The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 5

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#5 of The Doctor's Daughter

The couple's car stopped in a parking garage a few blocks from the restaurant. Nathan and Brian locked it and headed up to Blu's, a large restaurant overlooking Hollywood. Brian threw an arm around Nathan, who pressed his body to Brian's dress shirt in response.

"You're going to love me even more now," Nathan began.

"How?" Brian asked.

"I got us a window table," Nathan replied.

"That might do it," Brian began, giving his coyote a kiss on the cheek.

Nathan smiled and broke away from the retriever. They were at the front double doors of the restaurant. The two walked through side by side, only breaking their positions when Nathan walked up to talk to the maitre-d.

"Reservations for two under Washington," He began.

The maitre-d, a fox, looked over the computer screen in his stand and nodded. The fox grabbed two menus and started off through the sea of tables and eating furs. They stopped in front of a huge bay window overlooking the city. The two lovers sat down and the fox opened up a notebook, with a pen at the ready. The table was small, perfect for two and had a basket of rolls.

"What kind of wine would you two like?" The fox asked.

Nathan gestured for Brian to order. The golden retriever paused, looked at the wine list in the menu, and replied, "We'll have the White Zinfandel, of good quality please."

"Ok," The fox began, "There will be another waiter shortly to take your food order."

The maitre-d turned and walked away with a smile. The golden retriever went to look out the window, gasping at the beautiful view. Nathan chuckled and just watched the enthusiasm of his lover, and was glad that he could do something for him after all that Brian had done for himself.

"What theater is the premiere at?" Brian asked.

"That new one that they just built," Nathan began, grabbing an ordinary roll from the basket, "I haven't had a roll from Blu's in ages."

The coyote took a bite of the bread. Nathan's eyes immediately closed, the dinner rolls appearance hiding the strong sweet flavor hidden inside of its doughy depths. The coyote swallowed and sighed.

"I think those rolls are better than sex," Nathan exclaimed.

"I guess that means I have to step it up," Brian began, "I can't get beat by a hunk of bread."

"Fine, you're both hunks," Nathan scoffed.

A younger lynx, who looked as if he was still in high school, walked to their table, the bottle of wine with two glasses in his paws. He set the glasses down and poured the two of them generous glasses. The lynx stood back, and took out a notebook.

"The soup for today is a shrimp bisque which is served with a basil tomato pasta salad," The lynx began, "And... the special is... um, please don't tell anyone I forgot the specials, I don't want to lose my job, they said if I did it again I'd be fired."

"It's fine," Nathan began, "I'll have the soup and salad."

"And I'll have the Sirloin steak, bloody, with a baked potato," Brian said, putting down the menu."

"Oh thank you guys so much," The lynx began, breathing a sigh of relief, "I'll be back shortly with the food."

The two smiled and nodded at the lynx, who hurriedly bustled away to the front, most likely to find out what the specials were. Nathan chuckled, swishing his wine glass around with an idle paw.

"What's so funny?" Brian asked.

"You made a bad wine choice if you're eating a steak," Nathan began, "Good choice of wine though, even though I took you for a heavier kind."

"Let me guess," Brian replied, "The wine goes perfectly with the food you ordered."

"Actually it does," Nathan said, taking a sip of the rose liquid.

"We should have toasted first," Brian began.

"Well fine," Nathan replied, holding up his glass, "To what then?"

"To ten more perfect years," Brian said, smiling at the coyote.

Nathan smiled back and clinked his glass against the golden retrievers. The pair took a good drink and set the glasses back down on the table. The coyote looked over at all of the other groups at the other tables in the restaurant. He smiled, glad that all of the people there could see what he was about to do.

"You know," Nathan began, "I got you something else."

"Really," Brian replied, "Now I have to go out and get you something. You're spoiling me Nathan."

"That may be so," Nathan said, handing the golden retriever an envelope, "The card didn't go with the gift at all just to let you know."

Brian opened up the envelope, casting the paper down on the table. Inside was a birthday card, on the cover of which was a bunny shuffling his feet. The card said.

Sorry I didn't bake you a cake

Brian chuckled and opened up the card. His eyes read over the text and he snorted, the snort turning into a hearty laugh. Heads were turning in the restaurant, and Nathan gave a happy laugh. Brian handed the card over to Nathan, proceeding now to open up the paper inside. The inside of the card read.

But I found a better use for the frosting

"Read that out loud now," Nathan began, "I think we all want to hear."

Brian cleared his throat and read the paper.

"Hello Brian, I just recently received a letter from your mate, which said that you were a huge fan of mine. He also told me that you were going to the premiere of my film "The Passion Murders. I will be filming another movie soon after and was hoping..."

