Sara's Story - Chapter 5

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#5 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 1: Past

Chapter 5 - Red Hot Pain.

© 2003 Nameless

My master's paws, gently fondling my breasts, wake me up. I keep my eyes closed and pretend to be still asleep. But he must have noticed the change in my breathing, for he chuckles softly, plays a little more with my nipples and then moves his paw slowly down my stomach. I make myself smile and open my eyes when his paw reaches my crotch. He plays with me a little and grins at me when he feels my body respond. He gestures and commands "Turn on your side."

"Yes, Master." I turn onto my side, away from him.

He keeps his paw where it is, continues stroking me and comments "I'm sure you could put your tail to some use." I quickly grasp his meaning and do as he wishes. Soon I can hear him panting and feel his hot breath on my neck. Then his teeth, nibbling at me. After a few minutes he commands "Kneel on all four." I comply and he takes me from behind. After he is finished and I have licked him clean, we take care of our morning business. He fondles me occasionally. When we are finished, he commands "Report to the house mistress!" and turns to leave. I quickly put on my smock, then I leave the room and head to the kitchen.

After breakfast we are muzzled and assembled in the yard. Apparently we are to continue collecting nuts. Soon the squirrel overseer comes and says "Yesterday we collected about half the nuts in that groove. I want to finish it today." We are quickly tied into a loose coffle and we set out. When we pass the grave markers, he points at them without saying anything. I can't help shivering a little. Soon we arrive at the clearing in the groove and are sent to work. Again the cat femme and I are sent to climb the trees and shake the nuts loose.

Today we are in a part of the groove that has much larger trees. For some time we work together on the same tree. We are quite high up in a large tree when the cat femme suddenly says "Hello, I'm Annie, what's your name."

I am a bit surprised by this and nearly loose my grip, but I quickly recover "Are we allowed to talk?" I ask, anxious.

She nods "As long as we don't talk too loud and continue working, they don't punish us for it."

"Ok, hello, I'm Sara." Then I ask the question that has been burning in my mind all the time "Did they kill those slaves for trying to escape?"

She looks at me, then she asks "You are new here, aren't you?" She goes on without waiting for my nod "Yes, they did. I have been here for about a year, and trying to run away is the only reason I have seen a slave killed for."

We continue our work and she tells me this, whenever we are close enough to speak to one another.

I have been here for nearly one year. This spring we were working in the fields. There was a new slave femme, a hare, she had been bought perhaps a week earlier. I think she had been enslaved only a short while before, she thought she could run away. She ran fast, but the guards caught her after an hour or so. She was brought back to the house and put in a cage. She had several bite wounds, from when the dogs caught her. One of the older slaves washed her wounds and bound them.

The next day we were all assembled where all those crosses are, our paws tied up behind us. All the guards were there and they were heavily armed. Two guards half dragged, half carried the hare there. Her paws were bound as well. Then several male slaves started digging a hole. Nobody joked or talked, it felt like a funeral, except that the fur that was to be buried was still breathing. The overseer asked her name and she answered 'Natalie Cooper'. I think when he started carving her name into the wooden cross he carried, she realized that she really was going to die. She screamed and tried to run away. She even managed to tear free from one of the guards, but the other one held on and she was quickly subdued. When the hole was deep enough, the slaves stood back and the guards carried her to stand before it. She looked in, whimpering in fear and wet herself. As they stood there, another guard came up quietly behind her, aimed his gun at her head and shot her. We all jumped a little at the sudden noise and some of the slaves who had dug the hole were splattered with her blood. She jerked once, then she hung limp and the guards dropped her into the hole. The male slaves quickly filled the hole again and the cross was set at the end. The master even said a short prayer. We had to stand there silently and watch all this. Then we were sent back to work.

When I was at the farm of my previous master, I had to watch as a male lion who had tried to escape was killed. There the guards tortured him to death, laughing at his pain, then his body was thrown into a hole. But somehow this simple killing was much more frightening than the torture.

She shudders "As far as I know, no other slave has tried to escape since then."

I shuddered "I don't plan to try. Thank you for telling me, Annie."

The whistle sounds and we climb down and walk to the clearing for the midday break. Again I have to sit on the overseer's lap and allow him to fondle me. He is pleased with our work and hands out extras. Then we are sent back to work.

We are finished a little earlier than yesterday, when we return to the Greathouse the sun is still a pawspan above the horizon. I am glad that we are given plenty of food, it feels good not being hungry. Then I am sent to have a hot bath, apparently the master prefers to be entertained by a clean slave. A young lynx-wolf hybrid helps me, drying and brushing my fur. Her name is Karen and she is only twelve. We chat a little and she tells me about her life here. Her mother, a lynx, was pregnant when the master bought her, and she has lived her all her life. Her mother died several years ago, giving birth to another child. When I am finished, I am allowed to rest a little more in the kitchen, then I am sent to my master's room.

