The paths we walk

Story by Myron Eterni on SoFurry

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#1 of The paths we walk

Chapter 0 and 1 of my story. Enjoy it as you see fit. Any mistakes or something you want to comment on? Feel free.

Okay, A little intro: This is the second story I'm working on. I wasn't going to post any part of it until I was up to chapter 4 but I decided a little motivation was needed. I will get back to the Cycle after I look over what I have and make the changes I want to make(More lazy on my part). For now I'm just going to post what I have. If anyone wants to suggest a Title, Its more than welcome! RAWR!

What we do may have a huge impact on the world. We are always swept in the tide of life but within that same breath we are the tide itself. What we do as an individual may help or hurt others in a way outside of our understanding but what we do as tiny ants in this world have a cause and effect around us. It is when those tiny sparks of life come together to create brilliant fireworks is when we truly experience change. We as people can only do what we think is right or what we want to do. It is a calling, and who or what may be on the other line isn't always direct or instant.

To be the tide, and swept by it... that is a way of life.

Chapter 0

"Luke..."Lyn said. "Luuuke." She repeated to her brother, only to get no response. Luke was busy looking a large map over. "Luke!"She yelled.

"What?!-What?!" Luke yelled back in irritation, He looked up at his sister, his eye twitching.

"Where exactly are we?" She asked, leaning over her brother's shoulder.

Luke and Lyn were travelling deep in the middle of the forest. The path they walked was barely a path at all, just minor markers on the ground and trees to show that others travelled the path. The forest was uneven, the sun barely shone through, and roots thrived on the dirt rather than in it.

"Uhhhhhh..." Luke replied with hesitation. "We're..." Luke looked the map up and down. "We-"

"It's upside down..." She whispered in horror.

Luke looked the map up and down again and raised an eye brow. " It... It is?"

"Three days?!" She yelled suddenly. Her eyes went wild and her skin went red. "Three days?! " She yelled, smacking him upside the head. "For three days all the way from Rhole town you've been leading us astray from Civilization for three days straight!?" Lyn's voice instantly grew to a high-pitch shrill and Luke dropped the map and cowered with his back to a tree.

"Lo-look sis, I'm sorry..." Luke said

"I could understand if you found out yourself but you boasted that you learned how to read a map! You're better off blind!"

Luke muttered an apology but Lyn ignored him and snatched up the map, appraising their location on her own."We came from rhole..." She mumbled. "And headed west... for about... Oh."

"Oh?" Luke dared to ask.

"Maybe your blunder actually helped us."

"Where are we headed?" Luke asked, looking over her shoulder this time.

The map showed a building that was built of sand or clay and below it... "The city of creation; Ste'khu."

"Looks dumb." Luke said, which earned him a prompt smack upside the head.

"It's called the city of creation for a reason... Ohh! Imagine the phoci I could learn there! I could learn some light spells, or maybe some water- Oh! A pure. I could be a travelling purist, saving people, and be hailed as a savior!" Lyn's eyes gleamed with hope.

Lyn's eyes snapped to the present and they focused on her little brother

"Oh, uhhhh... you could be my guard."

"Thanks..." Luke said with a sour face.

There was a long silence while they started to walk again, the soft crunch of the fresh earth beneath their oddly very expensive shoes

Lyn sighed and decided to speak. "Luke, I know it's hard. Remember we promised eachother to make this wor-"

"Shhh!" Luke said suddenly, holding a finger to his lips.

Instead of getting angry, Lyn silently obeyed and ducked low. Her eyes scanned where Luke's eyes were fixed.

"What is it?" Lyn asked.

Luke's lips puckered together, he was unsure to share.

"Luke!" Lyn said in a harsh whisper

"We were followed since rhole..." Luke confessed. " I didn't think he would follow us but-"

"What were you hiding from me?" Lyn asked, a little too loud.

The forest was quiet for a moment too long: No wind blew, no animals cried, not even the birds chirping. Time in the forest stood still for what seemed to be an eternity.

Luke's eyes darted about, apparently following something. Then there was a very subtle rustle of leaves

"Run!" Luke yelled, pushing Lyn to a sprint and following after.

