Short Stories about Giant Bats: Turnpike

Story by Aerys on SoFurry

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This is the newest installment of my series of short stories. This one is about Aerys masturbating at work. Such a silly, naughty bat he is!

Short Stories about Giant Bats by Aerys - April 7, 2012

Warning : this story contains adult themes and strong sexual content; it is intended for mature audiences only. In particular, the story contains graphic fetishistic elements which may be unappealing to some readers.


Alt-S. Control-shift-R. Aerys typed two sentences, two returns, his name. The meeting was at 10:30 and he hadn't even thought about what he was going to say about the Coates project, much less had he put anything together for it. His unread count was still at 12, but there was no way he would be able to finish now.

The bat slid the keyboard holder back under his desk and swiveled towards the door. He left it open on his way out, biting his lower lip as he took wide strides across the floor. He really should have gone before this.

Past thirty meters of fluorescent lights and white linoleum he swung a right, and he stretched his arm to shove open the door.

He continued over the blue tiles, the newly-installed motion sensing faucets blinking in unison. The door to the handicapped stall was open, and to his greater relief he did not see a single pair of feet down the entire row of stalls. The bat walked into the gray plastic cubicle and closed the door, sliding the metal latch shut behind himself. It was spacious inside and Michael had left the day's Wall Street Journal sitting on the ledge by the window.

He tugged the end of his slim black belt through the buckle and knocked the clasp away with his finger. He pulled it open, then unhooked the latch and button from the band of his pinstripe pants, then he pulled down the zipper. He grabbed his pants waist and that of his favorite baby blue underwear and pulled downward to loosen them. They dropped to the floor when he released his grip.

Sitting down on the toilet, Aerys slid his hand between his legs and held his fingers against his penis to aim it downward, pointing toward the water. He tugged his foreskin back slightly using his forefingers. He let out a strained huff and flexed his abdomen. His urethral sphincter opened, allowing a stream to rush from his body and splash into the water.

When he had emptied his bladder enough to pause comfortably the bat raised his arm again and unbuttoned his sleeve. He rolled the blue pinpoint fabric around his forearm up and out of the way, then thoughtfully flushed the toilet.

With some of the pressure in his abdomen abated he was able to double over and reach his hand further downward. He closed his eyes and touched his anus with his forefinger. The bat felt the sticky pink flesh quiver under his forepad before he bore down, the membrane flaring open.

Aerys curled three fingers upward to cup underneath the muscular sphincter as it gave way. He released his payload all at once. He caught the solid metal frame as it slid from inside his rectum. It was wet with mucus and was as warm as his own body. A candy wrapper crinkle gave him no pause. Aerys grabbed the nose of the bus lightly but securely, careful to keep it upright, even letting his hand brush into the water for the sake of lifting it upward more smoothly.

The miniature vehicle fully seven inches long, its release gave the bat quite a measure of relief. He had a commensurate smile spread across his face as he lifted it upward. He stretched his arm back to tear off a few sheets of toilet paper. Wiping the large glass side windows with it uncovered the collective gaze of the thirty odd passengers within.

Some were buckled into the upright seats; many others were standing upright on the front window of the tilted vehicle.

"Hang tight," Aerys whispered. The voices inside raised in a tiny chorus. As the bat carefully rotated the bus upright, those inside tumbled into the corner of the floor and driver's seat, grappling onto seats and each other and tumbling in a pile as their center of gravity was realigned. He settled the vehicle on top of the newspaper before the frosted glass window.

He peered inside. He noticed that many were nude, and a few were grinding their bodies against each other, kissing and rubbing. One rapped at a window.

"Shhh. You can open up, but keep it quiet," the bat whispered. The driver's seat window swung outward.

"Fuck, it's sweltering in here!" a young, nude gray fox gasped, sticking his head out of the window to breathe.

"I told you to be quiet!" Aerys snapped.

The fox recoiled back inside with a yelp and knocked his elbows against the window.