Brian paused, his eyes widening before continuing.

"And was hoping that you would play a supporting role in that movie. Happy anniversary and I'll see you at the movie. Sincerely your friend Vic Erling."

Brian sat stock still, the paper dropping from his paws on to the floor. The patrons of the restaurant stood watching, waiting for the golden retriever's reaction. All of a sudden, Brian burst into a joyful laughter and jumped out of his seat, grabbing the coyote and embracing him as he passed. The crowd laughed and clapped at the display. Brian whispered into the coyote's ear.

"I love you, I can't believe you'd do that for me," Brian replied.

"I love you too," Nathan whispered back, then moved his head away from Brian's ears and called out to the crowd, "Let's give a round of applause for Hollywood's newest actor."

The couples sitting at the other tables applauded the golden retriever. Brian blushed under his fur and sat back down, followed by Nathan. The other furs there went back to their business, leaving the couple back in relative privacy. Brian took a big gulp of his wine, his blush slowly fading.

"You treat me way too good," Brian scoffed.

"You deserve every bit of it," Nathan began.

The lynx returned to the table, carrying the couple's food. He had a smile on his face and chuckled as he laid the food on the table. He stood back, and looked over the two.

"That was really cute back there," The waiter began, "You know, if I ever found a girl who treated me like that I'd be the happiest man in the world."

Nathan picked up his napkin and folded it on his lap. He grabbed a soup spoon and took a spoonful. He swallowed and looked up at the lynx.

"I hope you do find one," Nathan began, "You seem like a good guy."

"Well thank you for that," The waiter replied, "I'll let you two get back to your meal."

He turned and walked away. Brian had taken a bite of his steak and then drank a sip of wine. He grimaced and set his silverware down on the table.

"You were right," Brian said.

"About what?" Nathan asked, now starting in on his salad.

"The wine," Brian replied, "It tastes terrible with the steak."

"Then don't drink it," Nathan scoffed, "You don't need to be impaired when you meet you're idol."

"True," Brian began, starting to dig into his steak.

Nathan scoffed and finished off his meal, followed soon after by Brian. The two leaned back, full and satisfied. Since Brian's food was gone, he poured himself another glass of wine and checked his watch.

"So what time do we go to the premiere?" He asked.

"9," Nathan replied, "We have an hour and a half. Are you ready to go?"

"Sure," Brian said, "I'll get the check."

"No you wont," Nathan began, "I took you out on this date, so I'm paying."

"Not if I have the checkbook," Brian scoffed.

"Oh yeah," Nathan replied, "I have the credit card."

"It's on," Brian said, narrowing his eyes.

The waiter came back to the table and Brian extended the checkbook out to him. Nathan reached up and grabbed the booklet, placing it in his pocket. He brandished the credit card, and the lynx smiled knowingly.

"On your card sir," the lynx began, smiling at Brian and taking the credit card, "By the way, it sure was nice of you to hand that checkbook back to your man."

The lynx chuckled and walked away, handing the card to the maitre-d in a way that let Brian see it. Nathan chuckled much to Brian's disamusement.

"I'm going to get you back," Brian began.

"I really want to see what you do," Nathan replied, a smile growing on his face.

"With that coyote smile you just gave me, I might not have to get back at you," Brian retorted, "No revenge will be my revenge."

The lynx came back and handed Nathan the credit card. He nodded at the two and went off to another table. Nathan stood up, and went over to Brian's side of the table. The golden retriever looked up at the coyote.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked.

"Waiting for you to get up so I can walk my date out of this restaurant," Nathan replied.

Brian chuckled and got up from the table. Nathan chuckled and held out his arm. Brian narrowed his eyes and took the offered arm. The two walked out of Blu's, Brian holding onto Nathan's arm the whole way back to the car. Once there, Nathan separated from him and got into the driver's seat.

"Why am I letting you drive?" Brian asked.

"Because you are," Nathan began, "Now get in." Brian chuckled and ducked into the car. The pair drove off, Nathan going slow and checking out all of the sights. Brian chuckled at the coyote, his slack jawed gaze at the lights of Hollywood. The coyote turned his full gaze back to the road.

"So are you excited?" Nathan asked.

"I'm really nervous," Brian began, "I can't believe you did this."

"You!" Nathan exclaimed, "Nervous! That isn't possible."

Brian mock laughed.

"I am," He said, "What if he takes one look at me and I lose the role?"

"You'll be fine," Nathan replied, "You're so damn good looking that he'll make you the star."

"I can't just coast by on looks alone," Brian sighed.

