
Story by Nixs on SoFurry

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#7 of From human to furry-the story of a teenage skunk

Well it's been a while since I started this so with all the usual characters are copyright to their players hubbub on with the show....it's a longer show than the others by the way :)


''War?'' We both shouted.

''Yep'' Jane replied solemnly ''Come on lets go''

We rushed to the lift through the now eerily silent corridors our foot steps the only noise in the place. When we entered the lift I found myself to be holding Spectrum's hand.

''This way you three'' said a ferret as the elevator doors opened on the intelligence level. We followed him into the Operations room.

''Okay we're all here now'' said Theorca as he nodded towards us. ''As you may or not be aware the decision to go to war has been approved by myself and the rest of the F.A.P. leaders around the world''

Stifled gasps filled the room with the occasional ''About time''

''We've been expecting this day for some time but none of us wanted it to ever happen. We thought it better to err on the side of caution hence why we have all been training. Sergeant Trails and I have prepared missions for you'' He pointed to the projector screen behind him ''The people here are off more value to us here than in the field.'' Trails stood up and continued in place of Theorca

''Your jobs will be to relay any information appertaining to your teams missions such as enemy troop movements as well as send in medivac and evac transports to your team and any other friendlies in the area.''

As Theorca slumped into his chair Trails placed a paw on the orca's shoulder

''Do what you want tonight. I wish I could but I cannot guarantee you will all return alive. Live today like it will be your last. Who knows if the gods are adding tomorrows hours to today's lot.'' With those words he walked out, his silver tail swishing as he trotted out.

We disbanded soon afterwards. Some of us went to the mess hall for a final meal whist others went to their respective places of prayer and others yet went to each others room. I however went to my room and slept.

The next morning as I stirred from my slumber I knew something was amiss. I dived to my left and hit something that yelped.

''Sorry'' I said as I helped her to her feet ''Just wanted to see who it was who delivered the mail.

She dusted herself off then spoke ''I'm Clair. Maiden of the Mist and delivery furson for Theorca. Now if you don't mind I've got other messages to deliver'' She transformed into mist and circled around me a few times before passing through the gap at the top of the door.

I have got to learn that I thought to myself as I picked up the note and placed it on my bed side table before heading into the bathroom to have a cold shower to wake me up before turning up the heat as I lathered up with shampoo and conditioner. I dried myself off thoroughly once I stepped out of the shower then went to read the letter with my towel wrapped firmly around me.


You will be my second for the missions. We all voted and you won by a majority vote. Our first operation will be a rescue mission. Two of out top spies are currently being held for interrogation. Attached are their respective dossiers as well as photos as well as the mission parameters. Gear up and meet us outside A.S.A.P.

General Trails

I took a look at the enclosed pictures. One was off a charming looking black wolf femme and the other was of a smiling blue dragon who had a striking resemblance to Faeros. Probably related or something I thought to myself as I continued reading the dossier.

''Thirty-eight double D? How is that useful information?'' I said aloud before reading the likes of each ''Whipped cream and strawberries?...nah not my thing''

I continued reading and as I did so I wondered how much info they had on me... When I finished I knew far more about them than I did myself but felt happy that we were going to free such a cute couple.

I went to my weapon rack and put on my camouflage gear as well as Kevlar vest before removing my .357 magnums. I replaced the ammo with tranquiliser darts before doing the same with my sniper modified AK-47. I placed each in their respective holsters before putting my sword on my back. I laced up my boots tightly before I left my room.

Out back I saw over twenty mechs or many different colours. I spotted Trail's mech almost immediately with its gentle brown torso and silver tail. I walked over to him and he other furs of his troupe. He nodded to me

''Nixs and Ebon you two will be out assault team. Andrea will be the mech driver and will relay any relevant information to us via her nifty creation. Skan and Spectrum you two will be on sniper detail. I'll set up a nice distraction once the outer guards are taken out. Once any threats are neutralised Nixs and Ebon will search and take the hostages to safety. Everyone got that?''

We all nodded before he continued ''Recheck that you have tranqs not live ammo. Can't risk losing our two best field operatives. That goes for you guys as well. No heroics or flashy moves. We do this right and well be back within a few hours.''

Theorca wondered over as Trails finished talking and handed a field medi kit to Andrea before walking off to the next mech. After she checked it and nodded we moved into Trail's mech. Inside it was completely bare except for a few dated pictures of him and humans in combat gear. They were from the first world war...his fallen comrades were to watch over us on this mission. We sat down on the floor making ourselves comfortable as we flew to our destination.

After awhile I got bored of poker and got up and walked over to Andrea and sat down next to her.

''Nixs can I ask you a question?'' she whispered into my ear so the others couldn't hear.

''If it's about me and Spectrum all I can say is it really wasn't what it looked like''

''It looked like my mate was kissing a fox on his bed. One clothed the other not...'' she said with a lull in her voice.

''Andrea I promise I'm not cheating on you... ask Spectrum and he'll tell you what really happened. Then you can come back to me and ill tell you my version of events. That will prove to you I'm not lying to you.'' I said with desperation in my voice from the possibility of losing such a wonderful furson. Andrea sighed deeply

''Nixs I do love and trust you...besides I don't care if you go sleeping around.'' I stopped her by placing my paw to her lips

''I do however. Andrea you are my mate and as such I wont sleep around with other furs or dragons. Unless you order me to sleep with someone I wont''

She hugged me tight

''I've been thrown of course these last few weeks'' She gulped ''Nixs I think I'm...''

''We're here'' Trails shouted as we landed. He opened the side hatch and a chill wind met us as we exited, Andrea however remained inside. As the door locked behind us Trails handed each of us an earpiece.

''If you've ever played the Metal Gear series of games then just think of this as a codec. It's only in beta testing so this is it's first real practise in the field.'' He placed his in his right ear and we all did the same. ''Press your finger to your ear and speak the name of whoever you want to talk to or say team for all of us. Andrea will update us with any useful information'' He paused ''Snipers get into your positions and let's do this right. Team move out.''

Spectrum went to the left and climbed into a tree as Skan moved to the right and hid himself in between two boulders. Andrea's voice spoke softly into my ear

''The thermal scan shows twenty heat signatures in the compound, one fainter than the others. That will be Flora. Andrea out''

I watched as Trails crawled down a ramp to a jeep stationed not twenty feet from the double doors of the compound. He ducked behind it as two guards came out talking to each other.

''Two targets neutralised'' came Spectrums voice calmly after they had walked round the other side. Trails darted back up to mine and Ebon's position and laid down with us. We crawled to the edge off the ramp as he pulled out a remote detonator and looked at me

''When the C-4 charge blows help take out the guards that come out. No heroics remember.'' I nodded as he pressed the big red button on the remote.

Then green jeep flew into the air as a cloud of flame billowed out from underneath it. It landed onto some fuel canisters which exploded adding to the carnage. Moments later the guards rushed out searching for us. They fanned out to search the area. When two of them fell to the ground one of them shouted. He'd spotted one of us.

I opened fire with my AK-47 taking single shots as bullets ricoched around us. Within a minute there were ten humans on the floor.

''Ebon your with me'' I said as I got up sweeping the area for unfriendlies. We walked down the dirt trail to the ''bodies'' and removed the weapons to one side just in case the tranqs wore of too quickly. We continued to the compound and placed ourselves either side of the double door. I stood back against the wall as I pushed the door inwards. Two shotguns blasts greeted where I would have been standing. I nodded to Ebon and we went in guns up.

''Don't move a fucking muscle unless I tell you to'' I shouted as we pointed out guns at the four guards.

I took my hand of my AK and the guard on the far left went for his holster. I pulled out both magnums and shot him in the chest before he reached it. The others placed their hands up and as he slumped to the ground so did their weapons.

''I believe I said don't move and he did.'' Playing on their assumptions I continued ''Anyone else move out of turn and you'll get the same treatment.'' I replaced my guns and tied each of their wrists together with handcuffs.

''Trails. I've got some prisoners for you. Treat them well until I get back'' I ordered Ebon to lead them outside as I removed my dual pack of magnums again.

''Andrea. How many heat signatures now? over''

''Just scanning...five including you. The other four are grouped together. Be careful Nixs. Over''

''I will hon'' I replied before I walked down a corridor as silently as possible. I took out a small mirror and used it to peek around the corner. I saw two jail cells with two occupants in each.

