Clear Jell 2

Story by Furstrated on SoFurry

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#2 of The Clear Jell

The Clear Jell

Part 2

by Furstrated

Melina found herself trapped in a see through prison. Unknown time passed as she felt herself seemly floating along. She had been slipping in and out of consciousness as she rode along trapped inside of the warm clear blob. For the moments of time she was awake peering out around her, she could not longer recognize the surrounding lands. This strange creature that had taken her captive was traveling, but to where she did not know.

Through some unknown mental link the creature as able to communicate with her, reading her mind and it reassuring her it would take care of her. Although it would some times speak in her mind it would never reveal its motives or plans. It seemed to be able to read all her thoughts and desires. It frightened her to know this blob knew what she was thinking, and that she knew it knew, she knew.

As far as Melina could tell she traveled within the clear jell blob for some days, until finally it came to a stop. Half asleep she peered out at the morning sun as it was shining down over the landscape. She was in a little clearing right along side of a road. In front of her there was a large flat rock, much like the one back in her private clearing where she was abducted.

"You will see," the blob told her as she was thinking about asking why they had stopped. "You're purpose for me will soon be clear."

Slowly Melina found herself shifting inside the jell prison as the blob readjusted the itself. It rolled her forward positioning her so that she would be laid out on the rock facing down. Melina could feel the jell pushing her out and adjusting around to keep her in place, once again she was reminded just how pleasant the jell actually felt as it moved and touched her fur. After a few moments she found herself being slid on her stomach onto the flat rock surface.

Melina found her chest pressed flat against the cool rock while her legs still dangled down just barely touching the ground. She realized her position was that of being bent over the rock as her shapely buttocks stuck up in the air. In the next moment she felt the warm smothering touch of the jell slowly rolling off of her fur. After a few seconds she could not longer feel her captor anymore.

Despite no longer having physical contact with the creature she could still feel its presence in her mind. She thought about jumping up and running, but knew better if the jell creature was still there. For the next few minutes the vixen lay on the rock not moving. As time passed her mind began to clear from the drugging effects the jell had induced. Rational thought slowly began to return to the girl and her courage began to build.

Waiting another minute, she laid perfectly still as she counted down the seconds, as she counted to zero the vixen jumped up with all her might. Despite her attempt she found herself still held fast against the rock. The jell creature still had a tight grip on her wrists and ankles and held her fast. With a whimper of defeat she tried to plead with the creature once more.

"Please let me go," she sobbed out loud. "Why are you doing this?" Still whimpering she waited a moment for a reply but none came. "Let me go!" she screamed working herself into a frenzy. "Someone help!" she cried again trying her best to struggle against the iron strong grip on her limbs. "What is the purpose?!" she screamed in a final effort exhausting herself. As she laid her head down flat on the rock she heard the voice in her head.

"This is our purpose." The voice said fainter then before. Wondering what it meant Melina tried to move her head to look back toward the road. As she did she could hear the sound of someone walking down the path. She froze as an icy chill ran through her body, for a moment her self consciousness returned and she blushed realizing her ass was pointing up into the air for anyone to see and she was completely naked. She tried to bring her tail down to cover her most private area but found her tail also held tightly off to her side.

"Are you alright?" A voice called some distance away as the traveler stopped on the raod and was facing the girl some distance away. Melina didn't know what to say, she knew in a few seconds this stranger was going to see her in this vulnerable position. Putting aside her embarrassment and swallowing her pride Melina called out to the stranger.

"Please help." She pleaded. At the sound of her voice she could hear the foot steps on the road becoming quicker as the stranger rushed towards her, then right before the sound reached her it stopped. Melina's heart sank; she suddenly had an idea why the blob said he needed her. It was using her as bait. Her thought was confirmed by a projected imagine of an evil grin in her mind. "You have to run, run away!" she cried out to the stranger but there was still no sound.

Jeff had been running to assist; he had heard the maiden's cries for help, but the sight he saw once he got close made him stop in his tracks. As he got close enough he could see the beautiful vixen spread out over the rock with her glorious vagina glistened in the sunlight. At the same moment he was hit by a thick wall of pheromones from the maiden before him. Her scent mixed with a sweet unknown smell caused his penis to become spontaneously erect. Alarm bells were going off in the fox's mind, he knew something was very wrong with this situation but he found he could not help himself. In a trance he moved closer dropping his belongings on the ground.

Melina hopped the stranger had heeded her warning and had left, but to her disappointment a moment later she felt strong gruff paws pressing on her back as they gently stroked her. The jell's sweet honey smell was thick in the air and Melina began to realize she was once again being affected by it. She could feel the dampness inside her slowly leaking out as she reached full arousal. How could her body be doing this to her without her knowing it, her body was now fully ready for sex.

"Don't." Melina attempted to say.

"Go on, take her, she needs you." A voice said inside the males mind.

"I can't stop." A kind voice said from behind her. Jeff had finally lost all control of himself, with a desperate action he undid his pants and thrust into the vixen fully with one stroke before his pants hit the ground.

