Pov Sexual Experience

Story by sillyfoxxy69 on SoFurry

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Something i wanted to wite for a bit of time also it was made using my tablet so if anything is wrong please tell me

I remember it as if it where yesterday. We had just had an amazing dinner at a nice five star restaurant when it happen. I was laying down in bed reading my favorite book when he came into the bed room. He sat next to me and with his sweet deep voice he said "Today was fun huh?" i nodded and replyed with "yes it was very nice" i giggled and said " I wish it didnt have to end" He laughed and said "well who says it has to?" I didnt understand what he ment by that so i questioned it. He didnt answer. I didnt expect him to. He doesnt talk much. He mainly nods or gives a mhmm or an uh huh. He stood there, and looked at me for a long awkward moment. Then he fainaly said " allow me to show you" So he climed into bed with me. I was nervous, very nervous. I didnt know what he was planing to do, so i watched him move. He climed ontop of me and told me what he wanted. What he had in mind for our night. He wanted my virginity. I didnt know what to say. He stared at me with his beautiful brown eyes. It was hard to say no. So i told him only if he was gental with me. He kissed me and said " no need to worry" I dont see why i was worried. I knew who he was. Hurting me would kill him. He got up and took his shirt off. I remember how amazing he looked that day. This is the first i have ever seen his chest. Then he unzipedo and removed his pants. Then it hit me... He was hung... And i was scared. Not only hung but thick too. Off came his underwear. He was already hard, and i was getting hard aswell. He climed back into bed with me and unbuttoned my sleep wear. First my shirt then my pants. He rubbed at my now hard member and said "excited?" I blushed and told him "alittle, iv never done this before." He kissed me again. Then he pulled off my underpants. He placed the head of his cock at my entrance. I was scared. He's massive. I didnt think i could take it. Then he pulled my close to his chest and said "ready love?" Those two words sent golts through my body. I sighed and said "o...ok but b..be gental" He chuckled and told me to lay back and relax. So i did. I looked up into his deep brown eyes again. He started putting pressue on my hole. It took about two long minutes to get the head in, but when it did finally did it did with a loud "pop" he started to push more into me.It felt like forever till he started pulling out. "Im not hurting you am I? if I am do tell me" I shook my head and told him "no, it just feels a bit different" I had lied, it did hurt but i didn't want him to stop, but i had to call him out on not being as gentle as i wanted "you are being alittle rough though" i said looking up into his eyes. He looked into mine and said "Im sorry, your just so tights" he made a scrunched up face at me and giggled. "i'll be a bit more easyer, but if i don't aply a alittle force we'll be here all night" He pulled out so that just the tip was still in, then he started pushing again. I could feel my ass tighten and stretch on his hard member. Just the thot of what was going on down there had me really turned on. I don't know why but comprehending it was very sexy, i guess its ture that the sexyest part of the body was the mind. After a bit of slow thrusting he asked me "You ok if we go at my pase now?" he kissed my forehead and tilted his head waiting for an answer. Nervously i answer "I...ummm...." I blushed a bright red and finnaly said "s...sure i guess...." He smiled and kissed me deep as he started to pick up speed, one part of me was happy he did and the other was thinking I...have made...a terrible mistake, but i was enjoying every bit of it. He wasn't going to fast or to slow at that matter just a nice pase so we both enjoyed it without hurting me. every time he had most of it in i felt something swelling at the bottom, i knew it was his knot but it scared me at how big it was getting, at this point i was praying he wouldn't try to push it in. As our togues danced in eachothers mouths i felt him speed up more and started thrusting harder, he stoped kissing me to say "im very close would you like me to knot you?" I shook my head fast "NO NO NO NO NO! Please don't do that!" he giggled and replyed "alright, in or out though?" "umm.." my face went bright red again "in...." He Smirked and inserted his entire length into me and shot thick warm cum into my body. The sudden warmness plus him rubbing my member made me climax aswell. He pulled out and grabbed a napkin by the bed and cleaned me off. "Well, That was nice huh?" he said with a chuckle" I nodded and replyed with "Very" I giggled and gave him a kiss. We fell asleep right after, knowing our relationship just took a big step in the right direction.