Sara's Story - Chapter 8

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#8 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 2: Present

Chapter 8 - A Night to Remember

© 2003 Nameless

Together with the other femmes, I sit down at the table in the slave's room, to rest a bit after another tiring day of work.

A few minutes later the door opens and the rabbit guard comes in. He looks us over, smiles when he sees me and commands "Come, my lovely little squirrel slave!" he commands.

I don't like the glint in his eyes and the way his lips curl. Something tells me that I will not enjoy this night (not that I enjoyed any night I had to spend with him), but I swallow the groan that threatens to escape my lips, stand up and follow him as he walks up to the guard's barracks. I am a little surprised when he calls a greeting to the few guards sitting at the table and continues on to the last of the separate rooms, without spending some time joking with the other guards and humiliating me in front of them. On the bed I see a sack, several pieces of rope and a gag.

He commands "Strip and kneel. And be silent. If you so much as breathe too loudly, I'll punish you." Suddenly afraid, I obey.

He picks up one of the ropes, then he roughly grabs my paws and ties them together, behind my back. He ties one end of the rope to my collar and the other to the base of my tail, completely immobilizing my paws. Then he steps around me and pushes a gag into my muzzle and ties it shut so tightly, I can hardly breathe properly through my nostrils. His grin looks very evil in the flickering light of the oil lamp "Are you wondering what I'm going to do with you? Are you afraid?"

When I nod, he laughs, "Don't move." pulls his gun, cocks the hammer and presses it against my head, right between my eyes.

Trembling with fear, I do my best not to move. My eyes wide open, I stare at his finger as he caresses the trigger. After a long time he puts the gun back under his belt. Then he ties a short piece of rope to my nose ring and ties the sack around my shoulders "It's only fair that you get to carry it. After all, it contains some toys that you'll love to play with. Get up!"

I obey. He looks out of the door and smiles, then he leads me down the stairs in the back. He blindfolds me and leads me away. I whimper in pain every time he pulls on the leash. We walk away from the house, into the forest as far as I can tell by the feel of the ground and the little noises of the night. As I stumble along, the thought hits me "_ Nobody saw us leave! He could just kill me out here and claim I must have run away!_" I nearly stumble and suddenly I have trouble breathing. The ring pulls painfully at my nose as I do my best to keep up with him.

He laughs "Ahhh, the sweet smell of fear. Are you wondering if I will allow you to go back to cleaning pots in the kitchen? Maybe, if you please me, I will allow you to entertain me again tomorrow." He does not say what will happen if I don't please him, he does not have to say it. Suddenly he pulls on the leash, pulling me off balance. My howl of pain as my nose explodes in pain and my body slams into the rocky ground is muffled by the gag. " Get up! Clumsy Slave!" I scramble to my feet as quickly as I can.

Shivering with fear and cold, I stumble after him. The blindfold is soon soaked with my tears.

We walk some time, perhaps a mile or so, but I can't be sure. When we reach a small clearing he removes the blindfold. We cross it, headed for the ruin of a burned down house. We walk into the ruins, careful not to step on any sharp sticks or stones. The rabbit searches the ground for a few moments, then he opens a concealed trap door and commands "Climb down."

I can barely see the ladder leading down into the darkness. I am horribly afraid of trying to climb down with my paws tied behind my back, but I have no choice, I have to obey his command. I manage to climb down most of the distance before my left foot slips on one of the wet and uneven rungs of the ladder and I fall down heavily onto the stone floor, hurting my legs and banging my head on the stone floor. When my head clears enough, I scramble into a kneeling position and look up, waiting for the rabbit to join me. He shines the oil lamp down and grins at me, then he calls " Bye!" and closes the trap door. Kneeling in complete darkness, I hope that he will not leave me here to die. As the seconds slowly pass I become more and more afraid. Sobbing and trembling in fear, I pray for him to return. If he does not, I will die here. With my paws bound I can't climb up the ladder and gagged I can't even call for help. Not that anyone would hear me out here in the wilderness.

# # #

I have almost given up hope, when he opens the trap door and climbs down as well. He considers me and asks "Are you glad to see me, slave?"

Sobbing with relief, I nod and lower my head to nuzzle his feet.

After a while he commands "Stand up!"

I scramble to obey and he has me stand facing the table, my legs spread, tail straight up behind my body.

