Ocean Depths part 27

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#27 of Ocean Depths

Ocean Depths part 27 By Roofles

The machines chimed rythmically, a soft drone in the otherwise dark quiet room. The soft peeping of the IV and heart monitor. The wizzing breaths as it supplied a constant stream of fresh air through the plugs in his nose. No sound but these could be, except the loud grumbling snore of the otter laying against the bed. Probbed up in a chair, Carlson had kicked off his sandals, zipped down his fly, tossed his jacket to the floor and had scooted over next to the bed enough for his paws to be up on the nighstand his head and shoulder back against the bed. His muzzle rested off to the side, slightly drooling as his whiskers brushed his loves cheek. The big rudder like tail was tossed over the arm of the chair and was dangling below. The soft white shirt he had on was pulled up nearly to his chest, the otter changing his mind about stripping in the public room. And the sheets partially covering him would lead one to believe the otter had, at some point, tried several times to sleep directly next to his lover. Flowers hung off hooks, rested on various surfaces, petals litered the floor several having been stomped on through the day (a few still stuck to the otters hind paws), and gifts cards from different sizes and shapes were mixed among them. Pink cards stuck out of the hanging basket, while ontop of a few (opened) boxes of chocolates was several Lavender ones. A large blue card had fallen to the floor, the music it used to sing having been long sense 'stomped' out. Several pairs of shoes had been piled up, a suitcase as well as several personal belongings one of which being an otter plush holding a heart, had been stacked crudely in the corner. It would appear that someone was moving in rather than just occupying a room. Carlson had taken the liberty of dolling up the room as much as possible. Photo's of him, Lucas and Justin hung from nails he had hammered; two throw rugs were on either side of the bed and the bed had a large maroon blanket as well as twin pillows. Reduced to tears over the whole situation Carlson became a real homebody afterwards. Cosying up next to him every day after and before work driving most of the staff at Good Health Hospital insane with his constant interruptions. He tried argueing his way, red faced hackles raised into being able to stay past visiting hours and only caved in when the police were threatened to be called. Even so he remained after closing time. The arguement over the two's relationship only seemed to get under his fur. They weren't married and he didn't have rights to his health or well being. The closet of kin to Lucas was called but nothing seemed to come of it. If he wasn't a fur or if Lucas was this whole situation would be changed Carlson just knew it, or wanted to believe it. If the man next to him was covered in fur or if he was 'shaved' they wouldn't have gotten all knotted up over it. The fact they were male was bad enough for this religious facility, but to have a cross-species relationship was deplorable. An unspoken taboo of society that no one dared speak openly about. Only in hushed whispers behind their backs. The last mayor retired shortly after the world knew about his 'hair balls,' a slang for dating a male cat. The pug had given a quick speach and even before he had finished was booed off stage and seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth sense. Those at Good Health Hospital weren't much different and if they hadn't taken an oath to only do good they would've tossed the two out on their rear. His mate was in the hospital and they were pouring salt into his still fresh wound. Reason had almost been masked over by anger and if it didn't mean that he wouldn't be able to see Lucas while he was here the otter feared of what he would've done. Gripping his arm, digging his claws into it he managed to hold his peace about the situation. Even so he still pressed about it, trying to compromise and work something out. In the end the otter was reduced to sobbing and clinging to the nurses legs pleading for a few extra minutes with him. In the end he managed to get away with staying overnight after a Zebra had walked by. The physician was a well known mare and had reasoned that if she was in the same shoes as him wouldn't she want to be able to bend the rules, if only a little bit. The nurse flatly refused but the Zebra stood her ground and in the end the nurse couldn't match her will in the end and caved in. "You can stay another ten minutes." And Carlson hadn't left sense. He grumbled, scratching his exposed belly. Tossing his tail off the arm rest, turning on his side trying to get comfortable. Grumbling at the position he was in he turned again trying to find that spot where he would be able to at least get some z's in. However the otter turned again, blinking a few times realizing he had turned full circle still unable to find a comfortable spot. A flush took his cheeks and he looked around glad to see no one had caught his antics in actions. Pushing the chair a little bit away from the bed he got up, lowering the side rail of the bed. His paw brushed his loves face. His thumb tracing the stitches on his cheek as he looked at the bruised mark on his chin. Broken ankle, cracked rips and a few nasty gashes. They had gotten off lucky the doctor had said but the otter didn't see it that way. The bone in his ankle had nearly been crushed and he wouldn't be able to walk directly on it for the rest of his life. Carlson