moments ago. His way of acting, his whole body language, gave that fact away. What puzzled her was that there seemed to be something more about him. Why else was he not as eager and straight forward about his interest in her as she expected, and wanted, him to be? It was almost as if something was holding him back. Or maybe he was just nervous, more reserved and cautious than her last partner had led her to believe that humans usually preferred to be. No matter, she too decided to be a little cautious, and for now satisfy herself with knowing that he at least was interested in her too.

/* */

Jason had almost felt silly when asking the mare that question, as if he in some part of his mind hade given up on his ability to understand horses, and as a last resort had tried the ordinary way of communicating. Once again, he slowly shook his head from side to side and silently muttered "It's just a horse for crying out loud" to himself. For a third time he shook his head, this time in an attempt to erase all the confusing thoughts, and then looked at the mare again. "Well, even if you won't talk to me, I have to make sure you are all well and healthy! I hope you don't mind." He took a few shaky steps towards her again, doing his best not to listen to his nervous mind. He had a good deal of knowledge on how to examine a horse, even though not being a vet. He raised his hand to caress the mare on her neck in an attempt to keep her calm, but suddenly found himself hesitating. He noticed the mare react, and he noticed himself react, in a way that should probably be uncomfortable, but really wasn't. He looked at the mare again, she looked at him, her head slightly turned, but before he allowed his mind to draw any sort of inconvenient conclusion, he placed his hand on her neck, and turned his head away. The awkward feeling wouldn't go away though, instead it only seemed more evident as he felt her warmth on the open palm of his hand, an unfamiliar and inviting such, but before he even considered allowing his subconscious to make itself heard, he was determined to make sure this mare didn't have any physical conditions that needed attention. And even by then, he wasn't sure he was mentally capable of making any sense out of what was going on here, with that mare, and most of all, with himself. But he also knew he'd be a fool not to listen to his inner voice and feelings if he wanted to understand her.

He searched her fur for signs of scars or bruises, looked at her hooves searching for swellings or any other signs of issues. But there was none to be seen. He took another few steps alongside her and gently bent down, placing his head next to her most round section, gently pressing his ear against her warmth, listening for her heartbeat and breathing. For a few moments, while declaring to himself that everything did sound as it was expected to, he almost forgot about his wicked previous feelings. That didn't last. Once he was satisfied with listening to her internal sounds, he stood up and took the last two or three steps to end up behind her, and then, something happened. Now, he had seen a lot of hindquarters on mares before, but never before had the first impression that struck him while looking at a mare from behind been how a perfectly and feminine shaped bottom she presented. That familiar warm sensation struck him head on, and before he knew it, he had already manoeuvred her tail to the side, his hand still there supporting it, as if it was a curtain covering a window he wanted too look out through but knew he really shouldn't. But yet he was. He tried to avoid, but feeling like a young boy laying eyes upon the oasis of love for the first time, his mind inevitably failed him. Feeling more and more emotionally heated with every heartbeat, his eyes explored the black furless female parts of her, starting right under her tail and ending a little further down, just passed those black, tender and soft looking folds separated by a slit that almost seemed to ask for his admiration. He stood there silently for what seemed like hours, just breathing slowly and allowing his inner to explore never before felt emotions. What seemed like a universal array of passionate thoughts, one after another, surfaced in his mind, seemingly all comfortable and mentally numbing. Slowly he raised the hand not supporting her tail, and felt no will to interfere as it seemed to follow a slow and determined path towards the exposed and inviting attraction. When his fingertips finally made contact, he felt what seemed like an electric yet very comfortable shock run through his hand and arm, urging him onwards. He very gently caressed her warm and soft lips up and down, even allowing his index finger to press a little harder, rewarding him with the heavenly sensation of her moist slit fold around it. As he as gentle as he knew how to kept touching her, he suddenly felt something else, something that started as an innocent hint of anxiety but in a matter of seconds developed into a strong attention-demanding punishing shame and guilt. As if being pulled out of a sweet dream by an alarming clock, he removed his hands and took a quick step backwards, holding his moist hand in front of him, looking at it. The most unpleasant feeling of guilt had now taken over him completely. His lips shivered as he folded his hand in a fist-like manner and with his teeth pressed hard together silently whispered "You are supposed to be a professional damnit!" to himself.

With fast and determined steps he walked towards the door. Halfway there he stopped, hesitated, and then turned around. He looked at her again, into her eyes, and she just stood there, almost as if she expressed an emotional state of being deserted. He shook his head again, refusing to listen to whatever it was that painted that image in his head, turned around, and left the barn. He quickly crossed the yard between the barn and his house; the stairs to the door that normally required five steps was done in two. As he closed the door behind him, or more like slammed it, he started the process of sorting out his startled and emotionally messed up mind. "I need a scotch!" he thought to himself in a declaring manner. He went right over to the cupboard, grabbed the halfway emptied bottle, and entered the room he usually referred to as his 'office'. He had already opened the bottle and enjoyed a mouthful of it when he sank down in his chair in a way one would expect the captain of a sinking ship do. He took another mouthful, obviously not drinking out of a liking for the taste of it, which he lacked anyway, but simply to escape reality. Shame and guilt was still present as he unwillingly pictured himself down there, molesting that creature with his twisted and previously unknown desire. Because that was the only reasonable and sober conclusion he could draw. A molester. He tasted the bitterness of the word accompanied by his fourth or fifth mouthful. He wasn't sure, he hadn't even been counting to begin with. With a dizzy eye he searched the bookshelf in front of him until he found what he was looking for. There, between the dusty backs of two books he couldn't remember ever have opened, was a photograph in a frame. It was a picture of a young woman on a chair, and himself standing behind her, his hand on her shoulder, both of them smiling. Looking at the picture, a lump in his throat started to form, accompanied by hints of tears in his eyes. He cured the lump with another zip on the scotch, but the tears wouldn't go away. Silently he mumbled "I miss you" to the picture. As he was sitting there, trying to use his less and less sober mind to sort out his feelings, he remembered how he had felt when he had met her for the first time all those years ago. He remembered the feelings that had coloured the days when they moved in together, started up the business he still did his best to keep running.

As he sat there, his mouth halfway open and his eyes halfway closed but still connected to that photograph, one thought led to another. He wasn't really sure if he actually didn't realize it until now, or if his mind just needed the alcoholic boost to allow itself to grasp the facts. "But she is a horse Jason. A horse! You can't fall in love with a horse!" he silently but determined stated to himself in an upset way, but it didn't help. He knew very well what he felt, even though under the influence of the Scottish spirit. In some part of his mind he tried to place diagnose himself, trying to imagine how a shrink would put it. 'A longing for a lost love directed to or portrayed on another object of care to allow his mind to sort out his grief' he tried with, but even in his upset state of mind his efforts felt next to ridiculous and laughable. He took another mouthful and swallowed hard, the burning sensation in his mouth and throat forcing him to shut his eyes and thereby drop the dim stare at that photograph. Once he opened them again, he instead looked at the bottle resting in his hand. He felt calmer now, more at ease. Sometime after the clock had passed midnight, he found himself more or less coming to terms with the situation, and even if he didn't consider it positive or something he planned on exploring further, he gave in to the obvious. He still felt small hints of guilt from what he had done, but now he understood, no matter how shocking it was and how unprepared he had been for such feelings finding their way back to him, not to mention from a mare, he now knew what it was that he felt, and at least that presented him with a slight feeling of rest and relief. He emptied the bottle with a last zip, not even a mouthful, and leaned back, closing his eyes as he did.

