Chronicles of our reality: chapter 1

Story by Zerothedragon on SoFurry

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If the spaces don't show, it's because the uploading is weird on my iPod.

Chronicles of our reality: chapter 1: the fullbring's decedents

The fullbring, an item that regards Great power. This great power must be earned by the good, or terrible power is born. The fullbring is created from what the fullbringer is fond of, even if it's part if your skin. This chronicle is a guide to show you our reality and our club, HEARTS.

The story begins with 6 steps, 6 echoes, 6 lives. It is unknown how these echos turn out, or what they face. Their fate and destinies are unclear and changeable.

Our story of our hearts.

Zero had Walked into the mall of karakura town. He was soon waved at by a friend. He walked towards him "hey, wind" he told the shark who was fiddling with a card "your late zero" he said. Zero laughed "I didn't notice to tell you the truth" "right..." the shark answered back "well, let's just see who all is showing up" he said.

Zero was a jet black dragon and stood at a good 7'3" and had an 18'0" wingspan. He wore a plain black shirt, a long pair of black jeans, and a hooded jacket. he had a spiral tattoo around his arm and no piercings to speak of. Two lines were visible going down both sides if his back. He had two eye colors, an icy blue eye, and a deep forest green.

Wind stood at 5'11" and wearing a blue underarmor shirt that fitted around his body. He wore faded jeans. He had some tribal tattoos, all on his back though, a good, jagged fin showed from his back.

After 30 minutes no one showed "well, that's strange, no one seemed to have showed up. Ok new idea, let's go watch the movie without them" he said. They soon bought the tickets and drinks. They headed off to watch the movie alone.

"-- two echos heard"

a voice said in a wisper that zero and wind barely heard. They shrugged it off and walked on.

A wolf ran, playing soccer as he dribbled the ball. He passed it to a fox who passed it back. The wolf kicked sending the ball opposite of where the goalie jumped, right into the net. The fox ran up ti the wolf "kiba?! You didn't need to overdo that shot" the fox told kiba "Keith, yes i did, now, we're we forgetting anything?" he asked "yeah! We were supposed to be at the mall, but it's too late...." he said. Kiba sighed "great, Zero's going to kill us"

Kiba stood at 6'3, black fur and grey irises. He wore jeans and a grey shirt. He also has a long bushy tail.

Keith had deep red and white fur, some dark blue jeans and a white tee. He stood at 5'4" and a large fluffy tail

"-- four echos heard"

The voice sounded Ina wisper that kiba and Keith didn't hear. They started packing up, heading towards the locker room to change and leave.

Dreg, an otter, stood inside a tattoo shop, he just started working their a week ago and loved the job. He was on break and talking to his friend, a lion by the name of dimentia.

Dreg was a light brown otter who was 5'7" and had some white jeans with a greenish grey shirt that bore wins in the back. He had the plus earring in his left ear.

Dimentia stood at 6' and had a large bushy mane. He wore Army pants and a deep blue Tee.

They were discussing stuff like what the others were doing. "you know we're late for the movie" dreg nodded "I know, but u still have to work" he fondled with his earring, which was shaped like a plus.

"--all 6 echo's have been heard"

The voice wasn't heard at all as they continued their conversation at the tattoo shop.

----/end of prologue/----

---/start of story /----

~The next day~

Zero had awoken and gotten dressed. The room was a master bed room and was decorated with a bed, nightstand, and some drawers. A digital clock red "8:09 am" on it. He sighed "got half an hour" he said. He wore his usual clothing and peeked some scales back in place. He checked for any missing stuff from his room, because he would need all his materials for his college.

He picked up a charm with a teardrop shaped item on it. he put it in his pocket and zipped up his jacket. He grabbed his bag and headed out the door towards the college.

At the university he met up with wind and the other 4 "a new semester starts I guess" zero said. They all were parentless and owned their own house. Each if then have lived alone since 4 or 5. All of then were 20, Except zero who was 21.

He smiled "hey guys, what are you all doing today?" he asked as he looked at them. They all stood and grinned "well, I guess we should mention we got the concrete ready for tomorrow, we got the area booked" wind said. Zero smiled, obviously surprised at the statement "hey! That's great!" he said.

They laughed together. Soon the day rolled by to lunch. Everyone has been feeling weird and like they were being watched.

