Cub Services | Chapter 9

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#9 of Cub Services

It's finally up! I want to take a second to thank every person/fur that PM'd me and posted on my journal wishing me well. My message box flooded with PM's and my email filled with comments from well-wishers. I tried my best to reply to everyone but if I missed you know that your support was appreciated. I wasn't dying, but I sure wished I was. ;3

With out further adieu, Chapter 9!


I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there will be a larger than normal amount since I am so rusty. It was unbelievably difficult to get back into the groove of writing.)

I love comments so please share your thoughts if you have any.

All characters and ideas are mine and are not to be used without my permission. The views expressed in this chapter are not necessarily my own, nor should they be construed as anything more than the fictional story they are presented in (what ever that means.)

Chapter 9

The sun made its slow ascent into the deep blue sky; bathing the world in its warm glow and driving away the icy morning chill as the snow storm that blanketed the world in tufts of white powder during the night, faded and eventually receded into the distance.

The sound of car tires on wet snowy pavement drifted through the closed French doors of Liz Moreau's patio and into her apartment as the tired vixen finished her phone conversation with her mom, putting the smart phone she'd been using on the dark wooded table beside her bed with a sigh of relief.

She'd chatted for nearly half an hour and by the end of her discussion the butterflies that infested her stomach at the beginning of the conversation had been replaced by a cauldron of bubbling excitement for the coming weekend.

Her mother had been absolutely ecstatic over her plan to become a foster mom for Mikey, an 11 year old wolf cub. Liz spent the first ten minutes of the conversation trying to answer the barrage of questions her mom threw at her. What was Mikey's favorite kind of cookie? Did he have toys to bring with him when they came up to her house or should she go get some? What was his size so that she could start buying him clothing? Could he come up and spend time with her over summer recess? Liz then spent the remaining twenty minutes promising her mom that she would arrive as soon as possible so that she could meet Mikey and start the weekend.

Unbridled excitement had filled her mother's voice as she experienced being a grandmother for the first time and the feelings of joy and wonder seemed infectious, spreading through the phone line and filling Liz with the same feelings of excitement and cheer. The warmth and love that filled her mother's voice made it clear that she had already accepted Mikey into the family. The sentiment gave Liz strength as her over stimulated body attempted to recover from the explosion of intense pleasure she and Mikey had shared earlier in the morning.

With the cell phone deposited on her beside table, Liz settled back against her red silk pillow as she marveled at how quickly one little cub had changed her life. Mikey's shy but extremely curious personality added a twinkle of light to an otherwise thankless and depressing portion of her job but the closer she got to the little wolf the larger that twinkle had become, until it brightened every aspect of her life and touched all the people around her with its warmth.

She beamed down at the small silver white wolf with the curly black hair as he lay nestled against her furry white breast. His chest rose and fell in the slow and steady rhythm of sleep as his hot breath warmed and condensed to moisture on the deep red fur of her chest and the soft milky pink skin beneath it.

Words could not describe the level of devotion that Liz felt to him at that moment and as she watched him drift through the land of dreams she felt loving warmth spread from her chest, filling her from her toes to her ears. The warmth seemed to intensify wherever her body touched his and a deep thrumming sensation began emanating from her loins, where his cubhood was still encapsulated in the folds of her warm moist sex.

The warmth alerted her to how perfectly his naked body fit against hers, as if she'd been tailor-made to cradle his small form against her own. Lying on his side, Mikey's legs slipped comfortably between her knees and his pelvis fit perfectly between her thighs, with his cubhood held gently in her body. Her large perky white breasts were at the perfect level for him to cuddle against and there seemed to be a small space between there bodies where his arms curled against his chest and nestled into her sleek soft fur. His shoulders fit perfectly between her own and she was able to wrap her arms around his body and hold him against her with out the slightest discomfort.

Time had no meaning as Liz lay there, glowing with love and adoration for her cub and she didn't know how long she stayed lying in that position, but eventually her promise to her mom slipped back into her mind and the urge to start the weekend began to pull at her.

