Forbidden Chapter 14

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Forbidden Chapter 14 -- An Awkward Situation

Luke walked briskly up the driveway to Jasyn's house, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

It had been over a month since he'd met Alex and Jasyn in the mall. But with school in the way, and with the raccoon a grade below Alex and two below Jasyn, that whole month had only afforded them four weekends to hang out.

Today, though, would change all of that. School had ended for the spring just a few days earlier, and it was the first Saturday of summer vacation. Starting today he would be able to see his two newest, and truth-be-told, only friends a good deal more often. He would no longer have to rely just on phone calls to Alex while waiting for the weekends to come. Now, the whole week would be open.

Stopping just outside the front door, he unzipped his bag and looked inside, "You doing okay in there?" The raccoon smiled wide, "Alex is gonna' love you!"

He knocked on the door, and just after he'd closed his bag, Jasyn answered. "Hey..."

"Hi!" Luke chirped at the wolf, flashing a nervous grin.

Alex had made these plans. He'd decided they should all hang out at Jasyn's today, and specifically invited Luke to show up earlier than he, himself, could be there. Jasyn and Luke had been getting along better and better, but Alex was determined to make them actually be friends, and he figured some alone time could do just that.

Luke followed the wolf into the house, and looked around as they stepped foot into the living room, "Jasyn?"

"Mm-hm?" The older teenager looked up at the raccoon as he sat down.

Luke sat his duffle bag down gently before sitting down on the opposite side of the couch from the wolf, "Are...uhm...are your parents not here?"

"Nah," Jasyn shook his head, "They both work Saturdays. Not quite lucky enough for cushier jobs..."

Luke smiled, "That's good for us, though, right? Means we're alone. If we were at my place, my dad would be taking up the living room and my mother would be bugging us a bunch. I mean, Alex was really cool about it last weekend when he came by to pick me up, but I think he would have kind of rather we'd been alone, y'know?"

Jasyn let out a short huff of a laugh, at the raccoon's rambling, "Yeah, I get that."

In the short silence, Luke looked at his duffle bag for a moment, before turning back to the wolf again, " much do they know?"

"Hmm?" Jasyn tilted his head.

"Your parents. Like, let's say I'm over here and they ARE here..." The raccoon swung his feet, "How much do they know? I'm just trying to figure out, y'know, if they're here and I'm here, how much should I try and be careful about what I say? it okay to call Alex your boyfriend, or for me to say anything about you, him, or even ME being gay?"

"Oh, yeah..." Jasyn shook his head, "No, you should probably restrain yourself with all of that."

"So they don't know?"

"No. I mean, they'll have to find out eventually, but I just...I don't really know how to bring it up. It just never seems like the right time." The wolf leaned back in the couch, "I guess that it's okay, though...I've only been gay for two months, and I hear it takes most guys years to come out."

Luke nodded, "My parents don't know either, and I can't even imagine telling them. Right now, you and Alex are the only people who know. The thought of anyone else knowing is just REALLY scary: especially my parents." He mimed a shudder, "I just know they won't like it. My dad watches Fox news a lot, and I hear how they talk about that kind of thing on there."

"Yeah, I'll bet that would be a little scary." Jasyn nodded, "I don't have to worry about that with my parents, though. They don't seem like the prejudiced's awkward situation."

"But it's really cool that Alex's family is so awesome about it, right? I mean, I even heard his mom call you his boyfriend when I was over there!" The raccoon glanced at his duffle bag again, but barely paused, "And his dad was really nice to me, too, even though he knew I was gay. They're really nice people: not at all like you see on TV, where the parents hate their kid for it and all that..."

"Well," Jasyn scratched his chin as the raccoon finally took a breath, "...they have more important things to worry about than who or what Alex is dating."

"You mean Peter."

Jasyn visibly recoiled, "Alex told you about that?" He was already jealous of the raccoon, finding it difficult to deal with how much Alex talked to him -- and about him -- and this only made it worse. Just two months ago, Jasyn was the only person Alex would have trusted with that information, and now he was telling Luke?

"Yeah." Luke nodded, "Last weekend when I spent the night over there, he told me that I could sleep in his brother's bed. Then, when I asked why I hadn't ever seen Peter, and why the bed was open, he told me what Peter did to him and why he's gone."

"What..." Jasyn hesitated, "What all did he tell you about Peter being gone?" Jealousy aside, the wolf definitely didn't want anyone to know what had happened between him and Alex's brother.