The nearby bushes exploded and a wolf of black fur jumped from behind them. The wolf's outfit was ragged and torn. The scars on his body matched. His dark green cunning eyes followed the siblings in their sprint, and he smiled. He flicked his ears, crouched low and leaped after them.

Lyn pulled Luke behind her, running through the forest that threatened to trip them at every step. The overgrown forest seemed to be the biggest threat as they fled. The wolf's taunting behind them didn't help.

"Slow down, girly. I just wanna talk!" yelled after them. His footsteps into the foliage made it sound as if he were everywhere.

Luke's eyes darted everywhere but in front of them as they ran, Lyn covered that. They turned an endless amount of times, the map long lost back at the clearing. Where they were headed, only their pursuer knew.

"Where is he?!" Lyn cried in breathless desperation.

"I-I-" Before he could answer, Lyn stopped suddenly and held Luke back. AT their feet, a steep drop existed. The pair had run themselves in-between cliffs: another was beside them, with only a narrow path between.

Lyn had trouble deciding on running back when she heard his voice. "Come back to me, sweet girl!" His voice echoed through the forest.

"Luke c'mon!" She said, leading the way to the narrow path. They put their backs to the wall and sidled the narrow path. They inched their way across the narrow path as fast as they could. Midway across, their pursuer nearly made the same fall Lyn saved them from. His narrow wolf eyes locked on them with a smile. The scar across his snout seemed to twist with it, giving him a sinister look.

Luke and Lyn didn't stop but the wolf's eyes and his silent watching unnerved them. When they were nearly across, he howled and jumped back into the thick forest, leaving laughter echoing in his wake.

Lyn was the first across, and she pulled her younger brother the rest of the way. Luke rested on his knees and tried to catch his breath. "I think... I think we lost him..."

"Who the hell was that?!" Lyn yelled. She wiped off leaves that had clung to her dress and hair.

"I dunno but... He's been following us since..." Luke paused.

Lyn growled in anger and picked up Luke by the collar of his expensive but worn shirt. "Luke!" Lyn started shaking her brother. "You need to stop hiding things from me! If we're going to make it together, we need to be honest with each other! Now tell me where he came from so we could handle this better!" Luke stumbled back a bit when she let him go.

"Well, Remember the gang we helped break up in Rhole? I... I think that's their leader..." Luke searched his sister's face to read it.

Lyn was confused." I thought we rounded the bastards up."

"The authorities tried not to tell us but I heard that their leader got away..." Lukes voice trailed off and he looked down the drop into the dense forest.

"Soo.... So Wait. This guy could be an angry exboss seeking revenge?" "Ma-"Luke started

"How right you are." " A voice answered near by. It was close enough to send chills down Lyn's spine. Right above them, the figure came dropped between them. Luke desperately fumbled for his bow but the wolf's claw slashed across his chest and knocked the little human back.

Before Lyn could call her staff, the wolf grabbed the girl by her fail, small neck and smashed her body against the nearest tree. Lyn tried to cry out, but what escaped her lips was a tiny squeak and a whimper.

The wolf's details of his scars were unnerving upclose. They almost gave him a patchwork look. The damage of battle have caused his features to become slightly off.

Luke groaned in pain nearby, he sat up and tried for his bow again, despite his pain, to protect his sister. Bringing his hand up, Luke spotted the blood from his chest. Luke froze, His body clenched up and he became ridgid.

Lyn tried to call out to her brother but air was scarce for her.

"You ruined my plans, girly." The wolf said. " I was planning to kill them myself, after we pulled off our heist, but you derailed my plans of fast cash. Now I have no crew, or money and I think the party responsible should pay." The wolf's eyes wandered over Lyn's body. He licked his maw at the thought of making her his concubine. He looked over her soft, tanned skin and her long brown hair. Her bright hazel eyes began to tear up and evident with pain was a turn on for him. He pictured lifting her light green dress and raping her for hours in front of her helpless companion. His attention shifted however. He noticed the gold necklace and the bracelets on her arm. They were expensive--too expensive for travelling children. Maybe there was more to them...

With his free paw, The wolf reached behind the girl's neck and undid the necklace. And he stored it away in his pocket, the same for the first two bracelets.

"N-no!" Lyn started to struggle against the wolf's strength. She tried her best to fend off his grubby paws from taking her mother's bracelet. The wolf simply growled and edged his claws to start digging into her neck. The thin trail of blood crawled over his claw and onto her dress.

