Sara's Story - Chapter 9 & 9p

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#9 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 2: Present

Chapter 9 - With one foot...

© 2003 Nameless

A sudden stinging pain on my cheek wakes me all to early. Before I can open my eyes, the rabbit slaps me again. When he sees that I am awake, he slaps me once more, for good measure, and commands " Get up! And clean yourself up, you're a mess." pointing at the washing bowl.

Groggily I stagger out of the warm bed. The air in the room is freezing cold, the water is nearly frozen. Shivering violently, I start washing the worst dirt and the blood out of my fur, while the rabbit watches me, still wrapped in the warm blanket and grinning widely, obviously enjoying my discomfort and the occasional grunt of pain as my paws encounter another particularly sore spot. My muzzle must have started turning blue when someone knocks on the door and calls " Get up!"

The rabbit calls back "I'm up!" then he turns to me, gives my face a cursory examination to make sure no blood is still showing, pinches my throbbing nipples and commands "Put on your smock and get down to your room!"

"Yes, Master!" I say numbly, pick up my smock and put it on. The rough cloth chafes painfully over my tenderized nipples. Ignoring the pain as well as I can, I leave the room and walk down to the slave's room. The rabbit's snickers follow me as I walk. My crotch and my thighs hurt as they rub each other with every step I take.

Back in the slave's room, I wash my face again, then I brush my fur.

"Hello, Sara! How are you?" Annie asks.

It takes me several seconds to react to her. "Hello Annie." My voice sounds hollow, even to me.

Her head snaps around and she stares at me " Oh, God! What happened to you?" she exclaims when she sees my bloodshot eyes and the way my body shivers. After a few seconds she asks "Jack, the rabbit had you? He used you for his 'special' entertainment?"

Numbly I nod.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Sarah!" she hugs me tight and kisses my cheek. She quickly releases me again when she hears my grunt of pain "He hurt you that badly?" When I nod again, she balls her paws, the frustration of not being able to do anything plain on her face.

I give her a wan smile "Thank you, Annie. I'll make it."

A few minutes later the door is opened and one of the guards escorts us to the kitchen.

I am glad that I have to work in the kitchen today. At least it is warm there and I am not so terribly cold any more. Still, my body hurts all over, especially my nipples and my crotch. Whenever I move, the rough cloth of my smock chafes my breasts painfully. And I am so tired, I have trouble concentrating on my work. My nose has started dripping and my throat hurts.

As the afternoon slowly progresses, I feel worse and worse. My head is woozy from the pain and lack of sleep, and I am starting to freeze, even though it is usually pleasantly warm in the kitchen. "I must have caught a really bad cold." I think as I pick up another potato and start to peel it.

Suddenly a lance of pain shoots through my left paw and I howl in pain. Looking down, I see blood gushing from the cut and suddenly the world starts spinning. When I open my eyes again, I find myself looking up at the Mistress and Trisha who holds my paw in a tight grip. There is blood on her paws and I realize that she is trying to hold the wound closed to keep it from bleeding further.

The Mistress asks "Are you ok, Sara?"

"Yes, Mistress. I am just a little woozy."

The Mistress calls "Karen! Get me some bandages!" They grab my paws and help me up and sit me down on a bench. For a few moments my head hurts so badly I cannot even breathe. But soon the pain fades to a dull ache. Karen returns a few moments later and Trisha cleans my bleeding paw and bandages it.

"Thank you, Mistress! Thank you, Trisha." I do my best to smile.

"What is the matter with you, Sara?" the Mistress asks.

"Uh, oh." I pray she will not ask me anything that will make the rabbit actually consider killing me "I did not get a lot of sleep last night, Mistress." I say "I had to entertain one of the guards."


"The rabbit, Mistress."

She considers me for several seconds, frowning a little. She turns away from me, then her head suddenly snaps back and she stares at my chest. Her eyes widen as she finally realizes what she has been seeing for some time now. The two discolored spots where my tortured nipples have chafed against the rough cloth of my smock all day long, oozing fluids. She commands "Get up and take off your smock!"

Unsteadily I rise to my feet and take off my smock. My muzzle starts heating up as she examines my breasts.

She murmurs " Oh, God!" then "What did he do to you? And why?"

