Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 14

Story by Penelope Ravenheart on SoFurry

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This is chapter 14 of the story of Marius and Jillian and the Cane household. In this one, Millicent spends some time with the members of our happy little family and things that happen in this story set the stage for things to come in upcoming chapters. I hope you all enjoy it and, as always, thank you for reading my stories.

Hello, everyone! Here is part 14 of Marius and Jillian's story. In this one, Millicent spends a little time with the members of the Cane family and also starts to make a few waves. This one will set the stage for a few things that will be happening in future chapters as well. I hope you all enjoy it and, as always, thank you for reading my stories.

Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 14 By Penelope Ravenheart

It was a beautiful morning and Marius and Julius had just left for the day's business as Jillian stood at the changing table giving Marian a fresh diaper. She had come in this morning to find the pup wide awake and waiting for her. Mya had gone downstairs to get a bottle for the little wolfess while Jillian changed her.

Marian yipped happily, wagging her tail as Jillian finished diapering her and picked her up, cuddling her close as she carried her over and sat down in one of the comfy chairs in the nursery. As the two of them settled in, there was a knock at the door and Kai poked her head in, smiling.

"Morning, ladies," she said.

"Morning, Kai. Come on in. I just changed Marian and I'm waiting for Mya to return with her bottle," Jillian said, smiling at her friend. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm okay. A little nervous about tonight though," Kai said as she entered and crossed the room.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. Just relax and be yourself. That's who Julius fell in love with and our dinner guest will see that," Jillian said, referring to Millicent Young who she had invited to have dinner with them that evening.

"I know. I just don't like that she'll be flirting with him the whole time she's here," Kai replied as she sat down on the footstool in front of Jillian and Marian.

Just then, Mya walked into the room with the pup's bottle. "I wouldn't worry too much, dear," Mya said. "Julius seems to be a great deal like his father and the Master has a definite preference for human females, as we all know."

"That's true. Marius does prefer human females," Jillian said. "And it would seem that Julius does too. His first love was human and so are you. It looks like he shares that with his father."

"He does seem to but, I just worry that maybe she can give him something I can't or maybe connect with him in a way that I can't," Kai said.

"Don't worry so much," Jillian said. "You have his heart."

"As well as other parts," Mya said, giggling.

The three of them laughed about that as Jillian fed Marian her bottle. The pup's tail wagged furiously as she suckled on the bottle, her little paws coming up on either side of it, clutching at it. As Jillian watched her, smiling, a thought occurred to her.

"Wait a minute. By all accounts, Callista Yarrow, Julius' first love, was human in appearance but only her mother was human. Lapidus Yarrow was a wolf. How did she end up looking human?" Jillian said.

"It happens sometimes. It's rare but, it does happen," Mya said. "Once in a while a wolf and human couple will have a human looking child."

"Unless, Yarrow wasn't really her father and her mother had an affair with a human male," Kai said.

"Oh, I seriously doubt that," Jillian said. "I can't imagine him raising the child of some other male. Or letting his wife or the child survive if she had had an affair. He was seriously crazy and I don't think he'd allow his authority to be flaunted like that."

"No, I think you are probably right about that," Mya said.

"Well, then she must have been one of those rare cases," Jillian said, "From what Marius says about her."

"Julius hasn't said much about her. I guess it's still too painful for him to talk about," Kai said.

"Or you've made him forget," Jillian said, giggling.

"Well, I'm good but, I don't think I'm that good," Kai said, giggling herself.

The three women laughed and talked while Jillian fed and burped Marian. When she had finished, Mya took the pup to give her a bath, leaving Jillian and Kai to see to the preparations for that night's little dinner party. It wasn't a formal event but, Jillian did want to put her best foot forward.

That afternoon, Jillian and Kai went off separately to get ready for the evening, both of them wanting to look their best. They were both planning to wear new dresses that they had bought two days before during their shopping trip in town. Kai had found a lovely dress, sexy but not too sexy for a dinner party, in a soft shade of lavender. Jillian had opted for a rose colored dress herself. Both of them wanted to look good for the evening but, it was Kai that intended to make a lasting impression.

When Marius arrived home later that afternoon, Jillian had done her hair and makeup but hadn't put on her dress and was running around the bedroom in her silk and lace underwear. As he stepped into the room, Jillian was bent over, getting her shoes for the evening out of the closet. The wolf licked his lips as he crossed the room, his eyes moving over her firm, shapely ass. As he got closer, her scent reached his nose, stirring something inside him. He walked over quietly, grasping her hips with his paws as he pressed his own hips forward and ground his hardening cock against her through their clothes.

"Hello, my beautiful," he said, growling softly.

Gasping a little as she felt him behind her, grinding against her and instantly awakening her passions, Jillian said, "Hello, my love. You're home a little early."

"I wanted to come home a little early to get ready for your dinner party and see if you needed any help. I'm glad I got here when I did," he said, chuckling.

Giggling, Jillian stood up, pushing her hips back and grinding against him a little. "Too bad we don't have time for a little fun before dinner," she said, smiling seductively over her shoulder at him.

Murring, he leaned down, kissing and licking her neck as his paws slid up her sides. Jillian mmmed and leaned back against him. Suddenly, she wanted very badly for the dinner party to be over. She was fairly sure Marius had something special for her for dessert.

