Sara's Story - Chapter 4

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#4 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 1: Past

Chapter 4 - Hello, and Fare Thee Well, My Little One

© 2003 Nameless

I wake up and open my eyes. It is just starting to get light outside. Then I carefully turn my head a little and look at my master, who is still sleeping. He is a big and strong wolfhound, with black fur that is starting to turn grey in a few spots. After some time I close my eyes again and wait for him to wake.

Some time later he wakes up and we look at each other. Then he pulls the sheets away and commands "Wake me up." I get up on my knees and lick him until he is hard, then I turn around and straddle him. As I ride him, he paws my breasts, several times he pulls my head down so that he can nibble at my throat. I try not to show how afraid I am, and do my best to pretend to enjoy his attention. He has not hurt me yet, but he could rip out my throat with just one jerk of his jaws. He spurts his load into me, then he rolls us around so that he sits on top of me. He nibbles and licks at my face and breasts for a while, then he gets up.

I kneel on the bed while he gets ready for the day. When he is finished, he fondles me a bit more then he commands "Get yourself ready, then report to the house mistress." With that he leaves. I get up and prepare myself, then I head toward the kitchen.

After a quick breakfast I am taken to a workshop, where I am fitted with a muzzle. It is a wire mesh with heavy cloth sewn to it. It is tied to my head with a complicated knot. I could remove it quite easily, but I could not hide it afterwards. With this in place I can talk but I cannot eat or drink anything. Then I am taken to the yard, where several other slaves, who are similarly muzzled, wait. A large dog and a black feline stand guard over us. They are armed with a musket and a sword and each leads a ferocious looking feral dog. As we wait, the dogs sniff us to get our scent.

After a little while a middle aged red squirrel, apparently the overseer, comes. He is armed with a pistol and a curved sword. Each of the eight slaves in the group is given a backpack and a basket, then we are tied into a loose coffle, with about two yards of rope between each other. As we walk, the squirrel tells us that we are to harvest the nuts from a groove somewhere nearby. "While you are there, some of you will be out of sight of the guards sometimes. Don't try to run away, the dogs have your scent and there is no fur nearby who would help you. Unless you want to end up there, that is!" and he points at a small hillock where several small wooden crosses can be seen. I shiver a little.

After about half an hour we reach the groove, stop at a small clearing and the coffle is broken up. The squirrel pulls out a whistle and blows it. "When I blow this once, pick up your things and come back here. If I or one of the guards blows it repeatedly, drop everything and run in the direction of the whistle." I and a cat femme are told to climb the trees and shake the nuts out of the branches so that the others can gather them from the floor. It feels good to be able to climb again, but it is exhausting. Unfortunately I am not allowed to eat any of the nuts. Sometime around noon I hear the whistle, climb down from the tree and head toward the clearing.

The squirrel removes my muzzle guard and hands me a small lunch pack. He motions me to sit on his lap and gently fondles me as I eat. The guards also pick slaves to entertain them. When I have finished eating, the overseer looks at the filled baskets and says "You are doing well, so far. Keep up the good work, girls." He hands out small morsels, a bit of sausage for the carnivores, I get a small pawful of nuts.

"Thank you, Master." I say and quickly eat them.

Then we are muzzled again and sent back to work.

The sun is nearing the horizon when we are summoned back to the clearing. The nuts we have collected are filled into the backpacks and baskets which we have to carry. By time we are back at the Greathouse, it is nearly dark and I am exhausted. I eat, then I am sent to take a quick bath in a tub of hot water. I feel much better after the bath. Two other slaves help me dry my fur. It is still a bit damp when I am sent to my master's room.

He is already sitting in his chair, sipping some strong drink. He commands "Strip!" and points at the rug in front of him. I take off my smock, then I kneel on the rug. He commands "Continue your story."

"Yes, Master."

"You may look at me."

I look up at him, although I would prefer not having to.