She clenched the muscles in her loins in an attempt to judge how hard Mikey was and made a face at the wet sticky feeling between her thighs and on her stomach, remnants of their mating and his escapades before she'd awoken. Her fur was caked to her skin and as the sensation of warmth slowly faded to a joyful swelling in her chest the true extent of the mess she was in became apparent.

Mikey's knot tied them together when she'd answered her mom's phone call but shrunk considerably during the conversation, leaving her loins tender. Her fur felt sticky and was quickly drying to a hard crust that covered a good portion of the front of her body. The muscles in her abdomen occasionally twitched and squeezed as the two furs lay in each others arms. Liz's body seemed to be keeping Mikey semi erect, but he'd still shrunk considerably and what was left of his girth did very little to hold back the tide of goo that was now leaking from her body.

Before she could make a decision about what to do about the mess, Mikey stirred against her and slowly opened his eyes. As blissfully happy as she felt, the sight of his beautiful mismatched blue and yellow eyes made her smile all the wider. She wanted to jump with joy and squeal with glee as the warmth in her chest exploded outwards, radiating back through her entire body. She beamed down at him and gave him a gentle squeeze as he stretched and shifted his entwined body against hers.

"Hey you." She said, speaking in a soft loving whisper. She punctuated the greeting with one of there special kisses, slowly drawing her tongue along his muzzle. "Did you have a good nap?" Her voice dripped with enthusiasm and curiosity as Liz spoke and she tenderly stroked the patch of black fur between his eyes as he his ears twitched towards her soft soothing soprano voice.

Mikey's body shifted and leaned away ever so slightly, allowing him to snake his arms up around Liz's neck as he let his eyes adjust to the bright morning light that reflected off of Liz's alabaster white fur. With every flick of his eyelids he seemed become more alert, as if each blink pushed back at the dense haze of sleep that filled his mind. He nodded his head yes as his legs stretched and his furry white toes spread and flexed in the morning air, brushing Liz's bushy red tail as they wiggled.

Liz felt his cubhood slip out of her sex as he stretched against her but before she could do anything he'd pushed his hips back against her pelvis, sliding the semi-hard member firmly back into place with a loud wet squelch. The action sent a tingle of excitement up her spine and a faint hint of pain through her thighs. The flood of goo that pooled on her leg during his exit made it clear that he was still keeping some of the mess at bay; she needed a shower as soon as possible.

"Who was on the phone?" Mikey croaked, his voice raspy and hoarse as he spoke.

Liz wondered if he'd also been screaming this morning and hoped the rough crackle that marred his otherwise beautiful tenor voice would fade quickly as hers had. She felt his little fingers begin to fidget and play with the long wispy strands of red hair at the back of her neck, sending a faint tickle down her spine and making her want to squirm, just a little bit.

"My Mom. She called to remind me that I promised to go up to visit her. We're going to spend the weekend at her house. You'll love it there! She has a trampoline and a swing set in her backyard and we can bring some of your books and hot wheels to play with." As Liz spoke she watched his face closely, as she was unsure how he would react to this news.

She began combing her fingers through his hair, attempting to arrange the matt of curly black hair into some semblance of order as she waited for his reaction. His behavior at school made her suspect he wasn't shy all the time, but his behavior at her work made her wonder what made him shy. Was he only shy until he got to know someone, or was he just shy when he cared what the furs he was meeting thought about him?

Blood flooded Mikey's face, turning the inside of his ears a deep shade of red and tinting the skin on his muzzle a deep red that added a pink hue to his fur as embarrassment and nervousness filled his little body. Meeting furs that he wanted to like him was so scary and something he had become unaccustomed to as of late. He'd not been embarrassed or shy around other furs in a long time. Not since... He swallowed as he stopped the thought in its tracks, still unable to think about the horrible memories that he'd just dredged up, reopening a ragged wound in his heart as he struggled to hold back the pain and sadness that flooded his mind and filled his eyes to the brim with hot tears.

