Forbidden Chapter 13

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Forbidden Chapter 13 -- What If Someone Saw?

Jasyn tapped his foot on the tile and swished his tail slowly. Behind the bench he was sitting on, a fountain spouted water in the center of a busy mall.

It was a Saturday in April, and a month earlier, this wolf's life had been irrevocably changed...albeit for the better. His best friend had revealed feelings Jasyn had never expected, and stirred something in the wolf he had never considered.

A month ago, he was a straight, 17-year-old wolf, proud that he'd managed to not yet get anyone pregnant, but then came spring break of his Junior year. And now he was waiting by the mall fountain for his boyfriend.

Alex emerged from the crowd, the fur on his paws still damp from washing up in the restroom, and approached the wolf meekly, "Where to?"

"Mm-mm." Jasyn shook his head and patted the bench beside him, "Take a seat."

"Hmm?" Alex sat down on the bench beside his wolf.

"What's up? You've been really quiet..."

"Sorry..." Alex muttered, looking down at the floor, "It's the same as usual. I just can't get this whole thing with my brother off my mind..."

Jasyn tilted his head, "But this is supposed to be a fun day. Is there anything I can do to get your mind off of it?"

"I don't know..." The fox shook his head, "My parents said...that if it goes to trial, I'll have testify, Jasyn. I just don't think I'm ready for that."

Jasyn placed an arm over Alex's shoulder, "It'll be okay. You'll never have to worry about it again, once it's over...and it'll all be over soon."

"I know it will...but...but what about you?"

Jasyn tilted his head, "What about me?"

"My brother...I'm sure he and the defense will try...try to confuse things by bringing up the fact that I'm gay. And now that me and you-" Alex stopped dead in his sentence and looked around, remembering that people could hear him here. "I could ruin you...both of us."

Jasyn chuckled lightly and ruffled Alex's head fur, "Come on Al, I can handle myself. Besides, who would believe that a butch wolf like me would or whatever I am? And they have no proof other than me about you, either. As long as we don't tell anyone, know, make a show out of it, we'll be fine."

"But people already know." Alex looked up at the wolf, begging for reassurance.

"Matt and your parents?" Jasyn laughed, "And they're going to say anything?"

"No...I guess not."

"Look, I'm not saying this will all be easy." Jasyn rubbed the fox's back, "But everything will be better for it...I promise."

"Even if he gets off?" Alex wringed his paws, "Everyone's being really's really just my word against his."

"That, and him basically confessing to your folks." Jasyn chuckled, getting a smile out of his fox, "But, yes...even if he gets off. Remember what the cops told you. No matter what, you will have exposed him...accused him...and even if the law can't pin him down, he'll never escape this."

Alex nodded lightly, "With mom and dad, at least..."

"Exactly." Jasyn smiled wide, "No matter what, he will never have the hold or the influence on you that he did. Everyone's on your side...and all he's got is his public defender."

"I hope you're right..." Alex instinctively leaned against the wolf for a moment, like he had so often in private for the past month, but then quickly caught himself and jerked away. "Sorry."

"No need!" Jasyn pulled him back in for a quick, single armed hug.

Alex smiled as he leaned away again, "So...let's just go distract ourselves, okay?"

Jasyn smiled and stood up, offering Alex a paw, "You wanna get something to eat?"

"Yeah...that'd be nice." The fox took the paw.

Jasyn smiled, "Alright then!" He pulled Alex off the bench and to and up the nearby stairs, to avoid the crowd at the escalator.

Alone near the bottom of those stairs, a raccoon only a year or two younger than Alex & Jasyn watched the fox and wolf, paw in paw, run up the stairs and into the food court. The raccoon's tail swished about behind him, as he watched. No friends or family nearby, and having nowhere else to be, the curious little coon followed them up the stairs.

Jasyn smiled back at Alex, still dragging him along, and then looked back ahead, at a reasturant nestled in near the food court, "Hey! Is Chili's okay with you?"

"Chili's is just fine!" Alex smiled, wondering how long Jasyn would be holding his paw.

Jasyn walked in, only then letting go as they were met by the young tigress host. He gave her their preferences, a non-smoking booth, walked with her to the table, and gave her a "Thanks" after they sat.

Alex smiled across the table at Jasyn, "It's been too long since I've been able to just go out and have fun. Or...well...I guess spring break wasn't that long ago...but it seems like it. Thanks for this Jasyn. I'm sorry that you're having to pay for everything."

Jasyn tilted his head and smiled, "Hey, don't worry about it. We needed this!"