"I hate to break it to you love," Nathan replied, "But you can."

"Fine," Brian said, "But what if he doesn't like me?"

"Brian," Nathan began, stopping at a red light and turning to look at Brian, "If anyone doesn't like you, they need to come to your office and get their head examined."

The stoplight turned green, and cars started to honk their horns behind the pair. Brian gestured at the light, but Nathan held his gaze.

"The lights green," Brian began.

"I know," Nathan replied.

"That means go," Brian said.

"I know," Nathan scoffed, "You think I just started driving yesterday."

The honking continued, and some of the more aggressive drivers drove by, holding up their middle fingers. There was still a car behind them, and the driver of that car yelled up at the pair.

"Move it you fucking idiots, the lights fucking green!"

Brian looked over at Nathan worriedly.

"Why aren't you going?" Brian asked.

"I want to hear you say," Nathan began, "That you will be cool, and show that Mr. Erling that you are as awesome and great as I know you are."

"Fine," Brian sighed, "I will be cool, and show Mr. Erling that I'm awesome and great. Can we go now?"

"Yes," Nathan said, "We're a block away now."

"I'm ready," Brian began.

The pair finally started to drive out of the stoplight. Nathan turned into the valet station of the theater. A fox in a red valet suit came to service the couple. Nathan threw the young fox the keys.

"Are you sure you're supposed to be here?" The valet asked.

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked.

"That car is a piece," The fox scoffed, "How could you even drive that?"

"Well then," Nathan replied, "Why don't you go park my car? Seeing as its such a piece I wouldn't be able to see if you crash into anything. So knock yourself out asshole."

The coyote walked past the valet, who turned to flip Nathan off. Brian gave the valet a threatening growl as he passed, the fox moving back from the golden retriever. Nathan was waiting by the doors for his husband. Brian gulped and opened the door, holding it for Nathan.

The theater had a black and white marble floor, with red carpeted stairs and balcony. It was packed with finely dressed furs, standing and talking amongst each other. Brian and Nathan looked out over the crowd, checking out the people that were there. Nathan saw Vic Erling first and pointed him out.

"Look who it is," Nathan began.

He looked back for Brian; only to find that he had ran off to the bathroom. Nathan chuckled and went in after him. The bathroom was huge, with huge spacious wooden stalls and a brown speckled countertop. Brian was standing over a sink, splashing water over his face.

"Oh shit, oh shit," He repeated to himself, splashing his face with each "shit".

"You know," Nathan began, "This is the nicest bathroom I've ever been in." "Nathan," Brian began, looking up at his husband, "I'm so nervous."

Before Nathan could speak, someone else entered the bathroom.

"You're Brian right?"


Haley was sitting on the couch at home, waiting for her boyfriend to come over. Her ears picked up at the sound of a car screeching to a halt in her driveway. They quickly lay flat, however, when she heard more cars stopping. She stood up and looked out the window, seeing her boyfriend lead a contingent of furs to her front door. He was at the door when she threw it open.

"I thought it was just going to be you," She began, glaring at Charlie.

"These guys needed a place to chill," He replied, "We'll be out long before your parents get back."

"Fine," Haley said, letting in the group of furs.

The group flooded past her, soon finding the sound system and the television. In no time at all, the huge group was either gathered around the TV or dancing to the music now blasting out of the speakers. Haley leaned against the wall, alone, her boyfriend busy socializing with the guests that he invited.

Unbeknownst to Haley, a wolf came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and gasped. He was huge, three heads taller than her with fur as black as the new moon. He leaned against the wall next to her, and paused.

"Yes," Haley began.

"Oh sorry," The black wolf began, "I'm Tyler."

"Haley," The coyote replied, extending a paw.

"I just wanted to say thanks for letting us come over here," Tyler began, "My cousin is probably not going to tell you that, so I figured I'd just speak for him."

"Oh," Haley said, "Thanks I guess."

The wolf looked over the crowd and pointed out the smiling face of Charlie. The other wolf was laughing and gesturing for Haley to come over.

"I think Charlie wants you," Tyler said. "I'd better go see what's up," Haley replied, "and nice meeting you."

The female coyote moved off of the wall and worked her way through the dancing furs to her boyfriend. Tyler smiled and said back.

"Nice meeting you too."

When Haley made it through the dance floor to Charlie, the wolf chuckled and got her in a hug. Haley could already tell that he had had a lot to drink, because he was off balance and smelled like the inside of a bottle of Jack. She wrinkled up her nose at the smell.

"Hey baby," Charlie slurred, "I heard this good song and wanted to dance, but it's done now."

"How much have you had to drink Charlie?" Haley asked.