When he opened his eyes again it was morning, or mid-day. He didn't know right away, the clock in the room, his office, hadn't seen a new battery for ages, but there was a certain brightness from the window harassing his sensitive eyes. He looked at the empty bottle, now on the floor in front of him, and congratulated himself for not suffering from the hangover that should be expected from yesterday's lack of supper and heavy intake of liquor. "Any good news is welcome news I suppose" he murmured to himself as he struggled with getting out of the by now rather uncomfortable chair. He exited his office and worked his way towards the bathroom and a badly needed release. And shower. He dropped his clothing on the floor once he was in front of the toilet, had his leak, and quickly entered the shower. While he stood there, savouring the warm flow of water caressing his body from top to toe, he started to think about yesterday, about his actions and his following reactions to them. Now sober, he expected to feel guilt and shame again, but he didn't, at least not from what he felt about that mare. He wasn't sure he should consider this good or ill news though, but at least he comforted himself with that he seemed to have some sort of control of the situation. Control as in admitting to himself what he felt, but not really accepting it, and therefore deciding not to act on it, if not for the sake of what's considered morally right or wrong, then at least for the sake of the poor mare standing out there in the barn, no matter how inviting those thoughts were. And it sure was inviting thoughts, his mind wandered forth and back over those few moments behind her, her warm softness against his fingers. Standing naked in the shower, he felt a certain part o him react and stiffen, and while his mind was reassuring him there was no harm in just thinking about it, his hand had already grabbed his member and begun an unmistakeable practice of joy. A few moments later his mind took him way passed just softly caressing her with his hand, and even if he had wanted to, there was no chance of stopping his act of pleasing himself from there.

When he got out of the shower he couldn't help but to smile at what he was experiencing. Even if he considered it wrong and awkward, he felt like a whole new world had opened up in front of him, his emotional attachment to her was not showing any signs of weakening from his practices in the shower, but on the opposite, he now felt as if his feelings for her had only grown stronger. "It's a funny thing, love. And scarily surprising." he thought to himself as he entered the kitchen and had a glass of water.

He still wasn't particularly satisfied with the situation regarding the mare, but felt there was little to do about how he felt, he couldn't control that no matter how much he wanted to. So before something more unsuitable happened, and he really didn't dare to trust himself that it wouldn't again, he better called Harding and inform him they had to arrange for someone else taking care of the mare. Deep down inside he knew most parts of him didn't approve on that decision at all, but he couldn't let something as inconvenient as falling in love with a horse suddenly change the rest of his life. No matter if it felt more and more wrong the more he thought about having her department arranged, he knew that it was the right thing to do. After all, he had no right of doing what he feared he might end up doing to her, and even if that reason soon seemed quite lonely on the list of reasons for not having the horse around, it was still a most valid and legitimate one. She had to go, and once she was gone, he had to begin the real work with sorting out his feelings and his confusion regarding his sexual identity, even if that right now felt next to impossible. He took another glass of water, and this time he waited for the stream of water to go really cold, and then he placed the glass on the table and reached for his phone. He hesitated before he dialled Harding, but again telling himself that it was his problem that he had to sort out, without risking harming the mare further, gave him the strength to move his finger in the right pattern, pushing the right buttons.

After e few signals someone picked up, but to Jasons dismay, it was Hardings automatic answering machine. 'Right' he thought to himself, 'busy as always.. unless off duty..' He thought about leaving a message, but had no idea what to say just like that, so instead he hung up and looked at the clock next to the kitchen window. "10:49 am" the clock signalled in its red digital numeric fonts. Below was another set of numbers, telling of the temperature inside as well as outside. Unfortunately, the display for the outside temperature was partly broken, not showing the last of the two digits (and just as with the clock in his office, such features in his home got little to no attention as he simply never found the will or time to bother until it was really necessary), and a lonely "8" was all that could be seen on the otherwise black display. It didn't matter though, that lonesome number told well enough of a warm day outside. He left the cordless phone next to the empty glass on the table, and then headed to the room he usually slept in. Or was supposed to sleep in, but rarely did, he had a certain habit of missing the one who was meant to sleep next to him in that king-sized bed, but no longer did. Entering the room though, he instantly remarked how that had suddenly changed, how he was no longer painfully reminded of that he would have to sleep solo in that bed. At first he welcomed it, but in less than a second later he understood why the feelings of loss were gone, making him wish Harding had picked up his phone just a minute ago. He hurried up and got dressed. Considering the outside temperature, apart from underwear a pair of short working-trousers that covered only his upper legs combined with a thin cotton shirt would have to do. He got out and grabbed the phone again, but once more hesitated, though this time because there hadn't even been five minutes since he last dialled Harding, and he should probably at least wait a little longer before harassing him again. He looked out through the window. The entrance to the barn was in plain sight. He did in a way try to avoid any chain of thoughts that would lead to him entering the barn, but if nothing else he had to make sure the mare had water to drink on a day like this. Anything else would just be cruel, and after all, it wasn't her fault he had issues. And, also, he should at least greet her good bye. She had after all done nothing wrong. 'What harm can there possible be in that?' he thought to himself in a reasoning manner as he got into his sandals and opened the front door. With not as determined steps as he had left the barn the evening before, he now again approached it, feeling small hints of anxiety and nervousness gently grow inside him as he did. Again.

When he walked through the open barn door he instantly remarked the warm and thick atmosphere inside, almost adding a touch of surrealistic elements to the whole situation. "Just as if that was needed.." he thought to himself as he waited for his eyes to adjust from the bright light outside. He didn't have to wait long, after only a few seconds he saw her, standing there just a few yards in front of him in all her elegance and grace. He gulped hard and completely forgot about the reason he had gone into the barn in the first place; to check on her supply of water. But he remembered what he had earlier decided, she had to go. It was just so hard to once more find the motivation to remain determined on that decision as he looked at her, into her deep eyes looking back at him, almost as if she had expected him. He took a few steps towards her, trying to smile and act as he usually did around horses, but he was completely lost, finding no pattern of common sense whatsoever to use as a guideline while acting around her. So, basically, he was left with what he felt, and that didn't make things easier. In an attempt to not just remain petrified in place looking at her, he said "Hey girl.. " and tried to smile again, but again, failed. If the thought of sending her away again earlier had felt hard and wrong, it now felt next to unimaginable. He took the last few steps that remained between the two of them, and once right in front of her, softly places his open hand on her left cheek and said "Girl. I'm sorry.. I really want you to stay.. But.. I'm afraid you.. Have to go." He couldn't stand looking into her eyes after saying that, so lowering his eyes downwards, he continued with "I don't think that.. That having you around is a very good thing.. In the long run..".

If the atmosphere had been just a tiny bit surrealistic a moment ago, it was soon about to feel like a complete fairy-tale.

/* */

When he had entered the barn again Mary hadn't exactly felt surprised, she did after all expect him to come back, she knew he felt something 'more' about her, even if she wasn't quite sure why he had left in such a hurry yesterday. She had just, even if somewhat to her dismay, accepted that it was probably the part of him that she had still not figured out, and that there would likely be time to figure those parts out later. She had after all been given a most physical confirmation on that he had a desire for her, and even if she had wanted him to go on, she had settled on that, not trying to read anything further into his sudden departure. She had come to understand and accept that he was a little bit more complex than she had first expected him to be, and as long as he didn't act repulsive she had felt no need to worry. Therefore, however, she now suddenly felt rather indignant and mentally upset. She was not expecting him to tell her what he just had told her, and the few short moments of consideration before she by instinct reacted on him telling her left her without a clue, why would he send her away if he liked her? Because she knew she was right on that matter, he had felt something yesterday, they both had. Looking at him, she more or less suddenly surprised herself by asking "Why?" She bit her lip. She hadn't planned on it, exposing her ability to talk like that, it just happened, as if by accident. But if she had been surprised, he looked as if in some kind of shock when he quickly raised his head and looked at her, eyes wide open, his hand still attached to her cheek. As they looked at each other time seemed to stand still, and in the complete silence it could almost be heard how he started to move his lips and tongue, trying to form words, but for what seemed like forever, nothing happened. Then very slowly, he said "This.. mustn't.. This.. can't be real.. right?".