"No, no, please, it's alright!" the giant apologized. "Please, just keep your voice down. I can hear you as softly as you speak." The bat blinked. The fox stretched his sweat-drenched head back out of the window. "I hope you are enjoying yourself. It certainly looks like you are."

"What else are we supposed to do?" the fox smirked.

Aerys smirked back. "No judgment. It's just that I think you've got something in your hair."

A horse, who had been staring at Aerys through a window near the front of the bus, spoke up. "Probably me. I've finished four times already. Working my way up to a fifth."

The bat couldn't help but respond with a full laugh. He knew it would be deafening, and that his open maw may frighten them. He stifled himself with a hand and smiled with his eyes, noticing regardless that some of the other faces turned away from the windows.

Aerys had already reached down to hold his groin, protecting his exposed testes and penis from the cool air near the window. "It's pretty hot that you're making love inside of me," he admitted. While talking he shifted his hand upward to cradle his penis. With only the gentlest squeeze he felt the flesh engorge eagerly. "What else are you doing in there?" he asked as he pulled back his foreskin with his thumb and middle finger.

"Mostly we are talking to each other and getting to know each other," a cat spoke up.

"That sounds nice," Aerys responded, digging his claws into his palm as he increased the force of his grip.

"Would you believe this guy won a silver medal in the Olympics?" the cat continued, patting the cheetah sitting next to him on the back. "And this guy is a trader at D.E. Shaw."

Aerys peered through the windows to meet those little ones recognized, his curly smile eliciting smiles and nods in return.

"What about this one?" he asked, rapping on the glass next to a grumpy looking lizard sitting down in the back of the bus with his laptop open.

"I wish my phone worked," Aerys heard him say, though the words were muffled.

"I know," the bat responded. "Funny thing is that they would work just fine if I weren't filtering the signal. It's kind of a neat trick though, don't you think?" The bat laughed to himself, though his focus was split from pressing his thumb into the sensitive ruddy flesh of his exposed glans.

Aerys knit his brows as he continued to study the bus. His grip had become a slow stroking motion, precum seeping from the tip of his shaft, leaving its length slick and glistening. His hand made soft rhythmic wet sounds as he thrust it along the veined length. His eyes met those of the furs comfortable enough to look back. "Each of you should come to the window -- if you want to, that is. Tell me your name. Tell me your favorite thing in the world."

The bat leaned his head inward, his ear swooping above in a great pink concave awning; with his sensitive hearing he made out their speech as if they were taller than him.

One at a time, they came to the window. He masturbated and listened, whispering back.


"Ahh, yes."

"Hee, that's great!"

"I love that too."

"Thank you."

One at a time he learned their names and thought about the things they told him and tried to make sure he would remember both of them. When he heard another co-worker entered the bathroom he told them to pause, and he had difficulty controlling his own breathing, but he let them continue when the room was empty again.

He listened intently to all of the furs who came to speak, but he continued to think about how good it felt to have all of these shrunken people held alive inside of his body; he tried to imagine what it was like for them, awash in the projection of heat, sticky warmth, pink folding flesh and his own heartbeat. By the time the passengers were finished speaking to him Aerys had drifted away, leaning on his shoulder over the windowsill with his eyes and teeth clenched, panting heavily as he thrust his paw up and down the length of his throbbing erection.

A hydraulic hiss interrupted him. He opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

An argyle-clad wolf flailed in the stairwell, caught in front of the opened bus door, turning to ice at Aerys' gaze. He folded his ears back tightly and gulped for air, trying to respond.

"Close the door and climb back inside," Aerys commanded in a stony whisper.

"Why can't I get out?" the wolf whimpered.

Aerys stared at him through the open window, peering through the stairwell. "I could not have brought you here if I allowed such . This is non-negotiable."

The wolf grabbed the yellow bar handle and pulled the door shut behind himself as he walked back inside.

Aerys closed his eyes and began stroking again. His arousal was unflagging, and he quickly found himself reclaiming the heights of his pleasure. He moaned once and again. He lifted his arm from leaning on the white tile ledge and brought his freed hand to his testes to squeeze and tickle himself.