"Not a lot. He just said you, his parents, and a guy named...Matt, I think...helped him a lot, but didn't say how. And he told me that the law's involved now."

Jasyn sighed through an uncharacteristic pause in Luke's rambling. Luckily, Alex knew to keep the wolf's actions a secret.

"It really made me uncomfortable, by the way:" The raccoon continued, "...the idea of sleeping in Peter's bed, knowing what he'd done. I really didn't want to."

"So..." Jasyn felt a knot in his stomach, new worries coming to mind, "Did you share Alex's bed instead?"

"No." Luke shook his head.

"No? Why not?"

"I dunno...I was just...really nervous, I guess? I've NEVER slept in the bed with another guy before, and it just felt really awkward. I kind of wanted to do it but..." The raccoon's eyes shot open wide, "I mean, no! Not like that! I mean, I wasn't like, wanting to DO anything with him or anything! I mean..." He whimpered, looking down, "See? That was the other reason. You and him are a couple, and it just didn't seem right to...I dunno. I'm sorry."

Jasyn sighed and shook his head, "'s okay."

"Are you sure?" Luke turned his eyes back up toward the wolf.

"Well..." Jasyn leaned in a little, obvious concern on his face, "Nothing happened, right?"

"Nothing!" The raccoon frantically shook his head, "Nothing at all!"

Jasyn leaned back, again, "Then it's fine." Despite Luke's emphatic denial, though, the wolf wasn't entirely convinced.

"Thanks." Luke smiled softly, and turned his head, yet again, toward his duffle bag.

"Did you two at least have fun?"

"Yeah!" Luke snapped his head back to look at Jasyn, "We played some video games. He said they were older games, but I never got a 360 or a PS3, so they were all new to me. Some were first person shooters, and I'm not an FPS fan, but one of them...uhm...Borderlands...was really fun! And then we got online and he was showing me these videos. One was a Labrador he said was from Canada. He called himself Fluffee, and he was really funny. Another one was...hey, y'know...I think he was from Canada too. His last name was LaJoie. It's a French name, and it's pronounced..."

Jasyn blinked as the raccoon's rambling trailed off into so much white noise. He just couldn't understand why Alex was becoming such good friends with this kid. Sure, he was only an eighth grader, and Jasyn and Alex were probably both pests at that age too, but this kid seemed so much worse. He was just so awkward and nervous, and never seemed to stop talking once he got started. Surely he and Alex could have found a friend closer to their own age...

"...and a video game reviewer from Australia, but Alex says he's actually British." Luke tapped his chin, looking at the ceiling. "Too bad you couldn't be there, too. It was a lot of fun! He said you couldn't be there because you were in trouble, but he didn't tell me why. What happened?"

Jasyn took a moment to respond, not immediately realizing the raccoon had given him space to talk, "Oh, I...I just got into a little fight at school."

"A fight?" Luke's ears perked, "With who? What did they do? Did you win?"

"It was just some guy." Jasyn shrugged, "And I definitely didn't lose...but it's hard to say I won, either. Teachers broke it up."

"Did he start the fight?"

The wolf shook his head, "No. I hit him first."

"Why?" Luke swung his feet again.

"He just pissed me off." Jasyn stated blankly. It was obvious he'd grown bored with the conversation, and disinterested in Luke's questions.

Luke could tell that there was something wrong, and that Jasyn wasn't really into talking. He looked away for a moment, once more at his duffle bag, and then looked back at the older teenager.


"Yeah?" The wolf turned a lazy eye on Luke.

"Did I do something to upset you?" The raccoon's eyelids drooped and he wrung his hands together in his lap, " feels like you just really don't like me...but I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

Jasyn just sighed, "It's nothing."

"Please tell me?" Luke looked up, pouting.

"I don't know..." Jasyn shrugged and adjusted himself on the couch, leaning forward again, "I just don't really like kids, I guess, and just act like one. You..." He paused, searching for the best way to answer, " talk A LOT, and you're...a little immature. Or...I guess maybe not immature. Maybe you're appropriately mature for a 14-year-old...but you're still a 14-year-old."

"So I just...annoy you?" The raccoon looked almost heartbroken.

Jasyn winced and rubbed his neck. Luke wasn't exactly his friend. He was young, he annoyed him, and Jasyn definitely didn't like how close he and Alex had become...but he still didn't want to hurt the kid.