''Andrea. We've got two more furs to rescue it seems.''

''Well rescue them already. There aren't any other guards so go get them out silly'' She giggled

I grinned and placed my magnums away and withdrew my sword.

''Stand back please'' I said as I swung straight through the door hinges on each door before removing the doors themselves. I offered my paw to each of them in turn.

''I'm Nixs your night in Kevlar armour'' I chuckled. ''I know you two since we are here to rescue you but you two'' I said as I nodded to the folf and vixen ''you two are an added bonus. Got any names?''

The folf stepped forward

''I'm Xeno and this is my mate Zoe''

''Zoe grinned then pounced me to the ground kissing me''

''Thank you thank you thank you'' She said in between kisses.

''It's quite alright Zoe'' I said before Xeno stepped forward and stopped the barrage of kisses. I got up and sheathed my sword.

''Now if you'll all follow me towards the exit we have a few people waiting for us''

They followed me out to where Trails was waiting for me.

''Trails this is Faora, Raven, Zoe and Xeno'' I said as I pointed a paw towards each of them in turn before turning to them and pointing a paw at Trails ''Xeno,Zoe,Raven and Faora this is General Trails the leader of the operation''

''Sorry to bust up your reunion but there's an armoured division on the way'' came Andrea's voice in my ear in a matter of fact way.

''This way quickly please...their sending tanks in'' Trails said as he turned tail and moved quickly up the slope.

We clambered into the mech which was now quite crowded with the seven extra passengers. As we set off Andrea was talking to the human prisoners and offering them food and drink. I sighed contentedly at her kindness. I left her to warming them up to the idea of furs being kind people as I removed my heavy outer gear and placed it on a rack before stretching.

The mech shook suddenly throwing me backwards into Raven's lap with a paw on her breasts

'Hands off my wife Faora said jokily as I blushed and removed my hand.

''Aww but he's so cute. Cant' we keep him Faora?'' She giggled as she ran her paws through my head fur.

''Of course you can hon'' The blue dragon said as he kissed her.

''Do I get a say in the matter?'' I asked whist enjoying the head rub.

''Sorry to break up this truly touching scene you three but that little bump was a missile from a chopper. Nixs get your ass up here and be so kind as to and take the controls''

I moved up from between Raven's thighs and sat down in the pilot's seat

''You're no fun sometimes Trail's'' I said as I taped the dashboard with my tail as I put on the pilot helmet then took the controller.

I turned the mech around and pulled out a long barrelled Steyr machine gun. I changed the ammo to laser burst and swept it across the squadron of helicopters cutting off their rotor blades. I switched to E.M.P. pulse and fired at the plane's tight packed formation. I saw the planes fall to the ground as their pilots joined the helicopters parachutes in the air.

''fifteen parachutes...no casualties...excellent'' I murmured to myself before handing the controls back to Trails and sitting down on the floor.

One of the detainees slid over to me and spoke quietly

''Why did you let them live? They were a threat and you could have killed them.''

''They were a threat but now they aren't. Like us furs they probably have a family waiting for them. There is no need for loss of life unnecessarily''

''What about the rest of my guards then?''

''They're alive. We used tranqs on them. Quick acting but short lived...in three hours they will wake up and feel right as rain.

''You are a compassionate skunk it seems. You also remind me of someone my brother told me about...this may sound strange but was your name Nicholas English at one point?'' When I saw his name tag I looked up and nodded.

''So you're Wang Kerr's brother then?''

He laughed ''Yes I am Bret and my brother is Huang. Suffice to say many people pronounce it wang. He always wondered if our parents hated him or something by giving that name to him. His anger filled his life from the constant bullying so he found a way to vent the anger...he vented it on you furs. A shame really since I had a furry girlfriend.'' He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder before pulling back sharply ''Sorry...''

''For what? I'm all for the comfort of touch'' I wrapped my tail around him and heard him sigh.

''Why are you so kind to me? Softening me up before you swallow me? He said as he snuggles into my floofy tail.

''Well if you wanted me to I could swallow you...why'd you say that Bret?''

''My girlfriend was a naga. I found her unconscious in a forest clearing one day. She must have been mugged as he clothes were bloody and torn. I nursed her back to health and fell in love with her.''

''You said was...did she pass away?'' I said softly

''No she was most likely called in by a villager and thus kidnapped. It happened over a year ago and I miss her every waking hour. What could I do though? It's not like I could say I was co-habitating with a naga who would swallow me to remove my worries.''

I pulled him closer and rested him on my lap as I hugged him.

''What was her name?'' I said as I scritched his head.

''Arreal Roxo. Why do you ask?' He replied looking up at me.

''Because my friend there is a possibility we have rescued her.''

A smile formed on his face and he leaned back into me.

''If she's alive and you take me to her I'll let you swallow me.

''Who could refuse such a nice offer. ON my honour and my floofy tail I hereby swear that I will not digest you and will let you out the moment we reach her.'' I turned my head ''Trails know if there were any nagas rescued within the last year?''

''Ask Andrea. She might know''

I waved to Andrea and she graced me with her presence.

''I heard. Nagas are a rare breed but if I remember correctly we've got two nagas. Jasmine and Ariel I think...not sure if that's the right name.

''Could that be Arreal Roxo by any chance?'' Bret asked from my lap.

''That's it'' She said grinning ''She works at our home base as a matter of fact...in Intelligence I believe.''

''Thank you Andrea. Now I have a human to swallow'' I chuckled as I released him from my tail.

Bret undid his boots and took off his outer uniform leaving him only in boxers and a vest.

''I'm ready when you are sir''

''Aww so cute. I'm only eighteen and he's calling me sir''

Bret blushed and closed his eyes as I wrapped my tail around him and lifted him up towards my open maw head first. I sucked gently taking his head into my throat before I swallowed him in one large gulp. I layed down on my back rubbing the bulge in my stomach. I felt him sigh and as he wondered off to sleep I whispered to him

''I think you would make a great panda cute one.'' before I closed my eyes and rested from the day's events.

I woke up on my bed as the ever beautiful Andrea prodded my arm. I looked up at her and saw the naga.

''Arreal Roxo I presume?''

''You are indeed correct kind sir. I believe you have someone very dear to me inside you. Perchance there is room for two in there? Only for a few minutes of course''

''Take as long as you like Ms. Arreal. You may do as you want inside'' I winked at her as she slithered onto the bed before I opened my maw wide. She slid down my throat with no effort on my part. When she was fully inside my stomach I closed my mouth. I felt my stomach stretch slightly, not painfully so however, as Arreal wriggled inside me.

''Good sir it seems I have miscalculated. I cannot get back out with the extra weight'' She said slightly embarrassed. I rubbed the head shaped bulge

''Do not fret sweet lady I can free you in a second''

I closed my eyes and imagined her on my bed. When the blue light cleared a rather full naga was lying to my right. I rolled over acting exhausted

''So how was it for you?'' I grinned

''You sir are a cad. I like cads they're so tasty'' She chuckled as she licked her lips. Bret began to stir as I put on some fresh clothes. I ushered Andrea out before turning to Arreal

''Stay as long as you like there Ms. Arreal. Ask him about the prospect of being turned into a fur as well.''

When I closed the door Andrea pushed me against a wall and kissed me forcefully. She broke the kiss a minute later. Stunned slightly I replied

''May as I ask what I did to deserve such a lovely reward from such a fine dragoness?'' as I inhaled her scent.

''Just being you beautiful, caring kind self. Which make me wonder...'' She looked down slightly.

''What's the matter Andrea? Do you still have that stomach bug?''

''In a manner of speaking...' I looked at her in a confused state as Zoe came round the corner.

''Ahh there you are. Say Andrea have you put on weight?'' She giggled and rubbed Andrea's belly before looking up. ''So told him yet?''

Andrea shook her head ''I was just about to tell him''

''Tell me what?'' I said still confused.

''Andrea looked at me ''Nixs I'm pregnant...''

My ears twitched and my eyes glazed over. I must have stood there for a while as Andrea spoke to me worried

''Nixs are you okay?''

''Is it mine?'' I said grinning before I hugged her. ''That's brilliant news. Why didn't you tell me earlier?''