The bat felt the prickly fur and skin pulled tight around his balls, cool in the open, and he felt the warm pulse of his heartbeat rushing through the inflated veins on the surface of his malehood; he smelled the wet aroma of the vehicle, his sex toy, stolen from its trip straight off the highway. He scanned the two dozen faces pressed against the glass watching him stroke that pillar, greater in mass than their bodies collected.

He was not sure when he climaxed, but after he noticed he scrambled to yank a ribbon of toilet paper from the roll, bunched the bouquet in his hand just in time to keep his seed from spraying onto his muzzle and the front of his shirt. He enrobed his length within the fluffy white paper, ejaculating with a shivering sigh, orgasmic convulsions rippling from his chest and abdomen to his scrotum and anus. He felt the toilet paper soak through as his inner muscles expelled pump after pump of seed.

After he calmed, Aerys folded the wad of toilet paper, trying to wipe back over his shaft before dropping it into the toilet bowl. He remained wet and dripping with the copious ejaculate, and he drew another wad from the roll to dab himself dry.

The bat slumped to the side again, features melting into glowing relaxation. He lay in place as another coworker came and went, his toes curling against the blue tile floor to slowly uncurl again. The bat watched the tiny furs in the bus and some watched back, although others, wanting to waste no opportunity, had resumed their orgy, and they kissed and ground their bodies against one another's.

"I think some of you find it fucking hot. You fucking love that you're being used as a plaything for a giant bat god," he sibilated.

"No arguments there," someone responded. Probably the gray fox.

"I'm glad," he sighed. "I want you to stay this happy as this after I put you back inside."

Even the furs fucking against the window paused when they heard that. "Please, can't you leave me here?" someone cried. "Me too! I don't understand, why do we have to go?"

Aerys reached for his wallet, rifling through his pants clumped in a pile on the floor. He pulled an indigo-colored foil packet of lube labeled 'Wet' from behind the credit card fold.

"I'm sorry. It's not up to me. I am risking a lot as-is," he told them as he ripped the top the packet open and tilted it over the bus. "Please, try to understand."

"I understand," someone else sympathized.

Aerys nodded, and instructed them to take your seats. The bat waited for them to buckle in before gingerly plucking the bus from its spot on the newspaper. He maneuvered it upright down between his legs, in front of his spent cock, into the white toilet bowl.

He tilted it slowly upwards, hearing the cries from inside as they shifted in place, facing upward, the bat's anus leering at them, a pink wall of muscle wrenched into folds filling the front window.

"When will we come out again?" he heard.

"When it's time."

Some of the furs could not help from screaming and crying. The bat gritted his teeth and pressed upward. Aerys opened his mouth, squeezing his lungs empty. The flesh streaked lubricant and mucus over the front window before unfurling into the pressure, revealing the purple flesh within. The bat accidentally siezed, his anus contracting and crumpling the nose of the bus. "Damn!" he muttered.

He could not stop, so he kept pushing. The bus slipped an inch at a time into his rectum, the sleek, tender red tissue blanketing the sides of the bus, the flow of blood through his capillaries clearly visible behind large clear windows. With a final thrust at the rear of the vehicle's frame he succeeded. A relaxation of his inner muscles allowed the bus to slide another whole inch and a half upward, bat's tailhole shutting his toy into its hiding place.

Aerys' phone buzzed from inside his pants. He cursed, flushed the toilet, pulled his pants up, threw away the lube-soaked newspaper, washed his hands and ran out of the stall and then out of the bathroom. The bat was still drying his hands when he pulled his phone out to look at it. It was 10:33.

As he walked through the hallway he quickly flipped through documents on his phone and read an email had forwarded him from someone at Coates. He felt sweaty and dirty when he opened the door to the conference room, where the meeting had already begun.

After sitting down he excused himself: "Sorry, just a bathroom break."

This just in: a bus traveling northbound on I-95 has been involved in a major accident near Exit 10 of the New Jersey Turnpike. The bus was operated by the DC2NY transit company and was en route to New York City. We will provide you with the latest information as it arrives.