Silent Furs (A Romance Story) Chapter -1-

Story by KokoMai on SoFurry

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#1 of Silent Furs (A Romance Story)

Please know that this story is Mine. I hold all copy rights to it. I do enjoy readers liking my story, but please do not steal my plot, characters or my Title. This story starts off as a more general story with no really super mature content, but in later chapters it should pick up. As it is a Romance Story and Romance normally takes some time to flourish. Please Enjoy! This story I am writing for my friend Kalta and I (Shiko) about our SecondLife. :3 All so, I do know I have some edits that need to be done as far as words; and I know i could be more detailed, but it has been years since I have written anything :) So cut me some slack? = ^.^ =

This Story as some would say starts off with a somewhat tragic background; sure things are not always what they seem, but sometimes it just takes a little bit of courage mixed with some love. This story is about two lovers; two kids who grew up together and met in pre-K. They were both just young kits, but knew their friendship was genuine as much as they knew they would never become separated. They spent many days on the playground chasing one another, playing tag and just being kids. The sun gleaming down on them as their teachers called them in from the playground; Shiko and Kalta tripping over one another to race to see who got to the door first; their tails bouncing up and down, ears pinned back. Yes. Everything was perfect.

Years went by. Shiko and Kalta now nine years old were starting to get even closer as they began to learn that in life you found what was called a "mate" someone who stood by your side, someone to care for you, as well as someone that is your best friend and lover. The two knew they had this their entire life. With Shiko and her kindness, and Kalta with his romantic ways the pair were perfect. Then one day at school on the playground Shiko came to Kalta crying. Kalta, trying his hardest to calm her down before he tried talking to her. He wrapped his tail around her as he grabbed her shoulders letting her know it was okay to sit. Her paws were over her eyes as tears poured from underneath them.

"Shiko, Hun what's wrong?" Kalta said with wonder in his eyes, as he never seen Shiko so upset in his entire Life.

"It's them Kalta...they came to pick me up." She blubbered in-between tears.

"Who is coming to pick you up?" he asked, his ears now laid against his head with sadness; as anything that made Shiko this sad meant bad news.

"The Orphan people, They finally found me. They finally found out that I have been living with a friends family without them signing the correct documents...." Her voice trailed off as she began crying again. "which means... I am going away for awhile."

Kalta looked at Shiko wide eyed. His eyes filled with rage, fear, sadness and love. He didn't know if he should try and comfort her, telling her that everything would be okay; even though he knew damn right it wouldn't be; or should he show her how much he loves her by raging and making a scene? Kalta wrapped his paws around Shiko's wrist and got down on one knee in front of her. Slowly, he brought her paws down from her face looking her into her bright green eyes; he slowly rubbed his cheek against the top of her paws, giving a few deep sniffs as he took in her scent.

"Shiko, hun, please just know in your heart that I have always loved you. I will always remember you, no matter what happens now, or later in our lives." Kalta knew that this had to happen, Shiko couldn't run any longer or she could put her, and her friends family in danger.

Moments later their teachers called them in from the playground; Kalta picked Shiko up and carried her into her class and sat her down at her desk. He patted her ears and headed towards his desk which was the opposite the room; for some reason their teachers had been keeping them far apart their whole school lives; knowing the two were extremely close to one another and wanted to keep drama away. Kalta looked back; his tail wagging, but abruptly stopped as Shiko was at her desk with her head down; tears dripping off the side of her desk. Kalta's ears drooped as he put his muzzle in his arms closing his eyes. -Oh Shiko, if only you truly knew how much you meant to me; how much I want to be your everything, your oxygen, your water when your thirsty, your food when you are hungry, and your soul that carries you through life. - Kalta was woken from his dream land as their Teacher Mr. Snide came by with his ruler whacking Kalta's Desk.

Kalta quickly jumped snatching the ruler from the teachers hand, growled and broke it on his knee.

"Don't Ever do that again!" he yelled as Shiko appeared by his side trying to defend Kalta's strange action.

"Please Mr. Snide, please excuse Kalta...he just found out that im going to be moving to Alaska; and he's a bit fluttered." Mr. Snide looked a Shiko as she shielded Kalta from harm; he sighed, and turned quickly back towards the board. "Your lucky I care for you shiko." Mr. Snide exclaimed as he went back to his lecture. Shiko grabbed Kalta's arm and yanked him out into the hallway; anger in her eyes.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?!" she yelled her tail sticking straight up as her face flushed red; but not being embarrassed. "Do you not realize that what you just did could put you in Jail?" she said, as she looked him straight in the eyes. Kalta hung his head low, his cheek tuffs becoming red from being embarrassed and slightly ashamed.

"Yes Shiko, I do know that I could go to Jail....but a life without you here is like Jail anyways." Kalta sighed pressing his back up against the cold brick wall of the school as he slid down, placing his head in his knees. "I'm just really going to miss you Shiko, why can't you understand that? I mean, you just basically told me that you are going away forever....I will never see you again. I think my actions are normal for someone who is going to lose the love of their life, their mate." Kalta stayed sitting, as Shiko kneeled down beside him, feeling much sympathy for the young fox.

Shiko looked down the hall, her claws scraping into the floor as she began to get scared knowing the end of the day was nearing every minute. Quickly she grabbed Kalta's muzzle within her paws and jumped on him laying her whole body upon his; her breasts pushed up against his chest as she kissed him deeply with much passion; enough passion to last a life time. Kalta ran his paws slowly up and down Shiko's body feeling the curves she had developed over the years; they continued kissing and feeling each other. Shiko suddenly felt her body get warm as her bits began to get wet; a soft moan escaped into Kalta's mouth. Kalta moaned as well knowing Shiko was feeling pleasure from his touching; his body began feeling the want, the need to be one with his lovely princess. Moving up slightly Shiko finally felt Kalta's hard member. She gasped


"Shhhh" he whispered into her big Fennec ears as he scooped her up into his arms. He walked them out the school doors . Once outside, Kalta began sprinting to their childhood clubhouse that was well within the confines of the Forrest. Shiko pressed her muzzle against Kalta's neck, lightly nibbling and sucking; a moan from his lips poured into to her heart as her nipples hardened against his chest.

Finally after five minutes of running, Kalta stopped placing Shiko down on the soft earthen floor. "Here we are my Love, our very first play house." He smiled at Shiko as she entered slowly, her tail flicking playfully; which meant happiness. Kalta followed behind her, hugging her from behind as he shut the door; he nibbled lightly on her ears as he ran his paws up and down her chest; feeling her hard nipples he lightly grazed over them. "Oh my Shiko you are so beautiful" he breathed out in a light moan as his paw found its way to her lovely clit. Lightly rubbing, Shiko's juices began falling over his hand and fingers. She cringed and blushed "Kalta please stop, This is so embarrassing." But he continued. He knew deep inside they needed this; and if his love of his life was going to be taken away from him, they might as well make love so they could share the emotions and hold it in their hearts until the day they died.