"These will do for now." He said in a dark tone, his maw an inch from her face. She could smell the alcohol on his breath with what little air she was getting. As the wolf undid the last bracelet, he suddenly dropped her, leaving her gasping for breath.

The wolf laughed, a dark, throaty laugh reserved for those who enjoyed the pain of others. Nither Lyn nor Luke saw when the wolf leaped atop the trees and vanished altogether. The last they heard was his voice.

"Remember my name: Maul Fous, You will hear it again."

For a long moment, nothing happened. Luke remained frozen, and Lyn slowly caught her breath. Soon Lyn slowly crawled to her brother despite her labored breathing. She looked over the wound on his chest.

It wasn't too deep, she realized. She grabbed the bag off of Luke's back and rummaged for the first aid kit, and some cloths. She knew Luke's deep phobia of blood and how his body simply froze. She needed to clean him up before she should coax Luke out of this trance. She pulled out two sets of spare clothes, for the both of them. She realized that the sun was setting and that cleaning both of them up and helping Luke would take too long. She sighed then coughed and decided to set up camp for the night. She hoped Maul would not return tonight...

The ruins of white were anything but. These decrepit ruins were a brilliant rainbow of greys and the floor to the ceiling were plagued with age. Pillars were mere dusty mounds on the ground. The second year class of the burrivan's summoner school walked through these aged, but sacred halls. The teacher of this class was Mr. Marko daye. In the back of the class slumped Daniel.

Daniel Feris Is a 16 year-old Human boy. He's with the summoner school because his dream is to become one. Most students in the school haven become part of the many paths of summoning

Beside him walked his best friend since childhood;Arnold. They both sulked on this field trip for different reasons.

"Man, I'd rather try the fields again." Daniel whined aloud. His words echoed off of the narrow walls. Mr. Daye Ignored Daniel's complaint and kept explaining the significance of a pile of dust.

Arnoldbrushed some of his long, blonde hair from his eyes. "Nobody wants to be on this field trip. No one cares if these ruins appear only once in a few hundred years, there's nothing here"

"Mr. Irving." Mr. Daye called toArnold.

"Damn, he always catches me."Arnoldsaid under his breath. "Yes Mr. Daye?"

"Would you like to explain the magic behind this desecrated temple, and why it only comes forth every six centuries?"

Arnoldpaused for a moment, and the entire class set their collective eyes on him. He looked to the students and some of the summons that were allowed to roam aside their partners. A imp blew a raspberry atArnoldand he sighed.

"I... I don't know, sir-"

"Exactly!" Mr. Daye held up a single finger, like he always does when he's leading to his point. " A majority of our ancestor's magic are unknown. As students of life, we need to examine the world around us at every chance we get! Would you like your son's sons to learn about your secrets of summoning?"

"No."Arnoldshot back, which got students giggling. "I'll take that to the grave-thank you."

Mr.daye blinked hard twice, as if to reset. "Okay class," He went on. "Over here was once the ancient chamber of a white kingdom's calamis." Mr.Daye indicated to a decrepit wall with a fading design. The design was two half-circles with lines dividing before they touched.

"Is that the ancient symbol for infinity?" One girl asked, She was jenna springs.

"Great, Ms. Springs" Mr. Daye complimented. "This was the symbol for the white kingdom, they believed that their rule would extend for ages, not decades. The story goes that the entire kingdom was brought down by a betrayal during war over the borderline. The result of this betrayal was-"

"Us walking through piles of shit." Daniel said with a sour expression.

Mr. Daye froze for a second but he was used to Daniel's occasional outburst.

Daniel was the only student in the summoner's school past the third grade without a partner. The board of teacher's contemplated kicking him out because his lack of ability interfered with their teaching of the summoning itself, but the school's principle, Dr. Raymess confirmed that Daniel had the ability to summon and that would take time for Daniel to become compatible with a perfect partner. In the moment Daniel was an outcast and his social status made him moody.

Mr. Daye sighed "As it turned out, this was where the first summoning arts was learned and the second king of the White kingdom made himself immortal using those summoning arts. He hoped to use his immortality to one day revive the kingdom to its former glory" Daniel sat down on a ruined pillar as the rest of the class continued on.Arnoldsat beside him.