Lifting his muzzle from her neck, he whispered softly in her ear, "You'd better get dressed before I forget myself and rip off those sexy little panties, beautiful."

Giggling, she replied, "Yes, my husband. We wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting."

Jillian walked over to the closet, taking the dress she planned to wear off it's hanger and slowly slipping it on while Marius watched. The wolf smiled, licking his lips as she slipped the dress on. The low neckline and fitted bodice were very much to his liking.

Jillian walked over to him, turning around and lifting her hair. "Would you zip me up, please, my love?" she asked.

Chuckling, he started to slowly zip her dress. "Certainly, beautiful. But, later I get to unzip it as well," he said.

"I'm looking forward to that," Jillian said, letting her hair tumble back down over her back as he finished zipping her up.

He leaned in, kissing her softly on the neck and saying, "I had better go get bathed and dressed for dinner too. Unless there is something else you need me to help you with, my beautiful."

"I think I can handle the rest ...at least until after dinner," she replied, smiling over her shoulder at him.

Chuckling, he reached down and squeezed one of her buttocks gently, saying, "Alright then, beautiful. I'll go get cleaned up for dinner."

As Marius headed for the bathroom, Jillian turned to watch him, her eyes traveling over his muscular form. She was feeling quite aroused already and hoped that the dinner party went well but that it didn't drag on too long. It appeared that her husband was feeling the same way. Smiling to herself as she put on a necklace she thought, there must be something in the air today.

When Marius had finished bathing, he came back into the bedroom in a robe, quickly dressing in a pale blue silk loincloth and matching coat. He didn't want to make them late going to dinner and he feared that if he lingered too long in his robe, the temptation to peel Jillian's pretty, new dress off would be too great. Jillian helped him on with his coat, straightening his lapels and smiling up at him.

"Shall we go check on our daughter before we go downstairs?" Jillian said.

"Yes, I'd like that, beautiful. I'd like to spend a little time with both of my beautiful ladies before dinner," he said, winking at her.

Jillian smiled, taking his paw and leading him into the adjoining nursery. Mya was there, reading as she sat in one of the overstuffed chairs. She looked up, smiling when Marius and Jillian came in and setting her book down. She put her finger to her lips as they walked over to the crib.

"She just fell asleep," Mya whispered.

Nodding, the couple quietly walked over and looked into the crib at their sleeping daughter. Marian lay there, breathing softly, her little paws twitching occasionally as she dreamed. Jillian smiled as she looked at the sweet, peaceful expression on the pup's silky, little black, furry face. Marius chuckled softly as he watched her little paws move, wondering what she might be dreaming about.

"Sleep well, sweetheart," Jillian whispered as she pulled the blanket up over Marian a little more.

Marius and Jillian smiled over at Mya before turning to leave. They went back through their bedroom and out into the hall on their way to the stairs. When they reached the first floor, they went to the formal sitting room where Julius and Kai were already sitting and talking. They both smiled at Marius and Jillian as they entered the room.

"Hello, you two," Jillian said, smiling. "You both look wonderful this evening."

"Thank you. So do you both," Kai replied.

"It seems my father and I are two very lucky wolves to have two such lovely ladies as dinner companions," Julius said, standing.

"And let's not forget, there is a lovely wolfess on her way as well," Jillian said.

Julius looked a little sheepish at the mention of their dinner guest. "Yes, of course," he said.

The four of them sat, chatting about their day as they waited for Millicent to arrive. Jillian thought Kai looked stunning this evening and should have no trouble at all keeping Julius' eyes on her. She had noticed the slightly guilty expression on his face and thought Julius might be interested in the wolfess as well but, having told Kai he loved her and would love for her to have his pups, Jillian thought Kai had the advantage.

The four of them sat talking for about ten more minutes before there was a knock at the front door and the butler went to answer it. He showed Millicent into the sitting room, announcing her formally before going to get cocktails for the group. The wolfess was dressed in a lovely, pale blue dress that seemed to bring out her deep blue eyes. Marius and Julius both stood as she entered the room, each greeting her warmly and smiling.

"Hello, Millicent. Welcome to our home," Jillian said, smiling at the wolfess herself.

"Hello, and thank you. It is a lovely home too," Millicent replied.

"Thank you. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable," Jillian said as she motioned for the wolfess to come in and sit.

"How are you this evening, Lady Millicent?" Julius asked, smiling at her.

"I'm well, thank you, Julius. And you?" she replied, sitting in a chair next to the sofa.

"I'm quite well myself, Lady Millicent. Thank you for asking. But then, how could I not be, in the company of such lovely ladies?" Julius said, smiling nervously. Millicent giggled coquettishly as, just then, the butler returned with a tray of drinks offering them, first to the wolfess and then to everyone else in turn. When the butler's tray was empty, he bowed slightly at the waist and left the room to see to the cook's progress with preparing the evening meal.

"Well, I see the directions my son and I gave you were clear enough to follow," Marius said, chuckling.

"Yes, quite clear, thank you," Millicent replied. "But, I have always had a very good sense of direction too."

"I'm sure that must have come in handy on your long trip here," Kai said. "You came here from Corithia, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was. And my sense of direction was a big help during the trip," Millicent replied.