For a while she didn't really know how to act, but the surprise he had recently experienced made her believe she had the chance to change his mind, if she could just find the right approach. She knew what she felt. Taking a chance, she slowly leaned in towards him, and ever so gently parted her lips and allowed her tongue to softly run in a short stroke over his right cheek, up to his ear, and then whispered to him "Does it seem more real now?", and then very softly licked over his ear with the tip of her tongue. She then pulled her head back and looked at him.

/* */

It hadfelt like hours, those few moments from her suddenly talking till now. He wasn't sure about what he had asked her after her 'why', but he was sure he had questioned her in some way. When he had then suddenly felt her warm, wet and soft tongue touch him, it had been as if he was pulled back to reality from a state of denial, now equipped with a new knowledge, an acceptance for that from this point and on, the old and until now practiced rules of his reality was to be questioned. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could almost hear, or feel, a voice asking him why he was surprised. Hadn't he noticed from the first time he saw her that there was something more than usual about her? Hadn't there at some points in his mental struggle of yesterday and today been obvious hints that he wasn't falling in love with an ordinary horse, like any of the uncountable other horses he had been around? The fact that he had so quickly developed such strong and overwhelming feelings about her should have been enough, never before had he felt that way about anyone so fast. Not even for the lady he once shared his home with.. But now that he knew, when it was beyond any doubt that this being in front of him was something he never could have imagined, he found it easy not to blame himself for not figuring out what about her it was that made him feel like he did. And it was around here somewhere, when he was debating with himself about what she could really be, that she whispered in his ear, asking him if it felt more real now. He couldn't lie to himself, this didn't feel real the way he would define real a few seconds ago, but he no longer doubted he was awake, and that she was talking to him. Her warm tongue over his ear, and then her highly seducing eyes looking into his, left him fully aware of the new set of rules she had so suddenly forced upon him, no matter how surprised he was.

He looked back at her, slowly removing his hand from her cheek. She expected an answer from him, but even when accepting the situation, he found it hard to come up with something to say. No matter if most would consider it a faint try at a response, he slowly opened his mouth and said "It feels real.. Very real.. But it seems.. Unreal.". He kept looking into her eyes after those words, waiting for her to answer. He didn't have to wait long; the mare softly leaned her head in again and whispered "You should trust your feelings and your senses; you can hear me, can't you?" This time she didn't allow her tongue to touch him, and he quickly noticed that he had wanted her to, it almost left small hints of disappointment when she didn't. He wasn't surprised however, even if still amazed, almost shocked, over the fact that the mare was talking, there was still room in his mind and body for the enchanting passion and arousal she spawned in him. Instead he noticed how he suddenly almost felt a relief, it was now easier for him to not only understand, but also accept what he felt, now that he knew it wasn't an ordinary horse he felt that way about, if it even could be considered a horse at all. It all still felt strange, but at least no longer in a negative way, not the way it had felt yesterday and this morning. He was to emotionally shaken to even try to determine whether this was good or bad, and what was right or wrong. There was so many thoughts running back and forth in his mind, and none of them seemed to settle and offer him a line of direction on how to act. The mare in front of him was once more looking at him, and it was easy to see that she was more at ease with it all than him. He felt quite inferior to her in the situation, and that too was quite alien, he had always felt and acted as the superior around animals, but, he supposed, the downgrading had probably started even before, maybe even when he first met her. He didn't leave himself much time to consider this however, but instead once more made an effort to deliver an answer. "I can, but.. I don't really know what to say.. How..?" was all he came up with. Again, she didn't need even one fourth of the time he had used to come up with an answer.

"There can still be time for answers" She said and looked at him, and then tilting her head slightly to the side before filling in "But.. Why do you want me to leave? ". She kept her head in that position, something that together with the tone in her voice delivered her sentence in a complaining manner. If she had wanted him to feel guilty she had succeeded, but at least this time there was enough brain activity in him for an answer. "No I.. I really didn't, I didn't know.. what you were.." he started with, but quickly understood that he was going nowhere with his reasoning, sooner or later she would ask him what it was that made him want her to leave to begin with, and what it was that now made him doubt. Because he did, he had just told her. And he didn't need any further motivation for his sudden change of mind than the dramatic change the whole situation with the mare had undergone the last two minutes. He was simply too confused to think rationally and try to plan ahead. All he could do was to speak right out of his mind or remain silent. And the latter wasn't really an option when someone talked to you, even if it was a horse. Or, he thought, especially when it was a horse. He gathered strength and took a deep breath, deciding to calmly take the situation in, try to appreciate that he had been given this opportunity to experience a true miracle of nature, and try to talk to her as if she was a regular lady. At least, her voice was very lady-like and feminine. A very beautiful voice too, he found himself thinking. He chuckled lightly and started over:

"I'm sorry, that didn't come out right." And then took another breath. "I thought you were an ordinary horse like any other, but from the moment I saw you, I have felt.. Strange.. Not the way I have felt around any horse before." He paused shortly and looked at her. Her head was no longer tilted to the side, but she was still looking at him. He did his best not to lose his focus, and continued "Not the way.. I have felt about anyone before.. And that's not a proper way for me.. For any man.. To feel about a horse.." He had briefly lowered his head downwards while saying the last set of words, and by doing so breaking their eye contact. He was however now slowly climbing upwards with his gaze on her again, until finding her eyes, those magnificent eyes. He was about to continue, but she was quicker. "It's ok, really. You shouldn't feel bad.. And.. If you want me to leave, I will.." She said, and then leaned in softly, gently placing the lower part of her head and muzzle against his cheek, and whispered in his ear "But with yesterday in mind, I really thought you wanted me to stay with you.. Jason.." and then playfully licked at his ear and cheek. He gulped hard and suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. They had been having a conversation for several minutes now, and not even once had it occurred to him that she was now in a position to demand an explanation for what he had done to her yesterday. 'Serves me just right' he thought to himself while slowly realizing that since she knew his name, she had been able to listen to and understand every conversation he had had around her. With Harding, with himself.. With her.. "I.. I.. I'm really sorry.." he managed to say in a stuttering reply, and then continued with "But that's what I mean, I shouldn't have been doing like that, and if you stay around.. I mean.. I am responsible for my actions, but I can't trust myself with you around. If I can make it up to you, I w.." He wasn't given the chance to finish the sentence; suddenly she had arched her muzzle forward and softly placed a kiss on his lips. He felt her warm big lips pressed onto his quickly, spawning sparkling butterflies in every part of his body and leaving him completely speechless. She then broke the kiss in a giggle and said "Ssshhh.. Jason.. Stop thinking like that and listen to your feelings. I already told you once." She then nuzzled his chin softly again, moving her maw close to his ear, and continued "What do you feel?. What do you want?" and then she exhaled, her warm breath searching its way down his neck and back like a lovers caressing touch.

He closed his eyes while she held her muzzle against his chin and ear, inhaling her scent and gently raising his hand, placing it on her nose and running it through the bristly fur upwards to between her eyes. "I.. I suppose I don't want you to leave." He said, and as he did, it felt as if a heavy rock left his shoulders, but he wasn't finished; "I feel warmth, an attraction I have not felt for a very long time. I am drawn to you, as if enchanted." He then turned his head slightly towards the muzzle still held against him, his nose making contact with the furless black tissue of the lower part of her snout, and inhaled her scent, her moist warm breath. He then withdrew his head from her and opened his eyes, meeting hers, and said "But I also feel confused. I feel guilt and shame. For what I did to you. For what I feel for you. It's not.. Proper.. Even if it feels so right. Right now. I'm a human. You are.. A horse?" His hand was still on her forehead, but considering what he had just said, the part about guilt and shame, he slowly removed it as he waited for her to reply.

