Fay and Miyu: Duel Pilots

Story by kaboomers on SoFurry

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Fay and Miyu: Duel Pilots

Fay: Because I really deserve first billing.

(all characters belong to Nintendo/Q-Games)

Space Dynamics: the pinnacle of aerospace technology in a long lived monopoly. CEO Hippo DeGrippo is the current owner of Space Dynamics, whose keen business sense has made way an influx of profits by ridding itself of its old practices. President DeGrippo barely made it through Andross's invasion but was able to regain his position again with more focus on profits than ever before. His gains were referred to as impossible by many corporate leaders with many accusing him for some kind of illegal practice, but no evidence was presented and anyone who dared speak out against DeGrippo would be rendered financially ruined from his barrage of crippling lawsuits. In one case, information almost surfaced on an accomplice, but the lawyer presenting the case mysteriously died with all of his documents disappearing. Only a name surfaced with enough investigation, but it couldn't have been the accomplice due to her death 10 years ago. The name was a notorious computer expert, Aliyah.

Hippo DeGrippo was watching his clock tick away, unlike his usual spying on his employees within his private security office. He watched every employee with wicked eyes, making sure they stayed in line and out of trouble, or rather, keep him out of trouble. He knew that when it was time to do his usual planning to gain an increase in profits, it was illegal. But it was a joint operation with three of his most successful accomplices, one of which was brilliant beyond her years. "Greetings, Mr. DeGrippo," a well dressed in his usually dull gray suit Mayor Troy Grizzly of Birnam City logged in. He was always exactly one minute early. No earlier, no later; as soon as the minute hand hit 11:59 ON DeGrippo's watch, he'd log in. "How is the heart our little partnership doing?" "Busy, as usual, Mayor Grizzly," DeGrippo answered him respectfully. "Money always is." "Well just remember that money isn't the one doing the dirty work, DeGrippo," Hawking Frederico, a brown and grey hawk, finally chimed in at his usually promptness of 12 o'clock on the dot. "Killing Mr. Young-and-Ambitious wasn't an easy task!" Hawking, the more casual of the bunch with loosened tie, custom red suede suit and countless accessories, referred to a college age employee with large connections who was about to release information on one of his operations connected to Space Dynamics. "Not too loud, Mr. Frederico," DeGrippo warned him. "I've already been dodging my butler's concerns for the longest time!" Hawking just griped at him and ignored his pleads. "By the way, did you talk to Grizzly about some of my men?" "If Mr. DeGrippo is willing to pay up," Mayor Grizzly told the two, "then sure, I'll be able to. I am in need of some investigators for my next election." "Congratulations, Mayor Grizzly, you just secured yourself a job in office," DeGrippo mumbled off. "Why thank you for that, Mr. DeGrippo," the Mayor told him. "By the way, what exactly is keeping Aliyah this long anyway?" Hawking let out a frustrated groan in his impatience. "I know, what exactly is taking that cripple? I need to know if everything is set for tonight!" "You know, for someone who can't move her own hands, she takes quite a while to get ready," Mayor Grizzly added. DeGrippo just sat back as he saw the two gesturing impatience about Aliyah's usual tardiness. He, unlike the other two, knew a good deal about Aliyah's peculiar behavior due to their past encounters. Aliyah's screen finally flickered on, showing the typical profile picture as oppose to everyone else's use of a webcam. It was unsettling in the least that the voice they often heard, a cold and cynical voice, used a picture of a red jackal pup no older than four years old. "So, how are my three favorite people doing this evening?" the eerie voice of Aliyah messaged through. "I know I've been really busy with my doll collection." "Enough games, Aliyah," Hawking yelled out at her. "Do you have everything set up with the auction item or not?" "Yes, yes. The girl's identity has been wiped clean," Aliyah said calmly, almost as if condescendingly. "Phone is disconnected, birth records, flying license, all deleted. Really the only thing that's compromising this is her birth parents, which I sent you the information on them so you could do your own cleaning." "And some of my records, Ms. Aliyah?" the Mayor told her. "What records?" Aliyah played with him. "The only thing your opponent has against you is that you shook the hand of an old, creepy virgin...I mean CEO." Everyone then laughed except for DeGrippo, whom she was referring to; he just simply looked angrily at the witch who hid behind that sweet, innocent girl persona. "My money, Aliyah," DeGrippo mumbled with gritted teeth. "Of course, DeGrippo," Aliyah returned to her former cynical self. "A noticeable skim into those donations you set up; redirected into your account without a trace." "Good," the Mayor announced. "Then we are all set for now." Everyone (but Aliyah, of course) nodded their heads in agreement and were about to sign out. "Uh, what about my request," Aliyah reminded them. "Of course Aliyah, what will it be this time," the Mayor asked. "I want another dolly."