He commands "Don't move!" then he removes the gag and unties me. Then he empties the sack on the table. It contains several lengths of rope, a whip, a riding crop, a leather blindfold and mittens, several needles and several other unpleasant looking devices. I don't want to know what they are for, but I fear that I will soon learn. He walks up to me and runs his paws through my fur, pinching my nipples and other sensitive spots.

He picks up the riding crop and gives me a couple of whacks on the ass and one on each breast and on my crotch. I manage to remain silent and stand still.

He puts the riding crop away again and picks up the rope and ties it around my waist and my thighs. He picks up the mittens, inserts my paws into them and ties my paws to my thighs. Then he blindfolds me.

"If you don't like what I'm doing, then just tell me to stop. I will leave you alone, promise ..." Then he starts fondling me again. My muzzle starts burning in shame, but I don't dare to tell him to stop. Because I fear that he will leave, leaving me here to die. Tied up the way I am, I would never be able to climb out of here. I have to endure his probing fingers, deep inside me. I am panting hard when he finally stops and asks "I think you have been naughty, slave. Should I punish you?"

Afraid for my life, I numbly answer "Yes, Master. Please punish me."

He laughs and I can hear him walk around, then suddenly my ass explodes in pain, as he uses the riding crop on it, again and again. I am sobbing in pain and struggling desperately to keep my position when he finally stops.

I can hear him move about the room, then he grabs my muzzle and holds my mouth closed, forcing me to breathe through my nose. He covers my nose with a piece of cloth that smells terrible. I nearly throw up at the smell. After a while he removes it and I can breathe freely again. But then he smears a foul smelling paste into my nostrils. I do my best to breathe only through my mouth, to avoid the stench as best as I can. Then he pushes waxen earplugs into my ears. I can still hear a little but the rushing of my own blood distorts everything I hear. Then he whistles and I can hear several more furs climb down the ladder.

For several minutes I stand there and endure the paws that explore my body. I am panting hard and the fur on my thighs is damp when they suddenly pull back. The rabbit asks "Do you want us to stop, girl?"

"No, Master." I answer, my muzzle burning in shame.

"Hmmm, you don't sound that convincing. Are you sure you enjoy this?"

"Yes, Master. Please! I love ... pleasing you. I love to feel your paws on my body, Master."

One of the other furs asks "Do you want to taste me?"

"Yes! Please, Master, I would love to taste you and bring you pleasure."

"You may."

I turn in the direction of his voice, kneel and crawl forward until my muzzle bumps into his thigh. Feeling around with my nose, I find that his pants are already open. I start licking his balls and his cock. When he is hard, I take him into my mouth and suck him. Soon he spurts his load into my mouth. When I have licked him clean, he pulls out. I sit back on my feet, my knees spread and wait for the next command.

When, after a minute, I hear the ladder creak, I realize that they want me to beg to be allowed to please them. "They will leave me alone to die here if I do not beg for it!" Afraid for my life, I swallow my shame as best as I can and beg " Please, Masters! Let me serve you. Please."

After several seconds one of them answers "You may, if you really want to."

" Thank you, Master!" I choke out. Tears of relief and shame soak my facial fur and I crawl in the direction of his voice. When I have sucked him off, I have to repeat this twice more. It seems there are four males here, in addition to the rabbit. One of them is a feline, the barbs on his cock tear my muzzle as I suck him. Tears run down my face as I swallow the mixture of his seed and my blood. Another one has a knot, he must be a fox or a wolf. The taste in my mouth and the smell in my nose nearly make me gag.

# # #

When they do not give any further commands, I plead " Please , Masters, let me please you!" When none of them answers, I beg again and again, growing more and more desperate.

Finally the rabbit asks "Would you like to feel me inside you. In all your holes?"

Disgusted but relieved, I answer " Yes, Master! I would love to!"

" Get up! And come here!"

I scramble up and they lead me to the low table where I lie down, on my back. The rabbit starts fondling my cunt while two of the other males turn their attention to my breasts. I force myself to smile and make appreciative noises. Then the rabbit pushes his cock into me and starts fucking me hard. A few seconds later another male pries my mouth open and pushes his cock into it, nearly choking me. I lick as fast as I can. The two males spurt their load into me nearly at the same time. They both pull out and leave me lying there for a few minutes.

