The Emerald Child

Story by Jacko Hyena on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

Short Story Week! I hope you enjoy! :D

You promised me that you would come back. And so, I waited. I waited until the time you would return--the time when I would entrust to you my past, my present, and my future. Because you were my brother, and brothers always know best._ _

Even when you lied to me, I knew it was because you cared.

Even when those lies grew deeper, I followed without a word.

Even when you betrayed me, I still loved you like I always have.

And even until now, that has never changed.

"Back again so soon?"

Kelphan gazed downwards, making not a single sound. The wolf felt a surging wave of emotions: contempt, anger, frustration, but mostly sadness.

"You know what we do to those that come back, right?"

"Yes, master," Kelphan murmured, a whimper threatening to fall from his lips.

Master Nox always had that menacing atmosphere about him. The scent of blood permeated from his body like the axe of the Royal Executioner. Ominous scarlet blotches stained his hooded cloak, the fabric as black as deepest midnight. In one paw, he held Kelphan's leash, a leather binding affixed to metal chains on the wolf's collar. It dug deep grooves into his neck, leaving wounds that would seldom reopen on the wolf's scarred body. They pained him, the constant reminders of what he was. Each day that Kelphan lived dragged on for an eternity. Only his master could decide when the cycle ended and when it repeated once more. But as of now, the repetitive torture of daily life was the furthest thought in the wolf's mind.

Rather, it was the slender, rope-like instrument that Nox had been favoring as of late that caught the lupine's attention. A metallic whip wrapped around the lion's left paw, hanging tauntingly over his shoulder. New devices, innovative methods of causing agony, these were the rare changes in Kelphan's miserable existence. One weapon was substituted for the next, never the same one, but each just as painful. Today seemed to be the exception, however, when he cringed at the sight of Nox's newest toy.

I see he upgraded, Kelphan thought grimly, a dark humor replacing his usual neutrality. The wolf whined softly at the recent modification that his master had made to his whip. The current addition of sharpened blades at the whip's distal end... Kelphan wanted to cry, to beg, to scream, but it always made the punishment worse. Fifty lashes would turn to one hundred. And if his master was feeling especially cruel that day, then to two hundred.

The blades glimmered in the dim light of the room, the moonlight from the room's only window pouring down and reflecting off the mirrored surface. They illuminated small portions of the dungeon floor, revealing dried up blood, Kelphan's blood. And soon, very soon, there would be more to join it. Yet, the wolf could only smirk slyly to himself. At least the knives were melded to the whip this time. Nox, at one point, had attempted to fashion two of his "Instruments of Torture" with Scotch tape. Needless to say, the lion gained an irrational hatred towards adhesive plastic for years. The wolf clamped a paw over his muzzle to hide his smile. The imminent possibility of escaping his prison with nothing but a roll of sticky tape was just that entertaining. His paw arrived at his mouth a second too late.

"What are you smiling at?!" the lion roared, his fist wrapping tightly around the weapon encircling his paw.

Your incredible talent at stupidity, Kel thought. What more could a person with a lack of respect towards life otherwise be than a complete and total idiot. The lupine resented the feline with the passion of a thousand raging Hells, but even Satan himself couldn't give the wolf a death wish. Which meant a relatively large amount of patience considering the kind of person Nox was.

Kel listened, not responding, as the knives clinked sharply in the bleak darkness. Even the night couldn't hide what would take place later in the wolf's prison. It was a shame, really.

"Well?! I'm waiting!"

Kel shook his head, the metal collar carving its way into his neck once more. The prisoner winced, but he couldn't register the pain. In reality, his mind was wandering, shifting in a capricious manner from the past and into the present.

How long ago has it been since I've been here? How many years has it been since I've seen 'him.' It's been so long...

_ _

"What the hell are you thinking now?!" Nox bellowed.

The wolf whimpered softly. "N-Nothing, sir..."

His master growled, leaning forward to glare at the wolf's blank face. Kel reciprocated the look, albeit somewhat confused. When Nox chuckled darkly, Kelphan realized to his horror exactly what the feline had seen.

His eyes.