I wonder what to tell her, I can't lie to her, but if I tell her everything, the rabbit or one of his friends will kill me "He was not satisfied with my performance, Mistress. So he punished me." I hang my head, so that I do not have to look in her eyes.

She considers this for a minute or so, then she calls "Karen!"

"Yes, Mistress!" answers the little hybrid femme.

"Fetch Henry. He is probably at the southern orchard."

"Yes, Mistress!" The little lynx and wolf hybrid answers and runs off.

The mistress fetches a blanket and paws it to me "Sara, make yourself comfortable. You don't have to do any more work today. And drink something."

"Thank you, Mistress." I fetch a mug of tea and wrap the blanket around me, careful not to let it touch my throbbing nipples and sit down, as close to the stove as I can.

My body hurts a lot, it feels so good to sit and rest. But my mind keeps worrying about what will happen to me now. "Will they punish the rabbit? Will he take revenge on me?"

I have nearly dozed off when Henry, the overseer enters the kitchen.

"Hello, Margaret. What is the matter?"

"Hello, Henry." She points at me "Sara."

"What is the problem with her?"

"Get up Sara and show him!" she commands.

"Yes, Mistress." I drop the blanket and stand up.

His eyes widen when he sees my wounds. Then he examines me closely, causing me to blush hotly. I can see the anger rise up in his eyes as he sees the welts that cover most of my torso and how I wince in pain whenever he touches me. "What happened to her?" he asks, angrily.

"Jack." the Mistress spits out the name like a curse.

"I see. I think it is time that I had another long talk with him. Take care of her, Margaret." With that he stalks out of the room.

I cringe at the thought of what that will mean for me, but there is nothing I can do. "The rabbit will surely try to have his revenge on me now!" At least the mistress and the overseer seem to want to protect me. I pray that they will manage to prevent the rabbit from hurting me any further.

The Mistress fetches some more bandages and a small pot of salve. She paws them to Trisha "Take care of her wounds."

"Yes, Mistress." Trisha spreads some of the paste on my nipples and bandages them. She also uses it on the worst other wounds. Soon I smell of herbs and the pain lessens a little bit. When she is finished, she sits me down and wraps me in the blanket. Then she brings me another mug of tea.

"Thank you, Trisha."

"Wake up." Annie shakes me lightly. "Dinnertime."

I look around, confused for a moment. "I must have drowsed off." I realize as Annie helps me up. Shivering a little, I pad over to the table and sit down.

Trisha sets a bowl of stew in front of me "Here you go, Sara."

"Thank you." But as I look at the food, my stomach protests a little and I find that I do not have any appetite "But I don't want anything."

"Sara!" The Mistress says from behind me "Eat!"

"Yes, Mistress." I say, resigned and pick up my spoon.

I don't feel good at all by the time I have finished my food. I am glad when Annie and Trisha help me walk back to the slave's room. I quickly take care of my evening business and climb into bed, shivering violently.

I wake up briefly when Annie joins me in the bed, but I fall asleep again a few moments later.

# # #

When I wake up again, it is still the middle of the night. I'm freezing, I shiver so badly, my teeth clatter. And my head throbs. Suddenly my body is wracked by a horrible coughing fit. Curling into a tight ball, I fight to breathe, tears streaming down my muzzle.

Suddenly gentle arms encircle me and hold me. When the coughing fit passes, Annie asks "Are you ok, Sara?"

"I'm freezing. And my head hurts." I manage to answer between sobs.

After a few moments she turns around and puts a paw on my brow and exclaims "Oh, God! You are burning!" She gets up and fetches one of the other femmes. Trisha gets up as well and they put another blanket on top of me, then they both climb into the bed, taking me into their midst to keep me warm. They make me drink a little tea. It soothes my throat a little. The extra blanket and the second warm body help keep me warm. I don't shiver quite as badly and manage to sleep a little.

When the guards wake us up, Annie jumps out of bed and begs "Master! Sara is very ill! Please let me tell the Mistress."

After a few seconds the guard says "Ok, go."

They come back a few minutes later. The Mistress puts her paw on my brow and frowns "This is not good. Who took care of her?"

Annie and Trisha answer "We, Mistress."

"Stay with her and keep her warm. I'll prepare a room for her." Then she turns around and leaves again.