Then the rabbit asks "Nice. Would you like to be fucked in the ass, girl?"

"Yes, Master."

"Turn around."

They help me turn around, so that I lie on my stomach. As the rabbit pokes his claws into my tailhole to spread it wide enough for him to enter, I realize where he is going to fuck me next and nearly throw up in disgust. He laughs and slaps me on my backside "You love this, don't you?"

"Yes, Master." I force out, trying not to show the pain he is causing to me. After a minute or so, he has spread my tailhole wide enough to suit him and thrusts his cock into me, hard and fast. I barely manage not to howl out my pain. He laughs as he thrusts into me. Then one of the other furs pushes his cock into my mouth, forcing me to lick him. The rabbit takes his time, savoring the pain he causes me with each thrust. Only when I have sucked off the cock in my mouth does he thrust faster and then he spurts his load into me and pulls out. For a minute or two I just lie there, nursing my pain and dreading what is to come now.

"Girl, I did not enjoy that." the rabbit says.

"I'm sorry, Master." I suppress a groan as I get an inkling what he will do to me now. "I'm sorry, Master. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"I'm really not pleased."

Taking a deep breath to steady me, I beg "I'm sorry, Master. Please punish me! Please!"

"Should I punish you hard?"

"Yes, Master! Please punish me as hard as you can!"

"Fine. Turn around and lie on your back."

When I have done this, he asks "Is it ok for me to tie you to the table?"

I swallow and force out the answer "Yes, Master. I only want to make you happy. Do whatever you want with me. Please punish me until you are happy with me again."

They tie my arms and legs to the table legs, leaving me spreadeagled. Then one of them puts a ring gag in my muzzle and ties it in place. After a minute or so some of them start fondling me. Soon I am panting and moaning a little. Then the fur who had fondled my now-hard nipples pulls his paws away. A moment later my left nipple explodes in pain, then my right nipple follows. I howl in pain as the riding crop hits my breasts again and again. He varies the pace, sometimes letting me recover for long moments, sometimes beating my breast several times in quick succession, all the while one of his friends continues to stoke my crotch.

After some time they stop beating me and go back to fondling my now throbbing breasts. My relief lasts only for a few seconds. It takes me several seconds to notice that they have stopped stroking my cunt and several more to realize what this might mean. A moment later I howl in pain as he hits my most sensitive spot, several times in rapid succession. I nearly pass out from the pain, then he reduce the pace to a slow and irregular pattern as his friends continued fondling my breasts.

After a long while they stop and let me rest for a few minutes. Then one of them removes the gag and asked "Are you thirsty?"

I know that I am not going to like what they are going to make me drink, but my throat is so dry and hoarse I hardly care. Besides he will get angry if I do not beg for this "Please, Master." I manage to choke out.

A few moments later I feel his cock touch my tongue and then he pisses in my mouth. I do my best to drink it all.

"Thank you, Master." I say when he is finished.

Then they untie me and the rabbit commands "Get back into position."

Doing my best to ignore the throbbing pain, I struggle to obey and lie back on my stomach. My nipples hurt terribly when I put my weight on them.

The rabbit asked "Well, girl?"

Swallowing my disgust, I beg "Please, Master, let me ... lick your cock."

"Well, if you really want to ..." He moves forward until my nose touches him and I start licking him. I nearly throw up at the horrible taste, but I manage to continue licking him until I have sucked him off and licked him clean.

He pulls out "Hmmm, that was nice. You know how to suck, girl." and pats my head "Did you enjoy it as well, my pet?"

Fighting down a sob, I manage to answer "Yes, Master."

He laughs and ruffles my headfur "I'm glad you did. It's so nice to make a girl happy."

"Thank you, Master."

# # #

The rabbit commands " Get up!" When I have struggled to my feet he goes on "Turn left!" then "Go five steps forward." finally "Kneel. And don't talk unless you are spoken to!"

I kneel, my legs spread widely, my tail straight up and wait. I twitch a little when one of them starts running something through my fur. It is cold and metallic. It is not sharp, the point is rather rounded. My blood nearly freezes when I realize that it is a pistol and I shiver violently.

The rabbit laughs, close behind me, then he asks "You have not thought about telling the Master or anyone else about our little get together tonight, have you?"

