Sara's Story - Chapter 10

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#10 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 2: Present

Chapter 10 - Staring into the Eyes of the Reaper

© 2003 Nameless

The next morning the overseer has his fun with me. He is rather gentle with me and takes enough time to satisfy me as well, I think he even tries to make it more enjoyable for me. I can't really say that I enjoy his attention, but with him I don't worry about being punished and I can loose myself in the sensations and forget about my fears for a moment. Then he sends me to clean myself up and report to the kitchen. I spend the rest of the day working there.

That evening the mistress grants me another day of respite before I have to entertain the guards or anyone else who feels like it for the night. I get to work the early shift the next day. Together with three other femmes I sleep on an improvised bed in the kitchen. We get to eat dinner a bit earlier and go to sleep when the other slaves leave for their room.

The next day the night guard wakes us up about two hours earlier than anyone else. We get up, wash quickly and begin to prepare breakfast. It is still dark outside and strangely peaceful. We work without direct supervision, the mistress told us yesterday what we have to do. The night guard checks on us from time to time. Even the paw he sneaks under my smock as I kneed the dough does not ruin my mood. With a start I find that I am humming quietly as I work, strangely content. "I'll beg the Mistress to put me on the early shift more often." I resolve.

# # #

As the days pass, I get more and more afraid. I hardly ever get to sleep alone now, unless I get to work the early shift. I am greatly relieved when I have to serve the overseer or the Lord, not one of the guards. They are much gentler than the guards and I am not afraid that either of them will hurt me too badly as long as I do my best to please them. That the rabbit is not allowed to use me is my only consolation and not a big one at that. Whenever our eyes meet (which is not often), I can see the hatred he has for me. He does not make any threats but I know that he is only biding his time and waiting for an opportunity to take his revenge on me.

"Sarah, come with me."

"Yes, Mistress." I say and put down the pot I am cleaning. I follow her into one of the storerooms.

She closes the door behind us and turns to me "What is the matter with you, Sarah?"

I look at her and consider telling her that everything is fine, but I know that she will punish me if she thinks that I am lying to her. And I can see in her eyes that she would not believe me if I told her that. So I sigh and say "It's the rabbit guard, Mistress. Every time our eyes meet ... He hates me ... He has not said it outright, but I'm sure he blames me for not being allowed to have his fun with me ... I think he is planning something to hurt me ... Or even kill me."

"I see." She thinks about it for a moment "I won't let him hurt you. I'll tell Henry. Don't worry about it, Sara." Her voice makes it clear that this is a command.

"Yes, Mistress." I answer, what else can I do? I know she wants to reassure me, but my stomach feels really queasy.

She turns around and examines the sides of cured ham and points at one of them "Take that one."

"Yes, Mistress." I say and take it down from the hook and carry it as I follow her back to the kitchen.

Whenever one of the guards takes me to one of the small private rooms, I become terribly afraid, especially if he takes me to the last room. Every time one of the guards looks at me with a particularly lustful or cruel gleam in his eyes, every time one of them takes me to that room, I cannot help but wonder if that guard is one of the rabbit's friends. I cannot help but wonder if this is going to be the time when the rabbit or his friend will take their revenge on me. Every time I follow one of the guards into one of those rooms I feel as if I am walking to my execution. And I know that there is nothing I can do. Except pray.

The mistress knows that I worry terribly and she looks at me disapprovingly to remind me not to, but she does not speak about it again. Several times a sudden noise startles me so badly that I drop whatever I am holding at that moment. Once the china plate I am holding breaks and I get several strokes with the cane as punishment. Still, I count myself lucky, most of my former masters would have whipped me until I passed out from pain for breaking such a valuable piece of dinnerware.

# # #

"You." says the guard, a mostly black cat and points at me.

Resigned I say "Yes, Master." and follow him upstairs and to the last room.

He opens the door and commands "Go in."

I feel a slight shiver run down my spine as I obey and then I stop in shock when I see the rope and the gag on the bed, but before I can do anything, his paw wraps around my muzzle. His extended claws dig into my jaw painfully.

He pulls a knife from his belt and presses it against my throat. He stares into my eyes and growls "If you make a single noise ... If you even breathe too loud ... I'll cut your throat."

Numbly I give a tiny nod. My stomach churns and my knees grow so weak I can barely stand. "Today the master left on business! Taking some of his more reliable guards with him. That is what the rabbit was waiting for!" I realize and I start praying for my life.

The guard forces a gag into my muzzle and ties it shut. Then he takes a length of cloth and ties it around my muzzle for good measure, so tightly that I can barely breathe through my nostrils. He pushes me down on the bed and grabs my paws and ties them together behind my back. Then he pulls them up and ties my wrists to my collar, painfully stretching my arms and arching my back. I howl into the gag in pain. suddenly I can feel the knife point dig into my throat and a trickle of blood soaks into the covers on the bed. "Be silent! Then next time that knife goes all the way in, is that clear?" He whispers. Terrified, I nod.