He turned his head and buried it between Liz's silky white breasts, simultaneously soothing his embarrassment and hiding the pain of loss that grotesquely twisted his face as waves of pain ravaged his very soul. Tears trickled into the alabaster white fur of Liz's chest as he struggled to take a normal breath and battled against the torrent that threatened to leave him in a quivering ball of anguish.

Liz watched with increasing nervousness as a light red hue had tinged the silver white fur of Mikey's face and ears. Suddenly his mismatched eyes filled with sadness and flooded with tears as they disappeared between her large firm breasts. Her heart skipped a beat and her stomach dropped to her toes as she tried to determine the cause of his reaction.

Her first irrational response was to assume that she'd gone to far this morning and had somehow managed to misinterpret his actions and feelings. The nagging idea that her intimate feelings for Mikey were going to harm him, either physically or mentally left her panicking as her mind began formulating "what if's". His arms squeeze tightly around her neck, hugging and pulling her against him as all of this swarmed through her mind.

Her heart began to pound in her chest as terror filled her mind, leaving her mouth dryer than the Sahara. She struggled with her own fears, momentarily forgetting that Mikey was still drawing support and comfort from her loving embrace.

After a moment logic began to take its hold in her mind and the warm wetness of Mikey's tears on her fur jarred her back to what really mattered as she realized how ridiculous her assumption had been. He would not still be cuddled against her, still penetrating her if he felt violated in any way.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Liz cooed. She curled her paw under Mikey's muzzle and gently lifted it up to look at his face as he made a vain attempt to hide. The last glimmer of agony faded from his eyes as he pushed his muzzle against her paw, a silent plea for her gentle caress.

She responded by running a delicate finger across his cheek, stroking it tenderly as she spoke in a more subdued and calming tone as the urge to comfort him by any means necessary took its hold. "Are you ok Mikey? Is there something you want to talk about?" Liz let him push his head back against her chest as he shook his head no.

The words "promise you won't leave me" came out as a muffled croak against the fur of her chest and it took Liz a moment to decode his request. She smiled and with a quick twist of her body she rolled onto her back, gripping Mikey's hips with her thighs so that he stayed in position against her.

Like a flick of a light switch, his words brought understanding, washing away the last vestiges of fear and nervousness and replacing it with compassion. She'd accidently touched on the memories of his father's death. Although she couldn't fathom how, it was the only conclusion that she could come up with and as she thought back over the previous few days and the conversation she'd had with his teacher Mrs. Stevenson the previous night she became more confident that she'd just guessed what upset him. Liz went back to stroking his cheek with a finger, gently comforting him and deciding that now was not the time to discuss this.

"I'll always be here sweetheart." She spoke in a whisper and rested her muzzle next to Mikey's ear as she felt him shift and nuzzle his head against her body. "What if your mom doesn't like me?" The question brought a furrow of confusion to Liz's brow as she tried to figure out how he'd made the jump from missing his dad to thinking her mom would not like him.

"Of course she'll like you! You're the most wonderful cub in the world! She's so excited to meet you that she nearly jumped through the phone when I told her you would be coming with me." Liz ignored her own confusion in favor of comforting the nervous cub in her arms.

The red hue that tinged Mikey's muzzle began to fade as he peeked up at Liz from his hiding place between her breasts. Liz's soft soothing soprano voice and big comforting green eyes made it hard for him to stay upset or shy for long and he found himself being lulled back to the tranquilly happy feeling he'd felt when he awoke. He pressed an ear against the side of her breast and listened intently as her heartbeat thumped softly in her chest as she continued speaking.

"She wanted to know everything about you and when I hung up the phone she was on her way out to get chocolate chips so that she could make you cookies. She already loves you so don't worry about her disliking you." Mikey's tummy lurched at the mention of food but he ignored it and went back to enjoying the feeling Liz's body against his.

Mikey seemed reassured as Liz continued to talk about how excited her mom was and after a few moments his ears and cheeks were back to there normal silver white color, complete with spiky stiff fur on his muzzle, remnants of Liz's first orgasm from earlier in the day.