I take off my smock and kneel on the rug, facing my master's chair. I only have to wait a few minutes for him. I look up when he sits down. As he considers my body for some time a grin slowly forms on his muzzle. It feels as if his gaze penetrates my fur and even my skin. Then he chuckles and licks his lips "Go on with your story, girl."

"Yes, Master" I answer, caught somewhere between fear, humiliation and relief.

# # #

The cook took me to the slave who trimmed the fur for the master and said "Shave her. But just a little." He grinned at me, commanded "Obey him and when he is finished come back to the kitchen." and left. I had to stand in front of the barber and he started shaving the fur on my breasts. The weasel shaved about an inch around my nipples, first from my left then from my right breast, he also fondled the shaved area. Very soon my muzzle started burning with embarrassment. Then I had to turn around, bend over and press my tail against my back and he shaved a similar area around my tailhole. Finally I had to lie on the bed, spread my legs and lift my hips, presenting my sex to him. He shaved an area around it as well and while he was at it, he took a some time to explore my body. When he was finished, he grinned at me and said "The way I know the Master, you'll be visiting me every week for the next several months." I groaned when I heard that. Then he sent me to the kitchen.

There the cook examined me, to make sure I was properly shaved and when he was finished, I had to lick him.

My master raises his paw and commands "Get up and show me where." I stand up, very close to him. He holds out his right paw, index finger extended. I take his paw and trace the area where my left breast was shaved. He takes some time to examine my breast, then he says "Yes, now that I know about this, I can see where the fur is just a little lighter and shorter." My muzzle gets hotter and hotter. Then he examines my right breast.

After a while I have to turn around and present my backside for him to examine. Then I have to turn around once more and put one foot on the pawrest of his chair and trace the previously shaved area around my sex with his index finger. He takes a rather long time to examine me. By the time he commands me to kneel and continue with my story I am panting heavily and his pants are bulging.

Again a whip was attached to my collar and I had to carry it around the whole week, it saw plenty of use. I only got to eat when my owner fed me. He treated me as if I was a feral dog and I had to behave that way as well, crawling on all fours and making only animal noises. My food and water was put in a bowl on the floor, I had to eat it without using my paws. One afternoon he put a leash on my collar and took me for a walk into the garden. I even had to fetch a stick. In the nights the guards had their fun with me, I slept very little. And I had to work hard all week.

On Saturday I was given a heap of red hot peppers. I had to cut them up and make a paste from them using a mortar and pestle and mix it with vinegar and a few other spices. I worked at this for about an hour. When I was mostly finished, the cook came by and asked "Do you want to know what we need all that for?"

I had been wondering and nodded "Yes, Master."

He looked at my paws and grinned "Put the first two fingers of your left paw in your slit, slave."

I did so and it burned terribly.

When he heard me panting and whimpering in pain, he said "The master ordered it for tomorrow. Now go on."

Shivering with fear at what was to come, I continued with my task.

That night I was allowed to sleep alone to regain my strength a little. When dawn came I was taken to the balcony and tied up, gagged and hooded and the noose was put around my neck. I have no idea how I managed to stay upright the whole day. Muscles I never knew I had burned with pain by the time I was released again. By then the sun was setting. I fell and could not get up again, my muscles would not obey me. The guards carried me to the master's room and made me kneel there. Then they left me to wait for my master.

I had to kneel there for perhaps an hour, thirsty and hungry, until my master showed up. At least the pain in my legs and back abated a little. But I started hurting in different places. I could not quite suppress the shiver of fear when I heard him enter the room.

He must have seen it or smelled my fear, because he laughed and said "We are going to have a lot of fun tonight, my little one." as he tussled my headfur. He put a cup to my lips and let me drink a few sips, barely enough to wet my mouth. Then he crouched down next to me and put the jar with the pepper paste on the floor beside me. His right paw closed around my neck, his claws digging into my skin painfully. He commanded " Don't move!" and dipped one finger of his left paw into the jar. I could see him grin widely as he first brushed the finger lightly over my labia and then poked it deep into my slit. I screamed as my cunt exploded with pain and I jerked around, barely keeping my position. The claws of his paw broke the skin of my throat and blood dripped down my front. He waited until I had gotten somewhat used to the pain and stopped jerking around, then he released me and sat down on a chair in front of me. He opened his pants and commanded "Come here and lick me!" I crawled the few feet to him, kneeled again and started licking him. By the time he was finished and I had licked him clean, the pain in my cunt had abated somewhat.

I see that my master's pants are bulging again. He is grinning, I hope I have not given him an idea on a new way to have fun with me.

He commented "This is going to be a long night. And there is still so much of that wonderful concoction left." He left me kneeling for some time. He walked around the room, doing something. Then he called "Come here, slave!" I got up and walked to him. He pointed at a table "Lie down there." I climbed on the table and lay down. "Lift your hips!" I did and he put a big piece of wood under me, lifting my hips high into the air. My back soon started hurting as I lay like this. Then he tied my paws and ankles to the table legs, securing me in place. Then he took a large ring gag and forced it into my mouth. My jaws could barely open wide enough. He tied the straps around my head, securing it in place. He put the jar on the table next to my head, then he fetched a drink and regarded me for some time, as I lay there, shivering.