"Weren't you frightened, coming all that way by yourself?" Kai asked.

"Not really. As a wolfess, I am pretty well equipped to take care of myself and my father made sure I could defend myself if need be. I think he wanted to make sure his little girl could fight off all the boys," Millicent said, smiling.

"Oh, I can just imagine how protective Marius is going to be as Marian gets older," Jillian said, laughing.

"And she has a big brother to chase the boys off too," Kai said, giggling a little as she smiled over at Julius.

"My poor little girl doesn't stand a chance," Jillian said.

"She'll be just fine," Marius said, chuckling.

"So, do you have any pups yet, Millicent?" Jillian asked, sipping her cocktail.

"Oh, not yet. I hope to have a few someday though," the wolfess replied, thinking that that day might be very soon, indeed.

"Well, you seem quite young. You have plenty of time," Jillian said.

"Oh, thank you. I know, I have time. I'm a couple of years away from even being thirty yet so, I have time for pups. I just hope to have them sooner rather than later," Millicent replied, smiling.

Kai maintained a smile as the wolfess talked about wanting to have pups sometime soon but she bristled as she noticed Millicent shoot a fleeting glance at Julius. Moving a little closer to him on the sofa, Kai smiled at the wolf, seeing that he looked a bit uneasy. She was willing to bet that his paw pads were a bit damp at the moment too. Julius looked back at Kai, smiling and seeming to relax a little as he looked into her eyes.

"So, any ideas yet about what you want to do here? What kind of work you might be interested in doing?" Marius asked the wolfess.

I thought I might like to open a dress and sewing shop. I love to sew and I could do custom orders," Millicent replied. "I make most of my own clothes so I could be my own best advertisement."

"Oh, did you make the dress you are wearing? It's lovely," Jillian said.

"Yes, actually. I did make this one and, thank you. I buy clothes once in a while, like the other day when we met in the dress shop, but for the most part, I make my own," Millicent replied.

"That's wonderful. I've done some sewing but not all that much. Our nanny, Mya, she's a wonderful seamstress. She made my wedding gown," Jillian said.

"Oh, I hope to meet her then. She sounds very talented," Millicent said as she sipped on her drink.

"I'm sure you'll get to meet her when I introduce you to our daughter," Jillian replied.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing your little girl too," Millicent said, her eyes lighting up.

Just then, the butler came back, announcing that dinner was served. The five of them got up, taking their cocktails with them as Marius and Jillian led the way to the dining room. Julius and Kai brought up the rear, walking arm in arm, with Millicent walking ahead of them. When they reached the dining room, Marius held Jillian's chair for her and Julius held Kai's before hurrying around to the other side of the table to do the same for Millicent.

Marius sat at the head of the table with Jillian on his right and Julius on his left. Kai sat next to Julius and Millicent to Jillian's right. As they all settled into their seats, three serving girls came into the room carrying salads, bread and wine on trays. They set a salad in front of each of the diners and poured wine for them, leaving the bread in the center of the table for them before retreating back to the kitchen.

Marius raised his glass, chuckling as he said, "To new friends and a good meal."

The others all raised their glasses, drinking to Marius' toast. Their conversation continued all through dinner, Jillian doing her best to learn as much as possible about the wolfess without appearing too nosy. Even though Millicent did reveal a few things about herself, She seemed quite adept at the art of answering a question without actually disclosing much at all.

When they had finished their dinner and were having coffee, Jillian asked one of the serving girls to go ask Mya to bring Marian down so their guest could see her. She hoped her daughter was awake and ready to meet people. The pup had a happy disposition and wasn't often cranky or fussy but, babies of any kind could be unpredictable at times.

A few minutes later Mya came into the dining room, smiling and holding Marian. The pup was wide awake, her tail wagging and her eyes bright and happy. When she saw her mother, her face lit up more and she yipped happily.

Jillian stood, walking over to Mya and taking her daughter in her arms and turning to face Millicent, the pup wiggling excitedly in her arms. "Mya, this is Millicent Young. Millicent, this is our wonderful and talented nanny, Mya and this is our little princess, Marian. Marian, say hello to Millicent," Jillian said, walking over to the wolfess.

"Hello, Mya. And hello, Marian," Millicent said, smiling at each of them.

"Hello, Miss Young," Mya replied.

As if in greeting, the pup growled playfully, wagging her fluffy little tail more. Millicent reached over, tickling the pup's tummy and smiling. As soon as Millicent's fingers touched the pup, she stopped wagging her tail and the happy, excited expression drained away from her face. Jillian could hear a low, somewhat menacing growl emanating from her daughter.

"She's absolutely adorable," Millicent said, smiling first at the pup and then at Jillian.

As Marian's growls got louder, Jillian said to the pup, "Shhh, sweetheart. That's not nice." To Millicent, she said, "I don't know what's gotten into her. She's always such a happy little girl."

"Probably just a little shy," Millicent said. "It must be hard meeting new people when you are so small and they are all so big."

"I'm sorry about this, Millicent. She's just being cranky. She's usually not like this," Jillian said, apologetically.

"It's quite alright. I might be cranky too if I was in her place," the wolfess said, giggling a little. "She was probably all cozy in her crib and then was suddenly brought down here to say hello to someone she's never met before."