"I really don't mean to be annoying." Luke tried to talk slower, hoping it would annoy the wolf less. "I just...I don't really have any friends, you know? And I just get really nervous. I don't know how to act around new people. And I just...I want you to like me, like Alex does. I want us to be friends. I'm really sorry if I'm trying too hard."

Jasyn slumped in his seat. He felt like he'd kicked a puppy. He took a long, deep breath and paused for a moment before speaking, again. "He said something he shouldn't have said."

"Huh?" Luke looked up again.

"The guy I beat up." Jasyn clarified with a friendly, albeit forced, grin, "I'm answering your question. He said something about Alex. He called him a faggot, and that's why I beat him up."

Luke smiled softly at Jasyn at least attempting to open up to him a little bit, "So, this guy: he knew Alex is gay? I thought only..." He counted on his fingers, "'s parents...and that Matt guy knew."

"" Jasyn shook his head, "This guy had no clue Alex was gay. He was just spouting off like jocks do. It was just a meaningless insult, but it pissed me off anyway." The wolf clicked his tongue, "I wasn't going to sit there and listen to Alex be talked about like that. See, I stand up for my friends...and Alex...Alex is a lot more than a friend."

"Alex is really lucky." Luke smiled, "I'd like to have...well, even just the one friend that would stand up for me like that."

Before Jasyn could respond, the two were caught off guard by a shuffling noise on Luke's side of the couch. The wolf's head turned toward his visitor's duffle bag just in time to see it shake and fall over with a thud.


Jasyn jumped to his feet, "What the fuck!?"

Luke jumped up too and knelt by the bag, "I'm sorry Rei..." He unzipped it, and hoisted a very happy looking feral bunny rabbit out of it, "I should have let you out quicker."

The rabbit, Rei, shook in Luke's paws, fluffing out his fur with a wide smile.

"Thank you for being so patient, boy." Luke chuckled, "You okay?"

Rei smiled and wiggled his tail a bit, "Yep! I good! Is ok, Luke, I like the bag!" His ears perked high, the rabbit looked over Luke's shoulder at Jasyn, "He's Alex!?" "What..." The wolf pointed at the white ball of fluff, "...the fuck?"

Luke sat Rei down on the floor with a giggle, feeling almost fatherly with the rabbit, "This is Rei! He's my pet! Mom and dad had no clue he could talk, when they got him. It's so weird, I've never seen anything like him! He's barely feral! If he wasn't shaped feral, I'd just think he was a cub. And he's like...crazy smart. He's just having some trouble learning good grammar..."

"Damn-it...not another one." Jasyn grumbled under his breath as he sat back down, and then spoke up again, "Luke? Do you...DO anything with him?"

"Do? Like what?" The raccoon sat down and Rei hopped up into his lap, "I take him for walks sometimes. I play with him a lot, and bathe him, and all that...but usually I just walk around and he rides in my bag. He seems to like it in there...don't you?"

Rei smiled and wiggled, perhaps involuntarily, "Yup!" Then he nudged Luke's stomach a little with his nose, "Luke...that's Alex?"

"No boy...that's Jasyn."

One ear fell and Rei tilted his head as he mimicked the name, "Jay sin!"

Jasyn rubbed his head fur as he looked at the second talking pet he'd had the pleasure to meet.

Luke smiled and nuzzled Rei, "That's right! Jasyn! Go say hi..."

Rei hopped off of Luke's lap and over beside the wolf, smiling and waiting to be told if he could jump up or not.

Jasyn glared down at the little critter at first, but then sighed unable to ignore, already, how much more well behaved he was than Sirrus, "Fine, come on."

Rei smiled wider and jumped into Jasyn's lap, "Hi! I'm named Rei!"

Jasyn looked down at him with a half smile, "Hi, there."

"You...errr...Jasyn?" The rabbit's face contorted as he tried to say 'you're"


"Luke says youerr Alex's friend! This means youerr Luke's friend too?"

Jasyn flattened his ears and rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess...sorta..."

Rei smiled and wiggled again, "I..." He stopped to think, " Luke's! He's master! You have pets?"

Luke just smiled and watched the bunny talk to Jasyn, hoping the little guy might soften the wolf up a bit.

Jasyn sighed, "No...I've uhm...I've met a few. But no: I don't have one."

Rei, still smiling, bounced a bit, "So you wanna' play!?"

"Play...?" Jasyn's ears twitched, "Play how?"

Luke smiled, "I think he likes you Jasyn!"