Annie helps me drink a little lukewarm tea, then they both climb into the bed again, to keep me warm as well as they can. After a few minutes I drift back into an uneasy sleep.

Some time later Annie wakes me up. "Get up, we have to go."

I try to sit up, but I am too weak. Whimpering in pain, I fall back into the bed, my head hurts so badly.

Annie and Trisha grab my arms and pull me up. They carry me more than lead me into the greathouse and into a small room. A merry fire burns in the fireplace. They put me back into bed. Annie stays with me and feeds me a few spoons of a horrible tasting medicine, then she makes me drink some tea.

I don't remember much of the next few days. I sleep a lot. And when I am awake, I am at least partially delirious and horribly weak. The only thing I can remember with any clarity are the horrible coughing fits that wrack my body every now and then. One of the slave femmes is with me all the time, Annie or Trisha, sometimes Nahi the muskrat. They make me drink medicine or tea and fed me a little dry bread. They even have to help me use the chamber pot, I am so weak.

After several days my fever finally breaks, but I am so weak I am allowed to stay in bed for another week.

A few days later, when I nearly have my strength back, I realize that I will have to start working again soon.

The mistress enters the room. She has come once or twice a day to check on me for the whole time I was ill. She examines me, then she says "Tomorrow, you will start doing some work again. But don't worry, until I am sure that you are completely well again, you will only work in the kitchen."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. I can't tell you how grateful I am."

"You are welcome. But what do you thank me for?"

I look at her in surprise "For all of this. For healing me. For caring for me, for a slave." I shiver "Some of my previous masters would have only asked whether they should just dump me in a shallow grave or if they should bother to cut my throat first, had I fallen ill that badly."

She looks disgusted for a moment, then she puts a comforting paw on my shoulder. "That's no way to treat anyone. I won't treat any fur like that, not even a slave. You don't have to worry about something like this here, Sara."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Then she gets a thoughtful look and considers me for some time, then she asks the question I have been dreading for some time "So, what did Jack do to you, that night?"

I don't know what to say to her, I look at her with fear in my eyes.

When I don't answer, she asks "You don't want to talk about it?"

Unable to speak, I shake my head.

She considers me for several moments, her features harden, then she gets up and leaves the room. I breathe a silent sigh of relief.

But she returns only a minute later and sits down on the chair again. She looks at me, then she points at the floor in front of her and commands " Kneel!"

For several moments, I am too shocked to do anything, then I jump out of bed and obey. "Yes, Mistress!" I say, looking at the floor between my legs.

My eyes widen when I see the butcher's knife in her paw. She puts the tip under my chin and lifts my head until I have to look her in the eyes. "Look at me!" She commands "You will tell me about it. Everything."

Her eyes make it clear that she means every word. My throat is suddenly dry and my heart beats a mile a minute "Yes, Mistress." I look at her with pleading eyes "It's just ... the rabbit said that he will kill me if I tell anyone about it."

She considers me for a few moments, then she presses the knife lightly against my throat "Sara. You will tell me about it. And if you hide anything from me or lie to me ... Do I make myself clear?"

I swallow and barely manage to say "Yes, Mistress." as I feel blood trickle down my throat.

"I won't allow him to kill you. So tell me."

"Yes, Mistress." I have no choice now. Shivering with fear, I start talking, telling her everything I can remember about that night and what the rabbit and his friends did to me. Sobbing, tears streaming down my face, I manage to make it through the tale.

When I am finished, she considers me for some time. Her eyes are damp and she looks angry. "I see. Get back in bed, girl." With that she leaves the room.

Numbly, I climb back into the bed and bury my face in the pillow and weep for some time, until I finally fall asleep, utterly exhausted by the ordeal.

The next day a knock on the door wakes me up early "Get up, girl!"

"Yes, Mistress!" I call back and get out of bed. I take care of my business, wash my face and brush my fur. Then I put on my smock. The wounds on my body have mostly healed, and the few that remain hardly hurt any more. When I enter the kitchen, the other female slaves are already there, working or eating their breakfast. I pad up to the mistress "Good morning, Mistress."

"Hello, Sara. Have breakfast."

"Thank you, Mistress." I grab a mug of tea and some food and sit down next to Annie.

"Hello, Sara. It's nice to see you back on your feet."

