Ocean Depths part 25

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#25 of Ocean Depths

Ocean Depths part 25 By Roofles

Lucas inspected the 'love mark' left on his shoulder. It wasn't the only one. Most of the teeth marks from before were already fading, some older than others. Several bruised hickies accompanied these marks. If someone else saw him he was sure they'd think he was suffering from kind of domestic violence. In a sense it kind of was. Carlson could get a bit frisky with him and Lucas just coaxed him along the whole time. Teasing him and scratching that spot. Telling him so many 'sweet nothing' that in the end Carlson was reduced to a love sick pup that couldn't even form coherent sentences; ending up making various otter chirps, murrs and growls as he let his actions speak louder than any words could. Lucas shut the cabinet taking a few Advil to kill the headache he had gotten from it all. The otter was really something else he couldn't help but think as he rubbed his lower back. The dull ache ran up his spine and he wouldn't be walking straight for a week he figured. He was glad he had convinced the otter to settle down in their lovemaking. Carlson did promise him that he'd "never end up in a body cast." And that was a start. Less rough meant the more the two could be intimate with one another. The mind is willing but the body is weak. Such a depressing thought, Lucas grumbled. He laughed as he leaned against the door with a smile. He had asked Carlson if he wouldn't mind being the bottom this time. The look that came across the otter's face was something he hadn't seen before. He wished he could capture it on camera. That face was far too adorable with whiskers drooping, ears folded back and wide ocean blue eyes looking at him. Lucas wasn't sure if he had wanted too or not. But he couldn't help himself as he hugged the otter with a laugh. Carlson was large even for an otter Lucas had learned. Other otters were slimmer with a strong swimmer build. They ranged anywhere from five foot to six, never pushing past hundred and seventy. The otter he found himself with seemed to tower over the others. Broad shoulders, large chest with a strong lithe frame. Burley short legs and strong arms; pushing more than two hundred. Yet with all of this he had such soft features. Carlson had been growing out his side burns and chin fuzz. Lucas figured this was because of a slight comment he made a previous night. Such a simple thing as "You look cute with that chin fuzz 'n sideburns," and the otter spent the next few weeks perfecting them. Trimming them neatly and making sure, with very little subtle, that Lucas liked it. The whole while with those large 'doe' eyes, meek demeanor and acquiescent nature about him. Even being larger than Lucas, Carlson was only ever timid and sweet. Ever only thinking of Lucas wants and needs. He was strong, compassionate and above all else when the two found themselves alone with one another he truly made Lucas feel as if he were the only one in the world. How his eyes lit up when he looked at Lucas. How he would smile only enough for the corner of his muzzle to go up as Lucas spoke his name. The soft touch of a paw across his face and the sweet lips that met his. The warmth and care of every touch that he put so much effort into alone made Lucas want to burst into tears... When the two were together rather it was with others or not Carlson had a habit of rubbing the fuzz on his belly and chest. Sticking a webbed blunt clawed paw under Lucas shirt and trailing his fingers through it, scratching ever so softly not even seemingly aware that he was doing it. Lucas eventually got used to the 'grooming' and just went along with it loving the attention the otter gave him. Just another small gesture that made Carlson all the more special to him. The sniffing had some getting used too, Lucas had to admit. Finding the otter nosing him as the two cuddle wasn't so bad. The cold nose that kept burying itself in his groin was another story. Lucas wasn't even sure what he was sniffing at. He was the one with the strong musky scent, especially after a long intimate encounter. That tinged of otter musk lingered in the air, on him and filled the very bed the two resided in. It was hard to smell anything else. And he was sure in no time that the new apartment would have the same scent. The gesture wasn't lost on him though. The grooming he received, the sniffing and touching were things only ones 'mate' did. Lucas had a few hours free and decided to look into what it meant to be mated. He was rather startled with what he came across. Several species mated for life although he wasn't sure if this was only with their feral brethren or not. The otter made things