As Liz began raving about how soft and chewy her mom's oven fresh chocolate chip cookies were the sound of Mikey's s growling stomach reverberated through the air and sent a rumbling sensation through her body. She giggled softly at the feeling as she ran her fingers along the fur on his back, tracing his spine with her nails.

"Why don't we get you something to eat?" She suggested. "You could try one of the cereals we got at the store yesterday or if you would you prefer eggs or pancakes, I could make those instead." Liz let the question hang in the air as she slipped a paw between her thighs and gently pressed it against Mikey's hip, guiding his cubhood from her body and facilitating the idea that it was time to get moving. As soon as he'd slid out of her sex Liz pressed her soft paw against the pulsing red member, gently cupping it against the warm skin and fur of her thigh so that it didn't get to cold.

Mikey let out a tiny whimper of protest as Liz's warm paws massaged his cubhood. It felt like a connection had been lost between the two of them and a hollow feeling spread through his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe as the joy and comfort in his chest began to fall away. It was like something had been taken from him as she'd pulled him out of her body. He peeked up at Liz with an expression of pleading as he pushed his hips against her thigh, silently begging her to give him that piece back.

"Do we have to go now?" He said in a soft raspy voice. He was very hungry, but the hollow empty feeling in his chest was beginning to become uncomfortable and he swallowed back a lump in his throat as the hollow sensations slowly began to fade.

The soft tender fingers of her other paw briefly cupped his cheek before moving to brush the locks of curly black hair that had fallen onto his forehead and into his eyes. "You need food and I need a shower. You can put it back whenever you want, even if I'm asleep. It's less messy than doing it on my stomach. Now come on, it's time to get moving." Liz spoke in a soft tender voice. Her deep green eyes seemed to sparkle with a mix of understanding, longing and excitement as she stared back at him.

Mikey's mismatched eyes expanded to the size of saucers as his ears folded back against his head and his cheeks warmed with embarrassment. His tail twitched and curled around his bottom as Liz's words reminded him that he'd not managed to clean her tummy with the towel he'd brought back when he cleaned himself off. He tried to speak past the lump of surprise in his throat as Liz's face turned to an amused and reassuringly radiant smile and her shoulders hunched slightly, as if she where trying not to laugh.

As his surprise slowly dissipated he reluctantly uncurled his arms from around Liz's neck and pushed up on both sides of her head, lifting himself off of her body and into a kneeling position between her thighs. She raised one arm up above her head and hooked a finger over the top of the headboard, giving him a new and erotic view of her large firm breast as she continued to hold his cubhood in one paw.

Her body splayed out in front of him as she pulled her knees up so that they were bent at his sides. Her tail slowly twitched behind him as the warm sun cut a swath of light across her torso from the frosted patio window, illuminating the sticky opaque glaze that covered her from the middle of her flat alabaster white furry stomach down to her slender deep red thighs.

Mikey slowly traced the subtle feminine curves of her chest and stomach with his eyes, finally stopping at the furry white mound that bulged up between her legs. Something stirred deep inside him as his eyes followed the curved folds of skin that ran down to a set of glistening pink lips that seemed to pout at him from the crux of her thighs. His hips twitched involuntarily as his eyes traced the engorged lips to the small opening he new was there but was unable to see.

He could put his thing in her when ever he wanted, even if she was asleep? The thought made him want to moan as his heart fluttered in his chest, momentarily distracting him from his sudden disappointment that it was time to get up. The idea of her being asleep sent a thrilling shiver up his spine, without him understanding exactly why.

He whimpered slightly as she let go of his cubhood and gently patted the sticky fur above his sticky silver white sheath. With Liz no longer touching him at all he felt that same wave of emptiness wash through his chest and slowly recede, as if she'd taken something else with her when she'd let his cubhood go. He leaned against her thigh and hugged it against his chest, resting his muzzle on her knee and finding that the uncomfortable empty feeling disappeared immediately.