After a minute he forces me to stand up and ties a length of rope to my collar. As he cuts the smock off my body, he comments "You won't need that again." Then he takes the oil lamp and commands "Follow me. And don't make any noise, or ..." I have to follow him down the stairs.

When we leave the house, several other furs suddenly appear out of the darkness. When I recognize the rabbit, fear completely overwhelms me. I lose control of my bladder and my knees suddenly buckle and I fall down.

After a few moments the rabbit grabs my muzzle and forces me to look at him. He is grinning evilly "I see that you are really in the mood to play a little." He gives a quiet laugh that makes my fur stand on end "I think I'll squirrel you away, so you can ripen in my private larder."

Then two of them grab my arms and haul me to my feet and force me to follow them into the forest. The rabbit stops them, unties the rope from my collar and reties it to my nose ring. He gives a sharp tug that jerks my head around and fills my eyes with tears. I howl into the gag, then I have to do my best to follow him as he marches off at a brisk pace.

We walk for some time, my whole body hurts and several times I stumble and crash into the ground. Once a particularly sharp stone punches through the skin of my left breast. I can feel the blood trickle down my belly as I struggle to follow the rabbit.

Then we suddenly step out into a clearing. When I see the ruins not far from us, I stop dead.

The rabbit turns to me and says "Take a good look around. You won't see this again. Or the sun for that matter." He grins at me "We'll take you down there and we'll have a lot of fun together. And then I have a nice wooden coffin that you can rest in."

When I hear that and see his eyes all my hope evaporates. I loose control of my bowels and soil myself. The guards laugh a me, then they force me to follow them and climb down into the hidden basement. There the rabbit puts the lamp on the table and empties a sack with lots of unpleasant looking tools next to it. There are also several knives and a sickle. Then he removes the gag from my muzzle. But my hurting jaws are only granted a moment's respite before he forces a ring gag into my muzzle. "Do you want to know how long you are going to wear that?" He does not even wait for my reaction before he gives the answer "For the rest of your life."

I taste my own blood as the sharp ridges on the outer side of the ring dig into my flesh. My blood runs cold when he shines the lamp into the far corner of the room. There is a freshly dug hole and a wooden crate. "They intend to bury me here!" I whimper in fear and if my bowels had not been empty already, I would have emptied them now.

He watches me as I stand there, shivering from cold and fear and says "Hmmm, I know just the thing to get your blood flowing again and warm you up a bit." Two of his friends grab my arms and hold me as he picks up a riding crop and starts whipping me with it. First my backside, then he starts on my front, my breasts and then my crotch. By the time he is finished, my throat is raw from my howls of pain. My head spins, he stopped just short of making me pass out from pain.

He waits for a few moments for my howls to subside and my head to clear a little, then he holds two pieces of strong wire in front of my face "Here I have some nice baubles for you, my lovely squirrel. I'm sure you are wondering where these go?" I don't have to wonder for long. He grabs my right breast and squeezes it so that the nipple is prominently displayed. He takes the first wire and drives it through the flesh at the base of my nipple. I howl in pain and try to free myself from my tormentors, but it is of no use, they are much stronger than I am. He waits for my howls to subside, then he twists the ends of the wire together, forming a loop. He pulls on it, hard. I scream and the world before my eyes begins to swim, I nearly pass out from the pain. He grins at me "I see that you enjoy your new embellishments." He waits for a few moments, fondling my breasts, then he repeats the procedure on my left breast.

They let me catch my breath, then they force me down on my knees and the rabbit opens his trousers and grabs my ears. He pushes his cock into my mouth and starts fucking me. He does not bother to wait for me to lick him, he just thrusts into my mouth, sometimes so deeply that I gag and nearly throw up. Several times he stops while he is so deep inside me that I cannot breathe. When he spurts his load into me, some of it gets into my lung. As I cough and gag, trying to clear my throat so I can breathe again, one of his friends takes his place and thrusts into my mouth, nearly suffocating me. Suddenly my backside is lifted up and then one of them thrusts into my tailhole. I howl my pain into the cock that gags my muzzle.

Finally they are finished with this and give me a short respite. I kneel on the floor, panting hard as tears of pain and humiliation soak into my fur.

# # #

When I look up, they are considering me. I don't like the cruel smiles on the guard's muzzles.

The cat speaks first "Considering how much she had to walk today, I think her feet could use a massage."

I groan, I'm pretty sure what he considers to be a massage.

The rabbit laughs "Yes. I think she could use one." Then he looks at me and commands "On your belly!"

When I don't obey instantly, he kicks my legs out from under me and I fall, slamming into the ground. I lie there, whimpering in pain as the wires dig into my breasts painfully. One of the guards brings the chair over and my legs are tied to it, exposing my footpads to their ministrations.

The cat takes the riding crop and starts whipping my feet. I howl in pain and flex my muscles, trying to escape. But they have bound me too well. After some time I pass out.

