Sara's Story - Chapter 6

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#6 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 1: Past

Chapter 6 - Stolen Pleasures.

© 2003 Nameless

I awaken with a startled yelp. My master's paw explores my slit, when I open my eyes, he softly commands "Keep your eyes closed and don't move." I comply. He continues stroking my inside, I start panting as my body respond to his touch. After some time he removes his paw, I can feel him moving around on the bed, a few moments later I yelp in surprise as his cold nose touches my wet slit. Then his rough tongue brushes against me and my panting becomes even more ragged.

He removes his tongue and commands "Kneel." I struggle into a kneeling position, knees spread wide, eyes still closed. He considers me for a while, then he commands "Move your tail forward, between your legs." I comply quickly. "Lie back and cross your wrists behind your neck." I obey. My back is now arched and my knees are still spread wide, presenting my sex to my master. I can feel my nipples poking out of the fur. My master considers me for some time, chuckles and softly says "Hmmm, you look delicious."

Again I jerk a little when I feel his cold nose touch my slit. "Put your tail to some use." I comply, brushing it over his crotch and belly. He licks at the wet fur on my thighs, then he moves his attention to my slit. He pokes his nose into me and starts licking my inside. It gets harder and harder to keep my position as my body responds to his rough tongue, my panting is getting more and more ragged and my moaning grows louder. Then I scream, caught somewhere between pleasure and humiliation.

He continues, softly and gently licking my slit and thighs for some time. When he stops I can't decide if I am relieved or sorry. I can feel him lie down next to me, then he says "You can open your eyes. And now it is your turn." I quickly get up, crawl between his legs and start licking his already hard cock. Soon he spurts his load into my mouth. A few minutes later we leave bed and get ready for the day.

That day I have to help in the kitchen again. Together with a ferret femme I work at a large stove, turning plums into jam. From time to time a male slave brings in another bucket of freshly picked plums. We take turns removing the stones and stirring the huge pots. The housemistress checks our progress regularly and tastes the result of our work. We chat a little as we work, talking in a quietly but not whispering.

When the housemistress leaves the kitchen, I ask her a question that has been nagging at my mind for some time "Did you also have to tell the Master your story?"

She looks around to make sure nobody is watching, then she says "Yes. So have most of the other femmes." She looks at me, considering me "And if what I have heard is true, some of the males had to tell him their story as well."

I think about that for a few seconds "I don't want to know any more."

The housemistress comes back and after a short pause we continue chatting about little things.

As I stir the large pots, I watch the vixen who cooks lunch for the master. She carries a kit in a sling on her back. It is really tiny, probably only a few weeks old. Mary would start walking now. As I think about my daughter, my eyes fill with tears.

The ferret femme nudges me "Hey, don't stop stirring." I realize I must have been lost in the bitter memories for some time. I look at her, when she sees my tear filled eyes, she gives me an encouraging smile. I turn back to the pots.

I watch the vixen as she talks with the housemistress about the master's lunch. Suddenly I realize what had been nagging at me all day. She shows proper respect, but ... The way a servant would show, not like a slave who fears punishment or even death at the mistresses slightest whim. Now that I have finally realized this, I also notice that most of the other slaves do not have fear in their eyes when she talks to them or inspects their work. I think about this as my paws continue doing my work.

Sometime late in the morning the housemistress asks "Have you eaten any of the plums?"

I answer, truthfully but still a little anxious "No, Mistress."

She considers us, then she takes two from the bucket and gives one to each of us "Here."

"Thank you, Mistress." I eat it gratefully. I think I have not eaten any plum in years, it tastes fantastically. Then we go back to work.

Apparently the mistress is pleased with our work, after the evening meal she gives out some more fresh fruits to most of the slaves. I get an apple and another plum and eat them slowly, savoring every bite. Then I am sent to the master's room. I take off my smock and kneel on the rug in front of his chair and wait for him.

# # #

He comes in a few minutes later and sits down in the chair. He sniffs the air, then he smiles "Hmmm, squirrel with plum jam, delicious." and licks his chops. I pray that he does not consider doing more than licking. Then he commands me to go on with my story.

After this episode my life there was hell. The cook and the guards knew that I was out of favor with my owner and they went out of their way to hurt me. Whenever I had to serve my master's pleasure, he was cruel to me, he beat me, often until I passed out from the pain.

I hang my head in shame "Sometimes I even thought about killing myself."