"Only a little bit," Charlie replied, "Want to dance."

"I really think you should lie down," Haley began, "Come with me"

She began to lead the wolf through the dance floor and up the stairs. Charlie stumbled with nearly every step, prompting the coyote to help him walk. After two stories of walking Haley opened the door and allowed Charlie into her room. The wolf collapsed on her bed with a drunken smile.

"Never thought I'd get to see your room babe," Charlie began.

"Sad thing is you'll be too drunk to remember it," Haley scoffed.

Charlie scoffed and belched. Haley shook her head and sat down beside him. The wolf smiled up at her and began to rub over her clothed thigh. The coyote scoffed and moved his paw off of her. The wolf whined.

"Come on baby," Charlie began, "We've been going out for like a month; we can take our relationship to the next level."

"First off," Haley replied, her voice increasing in volume as she went on, "We have not been going out long enough to make me feel like I want to lose my virginity to you, and secondly you're a fucking drunk piece of shit that needs to crawl off like the worm you are until you're sober, no way in hell am I letting you take me, with you too drunk to make it special, you got that pig."

"Holy shit," A voice whispered outside, neither Haley nor Charlie realizing it.

Charlie's ears folded back against his head and he flinched back. Haley stayed standing up, glaring at the wolf. Once Charlie recovered from the outburst a smirk grew on his face and he chuckled.

"You know that I'm a better fucker when I'm drunk," Charlie began.

"No means no, Charlie," Haley spat.

"Come on babe," Charlie began, outstretching a paw to her, "At least cuddle with me."

Haley stood glaring at him for a moment more before laying down beside Charlie. The wolf promptly laid an arm around her and licked her cheek. His paws began to roam, and Haley growled threateningly. The wolf stopped and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"This isn't so bad is it?" Charlie asked.

"I guess not," Haley sighed, moving into Charlie's body.

"Can I try something?" Charlie asked.

"Does it involve sex?" Haley asked back.

"Uh...," Charlie began, "Yes."

"Then no," Haley replied.

"This will feel so good for you babe," Charlie said, getting up on his free arm, "Trust me."

"Last time you said that I got completely drunk and stoned and felt like shit," Haley spat, looking over at him now, "Why should I trust you?"

"Why are you so mad tonight?" Charlie asked, "You asked me to come over."

"I'm mad because you brought a bunch of alchies and stoners into my house," Haley replied, "I'm even madder because you got drunk and are trying to have sex with me."

Charlie paused and looked into Haley's eyes. The coyote was clearly mad, her breathing fast and the hair on her nape standing up. Charlie swallowed and said.

"I'm sorry for that, I really am, but I want you to feel what you've been missing out on. It doesn't hurt."

Haley looked away, sighing. She turned back, and looked into the wolf's eyes. At once she started to trust him again. She licked his nose and Charlie chuckled.

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"You'll see," Charlie began, moving his muzzle to hers.

The wolf kissed her, passionately moving his tongue into her muzzle. Haley gasped in surprise, and then closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling. They tongue wrestled for a couple of minutes, their still clothed bodies undulating against the other's. Charlie pulled away, Haley breathing out a moan.

"How was that Haley?" Charlie asked a sly grin on his face.

"Better than I thought it would be," Haley replied.

"Mind if I kiss somewhere else?" Charlie asked.

Haley nodded, and laid back, letting Charlie do what he wanted. The wolf gave her another kiss on the lips before beginning to pull up her shirt. He hadn't pulled it past her breasts yet when Haley put on paw on his and pushed it away. Charlie scoffed.

"I can't show you this if you don't lose the clothes," Charlie began.

Haley looked into his eyes, and saw only love and reassurance. She gave a final push with her paw, before bringing it back to the bed. She relaxed and let Charlie pull the shirt off over her head. The wolf gave a murr at the sight of her shirtless torso.

The coyote wasn't busty, but her breasts were perky and of a decent enough size. She was wearing a black bra, which Charlie quickly removed. Her belly fur and breasts were a light brown, almost cream colored. Charlie sighed and rubbed his head across her chest. Haley looked over at him with questioning eyes.

"Sorry," He said, "You just looked so soft."

"Umm," Haley began, "Ok."

There was a snigger outside, followed by a slap. Haley's ears perked up in response, only for her to forget about it as Charlie's tongue went to work. The wolf's tongue slid across Haley's breasts, back and forth at a tantalizing pace. Haley moaned out, the wolf's ministrations moving down her body. He paused at her bellybutton and kissed, slowly pulling off her pants.

"What are you doing?" Haley asked.

"Something you're going to love," Charlie replied, throwing the garment to the side.