Miyu had just taken off her panties, the last piece of clothing she was wearing before Fox finally entered into the room. She was mesmerized by his defined physique, muscular and toned throughout with his bare member extending from himself, practically reaching towards her. Miyu too was eye-catching, with her delicate yet limber frame. Her supple breasts had both nipple hardened in as much arousal as her nethers were, already aflame at his presence. Fox marched towards her, Miyu backing herself up so he could make way into her entrance. On top of her, Fox started kissing and nipping at her neck while fondling her breasts, squeezing at her nipples while Miyu moaned at his touching. His erection was yet to enter into her, but once and again prodded through teasingly. Both were at an embrace as Fox made way to secure his lips onto hers, their tongues swimming inside of each other's mouths. Miyu then pulled him towards the bed and laid him onto his back to sit on top of him, her opening very much ready. Taking his length, she looked towards Fox as a signal to what she wanted, and grabbing her hips they both eased her onto his massiveness, all the while Miyu squealing as she felt every inch of her insides filled satisfyingly. Miyu then began pulling and pushing herself around Fox as he moved her up and down against him. Her head went numb to everything but pleasure, hearing the splashing of her juices as she rode him. Miyu looked to Fox with lust as he returned the same. "F-Fox," Miyu in a trance-like shout to him, "Fox, I love you...I love you!" She continued yelling that to him, her voice getting louder and louder after each push into her cunny. "I love you...I love you...I LOVE YOU...I LOVE YOU!...I LOVE YOU!!!..." "Miyu, I like got..." Fay walked in and woke up Miyu from her fantasy masturbation session, both frozen as Fay looked blankly at her naked roommate on top of a visibly exaggerated toy with the biggest wet spot forming on the couch. Though almost at the verge of crying, Miyu grabbed the coaster set and threw them at Fay, "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Miyu screamed, just missing her as she fled to the outside. Layers of clothes later, both Miyu and Fay were eating the lunch Fay brought from Seafood in Corneria City. Fay just ate away without a care in the world while Miyu was scolding her to her obliviousness. She was just 'caught petting the cat' right in the middle of the living room and Fay just stood there eating away like it was nothing. By now, Fay would have never given her a bite of her food without some kind of jab about 'taking matters into her own hands'. Fed up, Miyu yelled, "Well? Aren't you going to say something?" In mid chew, Fay just looked at her dumbfounded as if she had no idea what she meant. "What is it?" "Don't act like you don't know," Miyu practically screamed in the loudest she could in an apartment. "It's been about ten minutes since you saw me 'surfing the channel' and not a single word about it?" Fay continued eating her food until Miyu was fed up with it, reaching over the table to smack her lobster leg from her hands. "Hey! Don't touch me," squealed Fay, backing from her seat. "Ha! How long did it take for you to come up with that," Miyu crazily babbled. Fay grabbed her hand to show all the soy sauce all over her fingers. "You know I hate even a drop of that...*girk*...stuff." The two got done with their food silently, both still angry at each other...well sort of. Fay was holding back everything from making fun of Miyu after walking in on her 'tiptoeing through the tulips' along with bursting out, laughing. She was absolutely messing with Miyu and loved how insane she's acting after getting caught 'getting to know herself'. The phone then rang as they settled a bit, Miyu answered it hoping it was from a certain someone. "Ah, Bill..." Miyu said over the phone, as it was Bill; their last employee against Algy last November the 21st along with another mission that wasn't written about at all, and an old classmate of the two. Fay's ears sparked and she ran towards the phone. "Quick, make way," she said as she took the phone away from Miyu. "So, honey, how are you?" Miyu was confused to say the least. She guessed that they must have gotten back together, but after the call she wanted to know more. "That's nice. So, you want us to go undercover at a Macbeth auction event as bus ladies. It's a date, I'll meet you at Macbeth by two. Goodbye puppy tuppy. I love you...no, I love you more...no, I..." and it continued for a while until she finally got off the phone. "Miyu, you wouldn't believe the kind of date me and Bill are going to have," she said with dreamy eyes. "Oh, and you can come too, he said." "Yeah, sure, let's go on this date," Miyu said as she rolled her eyes.

