The Outskirts of Town (Chapter 2: Swelling)

Story by CorruptLagomorph on SoFurry

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#2 of The Outskirts of Town

Matt had the unimaginable ability to make 'certain bodyparts' grow to an incredible size, and now he was going to take me to the farmhouse on the Outskirts of Town so I could see how it was done.

"I imagine it would kill you." Matt answered my question. We were sitting in his front room, playing videogames as we had been all day, waiting for the night so we could head to this place on the outskirts of town. I'd asked him what would happen if he fucked me while keeping his dick at a normal size then let it expand inside me. "I can't control the growth, I can only tell it to start. It's like getting a second boner - I don't really have a lot of say over it except having to 'turn it on'. I can't make it stop once it starts either. Has to fade like any normal one. So if I did it inside you, you'd be one considerably loose bunny... Not that that would make much of a difference." I threw my pillow across the room at him as he laughed at his wit. Eventually, it got dark and it was time to head out.

Matt drove us there, and we sat in a comfortable silence, listening to the radio. It took a while to get there, since Matt lived in the centre of town. Finally though, we arrived at a large house, looking like it was once the main home of a family that would have worked on a farm, though any signs of the farm itself were long gone. It was a large, red building made mostly of wood, with lots of windows, though most had their curtain closed with very faint glows of light coming from them. "Here we are." Matt said as we parked. My heart fluttered with my nerves, and he could see it in me, so reached over and stroked me behind the ear. "Don't worry, Cel. You know you can trust me, right?" I smiled, still feeling nervous, but nodded at the question.

We climbed out the car and walked up to the door, on the way Matt explained. "They're going to let you use the thing that makes the growth happen." He looked at him, wide eyed. "Don't worry! The first couple of times don't really have any effect, so if you don't like it, you don't have to continue. Hell, if you don't do it regularly, eventually you'll lose the ability to grow again." As he knocked on the door, he continued. "I'm not allowed to come with you though. The guy who operates the machine is a good guy, so don't be afraid." He said, and stroked me once more, then the door opened. "Ah!" Matt said. "Speak of the devil."

At the door was a huge, black furred bull man. He was even taller than Matt, by a good few inches at least. He could easily have been easily intimidating with his long black horns and the way he bulked with muscle, but he had what was quite possibly the silliest grin on his face that I'd ever seen... He still did a good job of scaring me though. He wore blue jeans and a white vest top, looking a lot like a builder. "Matt!" He bellowed loudly when he saw us, staggering out the door and pulling Matt into a hug that looked like it could crush a lesser person - specifically, me. "Was beginning to think you weren't coming!"

"And miss the show?" Matt answered when the bull released him. "Fat chance of that." I didn't know what this show was, but Matt had mentioned it several times throughout the day. It was thing that I'd apparently find really disturbing but 'had to remember that no one gets hurt', and every time he mentioned it he made it sound scarier. Matt gestured his arm out to me and said "This is-" but that was all he got out before the bull turned to me.

"Cel!" He shouted, even louder then when he saw Matt. He easily scooped me up into a hug, ripping me clean off the floor. Fortunately, he didn't squeeze me as tightly as he had Matt, but it still hurt. Matt was laughing at me, I saw over the bull's shoulder, so I shot him an evil glare. "Good ta meet ya at last." He said, putting me down. "Matt's told me a lot about yeh, glad his 'big surprise' didn't scare ya off!" He placed a hand on my head and ruffled my fur with enough force to have knocked me to the ground if Matt hadn't instinctively grabbed my arm to hold me up. "Well, c'mon in! No sense freezing out here in... This warm... summer night... Get in!" We quickly shot through the door at his yell, and he closed it behind us.

The room looked less like the entry hall of a farmhouse and more like the reception of a high rating hotel or ski lodge. There were people of various species, in various states of dress, around the room. A few of them said their hellos to Matt as we walked past, but I couldn't take the time to stop and really notice them as the bull continued to speak. "I can do the favour for yeh, Matty, but we'll have to do it fairly quickly... Show will be starting before long, y'know." He said, and Matt put his hand on my back, looking at me.

"Go with him, Cel." He said with a smile. The bull seemed friendly enough but still, the idea of being without Matt in this place he'd made sound so scary didn't appeal to me, even after the warm welcome. I gulped and nodded my head, which he leaned in and kissed the top of. "You'll be fine." He smiled. "You'll love it!" He patted me on the back, and I quickly rushed down the hall after the bull when he turned back to return to the lobby. I heard him giving a proper hello to someone he knew there as his voice faded into the background.