Liz's paw slid down between her legs, cupping her sex as she leaned forward in the bed. She made a face as she sat up and Mikey briefly wondered what had caused the reaction as she rocked backwards, forcing him to let go of her thigh before she swung one leg over the top of his head, leaving him once again feeling, for lack of a better term, lonely. After a moment she shifted around a bit and stood up, her paw still cupped between her legs as Mikey slumped back onto his bottom.

Liz put her other paw on her hip as she looked back over her shoulder at Mikey, catching a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror on the other side of the room. Her red hair was one big rats nest with strands sticking out in every direction and there wasn't a single piece of fur on her body that looked groomed. The feelings of her matted and sticky fur began nagging at her as the feeling of dirty sweaty skin made her want to itch all over.

Why would Mikey want to even touch her when she was so gross? She felt her stomach drop to her toes as the warm loving feelings that had filled her chest began to drain from her body. Liz took a deep breath and tried to calm her mind as anxiety threatened to overflow her, making her heart beat faster and her ears fold back against her head in shame. She was disgusting and she turned her eyes away from the sight in the mirror, refusing to face herself.

Her thick bushy red tail brushed against the side of Mikey's head and Liz lifted it up higher than normal in the hopes of distracting him from the mess she was in. Her butt had always been one of her favorite features and the chiseled firm round cheeks had drawn more than one eye in the past. She watched for his reaction with barely restrained embarrassment, hoping that he'd watch her bottom instead of looking at how gross the rest of her body was. The urge to wrap up in a towel and rush to the bathroom seemed to get stronger by the second and she self-consciously wrapped an arm across her front in an attempt to cover herself.

Liz tried to figure out why she felt so despicable all the sudden as she watched Mikey as he stared off into space. He seemed in a daze and she hoped he was not grossed out by her appearance. She considered the idea that she felt so dirty because of Mikey's age and how difficult it had been for her to accept her feelings for him, but immediately tossed that idea aside as her eyes strayed back to the mirror behind her. It was just impossible to feel sexy when you were this filthy and the ominously sickening feelings she'd struggled with over the last few days did not accompany the feeling of being unclean.

Liz turned her eyes back to Mikey as she again wished she was more attractive for him and decided to get a shower as soon as possible so that she looked presentable for him. "You've still not told me what you want for breakfast." She said as she watched him fidget with the red bed sheet he sat on.

"Cereal" Mikey said in a monotone voice as his mismatched eyes flicked up to her face and then down to her bottom. Her heart jumped in her chest as she wiggled it slightly and flexed the muscles in the back of her thighs in an attempt to make a portion of her body somewhat appealing to him.

Mikey shook his head and looked up at Liz's warm smiling muzzle. The corners of her green eyes were pinched and her smile, while warm and loving as always, looked strained, as if she was trying to hide something. He studied her face closely but was unable to determine what was wrong as he tried to force the longing in his chest to go away. "Captain Crunch" He finally said in a soft voice.

Liz noticed his voice getting better as she looked over at the undergarment lying on the ground and got an idea that she hoped would keep Mikey busy. With a quick step to the side she arched her footpads to stand on tip-toe as she dug her toes into the thick green carpet. As she bent at the hips to grab the discarded underwear she lifted her tail as high in the air as it would go and wiped her paw forward so that she was not covering the pink puffy lips of her sex as they poked out from between the heart shaped curve of her bottom.

She looked around her hip as Mikey leaned dangerously far off the bed, his eyes as big as saucers and his tail thumping in a soft steady rhythm against the wet mattress. She took her time in picking up the garment before standing back up and turning around to hand them to Mikey with a small amount of her pride restored to her battered self confidence. As he stared open muzzled and unable to speak she took a small amount of joy in being able to get that kind of reaction out of him while looking the way she did.

"Put these on and let's get you some breakfast. We've got a big day ahead of us." Liz spoke as the momentary burst of reassurance she'd gained from the seductive pose quickly faded, leaving her again feeling messy and gross and slightly irritated as the feeling of things crawling over her skin and under her fur began to writhe over her body.