"Yes, some would indeed say what you feel is not proper, but if you agree with them is up to you." She said and leaned in closer, though still keeping her head in front of him this time, close enough for him to feel her warmth and her breath. "But I can guarantee you, that if you should decide not to agree with them, you won't be alone." For a short while she remained silent, allowing him to loose himself in her eyes as well as in her words, as if giving her point time to sink in. "If what you feel is wrong. Then why do you feel it Jason? If there is some kind of divine will, then why would it want you to feel something that is not right? And if there is no divinity at all, then does anything else than what we feel really matter? What is right and what is wrong in that case? What determines what is proper and what is not?" She inhaled and withdrew her head slightly though still kept eye contact with him as she did, and before he was given a chance to say something, she finished her point with saying "I wanted you yesterday. Now, do you still feel guilty? Ashamed?"

She had a point, it made sense. He knew in the back of his mind that he was leaning towards her point of view, and he probably would have been even without feeling like he did for her. There was a strange forgiving feeling rising inside him, emotions seemed to fall in place as if his mind was some kind of jigsaw puzzle, and she was skilfully managing the pieces. And most of all, he now understood that she had not felt offended by him, she was obviously a more intelligent being than he had considered her; he wouldn't been allowed to even get close to her if she hadn't wanted him to. There were still small hints of shame in him for doing what he did to what he thought was an ordinary animal, but that didn't matter now. There was simply no room left in him emotionally to worry about that now. She had wanted him. And she was right. So right.

He cleared his throat and met her eye with newly discovered insight and said "Well.. I suppose it would be an easy enough argue to run, pointing at what's proper and what isn't, without further motivation." he began and took a step towards her, placing both his hand on her cheeks, one hand on each side. He then stroked her softly while saying "But for me to follow that rule.. Especially now, after listening to your words.. After having you here.. Feeling what I feel, and knowing what you think about it.." He stopped talking and slowly bent his head downwards and kissed her snout. As the warm and soft texture of her muzzle met his lips, the last traces of his restraining doubt and shame finally was allowed to leave, as if that divine will she mentioned suddenly had seen the illogical in what he felt and decided to relief him from his now tainted way of reasoning. And he welcomed that with all his heart and soul. He broke the kiss and looked up, searching her eye, and when finding it, he finished his statement with "I can't say I know who you are, but you have given me a different way to look at things. But this all is really a brand new world for me.." He took another short pause as he kissed her again. "I want to be with you.. Your way. Here, in your.. realm.." He wasn't sure about the last word, it almost came out as odd as if it was a word he just made up, but she seemed to understand him well; as he kept looking at her, into her eyes, they now showed clear hints of satisfaction and approval, almost as if him finally letting go of his old point of view suddenly allowed him to read her better. He wasn't given the opportunity to look into her eyes for a very long time though; with a low pitched agreeing giggle-like hum she leaned in and kissed his neck, gently allowing her warm tongue to run underneath his cheek up to his ear, making him close his eyes and shiver. For the first time he was allowed to fully enjoy her treatment without a minds alarming warnings, making it feel so much stronger and so much more seducing satisfactory than it had done earlier. His hands caressed the sides of her head, her soft fur brushing against and between his fingers. He gently turned his head towards her and kissed her soft lips with a slow passionate push. It all still felt quite unusual, but no longer in a negative or bad way, but more in an exciting and inviting way. And he loved it with every bit of his heart.

Her treating tongue and lips took a short pause when she softly giggled and in a declaring way whispered "I knew I'd get you here" and gently licked his ear again. "And as for who I am; I'm Mary. And I'll be staying here, so trust me, I'll show you my way." she whispered and then had her tongue gently run downwards again, softly touching his neck. He didn't reply this time, but rather had her continue work wonders with her soft lips and tongue. Not before long, the attention of her playful licking and nibbling was on the cotton piece of fabric he was wearing. He looked at her with a smile and quickly got out of it, offering her warm tongue full access to his upper body. With her head somewhat bent down he was able to reach and caress her ears and the part of her mane between them. He felt her warm tongue slowly run over his stomach and chest, sliding up and down, replacing the mixture of his sweat and the moist of the humid air with traces of saliva. He looked at her and noticed that she had her eyes closed as he felt a certain part of him start to react to her treatment; he found it easy and natural to let his arousal come forward now that the complaining and rejecting part of his mind had gone silent. Her treating tongue and lips moved closer to his waist as he slowly ran his hands up and down over her ears and cheeks in a soft and caressing manner. She then opened her eyes, and with a smile on her lips raised her head a little and said "And your trousers..?", hiding the question whether he was ready or not to move forward within that short line.

He didn't know what she had planned for, but he loved being the passive part in their act, which only felt natural since it was her who had opened the entrance to this new world for him. He smiled back at her and moved one of his hands away from her to unbutton his shorts, letting them drop to the ground, quickly followed by his underwear. As he kicked the pieces of clothing away, his sandals made them company. Feeling slightly nervous, he then looked at her again as he presented himself in full display in front of her. He wasn't able to meet her eyes this time as she had already leaned in and placed a wet kiss on his stomach, and had closed her eyes in doing so. Her tongue soon made her lips company, presenting him with long wet licks, starting just below his waist and lasting up to his chest, gently tickling his nipples as her licks broke. His member was already erected from her teasing, and after a few more licks she shifted her attention and lowered her head further. He placed his hand back on her cheek, and together with the other hand slowly started to stroke and nurse her softly. As he looked down he saw her slowly part her lips in front of his member, and then her tongue gently arched forward. Then he felt it. A soft and wet warmth tenderly touch and press against his organ, slowly moving upwards in a very slow and long lick; the tickling texture of her tongue offering a most enjoyable and wonderful massage on his erected member. He closed his eyes as she repeated the slow treatment on him, his hands now just gently held against her head, right underneath her ears. After a short while he felt her tongue run a little lower, touching him underneath his ballsack and then gently guiding his tool into her maw. He felt her warm breath wash over it, and he opened his eyes just in time to see those black lips of hers fold around the base of the stiffened rod. The soft and warm embrace she had on him was then combined with her tongue slowly treating and running around his manhood inside her wet maw. He leaned his head backwards and closed his eyes again, starting to breath more heavily as his heart was beating faster from her treatment. She opened her maw shortly every now and then to treat him with a few sets of longer licks, before having her wet lips fold around his member again, applying a strong and intensely wondrous suction on him with her tongue treating from the inside as she did, teasing the tip of his tool. With a smile forming on his lips he moaned silently in pleasure, not knowing for how much longer he would last. Her soft and wet lips holding a firm grip around the base of his rod felt almost as if they had been made for this very purpose. He suddenly felt the mental reward starting to build up strong in combination with the familiar spasmic contractions start to form in his ballsack just seconds before he had to bite his lip not to scream in ecstasy. With his pole buried deep in between her treating lips, her tongue folded around it, he came harder than he had ever done before! He couldn't help but to press against her, throbbing his member gently but firmly inwards as he released jet after jet into her warm deep maw. She obviously felt him come, and made no secret out of that she didn't mind him coming in her maw; her tongue quickly changed the pattern of treatment on him to make sure none of his release ended up outside. For a few moments he felt like he lost track of space and time, he opened his eyes while still holding his head leaned backwards, but his view seemed to blur and shortly blacken out as he started to come down from his intense orgasm. His legs seemed to fail him, all shaken up as he came down, he had to take a step backwards not to fall over, and as he did, she willingly released her fold around his member with a smile. He fainted and managed to regain balance by leaning at one of the poles holding the roof in place. He breathed heavily and started to smile too, looking at her. "Wow.. Mary.. that was.. wow.." he managed to say before he had to focus on breathing again, being completely exhausted. "That was wow?" She asked after swallowing demonstrating a last time, maintaining that smile on her lips as she did. "Well.. I do have a certain taste.. For your kind. As you may find out. In this 'realm' of mine" She said with a clear emphasize on the word he had used earlier, and giggled softly. She took a step towards him and leaned her maw close to his ear again and then whispered "You taste good.."