wouldn't mind being his crutch but he knew Lucas would have a problem with it. That he wouldn't be able to run or do the physical things he had always wanted to. He also knew that Lucas would never tell him how much the loss would effect him. How heart broken he would be over it. Carlson touched the cast over his leg. Several people had left their own signatures on it. Axel had left several large paw prints over it erasing several other names in the process. The doberman seemed like that was his goal in the beginning though, never caring much for Lucas's hume friends. Carlson and Justin had added their own designs of seashells along the sides of it and Anders had done several cat faces on the heel. Burke had taken an hour to do his own name in perfect print, tracing his paw afterwards over it. A thing that seemed to be common. Ones own mark ended up being the trace of a paw. While a hume's hand were all roughly all the same a fur's differed greatly from one species to another. And each one prided themselves over it. From graffiti to ones personal signature. However, Carlson thought tracing his leg, some of them had gotten carried away and had started writing on his upper leg. And when that ran out of room they moved to his other leg. Carlson contributed as much as any other playing tick tack toe on his his foot. He eventually had to shoe the rest away making sure that his 'paws' belonged only to him, signing his name on his heel as a child would on his favorite toy. The otter climbed into the bed slowly, gentle moving him over a bit in the process. A groan came from beside him and he froze. "Owen, what are you doing?" Lucas grumbled placing a hand over his face. This had been the fourth night already that the otter had tried to get in bed with him. He wasn't sure if he had tried it while he was still unconscious or when he was hopped up on happy pills but either way he had clearly told him it was going to happen. The otter had a paw over him helping him balance as he tried to lug his bulky frame up onto the small bed. Carlson sheepishly looking to the side trying to act innocent over the whole thing. "Was just fixing the sheets," he said his words mouthing the first thing that came to mind. "Love," Lucas dragged his hand down his face and looked at him. "This is why you always lose poker night." A smile crossed his face as he saw that otter. Like a needy puppy dog that wanted nothing more than to cuddle with its owner. Carlson was a very large pup at that though. His ears were splayed with rigid whiskers as if his paw was caught in the cookie jar. His shoulders were stiff and he was sucking in his gut. And he still had one leg up in the air, the tip of his tail lifted as well. Even being caught in the act the otter clearly wanted to climb in bed with him. He was indeed a very needy man. Lucas mumbled something under his breath as he scooted over to the very edge of the bed pressing aganst the rail. Making sure that most of the cords were out of the way the otter wormed his way into the bed. Moving the covers to the side he scooted in closer behind him, his groin firmly pressed against his rump. Wrapping a paw around his front Carlson guided hsi mate back against him to rest against his long furred body. A long breath escaped him as that body pressed against him, feeling that familiar warmth and weight against him once more. A soft chirp left his lips as his eyes closed and he nuzzled his loves neck and chest with his snout. Craving this feeling, this moment once more unable to fully sleep without it. A paw dipped lower, slidding into the opening of the hospital gown and brushed Lucas's groin making him shudder a bit. Words formed on his tongue a possible protest but the strong snout that pressed against his throat silenced him. Lips parted and a slimey warm tongue licked his flesh along the exposed throat. Strong velvet lips pressed against it the next second, teeth sliding from that muzzle to bite playfully against it and a rumbled murr vibrating through that snout as the otter murred happily. The otter pushed closer, wrapping his arm the rest of the way around him and hugging him protectively. Another breath escaped him as his snout dipped bumping against his chest. That tongue sneaking out to take a taste of it. A small harmless, tender lap. That paw below gripped his thigh in those strong webbed paws and a low rumbled escaped the otter as he humped lightly forward. "Don't even think of it," Lucas warned but the otter didn't reply. He rocked the bed side to side, sliding a bit more under him so Lucas was laying against him and not the bed. Carlson dipped his muzzle a bit more, nuzzling his side. Pulling bakc he took a large lick of his armpit making Lucas tensed at the feel. The tongue slurping against his skin, pulling it roughly with it. The otter smacked his lips and nosed back down more makin Lucas shift himself as the otter snout poked his belly. Again there was that tongue. Dipping his tongue into his belly button and nosing his happy trail letting out a warm breath. The otter was always flexible but he always ended up making Lucas jealous. Wrapping an arm around that furred, warm body next to him he gave him a hug trying to keep the otter above waistline. The otter inclined only a bit keeping his snout against his chest. His neck resting on his shoulder as the otter's head hung off it. Paws fidgeted and worked below and before Lucas could get what he was doing the rough fabric of his pants disappeared and he felt the warm fur and flesh of his man pressed against him. That half filled sheath