Lose a friend, gain a lover.

Story by Magnathaur on SoFurry

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A quick resolution after years of waiting...

"David, will you calm down?"

It was David's idea to invite me over, "It will suit you well." He said. "Clear up the stress." He said. But this whole trip has been nothing but a fiasco, a fucking rotten fiasco. First he forgets to load the gas, and then had me walk three kilometers to get some. Second, by the time I arrived he was robbed... all of our belongings were gone, our money, food... my old laptop and all my projects in it. Third, he got us lost reading the map wrong... and so on.


But I guess I deserve this, part of this was my fault. After all this was me accepting to help him with his project as a forest engineer; it was all his but I had to take on his offer. God damn crush made me take on his offer.

We were on our way back and (since luckily I still had my driver's license) I had to drive. And fuck! It was just frustrating, it's like every turn I made was a mistake, it was that or that I either I didn't speed up enough or I was accelerating too much. There are always these kind of guys, the mysterious type that seems so alluring from a distance but when you get near them... you realize what a pain in the ass they are. It was a fucking pain in the ass to gain his friendship only to realize how self-absorbed he really was.

"You're acting like it was my fault that you got assaulted."

He snarled at me, he was blaming me. I guess that wasn't why I was mad at him, it was really feeling myself going for our last resort, as David artistically put it. But more than anything it had to do with the place where we were going.

Tyler's house.

It wasn't an exact relieve to arrive at his dad's house in Cabo Blanco, I felt like back when we were still high school pups coming unannounced for the weekend to practice what we liked the most: being irresponsible pups. When I came here for the first time this spot was a place of solitude, somewhere you came to find peace... now it was more or less a tourist trap, but an enjoyable tourist trap at least.

David opened the gates that led us into the garden and I parked there since the garage was occupied. I sighed; this place... it was just too much to take. As David came out of the car a well-known bass like voice greeted him from the terrace in the second story of the chalet.

"Well now... isn't this a pleasant surprise?"

He was chuckling. He was fucking chuckling... so I came out myself.

Upon raising my head I meet the brown eyes of a burly Rottweiler, eyes that I haven't seen in years. He looked scared at first... unmoved for a minute or so.

I nodded politely at him. He ignored me.

Tyler went back to speak with his son. "Thought you weren't even gonna pay this old dog a visit." His voice was serious now... yeah, I still have that effect.

David snarled.

I had met the old dog a while ago, but after a certain chain of events I haven't had any real contact with him. The most recent new I had about him could be resumed to what David said about his mother four years ago.

"And where's all the equipment you brought with you?" He was a widower. "Didn't tie it properly?"

Neither of us gave him an answer I guess embarrassment left us still as statues, but when I realized what I was doing I turned my eyes from his body... big guys were like my Achilles' ankle, and he was one just as much as was his son.

Once inside the house I let David do all the talking, in the meanwhile I went for the couch to try and relax, but relax I couldn't. The whole place was felt like stressing barrage of memories all of them fueled by the scent imprinted in the fabrics I was laying on. I tried to distract myself and what better option than eavesdropping on the conversation happing a few meters from me.

Even with the distance separating us my perky ears could hear David rant to his father, rant about how he did all what he could do and how I was a lazy ass that didn't help check the supplies. I didn't care. What I cared about was that sensation of being observed, a pair of eyes fixed on me. I growled... feeling observed never felt so dirty.

After the discussion was over Tyler got out of the house without a word for me, David then came with the news that his father would have the police hasten their effort to recover what was stolen. "Daddy's pup." I chuckled at him, to his face, needed less to say he made a scene... I laughed at him too.

David decided to stay the week the police recommended to wait, it would be hard to track people that were already running down a highway, "They could be anywhere by now." they said. Having committed the mistake to cancel all my appointments and plans for the next two weeks, David found easy to convince me to stay for the week. And after all, Cabo Blanco was a holyday paradise; a chance like this wouldn't present itself in a long time.

David, being the unconcerned slacker he was, soon found a way to pass the time. The beach was crowded by all kinds of beauties, I joined him two or three times but I guess I was never the party type. I decided to stay home.

I was kind of worried. Ever since we arrived and Tyler went to report the robbery, he didn't come back. The older Rottweiler just called his son's new mobile, he was totally avoiding me. Truth to be told I was furious, so much that I wanted to strangulate this certain Rottie. But there was something that was bound to calm me, Cabo Blanco's sight was one to have just once and remember for the rest of your life, and vantage from the very same terrace I saw Tyler greet his son was the best of all.