"I felt I was gonna get one today." Daniel sighed to his friend. "My Elemental zodiac told me that old things would yield new possibilities."

"So you wanted to try our usual hangout?"Arnoldasks

"Yeah..." Daniel sighed

The pair hung in silence for a long moment. "I think the class is moving on."Arnoldslowly stood up and walked away.

Daniel looked up at the wall at what the class saw. Daniel felt unnerved. What he instantly saw here was what he didn't expect on a normal field trip

When summoners of a rare type see a glowing seal or a symbol, it signifies that their life-partner is near. It is rare for any summoner to find someone they are completely compatible with. The human stared at the seal curiously, unable to understand why that seal would be all the way out here.

It was this seal that Daniel's eyes were beholding. Only the matching pair can see the seal. The details were clear to Daniel and he saw the one thing that everyone who has explored these ruins have overlooked; a glowing outline of a pad in front of the wall, Daniel looked at the runes outlined and understood what it meant.

The human frowned, he didn't know what to do. He always wanted to see the seal so he could be just like his hero but now that it was before him, he didn't know what to do.

"Daniel, the class is leaving!"Arnoldyelled to his friend

"Yeah..." Daniel said in a whisper. He didn't know what he would do but he would think it over and come back before the ruins would vanish.

The sun was blistering, the dry air was suffocating, and the sand was burning through their shoes. Walter and Chuck walked out beneath this very sun, in this very heat. Walter smiled the entire time, Humming an abstract tune, despite the pools of sweat adding to his clothes. Chuck however unbothered by the sun but grumbling the entire time. The issue was not the heat, nor Walter. He enjoyed Walter's ability to remain cheery in every situation. What ticked off Chuck is that there was a girl behind them, crying, and complaining since the job was taken.

"I'm hungry! Why is it so hot?! Can you tell that... Boy to stop that annoying noise?! When will we get to the city?! Why aren't you answering?! Say something!"

What had Chuck nearly to the edge was that she was in a single rider, air-conditioned bike yet she trailed behind them, complaining the entire time. Chuck thought about lifting the car and tossing it with her inside back to trill.

"Can I kill her?" Chuck asked his partner in a low voice, the tone clear that he meant it.

"You know we can't, Chuck," Walter chimed Chuck's name "This job is too good paying, Think of all the candy we could get- Oh! Salt-water taffy! Yes, I can't wait till we get to Creation city! They have the best-oh-the BEST cheesecake too!"

"You've never been there, Walt." Chuck said in a dry tone.

"Word of mouth my dear, Chu-Chu. Thought you were a mercenary long before me, you should know that."

"Either way, she's more trouble than she's worth."

Chuck and Walter are a pair of Mercenaries. Chuck, has been in the job long before he met Walter. Chuck is a big man, almost seven feet in height with a huge frame to add to it. He had long hair, covering most of his face and he wore only a pair of shorts.

Walter on the other hand was short by comparison. He was skinny, almost lanky. He had mid-length shaggy brown hair and his bright hazel eyes made him look very much like a kid. Walter was nearing 18 though. Walter wore a tank top and shorts while carrying a good-sized backpack.

"This won't be hard," Walter said " I mean, how many people could possibly want this girl."

"A lot of people by the price."

"Maybe they want to shut her up forever." Walter chuckled to himself

"And she's supposed to be a priestess?!"

"What are you two talking about?!" Priestess Nari Yelled from the one-seater "You two butt buddies have something to share?!"

Walter and Chuck exchanged a look and smiled.

"I do have you through all of this." Chuck admitted.

The forgotten Facility: One of the governments best kept secrets. But even within it was an even deeper secret. The outer forgotten was mainly Used for war bio-weapons: Weapons forbidden by the very same government making them. The thing was that it wasn't their biggest secret. In the inner forgotten, stood a lone man, a Dragon. His scales were grey but not from age, It is the color of those born with power. Grey dragons Harbor incredible power and the mind to compliment. He stood over a desk, staring at a map with a deep, dark smile. His fangs and glowing red eyes were the only light in this deep, dark room.

"And soon, the army will arrive."