When I awaken again, I am sitting on the chair. Almost the first thing I notice is that my soles are burning like fire. Panting heavily and barely able to avoid screaming in pain, I lift my feet off the ground, to relieve the pain in my footpads. When I look at them, I see that the fur on my feet is drenched in blood.

They let me rest for a few minutes, then two of them grab my arms and haul me to my feet. My feet explode in pain when they touch the ground. I whimper in pain and try to take the weight off my feet, but then the cat pads up behind me and holds the sickle under my crotch, forcing me to stand straight or risk cutting myself on it. The other two guards let go of my arms.

The cat pushes up, almost forcing me to stand on tiptoes. He says "Your feet need a little exercise. Let's walk a bit." He grabs the base of my tail and pushes me in the direction he wants me to walk. I have to obey, whimpering in pain every time my feet touch the ground and leave bloody footprints behind or risk cutting my crotch on the sharp sickle. I have to walk around the room for several minutes. By the time I am allowed to kneel again my head is swimming from pain and blood trickles down my thighs from several small cuts in my crotch and my buttocks.

# # #

The rabbit commands "Lie on your back!"

I obey.

He says "Here I have another lovely toy for you." and shows me a metal ring. It is more than two inches in diameter and has sharp spikes and ridges on the outside. "Hmmm, where would you love to have me put this?" He takes a rag, ties it around his paw and grabs the ring "I'll let you feel it a little first, though."

He grabs my muzzle with his other paw and drags the ring along my left cheek. It tears away my skin and flesh. Howling in pain, I can even feel it scrape along my cheek bones before I pass out.

The rabbit wakes me by splashing cold water on me. "Tony, would you help me?" He asks, turning to the black cat.

"Sure, Jack."

He grabs my legs and forces them apart, then he kneels between them. He puts his paws into my slit and forces it wide. The rabbit puts the ring in it. When they let go, the ridges of the ring dig into my flesh painfully.

I don't have to wonder long what comes next. The rabbit mounts me and enters me. Every time he thrusts into me, the ring digs into my tender flesh painfully. And his weight hurts my paws, crushing them between my back and the hard ground and the wires dig into my breasts. When he has spurted his load into me and stands up, I see that his cock is covered with blood. My blood. He dips his fingers into my slit and tastes it "Hmmm, your juices taste heavenly today." The cat takes his place and fucks me roughly, then the other guards take turns.

"Do you think she is hungry?" The cat asks.

"Sure. She's had a long night. Why don't we feed her a little."

The cat grins and picks up some loam and pushes it into my nostrils, blocking them and forcing me to breathe through my mouth. One of the guards kneels on my legs to hold them in place and fondles my crotch, another one grabs my headfur and holds my head still. Then the cat lowers his trousers, squats over my muzzle and begins to empty his bowels into my mouth. Tears fill my eyes as I have to swallow everything or suffocate. When he is finished, he turns around and pisses into my mouth. It is almost a relief and I drink it eagerly as tastes much less horrible and it allows me to rinse the worst of the taste out of my mouth.

The rabbit says "I think she's still hungry." and takes the cat's place. I am really glad that the other guards do not follow him, only one of them "gives" me something to drink.

Time passes, incredibly quick and horribly slow at the same time, as they force me to endure excruciating levels of pain.

# # #

The rabbit climbs up the ladder and looks at the moon outside "I think we'd better finish up and go back home. What a pity. I was just beginning to have fun."

They force me to walk to the coffin " I'm going to die!" When I look in, I see that they have driven several short nails into the bottom so that they will dig into my flesh when I lie in it.

"You see the breathing holes? We don't want you to die too quickly. We'll put you into the hole over there, but we'll let you enjoy all this for a few days before we cover everything with earth."

They force me to lie down next to the coffin and hogtie me.

The rabbit steps in front of me and asks "Do you want to beg for your life, slave?"

I nod eagerly as new hope fills me and lower my muzzle to his feet and lick them. I pray that he will take mercy on me.

But then he kicks me in the face and steps away "You disgust me, worthless slave. Put her in."

I mewl in pain and fear, my last hopes dashed. " I'm going to die!"

They lift me into the coffin. The rabbit takes a piece of string and ties it to my nose ring and to a nail driven into the side of the coffin. Now I can't even lower my head and rest it on the bottom. I have to strain my neck or my put the weight on my nose ring and have it tug painfully on my nostrils. Then they put the lid on top and nail it shut. " I'm going to die!"

Slowly and deliberately. It takes forever until all the nails are driven in. " I'm going to die!" Then they pick it up and lower it into the hole. The nails dig into my body, some of them breaking my skin.

There is no way I can escape now. I am tied up and completely helpless. My whole body is wracked by pain and every tiny movement sends new lances of pain through me. " I'm going to die!"

I lie there in the darkness, the only thing I can hear is the hammering of my heart. My eyes burn, dry now, all my tears are already shed. I lie there and wait for the final darkness to claim me.

"I'm going to die! God, please let it be over soon."

End of Chapter 10