I shake my head. I had not really thought about it, but now that I think about it, I guess that the Master would not be happy with it. Since I have not been mistreated anywhere as badly as they are doing now and they are doing this somewhere far from the house and well hidden, it must be something that the Master has forbidden them to do.

"That is good. Because if you do, I will kill you."

I nearly jump out of my fur at the sudden noise as he cocks the pistol's hammer. My heart skips several beats and suddenly I can't stop shivering. I want to run away, it takes all my willpower not to try it, even though I know that I don't have the slightest chance to escape.

He laughs "I think we understand each other. In case you think that he will punish me and protect you, do you know who the other furs here are?"

Numbly I shake my head.

"If anything happens to me, one of them will punish you, even if the Master tries to protect you. Sometimes, when you clean a gun, it fires by accident. And even squirrels have been known to slip when they are high up in a tree and fall to their death."

I jump at the sudden roaring noise as he fires the gun next to my ears, then I pass out.

# # #

Slapping my face, the rabbit wakes me up "Get back into position!"

My head spins and my left ear hurts from the noise of the gunshot. I think my ear is burned a little as well. It takes me some time, but finally I manage to assume my position again.

He asks "Do we understand each other?"

I nod so hard, my head nearly falls off.

"Fine, but just to make myself completely clear..." I hear him sit down in front of me "First clean the barrel of my gun." The noises confirm what he is doing "Powder ... wadding ... lead ball ... priming ..."

He laughs "I can smell how much you enjoy all this, slut." Then he gets up again and commands "Don't move your knees. Get down and kiss the feet of his friend sitting in front of you. If he is not pleased with you efforts ..."

Shivering in fear, I lean forward, I fall the last bit of the way, stubbing my nose on the hard floor. Then I push my head and torso forward until my muzzle encounters the male's feet. I start licking and kissing them. I have to rest my weight on my throbbing breasts again. My ass is now lifted high up and someone, probably the rabbit, takes advantage of it, slapping my cheeks and exploring my cunt.

The rabbit says "Now I have something special for you. I'll even allow you to have an orgasm, horny slut! I'm even going to help you." he laughs.

He pushes something hard and cold into my cunt. "_ The Gun! _" I realize, my heart nearly stops when I hear him cock the hammer. Then he starts fucking me with it. The rough metal hurts a lot. The fur in front of me wiggles his toes to remind me that I have stopped kissing his feet. I do my best to please him, but my heart beats so hard and I pant so hard and fast. After a few minutes I pass out again.

# # #

They bring me around again. But I'm a little hazy about what they do to me in the next few hours. They beat me, fuck me and poke needles into my most sensitive spots. I pass out from pain and fear several times.

# # #

I don't know how long I have been here, there is hardly a spot on my body that does not hurt, and I am tired and freezing. I hear one of the males climb up the ladder, then he calls "It is getting late, I think we should go back."

" Shit! Just when I'm beginning to enjoy myself." Answers the rabbit, but then he goes on "Ok, go back home, I'll bring the slut back."

I give a silent prayer of thanks, apparently my night of torture will be over soon.

I can hear several more furs climb up the ladder. Suddenly the rabbit kicks my legs away and I crash to the ground. I hurt myself and cry out in pain. A moment later my back explodes in pain. He uses the whip on me, again and again for several minutes. I nearly pass out from the pain. When he finally stops, my mouth is raw from all the screaming.

He commands " Get up!" It takes me several tries to climb to my feet. When I have finally managed it, he commands "Don't move." Then he unties me and removes the blindfold. He ties a rope to my collar. He keeps another length of rope, the blindfold and the gag. He puts the other things in the sack and ties it around my shoulder. The wounds on my back hurt terribly where the rough cloth rubs against them.

He climbs up the ladder and commands " Come!" I climb up as well, every little motion hurts. The rabbit closes the trap door and leads me out of the ruin. The moon is low in the sky. I think it is only an hour or two before sunrise. Then he ties my paws behind my back and gags and blindfolds me. Pulling on the leash, he sets off at a brisk pace. I barely manage to follow him and stumble and fall several times, hurting myself even more.

My body is screaming in pain and my head is woozy when we finally climb up the stair and enter the small room. He unties me and we climb into the bed. He falls asleep in moments. I am dead tired and completely exhausted, but it takes me a long time to fall asleep, my body just hurts too much.

End of Chapter 8