[Commission: Leons1] The Neighborly Thing To Do

Story by Kardas on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

Characters belong to Leons1

Story by Kardas

The Neighborly Thing To Do by Kardas W. Fox Commissioned by Leons1

Small clouds of steam rose from the stainless steel basin of a kitchen sink as hot water rushed out of the faucet. A slender gray wolf scrubbed and rinsed the dishes and pans before handing them to off to the hunky bull next to her for him to dry and put away. It was a nightly ritual for Delilah and her boyfriend, Eric. The after dinner washing kept the dishes from piling up.

Delilah dried her hands on a towel once they were finished, but the fur was left slightly damp. She let out a soft gasp when she felt Eric grab her butt. His strong hands kneaded her rump, making her moan and squirm. This was the beginning of another nightly ritual of theirs, and it made her body tingle in anticipation.

Eric slid his hands up to cup her breasts and pressed his groin against her backside. He nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear, "I think a certain sexy wolf bitch needs a good rutting."

Delilah pressed back against him. She could feel his semi-erect cock and huge balls through their cloth prison. As much as she craved a big load of bull cum in her ass, she tried to feign disinterest. "Oh, I don't know. You're such a stud, and so big. I'm not sure my tight little butt can handle it tonight."

The bull scooped his mate up in his arms. "Nothing a little lube can't fix."

The wolf giggled and nuzzled his neck. She loved it when he took charge. She also loved being carried and held in his strong arms, but the walk to their bedroom was an unfortunately short one. Eric tossed his lover onto the bed and walked over to the dresser to retrieve a tube of lubricant. Delilah rolled onto her tummy and pulled her pants down just enough to expose her toned rump.

Eric never quite understood his girlfriend's fascination with having sex in clothes, but he was happy to give it however she wanted it. He removed his pants on the way to the bed, letting his enormous balls hang free. Just a little bit of bovine cock poked out of the end of his sheath, but that was about to change.

The bull snapped the cap off of the lube and poured some into the wolf's ass crack. He slid his fingers around in the slippery mess, getting them slick while massaging her pucker. The petite wolf let out a yipe when two of those thick fingers wedged their way into her tight butt. Eric slowly thrust his fingers in and out, opening and closing them in a scissors motion. With his free hand, he pulled her pants down a little further to expose her glistening snatch.

Delilah tossed her head back and yowled in bliss at the first lick. Eric's broad, strong tongue parted her folds with every firm stroke. Her clit was achingly hard, but the wet warmth of his tongue soothed her. The fingers in her ass pumped harder, and the bull's tongue became more direct in its attack on her most sensitive places. She gripped the sheets tightly and tried to hold back, but it was no use.

A wail of ecstasy exploded from the little wolf's muzzle, and a dollop of sweet bitch cream washed over her lover's tongue. He continued to work her over after her climax, making her squirm. When he finally pulled his tongue away and withdrew his fingers she let out a soft sigh, partly in relief and partly in disappointment. Eric climbed further up the bed and gripped Delilah's ass, kneading her tush in his strong hands.

"You finished quick this time."

"It's cause you cheated. Working my ass and licking my clit at the same time, that's not fair!"

"Oh? You want me to play fair next time?"

"Don't you dare!"

The couple shared a laugh, but Delilah gasped when she felt Eric's length grind between her cheeks. "Did you mean what you said earlier? We can do something else."

Delilah looked back at her boyfriend, eyes burning with lust. "Fuck me hard."

The horny bull needed no further urging. With a grunt, he buried all 11 inches in a single push. Delilah groaned and pressed back, mashing her buns tightly against his pelvis. His cock was long but quite thin, only about as wide as one of her slender thumbs. He could probe deep without uncomfortably stretching her, and that was just the way she liked it.

Eric brutally sodomized his mate, grunting with each hard slam and making the bed frame bash noisily against the wall. Delilah whimpered and bucked back to every thrust, thoroughly entangling her fingers with the sheets. The wolf's tight butt eagerly accepted every slam and demanded more. She clenched tight as he pulled out, but relaxed for him to press back inside.

The creaking of the bed frame and thumping on the wall competed to be heard against the sounds of their passion. He drove his hot love spike into her again and again, each time her body begged for more. The feel of his fat, heavy nuts slapping her pussy drove her wild.

"Want me cum, you naughty little wolf?"

"Yes please!"

"Say it."

Delilah giggled. "Please cum in me, you big strong stud!"

"You like having cum in your ass? You're a dirty girl, aren't you?"