It was noon of one the hottest Saturday I ever had the grace to feel and enjoy in a sunny beach, after a bit of scuba diving and a quick chat with David I found myself again in that very same terrace, the place looked the same as always, clear space occupied only by two sunbathing chairs and artistically placed plant pots to each extreme... and the same stirring feeling of wrongness. Towards the white sand to the crashing waves and to the infinite sky I gazed, feeling the cool breeze running over my exposed chest and ruffling my fur... it all felt great.

Absentmindedly I stared at the horizon, there where the blue sky and sea fused together, there where the infinite could be defined... that until I heard a throaty grumbling behind me.

Tyler was there, at the entrance, holding a small cooler in his paw. I knew this was his favorite spot of the house, I guess that was part of the reason I was there... waited there. Soon his grumbling became a growl, he bared his teeth at me but I ignored. I turned back to the blue beyond.

Tyler was different from how I remembered him, even with that quick glance and under the red baggy t-shirt and khaki shorts I noticed how much muscle he's put on. Obviously he's been working out, maybe even back on the prowl... and I felt jealous.

"What are you doing here?"

But his voice hadn't changed much, it sounded deeper yeah... but that may be just the result of the beers he's been having. I could smell the stench coming from him body, I guessed he was heavily intoxicated, or had been at some point.

"Relaxing... watching the beach."

I teased.

"I meant in here!"

Tyler growled. It didn't faze me though, part of me wanted to see where he could take this, what he would try... no, what he would dare to try.

"I just told you." I was surprised by how calm and cynical my words sounded.

"What do you want here?"

The big rottie stomped his way into the sunlight. I just stayed still, if he wanted to scare me that wouldn't work. I just wanted to tease him more. "Retrieve my..."

" Properties?!"

The loud thunder caused by the shattering of the small cooler did scare; it made me turn to see him. The destruction of the plastic box accomplished what Tyler's roar couldn't.

"David could've taken whatever you brought back to you at campus and you know it!" He barked out pointing a thick finger at me. "Why don't you just leave?"

I went back to stare at the cloudless sky.

"What you want?!"

"I want answers!"

My words took him by surprise; whatever went through his mind caught him bad. The heavy Rottweiler contorted his face, old wounds and burdens making his already building headache and hangover take away his thoughts. With a huge paw over his head, Tyler sat down on one wooden chair.

"...I'm not asking for forgiveness."

And I didn't want them, but the very assumption that I wanted them -needed them- it angered me. "Is that what you think I want?"


Pfft? Did he just pfft me?

"Do you think I came here for that? Or that coming here was my idea in the first place?!" I walked towards him; I did to stand in front of him, to make him face me. "Or that being here is easy for me?"

"And you think it's easy for me." Tyler rose from his seat, he looked just as looming as ever, his imposing frame intimidating but having no effect in me. "What do you want?!"

"What do I want?" My mind began to race, what I wanted... that sinful desire, that physical need that had only one scratch, what I needed to satisfy it, it was so near to me yet so unapproachable. What do I want? I had muttered that question... I muttered it like the mourning the doubts... but those doubts weren't mine. "Are you projecting that question?

Tyler's face sterned, but his body became tense. These were the times when you had to fear the big dog, when he was a slave to his deepest thoughts and fears, when he wanted to deny it all.

"You aren't welcome in this house anymore."

"Is that what you want?" But I had it with that. "Throw me out?" I needed an answer because I was sure I would never come back. "What do you want Tyler?" It took me four years and an accidental chain of events to see him again. "What?!" I wanted him to speak... "Answer..." I needed it. " NOW!!"

"What do I want?"

Big black and pan paws held me by surprise. The strength they applied hurt as the pressure began to compress my thorax.

"What I want?!"

Tyler's claws began to tear the skin of my arms as I felt myself being raised, after a second my toes barely touched the floor. I was held almost to his own height.

"Do you have any idea of what I want? Need?!"

Tyler's breath stank of alcohol and puke, like it has been days that he's been drinking. Still his stood with me in his arms and leaned until his wet, black nose touched mine.

" I need you either out of my house or inside my ass!!"

And I froze.