The young coon, still in hot pursuit, had followed them to Chili's. He didn't have the money to follow them in, though, and took up a table in the food court instead, simply watching them as their drinks came and they placed their orders.

Jasyn sat back and sipped lightly on his coke, "So..."

Alex sipped at his own, "I'm sorry if I'm not being talkative enough Jasyn. I'm just not used to...y'know...having a boyfriend? And I haven't had a whole lot of chance to get used to it. We've had, like, a month...but with everything else that's been going on..."

Jasyn smiled, "It's okay, Alex. If it makes you more comfortable, just don't think of it that way, just act like you would have if we had done this back in February."

"'s not so easy, but I'll try." Alex looked at his drink for a second then looked back up, "Oh! I do have one more question though, and I promise that after this, I'll work harder to keep our...relationship...quiet."

"Okay." Jasyn nodded and twirled the straw in his drink.

"When...when do you think we can be more open? When do you think we could have our first date?"

Jasyn chuckled and looked around, "I thought this was our first date..."

"Oh." Alex smiled shyly, "But...y'know...we're still trying to keep it on the down low..."

Jasyn grunted and laughed, "Down low?"

"" The fox narrowed his eyes, "Point is: we can't be too obvious about know, hugs, little kisses, that type of thing..."

Jasyn smiled and leaned in, pressing his nose against Alex's and quickly pulling away, "We'll see."

Just outside of Chili's, in the food court, the coon watched on as Jasyn leaned in. Just as he was doing so, though, a family of bears walked by blocked the raccoon's view, making him completely miss what happened.

"Damn it..." He grumbled to himself and got up to get a drink, but kept watching them.

Alex looked around nervously, "Jasyn, what if someone saw that?"

Jasyn smiled at the fox, leaning on his elbows, "What if someone did? I'm not looking to...uhm... come out, but I'm damn sure not going to hide in fear of it. It happens, I'll deal."

"Even if it gets back to your parents?"

Jasyn shrugged, "Yours already know. Mine'll have to eventually."

Alex chuckled, "This whole thing has changed you quite a bit..." He took another drink, "You hardly seem like the same person. You're just as sweet as ever...but still..."

Jasyn chuckled along with him, "Changed in a good way?"

"No: just changed. You weren't in need of improvement, hun." Alex smiled across at him.

"Hun?" The wolf raised an eyebrow.

Alex's ears flattened, "Sorry. You don't like it?"

"'s not that." Jasyn rubbed his chin, "I just...I think that's the first time either of us have used name, or that."

"Is it?"

Jasyn nodded, "I think so."

"Does it work?" The fox tilted his head, one ear perked up, "Or should we go with something else?"

"Well, you've got...Hun...Honey...Baby...Babe?" Jasyn counted on his fingers, "Think, out of those, I like hun best."

"What about love?"

Jasyn shook his head, "Sounds too British."

"I like the British." Alex shrugged.

Jasyn smiled, "Well then, love it is. Congrats on your new term of endearment, love."

The fox blushed, "B-but what about you? I need something to call you."

"Hun and sweetheart are nice standards..."

Alex thought for a second, and then hesitated with a smile, "Beautiful?"

"Sounds a little sappy..."

The fox's ears flattened again, "Sorry."

"No." Jasyn smiled wide, "I like it. You really think I'm beautiful?"

"You have to ask?"

The coon was too far away to make out what they were saying, but tried his best to read their lips. It got him no where, though. He continued watching them, getting mixed and incomplete signals the whole the meal came, through all of their eating and little small talk, and a paid bill. And by the time they walked out of Chili's, he still had no idea if his instincts about them were right or not.

"So, what now?"

Alex slyly brushed his paw across Jasyn's in response, hoping he'd hold it, "Where ever you want."

Jasyn glanced at his fox, and slowly laced his fingers with Alex's, "Come with me..."

The wolf looked around and pulled Alex along with him, dodging people along the way, and taking the fox into Sears, as the still unnoticed young raccoon did his best to keep up.

The coon moved across the walkway, throwing his drink away and trying to figure out if they were holding hands, or if the wolf was just dragging the fox along.

"Damn crowded mall..." The raccoon followed along quickly, just hoping he didn't run into his parents along the way.

Alex stumbled behind Jasyn, through Sears, "What are we in here for?"

Ignoring the question, Jasyn scanned the store as he dragged Alex deep inside until he finally found a place where no one was shopping. The raccoon saw them disappear into the back of Sears and began winding his way through the store to figure out where they went.

Finally in place, Jasyn pulled Alex around, hidden behind a shelf, and pressed their chests together, looking into his fox's eyes, " were asking about kissing in public, eh love?"