"Well, thank you for being so understanding, Jillian said as she kissed her daughter on top of the head and turned to hand her gently back to Mya saying, "Okay, sweetheart, you be good for Mya. I'll be up and see you in a little while."

Mya took the pup, smiling at everyone before turning and heading back towards the stairs with her. She didn't blame Marian for acting the way she had. There was something about Millicent that was a bit unnerving to her too. She took the pup back up to the nursery, rocking her and singing softly to her after checking her diaper and giving her a bottle. Marian was in fine spirits now that she was away from Millicent.

After Mya took Marian back upstairs, Jillian sat back down at the table, smiling over at Millicent. "Well, now you have met the whole family," she said.

"Well, the whole family so far," Marius said, winking at Jillian.

"Yes, so far," Jillian said. "We are planning to have more pups."

"Ah, so the Cane family will be growing," Millicent said.

"Yes, we're planning to give Julius quite a few little brothers and sisters. And maybe before too many more years, he'll have a pup or two," Marius said, playfully needling his son.

"Father!" Julius said, surprised that his father would say that with both Kai and Millicent here. He was blushing under his fur as he said, "You just like embarrassing me!"

Chuckling, Marius replied, "It's part of the job of parenting."

All of them laughed at this as they sat, finishing their coffee. Millicent smiled to herself as she sipped her coffee, looking over the rim of her cup at Julius. If things went as she hoped, she and Julius would be adding to the Cane family very soon. If she was right, after their little tryst of a few days ago, she was already carrying the next member of the family.

After they had finished their coffee, the little group went into the large, less formal sitting room at the back of the house for an after dinner drink. Marius and Jillian sat on the sofa together, the other three sat in the overstuffed chairs arranged around the coffee table facing the sofa. A few moments later, the butler brought drinks for them as they relaxed after dinner.

"Well, that was a wonderful meal," Millicent said. "You have an excellent cook."

"Thank you. She does seem to be able to work wonders in the kitchen," Jillian said.

"She insists on growing most of her own herbs and vegetables," Marius said. "So, we have a small vegetable garden behind the kitchen."

"Yes, fresh ingredients do make a difference. My aunt in Corithia, the one I was living with before I came here, used to grow her own too. She was an excellent cook as well," Millicent said.

"You must miss your family, being so far away from them," Jillian said.

"Yes, but it was time for me to make a life for myself," the wolfess replied. "And I can always go visit them if it gets too lonely here. But, I don't think that will be a problem. Now that I am starting to make friends, that is."

Millicent smiled over at Julius as she said this last, making him shift uncomfortably in his chair. Kai noticed it too and seethed as she kept the smile on her face. Millicent noticed Julius' reaction and could also tell that Kai was not amused, despite her pleasant expression. The wolfess smiled more, pleased with their reactions as she shifted her gaze back to Marius and Jillian.

"I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends in the area very soon," Marius said.

"Well, I'm just glad I've made such a good start with the four of you," Millicent replied as she finished her drink. "But, I think it's time for me to go home. It's starting to get a little late and I wouldn't want to wear out my welcome."

"Oh, you haven't," Jillian said. "But, I understand. You have a few miles to go to get home. We'll all have to do this again soon."

"I'd like that," Millicent said. "Maybe next time I'll have you all over for dinner at my house. It would be a nice housewarming."

"That would be lovely," Jillian replied.

"Yes, we would be honored to be your guests," Marius said.

"Then it's settled," Millicent said, standing to leave. "We'll get together at my house for dinner very soon."

"We'll look forward to it," Jillian said, she and Marius standing as well. "And thank you so much for coming this evening."

"Thank you for having me. It's been a wonderful evening. I've enjoyed spending it with you all," Millicent replied, throwing another sly smile at Julius.

"We'll walk you out," Jillian said, smiling at the wolfess.

"Thank you," Millicent said. Turning towards Kai and Julius she said, "Kai, Julius, you have a good evening. It was wonderful to see you both again."

"It was good to see you again too, Lady Millicent. Take care and have a good evening and a safe trip home yourself," Julius replied, standing.

"Yes, it was our pleasure. Have a good night," Kai said, smiling pleasantly but glad the wolfess was leaving.

Turning to leave, Millicent smiled to herself as she detected the undertone of relief in Kai's voice. She thought that if this evening had made Kai uncomfortable, she should hold on tight for what was about to come in the next few months. As a matter of fact, they all should. And after this evening she thought she had discovered yet one more way she could shake things up in the Cane household.

Marius and Jillian walked Millicent to the front door, seeing her out with pleasant goodbyes and waving to her as she climbed into her cart and began to drive away. All in all, Jillian thought, it had been a productive evening. They had learned a little more about the wolfess and had gotten a feel for her personality and, more importantly, Kai had had a chance to make it clear that she was Julius' love interest.

After Millicent drove away in her cart, Marius and Jillian seeing her off, Kai and Julius were left to spend the evening together. They went for a moonlit walk in the garden before Julius escorted her back to her room, staying for a few hours afterward before going off to his own room for the night. Marius and Jillian went upstairs to their own room, eager to pick up where they had left off earlier.