Rei looked confused, "!"

" how?"

The rabbit fumbled out of Jasyn's lap and went to the bag. Climbing inside, he rummaged around, kicking out balls and some other random assorted toys, before turning around and trying to gather them. Then with the ball in his mouth, and the others cradled precariously in his front legs, he tried to walk on only his hind legs over Jasyn. The toys spilled out at Jasyn's feet, and Rei hopped up, dropping the ball in Jasyn's lap.

"Play!" The rabbit yipped out, smiling wide.

Jasyn smiled back lightly, and chuckled, "Yeah, I guess so..."

Luke stood up and sat down in the chair, "What did you think he meant?"

Rei nudged at the ball in Jasyn's lap and wiggled his tail a bit.

Jasyn looked over at Luke, "Well, know what? Never mind..." He picked up the ball and tossed it across the room for Rei to chase after and Rei jumped down and hopped across the room after the ball.

"If you say so." Luke watched Rei run after and then back with the ball, "You think Alex will like him?"

Jasyn petted the little rabbit lightly as it jumped back up, "He likes cute probably." He tossed it again.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Luke turned his whole body to better face the wolf.

"Shoot." Jasyn caught the rabbit as he jumped back up, and then threw the ball again.

"If you don't mind me prying...Alex told me that it happened during all of this stuff with his brother, but he wasn't very specific. Sorry, I mean...what I mean to ask is how did you and know, hook up?"

"I just...I well..." Jasyn coughed lightly, "I just promised that I'd...y'know...always be there for him." He held the ball in his paw this time, not throwing it again, yet, "...and that I wouldn't let anyone hurt him like that, again."

Luke watched as Jasyn held the ball just out of Rei's reach, teasing him, "But weren't you straight?"

"Yeah." Jasyn finally threw it, "Was." He turned to Luke with a smile, "At least I thought I was. I guess it can change...if you care about someone enough. Who knew?"

"That's really sweet." Luke smiled, "He always says he feels really safe with you. So you kind of take care of him then?"


Luke looked down a bit, still smiling, "He's really lucky to have someone like you. You're all he ever talks about. For a while I didn't see what he saw in you...but I think I'm starting to." He looked back up.

Jasyn blushed a little under his fur, as he absent mindedly wrestled Rei for the ball. "W-what do you mean?"

"Well he's always talking about this whole big side of you that he sees but that no one else does. About how you'll just hold onto him as he falls asleep, about how you seem to put him before anything else in your life." Luke had been doing his best to restrain his rambling, but failed again, "He says you didn't even hesitate telling his parents you were dating him when it came up, and that you've been right there with him through everything with Peter. He talks about you like you're his hero, and like you're absolutely the sweetest guy in the world. And, I dunno...I just couldn't picture you like that." The raccoon smiled, "But as much as Rei likes you...and as much as you're trying to put up with me...and actually hearing you say that you'd always be there for Alex and all's starting to make sense..."

Jasyn blushed more and looked away, tossing the ball again, "He told you...that I hold him while he sleeps?"

"Of course he did! He talks about you, like, constantly! The only other person I ever hear him mention is that 'Matt' guy. Apparently he helped you two out with something...but Alex doesn't like to talk about Matt much. It's like he's trying to hide something..."

"Ah...Sirrus..." Jasyn was now just petting the rabbit in his lap, "That would make sense."

Luke didn't ask, not wanting to pry, "Rei? You're just setting there. Aren't you gonna' play with him anymore?"

Rei stopped chewing on the ball to look up and shake his head, "No...I like it here." He curled up a bit and smiled up at Jasyn.

Jasyn smiled back lightly and petted the little animal's head, more, gently playing with one of his ears. At that, Rei let out an odd grunting noise and craned his head up to get Jasyn to play with the ear more.

Luke laughed, "Not many people give him so much attention. He just seems to annoy my parents and their friends." Luke chuckled, "Be careful or he may fall for you!"

"Fall?" Rei looked around, "I safe, here, Luke! I won't fall!" He smiled dumbly.

Jasyn kept playing with the critter's ears, "Yep, you're fine." He looked back over at Luke, "I can see why..."

"Well I think it's cute!" Luke's curiosity got the best of him, "So...who is Matt, anyway?"

Jasyn looked around a bit, "Matt...he...he's a friend. He helped out Alex a while back. Well, he helped us both, really. He's a good guy."

"Alex says he's SUPER rich and has a pet too. Do you think Rei and his pet would get along?"