After a few seconds of staring and snarling at each other the Rottweiler let go off me, I almost lost my balance upon landing. Tyler sat back looking at me in the eyes, common dark brown eyes met my own emerald green ones. There was a pleading behind his staring, different from what I got from him so long ago.

With a long sigh Tyler let his head down, forearms rested over his beffy tights. He looked defeated, exhausted. I don't know how much time we stayed like that, it could be seconds, it could be hours but the sun was setting when he took a can of beer from the splattered cooler on his feet and began to caress it. Thinking...

I sat on the sunbathing chair to his side, the red covered wall of muscle didn't move to face me. With narrowed eyes I found myself gazing at the sky, trying to manage the words that I needed to let out... trying to figure out what to do.

The particular sound of released pressured gas caught my attention. With his back turned to me Tyler began to drink his beer, gulp after gulp he dried the can in one go. Tyler... his frustration was so strong I could feel it in my guts.

When he leaned to pick another can I placed a paw on his shoulder.

"You had enough." I said.

But he followed with it anyway. I could hear another pop from a beer can and I had enough, I pulled him lightly and he didn't resist, slowly I made him rest his back on the chair. His chest heaved but his expression was still as serious.

"You had enough." I repeated taking the can from his paw.

Again we looked at each other, but it was my time to avert my eyes. I decided not to throw the beer to waste; after all I was two years above legal drinking age now. I gulped like he did before, drying the metallic container in one go.

Our arousal began to fill the salty air but we didn't move. Far too long and way too much time had I dreamed with the body that lay before me, I yearned to consummate what we could never six years ago. But we were here now; two men... unbound and free to do as we pleased, no longer slaves to marital duties nor the unforgiving eyes of law.

But we stayed there... unmoved.

Swallows screeching in the sky and ragged breaths, salty marine air and arousal, malt and alcohol... they were all heard, smelled and tasted ten thousand times before I gathered enough courage to place a paw on Tyler's chest. He chuffed heavily and throatily that very second, the feeling of his huge trembling chest in my paw... I can't describe it. I clenched my paw grabbing the fabric separating it from touching him for the first time as something different than a friend. It was figuratively and literally my last barrier, removing it... I had to, I had to take it.

Take him.

Before I could tore the red cloth from his body Tyler grumbled and took the t-shirt off himself. Tan furs did nothing to hide the firm pectoral muscles and forming six-pack... Tyler placed his black paw on my shoulder, with closed eyes he was basking on the sensation of being touched. Both my paws surveyed his powerful always rumbling torso.

A mischievous paw began to truckle under the buckle keeping Tyler's short in place, he smiled at me for the first time, and I did for him too. I left my seat and kneeled to his side, my tongue lolling expecting to savor in what a real man tasted like. His sweat and musk filled my muzzle and nostrils making me shiver, it was like my first sniff of coke, my first shot with a hunting shotgun, and my first orgasm inside a gal... all at once. All surpassed.

I growled.

His very scent made my cock throb and leak in his prison. I licked his chest with passion, my paws playing with his nipple and his lower abs, scratching and pinching, raking and ripping... with the corner of my eyes I could see him throwing his head back and tense his lower jaw. I wanted to do him more. I began to suckle on his man tit, lightly at first, hearing him moan for the first time in my life was a reward I thought would have to wait... but there it was, I increased the suction and began to bite, my right paw was just tired of just feeling fur and skin when his a few inched bellow was a better thing to touch and manhandle.

I unbuckled him, and immediately his tented briefs jumped to meet my paw. He growled and leaned his head forward to see his cock being caressed beneath the clothing piece.

I smiled.

He's eyes looked lost, lost with lust. But his breathing was steady, his mind focused on just one thing... the black and white paw that was about to tug his balls.


I growled, it wasn't just the hand here and I wasn't about to let him just focus on his cock. I bit on his short tan pelt and pulled hard, small hairs in my mouth were deposited back with a loving lick. As he began to find pleasure in that small amount of pain, I sledded my paw flowing with the outline of Tyler's bulging member and between his legs down to his asscheeks.

He clenched his buttocks and jolted his tights together, depriving me the freedom of moving. I growled again, demanding this time. I pinched his nipple with my free hand and bit the other, the sudden pain allowed me to continue my travel. Tyler's paws, I noticed then, were one over my head, practically smashing me against his chest and the other rubbing my paw. Small grunts and muffled groans blessed my ears with the knowledge that I was doing fine.

