Garro - Chapter 1: The Charging Bull

Story by erykart on SoFurry

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#1 of Garro and Kevin

Warning: Contains references to Male-on-Male sex acts, so if you're not 18 or if this is illegal where you live, turn back now.

So this is my third "yiff" story and this time I wanted to take it to the next level. Rather than just making this a quick 10-minute "wham-bam thank you ma'am" style story, I wanted to add a lot more depth to the characters as well as have an underlying theme. The yiff is there to enhance the story, not be the sole reason for it's creation...although I certainly got off a few times writing the steamier scenes. :3

However, a note on some of the dialogue: I incorporated some Japanese into the dialogue, and hopefully there aren't any "grammar Nazis" out there. I tried my best to get stuff right but this was mostly practice for myself while I study it during Uni. Anyways, I've rambled enough so on with the story. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I sighed dejectedly as the bell rang to start the final class of the day. It'd been a long day and I just wanted it to end. I scribbled a quick drawing on my paper, of a "super deformed" Gundam onto my page...Yeah, I'll readily admit I'm quite the nerd. In fact, I'd go as far as to say I'm an Otaku; I'm obsessed with anime and video games. Perhaps it would be important to tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Garro Tsuki. I'm a black-furred boar standing at 5'8", and a bit on the chubby side. It's not something that really bothers me though. My hair matches my fur color, and I have it tied back into a ponytail. I was originally born in Japan, but my family immigrated to Canada about 4 years ago, and I was starting my freshmen year of high school. I was made fun of a lot for speaking in broken English but I quickly caught on and at times speak more fluently than most of the people who've spoken it their entire lives. I'm a bit of an artist, although my art is at times somewhat amateurish (in my opinion). Speaking of my art, I was just finishing up the drawing when I heard my name called.

"Mr. Tsuki," the math teacher said. She pronounced it as "Suck-ee" rather than "Sue-ki", and it always made the other students snicker. I swear she does it on purpose. "Care to come up and answer the question on the board?" she asked.

I adjusted my glasses and looked up at the question that was written on the white board. It was some stupid linear equation; I always screwed up on these. I eased out of my desk and walked up to the front of the class, picking up the marker and putting my solution up on the board. She quickly corrected my question; I'd gotten the solution for Y wrong.

"Please pay more attention in class rather than doodling, Mr. Tsuki" she said, and I took my seat. There were a few giggles coming from several of my classmates, but I didn't care. I just started a new drawing of the Freedom Gundam and spent the rest of the class working on that. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm quite obsessed with mecha. I fell in love with the series ever since I saw it on tv before we moved to Canada. When the bell rang I left the room as quickly as I could, heading down the hallway and out the door to start my walk home.

It was a relatively nice day out, with only a few clouds in the sky and a slight breeze. It was rather refreshing considering the last few days had been nothing but rain. I crossed the street and kept on walking home when I heard a set of tires screech across pavement.

"Hey fat ass!" I heard a voice call, and I knew instantly it was the head of the football team, Billy. The bear hopped out of his car along with his buddy Matt, a wolf. It didn't matter how many times these two caused trouble, they'd never get punished because of their performance on the field. It was just another in a series of reasons why I hated this school: sports were more important than the students' well being.

"Please leave me alone," I said and turned to walk away. I guess that wasn't a good enough response for them, as the bear quickly stepped in front of me to block my path, with Matt flanking me from behind. "Do you want something?" I asked, irritated.

"No, nothing in particular," sneered Matt. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, and I shuddered a bit.

"We saw you eyeing Rick in the locker room after gym class faggot," spat Billy. The word stung me a bit. I knew deep down that it was true that I was gay, but it wasn't something I wanted to be publicly known. The number one reason being in a situation like the one I was presently in. For the record though, yes, I was checking out Rick. He is a rather attractive fox but he isn't my type. He's too much of a jock for my tastes.

"Keep your accusations to yourself and get out of my way!" I said coldly, trying to push my way past Billy. The bear just reached out and shoved me into Matt, whom grabbed me by the shoulders. I tried to wriggle free but he held on tight.

"Don't even try running. It doesn't look like you'd get far anyways," Matt chuckled sinisterly into my ear. "First shot is yours Billy."

The bear cracked his knuckles and grinned, "I'll teach you sneak peaks in the locker room you queer!" He drew his fist back and swung in a wide arc, catching me in the jaw. I saw a stream of blood shoot out of my mouth and spill out over the sidewalk. Another punch quickly followed, slamming into my stomach and knocking the air out of my lungs. I felt Matt's hands let go of me and I fell to the ground, coughing.