When they got to their room, Jillian went to the nursery for a moment to check on Marian and kiss her goodnight. When she returned, Marius had undressed and was in a black silk robe with gold embroidery on the collar and cuffs. He stood next to the bed, the covers pulled back, smiling at her with a desirous gleam in his eyes as she came in, closing the door to the nursery behind her.

"Come to me, beautiful," he said.

Jillian smiled, obeying her husband and walking over to him. His eyes moved over her, taking in her beauty before he reached forward, taking her in his arms and pulling her against him. He leaned down, kissing her passionately, his tongue probing her lips and demanding to be let in. Jillian mmmed, parting her lips as she pressed against him, letting his tongue in to dance with hers.

His paws slid up over her hips and sides to her back as they kissed. Moments later he broke the kiss, looking into her eyes and pulling her against him more tightly with one arm while his other paw found the zipper of her dress and began slowly unzipping it.

Jillian smiled and pressed her hips forward against him more as she felt him unzipping her dress. As she felt his paws move over her bare skin, her clit throbbed, beginning to swell in anticipation. Her heart began to pound and her hips to thrust a little as she squirmed in his arms as he slipped her dress down over her body, letting it fall to the floor around her feet. Her fingers slipped deeply into his fur as she leaned forward, sprinkling little kisses over his broad chest.

Marius murred as he felt her kissing his chest, moving his paws up over her back to unfasten her bra. She lifted her face from his chest, looking up at him and moaning softly as he slipped the lacy garment off her. Her nipples were taut and as his fur brushed against them, a shiver of pleasure ran through her. The wolf leaned down, kissing and nipping her neck, working his way down to her breasts.

As she felt his tongue flicking out to tease her nipples, Jillian moaned again, arching her back as she reached down to untie his robe. She pushed it back off his shoulders, burying her fingers in the thick, silky fur on his back. Marius growled softly, enjoying her touch, her taste and her scent as he licked and nuzzled her breasts.

As his paws moved down over her body to her hips, Jillian's legs parted slightly as her clit throbbed harder and her pussy swelled open, her juices flowing. She felt hungrier for him tonight for some reason, almost ravenous like she was in the last days and weeks before she had given birth to Marian.

The wolf murred as he slipped his clawed fingers under the waistband of her panties, sliding them down over her hips. He began kissing his way down from her breasts, over her flat stomach, flicking his tongue out now and then teasingly. His paws moved around to cup her buttocks, squeezing them gently as he pulled her forward, against his muzzle, as he kissed and licked his way down to her lower abdomen.

Jillian moaned softly, her legs opening a bit more as she felt his kissing and licking moving ever lower on her body. She looked down, watching as he tenderly licked and kissed her, teasing her as he took his time. Her hands moved up over his shoulders to his neck, her fingers running through his lush fur. She slipped her hands up, gently scratching him behind both ears at the same time.

Murring as she scratched him behind the ears, Marius' mouth watered from her scent reaching his sensitive nose as he moved closer and closer to her hot, wet pussy. His left paw moved to her tight hip as he moved his muzzle lower, kneeling in front of her as he lifted her leg over his shoulder. He slowly kissed and licked his way down, moving from her flat belly to the mound of her swollen pussy, his tongue flicking out more as he moved lower.

As she watched, he reached down, parting her pussy lips and flicking his tongue over her swollen clit. Jillian gasped, watching as he began teasing her clit this way. She could hear him growling softly as he enjoyed the taste and scent of her. Marius moved his tongue back, slipping it inside her tight, wet pussy, wriggling it and growling in pleasure.

Jillian moaned softly as she felt his tongue moving deep inside her. Her hips pushed forward as she ground her clit against his muzzle, her juices flowing more as it swelled and throbbed harder. As his tongue moved faster and he reached back around her with both paws, grasping her ass and pulling her against his muzzle, she watched as he greedily drank in her juices.

He flicked the tip of his long, flexible tongue at her cervix, making her moan more as he teased her. His own desire grew even more as he thought about pushing his cock tip past this tight barrier very soon. After several minutes, he pulled his tongue back out of her pussy, working his way out gradually. He drew his tongue back over her swollen clit slowly, making her whimper as her excitement soared.

The wolf flicked his tongue over the throbbing bud of her clit a few times just to make her gasp and squirm before he pulled back a bit, smiling up at her as he licked her juices off his muzzle. He gently pushed her leg down off from his shoulder as he began to stand, picking her up in his arms and carrying her over to the bed. As he looked down, he could see her intense desire obvious in her eyes.

Marius gently lay her down in the middle of the bed, leaning in to kiss her as he climbed onto it with her. She reached up, holding the sides of his face as she returned his kiss, mmming as he moved above her. He reached down, pushing her legs apart and positioning himself between them. As he broke the kiss and began rubbing the underside of his thick, veined cock against her wet, sensitive pussy and clit, Jillian reached down, gently stroking his hardness and moaning softly as it moved against her. She looked down, watching as their juices mixed, her hand quickly becoming coated in them, making her mouth water. Licking her lips and whimpering as she watched, she pushed her hips up, grinding against him as she got more and more excited.

The wolf murred as he felt her hand on his throbbing, pre-leaking cock. Her scent was driving him crazy, making it difficult for him not to just plunge his huge cock into her tight, wet pussy, grinding and thrusting until his knot pushed into her.