Alex smiled up at his wolf and blushed, nuzzling his nose in silence.

The coon had no idea where to look, but found them soon enough. Almost tiptoeing, he stealthily sneaked close enough to get a good look, while still making sure the two couldn't see him. And there, barely in view, the two were hiding, chest to chest and nose to nose.

Alex nuzzled Jasyn more and smiled, feeling safe in his wolf's arms and believing that there was no one around to see them, "So...beautiful?" He smiled, feeling the wolf's breath on his lips, "Are you just gonna' stare at me? Not that I'm complaining about the view but-"

Jasyn cut Alex off, mid word, licking the fox's nose pad softly, causing his eyes to flutter closed. In silence, the wolf brought his muzzle together with Alex's still parted lips, as both of their heads tilted, tongues intertwined. Alex melted into the wolf's arms, his own paws on Jasyn's hip and letting his boyfriend lead, like always.

The little coon's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

Jasyn pulled the fox firmly against, deepening the kiss and pulling the fox onto his toes as one of Alex's paws reached high, holding tight onto the back of the wolf's head. Alex murred, suckling to draw Jasyn's tongue farther into his muzzle, but, worried about them going farther than a kiss, the wolf pulled back, gently sucking on Alex's lower lip as he did.

As their eyes opened, Alex breathed out over Jasyn's muzzle, "I love you Jasyn..."

Not twenty feet away from them, the shocked little raccoon cooed, "Awww-" But he caught himself and clasped his hands over his mouth.

Jasyn ears perked up and he quickly backed away from the fox as he scanned the area, "Whoa..."

Alex turned in the direction of the noise, and pointed for Jasyn to see, as he began to blush so much it almost showed through his already red fur.

The wide eyed raccoon only stumbled back up, not moving his hands from his mouth.

Jasyn's face changed, a growl rising in his throat as his brow pinched together in a glare at the raccoon. In a burst, he ran forward, and grabbed the younger fur's shirt, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

The raccoon dropped his hands and looked like he was nearly going to cry at the screaming. He shook and leaned against the clothes rack behind him, but didn't say anything.

Alex's own embarrassment washed away, and he ran over, grabbing onto Jasyn's arm to defend the raccoon, "Jasyn!"

Jasyn glared back at Alex then at the raccoon, again, "What the fuck are you doing, kid!?"

"I'm..." The coon turned his head and recoiled, as if he was scared he was going to get hit, "I-I-I'm! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I didn't-didn't...don't be mad! Please?"

Jasyn shook the smaller fur, "I thought that there was someone following us, earlier! What have you been doing?"

"I'm sorry..." The coon stumbled back and sat on the floor as Jasyn finally let go of his shirt, "I just had to know. I...I...please don't be angry." He hung his head, tears forming in his eyes, not being able to handle being yelled at, "I'm so sorry..."

"Jasyn, stop it. What's wrong with you?" Alex put a paw on Jasyn's shoulder, "He's at least two years younger than us. I'm not even sure if he goes to the high school..."

Jasyn didn't even look back at Alex, "So? The little fucker was following us..."

"I'm sorry..." The coon held up a paw, as the first of his tears dampened the fur under his eyes, not knowing what to expect of the large wolf.

"Jasyn!" Alex barked.

Jasyn looked away from the coon, to calm down a bit, and then looked back, quieter but with no change in tone, "Tell me why were you following us, you little brat."

"Damn-it Jasyn! You're scaring the crap out of him! Back off!" Alex moved in between the two of them, looking Jasyn in the eye for a moment before turning to look down at the raccoon, "Hey...hey, relax. Who are you? How old are you?"

"Hmph!" Jasyn crossed his arms and looked away.

The coon looked between the wolf and the fox for a moment and merely curled his knees to his chest, "I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean anything by it...why-why is he so mad?"

Alex petted the side of the coon's muzzle and looked him in the eye, "Please answer us..."

The raccoon looked away, "My name is Luke. I...I don't go to the high school with you. I'm j-just fourteen. I'm in the eighth grade. I...I won't tell anyone. I swear! I don't even know anyone to tell."

"Why were you following us?" Alex's paw moved to Luke's shoulder, but 8th grader just looked down and kept silent.

Jasyn glared down at the coon, "Well!?"

Luke recoiled, "I didn't do anything wrong! Why are you so mad at me!?"

"Yeah, Jasyn. What the hell?" Alex looked back and up at his friend, "This isn't like you."

"I don't like kids. Or people that follow me."

"Kids?" Alex raised an eyebrow, "He's only three years younger than you."

"I..." Luke sniffled and stammered, "I really didn't mean anything by it...I swear."