Mikey struggled to gather his scattered thoughts as he dumbly nodded his head and belatedly took the undershorts from Liz's outstretched paw as the haze of arousal caused by Liz's pose blossomed through his mind.

When he was finally able to compose a coherent thought Mikey realized Liz was waiting for him and hopped off the bed, landing with a soft smooth thud. It took him a moment to pull his underwear on over the sticky messy fur and his semi-hard cubhood. He felt his cheeks warm slightly as he hopped from one footpad to the other and tried to keep his balance, eventually managing to get redressed in his underclothing and follow Liz out of the bedroom.

As he and Liz entered the kitchen Mikey noticed that the room seemed to smell stale and dry in comparison to the moist wet aroma of Liz's bedroom. He felt a pulling sensation in his chest that seemed to compliment the uncomfortable sadness that hovered in the back of his mind. He took an involuntary step towards Liz as she moved to the kitchen and washed her paws in the sink, being careful to remove everything from the large metal basin on the left before she did so.

Mikey wet his lips, tasting the very faint flavor of Liz's sweet tangy juices on his fur as he watched her quickly grab a bowl and poor some cereal from a big blue box with a furry cartoon mouse in a captains uniform on it. She put it on the counter and pulled out one of the bar stools in front of the island he usually sat at. A gallon of milk came next as well as some orange juice in a glass mug and a banana from the opposite counter. In a few short minutes his breakfast sat on the island, waiting for him to eat.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower while you eat, ok?" Mikey nodded his head yes as he climbed onto the stool. The pulling sensation got stronger and stronger as the sadness began to overwhelm him, flooding his mind with a heaviness that made him slump forward slightly. Before he new what had happened Liz was walking quickly towards the bathroom with her paw back between her legs and a frown on her face.

He grabbed the spoon from the bowl and lifted a bite to his mouth, his mind struggling to push back at the heavy blanket of sadness that covered him as his eyes tingled, alerting him to the possibility that he might begin to cry. What was this new pulling sensation in his chest and why did he feel like he was about to cry now that Liz was not with him? He quietly pondered this as he ate, the sound of the cereal crunching in his ears. He paid little attention to how it tasted as he contemplated why it felt like Liz had abandon him when she was in the next room over.

He looked down at the multicolored puffy sugary balls and crunchy square bits that made up his breakfast as the pulling sensation in his chest turned to a deeper yearning sensation that almost hurt. His heart began to pound in his chest as he swallowed and pointed his muzzle towards the ceiling in an attempt to stretch his neck and relieve the discomfort he was experiencing.

He put the spoon in his cereal bowl; he was no longer hungry as he sat on the wooden topped stool. Maybe what he and Liz had done this morning had changed him somehow? He exhaled sharply as he scowled at nothing in particular as an irrational anger boiled up in his chest; heating the skin beneath his fur and making him clench his paw into a little first. Why did he feel this way now that she was gone? She was right there in the other room, but it still felt like she'd abandon him somehow.

Mikey took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves as he grabbed the spoon and scooped another bite of cereal out of the bowl, shoveling it into his muzzle with an unnecessary amount of irritated force.

He looked back at the bathroom door as the faintest hint of steam crept along the green carpeted floor in front of the white door with the brass door knob. He dropped the spoon in the black bowl and whipped around on the wooden topped stool to stare intently at the door as that strange empty sensation began to pulse in time with his heartbeat.

He felt the draw to be near Liz growing stronger with every thump of his heart as the noise echoed through his scull and a gentler version of the pain he felt when he thought about his father touched in mind, making him whimper and whine. He took a deep breath as his paws began to twitch and his mouth went dry. The world felt like it was spinning and he had no control to stop it as he again stretched his neck and tried unsuccessfully to swallow.

Mikey blinked in confusion as his body thumped against the soft green carpeted floor bringing him back to a reality he'd not realized he'd left. He was sitting on the ground and as he looked around he realized he must have tried to hop down off the stool and lost his balance.