It was the usual gloomy, industrial scene from the bottom of Macbeth as Fay and Miyu descended down to the hangar where they were to meet up with Bill. Fay was all bubbly despite the actual conditions of their situation, being in a mission and all. Miyu couldn't help but look upward towards all the smug and arrogant upper class from above. She lived in Birnam City for a brief moment of her life, needing to work in order to pay for the flight academy, so she saw the very familiar rotting and rusting that supported the fruit from above. "I have to wear that!" Fay yelled as Miyu left her ship. "But it looks so...minimum wage." "Fay, what did you think I meant when I said you two had to go undercover at a restaurant," Bill told her. To Miyu, it looked like the clothes she wore for one of her past jobs. "Bill, are we working at DeGrippo's" Miyu asked. "Yup, and hopefully you both understood what to look out for." Bill then handed them their uniforms; a black top resembling a turtleneck from a typical suit-like make with black dress pants, along with a bussing apron and name tags. "Remember, you're both to report any activity relating to human trafficking. I want as much evidence as you can on Hawking Frederico. He's organized an auctioning event and it's financing a sex slave ring. It's believed he kidnapped Anita Hurse, the daughter of the Organized Criminal Prevention Group's president, for obvious reasons." Miyu was then given a picture of the girl; a young, auburn maned cheetah, all cheery and happy in a sundress and sun hat. Knowing what kind of atrocities she has been facing made Miyu determined to rescue her, only hoping that she would show up somewhere in the restaurant. "So, who is going to be Lynx?" Fay asked Bill. Shaking his head, Bill said, "Miyu is going to take the role of Lynx Kamina. You'll be Collie Poodle Spaniel." Bill then sent them, or shooed them rather, out to their ride so they can get to work. "Don't forget; there's more to this operation than getting evidence on Frederico alone. I'm sure he and DeGrippo is behind all this, so whatever you can find on him will also be appreciated."

Many moments later, Fay and Miyu (or Collie and Lynx) had been situated firmly into the restaurant. Miyu was a natural in this service while Fay was always looking for help and dozing off, something Miyu knew would happen anway. Fay wouldn't know manual labor if she had stricter parents and all of her classes were worked for academically and financially. They were partnered with a younger, more experienced employee named Dan; a deer with small, shaven nubs on his head where his horns would be growing. He was mostly the go-to guy if they needed anything, but only Fay needed anything, and she usually went to Miyu. He seemed like a nice guy; only a sixteen year old to Fay and Miyu's eighteen years, he still seemed pretty bright and energetic. Miyu, being observant of all of the employees, found him to be different than most of them. Dan had to catch himself at times from saying something about an old employee the two are replacing, getting scolded at by his older co-workers as if they didn't want them to know anything about something. If anyone was at least going to talk, it would be him. Standing around as guests were mingling, waiting for the auction to start as they finished their food, Miyu and Dan were about to have a quick talk about things. "Hey F-...Collie, go downstairs. I think we need some glass cleaner," Miyu winked at her coming by. Fay was holding a full bottle already, as she perplexedly said, "Miyu, I like, have a bottle right-," before she could say anything, Miyu snatched the bottle, opened it, and splashed all of it at her dress, screeching as it hit her. "Oh, look COLLIE, you're all out." Miyu then threw the bottle at her, angrily. "Now get another bottle of glass cleaner downstairs, and make sure to take pictures for the job, like you were told." In a pout, Fay left to the basement, leaving the two by themselves to talk. "So Dan, what's it like working at DeGrippo's?" Dan, looking a little taken aback walked around that question. "Well, it's ok, but I...I don't know." "What is it?" Miyu seemed to think Dan knew something that he didn't want to admit. "Well, my co-workers wouldn't want me to get too into it. Let's just say things are just..." Dan then looked towards one employee that looked coldly at him. "...not all that well with this place." Miyu tried to convince him to tell her more, asking "If there's a problem, don't you think you should tell someone?" "No!" Dan frantically said. "Listen, Lynx, I have to get stuff ready for the auction." Dan then left leaving Miyu to ponder what just happened. The auctioneer started pulling out some kind of package. Miyu wondered if this was it; the package was flat, pretty big, and seemed easy to carry. Maybe it was a picture of the girl. "Alright. Now we have here...a desk plate. A perfect addition to your office, this desk plate can project high definition holograms, has over two hundred programs installed, and comes with particle expansion and contraction, so it is easier to move from office to office." What a letdown. If this was going to be the products being sold by the Frederico family, then Miyu was about to leave and call this whole operation a bust.