"Now it's my turn!" Matt slammed his foot into my side repeatedly, and Billy joined in. I tried my best to curl into a fetal position to protect the more vulnerable areas of my body, hoping they would get bored and leave.

"Lookit the faggot cry!" jeered Matt, noticing a few streams of tears rolling down my face.

"Yamero! (Stop it!)" I shouted. Sadly when I get really stressed I revert to speaking Japanese without thinking it. Usually it's just a minor inconvenience but right now it was rather troublesome. "Bok...boku wa tanomu...onegai...saru! (I...I beg you...please...go away!)"

"Speak English!" Billy said. I could feel myself being lifted off the ground and tried to avoid his gaze.

"Come on Billy, let's go. I think he's learnt his lesson," said Matt. I was hoping that he was showing some form of mercy, but he more likely just wanted to go home. Matt moved towards the car, but Billy wouldn't let go of me. "Billy?"

"Get in the car, I'll be there in a seco-" Billy was cut short as something slammed into him hard from his blind side. In fact I barely saw what happened before both Billy and I went tumbling to the ground. Something grabbed hold of me before I smacked into the concrete.

"Are you ok?" a deep voice rumbled. It was one I had never heard before. I looked up to see who it was that had decided to defend me, and my eyes fell upon a large bull. He had muscles bulging from his arms and legs underneath his brown fur. A pair of horns, with a golden ring adorning the left one, framed a gentle looking face. Two of the most entrancing blue eyes looked down on me with concern. I took a quick glance at the rest of his body, noticing that he wore a white wife-beater with a pair of cut off denim shorts. I couldn't help myself though, and I know my eyes wandered involuntarily to the slight bulge in his pants before looking back up to meet his gaze. God, he was beautiful...

"Ee, daij--" I cleared my throat quickly, "I mean, yeah...I'll be fine..." I was a little baffled as to why a complete stranger would step in to help me, but by no means was I ungrateful for the intrusion.

"Ow...what was that?" Billy mumbled. He looked up at the bull who was standing next to me, "Was that you? Stay out of this cow!"

My saviour didn't say anything; he just stepped defiantly in front of me, blocking Billy from getting to me again. His ass looked rather nicely defin...NO! It wasn't the time to be checking someone out, no matter how good looking they were. Turning my attention once again to the situation at hand, I noticed that Billy had stood back up, but instead of trying to get to me again, he turned and walked to his car.

"I can't believe you'd defend someone like that! Come on, Matt, let's get out of here..." the two got into the car and sped off around the corner.

I quickly tried to regain my composure. I grabbed my backpack that had fallen to the ground and put it on, wincing as my hands went through the straps. My arms were rather sore from being kicked repeatedly, but it was probably better than what would've happened if things had continued. I rubbed my eyes and realized that my glasses were missing!

"Oh no! Where are my glasses? Kuso! (Shit!) Father is going to kill me!" I glanced around searching for them, and saw them in the hands of the bull that had saved me.

"Are these it?" he asked, delicately holding a broken pair of glasses in his powerful arms. The frames were bent rather severely and the glass itself was cracked. He handed them to me and I sighed heavily before I stuffed them into my pocket. No use being careful with them now that they were broken.

I realized that I hadn't even thanked the bull for standing up for me. "Aa, sumimasen! (I'm sorry) I never properly thanked you for helping me." I bowed low, a habit from when I used to live in Japan.

The bull chuckled, although by the sounds of it he was trying to hold it back. I stood up again and looked at him with a questioning look. He cleared his throat and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. Um, it was no problem by the way, I just did what anyone would've done."

"Well, I sincerely doubt that's what anyone would've done, but I thank you none-the-less." I replied. The bull held his hand out and I shook it. I could almost feel the power behind it as he gripped my hand.

"My name is Kevin, what's yours?" Kevin asked.

" name is Garro," I said nervously, but whether that was caused by the bull or because of the situation itself, I couldn't tell. Regardless, I found it odd that someone would go out of his way to talk to me, let alone introduce himself. I wasn't exactly the most popular person in the world, and I had the tendency to be a loner so that certainly didn't help matters at all. "I should probably get home..."

"I can walk home with you if you'd like," offered Kevin. I hesitated for a moment, but in the end decided I didn't really want to walk all the way home alone at this point, in case the two bullies were still hanging around.

"Well I live short walk away, on Lakewood. If you're not going in that direction, I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience." I said.