Kel's tail snaked its way between his legs, as his eyes lost their focused intensity. No matter how hard the wolf would hide it, the truth would flash in those cerulean orbs with frightening clarity. With just a shift of a color, all his emotions lay on the poker table, and Kelphan was left with the losing hand. That terrified ten-year old pup would always come back to haunt him.

Alek, how could you do this to me?

_ _

"'N-Nothing, sir...'" The lion mocked, and Kelphan closed his eyes, knowing what would happen next. "Who the hell gives you the right to call me that name?!" Nox brought a fist across the wolf's cheek, the coiled metal cutting into fur. "You're nothing but a useless sklave," the lion snarled, emphasizing the last word with his thick German accent. The smell of wine rolled off the feline's breath, and Kelphan winced. The blades had klinked once more for the second time that night.

A steady stream of blood leaked from the wound on the wolf's muzzle, but he could barely feel the warmth that coursed its way down his shoulder. It traced its way across his toned chest, a product of his labors as a sklave, and stopped at his only pair of jeans. They were three sizes too small, faded, and torn in several places. The wolf could complain, of course, and by "International Slave Law," the government would provide Kelphan with a fresh pair. Sure, it would spare the wolf's 'dignity' as a living being, but then again he had to ask.

What need would 'dignity' serve for a captured slave?

A voice answered that for him.

"That's right," the lion smirked. "You're just a sklave. A useless servant. And you'll be nothing more than that." Master Nox brought a claw to Kelphan's chin, tilting it slightly upwards.

"Got it?"

The canine nodded. "Yes, s--" He flinched at the feline's scowl. "Yes, master."

Nox grunted in approval. "Better."

The lion stood back, distancing himself from the slave to just the outer rims of Kelphan's barred cage. Unraveling the whip to its full length, the slave driver winked mockingly at the withered form that lay in the center of his prison.

The knives had chimed for the third time.

Kel always thought there was something relatively important about the number three. When people counted upwards, they always stopped at that magic digit. It just so happened to be his brother's favorite number.

When Kelphan was younger, his brother would insist that there be three or a multiple of three of every object within the house. Three pillows, three beds, six flower vases... Kel never once questioned it. For some reason, it just felt suiting. The two brothers were always an odd pair, and the wolf guessed that since three was also an odd number, it was all the more fitting. Little idiosyncrasies like those filled the wolf with warmth when he was younger. Now it only evoked dread.

Nox swirled the whip in a circle with his paw, creating awkward shapes into the air. "Now then, have you learned your lesson? We need you to be a bit more," the lion grinned, his tail swinging excitedly. "Receptive. Our customers will love the thought of a cute boy like you."

Master Nox laughed darkly as his prisoner choked back a sob.

Kelphan felt the raging pain between his legs return in blazing agony, the memories of what had been done surging forth in his mind. His job. How many times had he been pinned against the cold cement floor and smelled the scent of musk and blood... countless nights of numbing pain and tearful cries, endless hours of heavy groans and tiny whimpers.

He was a sklave, after all. Nothing more.

Slowly, the wolf's gaze traveled upwards to reach the lion's face once more.

Their eyes met.

"Yes..." A tear dripped down Kelphan's furred cheek. "Yes, sir."

And the lashing began.

"Big Brother, what is that?" ten year-old Kelphan asked. He brought his arms up and whimpered softly. Alek Fells, a wolf in his senior year of high school, chuckled, nuzzling his younger sibling on the muzzle. He gently lifted the pup by the arms and cooed softly in Kelphan's ears. The wolf pup sighed contentedly and encircled the taller canine with his arms and legs.

_ _

"What is what?"

_ _

Kelphan pointed at the 'German World' magazine that remained open on the living room coffee table. "That," he said.

_ _

Instantly, Alek scowled, his knuckles clenched white as if strangling an invisible enemy. "That? That's... nothing."

_ _

Kelphan turned upwards, looking innocently into the azure irises of his brother's eyes. A flash of emerald flickered in the sapphire field before vanishing into darkness once more. The pup buried his nose into the broad, furred chest of Alek's body, not wanting to show the hurt that was evident on his face.