Instead, he kept grinding against her, watching as she drew her hand back from his cock, bringing it to her lips and licking their mixed juices from it. She mmmed, closing her eyes as the taste of their juices filled her mouth. Marius growled softly, enjoying the look of ecstasy on her face as she licked her hand clean.

As she opened her eyes and finished licking her hand, he leaned down, kissing her deeply. As their tongues danced, the taste of their juices filled his mouth as well, causing him to mmm into the kiss as his cock throbbed and his knot swelled. She could feel his pulse quickening in his swollen knot and knew that he wanted her every bit as badly as she wanted him.

Breaking the kiss, he growled softly, looking into her eyes as he said, "Give yourself to me, beautiful."

Moaning softly, she pushed her hips up more, opening her legs wider and breathlessly saying, "Yes, my love ...I'm yours ...take me."

She reached down as she spoke, guiding his cock tip over her throbbing clit and swollen pussy, coating herself in his pre. As she finished, he moved his paws under her ass, squeezing her buttocks gently as he pulled his hips back, positioning his cock tip at her hot, wet pussy opening. He growled again softly as he eased his hips forward, opening her around his thick, pulsing cock. She moaned louder, writhing and arching her back as his huge hardness drove into her relentlessly, opening the folds of her clit and exposing it's most sensitive spot to his huge, hard shaft. She pushed her hips up more, looking down and watching as he began to thrust faster. His thick cock glistened with their combined juices as she watched it pumping in and out of her.

Marius reached up with one paw, tilting her face up to his and kissing her deeply again. Her body writhing under him and her pussy clenching around his hardness sent shivers of pleasure through him. Breaking the kiss, he watched her as she moaned and panted, arching her back and closing her eyes as her pleasure intensified.

As he began thrusting harder, she could feel his cock tip beating against her tight cervix, gradually making it open. Jillian moaned louder as she got closer to cumming, wanting his knot buried inside her. She thrust her hips up harder, grinding against him as she felt the swollen bulb of flesh pushing to get in.

He murred as he watched her trying to help him get his knot into her, gently licking her cheek before saying, "Are you sure you want it, my beautiful? You're fertile right now. We could end up making another pup."

She whimpered as she looked up at him. She wanted to wait a while before having another pup but, she couldn't help herself. At this moment, her desire was so strong and she ached to have his knot buried in her pussy. Her clit was swollen and throbbing hard and she was on the verge of an orgasm as she pushed her hips up more. "Yes ...knot with me, my love!" she panted, breathlessly.

The wolf growled happily, reaching down with both paws again to grab and squeeze her buttocks as he began thrusting and grinding harder, pushing to get his knot into her. He felt her pussy tighten and seem to suck on his thick cock as she thrust harder under him.

Jillian's moans became louder and more breathless as she began to cum. She wrapped her legs around him, grinding against him harder and arching her back. Just as her orgasm started to intensify, there was a loud, wet popping sound as Marius' knot went into her spasming pussy. Her muscles tightened around his swollen knot, tying them together as the angled tip of his cock pushed past her cervix and into her womb.

The wolf growled louder, enjoying her orgasm as her pussy clenched and released, massaging his shaft and his huge, sensitive knot. It excited him more that she wanted him to knot with her, asking him to and willingly taking it knowing that he could very well be breeding another pup into her. If it was meant to be, it would happen. There was no stopping it now.

He looked down, watching as her breasts bounced and swayed with their hard thrusting, leaning down to flick his tongue at her hardened nipples. He began nuzzling her full, round breasts and his growling became louder as he started to get closer to cumming himself.

As Jillian's orgasm began to wane, she could feel his pre-leaking cock tip in her fertile womb and realized her pussy was trapped on his hugely swollen knot. The thought that he might be about to impregnate her again made her moan and whimper, the risk exciting her more. She reached down, caressing the sides of his face, moaning softly as he nuzzled and licked her breasts.

Marius lifted his muzzle from her breasts, looking up at her as he felt her caressing his face. He leaned down, kissing her briefly but passionately, his excitement growing. He began thrusting harder, his swollen, cum filled balls slapping against her ass. As he got closer to orgasm, he gripped her ass more tightly, growling as he became more frenzied, truly rutting with her.

She moaned breathlessly, tightening her legs around him as her pussy began spasming wildly around his thick cock again as her clit exploded with sensations. The knowledge that he was so close to cumming himself and would soon be filling her womb with his hot, fertile wolf cum pushed her over the edge. She screamed, her pleasure quickly intensifying as she felt his balls begin to tighten, pressing against her ass as he grasped her buttocks more tightly and thrust harder.

As her pussy clenched and released around him, Marius began to cum. He lifted his muzzle, squeezing his eyes shut and howling as his thick, hard cock began to jolt inside her. As his hot, thick cum began to flood her womb, his howls became louder as his pleasure soared and his desire to breed her became overwhelming.

As Jillian's orgasm began to subside, she moaned, reaching around and grabbing his ass and pulling him against her more as she felt his hot cum filling her. Her moans became whimpers as she writhed and thrust under him, feeling her belly become slightly swollen as the heat of it filled her.