The sudden penetration from the male fox caused Melina to moan loudly. The feeling of a real cock pushing inside her after so long felt amazing. She marveled at the feeling as the stiff meat pushed its way around inside her. Jeff groaned loudly, the vixen was so ready and wet. He found himself unable to take his eyes off of her delicate rump. He watched her juices gush out with each full thrust of his cock. He could feel her insides squeezing him wildly and separately as if she feared his cock might escape.

"You're in danger." Melina moaned out as she felt an orgasm building quickly.

"It's too late." The voice in her head told her. "Just enjoy." Frightened by the creature's statement Melina twisted her neck back as much as she could. As she strained her neck she only got a glimpse of the fox who was thrusting into her. Just behind him she saw what looked like a shimmer in the air. Melina opened her mouth to shout another warning but was stopped as she was stuck by her orgasm. As the pleasure racked her body she snapped her head back forward moaning loudly.

Jeff felt her insides begin to vibrate as her muscles contracted and expanded wildly around his cock. The feeling seemed so much more intense then he ever remembered sex. Her vaginal onslaught sent him into his own climax immediately.

As Jeff's body shook with the last spurts from his cock he began to notice something strange happening. He tried to pull out of the vixen but found himself stuck. Looking down he could see something clinging to his legs. Swiping at his fur with his paws he attempted to brush off the strange clear object but to no avail. Something was clinging to him and it was moving up his body covering him!

"What is this?" He cried out in shock.

"I tried to warn you Melina said basking in her orgasmic after glow. The male foxe's sperm inside her felt so wonderful she could not describe it. It reminded her of the feeling after eating a very enjoyable meal. The clear jell creature had done something to her. She found her vagina much more sensitive then she had ever remembered and it seemed to be craving constant stimulation. She also began to notice something else, in the corner of her mind she could see the male fox's thoughts, Melina realized that she was viewing his mind through the blobs link. She also now saw what the blob was doing. It was going to use the male fox as food; she was the perfect bait to lure sexually charge males into its grip. "I'm sorry." Melina whispered into his mind.

Jeff was terrified as he found himself trapped, he was being encased in a clear shell unable to move. As the jell began to enclose around his body he suddenly felt a strange tingling on his cock. Something was tugging at it, stirring it back to life. Melina's compassion and concern for the fox was quickly forgotten and a new fantastic sensation began moving inside of her. The jell had returned to her vagina and was vibrating as it pulled the foxes cock back into her. She could feel the hardness returning to his penis bit by bit until he was fully erect and trapped inside of her once more. The new sensation of the jell itself acting as a lubricate drove her wild. The warm tingling feeling the jell brought was back and her body was filled with primal lust once more.

Jeff stood in shock not know what to do, the sensation on his cock was like nothing he had ever felt before, he could not figure how the vixen was thrusting his member into herself without him being able to move. It had to be this stuff he thought. He could feel another orgasm building.

"Cum fox, and you will be mine," A strange voice said inside his head. "When you cum I will consume you." Frightened by that statement Jeff tried with all his strength to pull free of the vixens dripping snatch. Again he found himself completely immobile. Fearing his own mortality he began a new tactic, he began to focus his mind on other things and other places, anything but the current wonderful place he was in now. He found himself failing at his attempts.

Jeff struggled with all his might to prevent himself from cumming. This effort of terror and pleasure only stimulated Melina more through the Jell's mind link. She could tell the terror was what it took pleasure from.

"No please I can't hold on!" Jeff cried out. The clear jell package around him was now warming up and vibrating, smooth pleasurable strokes where moving up and down his bare fur. To make things worse the jell was also now gently squeezing his balls and thighs. The new sudden sensations where sending him to new heights, he realized he would not last much longer he suddenly felt the vixen before him begin to climax again.

Melina felt the fox's struggles and his desperate attempts to pull free, it was making her even hotter. Her juices flowed overtime as the foxes cock was repeatedly stuffed inside of her by the jell. An invisible hand in the jell had begun to squeeze her clit sending her into another orgasm, she felt her vaginal walls tighten down are on the foxe's member as she shuddered. It took only a few seconds before once again she felt the creamy jets of hot cum bursting inside of her.

Jeff found himself cumming so hard he could no longer breathe. His orgasm as so intense he felt as if he heart had exploded. Fuzzy stars began to fill his vision as he desperately fought for air. The clear jell shell around him was constricting preventing him from drawing another breath. After another minute the lone traveler was no more as the jell encasing him grew thicker and thicker around him.

Coming down from the sensations Melina found herself released from the Jell's grip once more. Panting heavily and exhausted she slowly sat up on the rock. At her feet she watched at the encased male fox was slowly shrinking down as if melting in the Jell's grasp. She felt badly for the poor stranger but she also felt the hunger and satisfaction she and her new master had received. Her mind was now linked to this creature and she could no longer resist it.

As the remains of the fox completely disappeared Melina bent down to pickup his belongings. Sifting through his discarded clothing she found a small pamphlet that read The Studs Inn. An image and directions appeared in her mind as she glanced over at her master. The blob knew the fox was under it's control now and it was allowing her free reign.

Melina felt so different now, changed forever by this monster, her old life just a faint dream. As she put on the deceased fox's clothes began to make her way down the road. Some part of the old her felt pity for any travelers they came across during her journey, but her new self looked forward to the interesting encounters.