_ _

"You're lying to me," he muttered.

_ _

Alek forced a smile. "That easy to tell, huh?" He scratched the side of his muzzle thoughtfully, forming the words in his head before he spoke. "It's... complicated."

_ _

The pup in his arms groaned and hammered his brother lightly on the chest with his fists. "You're just like Mom and Dad," Kelphan whispered. "You never tell me anything." The pup pushed himself away from Alek's hold, sliding back down to the tile floor. Kelphan glanced at his older brother and could see Alek flinch.

_ _

"I'm used to it by now, not being told anything because I'm too young. I may get upset a little, but I always forgive you in the end. But... this time, it's different." Kelphan shook his head and turned towards the stairs. "You never lied to me before, Alek."

_ _

"Wait, Kel! It's not like that!" Alek reached towards his brother but paused when he saw the distraught face on the small wolf.

_ _

The ten year-old pup sighed heavily, the sorrow showing on his expression. "You lied to me, Alek. I thought you trusted me. I thought," Kelphan whispered. "I thought we were brothers..."

_ _

Alek opened his mouth to respond but he couldn't. Not when his brother was like this. He knew he lied to him, but it was to protect him from the truth, the hidden deed that the wolf would never forgive himself for.

_ _

By tomorrow, Kel would not live in the house any longer.

_ _

The young lupine wasn't able to take one more step before he felt muscular arms enfold his tiny torso. So safe did Kelphan feel in that warm embrace that he fell limp into the affectionate hug. It reminded him of those rare brother-bonding experiences, like when they played a game of chess on the polyester carpet or passed a baseball back and forth in their backyard. Just the thought of them brought a smile to Kelphan's face. That cozy sensation didn't last for long.

_ _

Tears flowed down Alek's cheeks, dripping solemnly on the younger wolf's shoulder.

_ _

Drip. Drip. Drip.

_ _

"Alek..." Kelphan spoke the name in a tender voice.

_ _

"I'm so sorry, Kel. I just... I wanted..." Alek found it hard to complete a sentence; his only brother would be taken away from him. And it was entirely his fault.

_ _

"P-Please don't cry," Kel whispered softly, lapping at his brother's tears gently. It tasted salty on his tongue, but it didn't disgust him either. He licked slow brushing streaks against his brother's muzzle.

_ _

Alek chuckled halfheartedly, shaking his head as if to shake off the dark thoughts plaguing his mind. The older wolf brushed the fur between the pup's triangular ears in a fatherly manner, a habit that Alek picked up ever since their mother and father had died. Kelphan wouldn't admit that they were never coming back, but that didn't mean his elder brother would have to do the same.

_ _

"Are you sure you want to know?" Alek asked, biting his lip. "You won't like it."

_ _

"I prefer the truth," Kel said, confident in his answer.

_ _

His brother laughed half-heartedly. "Last chance." He took one long look at his brother's determined stance and smiled. "Promise you won't hate me?"

_ _

"Couldn't do that even if you hit me with a bus," the smaller wolf replied, without missing a beat.

_ _

'Maybe not a bus, but something much worse.' Alek thought. 'I... I really am sorry, Kel.'

_ _

The older lupine rolled his eyes, an attempt to hide the regret shining in the tears building up behind his eyelids. "Funny. But let's get serious, okay?"

_ _

The wolves strode silently to the leather recliner, where Kelphan sat in Alek's lap. The pup stared anxiously at the high school senior while he waited for his brother to gather his thoughts. On his leg, the young lupine received a perfect angle to view his brother's physique. Fur as white as snow cloaked his muzzle and chest, leading downwards to the underside of his tail. Silver-grey blanketed the rest of his body, clothing his back in brilliant steel that glimmered in the light. His defined biceps, shoulders, and abs...

_ _

So maybe Kelphan was a little jealous...

_ _

His brother had a body worthy of Olympians and not once did he share his secrets. The pup highly doubted that those protein shakes were doing his brother any good, and yet, Alek packed muscle like librarians collect books.

_ _

Completely unfair.