Zero was standing at the parking lot when suddenly the voice appeared again. But he heard it this time.

"--go with the echo's"

Zero felt numb, like he had been struck in a piunt that wiykd knock him unconscious. He fell out, Unconscious.

He suddenly woke up some time later. He was laying in his bed. He quickly pulled our his phone and called wind. "wind!" he said "zero... I woke up in my room... everyone did" he starred at the phone "what?!" "go to the park, we're meeting up... 20 minutes" he said.

He put on his jacket and Charged out his room quickly. Soon he had found the park and saw everyone was there. He walked up to everyone. Dimentia looked at him "we have to cancel the the concert, things are too weird." he said.

The park looked normal, a statue in the middle, the Dave and features worn away from constant rain. Vegetation skyrocketed and they had recently mowed the park, so the smell of cut grass filled the air.

Everyone nodded in agreement that things were weird. "lets see our tokens" zero daid as they began to start pulling some stuff out. Zero pulled out the sheild shaped item. Wind brought out his card. Dreg put ono his earring, dimentia pulled out a foldinf fan, kiba brought out a metal wristband, and Keith a weird little guitar pick "we all chose these items for a purpose, what was it?" zero asked "something that represents us, that's what. I now say we form a club to find out what happened to us... who's in?" everyone agreed "what's the name?" kiba asked. He smiled "hearts" he said.

Some ways away a figure stood, unnoticed by the activity around the city. A sharp toothed grin on it. A long, sharp young licked its teeth.

It was lanky, and wore a demonic mask. It's arms were very thin a d long. A blade tipped tail sprouting from its back. It was armed with long sharp metal claws and dep black eyeballs and a red iris. The mask had a swirling red on it, also it's long sharp teeth.

-the next day-

They were off for the rest if the week. The whole gang was meeting at the old meeting ground, a shack in the side of the woods. The shack was made out of old wood, and which they constantly repaired. It was their sancuary from reality. As well as an escape from their lives.

They sat and watched the leaves move with the wind "anyone heard voices yesterday?" zero asked, everyone nodded "yeah, yesterday we barely heard something, you?" zero nodded also "something about an echo..." he said.

Footsteps and a growl was heard outside as they all stared, surprised Uhh"... what the hell was that?" zero asked. They all piled outside to see the sharp teethed demon. Red eyes and thin body "ok... didn't expect that... run!" he told everyone as they scrambled away from it "my my... the echos are running!" the creature said, running after them, clawed hands behind it as it hunched forward. They ran into a plains as it just dissapeared and appeared infront of them, it sashed, blood flew everewhere and everyone was on the ground with claw marks and blood "well well, the defenders of the full brings aren't that tough...shame" it grinned, and raised a claw. Zero grunted "it cut through my scales, what is that thing" he said.

He felt burning in his pocket, everyone's special item glowed and he stood, bleeding around his side

"I won't die here" he said, with an unknown impulse he said "Ice flower" the small charm suddenly glowed and formed a large teardrop sheild "what the hell?!" he said. He didn't understand why he said the phrase ice flower. Zero frowned "we won't die, promise you that"

wind stood, a slash on his face "ace cross" he said as the words popped into his head, the card formed several as they shaped into a blade of cards. The edge gleaned indicating it Was sharp as a blade.

Dimentia stood "were all in this together" he said. Impulses hit him "force wind" the fan expanded into a large metal fan. He grunted "I really hate things that shouldn't exist, and I don't understand this any bit"

Kiba drew up his sleeve "free form" he said as the words popped into his head. liquid metal formed around his arm, it seemed to just float there "we won't die, we promise that"

Keith drew the pick and slashed down "reverb" suddenly the pick glowed and shifted form, into a thin, bladed guitar. "we have no idea what these are or how they formed, but we want to fight, no running, i neber want to see anyone of us hurt again" he said.

Drew smiled "archangel" the words flew like silk as they appeared in his mind, as if he had said it countless times. Suddenly the plus dissapeared, creating a large chakram with a plus shaped blade style. White light jutted from it and the wounds started healing up a bit, blood stopped flowing from the cuts.

All 6 of them stoops with a weapon, they had no idea what they were, where they came from, or how to use them. Unknown how they called them, all they knew was that a demonic looking creature was trying to kill them and they wanted ti defend themselves. They stood, ready to fight. To protect themselves and their friends. there was no turning back, it was live or die.