rather obvious how he felt about him. Rather in public or just the two of them watching the newest movie that'd come out; the otter was always close and made sure he wasn't ignored. Touching, holding, leaning against or just with an arm wrapped around him. Lucas didn't minded and knew Carlson could be clinging. If he had a problem he'd let the otter know and the otter did hang onto every word he said as if it was air itself. Then again pulling him into his lap during a night out might've been a bit much. Drunken otters were something else. He thought Carlson was friendly before, then he got the otter drunk. Lucas headed down the hall, shirtless. Thinking of the otter had made himself rather needy, he wasn't about to tell Carlson that. If he knew how much he needed him he wouldn't be able to get any alone time. Ever. "Owen," Lucas called looking down the hall. "Kitchen," the otter sung back in top spirits. Lucas rolled his eyes as he poked his head out around the corner. The otter was stark-naked except for the apron he was still wearing. That rudder tail swished behind him as he rocked his otter butt back and forth. It was obvious that he was in a good mood. Lucas couldn't 'possible' know why. The scene alone made him roll his eyes again. "Are you making more frosting?" Lucas inquired coming up from behind the otter. He ran his hands down the otters back stopping above his tail and sliding them around his belly holding him tightly from behind, giving him a good hug, inhaling that rich otter scent from his back as he rubbed his cheek against it. The muscle tightened, contracting as he closed the distance between the two. Carlson had unwittingly tossed his shoulders back, puffing out his chest. Something he only did when he found himself round the human. Carlson froze at the initial touch but as Lucas held him from behind the otter continued, a soft smile tugging at the end of his muzzle. "We used most of it during the 'escapades' and the rest was ruined. Don't worry I cleaned up the mess," he said simple as if this was but any other day for the two. "Love, your pants are back on?" he whined softly looking over his shoulder and down at him. It was more of a statement than a question. "Well unlike you," Lucas said pulling back and smiling up at him. "I'm not covered in fur. I get cold even in the spring." The otter backed up a bit, bumping him with his tail. Lucas got the picture and hugged him again being rewarded with a loud otter murr, that deep grumbling sound filling his chest like a lion's purr. "I'm here and I'm always willing to share my fur with you." A paw tugged at the string at his side untying the apron and letting it open up. "Get in, I'll keep you warm." The tone of the otter made Lucas think he had other plans though. "I think I'll pass this time," Lucas rolled his eyes pulling back once more from the otter. He didn't even make it two steps before strong arms wrapped around him, a large short muzzle rubbing the side of his face. "It wasn't a question." The otter snickered, a paw already undoing his pants. Lucas did what he could but in the end he found himself face first against the otter chest, the apron tossed over him and a very pleased otter tying it back up again. Lucas just grumbled as the strong body before him guiding the two back to the counter where the otter continued his work, grinding against him with his nude body rather roughly. Lucas regretted not having put any underwear on. Stark naked with the otter in the cold summer room he found himself wanting to cling to the warm, amble furred body in front of him. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction he remained stubborn and in turn with cold feet. "Owen," Lucas grumbled as the otter leaned over to grab a whisk. "It's kind of hard to breathe." "We both know your fine, you've been a lot tighter places then this." The otter said turning the page in his cookbook he had propped up against the dish rack. "Like there was the time I was drunk and fell asleep on you," he noted with a proud grin. "Or how you feel asleep in my armpit after a long night. Or the time when you were trapped between my-," "I think we both get the picture." Lucas quickly cut in him off, a dark blush steaming his face. He let out a heavy breath against that broad fur chest in front of him. Feeling Carlson tense as the warmth washed over it. "This is ridiculous." "You're the one who's dating it." Carlson smiled softly as he wrapped an arm around his lower back through the apron and walked the two over to the fridge to grab another egg. "Yes, I'm well aware of the fact. Don't remind me." Lucas took another step back with him, turning around and walking backwards until his back bumping into the counter top. He found himself