Chapter 1

The ruins were just outside of the city, which was no problem for Daniel. Right after class, he gathered his supplies from his home and took the bus all the way to the last stop and walked beyond the old wall for an hour. By then the sun had started to set, and Daniel felt the pressure to rush. The ruin entrance was little more than a hole in the ground, The ancient structure crumbling faded. Daniel wasted no time, It looked worse than earlier, so he knew he had to rush. He lit a torch and walked the empty halls.

It didn't take long for the human named Daniel Feris to find what he saw earlier. Before him stood the ancient seal. The seal in the story represents the third king's bond to life and Calamis' eternal punishment. Daniel Didn't focus directly on the seal. His eyes were locked on the faint glowing outline before him. The human reached out to his back and pulled out a stick of chalk he brought on his way here. The human realized that in the center of the seal was an outline that was not carved in stone like the rest.

He slowly put his hand to the seal, ready to trace it.

"Hope it works." Daniel thought aloud to himself. Slowly and with an unsteady hand, He traced the symbol. After he was done, he placed it in his bag and stared at it. For a minute nothing happened. Daniel stood there for a long moment, watching the temple slowly crumble around him.

Daniel sighed with defeat and turned around. Maybe he could sneak back to the dorms in time to be present for roll call. Taking his first step, he heard a crack. It was like a seal being broken and air rushing in. He jumped and looked under his foot to see if he stepped on anything. Finding nothing, he slowly turned around and saw something that made his heart stop.

The gate was broken, and the crack allowed the ancient dust to run free. It was almost like an eerie mist that covered Daniel's legs and below. Slowly the human took a cautious step. Each step seemed amplified with the cool, rushing air ahead of him. The crumbling dust crunched underneath him and he feared that whatever was on the other side of the door was now painfully aware of his presence.

Getting to the gate, Daniel softly tested the door. Despite the creaking and moaning, it moved easily to his touch. A trail of dust maked the door's path inward and the torch light ventured ahead. The room was small and square, with nothing covering the ground.

Daniel followed the trail of light that followed within and he slowly looked up.

The torch followed his gaze: The clawed purple scaly feet shone for the first time in ages, followed with the large fur-tipped tail. The dark purple scales on his muscled thighs reflected the light perfectly to show every detail. His sheath and pale belly came next, with strange markings starting on the belly. Those markings went upward and extended to his broad chest and this arms His neck had a dark mane that surrounded his reptile face and his dark-red eyes.

Daniel looked in shock for a long quiet moment.

The dark eyes of the beast after so long surrounded by the abyss of darkness finally locked on to the human called Daniel.

"What brings an outsider to my realm?" He said to the human in a deep-dark tone

Daniel's mouth hung open. His mouth had run dry and the torch danced in his grip. Words wouldn't come to him for a long time, and the monster seemed in no rush for an answer.

"A-Are you Calamis?" Daniel said in a voice little more than a squeak

Calamis seemed to wait an equally long time before answering, a small trail of dust started to trickle like an hourglass between them

"What have you sought me for?" Calamis simply answered

Daniel finally swallowed his spit and he started to talk. "I-I followed a trail to you."

"Leave!" Calamis roared, and the human dropped his torch. It rolled between them and the sand began to smother it.

"You know what it is?" Daniel asked "It is the sign that one's soul is bound to another, a sign that destiny between them will forever be entangled, it is the sign of strife and doom. I will not forge the bond forced upon me by my traitorous brother! I will not forge a destiny or my freedom upon his name!" Calamis' voice roared and chunks of sand fell around them.

Daniel took a breath and took a step forward "Calamis!" He called in his most commanding voice "I am Daniel Feris! I ask not for you to forge a bond by his name but mine! I seek the one who is my equal and my partner! Calamis the white knight of the ni-

"Do not call my by that title!" Calamis roared. The Manticore inhaled and tried to breathe out a dark, electric ball of energy but the result was a short spark from his open maw.

There was a short silence , only the falling of sand in the darkness between them. The chains holding Calamis erupted with noise as the ground beneath them quaked and knocked Daniel to his rear. "What was that?" Daniel asked.

A few chambers away Cyren and Abby filled their bags to the brim with loot from the crumbling temple

"That was the first explosion, Abbs! We have to pick up the pace!" A Lizard by the name of Cyren yelled over the crumbling of the ruins.