''I was afraid you would be mad and leave me...'' She said as she began to cry. I wiped my paw over her soft cheek

''Don't cry Andrea. I'll never leave you. Now dry your eyes mate''

I kissed her on the lips softly and whispered to Andrea

''Does Zoe know about your abilities?''

She blushed

''Well you see me and Zoe sort of...did it'' She turned away slightly

''Two femmes together in bed. One unbirthing the other of abilities unknown... kinky'' I said laughing softly.

''I'm glad you're not mad with me sleeping with someone else Nixs...''

''Andrea it would be selfish of me to ask you to only sleep with me. You can enjoy the pleasure of other femmes and males alike.''

I wrapped my tail around Zoe who was looking out of place

''To celebrate the momentous occasion how about a dragoness, vixen and skunk threesome?'' I announced as I stroked along Zoe's belly with a wayward paw.

''I'm up for anything as long as Andrea is. Though I'd very much like to end up inside one of you afterwards if we did...'' She blushed and I cuddled her

''What is it with cute people all of a sudden? Nothing wrong with that at all Zoe. What say you Andrea? Yea or nay?''

''Nay unfortunately. I have to continue working on my little ear piece invention.'' She stopped and grinned ''Zoe why not show him your extra features with him in bed? Nixs I order you to pleasure this lady in my place.'' She giggled and walked off.

Zoe turned to me and looked up to me

''Nixs are you an open minded person like your mate Andrea?''

''Yes. Why do you...'' She stopped me with a kiss and I unwrapped my tail from her. She took my paw in hers and led me to her room.

''Me and Xeno agreed this would be a suitable reward for rescuing you''

She unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a white Bra holding similar sized breasts to Andrea's. I took my paws and traced under each of them with my fingertips feeling the soft fur.

She murred slightly and leaned into as she licked along my neck before she sat down on the bed. I joined her and after removing her bra I suckled gently on her breasts giving each nipple a playful bite. I pulled back in shock when I felt something dribble into my mouth. I looked at her breasts which had a white liquid running down them.

''It's only milk Nixs. I'm a lactater. Slight arousal makes me produce milk'' I nodded and lapped up the excess fluids before I continued suckling on her firm D cup breasts, gulping down the warm milk until there was no more.

''Nixs I'm going to show you something most people will never see...'' She lowered her skirt and her white lace panties.

My eyes bulged at what I saw and she turned away in an attempt to hide herself

''You don't like what I am do you Nixs'' She whimpered. I pulled hir onto my lap, so shi was facing me, and cuddled her with my skunk tail as shi pressed against my thigh.

''Zoe I don't care that you are a herm. I care more about the fact such a sweet furson has a longer wang than me...''

She laughed and hugged me back ''So you really don't mind then?''

''Zoe if I did I wouldn't be sitting here with your member pressing against my thigh''

She layed hirself back down on the bed as I unbuttoned my shirt and removed my shorts before lying next to hir. I turned towards her

''So want to top me then?'' I asked as I rubbed along her soft vulpine cheek.

''I would like to very much Nixs...thank you''

I rubbed my paw against hir length until shi was ready. I got onto all fours and lifted my tail aside. She gently rubbed hir nine inch erection against my tight tail hole. I murred and pushed back slightly letting hir tip inside me before shi gently eased the rest of hir length inside my velvety innards, forcing me to let out a sigh when hir knot touched my tail base.

''Such a welcoming and nice skunky'' She murred in pleasure as shi eased hirself out. I rolled my tail over hir breast with feathery light touches as shi slammed back into me before stroking along my length with hir silk furred feminine paw.

''Mmm...Zoe I shall repay the favour afterwards...''

She wrapped hir paw around me as I bucked forward and backwards as shi did the same. I rubbed along hir side with my tail and heard hir murr ''Ohh Nixs''

Shi leaned forward and caressed my cheek with hir free paw as shi licked the back of my neck before nuzzling into it. I slammed back forcing hir knot inside me before I repositioned myself so I was on top of hir lap.

''Lie back and enjoy the ride Zoe'' I said as I bounced on hir length.

''How sweet of you Nixs''

''You're the sweet one Zoe'' I said as I spiralled my fingers over hir breasts towards the nipples which I tweaked gently. I rolled my tongue over hir right breast before suckling it again as shi pistoned into me. I welcomed the milk flowing into my maw and I wanted more...it was intoxicatingly good tasting.

Zoe began panting more and more until shi took one final thrust and came deep inside me. I clenched hard around hir taking it three more times for good measure. As hir paws fell to hir sides I lifted myself off hir before lying next to hir with my own eight inches clearly visible. After she savoured the afterglow she rolled over and spoke softly still affected by hir climax.

''Pick a hold Nixs...but be gentle. Don't want to hurt the baby do we?'' Shi giggled


''Xeno hon''

''Ahh. Well congratulations then. I'd prefer door number one if you don't mind that is...''

''Nixs I'm going to ride you like you did me'' At those words I ran my paws over hir breasts before I cupped them.

Shi straddled my waist and lowered hirself onto my skunkhood. After shi got used to the size shi began to ride me fast and hard causing hir member to come back to life. I placed my paw around hir member and slowly pawed hir off as my other paw stroked along hir cheek. I lowered my paw and as it teased hir breasts I felt hir shoot pre over my paw. I worked my wrist faster in response as I bucked my hips up into hirs hilting myself each time. I griped harder and she arched backwards as hir dual climaxes ran through hir covering my waist in love juices.

''NIXS!'' she moaned loudly as she shot hir load over my chest.

I lowered hir back gently as hir sopping wet pussy clamped down hard around me. I placed my paws to either side for support as I eased in and out of hir slowly. Shi panted heavily as she nuzzled my neck.

''Nixs...faster'' Shi whimpered.

I slowly increased the pace watching hir squirm with pleasure underneath me as she took my whole length each time. I rolled my tail over hir face before I lowered myself and kissed hir. My muscles relaxed as I shot my hot seed inside hir, filling hir up. Shi climaxed seconds later and gripped my sides tightly as shi did.

''Mmm...Nixs... that was incredible'' shi said as I rolled over onto my back with hir lying on top of me''

''Close your eyes and sleep with me Zoe''

Shi murred and snuggled into my chest as I placed my tail over hir lengthways before I fell asleep as well.

I woke up to find Zoe gone and in hir place a fold wearing nothing but boxers with hearts adorned on them. He was looking at me grinning.

''Erm... Hello. Xeno wasn't it?'' He nodded his head

''So you slept with my mate then?''

''Erm yeah shi said you had agreed about it...something about a reward. I was under the impression you were okay with it Xeno...''

''I did agree. I was helping your Andrea out with her marvellous invention. You know she loves you a lot?'' He pointed to my loins ''...and that guy as well'' He laughed as he said the last bit.

''Well I hope she like me for my personality not just my abilities in and out of bed.''

''Trust me Nixs. She really does love you and I get the feeling you love her back just as much if not more...Ever given marriage a thought?''

''On many occasions Xeno but that's beside the point.''

''And what would the point be?'' He asked quizzically

''Why the hell where you here grinning at this naked skunk?'' I laughed

''Well firstly to see if you're as cute as Andrea says you are. Secondly thanks to you my lovely Zoe told me shi had something special planned for me later.'' He grinned'' I can't wait to find out. Ohh yeah and I'm here to tell you that you missed the debriefing. Don't worry you'll be filled in on the details later. In the meantime I suggest you have a shower to get your fur unmated.'' He turned and walked out the door then closed it.

After my quick shower I got changed into my clothes and wrote a note for the couple.

Dear Zoe and Xeno,

If you ever need anything just leave a message for me.

The Sexy Skunk [Nixs]

I left the note of their double bed and exited the room. Turning the corner I bumped into Andrea

''Hi there Andrea. Had fun with Xeno?'' I grinned as I emphasised the implied suggestion as I wriggled my eyebrows.

''Ohh it was wonderful Nixs. I'm thinking of joining them and leaving you...''

''Oww that hurts Andrea. Your words wound me so'' I said as I kept up the charade.

''Well as you should know you slept through Faora and Ravens debriefing...busy with one of your own I believe'' She chuckled and I joined in

''Say do you have the debriefing notes on you?''

