Chapter one, Truth be Told.

Story by Wuffy on SoFurry

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#1 of Adventures of me

This is my story, one of which is based off a true story. This story goes into some deep details, so if you are not 18 or older and all that stuff, then I advise you to not read this. Now, please do not complain about bad grammar or spelling, for well, I suck at grammar. Do not judge me by it nor my spelling, but he ideas behind my story, thank you . . . also, these characters belong to me. . . SO HA. . . tey are minez! or something of that sort. i guess all im trying to say is id like to hear what you liked about my story, and how might i improve upon it. thank you, yours truly, Wuffy . . . -Chapter one, Truth be told- My life has always been kind of odd. I'm ugly and yet I seam to get all of the right people after me, I guess I must have one hell of a personality. Right now let us start with my name; they call me Wuffy, for I never had any other name to be called. I am an arctic wolf with classic white fur, I am about 5'-8" oh and my head fur is blue, just thought you might like to know that, but enough with me, and more onto my story. You see, there is this girl; an arctic fox by the name of Zel. Oh is she beautiful, with white fur that you would swear was glowing, ill tell you more about her later, for its now time for my story to begin. Where should a good story start? I am thinking close to the beginning will suffice. She was by a small stream, gathering water into a small pouch. It was where she always came for water, after all it is not far from her home and don't think me wrong, I am no stalker. I am her best friend; we have known each other for years. We live in the same home believe it or not for when I was a little pup, my home burned down. My parents got killed by the intensity of the flames; after all such things are hot after all. She took me in with her family, and just in case your wondering, she is not that much older then me to. Well, I guess I am straying from my tale. Our home, surrounded by a forest of Douglas-firs was where we spent our time. I had a secret, I loved her deeply. Every day id watch her walk to the stream for water and every day my heart would forever be forlorn, just at the thought of not being able to have her. Smiling she said, "What is wrong Wuffy?" "Oh nothing," I said with a sigh, "Just nothing is all." "That's not what your eyes are saying, come on what is wrong?" "Have you ever wondered if your heart was working properly?" I asked. Looking away she giggled, "As a matter of fact I have, but you see . . . the heart is an interesting thing now isn't it?" she said. I shook my head and that's how my day passed by, if only oh if only I could tell her how I felt. She is like a radiant sun, forever glowing in my heart and with every passing beat I wish more and more to tell her of my love. As always a few days passed and in with growing desperation I would think of how I would tell her. Fear has a way of working on people you know and yes I was scared of being turned down, but when you have one that's purer then snow and more beautiful then that of the moons glows you tend to feel like the world is against you. "How will I tell her," I shouted to the moonlit sky, my voice echoing through out the mountain top. It was my most favorite place to think, you could look around for miles and miles and on nights of the full moon you could see the world lit up with a different light. It was my special spot, a place I could not be harmed. Getting up I said, "Oh well, ill figure it out one day," looking around and noticing the vibrant glimmer of the snow, taking in the scent of the land it filled me with a feeling of happiness, that some how everything would be all right. I made my way down the mountain side, only taking a couple hours to traverse the path set before me, my fur blowing in the soft wind with every step I made. When I did reach the house, she was waiting outside for me and I smiled to her as always. Running towards me and hugging me she smiles and said, "Where have you been my Wuffy?" "Oh, I was around . . . hey, tomorrow can I show you something?" I asked, hugging her softly feeling her naked fur against my own. "What is it you want to show me?" she countered. "I want to show you a gift, well . . . give you a gift." "Fine, tomorrow show me this gift of yours, you know I missed you. When you are gone I got no one else to be with you known," she said, nuzzling into my chest fur. "I am sorry, I truly am," I replied and with that we both went inside our little home, the warmth of a fire against my fur as I continued to move forth into the house. A smile of my face for tomorrow I had a plan, one of immense proportions. The next day started like any other day, I went with her to gather some water. Every day she would gather water three times, once before breakfast, once before lunch, and once before dinner. Like any other day we started off the morning with a random breakfast; today was eggs