He felt a strange erotic sensation when she whispered those words to him, but it only added to the comfort and excitement of having her around, to show him and guide him in all those thrilling pleasures that his mind until today had been unaware of or dismissing as uninteresting. It had been so long ago since he last had engaged in any sexual activity at all, and now, here he was, with what both mentally and physically felt like the most inviting and arousing being he could ever had imagined. That it was a horse was in its own way a bit ironic, but from now on he saw the logic in that fact too. He had always felt something strong for horses, a mental or spiritual connection of some sort. Now that he gave it a short moments consideration it all made sense, why he was in the occupation he was in to begin with, and his way of keeping a comfortable distance towards other people, including women. There had of course been women showing him interest over the years, it wasn't like there was a lack of them in his line of business, but still, only once had he managed to develop feelings strong enough for him to act on them. And still, those feelings were by no means as overwhelming and sweet as the ones he felt now. There had to be some meaning behind this, he reasoned, it couldn't have been completely random that someone with his history met someone like Mary. He had never really believed in fate, but it all just seemed to perfect and felt too right. But then again, no matter if it was destiny at work or not, he figured, he still got to taste the sweet and intoxicating fruit of it all. And no matter if he failed to see a possible true meaning, Mary still seemed to have a certain understanding in what was going on, and that was enough for him; he knew she would do what was best suited for him, and if there was a destiny for him, it was her.

He turned his head towards hers as she held it firmly against him, and kissed her. She had just taken him to seventh heaven and beyond, so a feeling that he owed her something in return started to make itself apparent, and the image of her delicious behind that had been haunting his mind only an hour or two earlier in the shower was suddenly back in his mind. It couldn't have picked a better moment to return, as he soon heard her sweet voice again. "Now.. You were in the middle of something when you suddenly had to leave yesterday..?" She whispered silently and added a hinting lick on his ear before she started to manoeuvre around. She caught his eye as she did, he was still standing by that pole, and she didn't let her eye drop from his until she was fully turned around, her hindparts in his direction. "Perhaps returning a favour?" She then asked as she broke the ocular connection between the two of them, but only to turn her head to the other side and once more meet his eye. He looked back at her, smiled, and felt a certain tingle return as he straightened himself up and leaned away from the pole towards her. "Good boy.." she said as she straightened up her neck and directed her head forward, and in doing so breaking eye contact again. He looked at that delicious rump of hers again, and this time he didn't have to use his hands to see her most feminine features; gently she leaned her tail to the side, exposing both her black slit as well as her tailhole.

It felt like there was a warm stream of pleasure running through his body as he looked at her, and as he gently leaned closer he could almost feel the warmth coming from her promised land on his face. He could see that she was already a little moist as he inhaled her scent, which added to the already strong sensations. Gently he placed his hands on her well shaped brown furry rump, one hand on each side of the furless black slit in the middle. He caressed her cheeks softly as he slowly leaned in. He felt the pressure and excitement build up inside of him, making his previously treated rod start to react again, and then, softly, he kissed her. She shivered gently the second his lips met hers, letting him know she liked it. He parted his lips while they were still touching her and then allowed his tongue to finally explore her. A salty and a bit sour but still very rewarding taste met his tongue as he ran it up and down her slit, gently applying some pressure onto the act after a short while. Her lips gently parted in front of him as he treated her, and he could hear her starting to breathe heavier, long deep inhales and exhales as he allowed his tongue to explore the pink soft tissue between her black lips. He kissed her again and again, his hands now closer to her slit, caressing her and gently pulling her lips apart a little further, fully exposing her entrance and clitoris in doing so. He could feel her pushing against him, and he wasn't late to reply; he licked his lips, replacing her salty taste with saliva, and then started to slowly kiss and lick her thumb-sized clit. He felt a deep urge to get closer to her, making him push his whole face against her, accepting her berry between his lips while massaging it with his tongue. Her warm moisture covered most of his face when his hands gradually started to take over the pleasuring work his lips and tongue had until now been occupied with. He felt his drive starting to run strong again, boosted by her taste and warmth combined with the strong devotion and love he felt for her. He withdrew his head and allowed the fingers of his right hand to gently keep massaging her wet warm folds while his left hand kept caressing and softly pulling her left cheek to the side. While licking his lips a second time he evaluated the sight in front of him and listened to her deep breaths and occasional moans, a combination that spawned a craving to add something more to please her. His eyes slowly climbed an inch or two upwards from her wet slit to take a rest at the black rose just underneath her tail. He smiled to himself and slowly leaned his head forward again while slowly adding pressure to the index- and middle finger of his right hand. When he felt his fingers softly slide into her warm vagina he formed his lips to a kiss and allowed it to slowly land right onto the middle of her tailhole. His actions instantly spawned a reaction from her as he felt short but strong shivers run through her, resulting in another deep moan as well as a soft constriction presented on his fingers inside her warmth. He parted his lips and had his tongue eagerly explore the black and furless rosebud beneath her tail, allowing it to run in circles back and forth around the centre, having the gutsy taste from it spread on his instrument of exploration while his fingers kept treating her sex.

Her private parts made no secret out of that he was welcome inside her; her moans combined with his fingers easily sinking deeper into her tightness as if guided inwards exposed that fact. His entire hand would have to follow soon if he pushed further, but instead it was his tongue that pushed and penetrated her now, rewarding him with another hint of what she felt like inside; Warmth, softness.. Belonging.. Safety.. His mind was racing with impressions, and before he was able to push his fingers, hand or tongue deeper into her he suddenly heard her lovely voice "Jason.. You could use the tub next to us to get in position.." He swallowed hard as he instantly understood what she wanted. And so, in less than three seconds he managed to locate and pull the old wooden barrel sawed in half in the back of the box into position behind her hind legs. The barrel was normally used to contain corn as a complement to hay, but as he eagerly climbed it a new purpose was presented onto it. Once he found a foothold his left hand was back on her left cheek, and his right hand folded around the base of his manhood. He looked down, she still held her tail to the side, and only a few inches remained between the tip of his now again fully swollen member and the exposed gluttonous entrance between her black folds.

He focused to regain a manageable pattern of breathing in the middle of his extreme arousal before moving his hips forward. He shivered as the distance between them got shorter and shorter, and for the last few centimetres he seemed to move in slow motion, and then finally, he felt her warmth on the tip of him. She shivered too when he slowly ran his member up and down between her wet lips, but the urge he had to enter her was too strong to allow such acts, so after only a few seconds of sliding up and down he softly pushed further. He felt her lips fold further around him, guiding him slightly downwards before suddenly allowing him further in. He moaned eagerly as he felt the soft warmth slowly engulf more and more of his member. He gently released the grip he had around himself with his right hand as he sank deeper, and just a moment later he was all in, her wet canal warming his member from all sides, and even though she was a rather large mammal compared to him, she still felt somewhat tight. He stood still for a short moment and just savoured the moment, his ballsack resting against her clit, her tailhole pressed against his pubic area and the beginning of her tail tickling at his tummy. He then took a deep breath and slowly pulled back while looking down, watching her black lips slide against his now wet member, almost as if they worked to keep him in. He stopped halfway out, closed his eyes and leaned his head back, and then with a groan thrusted back into her warmth. He heard Mary breathe deeper again, and every now and then he felt her shiver, making her vagina ripple around his member, spawning deep euphoric spasms of pleasure throughout his whole body. He bit his lip as he thrusted back and forth, speeding up the pace but still keeping it gentle. As his ballsack bounced on her clit again and again, he soon felt another release slowly start to build up. He slowed down again, but the act seemed doomed to only last for a little while longer unless he pulled out completely, and that seemed impossible even to imagine. As his orgasm started to build up he noticed this desire inside himself, a will to come deeper inside her, to truly get to feel her life and mind fold around his own essence. The desire spawned a feeling very much like the fleshly arousal he felt for her, but in the few seconds he was given to evaluate this sudden and strange desire he knew instantly it was not only a physical desire, but much more a spiritual and mental such. Then he wasn't given more time to consider anything but the mind-numbing pleasure that assaulted his body and mind in full force as his member started to strongly pulsate deep inside her. He arched his hips forward and made sure he was buried deep inside her when the first waves of orgasm ran through his body, resulting in strong jets emerging from his member deep into her for him otherwise unreachable interiors. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over him, each somewhat weaker than the one before. He had to lean onto her while keeping his hips pressed against her to be able to keep balance in the overwhelming state of mind he was in. He arched his head back and groaned loud as the last waves of pleasure possessed his body before ebbing out. He unintentionally relaxed and had to focus to keep breathing, but once more he felt like he was fainting. He quickly took a step down from the barrel he was on, feeling the cold air forcing itself onto his member as he slid out of her, but then his legs failed him. Back in what felt like slow motion, he fell backwards, and just in time was able to move his arms backwards to dampen the fall. He felt the hay on the underside of his legs and his rump as well as against the open palms of his hands, and then his vision blurred out and turned black.