"Shut the hell up, dolt! I'm picking up as much shit as I can!" Abby, a fox yelled back.

Cyren huffed and picked up a small statue over his shoulder, hanging his bag on her fragile leg.

Abby leaped up and smacked Cyren on the head, making him turn and glare at her. "The fuck was that for?!" He yelled

"Her foot is going to break! Remember what the client said: Everything in the temple will crumble unless taken away from it!"

"Oh." Cyren simply said. He slid the bag off and carried it in his free hand.

"Hurry and get those gold chains! We don't know wh-"Abby was interrupted by the second explosion, which caved in the nearest exit. Rocks and dust covered the small exit.

"Shit!" Abby cursed as she got to her feet and cleared dust off of her fur.

"I got it!" Cyren said, starting to drop his lod of loot

"No, It'll be quicker to go around, and it might cave in on us." She spun on her heels and left through the nearest door, with the lizard at her tail.

Daniel put his hands over his head as parts of the ceiling fell around him, exposing the early moonlight

"This didn't happen before." Calamis mumbled to himself

"Sounds like explosions."

"Explosions? From a fire Phoci?" Calamis asked the human, forgetting their problem for the moment.

"No... I dunno. It could be metal, Or soul-" "Metal or soul?" Calamis asked

"The elements? Have you been living under a ro-" Daniel's eyes looked over the manticore chained to the wall of the temple that appeared once in a 100 years. "Metal was released a few hundred years ago and soul is fairly new" Daniel explained.

The two was brought back to the moment by another explosion. Daniel spun around as the wall around Calamis' bindings exploded right at him. That caused the human to see a lizard and fox run right by the entrance

Abby's eyes glanced to the side for a moment. "That wasn't open before..." She noted as she slowed to a stop

"What is it abbs?" Cyren asked, turning to face his fox companion

"Nothing big. Yo-you go on a head, gonna check something out."

Cyren hesitated, unsure of his partner's motives

"I'll be fine you idiot, Go!" She handed the lizard her bag and ran back to the gate.

Daniel gasped in slight shock as the fox came sliding back to the door, her body a mere outline because of the bright light she carried.

"Sorry handsome." Abby teased as she walked through the gate, turning her light to low. Daniel was able to behold her features now.

She was a white fox dressed in all black her fur was beautiful and neat, aside from fresh dirt in her fur. She wore black leather outfit, everything being a tight fit. The belt around her waist filled to the brim with items and gadgets meant for her trade. Her long white hair ended at her well-sized breasts, that looked well within the leather, which ended in a "V" to exposed herself in a way making you want more

"Eyes up here." She teased. Her bright yet cold green eyes seemed to shine in what little moonlight came in.

Daniel took a cautious step back as she approached His eyes locked onto the blades sheathed behind her back.

"Don't worry," She teased. "I won't hurt you as long as you cooperate." "I-I don't know anything..." Daniel nearly fell stepping on his torch. In his moment of distraction he looked up again to find her mere inches from him.

"Be careful, boy," She said in a slow, seductive tone. "Don't want you to get hu-"

Her gaze went up and rested on the chained being known as calamis "What do we have here?" She asked, stepping around the human. "So the legends ARE true." She said with a smile. "You are Calamis, right?"

Calamis didn't answer.

Abby shrugged, not caring either way. "Well, since the boy won't tell me how the gate opened or how he opened it, I guess we don't need him." She turned, drawing her blade. Daniel jumped back with a yelp

"Nn-n-n-n-n-nooo. No!" I'm not-... " Daniel's back pressed against the wall, and he realized what he had to do. He sighed and closed his eyes.

Abby took that moment of distraction, and thrusted the tip of her sword to Daniel. He blade pierced the wall, which fell around her.

Now the ruins were falling like sand in an hourglass, slowly crumbling and tumbling around them.

"You know boy, if the temple fades with us in it, we'll be lost in time as well." She teased, turning to face Daniel.

Daniel spat sand out, and pointed his rapier at his enemy. His confident stance and his hand behind his back, he twirled the tip of the blade in a perfect circle.

Abigail smiled, and without a word, thrusted forward.