moving again as the otter lead him. A few steps back and turned a few steps forward and bowed back. "The hell you doing to me?" Lucas laughed as he was spun around the otter neatly holding him. A large webbed blunt paw was on his side, the other on his shoulder. "I'm dancing, what does it look like?" Carlson laughed happily as he dipped him again. "A sexy furred chest." Lucas retorted, rolling his eyes. He found himself giving it a small kiss anyways. Carlson neatly let his paws slide off as he undid the apron tossing it up onto the counter. He smiled down at Lucas, brushing the paw of his paw across his face. "Can I have this dance?" Carlson's ears flickered like a hippo breaching the surface as a warm smile crossed his face with half closed eyes. Lucas laughed at first, thinking that the otter was joking. But as he stood his ground, offering a paw Lucas could do nothing but roll his eyes and take it. Instantly he was swooped around the two extended fully at arm's length. Lucas was caught off guard by the enthusiasm the otter was putting into it but quickly caught on with a smile and laugh. Twirling back towards him as the otter wrapped an arm around him, dipping him and kissing him softly with that short stubby muzzle. The whiskers tickled his cheeks and the cold nose brushed his as those velvet lips parted with his and the otter pulled back only just enough for their lips to not touch. "Didn't know you could dance." Lucas smiled. He found himself hesitating with the mood unsure what to say or do, still bent over. Carlson beat him too it giving him a tender kiss again; pulling back once more, his tongue lingering behind licking his lips. "This otter can do anything for you." The otter replied wiggling his ears with a smirk. "Can he now?" Lucas teased as the otter slowly guided him back up. "I'm not sure if he can live up to my expectations." Carlson rolled his eyes, wiggled his nose the bristles bush of whiskers rocking back and forth and wrapped his paw around him pulling him close. "I got all the time in the world to win you over then." A soft padded paw took Lucas's hand, the fingers lovingly tracing the fingers as they interlaced with his. The strong paw giving his hand a strong reassuring squeeze as he guided his arm out and the two found themselves in a slow waltz. "Who says you already haven't?" Lucas took another step, wincing at the sharp reminder in his rear. "It's not every day I'd end up dancing in a kitchen with a naked otter." "Is there even another otter in your life?" Carlson inquired his hackles rising slightly though he held a sweet smile on his face. Innocent and sweet. "No there's no one else," Lucas said jumping to the side pulling back a bit. In response the strong paw on his side pulled him back in, the otter grinding against him. The need for the contact wasn't lost on Lucas. "There is no other man or woman, fur or other that could replace you. And no otter could steal me away. I don't even know any other otters, other then Justin and Tye." "Heh, what can I say I had to ask?" Carlson shrugged his shoulders the fur beginning to subside on them. He twisted a paw guiding the two into the living room. Spinning again, catching the back of the couch and with ease pulled Lucas along with him as he toppled over it laying with a curved back along it with Lucas on top. Lucas took a second to see the odd place he found himself. The otter's legs and tail were nearly touching the ground behind the couch as the otter sprawled out, looking upside down at the room. Lucas kissed the chest under him, upwards to that spot giving it a playful nip. Carlson let out a throaty groan as the body under him melted, every muscle in his body relaxing and drooping like a wet rug. "You're pathetic," Lucas laughed rolling off to the side and looking upside down at the world around them matching the otter next to him. Carlson groaned, still lazed out. "What's your point?" "I find it cute. Adorable. Loveable. And one of the many reasons why I'm with you." Lucas answered drolly looking at one of the boxes with a bored curiosity. "What else did I'd 'catch' you with?" Carlson whipped out his arms like he was casting a line, reeling the fish back in. "Nothing comes to mind." Lucas replied twiddling his thumbs. "What about my dashing good looks?" The otter asked crestfallen. "Nope." "My witty sense of humor?" "I don't recall you had one." "Oh, then pray tell enlighten this poor silly otter." "How about everything else?" Lucas shrugged, rather uncomfortable in the position he found himself in. "Only?" Carlson grumbled, frowning and crossing his arms as he pouted. "Fine," Lucas sighed. "I could see how someone could find you attractive." "And?" "You're always good for a laugh...usually at you