_ _

"Kel?" The wolf poked his younger brother playfully in the ribs. Kelphan giggled, but concealed his glee with a mock frown on his face. Alek just grinned. "No use faking it, pup." He hiked a thumb at his chest, a cocky smirk on his mouth. "I'm smarter than that."

_ _

Kelphan groaned. "The eyes again?"

_ _


_ _

"I hate how they do that. People don't tell me secrets, because they're afraid I can't keep them." The pup snarled in frustration, his tail swinging agitatedly back and forth behind him.

_ _

Alek caressed his brother's face gently. "But that's what's special about us Kel," he said, holding the pup tighter. "We are 'wahrheit,' the truth. There's not enough honesty in this world, but for some reason, we are special.

_ _

We can't lie, not for a moment. It's probably God's way of saying that the 'truth can never be buried.'" He took a deep breath. "Kind of like how I need to tell you the truth."

_ _

'Please don't hate me after this. I couldn't live anymore knowing you never want to see me again.'

_ _

The teenage wolf closed his eyes. "You... you've heard of the Slave Trade, right? In World History class?"

_ _

"Sure. With those people who brought wolves to different places, right?" Kelphan turned his head, somewhat confused by the question.

_ _

Alek chuckled, entertained by the pup's vague response. "The way you say it makes them sound like they're the captains of cruise lines, but yes," the older wolf said. "That's the gist of it."

_ _

Kelphan clutched onto Alek's arm, holding it for comfort. "They were bad people," he murmured. "Weren't they...?"

_ _

His brother sighed, holding onto Kelphan's paw. "Very bad people. They didn't like wolves and made us... work for them."

_ _

"Work? But Tomal from across the street is a German Shepherd. It's close enough, right? And they don't force him to do anything."

_ _

Alek smiled reluctantly. "There's a law..." he paused. "A rule... that stopped that a long time ago. Tomal won't be working for anyone soon. Not yet, anyway."

_ _

It turned silent. And for Kelphan, that scared him. "Wh-What?"

_ _

"I'm sorry, Kel."

_ _

'That word... yet.'

_ _

"They... They're taking me away, aren't they...?" the pup whispered. "You knew, and you never told me."

_ _

Alek tightened his grip, squeezing his younger brother's body as if it would disappear in the next instance. "You were so happy. And I... I was your older brother. I didn't want that smile to go away." He turned the wolf in his arms so that they were muzzle to muzzle. Alek stared at Kelphan with a frightening severity, not one of hatred but of utter gravity. "Mom and Dad may not care, but I won't let them take you away from me. And you'll always be my little brother."

_ _

'I lied again, Kel. I lied to you again...'

_ _

Kel smiled softly. "Alek, all that matters to me is the truth. Even if the world was overrun by lions with ducktape," Kelphan placed a paw on his brother's cheek, giggling silently at the irony that he was the one doing the comforting now. "I still deserved the right to know."

_ _

His older brother remained silent, observing the pup with love and admiration. Kel was so strong, so mature for his age. And that only hurt Alek even more.

_ _

He gave Kelphan an awkward grin, a light glimmer in his vibrant, green eyes. "I know that now. And it's the stupidest mistake I've ever made." He lifted the pup off his lap and placed him on the ground. Getting up himself, Alek headed towards the kitchen.

_ _

'Three times. I lied to you three times... Please forgive me, Kel. I hope you understand one day... I loved you too much to let you go.'

_ _

"C'mon, pup. Let's go get some ice cream," he said, urging his brother to follow him.

Kelphan stayed still, not once moving from his spot.

_ _

Green. Alek's eyes turned green. The thought implanted itself in the child's brain, and once more, fear arose in Kelphan's mind.

_ _

"Y-You're lying again... Why, Alek? That's not the only mistake you've made, isn't it...? What else have you d--"

_ _

_ _


_ _

_ _

The door burst open, light streaming into the room.

_ _

Their bodies were cloaked in sheets of black, guns hidden partially from view underneath the cloths of shadow. They looked past the older wolf, setting their sights upon the younger cub.

_ _

"Kelphan Fells?" The deep baritone voice echoed in the increasingly smaller room. Kel nodded, whimpering softly as the mysterious figures surrounded him. "You're coming with us."