This lasted until the end of April. Together with about ten other female slaves I was working in a field rather far from the mansion, our feet were hobbled so that we could not run and five armed guards made sure we could not escape. Suddenly shots rang out from a stand of trees nearby. Three of the guards were hit, the other shot back and we could hear a scream of pain from the trees. We all dived for the ground. More than a dozen ragged looking furs rushed the remaining guards and quickly cut them down. Then one of them shouted " Get up!" at us. Terribly afraid, we complied quickly. One of them cut my hobbles and tied a leash to my collar. The other bandits did the same to the other slaves, others searched the copses of the guards and took their weapons and stuff. They also killed an older canine femme, cutting her throat. One of them, apparently the leader told us "We are going to run a lot now. If you cannot keep up, I'll cut your throat and leave you for the buzzards. And no talking, is that clear?" Terrified, we could only nod. Then one of the bandits tugged at my leash and set off at a quick jog, I had to do my best to keep up with him.

We moved at a quick pace, alternating between a quick walk and a jog, I was panting heavily and my lungs soon burned. Only the fear kept me going. Whenever we came to a stream or river, we moved in to for some time before we continued on the land, probably to shake off any dogs that might be used to pursue us. After perhaps an hour we made a short rest and were given a little water, then we set off again. Our pace was a little slower now but my legs hurt a lot, my strength was slowly failing. A long time later we made another rest. A cat femme suddenly yelped in pain and collapsed, her legs cramping up. The leader looked at her and said "If you're not ready when we move out again, I'll cut your throat." She whimpered and trembled in pain and fear. I and two other slaves who stood close to her helped her up and massaged her legs. She only looked at me, grimacing in pain. When we moved on a minute later, she was able to keep up, but only barely.

Some time later we stopped, we were given a little more water and were blindfolded. I was led along for a few minutes, stumbling badly. Then I had to climb into a wagon and lie down. My paws were bound behind my back. Other femmes lay to my left and right, we were packed tightly together. The feet of the femmes next to me were tied to my collar, my feet were tied to their collars in a similar manner. I could not move at all. The leader said "If any one of you makes any kind of noise, we'll kill all of you, is that clear?" I nodded. We were covered with a large tarpaulin and something was piled on top, probably straw. Then the wagon moved off, bouncing and jostling us painfully. It soon got very hot and stuffy. We drove for a long time. Several times we stopped and I could hear talk, but I could not make out any words. I was terribly exhausted and thirsty and drifted off to sleep several times, only to be awakened by another bump in the road.

A long time later we stopped, the cover was removed and we were helped out of the wagon. I was given a little water, then I was led along, still blindfolded. The path was not difficult, but I stumbled several times. I walked for perhaps half an hour. Then the bandit leading me stopped and my blindfold was removed. The sun was already setting, but it still took my eyes a little time to get used to the light again. We were in the bandit's lair, somewhere deep in the woods.

"Do you have any idea where it is?" my master asks.

"No Master." I answer "I hardly ever left the camp, and then only to gather berries or wood somewhere deep in the woods. When I was sold, I was blindfolded before I was taken away from the camp, and taken around in the wagon for half a day. Then I could hear one of them haggle with the trader. I had to climb into a different wagon, I was kept blindfolded and driven around for the rest of the day and part of the next. Then I was sold again, I never saw the trader who first bought me." I was driven around for more than a day before my blindfold was removed.

My master sighs "Well, too bad. Go on."

Out feet were hobbled and we had to kneel, then the bandit leader, a hybrid, probably wolf and cat, addressed us "Just to make things clear. You don't talk unless you are spoken to. And no talking among yourselves at all. I will cut off the tongue of anyone who does. Anyone who tries to escape will be killed. And I will also kill a few of the others as well, anyone who might have helped her. Or who did not stop her. Is that clear?"

We nodded, terrified.

He looked us over, then he grabbed the leash of a rabbit doe and dragged her off to one of the shelters. Over his shoulder he called "Have fun boys, until supper is ready." There were about two dozen bandits in the group, mostly carnivores. One of them grabbed me from behind, threw me on my belly and then fucked me from behind. When he was finished, he moved off, and another one took his place.

Some time later we were fed, then we were taken to a cage. It was about ten by fifteen feet. We had to stay in it whenever we did not work or pleasure one of the bandits. We did not have any covers or clothes and slept huddled together for warmth.

This became my life for the next several months, huddling in the cage or working or doing my best to pleasure one of the bandits. They were cruel and beat us, often just to see us suffer. When I came there, they had half a dozen femmes in the camp. Perhaps a week later they brought another group of a dozen slaves to the camp. The cage was crowded. Several days later they took several of us away, to be sold, I hope. This happened several times.

I begin to shudder, as I remember these events.

On Midsummer Day they held a feast. By this time there were ten of us left in the camp. The day before, in the morning, four of us, a mouse, two rabbit femmes and I were called to the bandit leader and had to kneel before him. He showed us four straws that he held in his paw and said "We are going to have roasted meat tomorrow. But I can't decide what, Hmmm, rabbit, mouse or squirrel, they are all so delicious." Then he held out his paw with the straws to me. Shaking with fear, I was barely able to pick one of them. Then I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was a long one. One of the rabbit femmes, screamed in terror, when she saw her short straw and struggled to her feet, trying to run away. But she had not even taken one step when the guard who had stood behind her grabbed her headfur and jerked her head back. She screamed as he whipped out a knife and cut her throat. She spasmed a few times, then she lay still, her blood soaking into the ground.