My middle finger raked on his rift, caressing with my claw on the unexplored. Being to his right all that time made me a little uncomfortable, and I had better uses for my tongue as well. I left him anus for a second and placed my paw over his abs. Brown eyes following my body moving between his legs, the sullen expression he had when I stopped the foreplay turned quickly into a confident grin when I placed myself between his meaty legs.

And meat was what I was looking for.

I pulled his boxers and shorts to let that red tower jolt from its painful containment. I threw the clothes to the side and looked at him in awe, his body leaned on the side of a bodybuilder... and that pole; but I wasted no time, red and red mixed when I licked his tower, letting my taste buds delight in his salty flavor. With now a free access and enough space I put my paws to work, first massaging his furred tights trying to relax each muscle. While I circled my paws around the heavy logs, I dived in him meat... I took half his mast before reaching my gagging point. Taking him full would be much of a problem... but I had the eagerness and he the patience, his paws were ruffling my hearfur and playing with my ears.

I noticed something then, to my right was now the long forgotten and trashed cooler... still some ice floated between the cold water and abandoned bear cans.

I had an idea.

I picked some ice cubes and pocketed a small number. I'd use them later. Tyler began to buck into my mouth his need becoming greater by the second. I raked his member lightly with my teeth as I pulled out, he wanted bucking? That was my answer. I went back to sucking, trying to purr like the cat I was not on his cock, but still with similar results I felt a glob of pre rewarding my effort. Slowily I began to bucking my head up and down trying to gulp each time he'd reach my uvula.

Trying makes master, before the minute I had Tyler's cock reaching my throat, the sensation of accomplishment making me shiver and sending the Rottie in an undefined stupor. His huge paws gripped on my head and pushed me to his pelvis, I couldn't breathe with his cock throbbing almost in my esophagus and my nose buried in his fur and skin.

I bit on his forming knot.

He let out a whine of pain and let go of me. I gasped for air while he nursed his well lubed cock. Well, that was enough sucking for mister excited. It was main course time for me. Still fighting to regain my breath I went to him and raised one leg on my shoulder and placed a melting ice cube into his pucker.

Tyler let out a whimpering bark at the sensation, and I pushed the cold shard in before he could clench his cheeks. I snickered when I heard him growl. With a lolling tongue I went for my treat, with a long lick I asked for permission... a second and a third went before Tyler let me in willfully.

I licked a few times at his crevice, circling and mating the furs that surrounded it. Oh! But that smell, his cock was leaking like a faucet now, his pre pulled my nose to the bridge between his taint and his cock. My cold nose feeling and sniffing all its way till I reached his balls made him shiver, I felt his leg on my shoulder kick when I took one of his balls into my muzzle and tug at it lightly, biting a bit on his scrotum.

But I haven't forgotten about my little idea, I pulled the icy fragments and rubbed them on Tyler's wide chest, refreshing and teasing him some. His face contorted when the ice got in contact with his nipples and I kept them there till the melted.

My moistened paw slid down to his lower back to steady his weight while the other on his puckered star, teasing with claws and pushing just the tip in. Tyler groaned in pleasure, his body tensed for a mere second and the let it all fall on my shoulder and paw. I continued rolling now both his jewels in my hungry snout while I began the real fingering. My index claw was in and now the tip was fighting for entrance, lightly and perseverant I pushed till I was in.

By the time I felt his soaked balls and went to lick his knot, which by the gods it was the size of his fist, I had already negotiated two fingers in and a third was in process.

"Enough." His voice was shaky. "Lay down. I wanna sit on it."

I let him regain his balance and move to let me take his place in the chair, the sight of him sitting on on my abdomen and then lean on me to for the first time in years kiss me... uff, I won't waste words. Our tongues danced and battled for dominance as his powerful hips rocket back and forth, but always touching my dick. He broke the kiss to straight my cock and point it to his tighthole, using his legs placed to the side of the sunbathing chair he raised his body and began to slowly descend on my phallus.

He gritted his teeth as his buttcheeks engulfed my cock, he was eager, he was pushing himself hard enough to even make it hurtful for me. I placed a paw on his abdomen to make him look at me.

"Slow." I tried to calm him down. "Just let it slide in."