with a side of salmon. Oh how she can cook, the flavor was like an explosive discernment. "Do not worry about lunch, or dinner. I got something special planned," I told her, trying to hide any signs of my plan from her. "Oh really, fine," she responded, "But what is it your planning," she added with a smirk. "It wouldn't be called a surprise if you knew what I was planning now wouldn't it," I countered. Soon enough the time came, I told her to close her eyes and she nodded. I put a blindfold over her eyes and she giggled, "COME ON . . . please tell me," she said, a cute smile appeared on her as I grinned. "I told you, it's a surprise. BUT you will get to take the blindfold off in about two hours," "WHAT!? Two hours! Are you crazy!?" she snarled. "It's that good of a surprise," I said wearing a huge smile and she nodded. We began to work our way up the mountain with her in my arms; I waited carefully to time it all right so that night fall would be just a few minutes after we got there. As minutes passed, she began to bury her muzzle into my chest fur. "Why are you doing this?" she asked quietly. "Because, there is something I have to show you, something you have to know," I replied, causing her to go dead silent. We finally reached our destination, I lay her down onto a blanket. Kneeling down carefully as I did so, "We are here," I said with a smile. Giggling, she said, "Finally, so what is it you wish to show me?" I moved a finger against her muzzle, "Shh, not yet, I have something I want to say. Your beauty is like that of a rose, glimmering with a crimson color. Your fur is like that of the snow, and your perfection like that of the sky, gracefully being just that for ever," I said, removing her blindfold. Her eyes moved around, a starlit sky and a full moon greeted her, "on a scale from one to ten, my love for you . . ." I looked upward into the sky, "well, its so high of a number that it cant even be matched by the number of stars in this sky," I finished, my gaze looking back at her only to have it be joined by hers, "I love you Zel." "Oh Wuffy," she said quietly, her voice shaking as her cheeks turned red, a tear rolling down her cheek, "I love you . . ." she tried to say as her lips where pressed against mine. A welcoming bliss as her eyes closed; I slide my loving tongue into her maw gently as I hold her close, a murr escaped her as my eyes closed gently. Our tongues danced lovingly as I pushed her onto the blanket. Slowly pulling away from the kiss, I smiled, "Oh Zel, I love you more then I could ever put into words, you are everything to me; my world and my night." "Wuffy, I have always loved you, and I always will," she tried to say calmly as I kissed her once again, pressing my body firmly against hers. My paw moved to her waist, feeling her gently as I follow her body up to her breast. Her eyes widen as a soft murr escaped her again only to have her eyes close. Licking her muzzle I smiled, "I want you to be my life mate Zel, will you honor me with that wish and become mine?" I asked silently. "Yes, I'm yours!" she answered as her eyes suddenly filled with water. I fondled her breast gently as she felt something against her inner thigh. She slowly spread her legs as a moan evaded her. My tongue slipped into her maw, seeking her living tongue as he positioned himself to her entrance. Murring softly as I placed my tip into her wet welcoming sex. Inch by inch I added and with every inch her eyes tighten from the pain of me being her first, and last, lover. I stopped when the last of my 8 inch length was inside of my love. "Are . . . you ok my love?" I asked inaudibly. "Y . . . yes I am, d . . . do not stop, I will adjust . . ." she answered, licking at my muzzle as I lapped at her tongue. We continued to move our tongues against one another's as I began to move, pumping my length into my love, soft moans leaving my as I moved. She held me close to her, as tightly as I could as she began to murr with me. She deeply kissed me, filling the kiss with passion as I began to move faster and faster, my knot slowly beginning to form as it beat against her entrance. Suddenly grabbing the blankets she murred loudly, "OH GOD!" She shouted, "Please tie me with you, PLEASE," she yelled, her murring getting louder and louder the faster I moved. "Anything for you my love!" I said aloud as I thrust my near-fully grown knot into her. With a loud growl of pleasure I came into her, breaking off into a loud howl, my love song for her. Her body began to shake as she came with me, her body shaking, twisting and turning before me as she shook. When my love song ended so did her orgasm. "Oh Wuffy, my Wuffy," she said, holding me close as I held her. I kiss her softly, "I love you so much, and I always will," I said before kissing her again. Both of us slowly began to close our eyes until we ended up falling asleep in each others arms and under the moonlit, star filled sky. The end. (also, if there is no paragraphs, sorry thats my fault, im just to tired to fix it. . .)