Meanwhile, a still soaked Fay walked down the stairs to the lower levels of DeGrippo's. embarassingly, her breasts were showing through the shirt, and the cold made her nipples very visible. Fay kept thinking of ways to get back at her for acting so rash. "I know this is all about that stupid 'rolling in the grass' incident," Fay continued to pout. It was then when she heard a light moaning and some footsteps. She then hid behind a pillar and observed what was going on; "-the cheetah girl from before!" Fay saw a number of suited men guiding what looked like a drugged, half-aware Anita, stripped completely naked save for a collar and a leash. "Make sure she is sufficiently drugged; we can't have her going all frantic," Frederico told his mooks in front of him. They all responded in unison to get the job done accordingly. She stumbled with each step as she walked back towards where Fay had just entered in. Fay dug around her apron for the camera to take evidence and shot several pictures as they walked passed, getting some with Frederico with the entire group. After she was done with her camera taking, someone grabbed her from behind and held her arms in place. "What the?" Fay struggled, but the mook was strong; a built horse with his figure hidden in his large but fitting suit. "Hey! Let go of me!" "So, who could you possibly be," Frederico came closer to examine the girl. He grabbed her employee badge and observed it. "Collie Poodle Spaniel? Well, hot buns, what kind of employee tries to sneek up on dealings in the basement and take pictures? Got a side job?" "What you're, like, doing is wrong and disgusting, in at least five different ways," Fay scolded him. "What I'm doing?" Frederico gave her a good stare down that shook a little fear in the pilot. "What I'm doing isn't something of public eye, and I think you know just a little too much." "What should we do to her, boss?" the horse mook asked him. Frederico then grabbed the top of her shirt and ripped it open, revealing her buxom to everyone, making her struggle more frantically. "I need to pay off a debt to one of my business partners. This piece of ass would do just fine in a doll collection." He then grabbed another mook, a mole, and brought them towards the opposite direction of the group and Anita, pointing them down the hallway. "We'll take her to the van. You guys, take pussycat upstairs to the auction." And the three whisked Fay away as the mooks took Anita upstairs.

Miyu slouched over a trash can, observing art piece after collectables after office supplies in what turned out to be nothing more than just typical auction with typical items and typical typicals. While everyone else was busy eating leftovers, Dan came out to Miyu's direction, confused at her fascination, though bored, display towards the auction. "Hey, Lynx. Don't you want something to eat? We have lots of stuff, all four star food, too," Dan asked, trying to convince her into the kitchen. "Huh?" Miyu's attention was blocked as Dan distracted her from the auction. "Maybe later, I just want to see this." Dan gave a light tug on her sleeve, saying "Lynx, perhaps you should come to the kitchen. You aren't going to like what you see." "What do you mean?" Miyu realized that Dan knew about the legalities of one certain auction item, and realized that it was going to be up next. "Come on. Let's just go..." Dan said until the auctioneer interrupted him. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen (mostly for the gentlemen). We have our special last minute auction item." Miyu, shocked, saw Anita Hurse lead to the stage bearing nothing but a collar and leash in a daze with nothing but oohs and ahhs from the audience. "She is a well maintained, well trained sexual servant, meant only to be ever loyal to her new master. The bidding starts at sp$2,000,000. Do I hear sp$2,000,000?" The crowd began to make demands as high as double the initial start in seconds. Miyu then started for the stage until Dan took a hold of her sleeve. "Lynx, what are you doing?" "I'm helping that girl, now let go," Miyu then easily pulled away until he got a hold of her again. "You can't! We could lose our jobs if we interfere with the bidding, or worse," Dan panicked. Miyu then stopped just for a moment to look at Dan after what he just said. "What do you mean 'or worse'?" Dan just stood frozen doing nothing but staring at the floor. "Matt. He was a good friend of mine," Dan said in soft but audible voice. "But he wasn't Matt, was he. Just like how you're not Lynx." The gavel slammed on the podium, with the auctioneer announcing, "Sooooooolllllddd to Mr. Randy Tadpole!" Miyu then took out her Auto-Pilot Duel Screen for her Interceptor and marked where to fly to. She then made her way to the stage before the winner could get there and once she reached Anita, she took out her blaster and waved it to the crowd. "Nobody move! You're all are going to be under the jurisdiction of the Lylat System Federation soon," The bodyguards that escorted Anita drew their blasters as well, but Miyu didn't keep hers out of the ready for one moment. "No one shoots, not one gets shot at!" Within a few moments, she saw her Arwing just below her from the window. Shooting the glass, she remotely opened up the cockpit and fell into it with Anita. As she escaped, a flurry of laser shots were shooting at her Arwing, not doing much damage to the shield in the least.

