Knight Class - Part 2

Story by PermaFrost on SoFurry

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#2 of Knight Class (Dropped)

Hope this is more interesting than last part; hope this receives some comments too. Parts will be around this length onwards, but my objective is to update weekly --of course, if someone wants--.

Until then

Now facing me I could say her expression hadn't been what I had expected, a little frowned, more determined than nervous, yet expectant. Her lips were shaped in an odd gesture, but it only made her face look the more amusing. Repeating each one of the words of her question in my mind and seeing her like that I felt the stir in my gut settle a bit.

The First Dance would take place that evening and it was actually only part of another event called the Grand Dance. The graduates, debuting as adults, would be given the first pieces of the Grand Dance for them alone, and that's what was known as the First Dance. It was permitted to take anyone as a partner, which some considered a good omen, but that furson would normally be a close friend, a respected figure, or a familiar. I hadn't even considered going.

But if I could take her proposal as one more of her tactics to make me socialize then maybe I could do it. Father would probably push me to participate too so I could also take the opportunity to please him, and at the same time make the whole event less awkward dancing with someone I could be comfortable with. And I could use the opportunity to settle something.

"Well" I tried to not sound nervous, but the way I couldn't face her gave me away. "If I'm not busy... I'll try." It was the same as a yes, but I wouldn't say that to her.

She contemplated me motionless and said nothing, making me wonder if I had to say something more. But, the way she stared, she probably was waiting for me to finally look at her and confirm that I would come. I had made my mind to do so; it was just that I couldn't hold her intense gaze. When I realized she wouldn't let me go like that I conceded, and locked eyes with her. After holding it for some seconds she nodded, that amusing look still on her face.

After that she walked towards me, but actually passing me by one side and going back in the direction we had come from. I thought she was going to leave, when I heard her voice coming from just centimeters behind me.

"I wish you good luck in the Pavoneada" she said softly.

I couldn't even respond as the sound of her footsteps resumed and faded shortly after. When I was sure she was gone I turned around to the same direction she had left and stared for a moment. Then I took some steps forwards, walking to the nearest tree, and I rested my forehead on it, letting go of a sigh. I needed a few seconds.

As soon as the feeling in my gut subsided completely I stood straight and began to walk back too. Once I arrived to the entrance of the Sala I halted, contemplating whether to enter or not. Surely at that time most of the other graduates would be inside, and going in meant I could become a focus of attention, which I didn't like. I stood there pondering until my ear twitched and that made look behind to see a furson approaching.

A black figure clothed in ruby red clothes. My face immediately grimaced with contempt as soon as I recognized him. I didn't think a second time and entered the tent. I favored being stared at by everyone inside than having to deal with that guy. And it was just like I had guessed, when I crossed the threshold most of the fursons turned towards me. It was a momentary action though and soon they returned their attention to themselves. I didn't know if it was because they had gotten used to it, or because I was clearly displeased and didn't want to be bothered.

It didn't matter. I quickly scanned the room; the tent was spacious, enough to lodge the male portions of the two classes, which I estimated summed around forty fursons, with spare room. I walked over the most desolated part of the tent, a corner in the back. I just remained there, arms crossed and trying to look at anything but the other fursons in the room. Even if I was irritated I didn't want to throw it at anyone. I thought I saw someone approaching me when the tent's door flicked open, shifting my attention completely. I didn't turn my head, but I observed from the corner of my eye the one who had arrived. My expression didn't distort further, but my whiskers pulled back significantly.

I saw some of the fursons walk towards the newcomer, exchange greetings and shake hands, breaking the comforting white noise of the room. Then his gaze posed on me, his face smirking sardonically. I think he excused himself from the others before he started to walk towards me. My tail tightened around my abdomen at his annoying behavior; he was openly looking for some kind of confrontation.