With a determined sigh he stood up, using the white painted legs of the stool as a ladder to help support him as he climbed up on what he found to be a set of very wobbly legs. This was all stupid! If he wanted to go be with Liz while she showered he could, right? He took a step towards the bathroom and felt the ache in his chest lesson slightly, something that relieved him despite his sudden irritation over his situation.

Mikey took another step towards the bathroom and then another as a question floated into his mind. What if the door was locked? Would he knock? Should he just walk in and ask? Or should he wait until she gets out and ask for next time. The most important question of all came last and in his mind, trumped all the others. Did he care if it meant the possibility of being closer to her? As these questions passed through his mind he took the last few wobbly steps towards the door, feeling the ache recede back as his heartbeat began to slow with each step he took.

Reaching out with a shaky paw, Mikey touched the cold brass door knob as he hoped that it was unlocked. He squeezed the knob and gave it a gentle twist and nearly jumped for joy when the knob easily twisted to the left, allowing the door to slide open on silent hinges.

Mikey poked his nose through the crack that formed between the door and the frame as a thick cloud of steam cascaded over his muzzle. The scent of vanilla, grapefruit and other unknown but equally enthralling aroma's filled his wet black nose and he inhaled deeply, recognizing and enjoying the smell of soap he was used to smelling on Liz when she'd come to visit him in the past.

He pushed his head in further in and took a very small step against the door, pushing it open enough to admit his entire head. Mikey's heartbeat pounded in his ears and his paws shook but the loneliness had shrunk to a dull hum over his heart and seemed to shrink with every beat it made. As relief surged through him he finally pushed the door open the rest of the way, revealing a thick haze of steam that billowed up over the top of the semi opaque shower curtain.

He could barely see the silhouette of red that resembled Liz, but even the silhouette made his heart jump and his tail wag a bit as the pulling sensation in his chest once again began to grow. He didn't think Liz would be mad at him, especially not after this morning's events, but would she let him stay or would she politely tell him to go eat his breakfast? His mind flashed to her frown as she'd left to go shower and he hoped she wasn't angry at him.

At the last moment Mikey decided he needed to say something, rather than just appear next to her as if he belonged there. After two failed attempts at speaking aloud he managed to say "Liz" In a questioning tone that carried more confidence than he felt.

Liz turned at the sound of her name, realizing as she did that the bathroom was suddenly considerable colder than it had been and the semi-opaque shower curtain was billowing towards her like it did when the bathroom door wasn't closed all the way.

She turned around to see Mikey standing in the doorway of the bathroom and her body tingled slightly. With a soap laden paw she moved the shower curtain to the side and poked her head out to look at the little cub, making no attempt to hide her furry naked body. Thick globs of shampoo covered her red hair, dripping down her back and over her muzzle as she looked at Mikey.

He was chewing on a fingernail and as soon as she poked her head out of the shower he began looking at the ground, pawing the white tile floor and thick red bathmat with a footpad as his ears turned that wonderful shade of red that managed to turn the silver white fur on his muzzle and cheeks a very light pink.

"Is everything Ok?" She asked curiously as she made a quick mental check of his body to confirm he wasn't bleeding or hurt in any obvious ways. She'd heard a loud thud a few moments ago and had almost come out to check on him, but it didn't sound like it had come from her apartment and he looked to be ok.

Mikey nodded and opened his mouth. "I wanted..." He took a deep breath and looked up at her with a pleading look. The set of his brow changed to a more determined look but his eyes were still pleading as he opened his muzzle to speak. "Can I stay in here with you?"

Liz opened her mouth in confusion as she stood there dripping shampoo suds onto the ground in front of the tub. Mikey took a tiny step towards her and she noticed his lip quiver the tiniest bit. Was he about ready to cry? She looked at him closely and wondered if the glossy sheen that filled his large mismatched eyes were tears in waiting. Her heart melted as she resisted the urge to jump out of the shower and scoop him up in her arms.

"Do you want to get in the shower with me?" She meant the words as a question rather than an offer but as she watched the tension in his slightly hunched shoulders wash away, she decided it didn't matter. He turned and closed the door and pulled down his underwear before turning back to the bathtub and climbing in, his paws slipping and sliding on the edge of the wet tub as he clambered over the edge.