_ _

"B-But what about my brother?"

_ _

One of the men pulled back his hood, revealing a German shepherd with frighteningly sharp teeth.

_ _


_ _

He smirked at the cub and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

"Who do you think told us to come here?"

_ _

Kelphan looked back at Alek. One of the men handed the older wolf a red satin pouch filled with... gold.

_ _

His brother sold him.

_ _

"You told me that you wouldn't let them take me away." The tears were beginning to fall down Kelphan's face, each tear landing one by one on the tile floor. "Y-You promised."

_ _

Alek looked panicked, his paw quivering around the pouch of money. "Wait, Kel!" He pushed the guards aside, trying to get to his younger sibling. "I-I didn't know this was going to happen, I swear!"

_ _

Kel didn't look back, refusing to look at the wolf he once trusted. He didn't even need to look into Alek's eyes this time.

_ _

"You're lying."

_ _

With those words, all the voice died in Alek's throat. Thoughts of regret and denial crossed the teen's mind, but they refused to come out. His body felt paralyzed, as he watched the men take his only brother away.

_ _

The scintillating glows of green in Alek's eyes slowly faded into blue. Only until Kel was nearly out the door did Alek finally speak.

_ _

"Take back the money! Give me back my brother!" He tossed the pouch of gold into one of the officer's arms and reached for his younger sibling. "Kel! Come back!"

_ _

"Alek, look out!"

_ _

One of the men, a lion two inches above Alek's height, came up from behind and forced him down onto the tile floor. The wolf struggled in the feline's grip, his paw reaching out to grasp his brother's. His resistance to the lion's hold came to a stop when he heard the sharp click against his right temple. He didn't notice the gun in the lion's right paw.

_ _

"D-Don't shoot!" Kelphan yelled. "I'll... I'll come willingly," he whispered. Alek shook his head, despair replacing the hope he had of rescuing Kel.

_ _

"N-No, Kel. Don't! I-I..." Alek stuttered. His brother shushed him. Kelphan turned to Tomal, a pleading look in the wolf's eyes. "May I at least say goodbye before I go?"

_ _

Tomal groaned. "Fine. Make it quick. I don't have time to deal with struggling prisoners, anyway."

_ _

The shepherd released the young wolf pup, and Kel ran straight into his brother's arms.

_ _

Alek hugged his brother, their cries echoing in the apartment room.

_ _

"I'll get you back one day, Kelphan... I promise. I'll show you that those weren't all just lies."

_ _

A faint smile crossed the pup's lips.

_ _

'I hope so,' he thought.

_ _

The German Shepherd shook Kel roughly, and without another word, the dog took the young pup out the door. His followers came right after him. "Don't worry Mr. Fells. We'll take 'especially' good care of him." The canine smirked, tracing the edge of Kelphan's ears with his claw.

_ _

Kelphan didn't, or couldn't, feel it. He was just a marionette now, a puppet drawn by forceless strings. Almost lifeless. Only one sentence coursed through his brain, echoing in the dark depths of his mind. It was a grain of hope in a pasture of disaster, a pure light smothered by the darkness, a simple truth concealed behind the lies.

_ _

He took one last look at Alek's face and mouthed two words:

_ _

'I'm waiting.'

_ _


_ _

His lower back throbbed in torment, and Kelphan could barely move. Scarlet liquid pooled around him, a gloomy puddle growing ever so slightly larger.

Five years. It's been five years since then.

"Heh. We've got just the one you're looking for." The voice of Master Nox announced his arrival, along with one of his new customers; the salacious lion grumbled down the aisle of cages, a pair of footsteps trailing behind him. They came to a stop in front of Kelphan.

"And here we are. Grey wolf, exactly fifteen years old. That the one?"

Kelphan kept his face down, not wanting to see the man he'd have to 'serve.'

"That's the one," the male wolf growled.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you two alone then." And with that, the lion left the room.

An awkward silence ensued.

Business in the sklave rooms was strictly fragile. People often lost their nerve and their money. Others wanted it a specific way. But more often than not, the first few words were often the most important. This wasn't an exception.

