Story by ulyferal on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: The Inevitable

After a short night of restless sleep, a still shaken Commander Feral attempted to push aside last night's ill-advised rendevous. He was partly successful with meetings, project reports and interruptions for most of the day. He worked late, unwilling to go home where he would be alone with only his thoughts as company. Snarling at himself for allowing himself to be so disturbed, he locked his office and headed for the Enforcer gym where he threw himself into a grueling three hour workout. Thoroughly fatigued, Feral dragged himself home, ignoring food and dropping bonelessly to bed.

Razor's day was a little better if only due to the fact he didn't feel guilty about the past evening's activities. Used to getting by on little sleep, Razor as Jake was up early and already tackling the cars waiting repair in their shop. Chance followed more slowly since an early bird he wasn't.

"Ugh! There should be a law against guys who can be chipper and wide awake with practically no sleep. I heard you come in. Crud, Jake she must have been a great piece of tail. You're not normally out so late." Chance grumbled as he joined Jake in the garage.

"As a matter of fact she was. Might see her again sometime. That enforcer rig needs a tuneup, buddy. Think you can be awake enough to get it done before ten?" Jake said in good humor.

"Ha, Ha! Very funny Jake. Who is this she-kat? Have I met her?" Chance asked as he got the tools he needed for the job.

"No, you don't know her and stop being nosy." Jake growled good-naturedly. Chance snorted but let the subject drop. They were very busy for most of the day, barely stopping for a bite of lunch. When the cars were done and the shop closed, Jake insisted they do some work on the Turbokat which took them well past dinner time. Sighing tirededly but pleased they had gotten a lot done and hadn't been called out, the pair settled down to a late supper and some TV before heading to bed.

The next few weeks were mundane for Feral and Razor. No villains decided to make an appearance allowing a much needed break for the Swat Kats and accomplishing personnel reviews for Feral, his least favorite job but one that needed to get done.

Feral was able to ignore his needs for a couple of weeks before boredom set in. He sought out his usual hangouts but the partners he used left him dissatisfied. A sensation he'd never experienced before. He could perform, that was never a problem. He never had difficulties getting a trick, all modesty aside, he was very much sought after. He was usually able to satisfy any of his needs early and go home comfortably sated.

Now, however, no matter the quality of his choice for the night, he came away pleasing his temporary sex partner but never himself. He remained stiff and unsatisfied. In the privacy of his apartment he cursed and railed against that miserable Swat Kat. He refused to give in and did his best to ignore his growing discomfort. Others around him began to notice the Commander's increasingly prickly temper. Small things tended to trip a fit of anger. Felina was becoming concerned but didn't know how to approach her uncle on something so personal. She knew it had to do with his private life because there was nothing going on at work to account for his tight jawed behavior.

Five weeks after his one night stand with Razor, Feral finally conceded defeat. He was furious and sexually frustrated when he signaled a meet with the Swat Kat. Late that night, he parked his hummer a block away out of sight and walked quickly to Razor's hideaway. The lock was off so he knew Razor was already waiting for him. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. On the mattress the smaller tom was stripped except for his mask and boxers. He was sitting with his knees to his chest and his head resting on them. He watched Feral enter without a word and waited for the bigger Kat to undress.

Taking everything but his boxers off as well, Feral aggressively approached Razor. The Swat Kat tensed, he had already sensed Feral's fury as it rolled off the enforcer in waves. Sex was obviously not going to be the first thing on the agenda tonight. Seconds later, he was proved right as Feral suddenly lunged at him. They were soon brawling like two alley cats. Though smaller than his bigger opponent, Razor had trained himself to be swifter and more deadly when battling Kats larger than himself. Feral found himself nearly evenly matched with only some of his size and strength giving him an occasional advantage.

They pounded each other for a solid thirty minutes until Feral's anger finally dissipated. He stood away from Razor and heaved for breath. They studied each other warily. Each sported the beginning of black eyes, split lips, but amazingly enough, no broken noses and a multitude of bruises.

"You okay?" Razor asked cautiously as he wiped the blood off his face.

"I'm not sure I'll ever be 'okay'." Feral growled licking the blood off his lip. "I tried everything to supplant how you make me feel and nothing and no one worked."

"Sorry. But I did warn you and just so you don't feel its one sided, I also couldn't find satisfaction with anyone else either." Razor sighed and went to sit on the mattress. "Come on, sit down." He patted beside him then reached into the cooler and withdrew two bottles of water and handed one to Feral as he sat down. They sat quietly drinking their water, listening to the silence.