While in the van, mole was forced by Frederico to drive while he and the horse was left alone with Fay, who was rendered completely naked with her hands tied behind her back with pieces of her own uniform. The horse, with his cock hanging out, cradled her head next to it, rubbing it on her cheek to humiliate her. Frederico went on to observe her cunny, all moistened after a long time of him rubbing at her clit to make her ready. "Well, looks like this dirty bitch has had some experience in her life. Definitely not a virgin here." Frederico started pulling out his own length and shoved it into Fay's unsuspecting pussy. "Ah! Stop...get out...mmph," the horse then slid half his cock down her warm and watering mouth. She took a latching bite onto him, making him jump and wiggle out. Frederico promptly smacked her over the head, disorienting her. "Bitch, I'm going to make you regret that," the horse proceeded to push his dick all the way into her mouth, going down her throat and choking her. Fay thrashed around the best she could, though the mixture of getting hit in the head and the little air she had was weakening her. From the sky, Miyu and Anita were flying overhead, Anita shaking off the drugs she was given. Still confused, Anita slid her hand down Miyu's shirt and started massaging her breasts. "I'll be your loyal servant..." Anita said in a trance, believing she won her as an auction item. Pushing her away, Miyu told her, "I didn't win you. I'm here on behalf of the Cornerian Defense Force and Lylat...hey!" Without warning, Anita's free hand slid down her pants and started stroking her clit. "I can't pilot under these conditions!" Frederico and the horse continued spitroasting her, passing her back and forth between pistons. A throbbing on the horse's end was agitate her throat some more until... "I'm shooting hard, bitch. Get ready." And the load came gushing out. Fay could feel the horse's slomp trickling down her throat and she gagged as she pulled the appendage out, cough what she could out of her mouth.

Frederico was still pushing himself into her, not yet done with his pleasure. "Please, just let me go now!" Fay said in between gasps and coughs. Miyu had finally settled Anita down, who was getting more clearer after the drugs' effects were dissipating. Frustrated, Miyu said to herself, "Where is that white-furred, bow wearing bitch at? She should have gotten the signal from the ship by now." "White fur...bow," Anita spoke softly. " Van!" Miyu paid no attention to her; she was too busy getting out. When Anita found she didn't pay any mind to her, she tugged on her shirt and pointed out the window. After Miyu brushed her hand off her shirt, Anita directed her head out the window, warranting a response, "Hey, I'm trying to look at the sky..." "Collie...is in...the van," Anita dazedly said. Looking down, she saw a hover-van driving down a road, with the driving mole looking similarly like the guards from the party. Miyu dove down towards the van to see if Fay was taken by Frederico. After what seemed like forever, Fay felt Frederico shooting his load into her now, pasting her walls with all of his cum that dripped out from between them. She then just slumped down to the floor, waiting for it to be over. "Ugh...where are you, Miyu?" "You were one good fuck, bitch," Frederico insulted to her. A sudden fit of turbulence then shook their van, the mole getting control only slightly from it. "What was all that about?" and looking out the window, he saw Miyu's Arwing right behind them. "Boss, we have company," the mole informed the already informed Frederico. "I know that, dumbshit, now pass me some guns," and the mole passed the two a couple of guns; a gatling gun for the horse, and an energy shotgun to Frederico. Opening the backdoors, the two started shooting the Arwing, with little effect. Not wanting to risk killing Fay (no matter how much she'd rather) Miyu opened her cockpit door and first shot the horse dead. Before Frederico got a hit to Miyu, she shut the door for safety. Fay recovered herself, seeing the assault Frederico was giving to Miyu. She saw her about to open her hatch, but realized Frederico was faking her out by faking his reloading to lower her guard. Going after him, she took the gun and aim towards the mole, killing him instantly and causing the hover-van to lose control. Reacting fast, Fay grabbed Frederico and jumped out to Miyu's Arwing, safely landing into the opening cockpit.