I give her a quick hug "Hello. Thank you so much for you help, Annie."

We chat a little as we finish our breakfast.

The next few days are rather pleasant. I spend most of the day working in the kitchen. I still tire easily, but each day I am a little stronger. The guards are not allowed to have their fun with me and I get to sleep at nights. I find out that the rabbit guard was not allowed to have any slave entertain him for two weeks. I am also relieved to learn that he has been forbidden to ever use me again. But the few times I see him, he looks at me with anger in his eyes. I fear that he is planning something to hurt me.

# # #


I quickly pad to her and bow my head "Yes, Mistress."

"I think you have had enough time to heal up." She waits a few moments to let this sink in "After dinner, make yourself presentable and then go to Henry's room."

"Well, it was too good to last." Since there is nothing I can do, I answer "Yes, Mistress."

"Back to work, then."

"Yes, Mistress." I turn around and go back to cutting up vegetables for dinner.

I clean my dishes and put them in the cupboard, then I pad up to the mistress "I am finished, Mistress. Should I go now?"

"Yes, don't forget to make yourself presentable."

"I won't, Mistress. Good night." I turn and walk out of the kitchen.

As I brush my fur, I remember the last time. That night had been one of the nicest I had, at least among those that I was not allowed to spend alone. "Unless he wants me again tomorrow, I will have to spend the night with one of the guards." As I think about that, a cold runs down my spine and I shiver "Please let the rabbit or one of his friends not take revenge against me." I pray. I don't even know who his friends are, they could be any one of the guards.

I quickly brush my headfur, then I put the brush back and step out of the bathroom.

I take a deep breath to calm myself a little, carefully put a smile on my face and knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Sara, Master. You asked to see me."

"Come in."

I enter the room, close the door behind me and lower my head "Hello, Master."

He sits at the table, paper and writing implements before him "Hello, Sara." He points at the bed "Make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you, Master." I climb into his bed and lie down, watching him.

After a few minutes he is finished and puts the papers in the drawer. Then he sits down at the foot of the bed and turns to me, appraising my body. He smiles, obviously pleased with what he sees, then he points and commands "Kneel."

I quickly scramble into the requested position. Not quite sure if he wants this as well, I lift the hem of my smock an inch and give him a questioning look.

He considers me and says "As you like."

" What now?" I think "Is he really offering me a choice? Or does he want me to pretend that I like this?" But after a few moments I decide to go with the safe option and take my smock off.

He considers me for some time, obviously enjoying himself and commands "Close your eyes, don't move and be silent."

I bow my head and obey his command.

I can hear him get up, then he walks across the room and rummages around in a drawer. A few moments later he sits down on the bed again, close to me. Then he puts one of his paws on my knee, slides it up my thigh, then further up my body. One of his fingers briefly touches my nether lips, then he rubs my belly. Moving his paw further up, he cups one of my breasts and I can feel my body react to his touch. My nipples must be showing through the fur by now and my muzzle starts heating up. Suddenly he pokes his other paw into my muzzle gently but firmly forcing my jaws apart. He deposits something in my mouth and withdraws his fingers. "A hazelnut!" I realize and start chewing it, enjoying the taste.

He keeps doing this for some time, fondling my body and feeding me tasty morsels (nuts and the occasional piece of dried fruit) every now and then. If it wasn't so humiliating, the whole thing would be rather pleasant. Soon I am panting hard and my slit is getting wet. My whole body is hot now and I can feel the pounding of my heart in my ears and in m groin. I am almost disappointed when he stops feeding me and says "That's all for today, lovely.". He smacks his lips "Hmmm, you taste really good." My facial fur fluffs out even further and I can feel his eyes on me as he sits silently for some time, then he puts his paws on my knees and commands "Lay back."

I obey. A few moments later a shiver runs through my body when his nose touches me, then his tongue begins exploring me. I do my best to suppress my moans but soon my body shivers in pleasure and I can't concentrate enough to remain silent. I barely manage not to scream when my master's tongue pushed me over the edge.

When I have calmed down again a bit, my master asks "Did I not tell you to remain silent?" There is not really anything I can answer to that, besides he has not given me permission to speak, so I remain silent. His head still rests on my thigh and I can feel his hot breath. "Hmmm, I think I'll have to punish you." He does not really sound angry, but a cold shiver runs down my spine.