He had only advanced some steps when the tent's door opened once more and a towering strong looking black bull came in. He was our former combat instructor, Mr. Dext, who was responsible to oversee the Pavoneada. Every head in the place, including mine, turned its attention to him. Mr. Dext examined the place, probably estimating the numbers of fursons within the Sala.

"Well, seems like everyone is here" he exclaimed with a nod.

All of us turned full-body towards him and stood straight, giving him our undivided attention as he was about to speak.

"Okay boys, time's here" he started. "As of today, you're all adults in our eyes. The other teachers and I, the entire town, have done our best to raise you into fine young men. These last four years have seen you grow from little kids to what you're now, and can say, am proud to been your trainer in combat. Matter not what you do from now on or if our paths never cross again, know each one of you and know you will do fine wherever you go. This's the last test will give you so expect you to show me all you got, otherwise will have to kick your little asses."

He said that last line with an impish smile, and spoke the entire time with pride. I thought his speech was clichéd and a little cheesy, but sincere nevertheless. Everyone responded with a 'Yes, Sir!' to his cheeky remark, save for me. I just looked down to the ground and allowed my ears to fall slightly, my mood completely cooled down. I didn't deserve his words.

"Well then, everyone knows what to do. Grim waits at the showground." He then moved aside from the entrance.

I saw silently how the others started to walk outside. Some of them stopped momentarily to acknowledge personally Mr. Dext, he just wishing them the best and giving an occasional pat in the back. I awaited the moment where almost everyone had leaved to finally step forward and also make my way out. I had moved on halfway when the last graduate had exited the Sala. In the stillness that had come I covered the last half evading Mr. Dext eyes, which were staring intently at me now that no one else were there to seize his attention.

I was passing next to him, ears flattened against my head, and I had raised an arm towards the drapes that were the tent's door, when he broke the silence.

"Hope you can show me what you're truly capable of this time, Héctor" he said with a serious yet excited tone.

I didn't turn to look at him, but my ears pricked visibly and I stood there for a second before splitting the fabric in two and stepping out. I waited another second just outside the Sala and then I started to catch up with the others.

--I guess he isn't the combat instructor just for show-- I realized with a weak smile. I walked the distance to the showground more upbeat.

The stage that had been prepared for us was quite simple, a squared platform which stood around one meter and a half from the ground. It was ample enough to allow two graduates battle each other as far as the rules of a Práctica permitted.

Facing the staircase several chairs had been disposed for the graduates to sit, wait, and watch the matches. The rest of the surroundings were overflowing with spectators, who screamed excitedly at the sight of the incoming graduates.

Mr. Sinis awaited us at the base of the stairs; he was the class magic instructor. His extremely unkempt plumage and wearied face really made him give a grim air, just like Mr. Dext nicknamed him. As an owlet he was shorter than any graduate, but he compensated it with a strong personality and magic prowess. Most of his students were wary of him, but I had found him as someone I could easily talk to, even if I had never assisted to one of his lectures. And he would kindly let me approach; he had gone as far as to respond to all my questions about magic in secret, knowing well my situation. I felt I was being ungrateful, hiding 'that' from him.

When the group reached the showground and stopped in front of Mr. Sinis we all formed lines of eight fursons, just like we had rehearsed the days before. We waited for him to give us instructions.

"All right, children" despite his appearance, his voice was always bright although slow paced. "I shall not say anything, that Dext haven't already said. So, good luck."

While I had been the last to leave the Sala and the last to follow we were positioned in a fixed formation, me being in the third line from the front. But even at that distance and with his low volume I didn't have problem hearing him clearly; the crowd had gone quieter, most likely acknowledging the importance of the moment.

"Now" he continued, "all of you must feel pretty anxious. I know we didn't tell you anything about when shall be your turn, or who shall be your opponent. It's normal to be nervous about the unknown. So let me tell you, that this year, that at this precise moment, who to fight, and when to fight, you will decide it yourselves!"