Several moments later, as he emptied his hugely swollen balls into her womb, he opened his eyes, panting as his howls quieted, his tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle and his heart pounding. As his orgasm came to an end, he leaned forward, enfolding her in his arms and kissing her deeply.

Breaking the kiss, he reached up with one paw, gently brushing her hair back off the damp skin of her forehead. She could feel his pulse racing in his knot, still hugely swollen and buried in her tight pussy. Her breathing was slowly returning to normal but her heart was pounding too as she looked up at him.

He leaned down, tenderly licking her cheek and said, "That was amazing, my beautiful one. And we may have just made another pup. I know you would like to wait a bit yet but, I have to admit, thinking about that made it even more exciting for me."

"It did for me as well, my love," Jillian replied, reaching up to caress the side of his muzzle. "And I would prefer to wait a bit but, if we have made another pup, then it was meant to be."

"Yes, beautiful," he said, smiling as he kissed her again softly.

Marius rolled onto his side carefully, pulling her with him as they relaxed in the aftermath of their lovemaking. She cuddled close in his arms, laying her head against his chest as his swollen knot continued to hold her pussy captive. Sighing happily, she kissed his chest as she wrapped her arms around him, completely content to be tied to her husband like this.

They lay there for a while, his knot gradually subsiding as they cuddled. Just as they were both getting close to drifting off to sleep, his now flaccid cock slipped out of her. They fell asleep, happy and satisfied, not knowing if they had just made another pup or not but happy either way.

In the morning, after Marius and Julius left for the day's business, Jillian went into the nursery to see Marian. Mya was there, just sitting down to feed the pup after having given her a bath and a fresh diaper. The pup wiggled happily in Mya's arms at the sight of her mother entering the room.

"Good morning,Mya. Good morning, sweetheart," Jillian said. "How are you both doing today?"

"Good morning. We're both just fine. How are you?" Mya said.

"A little tired but good," Jillian replied, giggling a little.

Smiling, Mya replied, "I was hoping to go into town and do some shopping today. But if you're too tired to take care of Marian, I can wait a day or two."

"No, not at all. You should go and enjoy yourself. You don't take enough time to relax. If I need any help, I can ask Kai or one of the other ladies," Jillian said.

"Are you sure?" Mya asked. "It's not urgent. I just wanted to pick up some sewing supplies and maybe do some shopping for new dresses."

"I'm positive," Jillian said, smiling. "Go and enjoy yourself."

"Well, alright. If you're sure. I do need to get a few things and I'd enjoy some shopping," Mya said, smiling herself.

"You deserve some time for yourself," Jillian said, reaching out to take Marian. "We'll be fine while you're out."

Mya handed the pup to Jillian, letting her get settled into one of the overstuffed chairs before handing her the bottle and a towel. Jillian sat, cradling her daughter in her arms as she took the bottle and towel, glad to have the day to spend with her little girl. She was happy that she had Mya and the other ladies to help her but it was nice to have the time to enjoy being with Marian.

Mya went to the door, turning back to look at Jillian before leaving. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" she asked.

"We'll be fine. Go, enjoy your day," Jillian said.

"Okay, thank you. I'll see you this afternoon," Mya said as she stepped out into the hall.

It had been a while since Mya had taken a day to go shopping and she had several stores she wanted to visit. She went to her room to get her handbag before going downstairs and asking two of the guards to bring the carriage around to take her into town. She had thought about asking one of the other ladies to go with her but decided to just take the day to be by herself, or at least mostly by herself. The guards would be there, of course.

When they arrived in town, the first stop was the fabric shop. Mya needed thread, buttons and some other sewing notions and she wanted to see what new fabrics had come in since her last visit there. She especially wanted to see what she might be able to find to make some little dresses and things for Marian. She doted on the pup as though she was her own and, since the little one spent so much time napping yet, she had plenty of time to sew.

Mya had been in the fabric shop for a little while and had worked her way to the back of the store when she came around the end of a rack and intended to work her way back towards the front, looking at fabrics as she went along. When she stepped around the rack, she was met by the sight of Millicent Young, standing there admiring a particularly lovely light blue fabric.

"Oh, hello, Miss Young. It's nice to see you again," Mya said, smiling at the wolfess.

"Hello, Mya. So nice to see you too. And please, call me Millicent," she replied, smiling back at Mya.

"That is a lovely fabric you're looking at, Millicent. It would make a beautiful dress. The color would really bring out your eyes," Mya said.

"You think so?" Millicent asked, smiling more as she held some of the material near her face. "I do really like the pattern. It would look lovely on you as well with your coloring. That creamy skin and lovely brunette hair. Maybe we should both buy some of it and make dresses for ourselves."

"Actually, I wasn't even looking for myself. I was trying to see what I could find to make some little dresses and outfits for Marian, the Master's pup," Mya said.

"Oh, that's sweet of you. But I think you should buy yourself some nice fabrics for dresses too," Millicent said. "And, if you don't mind my asking, why do you call Marius 'the Master'?"

Blushing a little, Mya replied, "I don't mind. My position in the house wasn't originally as the nanny. That's a recent change. I originally came to live there as his pet. That was a year or so after his first wife died."