As soon as he was in the shower Liz stepped over a bit, allowing him to stand next to her under the water. The hot droplets from the removable shower head pelted his silver white fur and soon he was dripping wet with his fur plastered to his skin, emphasizing just how skinny and small he was as he immediately stepped forward, resting his head against her freshly cleaned stomach.

Liz could see the relief melting away from his body as his arms wrapped around her waist, hanging on just above the base of her tail. She combed her fingers through Mikey's hair, enjoying the feeling of it gliding between her fingers as she watched him closely to see if he was going to start crying.

"Are you sure everything is ok? Is there anything at all you want to tell me?" She hinted vaguely at the death of his father, hoping that she could prod him towards telling her about it as she studied his tranquil face for signs of tears. She'd not wanted to talk with him about that until she could get some advice about how to proceed, but it didn't look like she had much of a choice.

"Not any more." Mikey said with a warm smile. His ears folded back slightly as he looked up at Liz, peeking up at her from between her large firm breasts with increasing nervousness. He needed to tell her why he'd come to the bathroom with her and he hoped she'd understand and more importantly, be able to explain why he felt this way. "I missed you but I don't know why. As soon as we got out of bed I felt sad but we have things to do so I tried to ignore it, but the longer I was away the worse it got."

His ears folded back completely as he spoke and with each word his voice climbed higher and higher until by the end it was almost a wail "I'm sorry I'm bothering you and I know you were just in the other room but as soon as you left I felt lonely and I don't know why and... "His words choked off mid sentence as he sniffled and tried to hold back the tears that began to brim over from his eyes.

Liz stared down at Mikey as a pang of guilt shot through her chest and she mentally kicked herself for not seeing this one coming. She inhaled a deep breath through her nose as she mentally cursed herself for being so stupid. She'd been so afraid that Mikey may feel violated or forced into doing what they'd done this morning that she'd never thought about it going the other way. That what they'd done might deepen a relationship he barely understood as it was, creating feelings that were completely foreign to any cub, let alone one with such an abused past.

With a gentle paw she pushed Mikey back a bit so that she could sit down on the edge of the bathtub, allowing her to be at almost eye level with him as she watched him look at her in confusion. On an impulse she grabbed the bottle of body wash that she'd just finished using on herself and squirted a dime sized dot into her paw.

Liz spread a bit of the soap on his chest and tummy as she turned him around and hugged his back to her chest. He seemed to respond favorably to this, leaning his body back against her with a sigh of relief as her paw began massaging his chest, working the soap on his fur into a thick lather.

"It's ok sweetheart, if you want to be with me that's just fine." She gave him a warm reassuring smile over his shoulder as he leaned his head back against her chest, brushing one of her nipples and sending a faint tingle of excitement through her breast.

Liz took a deep breath, taking a moment to work the soap in with a gentle paw before moving down to the fur above his sheath. "It's going to take time for you to adjust to the idea of me always being here for you. Even though you love me, your mind is afraid to trust me because you have never known anything else and because you have been hurt so many times by furs that were supposed to love you."

She paused for a moment before running her paw down along his thigh. "You and I have a very special and different relationship, which makes it all the more difficult for you to understand. So just remember that I'll always be here and just like you can ask me anything, don't ever worry about me turning you away if you need me, ok?" As she finished what she had to say she nuzzled his cheek with her nose and gently ran her pink tongue along his muzzle, giving him one of there special kisses.

Mikey raised his arms above his head and hung them around the back of Liz's neck, squeezing her to him as he let out a content murr of satisfaction. The hollow empty feeling in his chest had long been replaced by a warm cheerful sensation that filled him from the top of his head to the bottom of his tail and made him feel like he was floating on a cloud of air as Liz's fingers began massaging his cubhood through its sheath, cleaning it completely before moving on.

"Ok, I'll try and remember." He said as he gave Liz one of there special kisses in return.