"It's been a long time... Kel."

The wolf's eyes shot open. No, it couldn't be.

"Alek...?" Kelphan stared at his older brother. Not much had changed; he was still the same, old wolf. A mildly aged face with longer fur. A thick brush of a tail swished behind him. Thick cords of muscle wrapped around his firm arms...

Arms that encircled him with desperately needed warmth.

"Wh-What are you...?"

A mischievous grin stretched upon his brother's face. "I said I'd come back, didn't I? Paid a damn lot for you, too. Money doesn't come by easy these days." The wolf gave a genuine smile. "I'm thinking it's about time for a prison escape. Wouldn't you agree?"

Kelphan's heart fluttered. Alek couldn't be thinking about that, could he? The jingle from a ring of keys and a collar falling soon after, attested to that.

"B-But Alek... I-I thought you forgot about me."

"What?" he said, a paw caressing the younger wolf's face. "I could never forget you."

Kelphan whimpered, flinching at his brother's touch. "Y-You sold me into slavery. It's been five years, Alek. Five fucking years."

Alek whined softly in response. "I-I promised I'd get you, didn't I?" Not once was Kel entirely convinced, the pain of being alone for all this time, and all those times he prayed fro his brother's return.

Why now?

"Why, Alek? Why the hell did you do this...?" Kel whispered.

He thought he would be able to handle it, to listen to the truth that he had been waiting for all these years. But when his brother burst into tears, Kelphan felt his resolve dissipate as he held the older wolf against his chest, feeling the warm liquid dampening his grey fur.

"They lied to me, Kel... They told me it was a custody form. A form that I needed to sign in order to be your guardian..." Kel looked into his brother's sapphire eyes, the blue orbs shining like crystals in the dark room. "After mom and dad died, you no longer had a legal guardian. I..." He trailed off. "I signed a different form than the one they showed me... And when they told me afterwards, I didn't know what to do..." Alek couldn't hold back the sobs that were wracking his body. "I didn't know! I didn't know what to do, Kel! They threatened to kill you if we left the country, to search and kill just you. I was so scared... So scared of losing you...

I didn't care if they killed me, but I wanted you to live. I wanted you to grow up, have a normal life. Because I loved you so much..."

"Alek..." Kel murmured.

The older lupine shook his head. "I tried. I tried so hard to get you back. I--"

Kelphan interrupted his brother with a loving embrace, a gentle hug that made Alek whimper softly. Only moments before, this was only a possibility that existed in their dreams, but now it was a reality.

"I always knew you would."

The truth concealed behind the lies, the light smothered by darkness, the hope drowned by despair. Kel had looked for that sparkle of green, a sign that this was all just an act and that Alek never truly changed. Kelphan had searched deeply within those eyes for that faint emerald of deceit that would continue to imprison him in this miserable hell.

He searched. And he searched.

But it wasn't there.

And Kel could never have been so happy in his life. His brother was back with him once again.

They say that you can never forgive a liar. That they will end up hurting you later in the future. When I saw my brother again in the dark, damp depths of my prison, I didn't know what to think. Could I forgive the wolf that betrayed me once before, the very man who traded my freedom for a pouch of gold? Even if it wasn't on purpose, the pain was still there. The years of my childhood that could never be returned.

But he was my brother, my only brother. And I loved him too much to let him go. His mistakes, his choices, his decisions. Everything about him was perfect to me, and I would not have traded anything to change my life in the slightest. If I hadn't lost those five years, I never would have seen my brother in the same light as I do now. He really does care about me, way more than a brother should, and I make sure to let him know everyday that I feel the same way.

They say that the truth can set you free. But the truth imprisoned me for all this time. I may not know everything, and I sure as hell know that my brother doesn't either; but I know that the truth isn't some magic key to open up a jail cell. The truth isn't some crumpled up piece of paper that you can throw around either. The truth is a reminder that there is always something hidden within the darkness, a light smothered by black but waiting to be discovered.

Alek was my truth. He was my reality. He was my love. And he was still a pretty bad liar.