"Oh, I was under the impression that you had been a friend of the family. So, you had been living there as Marius' pet all that time? And now you are the nanny. That must be quite an adjustment," Millicent said.

"Well, it hasn't been all that difficult. I mean, the Master hasn't had any of his pets come to him since Jillian came to live there. He fell in love with her so, we no longer serve him that way," Mya replied, a somewhat forlorn look in her eyes.

"Any of the pets? There are others?" Millicent asked.

"Yes, there are a number of ladies living at the house that were brought there as his pets. I was the first though," Mya said, her blush deepening. "I had known the Master for years though. I went to school with he and his first wife."

"Are the others all former school mates as well?" Millicent asked.

"Oh, my, no," Mya replied, smiling. "They were brought here from all over this world. Jillian is the only one though to be brought here from her world."

"So, are all the women in the house former pets?" Millicent asked.

"No, not at all. The household staff and serving girls were never pets of the Master," Mya said. "But the other ladies like Kai and myself were."

"Oh, Kai was one of Marius' pets too?" Millicent asked, sounding a bit surprised. "And now she's best friends with Jillian and seeing Julius. How interesting."

"Well, she's also seeing Jonah, one of the guards. But quite a few of the ladies have started seeing the guards. We have basically been there to help Jillian, and now Marian too, since the Master had her brought here," Mya said.

"Oh, she didn't come here on her own?" Millicent said, her interest growing.

"No, actually, she was brought here by the guards. The Master had seen her when he had been in her world a few times and was quite taken with her. So, he had some of the guards go and bring her here," Mya replied, a look of disdain on her face. "It's not like he needed to do that."

"It must have been difficult for you once Jillian came here. I mean, your role in the household changed so suddenly," Millicent said, secretly pleased to know that her suspicions were correct.

"Well, I suppose it was a bit of an adjustment for all of us," Mya replied.

"But, for you most especially. Am I right?" Millicent said, putting one paw on Mya's shoulder and looking at her sympathetically.

Mya looked up at the wolfess, the forlorn look in her eyes again, and nodded. "I suppose it was more difficult for me. I have been in love with the Master for years," she said quietly. She didn't really want anyone else, including the guards, who had come in with her and were standing near the front of the store, to hear this. She wasn't even sure why she was telling Millicent this. She just suddenly felt quite comfortable with the wolfess and it did seem good to finally be able to say it.

Nodding, Millicent said, "I thought I had sensed that you had feelings for Marius."

"I had hoped that, sooner or later, he would choose me to be his wife and to have his pups but, I guess that just wasn't meant to be," Mya said, trying not to sound as miserable as this thought made her feel. "But, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy taking care of Marian."

"I'm sure you do. She is a beautiful pup and I'm sure it's wonderful taking care of her but, it's not the same. It would be better if it was your pup you were caring for ...yours and Marius'," Millicent said, sounding concerned and sympathetic.

"Yes, well, that's not meant to be, I suppose. He's married to Jillian now and they have a pup and they seem very happy together," Mya said, taking a deep breath and straightening up a bit.

"Jillian does seem very nice and they do seem happy together. It's just too bad Marius didn't realize you feel this way. He didn't need to have Jillian brought here, not when he had a wonderful woman already in love with him, right under his nose," Millicent said, patting Mya's shoulder. "In any case, you're still young and healthy so you have plenty of time to find someone."

"Yes, I suppose you're right. But, right now, I'm not really looking. I'm happy with my life," Mya said, trying to sound positive.

Nodding and smiling, Millicent said, "As long as you're happy, dear. I have some more shopping to do but, if you would like to meet me at the café later, I'd love it if you would have lunch with me."

"That sounds nice," Mya said, smiling at Millicent.

"Great. Say, about twelve o'clock then?" Millicent said, returning Mya's smile.

"That sounds perfect," Mya replied. She was looking forward to getting to know the wolfess over lunch.

Millicent went up front to pay for her purchases, leaving Mya to browse the racks of fabric and think about their conversation. Even though it hurt to think about her unrequited feelings for the Master, Mya was glad to have finally confided in someone about it. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders as she continued her morning of shopping. By the time she left the fabric store and was beginning her perusal of the dress shop next door, she was actually humming to herself and quite looking forward to her lunch with Millicent.

For her part, Millicent was also looking forward to lunch. She had already gleaned some very interesting information and sewn some seeds of discontent but she intended to do more of both. She did genuinely like Mya and felt sorry for her that she had to live with the pain of loving someone that didn't love her back. She thought that her plans for the members of the Cane household might end up benefiting someone besides herself now and that thought brought a satisfied smile to her face as she walked down the sidewalk towards the next store she intended to visit.

Millicent/Callista was anxious to set the next phase of her plan in motion but knew she had to be patient. After all, certain things couldn't be rushed. Once she did get things moving though, that's when a few people would begin to squirm and she was looking forward to that. And Mya had already given her a few tidbits that her father hadn't mentioned in the letters he had left behind for her. She was curious to find out what more the other woman would reveal over lunch.

The really big event Millicent had planned would be a little while in the future yet but, when she dropped that bombshell, everyone would be reeling. But she would take great satisfaction in seeing all their reactions to it just before she took her final revenge. This thought made her smile as she walked into the café for her lunch with Mya.