Heads started to turn right and left, the fursons murmuring between them. What he had said was true; we hadn't been told about our time or our opponent, but nor we had been told it would be up to us to decide it. He continued, stopping the whispers.

"I'm sure, most of you have someone in mind, a certain someone, who you want to test your abilities with. Be know, that even if you can meet that someone again, this is the only time, that you can duel with him, as the furson that you're right now. So don't hold back, at this one-time wish."

His speech seemed to surprise all as every graduate went still and just stared. I thought on his words carefully. I wondered if I had that someone Mr. Sinis had spoken about, though nobody came to my mind at first. Then it occurred to me that maybe that furson could be that someone. He was the one who always sought to compete; I wouldn't' respond, but still, he would seek it. It didn't matter that he never could surpass me academically, nor that he would always best me physically. The only way I could put it, is that I was his target. He couldn't be called my rival. I disliked him and I just wanted him to leave alone. Mr. Sinis pulled me out of my thoughts.

"That said" his eyes narrowed giving us a challenging glare, "who's first?"

I felt a knot form in my stomach at his question. That furson was not someone I wanted to test myself with, but he was someone I had to confront if I really wanted to end the chase. I had made up my mind to solve some important issues that day so adding one more to the list didn't matter. We all remained quiet, most likely debating whether to speak and go first or wait for somebody else to do it. The silence continued for some seconds more.

"I" I simply stated, suppressing the discomfort in my gut.

Probably every graduate turned in my direction including the ones in front of me. They seemed truly surprised of my action. I thought myself what I had done couldn't be that infrequent. I would normally offer myself to go first whenever participation was not an option. But I guessed they had thought that time would be different.

"Okay. Come here, Héctor" said Mr. Dext who had come to stand next to the owlet. They were a surely mismatching duo yet they really got along.

I did as I had been told and made my way to the front from the third line. I succeeded into masking my nervousness keeping my whiskers and ears in check, my tail wrapped still around my abdomen like always. I halted in front of the two fursons who had been my instructors for four years and stood as straight as I could; I didn't want to disappoint them as much I wanted to end with that issue.

"Who'll be you partner?"

I took a depth breath, next I let it go. It would go fine, unless he had suddenly suffered a drastic change of personality he would accept. I didn't have the opportunity the even ask though.

"I will!" That furson said from behind.

Without waiting for an invitation he walked forward from the fifth line. When he reached the front and stood next to me I took a glance at the wolf clad in ruby red clothes. What I never failed to notice whenever I saw him was the blur of white fur that went from the underside of his muzzle and down his throat, a noticeable trait among his otherwise black fur. He glanced me back and that time I didn't divert my eyes, daring to hold it instead. The voice of Mr. Sinis brought our attention back to our surroundings.

"Is that acceptable for you, child?" He referred to me.

That time I took a glance of Mr. Dext, thinking back to the words he had told me before leaving the Sala. I had always been rejecting my physical side. Only father had seen me show some ability and that was only under his supervision. What Mr. Dext had said made think he knew I was slacking off, not even trying to win. What had happened in the obstacle race earlier had been completely unexpected.

I grasped whatever resolution I had formed at moment and nodded confidently.

Mr. Dext accepted my answer and nodded too. Next he turned and began to climb the staircase leaving the three of us behind. Once he arrived at the center of the arena he directed towards the crowd, which felt silent with his appearance.

"Townsfolk, one more year has passed and is time for this ceremony to repeat itself. For generations we've seen our boys stand here and turn into fine men, our youngs are our pride. So let us gather together once more and being witness to this moment. Let us waste no more time. Let the Pavoneada begin!"

With that last statement the crowd exploded in a thunderous cheer. Unconsciously I pulled out my chest, a tingle in my stomach next to that unpleasant sensation in my gut told me I was starting to get excited too.

"As for our first match" he shouted above the cheers, "a well-know pair. Valen Arcem, Héctor Furor, you may come onto this stage!"