Between huffs and gasps he nodded and leaned his considerable weight on me, I felt almost breathless when his paws landed each to one side of on my chest as he tried to relax. I put my own paws over his muscular shoulders, he began to lap at them... I didn't notice but I was bleeding, there where he picked me up his claws performed the skin and small coils of blood flowed.


He whined.


Slowly after a minute he began to hump his hips with half my member inside, he grunted and groaned with each forward movement, he did so till I felt his furs rubbing my knot sending electrical shrills I felt even in my tail.


And there he was, balls deep sitting on me with a satisfied grinning face. He leaned again on me but his paws landed on each to the side of my white chest. We were face to face now, he eyes meeting mine with a fiery desire, his heathen breathes and sweat fell on my face and just two words were heard.

"Fuck me..."

My hips rocked back and forth with his bulk on me, a difficult task but I managed. Slowly gaining a tempo I began to drill into him, each push and rock made him growl and snarl with pain. I decided to give him time to adjust but...

"Keep at it!"

I needed no further encouragement, he could take it and he was gonna get it. Using both my paws I grabbed on the sick of his ribs and pushed my thumbs on his nipples. A death grip used to really begin to fuck him, make him jump with each hump, each rock made him moan. I with bared teeth and all my contained lust for him I began to claw on his chest, he muffled a small howl at the sensation.

Tyler then began to rock his own pelvis, his rhythm as erratic as mine was. We growled at each other trying to make the other quiver to our own movement, sometimes stopping to move or just plain sitting to stop one another from taking full control, but slowly we began to find a rhythm that suited us both. Soon we found ourselves panting and drooling, me still using his chest for support, him just rocking his body using the chair as his. Brown and black muzzle inches away from my black and white; I had to lean forward...

And we kissed.

The taste of male Rottie, had me bucking up faster, accelerating my thrusts, the mating instinct too strong to hold back. But still we kissed, and his tongue invaded mine with no challenge, my only priority was to invade his ass as much as he was doing with my mouth. My primary objective to stretch him as much as I could, as hard as I could. Our focused scent and smell of rut and sex, man sex, surrounded and defiled the salty air, our eyes focused on one this and one thing only, the dog we were mating with, our combined groans and grunts filled the air muting the world from us, making all around us become almost inexistent. But I did hear something... a car pulling in.


I rocked faster into Tyler, I was on the verge of climax and didn't want to hold back. As much as I wanted this all to last, the need to get off was too great. Tyler, though, had a different idea, he sat down on my hips and steeled his rump, clamping on my rod and preventing me from moving as much as I wanted... with all my excitement and urges blinding my mind, I whined. I couldn't thrust hard enough to make his bulk move.

"I want you to tie me."


That voice. "Is that...?"

"Fuck him." Tyler's voice was surreal. "Just tie with me." It was just feral in all its meanings.

Tyler's bulk began to jump on my cock making the wooden chain creak and splinter on its edges and legs. I began to furiously pimp my hips upwards, meeting his rump as it fell. Splashing and gushing of pre and sweat, and groans and moans heralded our first mating's end...

"Dad, could you at least pull your bitch inside the..."

Soon with a loud plop and an incredible pressure I was in.


Tyler let out powerful howl, hot white globs of cum shot across my white chest and reached my chin, I even managed to catch one in my mouth. But his orgasm and the spasms it caused in his body made him clench his now well used hole, sending me to my edge and beyond; my own seed spraying inside my friend's dad.


I let myself relax and sprawl onto the sunbathing chair. Tyler's heavy body joined me, and began licking his seed from my chin and neck. Again I focused my eyes to the now red sky of dusk, basking in the gleeful feeling of a well-deserved orgasm to care for all the yelling that was happening to our side. "Fuck him..." Tyler said, so... yeah. "Fuck him..."

But David was always someone to lose his temper when ignored he tried to grab his father's arm and pull him off me, but it was his neck the one grabbed and pulled.

"I did for you all what was due and should be done." Tyler growled out to his son's scared face. "This is my life to live now and I'll live it as I please." With a powerful arm he threw the younger dog and turned to look at me in the eyes, calmly and lovingly he leaned on me. "With whomever I please."

With that said, he rested his weight on me, his chest touching mine, his seed between us sealing our little pact. He hugged me and snuggled with me... and I returned in kind.

The stomping of feet going off somewhere didn't matter. Yeah, I may have lost a friend... but gained a lover.

A mate.