The castle

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry

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In England Jim a male sergal with black and white fur wearing his usual black trenchcoat with a white shirt underneath with a black top hat with blue eyes. Jim gazes at himself in his bathroom mirror ashaming himself for letting his wife Rose go to that abandonded castle alone.

Now she has been misssing for a week. He dosn't want to leave his kids but he has to get his wife back. The reason Jim wants her back is because he loves her very very much and misses her like crazy. He Had no one to talk to this about and his own curiosty got the best of him so he dicided to investigate on his own.

He contacted a neighbor to watch his kids whille he ventured towards the castle that was at the end of his street. He gets to the entrance of the stone castle and this very tall and huge door With his curiosty says to him open me. He slowly opens the door to this very fancy hallway with a veltvet rug and large bookshelfs.

He walks for awhile till to the right entrance of a room he halts to see a dinner hall with fine silver and tones of fancy high class food on silver platers. He walks into the room and he sees cooked pork in the mid center with an apple in it's mouth. He licks his jaw his hunger forgeting him why he was there.

He cuts a pece of the pork of with the very sharp knife that was next to the pork. He takes a bite out of it and spits it out in discust as it taste like rotten garbage. He remebers how old this castle must be and that the food would taste terrible but somehow it looked like gold for how long it must have been sitting there. He walks out of the room and upstairs.

He sees three doors 2 right 1 left the frist door says laboratory, the second door treasury, the third door sign was scracthed off. He went for the second door seeing a room filled with blood everywhere He screams loudly and shuts the door. He opens the frist to see a normal lab room but a huge cage containing the most vile thing ever.

It stood at 10ft and 7inches it had sharp long claws and deformed arms made out of scrap metal. It had long teath made out of knifes and razors, had the head of a sergal and the body of a griffon and the wings of a bat and large sergal D cup breast it had the legs of a horse.

It said to Jim"hello hun...n..nyyy I..I want to play....y with your body then eat you." Jim backed away in fear screaming loudly in fear of this deformed creature.

A male brown fured sergal in a white lab coat grabing Jim says"Whats wrong Jim? your not happy to see the makeover I did to your wife?"

Jim says"you monster you bastard what did you do with her?"

The sergals said"I made her into a beutifule chimera and now she wants to feast on you."

The Sergal opens the door to the cage with a key and throws Jim in but The sergal is grabed as well by the chirmera.

The sergal says in fear squirming and struggling his feet kicking"R...Rose dear please let daddy go I will feed you more I promiss."

The Chirmera says"I n...eed more no...w dadd....y plus when I'm fre...e I can eat all I w...ant s..o y...ou do...n't meeee." The Chimera chomps down on her former master blood splattering everywhere then swallowing the bits and peces shreded apart by her teath.

Jim says"Rose if your still in there I love you hunny." Jim closes his eyes tight ready to be meet his fate. The chirmera pauses and thinks for a bit then she chomps down on Jim meeting the same fate as the other sergal and then brustes out of the castle causing mass destruction of the town. No one ever known what happened to Rose and Jim that night but now they have bigger problems to deal with.

specimen 1 of the hunger investigation

Another file found by ??? to find the cure for the hunger This is Dr.froklina R. Donchinshire reasearching what happens to furrs when they get infected? Well I will jot down the notes of how this happens by using specimen 1 a male black wolf to be...

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The hunger file from sergalhome

A File found by ??? read to find out what happened to S.T.H.D.F.(stop the hunger deisease force) March 1st, 3012: I Dr.Jaden M. kralicker has made a new descovery on the deisease know only as "The hunger." This deiseaase is more of a infection and...

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We don't go to sergalhome anymore...2.0(Improved horror)

It was always an average day for Leroy but this day was not so average. He got dressed and ready for school.Leroy was grey wolf with blue eyes ,short brown hair, and had a very positive look on life. When he got down stairs his mother was sobbing....

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