"Yes! I'm a nasty little slut! Feeling you cum in my ass is one of my favorite things in the world! Please don't tease me anymore baby, give it to me!"

Eric leaned forward and gripped the headboard of the bed for support. His thrusts came even faster now, the bull's mighty hips jostled the little wolf beneath him and made her cry out with each slam. Delilah clenched tightly, forcing Eric to thrust harder to keep up the same pace and increasing the pleasure for both of them.

The petite she-wolf wasn't kept waiting much longer. Just moments later, Eric lurched forward with a loud groan, burying his meat as deep in her ass as possible. The bull's slim pole throbbed and shot a few streams of sticky, warm cum into the wolf's belly. She moaned happily and timed her flexes to milk his cock, the warm feel of jizz inside made her relax until she practically melted into the sheets.

"Mmm thanks baby, you always fill me so full."

Eric slowly withdrew his still hard shaft. "Think you can hold another load?"

"Ooh yeah, if you're good to go again, stud!"

"I'm ready for another round, but I want to try it face-to-face this time."

Delilah gasped and resisted her mate's attempts to roll her over, struggling against him. "No, I like it better from behind!"

"How do you know? We always do it from behind! We've done your way every night since our first time together, I want to do it my way for once."

"No!" The wolf tried to kick her mate, but her struggles were in vain.

Eric finally succeeded in rolling the wolf onto her back and stared, dumbfounded. Her pants were just out of the way enough for him to see her hard red dick. "What the fuck is that?"

Delilah winced, she'd never once heard Eric raise his voice at her. "Please don't shout. It's nothing, really, just ignore it. Let's have sex. Missionary style, like you've always wanted!"

"I don't think I'm in the mood anymore now that I know you have a fucking dick!"

"Well it's not like I can help it!"

"You could have told me!"

"Would you have slept with me if you knew?"

"Probably not, but we still could have been friends!"

"Are you saying you don't even want to be my friend anymore?"

"I fucking trusted you and you've been lying to me for years! That's not something a friend does, Delilah."

"Well what about me? I had to lie to you, you said yourself we wouldn't have gone to bed together if you knew about me!"

"Is that all you care about? Sex? I'm just some barnyard stud to you, aren't I?"

"I didn't say that!"

"You've been lying to me since the day we met each other because you wanted sex, that is exactly what you just said to me."

"I lied because I love you!"

"You lied because you're a fucking whore! Get out of my house."

"What do you mean 'get out'?"

"I mean get the fuck out, leave!"

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"That's not my problem. You're not welcome here anymore. I'm going to box up your things tonight and put them on the curb in the morning, if you want anything I suggest you pick it up before someone else goes through it. I don't ever want to see you again."

"But...but..." Delilah searched Eric's expression for any sign of uncertainty, but the stern look on his face said it all. Her lip quivered and tears started to roll down her cheek. She pulled her pants up and slid out of bed, standing and hugging herself to stifle the trembling. "Can we kiss one last time before I have to go?"


Delilah sniffled and made her way out of the house, aware that Eric followed behind her every step of the way. She opened the front door, and no sooner than she'd stepped outside she heard it slam behind her. Any illusion that she could maintain her composure fell away. She pressed her face into her hands and sobbed loudly for several minutes. Her thoughts were jumbled and broken, she couldn't think. Her entire world had come crashing down around her just a short while ago. There was only one person she could think to turn to in her time of need.

Leon sat at his computer, idly browsing FurAffinity. Part fox, part cougar; the hybrid's tan fur had a variety of black and white markings. His ears twitched in response to a rhythmic thumping. Leon's study was close to the property line, as was the neighbors' bedroom, and he could easily tell when they were screwing. He and Delilah were on good terms, but he didn't know her boyfriend very well. Leon tried to tune out the noise, but it was hard not to listen in. It was even harder to not picture that skinny little wolf getting her ass tossed like a salad.

The thumping stopped and it was quiet again, Leon only heard the soft hum of his computer and the chirps of crickets. Then, angry shouting broke the peace. He couldn't make out what was being said, but he could tell Eric was pretty pissed off about something. The feloxgar shifted uncomfortably in his chair, unsure if he should try to do something or not.

Soon, the shouting came to an abrupt end, returning a quiet that was now eerie. Leon hesitated for a long moment, then reached for the cellphone on his desk. He rationalized that it wasn't nosy to call and make sure no one was hurt, it was the neighborly thing to do, after all. No sooner than his fingertips grazed the plastic, he heard the doorbell ring.