When he came back to senses he noticed he was horizontal on his back in the hay. Slowly he opened his eyes and declared to himself that he must have passed out at least for some ten seconds or so as he saw Mary's smiling face towering above him. He smiled back to her; he wasn't surprised to find himself on his back in the hay, never before had he felt something so intense and emotionally assaulting happen to him. It had probably been too much of an effort for his mind and body to fully grasp the moment. He remained in this position as Mary slowly lowered her head and started to lick at him in a comforting way. He smiled and reached his right hand out to caress her cheek, enjoying the warm and soft feel of her tongue on his body. After a few strokes she stopped and looked down at him as if making sure he was back and fully aware, and a smile emerged again on her lips before she said:

"You licked my bum." and giggled softly, maintaining the smile on her lips. Jason kept caressing her cheek for a short while before saying "Yeah.. It seemed like a good idea at the moment.." and smiled. She giggled again, licked softly at his chin, and said "I'm not complaining, just didn't expect it. It was cute of you. Felt good!" He remained on his back and allowed her to continue lick at him, her tongue slowly working his body over, replacing drips of sweat on his skin with a thin layer of saliva. Jason closed his eyes and said "I'd do it again.. If it pleases you", but Mary was too busy licking at him to answer. His body felt drained on energy from their acts. He had no clue about how long he had been in the barn with her, but the air had gone somewhat cooler, outside he could hear the wind start to gain strength, and in the distant the rumbling noises from a thunderstorm could be heard. Without opening his eyes, he slowly said "Seems like a storm is building up outside". Mary replied with a "Mmhmm" quickly as she was still busy running her tongue on him. However, just a short moment later she allowed herself to pause long enough to say "So you better stay in here with me then." and then continued her treatments, now down by his belly section.

/* */

Mary kept running her tongue up and down his slim belly section. His taste was really rewarding, making her maw water and her belly groan silently. Shortly she raised her head and looked at him laying there in the hay; Exhausted, breathing, his eyes still closed and a soft cute smile on his lips. She smiled to herself while thinking of him behind her, his tongue exploring certain parts of her, and then having him mate with her. It had felt more intense than she had expected it to. But it had also gotten clear what she would need to get any more satisfaction out of him than she had been presented with so far. In fact, her desire had only gotten stronger from their acts. She wanted more, she had his taste in her maw, and her midsection was already getting warmer in preparation. A comfortable tingling feeling had been growing inside her since her tongue had first touched his skin. Mary smiled to herself, she knew very well what would settle that tingle and desire inside her, even if she had earlier been playing with the idea to be able to hold onto that till much later, perhaps forever. She knew now that she could not; she had done a severe underestimation when even allowing that thought into her mind. No matter how special and good he could make her feel from the outside, and no matter were he placed his tongue, there was only one sole act that could meet her demands and complete the act of love between the two of them for her. She smiled to herself and lowered her head again, satisfied with her newly won determination.

Once in range, she parted her lips and ran her tongue over his chest and belly again, savouring his taste, hints of salt and heat spreading over her tongue as she did. She heard Jason grunt silently in an approving manner as she kissed him over his pubic area. Teasingly, she slowly ran her tongue over his shaft, not at all as hard anymore now in the calm aftermath of their previous lovemaking. The taste from their joining was all over his sex and the area around it, spawning a notable increase in the produce of saliva in her maw. His rod reacted from her treating, but it didn't go as hard as it had done earlier. On the contrary, Jason himself reacted in a more distinguish manner as he opened his eyes and raised his upper body lightly, supporting his weight on his elbows against the hay underneath him. She stopped licking and met his eye again, and gently added a smile. He smiled in reply and asked "Trying to get me in shape for another round?" But she just smiled in return at first, and then said "No, not really hun'.. I'm just tasting you!" She then closed her eyes and licked across his pubic area once more, and then slowly ran her tongue down along his inner left thigh. His skin was somewhat cold from the surrounding air, but still moist and smooth to the touch, almost like silk. Not completely unexpected, she felt an urge to warm him and make him comfortable. Though in her own special way, deep inside of her.

"And I still taste as good now as you mentioned earlier?" He asked as she had just moved her kissing lips and exploring tongue to his other thigh. She briefly stopped her treatment again and giggled. She raised her head slightly and looked at him, into his eyes.

"Your taste is very.. promising.. Yes, that could probably best describe it.. Why?" She asked and gave him a playful look.

"Well, You have mentioned my taste.. What is it, two times? Three times now? " He said, and again, she just smiled at him. "Have I? Hmm.. Yes.. I have.." She then added shortly in a confirming manner, taking a step towards his head, making her end up in a position were she was standing over him, one front hoof on each side of his upper legs, making her bent down head be in level with his midsection again. He manoeuvred himself a little to be able to fully support the weight of his upper body on his left arm so that he could reach out his right arm towards her. He smiled at her and gently ran his index finger along her lips, tickling her. "Bad thing I'm not snack sized then." He said and giggled.

Mary giggled lightly in reply as she was taken somewhat by surprise when he said that. Here she had just started the search for openings in their conversation were she could put in synonymous enough expressions to have the subject sink in as natural and tender in the conceptual part of his mind as she wanted it to, and instead he suddenly offered a fully open window of opportunity for her to have the subject brought up! She slowly took a step further up, ending up with her front hoofs next to the lower part of his chest, and leaned her head downwards towards his face and gently licked at his ear, very slowly, and then said in an almost whispering tone "Mm don't You think?" and licked at him again. His right hand, still attached to her chin area, slowly moved upwards to caress her left cheek as he got down into a fully horizontal position again. "I could have you snuggle up deep inside me.." She said and gave him another teasing lick over his cheek and ear. "Warm, soft and comfortable.. Not like down there, on your back in the harsh hay, nothing but cold air against your skin.."

She heard him give o low pitched "mmm.." in reply while she spoke, and then noticed him place his left hand on her right cheek, so that he was now caressing her with both his hands. She raised her head slowly, not wanting to risk interrupting the tenderly and comfortable pattern in witch his hand was caressing her cheeks. He was looking up at her, the expression on his face and in his smile hinted about a mind in complete comfort and joy. "When you put it that way.. Mary.. That sounds strangely erotic.. All curled up and held inside your tummy, caressed from all sides.. Not a concern in the world but to fully be with you.." He said while having his hands slowly travel down to the area around her maw, where both his index fingers gently traced and caressed her soft black lips.