Almost an hour later, Frederico was in the custody of Birnam City's police department. As Bill was approaching Frederico, he wound up and gave him a hard punch in the beak; the police did nothing. "Oh thank you, Miyu!" Fay screamed to her, hugging her hard enough to at least crack her back. Fay was wearing the extra flight suit she kept in her Arwing that she piloted remotely to their location; off the highway they were riding through previously. "Don't mention it, Fay," she told her in in some pain. "And I'm sorry about messing with you with the whole 'pedicuring the camel toe'." "Alright, Fay!" Miyu guided Anita, who was given Miyu's extra flight suit to wear by Miyu herself, towards Bill to report in. "Well, I'm proud of you two. Not only did you get hard evidence off of Frederico, you also gave DeGrippo a hard time now," Bill congratulated the two. "Was he also involved with this?" Miyu asked Bill. Shaking his head, he told her, "We have people looking through his computer right now. If he had anything, we'd have heard from them already," Bill let out a deep sigh knowing the digital evidence wouldn't surface. "Took him impossibly fast to clean out his entire computer like that." "What do you mean?" It made Miyu perplexed at how much he seemed to give up hope of finding any records on the computer. "In truth, we're only looking based on protocol. I know we won't find anything on human trafficking as part of the auction. However he's keeping records on this, which he has to for his benefit as well as ours, something is on there to make sure we find no evidence of it." Bill then patted her and Fay on the shoulder, though Fay was holding some kind of frustration it seemed. "Thank you guys, though, for your help. I appreciate it." "Well that was the worse date EVER!" Fay screamed at him. "Don't talk to me!" and she stormed off to her Arwing. "Fay?!" Bill complained to her as she left. Miyu stopped him for a moment to ask him one more thing. "Do you think Frederico will tell the police who is involved?" She knew that this could end easily with Frederico ratting out his accomplices. "I don't think so. Mobster usually never snitch out anyone their involved with. We could only hope we get something out of him." Bill then left to his ship as well to take Anita home. "Hey, Miyu...payment is coming by the end of next week if you're wondering." "Thanks," and Miyu then proceeded to leave for Corneria again, but first making a quick stop.

She arrived back to DeGrippo's to see how Dan and the others were. She saw Dan and a few others about to leave as they walked to her direction. "Oh, it's her..." one of the co-workers scolded. "Dan, how is every..." before Miyu could finish, Dan interrupted. "This is all your fault, Lynx. We've all been fired for what you pulled there." Dan continued to walk past her, keeping his distance from her who continued to follow him. "Why didn't you go to anyone about this? All those woman that were auctioned off to are dealing with hell now because you guys kept quiet!" Miyu changed from a sorrowful tone to an angry one, knowing that the workers knew about this all along and said nothing about it. "Lynx...whatever your name is," Dan turned back, wanting to retaliate. "I had to support my family, my own parents, with this job. I don't come from a nice planet like Zoness or Corneria. I live here!" Miyu kept quiet wanting to hear him out before she said anything to him. "I'm sorry about all those girls, I really am. But I had to do what I had to do." Dan then just left, not wanting to hear anything else Miyu had to say.

DeGrippo and Grizzly were in their communication rooms, waiting for Aliyah again while discussing the current situation with Frederico. DeGrippo was especially on edge, having just had his entire restaurant seized until further notice. He would be at a greater level of fury, too, had he not fired his entire staff. "He's going to snitch, isn't he?" DeGrippo said to Grizzly, who was dealing with his constant ramblings on the issue. "I know he'll snitch, and I'll be the first name he says." "Frederico is a don. He wouldn't snitch for all the money you've ever acquired," Grizzly calmly said to him. "Oh yeah, trust a criminal. That makes perfect sense. Just trust him with whatever and he won't snitch us out." DeGrippo wouldn't believe a word of Grizzly. Aliyah's screen finally showed the cheery jackal girl again. "Why don't you bail him out then," she suggested to him. "Bail? Bail?! I'm already hemorrhaging money from what happened," DeGrippo was losing it completely, being the only one at a panic. "Why not just change his record?" "Because it would seem suspicious that a mafia don was suddenly released from prison with his record wiped clean," Aliyah explained. "I hack computers, not brains." "So what do you plan on doing, Miss Aliyah?" Grizzly pondered about her plan, knowing she would have one. "He's still in your jurisdiction for another three months. I suggest you start working on some charities so you can equal out the bad press you'll receive for pardoning him." Aliyah then closed her picture and left the two to bicker amongst themselves now.

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Miyu and Fay: Duel Pilots

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