Haley was wearing black pants, which Charlie quickly slid off onto the floor. The wolf moved his maw over the young coyote's virgin folds and breathed out onto them. Haley moaned at the feeling, prompting Charlie to chuckle and expel another breath of air onto them.

"You ready babe?" Charlie asked.

Haley nodded, the insides of her ears flushed. Charlie laughed again and began to lick over the young coyote's pussy, running his tongue in slow circles around it, Haley moaned, her paws clutching the sheets below her. Charlie's wolfen tongue began to probe into her canal, flicking at the tip of Haley's clitoris. Haley began to buck her hips up, forcing the wolf's tongue deeper into her.

This feeling of intense pleasure was unlike any she had ever experienced, not even in the masturbatory experiments she had conducted. She moaned out with each movement of the wolf's tongue, her nether region becoming moister and moister. She was now able to smell the sexual excitement of her boyfriend.

Her moans became more and more frequent as Charlie's oral treatment became more furtive. Haley couldn't stand anymore of this, and orgasmed with a long drawn out yowl. There was more scuffling outside, and another smacking noise. Charlie looked up at the coyote, his muzzle covered in her juices.

"How was that babe?" Charlie asked.

Haley panted, the only answer that Charlie needed.

"You taste good Haley," The wolf began, licking his lips and moving back up to Haley's pillow, "Why don't we keep going?"

"I don't know," Haley replied, "I wanted to wait for the perfect guy."

Charlie scoffed.

"And I'm not?"

"I didn't mean it like that," Haley began.

"There's only so many ways you can," Charlie replied.

"We haven't been together long enough Charlie," Haley whined, "Just wait for me."

"How long?" Charlie asked.

"Your birthday," Haley began, "June 3rd."

"That's like five months from now!" Charlie exclaimed. "If you love me you'll wait for me," Haley replied.

"Well would you at least repay the favor?" Charlie asked, gesturing down at a bulge in his pants.

"Charlie...," Haley began, "I don't know."

"How can you not know?" Charlie retorted, "It's simple, I did you, so you do me."

"I don't want to," Haley replied.

"Why not?" Charlie asked, getting agitated, "You can't just leave me out like that."

"Watch me," Haley said, getting up and putting her clothes back on, "I want you guys out of my house now."

"You can't tell me to leave," Charlie began, getting up angrily, "What kind of uppity bitch do you think you are?"

Haley looked back at Charlie in disbelief.

"Charlie, just go," She replied, moving up to hold his paw, "Just go home and sleep this off."

Charlie snarled and slapped Haley across the face. She gave a squeak of pain and crashed into her desk, knocking her out. There was a snarl from outside and Tyler came crashing through the door. Charlie got up drunkenly, swinging at the bigger wolf.

"Come on cousin," Charlie began, "What the fuck you going to do? Huh? You big overgrown pus-."

Tyler's heavy paw collided with Charlie's temple, knocking him to the floor. Tyler picked him up and threw him out into the hallway. The crowd of furs outside murmured and backed away from the prostrate body. Tyler snarled and turned on them.

"Take him and get the hell out, or you'll all be out like Charlie."

The group paused for a second, and scattered, a group of guys running out and dragging Charlie behind them. Tyler turned to face Haley, who was getting up slowly, blood seeping through her fingers. The black wolf knelt down beside her helping her up.

"Charlie?" Haley asked, eyes fluttering.

"No it's me, Tyler," Tyler replied, "You don't have anything to fear now." "Did Charlie?" Haley began, clutching her face.

Tyler slowly nodded, making Haley start to sob. Tyler gave her a hug, his paws skirting her still uncovered breasts. Haley sniffled again.

"Why are you still here though?" Haley asked, "I thought Chris was your cousin?"

"Well he's related by divorce," Tyler began, chuckling slightly, "But I figured I'd help you clean, no reason you should get in trouble."

Haley nodded, getting up clutching her head. Tyler promptly stood up beside her, taking her to the bathroom. Haley chuckled and patted his arm.

"Let me clean myself up," She began, "You get started on the house big guy."

Tyler nodded and walked downstairs, Haley looking over the lupine's defined ass inside his jeans. She murred and closed the door, looking over herself in the mirror. There was a bruise across her muzzle, as well as a crescent shaped cut above her left eye. She looked back towards the door.

"Charlie did hit me," She said to herself, "Maybe I should make some moves on Tyler."

She shrugged her shoulders, thinking about the idea of it as she began to clean herself up. A smile grew on her face, sure Charlie was a good guy sometimes, but he could be a real douche, especially when he was drunk or high. She laughed lightly, she was single and free again.