He put down his drink and dipped a finger in the jar. Grinning widely at me, he grabbed my muzzle and spread the paste over the tip of my nose and even forced some into my nostrils. I howled with pain and tried to shake my head free, but he held on tight, digging his claws painfully into my muzzle.

He waited until the pain had died down a little and I had my screaming under control, then he commanded "Stick out your tongue!" When I did, he grabbed roughly, using his claws, then he dipped his other paw into the jar again and spread the paste over my tongue. He held on tight and heedless of my howls he dipped his paw in the jar, again and again and covered my lips and the inside of my mouth with the paste. After a long time he let go of my tongue. Panting heavily I did my best to clear my mouth of the stuff, but this was difficult with my mouth wide open. Licking if off would only set my tongue afire again.

He watched me for a while and commented "You like eating this stuff? Look at you licking your lips!" grinning widely. Then he put down the jar between my legs and turned his attention to my lower body. His fingers dug into my tailhole, spreading it wide. This burned terribly, just from the residue on his paws. It hurt even more when he spread the paste around and inside my tailhole. I howled in pain, again and again. Then he stopped and left the room for several minutes.

He returned and showed me a strange metal contraption and asked "Do you know what that is?"

I shook my head.

He grinned "Think of it as a ring gag for your 'other mouth'."

I started whimpering in fear when I realized what he meant by that.

My master only laughed and inserted it into my cunt. It was very cold. He did something to it and I was spread painfully wide, nearly as wide as I had been when I had whelped my daughter.

He dipped his finger in the jar and showed it to me, grinning widely. Then he applied it to my inside and my cunt exploded in pain. I trashed in my bonds and howled in pain. My master then waited a little, until I stopped screaming, then he put a little more of the horrible stuff on a different location. I don't really remember how long this went on, but my throat was soon hoarse from all the screaming. After some time he stopped and waited until I had calmed down a little. Then he grabbed my head and tilted it back as far as possible. He dropped his pants, thrust his already hard cock into my mouth and fucked me. He did not even give me a chance to lick him, he thrust into me, painfully hard and so deep that I nearly gagged and could not breathe sometimes. When he spurted his load into my mouth I nearly chocked on it. Afterwards he cleaned himself up, using my tail. Then he pissed into my mouth. I drank it, half disgusted, half glad, I was so thirsty.

This has excited my master very much, his pants are bulging. He grins at me, opens his belt buckle and pulls down his pants. I swallow, then I lean forward and start licking him. He tussles my headfur as he spurts his load into my mouth. Then I lick him clean, sit back and force myself to smile.

"Hmmm, you are very good at this. Do you enjoy this, little one?"

My muzzle burns brightly as I answer "Yes, Master."

He laughs, then he moves his leg forward, along my thigh, pokes his toe into my slit and starts wiggling it around. I do my best to appear pleased by this. He commands "Go on."

My master blindfolded me. For a long time he played with me. He applied a bit of the paste to a sensitive spot, then he waited until I had stopped screaming before he did it again. And I never knew where he would use it next. After an indeterminable time he apparently ran low on the stuff, because he stopped. I could hear him go about his evening business, then he came back and removed the gag and the blindfold. "Time to go to sleep, little slave." I breathed a sigh of relief. When he heard that, he grinned at me and said "There is still a little left."

Then he showed me a regular gag and a piece of heavy cloth. He put most of the remaining paste on the cloth, wrapped it around the gag, with the past on the inside and tied it up with a bit of string. He inserted it into my mouth and tied it in place. He also removed the metal contraption from my cunt. Then he scraped together the rest of the paste and applied it to the inside of my slit. I trashed around and screamed into the gag for several minutes. My salvia slowly released the hot paste from my gag and my mouth burned continuously for the rest of the night. I don't know if I slept at all.

In the morning he used his riding crop on me, concentrating on my breasts and my slit. Then he untied me. When I knelt at his feet, hurting terribly and shivering in fear, he asked me "You wanted to ask me something, slave, didn't you?"

My heart ached when I forced out the answer "No, Master."

Then he sent me back to work.

# # #

My master commands "Stop! That's enough for today. Get ready for bed, my lovely slave." and removes his toe from my slit.

I am panting heavily and the fur on my muzzle is fluffed. I stand up and when I walk by my master, he lightly slaps my backside. Surprised, I jump forward. He laughs and comments "Ah, eager to get into bed, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master." I answer, embarrassed and walk on. We quickly take care of our evening business, then I have to pretend to enjoy his attention for some time. At least he does not hurt me. I am tired and fall asleep quickly.

End of Chapter 5