"Mm Jason.. I might be wrong here, but it almost sounds like you really want it. I thought we were just sweet talking.. But.. Maybe we weren't..?" She said and slowly parted her lips briefly and lowered her maw downwards over his fingers and hands. Ever so gently she then folded her lips around them, having her tongue guide them an inch or two inwards, making sure to soak them in saliva and then lower her tongue to offer him a feel of how roomy she could make her maw if she wanted to. She then opened her maw and released his hands. He didn't withdraw them right away, but instead slowly caressed her tongue gently in a motion pushing them deeper into her maw at first, and then outwards. She didn't close her maw right away when he had his hands fully withdrawn, but instead offered him a short view into her deep and hungry maw before allowing her upper and lower lip to make contact with each other again. She carefully looked at him, and soon enough, he met her eyes. They were both smiling it seemed. "I think you wouldn't hesitate one second to replace the forage in this barn with yourself, now would you?" She asked and yawned in front of him in a demonstrating manner again, before allowing her yaws to quickly fall back together as if pretending to take a bite, and then having that cute and familiar smile form on her lips again. And again, before leaving him enough time to say something, she filled in "How cute of you! Mm, I bet you would enjoy it too, to be all curled up in my soft tummy, surrounded by my warmth, life and love!" and then leaned in and playfully nibbled at his cheek before giving him a quick kiss.

/* */

Jason carefully listened to her every word and loved the scenario she painted in his mind. And the feeling that had been running through him while holding his hands deep inside her maw, that had been something out of this world! This too was something completely new, never before had he felt aroused from picturing himself inside a warm and dark stomach. Never before had he even been thinking about something like that. Yet, here he was underneath her, looking at her round tummy section and trying to imagine. She was right, right now he felt so turned on by the idea that he probably wouldn't hesitated even a tenth of a second to have her send him down the hatch. He looked back up at her, and when he met her eyes he blushed. He placed his right hand on her left front leg next to him and caressed her gently while saying "This feels kind of awkward, it almost leaves me embarrassed, but.. The thought is really inviting, I have to admit that.. I'm quite.. shocked.." He giggled softly, blushed even more and drew a breath before continuing "It's really erotic, to imagine myself.. In you.. Like that, but it's completely illogical! I mean.." He paused again, trying to put more words on his feelings, how he found it weird to crave something he knew common sense should tell him to avoid. But then again, common sense seemed to have parted ways with him already, and so far that parting had been nothing but rewarding.

"Why illogical?" She suddenly asked, pulling him out from his frantic evaluating of feelings. "To me it sounds like a good idea to do something that would feel good" She declaratively filled in. He couldn't argue with her on that, and he didn't want to either. Besides, there was no point in trying to reach a settlement here, he was after all not snack sized. But he liked pretending he was. "Mm I know, but.. You wouldn't have me around anymore afterwards.." he tried with to keep the conversation on the track, to see where she would go from there. But she just smiled again and leaned in for another lick, and said "Silly! I'd have you forever! And you would be with me forever! What we have now could end tomorrow for all we know.."

He swallowed hard, he hadn't even once considered the possibility of the two of them parting sometime in the future. That idea made him feel real uncomfortable, even more so than yesterdays actions had made him feel, before she had enlightened him. "Don't say like that" he said and removed his hand from her front leg. "I'd do whatever it would take to keep us from parting!"

She giggled in that cute manner again, leaned her head down to his right ear, and whispered "Even.. Let me swallow you?" and playfully licked at his ear. He noticed his member start to stiffen again. "Well Mary, now it sounds like you too would want me snack sized.." He said and then paused shortly while looking at her. "Wouldn't you?"

Her head was still next to his, her maw right next to his wet ear. "Perhaps I wouldn't mind.." she said in teasing manner and kissed his ear. "Perhaps?" he replied quickly while her lips were still pressed against his ear. He felt a mental tension build up inside him, an exciting and most erotic tension spawned from his mind building up certain scenarios on what she could possible have in mind, where she would take the conversation, and what would be the result of this all. When she opened her maw and drew a breath, he closed his eyes and smiled, getting ready to soak up her words, hoping she would indeed take the conversation where he wanted it to go.

"Perhaps.. I wouldn't mind you in your current size.. Jason.. And to be honest.. Yes, the most erotic thing I could imagine, the most intense pleasure you could ever give me.. Would be just that, you inside me.." She tenderly licked at his ear again, and then in a most seductive manner whispered to him "To have you gently slide into me, peacefully coming to rest inside me, accepting me to take care of you, and turning us into one. To guarantee me eternal lovemaking with you, to know.. We will never part." She raised her head slightly and placed her lips on his. He kept his eyes closed and moved both his hands towards her, placing one on each of her cheeks, caressing her as they both parted their lips and had their tongues softly meet up and lick at each other. Her moist and warm breath filled his nose and lungs, offering a hint of what she would smell like on the inside. The idea was really haunting him, he had never felt such arousal before, such deep and devoted passion! When their kiss finally broke, he opened his eyes and looked into hers again. "That was... The most beautiful thing anyone has ever told me" he admitted and took a few breaths, trying to calm down and not seem too eager, to regain some sort of focus on their conversation.

"So.. If it was possible, you would actually want to do it?" She asked and seemed to lock her eyes on him, as if ruling out any possibility of not noticing his reply.

"Mary.. Can you do it? Swallow me? I mean, For real? Because at this point, I can't lie, I would let you do it. " He said in a most determined manner.

She didn't reply. She just seductively smiled at him, and he didn't really know what to make of that smile. Was she holding back on something? His heart started to beat faster when he actually started to consider it a possibility. He kept looking into her deep, dark and beautiful eyes. "Are you sure?" She suddenly asked. He turned his head and looked towards the entrance to the barn. Yes, the door was still open. She would not end up locked inside. He turned his head back towards her. She was still looking at him. "I won't resist." He said in an as confirming and inviting manner as he could. Her smile grew wider, and her dark eyes burned with desire and hunger.

Slowly she lowered her head and kissed him again, and then her lips parted. As her yawn got wider and wider, his eyes travelled inwards as fast as light would reveal more and more of her cavernous inside. Her pink saliva coated tongue, her white rows of teeth, the tenderly fluted pattern on her palate; it was all greeting him, awakening strong desires deep inside him, motioning for him to come inside. When the faintest of light finally exposed the back of her maw, the opening to her throat stole his full attention from everything else in his line of sight. He looked at that muscular opening, undulating slowly back and forth as she breathed, and thereby every now and then exposing the dark beyond. She kept yawning in front of him, as if waiting for him to confirm his determination. He savoured the sight in front of him as nervousness and expectation started to blend with his arousal and desire. "Is she really capable of..?" he thought to himself as he slowly moved his hands downwards from her cheeks towards her wide open maw. He ran his index fingers along her lower lip, slowly tracing it from the left and right towards the middle until his fingers met. While looking deep into her maw, he then started to move his hands inwards.

With an increasing rate of his heartbeat, he had his fingers shortly meet with her lower front teeth before having his hands venturing forth into the warmth. He then came to a short rest on her tongue, pushing the palms of his hands softly against the slippery surface, slowly moving them back and forth, like he had done earlier, but unlike last time he soon moved them further inside instead of withdrawing them. He traced her tongue inwards with his hands until he had his arms fully stretched out into her maw, his hands by the base of her tongue and his fingertips right next to that undulating opening, bathed in her warm breath. He struggled to reach further inside, but was unable to due to being completely on his back beneath her, and had nowhere to find support to reach deeper into her. Mary must have noticed this as she suddenly, but ever so gently, bit down on his arms to have a temporary grip on him before she carefully elevated her head and thereby pulling him up to a more sitting position beneath her. He willingly assisted her in doing so, and just as he looked up into her maw again, she released her soft bite on his arms and yawned even wider. He felt her warm and moist breath all around his face as she then lowered her head again, having her stretched lips to easily allow his head into her maw to join his arms inside. He felt the euphoric arousal rapidly increase while seeing her lower front row of teeth without efforts slowly travel downwards in front of his eyes, allowing even the width of his shoulders into her maw. He leaned his head back just in time to see that promising opening to her throat stop undulating and gently expand as it started to accept his hands and lower arms in. Then everything got dark as she relaxed her jaws and folded her lips around him, just beneath his ribcage.