though." Lucas reasoned weighing the times he had been laughing with him and 'at' him. "Fair enough." The otter gripped the cushions pulling his back closer as he tossed his legs up over his head, nearly hitting himself with his own tail, before finding himself right side up; Carlson's chin popping up to rest on the edge of the couch. Lucas watched the ordeal with an amused expression. He tossed his legs over and laid across the couch a lot less dramatic than the otter had. Staring up at the ceiling above he addressed the otter lazily. "I wonder what other couples are doing right now?" Carlson ears perked up. He scooted closer to the couch, lazing across it with that long body of his. His chin rested on Lucas's belly slowly rising and falling with his breath. "Why do you ask?" He rubbed his webbed paws along his legs, a paw slipping between his legs in the process making Lucas close his eyes. "I mean I'm happy with how things are. Even if we're not doing anything. Just being with you makes me feel this way..." Lucas trailed off scrunching up his brow as he thought about it, that webbed paw wrapping around his flacid member. "That's never happened before. I usually like to keep my hands busy, doing something or other. But just being here is all I need." A reddish hew took Carlson's ears as they folded back, the otter unable to look at him. He grumbled a bit, muttering something or other in no more than a whisper before replying. "It's the first for me too." He wiggled his chin on Lucas's bare stomach making him fidget. The whiskers brushing his sides. "That's not a problem is it? To be happy I mean. We could cuddle if that helps." Lucas chuckled scratching the back of his head and ears, focusing on those beady stubs. "I would but I think you'd crush me." He teased resting his own chin on his chest and sticking his tongue out at him. "Crush you?" The otter feigned hurt, taken aback by the comment. "I'll show you crushing-," the otter growled walking on all fours onto the couch and stretching out above him before plopping down getting a loud 'oof' from his man. "You've put on a few pounds, I knew it." Lucas said trying to pull himself from the heavy rug. The otter wrapped his arms around him tightly before just giving out being nothing but deadweight. "What did you say?" The otter growled menacingly giving him another tight squeeze. Lucas poked Carlson's stomach with a finger. "Pudgy otter. I think you're a little too 'relaxed' these days. You've put a few pounds on." "Well..." Carlson pulled back, resting against the back of the couch. He thumped his tail as he took his stomach in both paws. "It's just we've been going out so much and I've had a lot more time to bake...and it just kind of slipped by me." Lucas pulled himself up some more. The otter sat mostly in his lap as he looked downtrodden at his belly. "I happen to love your belly. Even with a few extra pounds, you're still perfect in my eyes. Just more of you to love." The otter's ears twitched in reply. "Besides," Lucas poked his side again. "It just makes it easier to tickle to you." He grinned tickling his sides mercilessly making the otter keel over on his side laughing. The otter hugged himself as he got tickled not even trying to put up a fight. His stubby legs kicked out and his tail thumped as he tossed his head back, maw opened wide laughing boomingly. The otter curled back against the side of the couch and the back lounging out across the rest of it, mostly on Lucas. "Your way too easy." Lucas rolled his eyes turning himself so he was facing the room. Carlson relaxed a bit more stretching himself across him tossing both paws and tail off the other side of the couch. The thick furred body was as warm as it ever was. The soft silky fur rubbed against his own belly and his legs, enticingly against hsi groin as the otter rocked back and forth getting comfortable. Lucas rubbed a hand against his fur and up to his chest scratching it. "Why don't I ever get belly rubs?" The otter perked up looking at him with large 'otter pup' eyes. "Sorry, I didn't even think about it. You don't even have fur- and I just." Carlson was almost on the verge of tears. "Whoa, Owen! Love. Babe. Sweety. I was just asking no need to beat yourself up." Lucas soothed trying to ease the situation. "It's just- I mean your so giving and I thought you, oh I'm such an idiot!" Carlson cupped both paws on his face as he rolled off him taking a seat next to him. "Carlson!" Lucas laughed trying to calm the otter down. "Here!" The otter jumped up clapping his paws together. "Be right back, I got just the thing!" The otter leapt over the couch, catching his hind paw on the end and falling face first again. Lucas groaned watching the scene as the otter