Daniel adjusted his step. And turned his blade, catching Abby's attack in a weak point, and he turned the blade, redirecting the force of her blow to the side. Abby expected the simple counter and adjusted her footing to turn sideways. Nicked in the ear, Daniel's head nearly rolled from the counter. His sideways dodge, was his redemption. Daniel took the offensive and pushed forward with his blade in a feint.

Abby fell for the bait as the force she made to block the attack was much stronger than that of Daniel's attack. Daniel deflected the attack again, and attempted ton jab the blade into her arm, to disable her, but his wrist nearly broke as her second sword joined the fray. Daniel stumbled back but quickly pushed in. He gasped as his attack was first deflected then disarmed from the blade being broken. The forth explosion is what tore the two apart. High in the early night air flew crumbling wall. Daniel stumbled back, against the wall underneath Calamis.

"You fight poorly." Calamis stated.

"Of course I do, that was my first time using that weapon!" Daniel screamed as Abby slashed at the human. Daniel ran, dodged and blocked with his broken blade

"You're supposed to be my partner?!" Calamis roared.

Daniel's eeys flickered from Abby to Calamis, then his side-stepped under her blade, coming too close within her attack range. His knee came to her stomach then he extended in the same force, knocking her away.

"Shit!" Abby crumbled to her knees

Daniel discarded his broken sword and walked up to Calamis.

"I thought you were different, you really did betray your people." Daniel spat sand from his mouth.

"I'm through playing with boys!" Abigail growled. She pulled from her pouch, a circular device and headphones. She put the headphones on, and twisted the sphere. She tossed it at Daniel. Landing at his ffet, is began to spin, and screech an ear-splitting noise. Besides the pain between Daniel's ears, his vision was distorted. He stumbled to the side, his balance broken, to find the sharp end of Abby's foot hitting he side.

Abigail had already sheathed her swords and cracked her knuckles. "I'm gonna have fun with this." She ran to Daniel, closing the distance between them. A fury of attacks was launched against the human. His face, chest, and legs were assaulted, forcing him to stumble backward and wall to his knees. Slowly his head hit the ground. His face was instantly swollen, his eyes, worse off than before, he turned his head to see that all but Calamis' tail and feet had dissolved and Abigail stood above him

"Speak my name and make the pact." Calamis' dark voice crept into his head and invaded. It had forced its way through and pushed aside the pain and confusion.

Abigail drew her blade a final time and positioned it over Daniel's head.

"Bad boys need to be put to sleep." She said with a wicked grin spread across her maw.

"Do it NOW!" Calamis roared in his head, rocking Daniel's mind much more than the distortion grenade.

"C... Calamis... I accept." Daniel's mouth whispered, and blood spitted with every word. From the wall behind Daniel's broken body erupted a hand, it grabbed Abigail's hand and she looked up in surprise.

"How-what?! She didn't have a chance to respond

Clad in beautiful white armor that seemed to glow in the moonlight, Calamis stood, proud and free. He grinned at Abigail and in his free hand, a sword of darkness swung at her.

She twisted in his grip and drew her blade, swinging to counter. Calamis willingly let her go and allowed her to gain some ground.

"I am Calamis of the white knights! Commander of the first division and leader of the shadow of resistance!" Flexing his body he inhaled and roared. A dark energy erupted in the air.Sparkscame all around. Abigail looked as the sparks closed in around her in fear. She slowly started to notice that her clothes began to disappear and her fur slowly flew off.

She tried to run but found herself pinned to the spot she was standing

Daniel moaned in pain. His hands and feet were quickly becoming transparent, it quickly climbed up his arms and legs and met at his stomatch and chest.

"" Daniel moaned before what was left of his eye closed.

Calamis roar was cut short as Cyren charged into the Manticore. Calamis stumbled back but readied his sword.

"Not something you want to do." Cyren pointed to Daniel. All but the human's eye is what remained solid.

"That's your life force. If we fight, we'll all fade from the temple crumbling" The lizard stated.

Calamis gave a glance to the human.

"Why did you come back?!" Abby yelled

"Because we're partners, you ididot!" He said with a grin.

She smiled and closed her eyes as Cyren picked her up and ran out.

Calamis watched them until they left then turned to Daniel.

"I wasn't the only one trapped in here." Calamis said softly.