Razor placed his water on the floor and reached for Feral. Despite the water, there was a hint of the coppery flavor of blood on Feral's still oozing lip as Razor flicked his tongue to taste him. Feral shivered and blindly set his water down so he could wrap his arms around Razor's body, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss tasting blood in return

Moaning and caressing each other, they fell over onto their sides. Giving up any pretense that he didn't want to be there, Feral pushed Razor onto his back and began kissing the smaller tom's throat, moving down to suck and nibble each nipple on his trip down the well-defined chest to the jutting cock waiting his attentions. He bypassed it for the moment and concentrated on the tom's other parts bathing the area making Razor writhe and moan. When the Swat Kat's cock began to weep fluids, Feral licked it like an ice cream cone before finally swallowing it down to the root. Razor cried out his name and bucked his hips nearly gagging Feral. He immediately pinned the bouncing hips and continued to suck hard and fast. In no time Razor came screaming. Pleased at his success in driving Razor crazy, he moved up to the smaller Kat's face and gave him a deep kiss. Two more hours passed as they satisfied each other's needs. They parted totally sated with the full knowledge there would be many more trysts to come.

The next morning, Felina found a cheerful Commander rapidly going through the evenings' reports. Something good had happened she was sure. She really wished he would tell her what was going on. Felina had the feeling he had found a lover but she didn't understand why he was being so secretive about it except perhaps to protect the Kat from Feral's enemies. This seemed like a reasonable explanation to her so decided to let it go and be grateful for her uncle's more amendable mood.

For the next few months, the Swat Kat and the Commander met erratically, setting no pattern anyone could follow. To their amazement the attraction never faded, only increased in its intensity over time. They avoided any show of familiarity when thrown together during battles to protect the city. For a while they succeeded in keeping the trysts sexually motivated and not allowing emotions to enter into it. But the longer they were intimate the more emotions began to intrude into the purely sexual contact.

Trouble was headed their way as their emotions became tangled and entwined. Flashes of lovers' quarrels began to spring up but only in their hideaway. Tensions rose as they grew too close and cared too much for each other. The pressure to keep it secret began to crack as their emotional involvement began to interfere with their abilities to do their jobs without being worried about the others welfare. A year after their trysts began, the secret unraveled.

Chapter 3: Disaster Strikes

"What did you think you were doing? You nearly got killed, again!! It's almost like you have a death wish with the way you always throw your choppers into the middle of a firefight and lose it every time." Razor was in full rant as the fear still raced through him from the battle hours past.

"It's my job!" Feral shouted. "I don't see you holding back."

"The Turbokat can handle most everything thrown at it. A chopper can't." Razor snarled furiously. "Dammit! You scared the hell out of me when your rotor was shot off and you plummeted to the street. I couldn't have T-Bone take the jet down for you because we were still engaging Turmoil's fighters. I was sick with relief when I saw you were alright." Turning away, his shoulders shaking with the memory of the chopper falling out of the sky and no sign of Feral bailing out.

The anger drained out of Feral as he moved to hug Razor from behind nuzzling his neck comfortingly. "I'm sorry I frightened you. I've survived so many near misses I've lost count. You need to stop worrying about me so much. It could get us both killed." He said softly.

"I will if you will!" Razor retorted. "I can't just turn off my emotions, Ulysses. I'm sorry I'm just not designed that way." He sighed and turned around in the arms holding him and nuzzled the face he had begun to care too much about. "Besides you worry about me too."

Sighing Feral didn't respond verbally. This was an argument that was happening too often with no solution in sight. It always ended with them making intense and frantic love to wipe away the terror of near loss. How long they could keep this up was anyone's guess.

A month later...

"Crud! Where did the Turbokat go?" He demanded feeling frantic and trying desperately not to show it.

"It was swallowed by a Pastmaster Vortex a little while ago, sir!" An on-scene Enforcer officer reported.

He felt his heart nearly stop. 'They'll be back. They always manage to find their way back, stop worrying and deal with the mess here' He sternly ordered himself.

"Alright, I want everything we got to keep Pastmaster too occupied to use that watch of his to alter the city. Anyone know where Ms Briggs is? That little gnome will make a grab for her. He always does."

"I'm with her Uncle." Felina's voice from the radio he held barked out. "I could use a little help here on the clock tower though. I may not be able to hold him off much longer."

"I want choppers up there distracting that creep now!" Feral barked into his radio. Meanwhile, he kept praying the Swat Kats would get back here quickly before things deteriorated. To his relief, moments later a vortex opened up and spat out the Turbokat. Using something they obviously got from Queen Callista, they quickly dispatched the Pastmaster, once more returning him to the past.

