Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter IV

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#5 of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

So I wrote this chapter, because I was bored. It's a little longer than the others but I wanted to get everything in there. The next chapter will probably come out Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest. Don't really know if anyone reads any of this, but I do hope if people are that they like the story so far. All comments, criticism, and/or, suggestions are appreciated. Hope you all enjoy.

I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they are used so I could see that story or artwork). This is a work not by an author but by humanity as is everything man made.

Warning! The following content may be disturbing to some people. The following story will deal with Adult themes. If you find this Disturbing do not read. Warning!

Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Part I Chapter IV

"Hey, you awake"?

"Is he up yet"?

"Stijst how the fuck would I know"?

"Rsefab, Stijst be quiet I think he's waking up".

Klyzab slowly opened his left eye. It was assaulted by bright light that seemed to emanate from everywhere. He slowly opened the other eye, hoping that they would soon adjust to the light. He realized he was lying down on his back and there were a number of Klein pseudo-Vulpine around him. He sat up suddenly, which was a terrible idea. His right ear still had a dull throb of pain in it from where it was pierced. He was dizzy, and nauseated, feeling the room spin around him he almost passed out. He started to fall but was caught by a pair of lightly furred arms. The arms propped him up until he stood under his own power.

"Where am I"? Klyzab asked the question at the strangers before him. The one that had been propping him up answered him.

"Well that's the question isn't it? We don't really know. Some kind of holding facility though, is what we guess it is".

"Holding Facility"? Klyzab asked lightly making it sound as if he didn't understand the term.

"Yeah, like for prisoners or something".

"Who are all of you"? Klyzab asked just now realizing that all these people weren't merely static pieces of the background.

"Oh, I forgot you don't know any of us. I'm sorry for not introducing us sooner. Well there's four of us: I'm Yzuvgh, the guy leaning against the wall is Uvlmno, and this is Stijst and Rsefab they're brothers".

Klyzab took in all the people around him. Yzuvgh looked older, maybe early fifties. Klyzab only recognized a fur leaning against the back wall of the room when Yzuvgh pointed him out. Uvlmno looked like he was maybe in his early twenties. Stijst and Rsefab stood together behind Yzuvgh and they looked to be about ten or so.

The next thing Klyzab took in was the room itself. It was about four by four meters, very cramped for its five inhabitants. The celling was very high though almost three meters tall. The room was painted white, and had concrete floors. Once corner of the room had some plastic mats in it, presumably for sleeping. The room was also very harshly light from the light bulbs above.

"So do you have a name"? Yzuvgh asked him. Klyzab just then realized that he had been staring at the room for quite some time now.

"Klyzab". He said, is voice faltering with weakness, and uncertainty.

"Well welcome to our group Klyzab, I wish I could say that we're happy to see you. I don't think it would be appropriate though, given the present circumstances".

"Thanks, um, so you guys have no idea why we're here"? Klyzab still wanted answers about his current situation.

"Well not really we're just guessing. But our guess is that we're P.O.W.s".

"What's a P.O.W."? Klyzab asked not familiar with the term.

"A prisoner of war, that's what, was going on before we were captured anyway".

"Oh". Klyzab still didn't understand very much, but he knew the situation wasn't good. Klyzab was about to ask another question when suddenly the lights went out almost completely. They were still on though just barely, and in the sudden change of light Klyzab couldn't see anything around him for a while. Klyzab began to cry, his four year old mind reaching the end of toleration for change right then.

"Hey it's okay" he heard Yzuvgh say "It's just time to go to sleep; come on I'll help you to the mats over in the corner". Klyzab was glad that Yzuvgh was helping him; right now he just wanted to sit down and cry. They got to the mats and slowly lied down. Stijst and Rsefab were already lying down, but Uvlmno was still leaning against the wall he had been when Klyzab woke up. Yzuvgh just tried to calm him to sleep. Klyzab eventually did sleep but he cried massively before that. He cried mostly because Efuvno and his mother were not there with him. Even this fearful uncertainty would have been better had they all been together.

"Because I don't fucking want to that's why"!

"Uvlmno be quiet, you'll waking the cubs". Klyzab awoke to raised voices apparently in the middle of an argument. He lied still, pretending to be asleep so that he could hear what they were saying.

"I'm sorry, I can't fucking believe those basterds would take children. I mean what are they going to do with us Yzuvgh"?

"I don't know, I more afraid for the little ones safety than my own though".

"Why do you care for them so much, they're not kin to you"?

"They remind me of my grandchildren, and it helps knowing that if they're still alive maybe there's someone like me taking care of them".

"Listen Yzuvgh there isn't anyone going to take care of us, be realistic I'm telling you we need to escape. There has to be resistance somewhere".

"Resistance to metal beings twice our size that came from the heavens, now you're the one that needs to be realistic. No my friend we need to try to not upset these beings, maybe they will spare us".

"I'm not making any promises Yzuvgh, if the opportunity presents itself I'm going to try to get out of here".

"Be careful then, you're going to end up hurting more furs than just yourself".

"Yeah, whatever old fur".

"You're sure I can't convince you to go to sleep then".

"No, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let these things control everything about me".

"Good night Uvlmno". Uvlmno grunted in reply.

Klyzab heard the mats shuffle slightly as Yzuvgh lied down on one. Klyzab was crying silently at this point. It made him feel slightly better that they had someone like Yzuvgh with them. He silently cried himself to sleep, still fearful of what lay ahead.

Lights. That's what Klyzab became instantly aware of. The harsh light overhead had been turned back up in intensity. Klyzab stretched slightly, before standing up of the mat that he had slept on. He looked around him and saw that Yzuvgh, Stijst, and Rsefab were doing the same. He didn't see Uvlmno, though. He turned his head to the wall he had last seen Uvlmno leaning against and saw him still there. Klyzab wondered if he had been there the whole night. As all, except Uvlmno, of the furred beings were getting up the door suddenly slid open with a loud sound. Two of the metal creatures entered carrying two bowls with them. They had the bowls in one hand and the electric rods in the other. Klyzab could not see what was in the bowls though because they were lifted so high by the metal behemoths.

As one of them bent down to put the bowl on the floor Klyzab saw two things. The first was that the bowl was filled with water, but it was the second thing he saw which was more important. The second thing he saw was Uvlmno finally moving from his little spot of solitude.

Uvlmno went behind the metal being that was leaning down, and suddenly grabbed the electric rod out of its hands. It spun around instantly, and tried to grab the rod back from the small fox like creature. He didn't have much success though as he grabbed the pronged part of the rod. The metal being fell back, mostly from the surprise shock than the pain. The other metal creature meanwhile turned around and drew a small cylinder from the belt around it. It went towards Uvlmno with the cylinder raised just as the other one regained composure. The one Uvlmno shocked previously now grabbed the rod farther up and was trying to wrestle it back from Uvlmno. Just then Klyzab felt something brush past him and turned to see Yzuvgh run by and tackle the one trying to grab back the rod. Klyzab couldn't make out the pile of metal and fur that was currently fighting. Suddenly they broke apart, and Klyzab heard Uvlmno yell in horror. Klyzab looked down on the floor and saw what he was screaming at. Yzuvgh lie dead before him. Just above the bridge of his nose there was a small hole, maybe three centimeters in diameter. Klyzab then looked at the metal being that was holding the cylinder and saw that it had somehow expanded and was covered with blood.

Klyzab, Stijst, and Rsefab coward in the corner with the mats, crying, while Uvlmno was just sitting down against the wall where he had previously been standing. In his eyes was the look of horror as he pondered over the predictions Yzuvgh had made the night before.