The bull led me away from Matt and the lobby, explaining as he went. "We weren't supposed to be using the machines today, but Matts always been good at sweet talking the boss - managed to sweet talk his way right into the club, actually... You're a first timer so this will probably be pretty quick." He took me through a side door and into a room filled with ten identical machines. Long metal boxes with a groove in them clearly designed for someone to lay in, stomach down, with a very large hole where the cock would go, and handles further down the machine. "Most people find it helps to have something to hold onto." The bull explained in a simple manner. "Sometimes it can feel so good you forget to keep yourself standing." The machines each had pipes leading from them into a large, circular machine in the middle, which the ten boxes circled around. In the part of the body grooves where the head would be, there was a plastic mask with a tube going from it down into the machine. "Well, no time like the present. You'll be wanting to take your clothes off if you don't have something to change into afterwards."

Nervously, I asked him if the machine would hurt. "Eeeh, a li'l bit, at first. Don't worry, we've got half a hospital of medical guys in the building for if anything goes wrong - and they're all bored stiff because nothing ever does." He smiled and patted me on the shoulder. The bull's cheeriness inspired a bit of confidence in me, and I quickly lost my clothing - the same easy-to-strip stuff I'd worn last night, not realising that I'd be staying out for so long. I held my hands over my cock and blushed as I saw the bull staring at me, chewing on his lip. He suddenly cleared his throat and turned to the machine. "Ah, sorry about that. It's just eh, you're just... You're very nice. For a li'l rabbit, I mean." He awkwardly managed to get out. "Right, the way you go into the machine is fairly self-explanatory, right? In you go."

I got on my knees in front of the machine, kneeling on a cushion that was attached to the front of it, and lowered my cock - which was beginning to harden from my excitement - and balls into the hole. The Bull pressed a button on the side of the box and the hole instantly shrank till it was clamping firmly around the base of my cock, holding me in place. I leant forwards and took hold of the handles on the sides of the machine, feeling a bit awkward. If this really was going to feel good, then I did appreciate the handles - I had a habit of yanking on my ears if I couldn't find anything else to grab mid-orgasm. "Don't worry, you'll be able to breathe just fine." The Bullman said has he fit the mask over my mouth. "Just try to relax and don't struggle when the pump comes on, breathe through your nose and you'll be fine. I'll turn it off if you look like you're having difficulties." He gave my ass a quick pat and positioned himself next to the circular machine in the centre, by a small control panel next to where the pipes from my box entered. He flicked a few switches and typed something in to a keypad then turned to me and asked, "Ready?"

I nodded nervously, and he turned back to the machine. "Then here... We... Go!" He flicked a final switch and the machine purred into life with a low rumble. The machine below me vibrated ever so slightly, making my skin tingle. I saw a liquid flow up the tube into my mask, and rushed into my mouth. It was a dark grey colour and didn't look particularly attractive, but when it touched my tongue, it was surprisingly sweet. "Drink it down." The bullman told me, and I started to swallow it. It had a thick texture like a cream liqueur or... some other, less polite fluids I could name and preferred to liqueur. Once I'd taken in a few gulps, I saw him flick another switch, and then felt a strange sensation at my cock.

It felt like pinching at first, and I winced at it. "That's supposed to happen." The bull said, smiling at me over his shoulder. "Three, two, one..." He flicked a switch and the pinching feeling went away, replaced by that of a sucking feeling that I liked considerably more. After he'd done that, he walked away from the console, kneeling down next to me and stroking me behind the ear. "There." He spoke softly. "Now all you have to do is enjoy yourself. I know I'll enjoy watching." He patted me and stood up again, perching on the next box over. I noticed a bulge in his jeans, which he placed his hand on, rubbing gently. The sucking sensation got stronger, feeling like someone had my entire member and balls in his mouth at once, but without the moistness. I was definitely at my full hardness now, and wondered if I was growing beyond that inside the machine. The thought excited me.

The grey fluid was still pumping into me, though slower now, and I gulped each mouthful down, breathing heavily through my nose as I did. If I weren't being forced to do that, I no doubt would have been moaning loud enough for half a town to hear as the suction at my cock continued. I gripped the handles tighter, seeing full well what he'd meant when he told me that you could forget to keep yourself in position if you had nothing holding you in place. Receiving blow jobs never had much appeal to me - I was much more a fan of giving them - but they had never felt like this, not even by my most talented fuck buddies. Though I found myself missing the feeling of a tongue against my shaft. Tongues had a wonderful ability to apply pressure and tickle at all the right places.

I felt myself building, but I knew I needed something if I was ever going to cum. I looked to the bull who was still rubbing himself through his now precum marked jeans, and pushed my ass out as far as the machine holding my cock would let me. It took him a few moments to notice, but when he did, he smiled devilishly. "Aww, does the bunny need a li'l bit of a hand with this?" I nodded eagerly, and he got up off the machine, kneeling down beside me. He placed a hand on my back, stroking down it towards my ass, as he placed the other one on my head, scratching me behind the ear, making it twitch. The hand groped my ass cheek once it reached there, then slipped between them and pressed a finger against my hole, sending shivers through me.