Kevin smiled, flashing me a grin that almost made me melt, "It's not any trouble, I live a few blocks away from Lakewood, on Betourney. It's not even much of a detour really, probably an extra minute or so." He motioned for me to lead the way and we started for home.

We walked in silence for several minutes, but it gave me time to think. One thought in particular stood out in my mind: Kevin looked to be about my age, yet I had never seen him at school. I mentioned that to Kevin and he laughed.

"I was actually on my way home from a meeting with the councillor at the high school. I'll be starting my first day of classes tomorrow." Kevin explained.

"You're new here? It's certainly surprising that you would go to the trouble of standing up to Billy and Matt. Most people who've lived here all their lives wouldn't even do that. I really hope it doesn't cause any problems for you," I said, amazed at this bull that I was walking with.

"Well the odds were unfortunately in their favour and it wouldn't seem right to just leave you there. I'm not overly concerned with what a bunch of bullies think about me anyways," Kevin said, smiling at me.

We talked a little bit as we walked, although being the shy person that I am, I didn't really open up much at first. To make matters worse, I was more than a little nervous being around someone so attractive. I did start to feel more at ease as he told me more about himself. In fact, I learnt that he had been placed into several of the same classes as me, which included Phys. Ed. and Math, not to mention we shared the same lunch period. He asked me a few questions about myself, like, where I was from and what kind of stuff I was into. I figured he was trying to make a friend or two in this new town, and to be honest I didn't mind, even if I remained rather shy around him. He seemed like a rather nice person.

"I'm curious, what was it that you shouted at those two back there?" His question caught me a little off-guard, considering we were going from talking about each other back to the fight that had happened only a short while ago. I blushed a little, embarrassed when I remembered I had said the words without thinking.

"'s Japanese...I was just shouting at them to stop and go away," I said, a slight blush creeping across my face. I was pretty embarrassed that not only had I been shouting something that most people living here wouldn't understand, but also because I couldn't fend off even one of the bullies on my own.

"Wouldn't it have been better to tell them off in English?" he asked, and I could tell by the tone of his voice he was genuinely curious, and wasn't being sarcastic.

"Um, yeah, of course it would have," I said bluntly, before going on with my explanation. "I'm a bit of a weirdo in that sense. See, when I get really stressed out, it's like I stop thinking about what I want to say and I just say it. Unfortunately the words usually end up coming out in my native language, so it can be annoying at times or down-right embarrassing." I braced myself for the inevitable laughter that usually followed from my peers when I explained that to them.

The laughter never came, and Kevin just simply said, "That's pretty cool, I don't think I've met anyone who could speak two languages. It doesn't seem like a big deal to me if you unconsciously say things like that, that's just who you are right? You shouldn't feel a need to be embarrassed by it. Besides, you can always repeat yourself in English."

I took a moment to think about those words. He was right, there really was no reason to feel embarrassed just because I speak Japanese at times. A small smile crept onto my face, and I looked up at Kevin. "Thanks..."

We neared my house and I pointed out which one was mine. Kevin seemed to take note of which one it was. He pulled a cell phone from his pant's pocket and asked for my phone number. I gave it to him and he gave me his cell number before entering my number into his phone. I smiled and waved goodbye to him, saying I'd see him tomorrow at school. Despite what had happened, seeing this bull show some measure of friendship towards me had made my day. I turned and walked up the small walkway. I prepared myself for what my father would say regarding my broken glasses...

I opened the door and removed my shoes as I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. The kitchen was empty, so I dropped my backpack onto the table and headed into the living room. The tv was on and my father was sitting on the sofa. The man was getting on in years, and since my mother had died only a few years ago just after we moved here, he had gotten into a habit of drinking a lot; the size of his beer belly was evidence of that.

"Konnichi wa otoosan. (Good afternoon, father)" I said, greeting him. We were both fluent in English, but he expected me to speak to him in Japanese. I guess he didn't want either of us to lose touch with our roots, or something like that.

He just nodded in response. I guess he noticed that I wasn't wearing my glasses, "Doko megane ka? (Where are your glasses?)" He asked.

I averted my eyes from his gaze and scratched the back of my head. "Eeto... (Well...)" I reached into my pocket and pulled out my broken pair of glasses. "Oreta desu. (They're broken)"

"Nani sore? (What is that?)" he stood up and walked over to inspect them. "Kore wa kirenai shuuri (I cannot repair this)" he glared at me. "Naze oreta ka? (How did they break?)"

"Boku wa tatakai... (I was in a fight)" I started, and my father interrupted me.