pressing between his cheeks as those warm fuzzy orbs supplied a good cushion for his own. The otter slowly grinding his hips forward making Lucas tense against him. Again the words of protest caught in his throat as another warm paw wrapped around his stiffening member. The soft pads, webbed digits Knew what they were doing. Just enough for his flaccid member to fill his paw. The otter cupped him but didn't go any further, every few seconds giving him a stroke, a squeeze or rubbing his head all of which making Lucas squirm in his grip. Carlson pulled back enough, pulling back his sheath and letting his member breath fresh again. He wiggiled down a bit before sealing their hips together once more. Letting go of Lucas long enough to coax his own member into a semi hard state. Taking both himself and his lover in paw he rubbed the two together, humping forward with an otter chirp. Lucas breath caught him his throat as the strong muscle squeeze with his own. The feel of the otter paws was enough but his own next to his was something else. The otter rolled onto his back slowly pulling Lucas with him. He unwrapped one of the cords and made sure they didn't get tangled or get in the way before continueing. He humped softly agaisnt him, sliding his own member further into his webbed paw before giving both of them a nice stroking squeeze. Pulling back in his own paw before humping into it and in turn making Lucas hump forward. Curving his back a bit more he placed his other paw there. Trailing a blunt claw down Lucas's side and letting the cold nail press against his hot member. Lucas found his voice lost on him as he huffed and panted beginning to match the otter's lustful humps. He winced as the otter gave a rather forceful hump but the action wasn't lost on Carlson and the next few eased up. His side hurt still and even moving his leg sent a soft dull pain through him. All was lost over the pleasure beginning to build up inside. It had been a while sense the last two had been together and even in these settings it wasn't lost on him how much this meant for the two. His tempo increased and the strokes grew longer, the squeeze didn't lessen and turning on his side Carlson began a endless supply of humping thrusts that shook the bed. The otter gritted his teeth holding back the groans inside but the rumbling murr still escaped him. And arching his back and rolling his head back a low groan escaped him as the warm rushing stream began to pour over him and his lover from his quivering, pulsing member. Blunt claws tightened at the release, the warm sticking jizz oozing between those webbed fingers and Carlson kept stroking even after the painful pleasure it must be causing him as he continued to stroke his love at his own expense. Using his own released to slicken up Lucas members, his own becoming limp in his grip. Lucas closed his eyes letting out a final breath before clenching his teeth and voicelessly crying out as that paw gripped his base giving it that one last needed tug and with it his own released was mixed in with his loves. Soaking the sheets around them, staining them with their love. Lucas breathed a few times, the dull ache of his leg and side slowly returning to him as the pleasurable euphoria was slowly sapped away. Breathing once more he touched his side where the ache originated. The sticky goo covering his fingers tips making him chuckle softly. He would not want to be the one changing these sheets. Carlson was indeed all about quantity. The otter grumbled wrapping an arm around him again and rolled onto his side. Nuzzlign the back of his neck the otter grumbled a bit licking at any exposed flesh his tongue could get at. "Was this really neccissary?" Lucas laughed softly. Thinking of it though he was glad it happened, even if it was just the aftermath of the release talking. He was glad he had a man that would still even want to be with him like this in the state he was in. The otter left his neck alone resting back against the pillow. "Days," he muttered sickened by the thought. "It had been days sense we've..." his voice caught in his throat as if it was just to painful for him. He shook his head holding back the tears. It was too much even to talk about. Lucas rolled his eyes leaning back against the otter. It felt nice, like this. Being next to him once more in a bed together, covered in his otter juices. "I don't know what I would have done." "You would've opened one of the toys I bought you like four months ago." Lucas shook his head. "I bought them for you so you wouldn't use me up." "Not that." The otter muttered bringing a paw up to scratch his chest. His fingers were coated in sticky all natural lube. "If I had lost you, I don't know what I would have done." Lucas let the moment sit wanting to just laugh and wave it off saying it was nothing. But the idea of being unable to see him again had come to mind. It was always there, floating in the back of his thoughts with his doubts and fears. To be unable to be able to stay with this otter, to lose this otter... "But you didn't." Lucas stated. "I'm still here and now. All sticky and fresh, heh." Carlson rested the top of his muzzle on his head. "I was a mess over this. If something worst happened-," "Love," Lucas cut in. The sound of his voice silencing the otter. Lucas turned a bit to look at him, brushng a hand across his muzzle to his cheek and looking him in those ocean blues. "I'm not going anywhere, your stuck with me. I promise." Carlson's ears twitched, his eyes softened and a big grin crossed his face. "Once this dries your going to be."