quickly got up, running on all fours before going back on his hind legs and heading down the hall. "No words." Lucas shook his head leaning back against the couch and looking at the cieling again. A minute didn't even pass before Carlson was running back down the hall with a bag in hand. The logo on the front made Lucas sit up. "Owen. What did you get?" Lucas asked cautiously, cringing back in fear as the otter took a seat next to him with the bag on his lap. Carlson just smiled setting the bag to the side and slapping his legs. He stretched out a bit more tossing his feet up on the coffee table that had been pushed to the side during the move. "Lay down, you can trust me." Lucas eyed him suspiciously before kicking his feet up and sliding next to him. A strong arm wrapped around him giving him an equally strong hug before letting him go. Carlson was in topped spirits. What a fickle otter, Lucas thought hesitantly laying across him, propping his head up on the cushioned armrest. Carlson took one of the couch pillows and placed it lovingly behind his head, bending down to give him a kiss. "Don't worry your'll love this." A webbed paw placed itself on his stomach making Lucas take a sharp breath as if he was just stabbed. "Don't worry," Carlson said against as those webbed blunt clawed fingers rubbed his belly. Dipping a finger into his belly button before trailing up, dragging the claws up to his chest and scratching that. He bent down against pumping noses. "I may have fur but your lucky. You got flesh. There's so many things you can do." The otter noted reaching his other paw into the bag. "You can get tattoos and get lickings without getting a fur lodged in your throat." He continued pulling out a small peach colored jar. "Plus I couldn't help but notice some things during our last 'shopping' trip." "Dare I ask?" Lucas inquired trying to read the jar. "No peaking!" Carlson chirped placed a paw over his face while trying his damndest to open the jar with one paw. "I won't peak, get your hand out of my face." Lucas laughed. He grumbled as the paw still covered his eyes. "Ok...I got this...ok, one sec. Just another minute. Almost there. So close now..." The otter said between semi-clenched teeth, the tip of his tongue sticking out of his muzzle. "Where have I heard 'that' before?" Lucas laughed folding his arms across his chest. Carlson didn't even seem to notice as his paw quickly removed itself. The two paws flailed about trying to catch the bottle he had opened. Most of the contents spilled out across Lucas chest and shoulder making him jump at the cold. "Carlson!" Lucas said trying to pull back. A strong paw kept him where he was while the otter placed the half empty jar on the table. "Ok, not as planned..." He reasoned sheepishly guidng Lucas back down. "But it was going to go there anyways. Ok now, they said this was the best stuff." Carlson rubbed the cool gel like cream on his chest with both paws. "A bit much," he scooping the load off his chest and tossing it to the side making Lucas groan. "Your cleaning that up." "Now where have I heard 'that' before?" The otter said coyly with a toothy grin. His strong fingers rubbing his chest and pecs, working up to his shoulders with strong circular motions. Lucas glared at the otter before closing his eyes and enjoying the feel. The gel began to warm up at the otters motions. Carlson worked his way back down along his chest and to his stomach. Scratching with those blunt claws softly making sure to rub the gel like cream onto every inch of it. "How much was it?" "Why does it matter?" "It's not that bad." Lucas grumbled shifting his weight a bit before relaxing again. He looked at the otter with half closed eyes. "The price doesn't matter. 'Cause its for you." "Aw, that's so sweet. How much was it?" "I'm not going to tell you." Carlson continued rubbing his belly fuzz and back up to his chest. "Fine whatever... Oweeeen, loooove." Lucas said in the most fakely sweet tone he could manage. "How much was it?" The otter didn't reply but his ears twitched at the tone. He worked his webbed paws down back to his belly and slowly worked his way down his happy trail. Using both paws to rub that warm gel between his webbed fingers across his lover. Lucas tightened taking a sharp breath as a strong thumb rubbed his head tenderly. "Not fair." "Like you were being fair." Carlson grumbled stroking his love. "It was pricey..." He gave in sheepishly. The otter lowered himself down enough for that short muzzle to kiss his still semi limp member. Carlson licked the head electing a groan from Lucas. "Good thing though, it's all organic." And with that he took his lovers head into his warm muzzle, gripping both paws on his thighs and pulling him up more.