She showed me her empty paws ''Nope but I can tell you that our team will be going on a second operation within the week. Apparently there's a research center that is creating a powerful secret weapon. We will be going to investigate the base. There's no recon as the radar shows a shroud for about five square miles...a bit of a giveaway don't you think?

''Sure do Andrea. I hope this operation goes just as well as the first operation...if not better''

''I do too Nixs...I do too'' She said as she hugged me.

Two days later I made my way to Faeros and asked him a question.

''Faeros do you know where I could get an engagement ring? I'm thinking of marrying a certain dragoness that is very dear to me.''

''I shall check my drawer when I get back from this little shopping spree I have to do. Can you believe it? We're out of liquorish of all things. I should have many in there actually. Any preferences?''

''Gold with amethyst would be nice or with a ruby. Either would suit her well I think.

''Very well my friend if I find one I shall get it to you as soon as possible, hopefully before your next spec. op.''

''Thank you Faeros. I owe you one''

''Do not worry my skunky friend'' he said with his Rusky voice ''Just give me a pint of your blood sometime'' He grinned and padded off.

''Err...sure Faeros'' I said slightly baffled

Rather bored I went in search of Trails to tell him my plans. Eventually I found him in the Pig in a Blanket, a small café.

''Hi there Nixs. Don't you just hate not being able to make your mind up?''

''I know the feeling well Trails. I just go with my gut feeling. An army marches on its stomach after all.'' I grinned and he chuckled

''Well what would your gut chose then Nixs? Vegetable lasagne or a meatball sandwich?''

''Well I always go with meat if it's an option''

''Sandwich it is then. Thanks Nixs''

He got his sandwich from the counter and we sat down together.

''So Nixs what's on your mind?''

''Quite a few things actually. Marriage being one of them...''

''Hmm'' he nodded then chocked on his sandwich and spluttered ''Marriage?'' I patted his back to stop his choking

''Yep marriage. I'm going to ask Andrea to marry me after this next mission. After all I did get her pregnant...''

He chocked again

''Pregnant? For fuck's sake Nixs are you trying to give me a heart attack or something?'' he joked as he wiped away a tear from his cheek.

''Sorry Trails probably shouldn't have told you whist eating...though for comedy value I suppose it was a good idea'' I chuckled.

''A good scare every once in a while is good for you. Speaking of which... Nixs I won't be joining you on the next operation...''

If I had been eating I most definitely would have chocked.

''Why Trails?''

''I've lost my edge Nixs. I just can't fight anymore'' He breathed out deeply ''I would be a hindrance to the team. Nixs I want you to take my place as team leader. The others respect you and will follow your orders in my place'' He sighed again ''I'm sorry Nixs. I've just seen to much pointless fighting and I can't take it anymore. I've lost too many close friends''

I wrapped my tail around him and hugged him close.

''I'm sorry for your loss Trails.'' I said as I stroked along his silver mane ''I can only imagine how you feel. I'll do as good a job as I can Trails. Don't worry about the team. I'll bring us all back safely. During the op do you think you could watch over us in the intelligence room?''

''I think I can manage that Nixs. Thanks for understanding''

''Trails it's your life and your choice. As long as it doesn't hurt you I'm behind any decision you make''

He got up with a lone tear streaking down his face as I loosened my tail

''Just make sure you come back Nixs''

''I promise I will Trails'' I said as I hugged him again.

I followed him out of the eatery and we walked back in silence to his room where we parted ways. I went back to my room feeling tired suddenly. On my bed was a c.d. labelled Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone. I put it into my music player and drifted off listening to the music. When I woke up the music had stopped and I found a paw was wrapped around my skunkhood.

I turned over slowly to see Andrea there snoring softly beside me. I couldn't help but grin at her cuteness. I cuddled against her back and placed my paw inside her panties. As she began to stir I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

''Did I wake you Andrea?'' I asked quietly as I opened my eyes.

''No hon I was just resting my eyes for a bit''

I ran my paw from her panties up to and across her neck causing her to giggle. She retorted back by running a paw through my tail, causing me to shudder, before she straddled my hips.

''Nixs'' She said as she looked at me with those beautiful crimson eyes of hers ''Do you really love me?''

I didn't blink as I looked back into her ruby red eyes ''Andrea you are my life. When I wake up you are the first thing I think off. I would give the world for you Andrea...before you came into my life I did not know what true happiness was. Andrea I love you''

She leaned forward spreading her wings over the bed as she kissed me passionately

''Thank you Nixs. I just wanted to know for sure that you weren't staying with me because of the baby''

I stroked her cheek softly

''Andrea even if we couldn't have children I would have stayed with you'' I looked back into her eyes ''Andrea I love you and that's all that matters to me or will ever matter''

She sobbed quietly into my shoulder as I rubbed her wing tips with my tail.

''Nixs you're too kind to me. I just don't know why''

''You already know why Andrea'' I whispered as I kissed the back of her head softly. I felt her breathing slow as she began to snore softly again. I closed my eyes and dreamed of the future we would have together.

I awoke to her gentle moaning and as I opened my hands I saw her slowly bouncing on top of me which had had an obvious affect on me. I chuckled and whispered ''You make me rise an hour early just like daylight savings time''

I continued watching her as she rubbed her breasts until she moaned loudly and fell forward. I caught her as she did and she woke up.

''Andrea are you aware you just sleep dry yiffed me?'' I said grinning

''Sleep...yiffed?'' She looked down at her now sopping wet jeans and a rosy glow appeared on her cheeks. I chuckled 'So sexy the gals want me whist I sleep''

She hit me on the arm playfully ''Nixs I want you...deep inside of me'' she said with a husky voice

''How about after this mission then hon?''

She shook my hand ''It's a deal''

A knock on the door made as look at each other. We grinned and nodded before turning to the door and shouting ''Do come in...we're naked'' We both laughed as Jane Doe walked in.

''Aww I was kinda hoping you two were'' She pouted ''Anyway the second operation will happen today'' She sniffed the air deeply a few times then grinned ''I'd suggest showering and a change of clothes...don't want to make the other furs randy now do we?''

I pulled Jane onto the bed with my tail ''You're welcome to join us in the shower if you like'' I said as I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She giggled and replied ''Why don't you just eat me Nixs?'' I licked across her face ''Is that an offer Jane'' She grinned and licked me back.

''Maybe it is Nixs. Come ask me once you come back from the operation'' She kissed me on the lips as I ran a paw through her head fur.

''Now now Nixs'' Andrea said with mock indignation

''Don't you know you shouldn't play with your food?''

We all laughed as Jane left

''You know I'm sure she actually wants me to eat her in both senses of the word Andrea''

''I know I want you to eat me Nixs'' she said as she pounced me

''Well let's shower together then Andrea''

Twenty minutes, two dragoness climaxes and one slightly bloated skunk belly later I was lying on my bed with a sleeping dragoness inside me. As I was rubbing my belly Clair appeared suddenly. I put a finger to my lips and pointed at the snoring belly before whispering ''Andrea's sleeping''

She walked over and pressed her ear to my stomach then grinned ''I guess it must be comfortable in there then...until you digest her that is...''

''I don't digest and neither does she...common misconception. Besides did you really think I'd do that to my mate?''

''Ohh...I really had no idea about that. I'm sorry...Would you mind If I had a go inside there at a later date?''

''You can go inside now if you want''

''Really? ...erm how do I get in?''

''I swallow you whole and that's it. You also come out the same way you went in well actually it's more like you get teleported...I don't know how it works but it does.''

She clambered onto the bed as I opened my mouth wide. She changed into her mist form and guided herself down my throat before changing back inside my stomach. I felt it expand then I heard giggling as it jostled about.

''Should I assume one if not both of you is having fun in there? I said as I stroked one of the heads. Giggling was my only reply as the jostling continued for a while before I heard a deep growl from inside me and the jostling stopped. I sighed and closed my eyes as I imagined my stomach's contents on the bed with me. As I opened my eyes I saw a still sleeping Andrea and a grinning Clair.

''Sorry Nixs but I just had to do that''

''What's to be sorry for? You just gave my mate a screaming orgasm inside me...''