The bandit leader grinned, then he commanded "Prepare it. I want it roasted tomorrow evening. If you give me the least bit of trouble, I will have another roast the day after. Now, hop to it." Shaking with terror, we got to our feet and carried her to the kitchen table. Then we started to skin and gut her, not able to look each other in the eye. Several armed bandits guarded us closely. They were always very careful with us when we cooked, because then we had knifes and other potentially dangerous implements at paw. Most of the other slaves watched us with horror in their eyes. Preparing her took most of the morning. At last we put her carcass in a tub and marinated her in herbs and wine. We had to clean her guts and cut them up for the stewpot. Then we were led back to the cage without being allowed to wash our bloody paws. The other slaves watched us with a mixture of pity and horror and they stayed as far away from us as they could. We huddled together in a corner and wept for a long time.

We did not get any food the next day, until the evening. We had to put her on a spit and roast her over the fire. She was done as the sun neared the horizon and the bandits began to party. Each of us slaves got large bowl of the stew and a piece of her meat and had to eat it. I barely managed to eat it without throwing up. The mouse femme threw up halfway through her meal. She had to spoon the vomit back into her bowl, then they forced the mixture down her throat. That was the only day I was given enough to eat, but I would have gladly gone hungry.

Then one of the bandits had a special idea. We were assembled and had to watch as he spread a large piece of cloth on the ground, cut a small hole and stuck a dagger into it. The dagger stood there, the hilt firmly stuck in the ground the foot long blade pointing straight up. As I watched it, I began shivering in fear. Again we had to draw straws, this time I got the short straw. The bandit chief called out several commands, I had to kneel next to the knife, shivering and panting in fear. A few of the slaves were taken back to the cage, the others were firmly tied up, so that they could not escape, even if all the bandits drank themselves into a stupor.

I can see that this is beginning to interest my master.

Then the bandits formed a circle around me and the chief said "Put that dagger in your sheath. Now. If you take too long I will help you."

I mewled in fear, then said "Yes, Master." and crawled forward, trembling. I positioned myself above it, used my paws to spread my slit as wide as I could and slowly slid down. I could not avoid cutting myself completely. A trickle stained the cloth in a slowly spreading circle of blood. The bandits applauded and cheered, then two of them stepped forward and tied my feet to my thighs and bound my paws behind my back. Now I could not get off the dagger and if I moved more than a fraction of an inch I would cut myself. The bandit leader stepped in front of me, dropped his pants and commanded " Lick me!" Struggling not to move my lower body, I obeyed. When he was finished, he stepped away and another bandit took his place.

Wordlessly my master drops his pants and presents his hard cock to me. I swallow my disgust and start licking him, trying my best to push away the painful memories. He comes soon, then I lick him clean.

When I sit back and look at the ground, he puts a paw under my muzzle and forces me to look up at his face again. I know that I cannot hide the disgust and distress I feel. When I notice that I have dropped my tail on the floor, I quickly lift it up again. I await his anger, terribly afraid now, as he looks at me for a few long seconds. He taps the top of my nose and I lower my head and look at the floor between my knees, shivering slightly. He sits still for some more time, then I hear him close his belt buckle and he gets up. I can hear him pour something, then he returns to his seat and sits down.

He commands "Look at me." and when I do, paws me a mug. "Water with a little wine."

Relieved that he is not angry with me, I take it, drink and rinse most of the taste out of my mouth. "Thank you, Master." I say, grateful for this and that he has closed his pants.

He smiles at me, then he commands "Go on."

I say "Yes, Master." and turn my thoughts back to the hurtful memories.

Several times they also beat me with a riding crop, it was very difficult to stay still. I had to service them uncountable times that evening, before they finally fell asleep. The last few times were terrible. They were drunk and stumbled about, one even fell over but he missed me. If he had fallen on me and bowled me over, I would have been cut open. Then I was left alone, I had to stay awake and I dared not fall asleep.

In the morning I had to service a few of them before I was untied. I knelt in a large pool of blood. Two other slaves had to help me up, my whole body hurt from staying motionless so long and I felt terribly weak. I was put in the cage and allowed to rest until the next day. I slept most of the time. Some of the other slaves hugged me most of the time, keeping me warm.

One day in early September I was blindfolded and was marched away to be sold. I was sold several times within a few days before I ended up on the slave market where your servants bought me, Master.

# # #

I stop, finished with my story and look up at my master.

He considers me for some time, then he says "Well, good. Get ready for bed."

I get up and head to his room. Soon we crawl into the bed, he has some more fun with me and then we fall asleep.

End of Chapter 6