Jasyn laughed aloud, "Well...that depends."

"On what?"

"On what Rei is into...sexually. Sirrus is rather playful."

Luke blinked, "Playful? How would Sirrus even learn something like that?"

Jasyn raised an eyebrow, "Uhm...never had a feral dog go after your lef? Isn't that just something ferals just come to naturally? Instinct and all that...?"

Luke suddenly felt dumb; he was still thinking about Rei like more of a cub. "Well, how playful are we talking about?"

"VERY." Jasyn looked Luke in the eye, "Like...single track mind sort of thing."

"Well...I'm not sure, really. I guess Rei might enjoy that stuff. Doesn't...everyone? Well, that's assuming he's gay. Or, wait...can ferals even be gay or straight?" Luke shook his head, done trying to piece that together, "But really, I'm not so sure I'd want him to get into the habit of being 'playful' with everyone new he meets."

"Definitely something Sirrus has a problem with."

Luke was quiet for a second, before getting up the courage to ask, "Have...did you do anything with him?"

"Not worth mentioning." Jasyn raised an eyebrow, "Why? Would you?"

"Haven't with Rei...but...I dunno..." The raccoon shrugged and blushed deeply, "But...uhm...while we're on this kind of subject...could I ask you a question?"

"I guess so."

"How much..." Luke's head sunk and he grinned sharply, "...what all have you and Alex done?"

The wolf clamped his muzzle shut, almost glaring, "Nothing that you need to worry about. Nothing at all."

Luke laughed softly, "Yeah, Alex has been really tight lipped about it too. He said he was...respecting your privacy. Something about how, since he's your first guy, he doesn't think you're ready for anyone to know that sort of stuff about you, yet. I was hoping maybe you...maybe if I asked the source, I'd have better luck."

Jasyn just blushed, looking away.

"To be honest...I'm just kind of hoping I could get to live..." The raccoon furrowed his brow, "What's the word? Vicariously?"


"So..." Luke flashed the wolf a hopeful stare. Jasyn didn't realize raccoons could pull off puppy dog eyes, "...not even a little bit of information?"

Jasyn muttered to himself and coughed. He had to remind himself he was gay, now...or bi, or whatever...and for the sake of his and Alex's relationship, he probably needed to learn to open up about it at least a little bit. "Muzzles..."


"Muzzles. Other than...paws..." The wolf did his best to figure out how to phrase it, "...only muzzles have been involved. But not my muzzle...and...nothing farther, yet."

Luke smiled wide at his mental image of Jasyn's dick in Alex's muzzle, "Uhm...what about Sirrus?"

Jasyn just twitched, "Sirrus?"

"Earlier, you said he was...playful, right?" The raccoon grinned expectantly, "And you...didn't say you didn't do anything. You just said it wasn't worth mentioning."

Jasyn shook his head, "No. I have a better idea. Instead of talking about how playful Sirrus and I were..." The wolf decided to take this opening to better explore his earlier suspicions, "...let's talk about how playful YOU are."

"Me?" Luke blinked, "What do you mean?"

The wolf stayed silent for a moment, "'ve been alone with Alex more than once now..."

Luke frantically shook his head again, "I already told you we didn't do anything!"

Jasyn nodded, "You told me you didn't do anything last weekend. That's not the only time you've been alone."

Luke slumped lightly and shook his head more calmly, "We haven't done anything, don't worry. I...I really haven't even wanted to. I'm not gonna' say either of you aren't...attractive. You're both really lucky on that front. I mean, I'd give anything to have someone that looked like you..."

Jasyn sat up straighter at that, and opened his mouth to respond, but Luke didn't let him.

"Er...or, no! I don't mean it like that. It's not like I'm looking at you like that or...or...I mean, it's just that I'm gay, and you both...see, Alex is hot too and...or...but...I mean..." The raccoon stuttered to a stop and rubbed the top of his muzzle.

Jasyn laughed aloud; for the first time of the day he found the raccoon's nervous ramblings funny. "It's okay if you think we're attractive, Luke. We're both, I'm pretty sure you can trust us to take it as a compliment."

"Thanks..." Luke couldn't bring himself to sit up straight, buckling under his embarrassment, " point was. It's not like I don't want to. But...I DON'T want to, y'know?"

The wolf smiled as he shook his head, "No." Despite himself, he was actually starting to warm up to the kid.