After some time he gets up and commands "Kneel." I struggle into a kneeling position and turn around and lie down on my muzzle when he commands it, presenting my backside to him.

He fondles my ass then I can hear him rummage around in a drawer. Then he touches a cane (or something like that) to my backside and caresses my ass and my cunt with it. I shiver and brace myself against the pain as well as I can.

"You may scream and beg for mercy, slave." He says and lightly slaps my ass several times.

I am still waiting for him to really start when he says "That's it. Next time obey my commands, slave."

I expel the breath I did not realize I had been holding "I will, Master. Thank you, Master." I am greatly relieved when I realize that he wanted more to tease me than to really punish me. I keep my position for a few minutes while he moves around the room, putting away his things and blowing out the candles.

Then he climbs into bed with me and says "You may open your eye and speak, Sarah. And now get me nice and hard, so that we can have a little more fun." I obey his command. It only takes a few licks, then he pushes me on my back and has his fun with me. He is gentle with me and falls asleep moments after he shoots his seed into me. It takes me a little longer, but soon exhaustion claims me as well.

End of Chapter 9

Sara's Story

Act 2: Present

Chapter 9p - Perspective: Jack

© 2003 Nameless

" Damn you! Stupid squirrel brat!"

"Damn you worthless slave! You are such a pathetic weakling! We have a little fun together and you have to fall ill. And my stupid boss Henry blames me! All because you were too weak to stand a little pain!"

I snarl in anger and slam my fist into the table, nearly toppling the mug of ale. "And they blame me! Two weeks without being allowed to use any slave! I had to ... use my own paw!" " Yuck!" "And I had to guard the males all the time. At least I taught them to be properly respectful." I smile a little at the memory, but it cannot compensate for the indignity I had to suffer. Still have to suffer.

"And the other guards make fun of me! Because I have been grounded. Not allowed to touch any femme for two weeks. And I'm not allowed to touch that you ever again. All because you're so weak and pathetic! _" I slam my fist into the table in anger and frustration. "_But I'll show you! What do they care for you? You weren't even expensive. You're just a cheap slut. Why does my boss care for such a worthless slave?"

"But I'll show her. I'll show them all." I look over the tools I have spread on the table, ready for today's amusement. As I give them a last check and start putting them into the bag, a smile comes to my lips.

"Ropes? Check."

"Knives? Check."

"Ring gag?" I test the outer rim carefully and smile "Check."

"That other ring?" Grinning now, I consider it "You'll love that one, my little squirrel. Check."

"Wire? Check."

"The sickle?" I test the edge. It is not keen enough for my tastes, so I pick up the whetstone.

I smile as the lovely grinding noises fill my ear. "We'll have a lot of fun tonight, squirrel brat. And then I'll show them all."

"His Lordship is away today. Well, if the wolf's away, the rabbits can play." I laugh at the cleverness of my little joke. "And my gullible 'friends' will even help me. And take the fall when they find her. When they find what else happened tonight."

I wonder if I should kill her or not. On one paw it would be very satisfying to kill her, to see her choking out her life, to hear her last tortured breath. On the other paw, ... leaving her scarred and crippled ... the thought of her waking up screaming and shivering whenever she thinks of me. "We'll have to see. I think I'll just have fun with you and let nature decide."

I smile as I touch the key in my pocket. A replica of the key to the strongbox. "Thank you for that trick with the wax, Tom." I think, fondly remembering my sometime associate. "We worked so well together. But you never could share fairly. Such a pity!" I turn my thoughts back to the things I have to do today "They even gave me the late shift at the manor. The horse is ready, I have packed everything I'm going to need."

I test the edge again and put the sickle in the sack, satisfied now "We'll have so much fun together. And then I'll be long gone by the time they even start looking for me. Or for you. Too bad I can't stay to see the face of my future former boss Henry when they find you."

I laugh silently as I close the sack, my preparations are almost complete now. "Those fools won't know what hit them."

"Tomorrow you'll roast in hell, my stupid little squirrel. And if not ... if you are strong enough to survive ... you'll wish you did."

There is a knock on the door " Jack! Time for our patrol."

"Coming, Karl."

End of Perspective: Jack