# # #

One day in late April a traveling merchant, a brown bear stopped for the night at the inn. He had a raccoon femme slave with him. I served his food and after he had eaten, he talked with the innkeeper for about an hour and sold him some of his wares. As part of the deal he also exchanged me for the raccoon femme. Then he took me to his room and I had to serve his pleasure.

The next morning after breakfast we were off. I was allowed to wear a short smock and to ride in his wagon. He was a gentle master. As long as I did my work dutifully and pleased him when the mood struck him, he did not beat me. We traveled from town to village, buying and selling his wares. I also had to perform for his customers. He would often throw in my services to sweeten a deal.

On a late September day we came to a large farm. He did a lot business with them. They were short on slaves and the owner offered a good price for me, so I was sold as well.

# # #

I was stripped and gagged, then I had to work in the stables for the rest of the day, clearing away manure and feeding the animals. It was nearly dark when I was fed, then I was put into an empty stall in the cowshed. My paws were bound behind my back and a leather cord tied my nose ring to a bolt in the wall. It was barely long enough for me to lie down on the straw. I spent the next two weeks like that, working and sleeping in the stables. All that time I was never allowed to clean myself.

Then I was taken from the stable. I was given a long bath. The lynx femme who bathed me and brushed my fur had her tongue cut off. Then she took me to the kitchen. The head cook pointed at her and told me "Don't talk unless you are spoken to. And if you have any complaints, tell her, she will pass them on to me. Is that clear?"

I bowed my head submissively, shivered and answered "Yes, Master."

I spent the rest of the winter working in the kitchen. I also had to serve the pleasure of the guards or sometimes the male slaves. Every small mistake was punished severely.

I had been working in the Kitchen for about a week, when I dropped a stack of platters and broke most of them. The cook sent one of the other slaves to fetch a couple of guards. When they arrived, he grinned at me and said "Take her to the balcony." I started shivering in fear when I realized what they would do to me.

My paws were bound behind my back. Then I was dragged out of the house. I had to walk across the yard behind the house where the slaves were assembled regularly, so that the master could address them and punish some of us in front of all the others. The balcony was a wooden platform with three gallows that stood at the far end of the yard. I was walked past it to a small groove of trees. One of the guards opened a wooden trap door set in the ground there. The stench that assaulted my nostrils was horrible. I was forced to look in. Inside were the rotting corpses of several furs, crawling with maggots. I recognized one of them as a slave that had been standing on the balcony for three days about a week ago. On the fourth day when we assembled in the yard, he hung motionless from the noose. One of the guards jabbed his sword in the dead slave's belly to make sure he was dead. Then he was cut down and two other slaves carried him away. At the sight I threw up. When I had finished heaving, they closed the trap door and marched me to the balcony.

I was gagged without being allowed to rinse my mouth. Then I had to stand under one of the gallows. A hole was cut into the floor there, I had to stand with my legs on either side of it and they put manacles on my feet. A chain tied my collar to a metal ring in front of the hole. It was too short for me to stand fully upright. The tied the tip of my tail to the manacle on my left leg and tied my paws to my tail. I could either stand with my knees bent or with my back hunched and my paws pulling painfully on my tail. Then they put the noose around my neck. One of the guards asked me "Do you want to know how long you will have to stand here?"

I nodded.

"I don't know. It's up to the cook to decide. Maybe only an hour, maybe a couple of days. Have fun!" Then he pulled out a padded hood that he put on my head and tied shut. It was uncomfortably tight and they had not bothered to smooth my ears down, they hurt. I could only breathe through my nose, I was blindfolded and could barely hear what happened around me. Then they left me. The air was quite cool that day. Not cold enough that I would freeze but very unpleasant. It seemed like I stood there forever. My legs and my back started hurting soon.

I was released after maybe an hour or so. My legs trembled from exhaustion. The guards dragged me back to the kitchen and released me. I fell at the feet of the cook then I dragged myself up into a kneeling position and looked at the cook. He looked at me "Slut, I am still angry with you!"