He could hardly believe she already had almost half of him inside her maw, the pure realisation of it felt like falling in love a thousand times over! The sounds of the outside world had been replaced with her internal sounds, the sloshing and murmuring sound that seemed to come from deep inside her as she was savouring and tasting him. He could even hear her draw a few deep breaths with her nose. He was however offered little time to reflect on her sounds and capabilities as he suddenly felt a strong force presented onto his fingers in her throat. Gently but firmly they were pushed together and pulled deeper as she had started to lower her head again, making swallowing contractions around him. The smooth walls of her throat soon got to prove themselves slippery and elastic enough to handle more demanding things than his hands as he felt the distinguished muscular movement of her oesophagus slowly treat more and more of him, guiding him towards the destination she had in store for him. When he felt the soft pressure start to claim his head, he drew a deep breath of the humid air in her maw, and then closed his eyes.

Accompanied by the content sounds of a mare savouring her treat, he felt his head accepted into her throat, gently followed by his shoulders and chest, as she pushed her head downwards in a goal-oriented manner, until he felt her lips folded around his rear and pubic area, spanning over his waist. She came to a stall here as he was still sitting butt naked on the hay covered floor, preventing her from taking more of him into her maw without bending her head in an impossible angle and scraping her snout onto the cold cemented floor. She made a short disapproving sound before gently pushing her jaws together and once more elevated her head until he could pull his legs towards himself and get a footing in the hay with the lower half of him in a somewhat crouching position. By pushing his feet against the floor once she relaxed her jaws and yawned again he could now offer an effort to assist her in her process of devouring him. He instantly felt himself slowly slide deeper into her throat as he did, and in a cooperating manner Mary reached her tongue out and folded it in between his legs, over his erected member and ballsack, and pulled on him. With what seemed like little effort she worked her lips past his hips, and soon he felt her soft warmth embrace his thighs as well. Before he managed to fully straighten his legs out however, she again locked him in position by pushing her molars against his form, and once more her demanding throat was temporary halted just as it had accepted his chest section fully.

As Mary gently raised her head and neck upwards in a slow and balancing manner, Jason remarked to himself that he didn't suffer from holding his breath just yet, but he really started to hope he would be able to breathe once in her belly. Her throat was working and pulling at him in a motional manner that reminded of the mechanics of an accordion, but without getting him further down due to her molars still being lightly pressed against him. But once he felt her holding him in a somewhat upside down position, she slowly yawned again and thereby allowed her throat to do its work clear of obstacles. The slippery but muscular tube quickly expanded in front of him, and after only a few seconds of sinking deeper, his fingers and hands suddenly was pushed against a steadier and muscular knot like feature deep inside her. He knew very well what it was he felt against his hands, and when he noticed her finally working his lower legs and feet all inside her warm maw, he in a most aroused state of mind mentally declared to himself "She's actually managing it! This is really happening!" He felt her lips close behind his feet as the cold outside air got replaced with her warm saliva and her treating tongue, and then with a full relaxation of her maw and neck muscles, her throat firmly and steadily pulled him down in a long swallowing movement. The knot that was pressed against his hands quickly expanded and revealed the entrance into her stomach, willingly allowing him entrance. Jason felt the opening accept his fingers, hands and then his arms into the cavity of her belly at the same time as her tongue gently pushed the last of him down her stretched throat.

Jason was finally able to breathe when the throat of the mare pushed more and more of him inside her stomach, and as the hot damp air inside Mary was presented to his face, he drew a deep breath. He filled his lounges as the entrance to her stomach quickly travelled over his chest and hips, and once his arms and face got pressed against the opposite end of the expanding and squishy inside of Mary, her throat deposited the rest of him inside, pushing his frame into a squeezed together position. Once sealed inside his upper body got tilted downwards as the belly of the mare started to accommodated its inhabitant, making his head submerge face down in a the warm gooey fluid that filled the lower part of his new permanent home.

He wriggled around and struggled to position himself on his back, and with quite an effort he was soon exhaling and drawing a second deep breath. First now he noticed the almost assaulting scent inside Mary; it wasn't necessarily a bad smell, it reminded of her breath, but much stronger, and the air inside her was very hot and very moist, probably just next to breathable. But he didn't complain, not at all, on the contrary, he couldn't help but to smile in amazement as the stomach closed in on him and secured him in place. "My god!" he thought to himself. "I'm really inside Mary, I'm in the stomach of my lover!" and the thought of it was so much more arousing, so much more importunate now that he was staring into the pitch black darkness of her insides, breathing the scent-filled moist air, feeling the cramped, hot and wet environment handle his form from every direction. He relaxed and closed his eyes, allowing himself to just fully savour this most intimate way to love Mary, taking in every impression offered and allowing her to share her physical and mental perceptional sphere with him, her very essence, and in return offering her his everything. He soon remarked how very hot it was inside her, something he found quite obvious as he thought about it; his skin was naturally several degrees cooler than the inside of a mare. Besides, it only added to the pleasure, a pleasure that was growing more and more intense the longer he enjoyed the overwhelming environment inside her. He smiled again and allowed her stomach to further close in on him, bathing him in the goo, making his entire world feel squishy and hot. "You really did it..." he said silently without really considering whether Mary could hear him or not. "You swallowed me."

/* */

Mary smiled triumphing as she felt her aching throat go back to its normal condition, locking her lover inside and thereby securing her the continuation of the already started pleasure. She licked her lips a few times and savoured the taste he had left in her maw, he had been a rather large prey, and her throat would probably feel sore for another day or two, but it would definitely be worth it. The euphorically rewarding feelings had started even before she had folded her lips around him, and had then only gained in strength throughout the entire process of getting him down her throat and into her hungry belly. She turned her head and looked at her stretched belly, contently observing it slowly bulge and shiver as her prey, obviously still aware, slowly started to calm down enough to learn how Mary preferred to love. She was glad that he seemed to enjoy it, and still fancied the idea of being her meal, but from now on it was all about him entertaining her pleasures.

She turned her head and looked at the entrance. She needed a place were she didn't risk being disturbed while taking care of her prey, a place were she could savour him for a long time and then allow herself a well deserved long rest. This barn certainly was no such place, and besides, it was probably not a good thing for her to be seen in the middle of a second disappearance in the area. Gently she tried her legs and slowly walked towards the door, careful not to cause too much swaying and rocking on her sensitive stomach as she did. The stretch from having a lover in her belly was really challenging enough on its own just standing still, but she needed to walk. She exited the barn in a slow pace, making sure she didn't bump into the doorframe. The air outside was cool and it was a bit windy, but other than that the condition was fine. No storm, no rain, no thunder to steal from her ability to fully enjoy the delight inside her, only the darkness of the night and faint hints of a full moon hiding behind the clouds. "This indeed proved to be rewarding" she declared to herself as she left the ranch behind her, slowly walking towards a horizon decorated with trees not too far away. There she would allow herself to fully savour the rewards from digesting Jason, turning him into her. She would rest, sleep and gather strength. She would honour him by allowing his body to entertain her for as long as possible before fully digested and ready for deposition. Then she would raise her tail for him one last time.

/* */

Jason was on his back inside her stomach, his legs folded and held against his chest, supported in place by the soft but strong grip the stomach had on him. He gently ran his hand against the wall right next to his face above him, feeling the smooth fleshy texture against the palm of his hand. He moved his hand in a caressing manner, almost as if trying to secure Mary on that he was fine and thankful. He had been offered full comfort and a content understanding in that he had finally found love again after all those lonely years on his farm. He had found a permanent belonging and purpose, and the fact that this was in the belly of a lovely mare that had easily seduced him suited him just fine, a horse whisperer as he was.

While the mare increased the distance between the two of them and Jason's former home, the rhythmic sound of her hooves against the ground combined with the warm embrace her stomach held him in, slowly made him drift out of awareness and rocked into a never ending sleep inside his lover, forever honouring her.

The last things he felt were an increasing warmth, hints of stinging and a loss of the ability to feel or move his limbs, but in his heart he felt love. A love stronger than he had ever thought possible, divine love, confirming love, a love that guaranteed that no matter what the coming days would hold, it was right. He was willingly hers.

The End.