"Tatakai!? Anata wa chigai nan desu ka!? Naze tatakaimasu!? (A fight? What is wrong with you!? Why are you fighting!?)" he shouted angrily, and I took a step back from him.

"Ijimekko koogekimashita. Watashi warui de nai! (Bullies attacked me. I'm not at fault!)" I shouted back at him defensively. The features on my father's face relaxed.

"Gomen'nasai. Oogoewodasen, demo, megane no koujiki. (I'm very sorry. I did not mean to raise my voice, but you know glasses are expensive)." he replied more calmly, rubbing his eyes.

I knew that getting a prescription filled for my glasses was expensive, but it didn't bother me all that much at the moment. "Jishin no tsui imahitotsu (I own another pair)"

"Aa, gureto! Watashitachi wa shuuri yobun no okane. (Ah, great! We'll fix these when we have money to spare.)" he waltzed into the kitchen and placed the glasses on top of the fridge, so we wouldn't forget about them.

"Onakagasuita? Piza ka? (Hungry? Pizza ok?)" he asked me, moving to pick up the phone.

"Hai. (Yes)" While my father ordered the pizza, I went up to the bathroom to clean myself up. There was a bit of dried blood on my snout that I wiped up with a washcloth and decided that a hot shower would help alleviate some of the pain in my muscles.

I turned the water on and as it began to heat up I went down the hall to the linen closet and got myself a fresh towel. It still smelt "downy fresh" as I'd heard it called, and I assumed my dad must've just put these away recently. I can't explain why, but drying off with a fresh towel feels so much better than with one that's been sitting in the closet for a few days. I tossed the towel onto the counter and stripped off my clothes, placing them neatly on top of the toilet lid. It felt good to be out of those clothes, dirty from a long day at school.

My tail swished back and forth involuntarily as I stepped towards the shower and moved the curtain to the side so I could get in. A chilling sensation spread across my body as my leg touched the hot water, but soon went away as I stepped under the faucet. The water felt so relaxing as it cascaded down my body, and I let out a sigh. I grabbed the body wash and began to clean my fur from head to toe, into every spot my hands could reach. I rubbed down my round stomach, enjoying the feeling of my hands caressing my body. I kept moving further down until I got between my legs. When my hand passed over my uncut cock, it twitched slightly, so I began to rub it a bit before I rinsed myself off. My cock was now rock hard to its full six inches...YES! I'm ashamed to admit I measured it once, but after seeing a lot of chubby porn, I'm confident that I'm pretty well endowed for a guy my size.

I snaked my left hand down to my balls and began to roll them around, occasionally tugging on them lightly. My right hand gripped my shaft, starting a slow up and down motion. A quiet moan escape from my felt so relaxing, and my tongue lolled out to the side, brushing up against my tusk. Leaning back against the wall with the showerhead pelting me with water, I began to stroke my cock a little faster feeling it throb as it leaked pre-cum. I moved my thumb to the head of my cock and rolled it around the tip, playing with the foreskin. It was rather sensitive, but in a good way.

I slid down against the wall until I was lying in the tub and propped my legs up. My left hand moved from fondling my balls to tentatively prodding at my tail hole. I inserted a single finger slowly, gasping at the intrusion. It wasn't something I indulged in often, but it was certainly something I enjoyed greatly. I pulled my finger almost all the way out then inserted it as far as I could again, poking my prostate. I could feel my orgasm quickly approaching, and I inserted a second finger, the slight bit of pain overshadowed by the extreme amount of pleasure I was feeling. An image of Kevin popped into my head and instead of my fingers fucking me; it was his cock, pounding my ass like a jackhammer with sweat glistening on his fur.

I stroked myself as fast as my hand could move while my fingers continued to prod my prostate, my moans slowly increasing in frequency. "Oooh...Kevin," I whispered to myself, and I imagined the bull shoving his cock into me with one final, powerful thrust that fired his load deep inside me. It was the catalyst that set me off, and my balls tightened up against my body before my cock fired several jets of thick cum onto my stomach and face. I caught a few shots in my mouth and sighed audibly as I gulped it down. I loved the taste of my own seed; it was salty yet sweet at the same time.

I lay in the tub relaxing for a few minutes before deciding to rinse the slowly drying cum off my body. I shut off the shower and stepped out from behind the curtain, grabbing the towel off the counter. As I dried myself off, I once again thought of Kevin. Despite the fact that I had just cum, I could feel my cock twitch once again when I thought of the bull.

A smile spread across my face, and I couldn't wait to see Kevin again tomorrow.