I looked at him, bowed my head and said "Please, let me try to make it up to you, Master." Then I crawled to him on my knees and sniffed his crotch. Fighting down the bile in my mouth, I looked up at him and licked my lips.

He looked at me for some time, then he laughed and tussled my headfur "I love the way you think, my little horny slut." Then he dropped his trousers and I started licking. When I was finished, he fetched a small whip that he hooked to my collar "You will carry this with you today and tomorrow. And anyfur who feels like it can use it on you." He pointed at a table "Now get back to work." I scrambled to obey. The whip go plenty of use that day and the next.

# # #

Sometime in December some fur got me with child again. When my cycle was really late in January, I finally screwed up the courage to try to tell the cook. "Master?"

He looked at me "Yes, slave what do you want?"

"I have to tell you something, Master."

He pointed at the floor.

I quickly knelt and looked at his feet "I think I am with child, Master."

"Why do you think so?"

"My cycle is late. Three weeks late, Master."

"Get back to work." and he turned around and walked away.

I got up and turned back to the onions I had been cutting up.

They stopped giving me Kasher nuts. I still had to work the whole day, but when my pregnancy became readily apparent, I was only given work that I could do in my condition. Most of the time I was in the kitchen. I was also allowed to use the outhouse whenever I needed to. In the last several weeks, I only had to use my mouth to serve the pleasure of my masters. Sometimes one of them would even help me stand up afterwards.

My eyes start burning as I think about these events.

My daughter was born in the middle of August. She was so beautiful. A mixed breed, probably from a fox, but she was so beautiful. I named her Mary. After her birth I was allowed to recover from the ordeal for rest of the day. The next day I carried her in a sling as I worked in the kitchen.

I am weeping now, my muzzle is drenched and I have to struggle to force out the words.

The next day after I had suckled her at breakfast, the two guards and the slave master came to me. He commanded "Give it to me."

I looked at him helplessly, then I held her out to him.

He took her, then he commanded "Kneel."

Sobbing I obeyed.

They walked away and left me there, kneeling on the floor. I never saw my daughter again.

I am weeping helplessly and tremble with anger and pain, I can not go on speaking.

After some time my master gets up, then he tosses me a handkerchief "Here."

I barely manage an understandable "Thank you, Master." then I blow my nose and use it to dry my eyes.

He allows me to recover for a few minutes more, then he commands "Go on."

A few days later I tried to ask the cook what had happened to my daughter.


He looked at me, then he asked "You want to know what happened to your brat, Slave?"

"Yes, Master."

He pointed at the mute lynx femme and said "Ask her."

Then I knew that I would not get an answer and that he was angry with me. I dropped to my knees and begged "Please forgive me, Master." I sniffed his crotch and pleaded "Please let me make it up to you, Master."

He laughed at me "Hmmm, maybe I won't punish you very harshly."

# # #

About two weeks later I served the pleasure of the owner of the farm. He was a rather young fox. I spent the whole night in his bed with him and he seemed rather pleased with my efforts.

In the morning I asked him "Master?"

"Yes, little slave?"

"May I ask you something, Master?"

"Go ahead."

"I had a daughter, Master. May I know what happened to her, Master?"

He looked at me, suddenly angry, then he pointed at the floor "Kneel." Shivering in fear, I obeyed. He picked up a riding crop and used it on my back for several minutes. I whimpered then screamed in pain, he stopped just before I passed out. Then he want about his morning business. When he was finished he called two guards "Take her to the balcony." And he took my muzzle in his paw, looked me in the eyes and said, grinning widely "Tonight, my little slave, we will have a lot of fun together." My knees went weak with fear and I would have fallen, had the guards not held me.

As I tell this, I see that this is exciting to my master. His pants are bulging noticeably now. My muzzle fur fluffs in embarrassment. I would really prefer to look down at the floor.