''I'm surprised she didn't wake up I must say...anyway I have something for you from Faeros'' She brought out two boxes from her backpack, one larger than the other. ''And something from Theorca'' I looked inside the smaller one and saw a shinning gold ring with an amethyst crystal set in it. I moved onto the next box and inside it saw a beautiful silver chocker adorned with many rubies.

''Damn...I owe him a lot for these...''

''He only wanted a pint of blood I believe Nixs'' She said as she brandished a blood bag and needle

''I won't ask why you are carrying that around with you or what else is in there...anyway shall we get this over and done with before she awakes? Any idea why he wants my blood?''

''Simple silly. You're an overproducer and a pyromancer...Ohh and blood is the second strongest magical ingredient after death magic and only a few of the really, really old mages do that...'

She wiped my arm down with an iodine wipe before she placed the needle into my arm. My claret coloured blood flowed freely into the bag through the syringe for five minutes.

''And done''

''Congratulations Nixs you're a daddy'' came Andrea's voice suddenly before she continued snoring quietly. We both stifled our laughter before Clair left in her mist form again. I opened up Theorca's note and read over the plans for the mission before I woke Andrea up.

''Rise and shine sleepy head I just got our second mission briefing''

''How do you expect me not to sleep when you're so cuddly inside and out Nixs?'' I chuckled as I sniffed deeply breathing in her scent.

''I think you need another shower Andrea...''

''Wha? Aww dammit I didn't do it again did I? These hormones suck....''

''A certain mist maiden visited you whilst you were in my stomach...suffice to say you enjoyed her visit a lot...'' I chuckled as I got up and put on my combat gear but this time loaded my guns with live ammo with a heavy heart.

I left Andrea to her shower as I went and informed the other members of my team before we went outside. A few minutes later Andrea arrived.

''Now as you all know Trails isn't here today. he's a bit under the weather so he left me in charge of this operation. Do any of you have a problem with that?'' I asked earnestly

Ebon cleared his throat ''I have no problem with you leading us. You proved yourself on the first op.'' The others nodded their approval before Spectrum chirped up

''If one of us had said no what would you have done?''

''I would have swallowed him of course'' I laughed and the other joined me.

''Nice answer Nixs'' Spectrum grinned

''Thank you and now the briefing. Okay Dragons and furs listen up. Long range scans show a black spot for about five square miles. We can assume this is a top secret technological site that this brand of humans doesn't want the rest of the world to know about. The lovely Andrea here however has updated her device so it works in the Weapon-X building. Yes I did just come up with that but it has a nice ring to it... anyway this is mainly a recon mission but if we see any hints that there is a weapon there we have the go ahead to move in straight away. We've got live ammo so if it comes to the choice of you or them it's them each time. Full body armour is what we will be wearing. You'll find it inside my mech and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Andrea you'll be flying solo behind us as your scouting equipment is much better than mine. Okay people let's go!''

Andrea rushed off to her mech as the rest of us clambered into mine. 'I pre4ssed my finger to my ear ''Team. Earpiece check. Acknowledge''


''Good to go''

''Loud and clear''

''Sexy skunk''

I grinned ''Everything's in order let's move out''

I donned my helmet and put on some calming music [if you want to know just ask me ^^] as I piloted us to the destination with Andrea on my right flank.

The mech bounce lightly as I landed on the rocky ground

''Godspeed friends and when we get back drinks are on me'' I said with a Sean Connery accent.

''But drinks are free anyway Nixs''

''I know'' I grinned as I cocked my rifle and exited the mech to the sound of the others chuckling.

''How's everyone like their armour?''

''Snazzy and incredibly light. What's it made of?''

''The same stuff as my sword and I'm not telling you cos it's a secret'' came Andrea's voice into our earpieces.

''Very cute Andrea. Managed to get any info for us?''

''Yep. Cliff face of about fifty feet with a long stretch of rocky ground around the main base. I get the feeling that this place was built over a place where a huge explosion occurred. I can't tell you anything more since this shroud is messing with all my readings. Just be careful and go slow''

''You heard the lady we go in slow and steady. Don't want to give away our position.

''Andrea. Wish me luck will ya?'' I whispered so the others couldn't hear

''Good luck father to be''

I smiled as I set up my rappel line as the others did. We hooked ourselves into the cliff edge and slowly descended in silence through the fog. We unclipped ourselves and brought up our weapons listening intently for a moment for any sounds...none came.

''Team. Fan out team'' I whispered as I pressed the earpiece.

We continued walking for a few minutes before Ebon started kicking the small rocks breaking the silence.

''Ebon! Stop that or you'll give us away!'' I said through gritted teeth as he kicked another high into the air above us. It landed with a clink sounded and continued until I heard a metallic clank sound.

''MINE.GET DOWN!'' I screamed as a wash of flame blew over me. I closed my eyes willing the heat into me as I flew backwards through the air. I landed against a boulder and slid down it onto my arm. Wincing in pain I called out ''Report your positions team. Ebon, Skan, Spectrum?''

I clambered out hoping for a reply from someone. I picked up my gun from the ground and searched for friend and foe alike as I watched where I was stepping.

''Andrea. I need evac immediately. We've got S.N.A.F.U. here'' I continued my search and heard a deep groan from behind a rock. Behind it was Ebon and Scan with Spectrum lying on top of them. Ebon coughed ''Nixs get out and get reinforcements then come rescue us. Okay?''

''I will Ebon. Just rest for now. Good thing I absorbed the flames or we'd have been toasted.''

He nodded ''Mind if I collapse from shock now Nixs?''

''Go right ahead Ebon and don't be scared. .'' He closed his eyes and I saw his chest moving up and down slowly along with the others.

I watched the mech fly in as I finished placing their weapons in my backpack. To my horror I saw a S.A.M. site emerge from the cliff edge

''Andrea. Eject! Eject now!'' I screamed as a barrage of missiles fired. I ran back towards my rope line and climbed up as fast as I could. The mech's remains crashed down

''Please let there be a chute please let there be a chute'' I said as I looked up and scanned the skies for her. My heart began beating frantically as I moved from the cliff edge.

''No she can't be dead I refuse to believe it'' I said as tears rushed down my face and I fell to my knees.

As I kneeled there in the soft brown earth something flew into my back. I groaned loudly and rolled over with my eyes open.

"Nixs. I saw a search party. We need to get out of here fast."

"You have no idea how glad I am to hear your voice Andrea. I thought I had lost you'' I said as I cuddled her tightly. ''The others are out cold. I had to leave them behind...."

"We can rescue them later Nixs. Don't worry about them'' She said as she lifted me to my feet and hugged me.

A lone shot fires and I saw her eyes go wide. She jerked and fell forwards into my arms.

I felt the blood flow slowly over my fingertips as I held her.

"Andrea. Stay awake. I'm not going to lose you. Don't die on me you're not going to die!" I cried as I pulled her back from the cliff edge.

She closed her eyes and an idea formed in my mind

"Andrea I'm going to swallow you. Even if the bullet poisons me when I digest it at least you'll live and that's all that matters."

I stroked her head before kissing her on the lips. I lifted her above me and let gravity do the word for me as the tears dried on my cheeks. I patted my stomach and headed towards the nearby mountain range looking for a cave of some sort to rest.

Eventually I found a cave which overlooked the weapon-X camp. I lied down on the dusty floor as fatigue overtook my body and I felt my chest tighten.

"Sorry Andrea but you have to live not me" I said before I collapsed.

I awoke with sweat running down my dusty face. I was still alive and the gentle snoring from my stomach told me that Andrea was as well. I felt her twitch as I turned to my side groaning.

''Nixs is that you?''

''Yes it's me Andrea. Are you okay in there? How's the wound?'' I said as I coughed.

''It stings a bit but that's about it. Are you okay hon? You sound terrible''

I coughed up blood. The faint metallic taste brining a smile to my face ''Just peachy hon. Well things could be better actually...let's say if I wasn't digesting a lead bullet....''

''Wait is that why you're in pain Nixs? Let me out immediately'' She said with fear in her voice

''I'll try Andrea'' I said as I closed my eyes. I just wanted to rest but I knew if I did it would leave her alone and my child would have no father. I breathed in deep as I pictured her beside me on the flat rock.

''Nixs I'm going to give you a dragon remedy. Just stay awake for a bit longer okay hon?''