I felt one slip inside - it had been a good while before I needed lube for anything as small as a finger - and instantly felt myself getting much closer to my climax. He moved around inside me, pressing against my walls and searching for my sweet spot, eventually slipping in a second finger to help. I knew instantly when he found it, stopping my gulping to let out a moan as my body heaved with pleasure. He laughed and started to gently massage the spot as I continued gulping down the fluid once more. Once he'd found the target, it didn't take long for him and the machine to push me over the edge. I came hard into the machine, whimpering between gulps and breathing as hard as I could through my nose. My orgasm seemed to last for ages, and may have been one of the most powerful I'd ever felt.

When I'd finally emptied myself into the machine, I'd noticed that the fluid had stopped flowing into my mouth. The bull's fingers slipped from my hole, and he gave my ass another pat before standing up and taking the mask off. "How'd you like that one then, li'l bunny?" He said with a grin, pressing the button to release my cock from the hole. I fell backwards out of the box, onto my ass, panting heavily while he returned to the console and powered down the machine again. After a few moments, I regained myself and looked down at my cock, but it didn't look any different. I told him that I didn't feel that different either, expect for being full of that liquid. He laughed and said I wouldn't yet. "It takes at least five treatments before you'll even start to grow." He told me, happily as he helped me to my feet. "They've got to be done fairly closely together, but don't worry, if you're sticking around for the show then you'll be able to receive your second before you leave, and I'm pretty sure Matt plans on bringing you back tomorrow - if you still want to come, of course. By tomorrow night, you'll be learning how to make it grow in no time." He said, and put his massive hand on my head, ruffling my fur with enough strength that I almost got knocked to the floor again.

I saw his bulge still clearly seeking attention in his jeans, and asked him if he'd been receiving these treatments, then asked how big he could grow when he told me he had. "Only an inch or two at the minute. I'm taking it a bit slower than people like Matt - he's happy to stick his dick in the machine whenever we let him!" He laughed, but quickly stopped when I brought my hand up to his bulge and groped at it. He stared at me in surprise, then grinned. "Damn, you really are one horny little bunny, aren't you?" I grinned mischievously and nodded as I groped harder. He bit his lip and looked around, then glanced at his watch. "Well... The treatment didn't take as long as I thought, so I suppose there is still a while before the show starts... And I'm sure Matt has found some pretty young thing to entertain himself with..." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in against his body. "Though I think I'm getting the prettier one here."

I quickly started telling him what I wanted; that I wanted him to fuck me, and I wanted to feel him grow inside me. I asked him if he was sure it would only be a small increase and he reassured me. I quickly undid his jeans and pulled them down low enough to get his hard cock out - it was already fairly huge, though I had no idea what the natural average was for bulls, having never slept with one before, but even if he grew another five inches, I was confident I could take it without too much pain. It would definitely be the biggest I'd ever taken though. He turned me around and bent me down over the box that my dick had just been finished by, and I felt him press his cock up against my hole.

Clearly familiar with how tight I really wasn't, he pressed in without hesitation, moaning as he did. He went slowly, letting me adjust to his size, but it didn't take long for him to slip all the way into me, his fat balls smacking against mine. Beginning to thrust in and out, I heard him pant harder as he began to approach his end. I began to wonder if he remembered what I'd asked, but just as I was about to say something, he asked "You ready for it to grow?" I moaned and nodded my enthusiasm. I'd become hard again already at the thought of it and had taken myself in one hand, pumping. The next thing I felt stopped my movements completely though.

I gasped my pleasure as I felt him begin to grow inside me, pushing the walls around his cock as we both moaned. "Ah, fuck!" He said hoarsely, "Fuck, that's good!" He started thrusting again as he continued to swell. It felt even better than I'd imagined, growing inside me and stretching me out. I wished he could grow larger when I realised he'd finally reached his second full size, but it was definitely more than good enough for now. With one last cry of 'fuck!', I felt the bull shoot his seed up into my guts, filling me with more than I'd ever felt before. I moaned out, and though I'd let go of my cock again, I still came from the sensation, coating the box in front of me with my own load - which was considerably large, given that I'd only came minutes before.

Once the bulls orgasm had finished and his size reduced somewhat, he slipped out of me, panting heavily. I turned around and smiled, feeling weak from all that I'd experienced. He smiled back at me, and petted me behind my ear once more, when I asked him if he'd fuck me like that again, after his second size increased more. "Fuck, Cel!" He said, surprised. "I know you rabbits fuck like... Well, rabbits... But damn!" I smiled, still waiting for his answer. He pulled me into a hug and said "Boy, if you keep coming here while I'm working, I'll happily fuck you for as long as my cock is still smaller than your body." I smiled at that, hopping up and kissing him on the lips. He broke the hug and patted me on the ass once more. "Right then... I'll er... I'll have to clean up in here. Why don't you head on out and see if you can find Matt. Shows starting soon and trust me, you don't want to miss it."