Feral spent the next few hours cleaning up the mess left by the Pastmaster and then writing up the report on the incident. By the time he'd finished it was late and he was exhausted. Regardless, he needed to see Razor. He signaled a meet and quickly went home to change. He raced to the outskirts of town and actually beat Razor to their new hideaway. Time and city revitalization plans had taken out their original hideaway making it a new housing area.

Feral had found a small cabin not far from Professor Hackle's home. He had purchased the small parcel of land surrounded by trees with the cabin already on it so they would never worry about being displaced again. It was a cozy place well hidden from prying eyes. They had gradually decorated it to suit themselves with a proper king size sleigh bed, a mini rustic kitchen, and a big rock fireplace. The cabin had required some minor repairs and a new roof but eventually it became a private retreat for them.

He went inside and laid the piazza he'd picked up on the small table near the window and checked to see if there was anything to drink and was relieved to find can's of milk. As he placed the milk on the table, he heard the powerful purr of a cyclotron arriving outside. Moments later, Razor walked in. They embraced and kissed for a long time before separating and sitting down to eat.

"I'm starved, thanks for thinking of food, love." Razor sighed as he dug out a slice and bit down on it.

"Didn't think you had time to eat yet." Feral grunted stuffing a slice in his own mouth.

"Actually, T-Bone was getting ready to order piazza when I got your signal." Razor said reaching for his milk.

"Was he upset by you suddenly leaving?" Feral asked concerned.

"Naw, he was only a little miffed that I was rushing off but not really that upset about it." Razor assured him taking another slice of piazza.

"Good! Alright, give! What happened when Pastmaster shot you into the past? It looked like you were in Queen Callista's time." He demanded grabbing his milk and taking a healthy swallow.

For the next half hour, Razor related all the events at the Queen's court and what she had given them to defeat the Pastmaster. By the time he'd finished, the piazza was gone and so was the milk. Cleaning up their trash and bagging it for disposal in town, they made their way to the bed. Stripping, they roughly reaffirmed their love for each other sinking into exhausted sleep soon after, deciding by mutual consent to stay together until dawn.

More time slips by...Two begin adding up signs of something odd going on...

Felina was the first to get suspicious. Certain things her uncle said in the heat of battle and clues he unwittingly gave away led her to think there was something going on between her uncle and the Swat Kats but for the life of her she couldn't put a finger on exactly what it was. It bothered her enough, however, that she began watching her uncle more closely.

Chance was also getting a little concerned. He suspected Jake had gotten serious with his lover but couldn't understand why he insisted on continuing to keep it a secret from his best friend. A little hurt by his partner's lack of trust, he tried to not let it bother him. It was really not interfering with their partnership but he didn't like secrets. It was bad enough they had a big secret they kept from everyone else without his friend keeping another one from him as well.

Disaster struck in the form of Dark Kat. Making a bold strike in daylight, the criminal struck Pumadyne. Utilizing his fear ship, creeplings and ninja fighters he stole a prototype satellite meant for improving communications that he intended to make a fearsome weapon to threaten not just Megakat City but the world.

The enforcers and the Swat Kats were quickly on the scene engaging Dark Kat's minions. On the ground, Feral and his shock troops tackled the creeplings and ninjas while above them his enforcer squadron and the Swat Kats tried to bring down the fear ship. Dark Kat had improved his ship's protections and weapons. The enforcers were taking a terrible beating and the Turbokat was not getting off easy either. Several lucky shots from Dark Kat had damaged the jet, though T-Bone hadn't lost control as yet. Razor had utilized every weapon he had but had only managed minor damage to the fear ship.

"Razor, we are getting outgunned here! Got anything that will take him out?" T-Bone shouted in concern as he avoided yet another deadly missile from Dark Kat.

"I've used everything we have. Nothing seems to be effective. Let me think, perhaps if I combine a few...hmmm." He thought frantically. Some of the weapons were never meant to be use together but he didn't see any choice. Making his decision quickly, he fired a risky combo of missiles at the fear ship. To their relief, it finally punctured Dark Kat's defenses. Their relief was short lived, however, for as his ship was plummeting, Dark Kat fired a last weapon at the Turbokat.

"Crud, that creep has shorted out all our systems, I can't hold keep her aloft anymore!" T-Bone shouted anxiously.

"We gotta bail, T-Bone!" Razor said urgently.

"No good, somethings jamming the ejection signal and manual seems to be locked as well! The canopy won't let go either. Oh God! Razor we are going down fast!" T-Bone said frantically trying everything to get out of the dying jet.