''Like I'd ever fall asleep on the job'' I laughed then regretted it ''Remind me not to do that again Andrea''

''Nixs don't laugh for know. How's that?''

''Not out...just missing leg stump''

''Funny Nixs. I'm almost done here.''

''So what you cooking then hon?''

''We call it Angelo's wish after a weredog who befriended one of the elders''

''Cool name. Care to tell me any more about yourself?''

''Not much to tell. Okay I'm done here. Nixs swallow this'' she said as she poured the contents of a vial down my throat causing me to gag

''That is possibly the worst thing I have ever tasted. I'll do all the cooking at home I think. I'm not going to ask what's in it... can I rest now?''

''You can now. In fact I thoroughly recommend doing so Nixs''

''Well on doctor's orders goodnight''

I woke up feeling refreshed and rolled over to see Andrea lying on her front showing the bullet wound off to the cave. I lifted myself onto my feet and searched for my rucksack finding it in the corner. I unbuttoned my shirt and removed my army gear before I took out a smaller rucksack from my main backpack, containing the two boxes and a medi kit among other things, and returned to the sleeping dragoness.

''Sorry Andrea but this is for your own good'' I took out an iodine wipe and rubbed it across her wound expecting her to flinch. When I finished applying the dressing I rolled her over and was surprised to see her still snoring.

''Methinks my mate overdid her magic quota last night''

Her eyes opened suddenly ''Actually you awoke me with the iodine...oww that really hurt''

''Well I didn't want you getting infected so I erred on the side of possible pain for me. I was expecting a wayward arm to smack me in defence.''

''I would never smack you Nixs''

''Even if I tried to sleep yiff you?''

''In that instance I'd either swallow you or unbirth you'' She said grinning

''I win either way" I grinned "Feeling hungry hon?'' I said as I pulled out my ration pack

''Famished...gimme'' she said as she reached out a paw. I pulled the pack back

''Not until you tell me what the armour is made of'' I said with a toothy grin

''I could eat you right now Nixs...'' she glared at me

''Yes but I'd still have the food and I'd be going mmmm.....mmmmm.'' I said as I licked my lips

''Fine then you conniving skunk. The armour is the same as the metal my swords are made from. It is called Orichalcum and is a metal from Atlantis. Theorca brought it with him when he was exiled.''


''Uh uhh'' She waved a finger ''Not part of the bargain''

''Fair enough... besides you are naked'' I said chuckling as I handed her my rations.

''It was really hot last night...''

''Do you see me complaining?''

''No I see you looking at my breasts'' She said as she hoovered down all my rations. You going to eat anything Nixs?''

''Nah...We'll maybe later" I said as I saw a lone crumb in the pack. "Anyway do you mind if I ask you a question?''

''Not at all Nixs. Ask away'' She said as she turned to me

I kneeled down on one knee as I pulled out the smaller of the two boxes and opened it to reveal the contents as I looked into her eyes

''Andrea will you marry me?''

She gasped in shock ''M-m-marry you?''

I looked on ''If you love me as much as I love you then I want us to be together in wedlock''

Her eyes went teary with joy ''I...don't know what to say Nixs... I...'' she said beginning to pant with emotion

''Just say yes Andrea....''

''Y-yes. Nixs... I'll marry you'' She smiled widely down at me as I leaned forward and placed the ring on her paw before hugging her, tears of elation streaking down each of my cheeks. ''Thank you Andrea''

''She hugged back tightly ''No Nixs thank you, I love you...'' I smiled as I brushed away the tears from her face with my tail before I kissed her.

''Remember what I promised we would do after the operation? Would you like to do that now instead?''

She nodded and I rubbed my paw over her cheek as she rubbed the back of mine with hers. I murred as I leaned into her and kissed her lips softly. She purred and kissed me back lovingly as I laid back with her on the flat rock continuing the kiss. I rolled her on top of me and as I caressed her back she slipped her tongue into my maw, saliva mixing before she blew a puff off ice breath into my mouth. I continued sliding my tongue against hers as I slid my paws up her sides towards her breasts which I cupped gently. She shivered at my touch when I rubbed my tail against her sex.

Lifting her up slightly I moved down her body with my tongue stopping at her navel which I kissed lightly as I sniffed deeply enjoying her scent. I placed her on her back again as I worked over her body with tongue, lips, paws and tails before I lowered myself down to her slit. I blew softly over the wetness before I kissed along it. She began to thrust herself softly against my lips as I murred deeply into hers. She spread her legs allowing me easier access as I placed my muzzle into her, lapping at her satin interior as I did so. My tail rolled over her rock hard nipples and, as I stroked along the insides of her thighs, her scent filled my nostrils as I pushed in deeper licking at the flowing juices inside her. Her inner muscles began to pull me into her and I murred as my head slipped past her inner folds. I closed my eyes and wriggled softly hearing her murr in approval. My entrance slowed as her slit stretched to take in my shoulders. I placed my arms to my sides to make it easier for her to draw me up inside her warmth wetness.

Her sex began to swallow me more intently as she moaned louder and deeper. I felt my head hit something and I broke through it moments later. I breathed in deeply when I broke through the barrier. When the rest of my body joined me I rubbed along her wall with fevered strokes from my tail and paws. She moaned deeply seconds later and I felt the heavy panting of a very pleased Dragoness. She rubbed a paw against her stomach when she came back to her senses.

''I hope you liked that Andrea... I know I did'' I chuckled

''Nixs you know I did''

''Mind if I rest here for a bit'' I yawned ''I feel kind of tired all of a sudden. It's so cosy in here.''

''I'm not going anywhere until this wound is fully healed Nixs so you can rest in there''

I rubbed along my cell wall before I curled up and fell asleep surrounded by her warmth.

"Rise and shine my little skunk" Andrea spoke to me softly. Her cool breath across my ears woke me up from my peaceful slumber.

"I'm not small and you know that as a fact" I said as I leaned in and kissed her lips. She shuffled me on top of her chest and wrapped her wings around me.

''By the gods I love you Andrea" I said as I sighed deeply on her chest

''Something wrong hon?'' She said as her gentle paw stroked over my head fur as she gently rubbed my ears. I felt my face blush from her caring touch

''We have to rescue the other team members. I promised...ohh my god General Trails. I told him to watch the mission. He must be so lonely. He probably thinks were dead"

"I can assure you I don't Nixs''

Andrea let her wings lose as I jumped up "Trails! How did you get here?" I said astounded before I pounced him and hugged him strongly.

"It's nice to see you too Nixs. Nice boxers by the way" He chuckled as he hugged me back "Andrea explained everything to me once I arrived here at her request."

"We checked the wreckage whilst you were asleep and got my sword back Nothing else survived the damage except my larger swords but those are too heavy to handle.. There's a nifty story behind them involving Theorca. I'll tell you later"

"So what do we do now? We need a plan for rescuing them. Obviously can't go in gung ho. We need to remove those mines"

"That's where you come in Nixs" I looked up to Trails and pulled back "You can set them off with your pyromancy''

''My magic? It makes sense but won't they all set off?"

"Well it doesn't matter since they already know were here. Without a defence they will move back in to their bunker. We've already rigged the base defences to blow with C-4 so they will think it's a proper full scale attack. We can watch from the cliff edge to see their actions"

"Sounds like a good plan. I'll kit myself up first if you don't mind? I just like wearing more clothes than this when company is present...ohh and since we're about to tackle a stronghold" I grinned as I went over to my pile of clothes which were on a rock and suited myself up. I picked up my backpack and walked back over

"Guns anyone? I got a nice range here and it's all free for you two"

"Glad to hear it soldier. I forgot any weapons in my haste to get over here. Remembered the armour though" He said as he patted his chest resulting in a slight clinking sound.

"Pick your weapons and we can get out of here. The rifle's mine though"

As we sat overlooking the bunker Trails pulled out three remotes. He handed one to Andrea and the last to me

''Count of three we press the blue button"

"Why blue?"

"Red's so cliché nowadays" Trails answered back smiling

"Good to have you back"

"It's good to be back Nixs. Okay. 3...2...1...let's jam!"

We pressed our blue buttons together and the far walls exploded sending debris onto the minefield. The mines exploded sending more debris up into the other mines. We sat there watching as the minefield exploded before our eyes with it's deafening explosions.