"Well...I'm fighting really hard to make you like me. I...I've wanted friends, especially gay ones, for a long time. Why would I risk that by coming on to your boyfriend?"

Jasyn tilted his head, "But how well could you control yourself, if he came on to you?"

"He wouldn't!" Luke shook his head again, "He loves you so much, Jasyn! He wouldn't even THINK of putting the moves on anyone else. Hell...I bet he wouldn't give in if I tried to initiate something."

"So you really haven't done anything?"

"Never." Luke sighed, "Not with him OR anyone else. I've never even had a kiss."

"Heh...yeah." Jasyn nodded, "Was the same with Alex. I was his first..."

"That's sweet." Luke smiled at yet another tidbit of information, "I'm sorry, like, in advance, if I pry too much. I've never even had anyone to play with, let alone someone that loved me. I envy you two a lot..."

Rei lifted his head from the wolf's lap, trying to make sense of such a complex sentence, "You one loved you?" He smiled wide, "I love you!!"

"I love you, too. Rei!" Luke just smiled at the rabbit, not bothering to explain to him that it wasn't the same, and then looked back up at the wolf, "But yeah, like I said. I'm just really jealous. I just hope I don't have to wait TOO long before I find someone to play with too..."

Jasyn just blushed and looked away.

"I don't know why you get so embarrassed about this Jasyn. Alex seems pretty open about it."

" was just something Alex said to me a while back."

"Hmm?" The raccoon perked an ear.

"He..." Jasyn hesitated, "He told me that you said you'd never done anything...and he joked about how...maybe that would be a way for me to get to know you better." Jasyn smiled nervously, immediately wondering what provoked him to bring that up, "Silly huh?"

"Heh...y-yeah..." Luke looked down and then back up, "I'm sure he was just joking, though. I, mean, if HE didn't do anything with me...I doubt he'd look too fondly on you doing it...even if it was get to know me, or whatever."

Jasyn's mouth suddenly felt dry, "Yeah..."

"And I mean, even if it wasn't for that...I'm sure you wouldn't want to do anything with me."

The wolf gulped, "Well...maybe not actual sex..."

Luke swallowed as well, feeling like the conversation just dramatically changed, "Then uhm...what WOULD you do?"

"Well, I mean..." Jasyn couldn't seem to make eye contact, "It seems kind of unfair that you've never been kissed...doesn't it?"

The raccoon let out a nervous, forced laugh, "Yeah. T-too bad Alex wouldn't like that...I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt him."

"R-right..." Jasyn looked down at the rabbit in his lap.

Luke shifted in his seat, "But..."

"B-but?" The wolf looked back up.

"Well...he DID joke about it with you, right? I mean, he must not be THAT scared of the thought. A-and you wouldn't be doing it for yourself. It...would be for me..."

Jasyn just sat still, petting Rei with no clue what to say. A thousand voices seemed to race through his head. One said that Alex wanted him and Luke to be friends, and that's what he was doing. Another reassured him that Alex wanted him to do this; he's the one that suggested it, after all. Yet another said that it would just be a kiss, that it wouldn't mean anything, and that it wouldn't go any farther than that. Another, still, said that he couldn't be sure that Alex and Luke were telling him the truth, anyway: they might have already done something too, so why couldn't HE? But only one voice fought it. Only one told him to stop lying to himself. He was doing this because he wanted to, and he knew exactly how far it might go.

"It's just..." Luke continued, "I've always wondered what a kiss would be like. And it would be nice if it was a friend who showed me."

Jasyn took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. After a long pause, he opened both them and his muzzle hesitantly, "Well? C-come on, then..."

Luke's head jerked up, "You're...wait...seriously?"

Rei looked between the two of them, not sure what was going on, "Luke? Jay...sin? Something's wrong?"

Jasyn petted the rabbit, "No, boy..." and then looked over at Luke again, "Yeah, I'm serious. Cause, it's...isn't it better now than having you screw up later?"

Luke tried not to look too excited, and slowly scooted himself across the couch. He stopped beside the wolf without saying a word, and just looked up at him in silence.

Jasyn sighed shakily as he adjusted himself on the couch. He then turned his muzzle, stopping about an inch away from Luke's, "O...okay...remember to relax..."

Luke just nodded and dropped his lips apart no more than a hair, as Jasyn placed a paw on the back of his neck.

The wolf gently rubbed the base of the raccoon's skull with his thumb, "You ready?"


