New Life - Part 2

Story by Wolfsters Creations on SoFurry

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#2 of New Life Series

As the wolfsky hastily makes his way to work, his left eye catches a glimpse of a very large and manly purple hippo that is walking on the other side of the street. He doesn't have any time to waste getting to work, so he quickly refocuses on trying to make his clothes fit. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Boss Colin is going to kill me!!!" Eventually he reaches his job site. The building takes up about a blocks worth and it's titled, "Colin's Foxy Wears". As he stares at the sign, he reaches for his name tag pin from his pants pocket.

The big guys eyes widen, when he realizes he left it at home, "Could this day get ANY worse!?" With that being said he turns to look over his right shoulder and who else does he see but Colin's very huge and masterful wolf lover, Rackun. The worried stud knew all too well just what kind of business man he was, last time this happened to him, he was the one who bitched him out. With each step he took, the wolfsky began to think fast, "What is today? THINK!" Finally it comes to him as he looks back up with Rackun just a few steps away. "Hello Rackun sir! Welcome to Colin's Foxy Wears!!" He looks at the canine over but just heads inside.

"Damn, it would be today." He waits a little longer when he sees that hippo again. With him now on the canine's side of the street he notices he is walking straight towards him. Soon the hippo turns and walks into the store himself. As he makes his way inside the wolfsky turns to look at him as he sees just how big and fat he is. His rump's top half pushing out of his shorts with his belly bottom showing a little and his entire frame stretching all the fabric on his body. "Now that's a man I could be with," says the stunned male. After he composes himself he heads into where u sign-in for your shift only to be greeted by a fellow worker. "Hey Arc! How was your weekend?"

Arc just steps back and points to his problems, "Oh no. If you go into the morning meeting looking like that then..." "I know but what else can I do? He has to special order all our work clothes. Of course not that it matters. I forgot today was Inventory Checking." The co-worker looks around and leans closer," You were seen by... Him?" Arc nods, "Then you're... fucked." He heads to the meeting room as Arc slowly follows behind. They both enter and the wolfsky goes to find a seat. As he sits down some of the other workers begin to whisper and chuckle with them all looking at him. Soon the door opens again with the huge brown wolf stepping inside. He is wearing what he normally does, his designer shoes, his custom made slacks, shirt, jacket, and yes even sunglasses. He pulls off his glasses scanning the room, "They're all here Colin." With that, a big and manly brown fox walks in the room wearing clothes to complement his lovers.

The fox walks to the front of the desk and sits down with the wolf sitting next to him, "Good morning Everyone! Did you all have a good weekend!?" The workers all respond with the same response of each new week. "I have an announcement to make. As you know this store has been growing and we have opened up a couple more stores within the area that are doing just as well. My announcement is this; I am looking into opening up a club or a restraunt. I think it's time I branch out and start bringing more to my company and I'm gonna need one of you to help me lead the way. So this week is all about you guys. I and Rackun will be pulling each of you to talk with us. By the end of the week, we and one of you will have a new career and life to begin with Colin Inc.

As the news was being shared Arc was trying to fit his shirt over his belly when he realized what was being said. Once the announcement was made all the other workers started to tell the two bosses just how effective they would be for Team Colin. The meeting afterwards continued as always with sales, stock, company policy, worker complaints, and other various business subjects. "I'd like to thank everyone for coming today and hope to see good things this week from everyone." Colin and Rackun both stand up and make their way out but before they do Rackun points to two workers. "You two will be the first we interview this week. So please stay here." He then looks over at Arc, "You! I need to talk with now!!" Arc gulps heavily as he moves toward the door, "I can't lose this job. If I can make an impression this week than maybe..." He walks out of the room towards his open future.