After a long pause, Alex looked back at the raccoon, "Don't worry about Jasyn, Luke. He's just really worried about anyone finding out about us. It could be bad for us."

Jasyn sighed, "Worse for you than me, Alex..."

"Yeah..." Alex looked down for a moment, then back at the raccoon, "Just, please? Tell us why you were following us."

Luke looked up at Jasyn, "I'm really sorry...I didn't mean anything by it." Then he looked back at Alex, "I...I just wanted to know. I'm sorry. I saw you two together downstairs, and I watched you at Chili's. I just...I just wanted to know if you were"

Jasyn's fur stood on end, and he turned around, looking at some clothes that he obviously didn't care about.

"What does it matter to you if we are?" Alex smiled slightly, trying to keep the kid happier.

Luke's lip quivered though, as tears more tears began to well up, "I don't want him mad at me. Please make him stop being so mad. I just...I just I don't know anyone else that's gay. I was kind of...I was hoping I could make some new friends. I'm sorry I did it like this. I was just too scared to try and talk to you. I didn't...I was dumb. I'm sorry."

Jasyn flattened his ears and sighed, his back to the kid.

Alex stayed quiet for a moment, hoping Jasyn would say something, but wolf only muttered to himself, so Alex had to speak up again, "Luke? You're gay?"

Luke nodded.

Jasyn winced and turned back around to look at them, "Come on, Alex. We don't have to take care of this kid."

Alex looked back, at first, to snap at the wolf, but saw a look on his face -- concern and remorse -- and smiled instead. "That's not really how you feel. Come on...he's just lonely. Nothing wrong with wanting friends." Alex turned back and patted the kid on the head, "And as inappropriate as what he did was, I think it was cute!"

Luke looked between the two of them again, " was?"

Jasyn shivered and glanced back at the kid in response, and Luke looked up at Jasyn with flattened ears and a half smile. The wolf sighed and whimpered at the kid's expression, and took a step forward, offering him a paw.

Timidly, Luke reached forward and took it, pulling himself to his feet.

"Sorry..." Jasyn grumbled, avoiding eye contact as Alex stood up too.

The fox smiled, "He'll come along, Luke. He can't be mean to you forever if you're friends with me..."

Luke smiled a little more at Jasyn, hoping he would come around, and then looked back at Alex, "We're friends?"

Jasyn huffed and scratched his head fur, muttering under his breath, "Great. Another little...friend."

Alex blinked and turned to look at Jasyn, "And what was that supposed to mean?"

Jasyn just sighed, "Never mind..."

"No. No I won't just 'never mind.' What DO you mean? You meant like Sirrus. You don't think I'm going to do something with Luke, do you?"

Jasyn just looked down, scratching his ears again.

"My God, Jasyn. I would never do something like that to you, after everything you did for me. Jasyn, you changed who you were -- WHAT you were -- for me." Alex put a paw on Jasyn's muzzle when he tried to look away, "I would never do something to hurt you like that! You're all I want...all I've ever wanted! And I don't care if the raccoon behind us, or anyone else for that matter, knows that." Alex smiled softly, in a way that he knew the wolf couldn't resist, "Please, beautiful? He just wants friends..."

Jasyn felt himself blush at the pet-name, but couldn't help but smile, "R-right. Can we go now, Alex?"

Alex nodded, "Mind if I get his number first? It's horrible being alone. And having to hide everything and..."

Jasyn's last defenses broke and he put a paw on the fox's shoulder, "I get it, love. Just...can we just go back to your place after? I'm...kind of tired of all the eyes around here."

Only then did Alex realize how uncomfortable Jasyn had been with being so out in the open all day. Yet again, all this had been for the fox, "Of course." Alex leaned in and kissed Jasyn on the cheek, since only the coon was around to see it, "Thank you."

Jasyn lowered his ears and grumbled at the kiss as Alex turned away.

Luke already had his cell phone out, typing "Alex" into his contacts, and the fox just chuckled to himself as he stepped closer.


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Alexander Collin Moen and Lucas Joseph Trammel Cecil B. North as Jasyn Aiden Fuller *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

Well, look at that! We just jumped an entire month into the future of the story, AND introduced a new character! Say hi to Luke, everyone. So what'll happen next? Are Jasyn's fears right? Could Alex and Luke end up getting a bit too friendly with one another? And what about Jasyn? Why did he react so violently? Have we seen this side of him before? Could we again? Check in with Chapters 14 and beyond to find out!

Side Note: This is a bit of a milestone for the story. This is very the first chapter not to feature Matt Cameron in some capacity. Just thought I'd point that out.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for the next 43 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^