Rei wondered what the two of them were up to, but didn't say anything. Instead, he just sniffed around, wondering what the new smell was he'd suddenly noticed.

Jasyn leaned in, hesitating for a moment, and then brought their muzzles together in a soft kiss. Luke closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. He had no idea what to do, and just let Jasyn lead, as the wolf tilted his muzzle and deepened the kiss. Slowly, he drew the raccoon's tongue into his mouth, suckling gently and playing with it with his own. Much more quickly than Luke would have liked, Jasyn pulled back with a light 'tick' noise as their lips parted.

Luke slowly opened his mouth, but not his eyes, "Wow..."

Rei was still searching for the new smell, and leaned down towards Luke's pants, and then back to around Jasyn's.

His eyes back open, Jasyn smiled at Luke, but then quickly looked down, "What are you up to, rabbit?"

Rei looked confused, "Your pants! And Luke's! They'err different. I smell it: it changed."

Luke went a little wide eyed and petted Rei, "Don't you worry about that boy. It's nothing." He looked back at Jasyn, "At least I wasn't the only one..."

Jasyn glanced down at Luke's pants, "What?" He smiled, "Kid...I may be excited..." He pointed at the raccoon's bulge, "But I'm still in my sheath..."

Luke blushed deeply, "And you're not 14!" He looked down with a smile, "Thanks Jasyn. I know it can't be any more than that, but it's nice knowing my first kiss was from you." With a groan, the raccoon stood up, obviously tented, "And I reiterate: Alex is amazingly lucky to have you."

Jasyn sighed and smiled. He'd come this far, already. "Sit back down, kid." The wolf reached out boldly, and grabbed onto Luke's tented shorts by the bulge, before forcing him back down onto the couch.

Luke shook his head, but didn't try to stand up, "No. would kill him. Maybe...maybe one day...oah..." Luke moaned aloud as the wolf's paw kneaded his throbbing tent. He looked down, defeated by his own libido, and gently placed a paw onto Jasyn's crotch as well, "It...feels nice..."

Jasyn pressed down and leaned toward the raccoon, "As long as we don't do more than what Alex and I have done..."

"Are you sure?"

Jasyn gently zipped down Luke's fly and wrapped his paw firmly around the already damp front of his briefs, wasting no time.

Luke gulped slightly and smiled, "You know...if I didn't know better I'd think you had planned on this."

Jasyn pulled the briefs' waistband down, exposing the raccoon's stiff, glistening erection, "You really do talk a lot."

"So-" Luke's voice jumped high as the wolf's paw wrapped around his dick, "-ORry!"

Rei sat, staring at Luke's cock in Jasyn's hand, not sure what to make of any of this, "Master?"

Luke just waved his paw at the rabbit, "Hush! J-just go outside and play, boy. You know to stay out of the street, right?"

Rei nodded, "Okay...whatever you say, Luke!"

The rabbit hopped down and Jasyn, unhindered, leaned farther forward. The wolf took Luke's collarbone into his mouth and nipped gently, all the while stroking the coon's cock. Luke just moaned under the wolf, nearly panting; he had never done anything like this before.

Rei had hopped to the front door, out of sight of the living room, but his loud voice still carried back, "HI! You'err Alex!"

Jasyn's eyes opened wide and he let go of Luke, falling back and off the couch completely.

Luke hurriedly pushed himself back into his pants and zipped them -- praying Alex didn't hear -- and then held out a paw to Jasyn to help him back up to the couch, not wanting this to look suspicious.

"Why yes I am! And who are you?" Alex picked up the little bunny and continued on his way to the living room.

He walked in to find Jasyn and Luke sitting on the couch beside each other looking quite uncomfortable. Both furs just smiled silently and awkwardly at the fox as he walked in front of the couch, cradling the rabbit.

"Afternoon, Beautiful! Hey Luke! Sorry I'm so late. I was at my parents house." Alex smiled, not noticing just how uncomfortable and weird Jasyn and Luke looked. "Now, does someone wanna' tell me who this little guy in my arms is?"


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Lucas Joseph Trammel and Alexander Collin Moen Cecil B. North as Jasyn Aiden Fuller and Reinao *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

Oh no... Jasyn strayed? How will Alex react to all of this? Will he even find out? Will Alex and Jasyn be okay? What about Luke? Will he still be their friend when this is all over? And what role might little Rei play in everything?

Side Note: Still no Matt? Yeah...get used to that. ^_^

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for the next 42 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^