"You know I don't think my fire skills are going to be needed after all" I shouted before clamping my paws over my ears to block out the sound. Five minutes later the last mine went off. I rubbed my ears

"Fuck that was loud. I think you used too much C-4 judging by that..."

"Yep I think I did...whoops"

I chuckled and set up my rappel line lowering myself to the base of the cliff once again. Andrea flew down with Trails in her arms. She dropped him to the ground gently before landing herself.

"Gun's ready? Let's go"

We walked through the crater filled minefield slowly in case some of the mines hadn't exploded. We navigated our way to the outer base perimeter and saw the bunker through a haze of smoke from a burning fuel truck. I drew the flame into me as I pressed my hand into it.

"Cool I can feed on flames it seems" I said as I rubbed my stomach. We looked around the camp carefully and found the outside deserted. No sentries visible anywhere.

"Must be inside Nixs" Andrea said as we walked towards the large steel doors.

The laser tore up the earth just before me and as I stopped moving so did it.

"Don't move a step. I'll handle it" I closed my eyes and concentrated on the laser. I clenched them harder as I opened my hand behind my back. The ball of flame flew through the air in my mind's eye as it made it's way towards the laser. I urged it along to its position and let it stay there as I let the energy rush into it. The acrid smell of burning plastic soon joined the odour of gasoline. I opened my eyes and willed the flame back to me. Once I absorbed it I bowed to the others

"Nixs the pyromancer at your service"

They clapped softly "Very nice. Now back to the task at hand" Trails said.

"Should we knock or blow it up?" Andrea said as we leaned against it.

"Maybe there's a password?"

We fell back as the door opened. I looked around for soldiers and found none.

"So the password was password.....where the yiff is everyone?" A groan replied to my question. I stood up gun pointed as I turned on the light and searched the shadowy interior.

"You have got to be kidding me! Ready your weapons you guys and your torches. This is fucking surreal"

Their two beams lit up the whole room and Andrea gasped as she saw what it was

"Is that?"

I nodded. "It's a zombie. That must have been what they were working on in here....poor bastards. I should put him out of his misery"

I stepped forward and placed my gun to his temple


"You can talk?"

He nodded and handed me a key "This will turn the power back on. We played god and got what we deserved. Your friends are in a sealed off chamber so should be okay. Just so you know this was for you furries. Were on your side and wanted to turn them all furry...we got this instead. Most perished but the others became like this. Can you pass that apple?" I handed it to him and he took a bite from the apple, small pieces fell through his cheek but most of it went down.

"That's gross by the way. How many survivors?"

"Check the computer. Power's in the same place. I wonder if my mind will go like his did...." He pointed to the bullet ridden corpse lying against the back wall "He was ill to start with so maybe I have a chance at living...if you can call this living"

"I'm sorry for what happened but we can't do anything for you now other than the final option"

He sighed "I know but I would rather wait until I know there's no chance for me...will you grant me that request?"

"Will you self terminate then?"

He nodded and I passed the key to Andrea

"Find out what you can whilst I talk to this guy for more info"

Once I had the info he could remember I got back up onto my legs and stretched them a bit.

"So from what I gathered it changes the D.N.A. of the individual much like our own furry formula at F.A.P. I gathered this is the computer but it doesn't want to boot up...."

I showed her the pass card that I had picked of the corpse, wiped it off and slotted it in to a small opening. Moving down to the keyboard I typed in the details. A large whirring sound greeted me as the lights flickered back on. The door light turned on revealing a card reader.

"The computer controls everything in here...that's probably what went wrong."

"Give me a moment and maybe I can find out the problem. Hell I have worked with the F.A.P. one before..." She trailed off as she took over the keyboard and typed with blistering speed.

"And I thought I was a fast typist..."

She chuckled at my comment and wagged her tail with glee as her eyes searched over the screen for the next five minutes.

"It's like being a spy isn't it Nixs? This hacking stuff I mean"

"More like a video game or movie...whether it's cheesy I'm yet to decide on."

Something glinted in the corner and I went to pick it up

"What's that Nixs?" said Trails as I slid it out and picked it up

"Umbrella" I said as I tossed it back in the corner with a gentle clank.

"I've got it guys. Got the map of the base's interior. I'll print it now"

She typed some more and a sheet of paper fed out of another slot to her right. She picked it up along with her P-90

"Ready?" I asked her and Tails as I yawned

"We're good to go Nixs. Lead the way"

I took the key card out of the machine and pressed it into the reader and stepped back, gun ready, as the door slid open.

My eyes weren't ready for what I saw. Corpses littered the floor and blood smears covered the walls. Lines of crimson trailed down the corridor walls to the lifeless human bodies at the base.

"Christ this is horrible" I said before the smell hit into me like a truck. I gagged and covered my mouth. The stench was atrocious. It brought me back to that summer night all those months ago but it was so much worse. The smell of bowel contents had mixed with the congealed blood to create an ungodly stench.

"I can't take the smell" I said as I went back through the door, closing it once I was through.

"How bad is it Nixs?" Andrea asked me

I put my hand up and walked outside, leaning over breathing in the clear air for a few moments. Feeling the pangs in my stomach going away I stood back up and walked back inside.

"There must be ventilation of something. Check would you Andrea?" I said as I sat down on a chair.

I heard the click-click of her delicate fingers working on the keyboard as I rubbed my brow with my tails.

"How bad was it Nixs?" say Trails as he rubbed my back

"Ohh the usual. You know vile stench that corrupts your very being. Like being in hell. Lovely vista of human bodies strewn across the corridor in a haphazard manner, viscera arranged as a lovely mosaic along the otherwise white tiles. That was the worst fucking thing I have ever seen. Hell I killed my own mother and that was nothing compared to this. These people didn't deserve this. Hell no one deserves this to happen to them."

"What's done is done and cannot be undone"

"I always hated that phrase you know" I chuckled as I got up.

"How goes the search Andrea?" I said as I walked up behind her and placed a paw on her shoulder rubbing gently.

"Just got there Nixs...a little lower if you would."

I moved my paw down lower and she sighed into my palm.

"And done." She hit a key and distant machinery whirred into life.

Five minutes later a computerised voice spoke

"Evacuation complete. Errors in sector's sigma through theta"

"Do we need to go through those areas to rescue our friends Andrea?"

"We need to cross one corridor so we could hold our breath if it's as bad as it was for you in there. Other than that it should be clear sailing."

"Glad to hear. I'll take point and Trails the rear. Keep guns at the ready at all times just to keep safe."

I opened the door again and stepped through. It was gone, everything was gone. The smell the bodies. Nothing remained, no smell, nothing.

"What the fuck? Where did it all go? There were bodies and everything. There was blood lining the walls. I ran a finger over the walls and wiped it immediately on my sleeve.

"Acid! Fucking hell that hurt. Don't touch the walls" I said as I spat on my finger to dilute the acid, rubbing it again.

"You alright Nixs?" Andrea said with concern in her voice.

"Yeah just an acid burn. Should have seen what I did to the school chemistry lab once. I swear it said ten moles of glacial ethanoic acid not one mole. Anyway it made a hell of a mess let's leave it at that." I chuckled as I moved forward.

We continued walking along in silence, the echoes of our footsteps our companions in the lonely corridors. Creaking and moaning came from the doors to either side of us.

"We don't need to go in there do we?" Trails asked when we reached a fork in our path.

"Nope. We head left for a bit more then right and up a set of stairs in the sigma sector. They should be in a holding cell there. He said it was air tight so we shouldn't have to worry about their health just what they've done to our friends."

What seemed like hours later in this house of horrors we arrived at the doors for the sigma sector.

"Check to see your gun's work everyone" I said as I removed my magazine and slotted it back in. Andrea did the same with her P-90 and trails with his hybrid sniper. Guns at the ready we stood side by side in the silence, taking a deep breath each we clicked off our safeties and pointed our guns. I took head, Andrea chest, and Trails had the ground covered.

"Ready?" I said as I placed the key card into the reader part way.

I heard them murmur their states and pressed my tail against the card, pushing it all the way in. The door opened and stagnant air greeted me again.

We each took a deep breath as we scanned the dimly lit stair well. A lone body lied sprawled on the stairs, blood patches all over his uniform. pool of blood was all we saw at the base of the stairs.