"T-Bone! Can you still steer enough to get us toward that cement factory?" Razor shouted hurriedly

"I have only a little control left. What are you trying for?" T-Bone gritted his teeth as he held onto the jerking yoke.

"See that mountain of sand? It may allow us to survive the crash if you can send the jet into it." Razor said quickly as T-Bone coaxed what he could from the yoke to guide the Turbokat toward the factory.

Meanwhile Razor tried to get the speed of heat shield to activate. The mountain of sand rushed toward them at a frightening rate. With a gasp of relief, Razor got the shield up just as they plowed with a sickening jolt into the sand. The journey through the sand did succeed in slowing their speed but snapped the Turbokat's wings off. They were still going fast when they passed through the sand to finally come to rest, hard, in a field beyond the factory. The landing was hard enough to collapse the landing gear and make a deep rut in the field.

For long moments, there were only the dying echos of the crashing jet, plumes of dust from the sand, and smoke from the engines. There was no sign of movement from the occupants as the enforcers rushed to the scene.

His heart in his throat, Feral was one of the first arrivals. Fire trucks and paramedics were just behind him as he ran up to the smoking jet. He had already tried to raise the Swat Kats on the radio but only got static in response. He stood near the cockpit with Felina at his side trying to find a way to get inside but the speed of heat shield was still in place and there was no way to see the occupants. It was left to the fire department to cut into the shield.

Feral was forced to stand back near his car while the fire department did their job. It was so hard for him to not show how terrified he was. It wouldn't do to let on that he was emotional upset over one of the Swat Kats. There was a shout, "They're alive, get the medics up here!"

With great care the Swat Kats were cut out of their seats and gently lowered one at a time to waiting paws below. The pair were quickly rushed to a waiting medical helicopter and airlifted to the Megakat Trauma Center. Feral hailed an enforcer chopper. With Felina flying they flew quickly after the medievac.

He waited for a report on their condition. T-Bone had a mild concussion, broken collar bone, and both arms and legs were badly broken. He was sent to surgery to realign his limbs. Razor had hit T-Bone's seat and suffered a severe concussion, two broken ribs and both arms were broken. His arms were being set and ribs taped but he was in a coma. Feral made sure there were guards on them to prevent anyone unmasking the pair. The Swat Kats would be soon transferred to intensive care when they were stable. As desperately as he wanted to, Feral couldn't justify hanging around the hospital. After ensuring the Swat Kats safety, he reluctantly left to return to the incident sites to oversee their cleanups, ensure Dark Kat was transported to jail, gather the on scene reports from his officers at both sites and return to his office to complete his report for the Mayor.

Ms. Briggs had heard about the incident on the news and rushed to the hospital to see the Swat Kats. She was surprised to see that Commander Feral had protected T-Bone and Razor's identities making no attempt to unmask them. After finding out their conditions, she went to Enforcer Headquarters. She was badly shaken at seeing the pair so badly injured.

She found the Commander already at his desk writing up a report on the incident with Dark Kat. "Commander" She called his name quietly. He raised his head sharply, surprised to see her. "Yes Ms Briggs?" He asked briskly.

"I've been to see the Swat Kats. I'm surprised but pleased at the precautions you've taken to protect their identities." She said eyeing him curiously.

"Yes, well it's the least we could do since they did take out Dark Kat." He said uneasily. "Their jet is a total loss though." He added to distract her from studying his motives too closely.

"Yes, so I heard." She sighed. "I've already planned on having the Mayor finance a replacement. Can you lend them a jet until their's is replaced?" She asked.

"Probably, though there is no reason to be concerned about that right now. They will be out of commission for at least three weeks the doctor's estimate." He said quietly.

"Time enough for all the criminals to come out of the woodwork to cause trouble!" She sighed bitterly.

"Trust us to try and do our best, Ms Briggs. After all, we were doing it before they showed up." He said dryly with a touch of annoyance.

"Sorry, Commander. I know that but sometimes they do get the better of you." She said lightly not really wanting to get into an argument with him.

He didn't comment, merely nodded, acknowledging her desire to keep things friendly. "Was there anything else, Ms Briggs?" He asked politely.

"Umm...no, Commander. Is that report ready? I can take it with me, save you a trip." She offered, smiling faintly.

"Yes it is and thank you. Just let me make a copy of it for you." He said rising from his desk and gesturing her to follow him out. Using his secretary's machine he made her a copy and handed it to her.

"Thanks. I'd better get going." She said turning to head toward the elevator.

Sighing to himself, Feral returned to his desk and the pile of other reports he had to deal with. He needed to keep busy so as not to dwell on his lover's condition. He desperately wanted to be by Razor's side but knew it wasn't a wise idea.