They dragged me to the balcony. I was tied up in a similar manner as before. Except that this time they used a ring gag. From time to time somebody would come by and beat me with a whip until I screamed in pain. I was hungry and thirsty, my mouth was completely dry. I don't know how I managed to stay upright the whole day, my legs burned and trembled from exhaustion. Near dusk I was released. They had to carry me to the master's room, where I had to kneel and await his pleasure.

He came in perhaps an hour later, picked up a whip and used it on me. Then he stood in front of me, dropped his pants and commanded "Suck!" It was not easy, my mouth was so dry because I had not been given anything to drink for a whole day. When I had licked him clean he picked up a slender sword and sat down in a comfortable chair. I had to crawl there and kneel in front of him.

He commanded "Look at me." I had to look at his face. Grinning widely and showing a lot of teeth, he ran the tip of his sword through my fur, nicking and cutting me several times. I could feel blood trickle down my fur. When he smelled my fear he laughed and said "You have a most lovely smell, my little slave." Then he commanded "Open your muzzle." When I did, he put the tip of the sword in my mouth and slowly slid it in until the tip rested against the back of my throat. I could taste my own blood from a cut in my tongue. "Keep your muzzle open. If your upper jaw touches the sword, I'll push it all the way in." I had to kneel there like this for several long minutes, crying silent tears of fear and doing my best to remain motionless. Occasionally he moved the sword a little, nicking my mouth.

He removed the sword from my muzzle and stood up, then I had to kneel in front of a table. He put the sword into my mouth again and rested it on the table. Then crouched behind me and began exploring my body. He was rough and pinched me and used a needle to poke my most sensitive spots. I had to remain motionless as best as I could. The sword cut my muzzle and tongue repeatedly.

Then he commanded "Get up on all four! You may bite down on the sword while you shift your position." I got up on all four, I had to tilt my head up very far. He checked my muzzle to make sure I did not bite down on the sword, then he commanded "Spread your legs further and touch your tail to your head. And keep that position." Then he began exploring my body. After some time he told me "I'm going to beat your ass a little." My ass burned as he used the riding crop on it. I did my best to keep motionless, but I still cut my tongue again and again. Later he fucked me, first my cunt, after a pause my tailhole. Then he removed the sword from my muzzle, commanded me to kneel and lick him clean.

My master's pants are bulging, even straining the seams. He commands "Stop!", opens his belt buckle and pulls his pants down. Then he looks at me expectantly.

I lean forward and start licking him. Very soon he starts spurting into my mouth. Then I lick him clean and sit back on my feet.

He commands "Go on." without bothering to close his pants.

"Yes, Master." I say, my muzzle is burning brightly.

He took care of his needs. Then he tied my paws behind my back and my feet to my thighs so that I could hardly move a muscle. Then he inserted the sword into my muzzle again and rested it against the table, but at such a steep angle, that I had to bite down hard to keep it from sliding all the way in and cut the back of my throat. He tussled my headfur, licked my ear and told me "Good night, my lovely slave." Then he went to bed. I had to kneel there all night without sleeping at all.

The next morning he called for another slave and had his fun with her before he removed the sword from my muzzle. He stood in front of me, wearing only his fur and asked me "Are you thirsty, slave?"

I could barely croak out a "Yes, Master."

He grinned at me and said "You can have some lemonade."

I shuddered at the thought but I knew might not get anything to drink if I refused "Please, Master." and opened my muzzle wide.

When he was finished, he called for the cook. He told him "Work her hard this week and make her wear the whip. I will personally see to her feeding, she is not to be given anything else. And I'm sure you can find somebody to entertain her in the night. Let her rest the night before Sunday. She is to spend Sunday on the balcony, then send her to me in the evening. Hmmm, and shave her a little." I shuddered, then I had to follow the cook back to the kitchen.

# # #

My master says "Enough for today. Let's get ready for bed."

I get up and follow him to his bedroom. We take care of our needs, then he has his fun with me before we fall asleep.

End of Chapter 4