I pressed my uniform to my maw and breathed in through the clothing to block the stench.

"Room cleared. Let's go rescue our friends" I said as I turned the safety back on and clambered up the stairs, eyes on the body as I went up first. Andrea followed and Trails brought up the rear. I typed in the pass code as I spoke it out loud "8, 7, 8, alpha"

A whoosh of air blew against us as we entered.

There were small beds along the room which contained sleeping bodies. I walked over quietly to one side and spoke in a elevated and jovial voice

"Rise and shine you lazy bastards!"

I heard murmurs as they got out of bed and turned to me

"Aren't you glad to see me then? Come give daddy a hug" I said grinning at them.

"NIXS!" Spectrum shouted as he pounced into my open arms and cuddled me.

"Awww someone missed their daddy didn't they? " I grinned as I hugged him back "So how are all you crazy furs and scalies?"

"Glad to see you again Nixs. Nice to see two other familiar faces " Ebon said as he nodded to Andrea and Trails.

Skan nodded to me with a slight smile on his face.

Spectrum gave me a kiss on the cheek and licked my nose with a smile before pulling back and sitting on a bed. A dark black horse wearing even darker leather walked round the corner of the room into view. As he rubbed the two horns protruding from his forehead he looked over at me.

"What's all this penis? Is he here to tell us what the fuck that explosion was all about?"

"Penis I mean Nixs this is Joey. Joey this is Nixs. He's a good guy" Spectrum said as he pointed at each of us in turn.

"Alright skunk boy. Got any info for us or do you run a need to know operation?"

"I do indeed run on a need to know basis and I believe you all need to know everything that goes on. That explosion you heard all those days ago was in fact when an enginered virus escaped before full maturation. The base is full of either corpses of humans or zombies. Seems that the virus was intended to turn all humans in to furs. Changing the basic D.N.A. structure of those it infects."

"Into zombies?"

"It wasn't complete. It smells of sabotage to me personally. Top secret facillity and it just happens to explode when the whole base can be affected. Draw your own conclusions but I think there was a mole in this operation."

"So can we go now Nixs?"

I took off my backpack and handed everyone back their weapons. To Spectrum his Colt python and AK-47. To Skan his 50 cal. sniper and silenced 92fs and to Ebon an M-16.

"Know how to use weapons Joey?"

"I can but you don't have anything to spare except your side arms. My fingers are too thick for pulling the trigger. I need something like an uzi."

"Which we are all out of. Well stay close then Joey and let's hope we can find you a weapon."

I turned round and put my backpack back on. Something flicked over my peripheral vision and I looked up

"What was that? " I said as I flicked the safety off.

"What was what?" trails said as he turned to me

"Something moved out there" As I said it a loud crash came from downstairs.

"Guns at the ready boys...and Andrea" I said as I went to the door and, ducking, swept my gun out into the flickering dark. Another crash came from downstairs, this time with groaning.

"It's like evil resides here Nixs." Trails said as he joined me. We crept to the top of the stairs and traced our weapons along the visible expanse below.

"It's safe to come out here. Us two will take point. If it's safe we will call for you. Andrea and Joey take midpoint. Ebon and Skan take the rear with Spectrum.

I walked with Trails down the stairs noticing the body had gone from them. We searched the area around the base of the stairs. The far doors were still closed with a red light beside them. I scanned my gun across the ceiling and saw him.

"Trails" I whispered as tugged his sleeve and nodded towards the zombie. Silently we took aim and fired. The two bullets flew towards his skull and shattered it on impact. Fragments flew out as its head exploded from the ammunition. The corpse fell from atop the lights to the floor in full view of everyone. It made a wet slap sound as it slammed into the cool concrete. With a moan it raised itself up, its remaining eye rolling in its socket as it looked around. We hesitated for a split moment then fired. Bullets streamed into his chest with a schlick schlick schlick sound as they pierced his bloodied flesh and tore into his sinew. He shuddered and wavered as we emptied out clips into him. Taking a final step he fell forward and collapsed.

"Nixs duck!" Scan shouted from above. I went to ground and rolled over, drawing my side arms as a zombie lunged into the air above me. The bullet went between his eyes as Skan's bullet hit home. I kicked its chest, feeling the bones snap and buckle underneath me, using the momentum to roll me back into a prone position. I pulled the triggers as the other opened fire, shredding the zombie. I replaced my clips and looked up to see five more zombies slouching their way towards the open door.

I felt something tug against my foot and I kicked back, feeling something crunch. I turned round to see my boot embedded in his brain. The body convulsed around me then went limp.

"The brains, Go for the brains!"

The metal stairs clinked and clanked as the others joined me. Joey grabbed the ankles and pulled it off, tripping over backwards as he sent it flying overhead. It slammed against the wall and collapsed in a pile in the corner. I offered my paw and picked him up as Andrea came to my side.

Skan layed down in the prone position with his sniper rifle. Ebon kneeled and me, Andrea and Trails stood behind them.

"Go for the head shots remember. Now fire!" I shouted

As our guns went empty we looked ahead. The walls were covered with blood again just as I had seen before. Viscera strewn along the floor with the fallen bodies.

"Ammo check?"



"One clip of fifteen left" Said Skan as he pulled out his 92fs.

"Same here" Said Spectrum pulling out his magnum

"I've got my magnums and my sword. Anyone else got backup weapons?"

Andrea stepped beside me as she pulled two red, dagger like, blades from behind her back. A curving blue blade pointed out as wrist guards.

"Where'd you get those?" I said as I admired the craftsmanship.

"They were a gift from a friend"

We walked along the corridors slowly. Skan and Spectrum at the back as I led with Andrea. We reached the fork and headed down towards the guard post.

"Almost there." I said as I twisted my blade in my hand, swirling it ahead of me. A feral snarl came from the guard room. He'd turned into one.

"Fuck this shit. I've had enough. Stand back I'm lobbing a grenade in there." The others stepped back as I pulled the pin and rolled it into the door's opening. I turned and walked back slowly as I placed my sword back in my back sheath. I waited for the explosion and none came.

"A dud? You've got to be kidding me?... Ebon if you see something in there on the floor don't kick it okay?"

He shook his head affirmatively as we walked to the doors opening. Andrea held her weapons as if they were just extensions of her own body.

"Let me take this one Nixs okay?"

"Fine but if I see you in any danger I'll join in straight away"

"Let's go then Nixs" She said as she waggled her tail at me. I followed behind her into the room. Chewing sounds came from the left and we saw him gnawing on the corpses arm. His eyes looked up at us as he let out another growl. He lunged at Andrea who side stepped leaving her left paw to swipe at its next as the right swung round to do the same. She knocked it back and blew against it. Small particles of ice began to form on his limbs and chest as he stumbled back. She moved forward and slammed her fist into his skull, shattering it instantly. The frozen corpse stuck against the back wall as Andrea moved back and replaced her weapons in her sheathes.

"Very nice indeed Andrea " said Trails as I looked at the iced zombie.

"Say Nixs do you think we can get some ice-cream?" She winked at me and I grinned.

"I think that can be arranged Andrea"

Once back up at my mech Joey said goodbye.

"Thanks for the rescue and all Nixs but I've got places to be., people to see. You know?"

"No probs. Try not to get captured again"

"Who says I was captured?" He winked as he turned around and walked off.

"I probably don't want to know do I?"

"We didn't want to know that's for sure..." Trails chuckled as I shuddered.

"Great now my sick mind is making images...any pubs or the like around here?"

"A friend of mine owns a tavern up in the mountains. Mr. Fox is one of his names"

"Is he fantastic?"

"Yes he's the fantastic Mr. Fox"

"Well let's quick this dilly dallying and get some booze in us. I believe I said drinks were on me."

"He doesn't charge...something about his other operations you see"

"And he gets lucky again" I chuckled as we got clambered back into my mech. I set in down in a clearing just south of the little retreat and we walked through the forests, passing a large clear lake.

"Nice location" I said to myself as we walked on round the front. Looking up I saw an old wooden sign.

The Foxtail Tavern? Nice name and a nice location. Wonder what his other business involves... I opened the large oak door and stepped inside.

"Hello there new fur care for a drink?" said the vulpine bar tender as I spread the door wide to show the rest of our smiling troupe.