Leon headed to the door and glanced through the peephole. As soon as he saw Delilah, he unlocked the door and opened it quickly. "Come on in. Are you okay? I heard shouting, and you look like you've been crying."

Delilah stepped inside, Leon shut the door behind her. He gestured for her to sit and she did so, then he joined her on the couch. "I'm all right, just very upset. Eric and I had a fight, he kicked me out. Can I crash here for the night?"

"Of course you can!"

"Thank you so much Leon, I'll get out of your way tomorrow."

"You won't be in the way. Do you have somewhere else you can go?"

"Well...not really."

"Then you can stay here until you find another place to stay."

"I wouldn't want to impose."

"Nonsense! It's the neighborly thing to do."

"I guess I can't really turn that down, thank you."

"You're welcome. Are you sure you're okay? Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. Well, yes, but I'm not sure I want to tell you."

"Do you trust me?"

"I...do. It's just something weird, I'm scared you won't want to hang out anymore if I tell you."

"Delilah, I'm your friend. You can tell me anything. I'm not going to turn my back on you over a little weirdness."


"I promise."

"All right then, I guess it won't hurt to tell you." Delilah hesitated for a few moments, nervously twiddling her thumbs. "Well, see, I was born with two sets of genitals. I never told Eric, I thought he wouldn't like me if he knew. And I was right, he saw my penis and that's when the yelling started."

"You have a penis?"

The wolf looked away, the insides of her ears colored with a deep blush. "Yeah..."

Leon was silent for a little while, eyeing Delilah but maintaining a neutral expression. "Can I see it?"


"You don't have to show me, but I'll admit I'm curious. If you're not too broken up over what happened with Eric, maybe we could go to bed together? I wouldn't mind playing with it."


"Of course. I like herms."

"I guess that would be okay, it would be nice to have someone appreciate what I am."

Leon stood and offered Delilah a hand. She smiled and took it, allowing him to help her off of the couch. She didn't really need him to, though she appreciated the gesture. He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her down the hall to his bedroom. Once there, he released her and started to strip. She was nervous, but became less so as he exposed more of his body.

"Leon, I'm not sure about this."

"What's wrong?"

"I feel like I'd be cheating on Eric."

"He dumped you, so it's not cheating."

"True, I hadn't thought of that."

"It'd be great if you guys can patch things up, but until that happens you're single. And that means you can do whatever you want with whoever you want."

Delilah smiled again and started to peel off her clothes, though she did so far more slowly than Leon had done. Her body moved rhythmically, adding as much eroticism to her strip-tease as possible. Leon sat on the edge of the bed and watched her shed her clothes, she watched his penis swell as her dancing piqued his interest.

The herm wolf turned her back to the feloxgar and wiggled out of her panties, holding her tail high to give him an uninhibited view of her ass. She swiveled her hips while discreetly teasing herself to full hardness, and watched Leon nurse his own erection over her shoulder. Once good and stiff, she turned to face him again, letting him see her small wolf cock. She strutted across the room and straddled his lap, pressing her dick against his.

"You're so much bigger than me."

"Yeah, but yours is cuter."


"Yeah, it's adorable."

Delilah giggled. "Thank you, I'm glad you like it."

"Can I touch it?"

"Please do."

Leon wrapped his fingers around both shafts and began to stroke them in unison, feeling Delilah's dick throb against his and feeling his own throb in response. The two of them leaked precum onto each other's cocks, which allowed Leon to increase his pace little by little. The wolf panted and bucked her hips slowly.

The feloxgar grabbed a bottle of lubricant from the nightstand and snapped the cap open with his free hand, then tipped the bottle slightly to allow a slow trickle of liquid slipperiness onto their hard cocks. Leon slowed his stroking again, the slow and teasing pace served to thoroughly and evenly smear lube on both shafts. Delilah's hips never stopped rolling, grinding her dick against his and doing her own part in applying the lube.

Once both stiff dicks were thoroughly slick, Leon started to stroke very fast. Delilah's breathing rose into a swift pant, and after a few minutes she started shaking. Leon watched her carefully, observing how she steadily grew more tense as she approached a climax. Just when she was nearing the finish line, he stopped rubbing and pulled away from her. She whined adorably and continued humping the air for a few seconds.

"Why'd you stop? I was almost there!"

"Because I'm close too. As cute as you'd look with my jizz all over your dick, I'd much rather fill your pussy with it."

Delilah blushed deeply, enough so that Leon could see a little pink through the silver-gray fur of her cheeks. "All right, we can do that. Just start slow, okay? I haven't done vaginal in a while, and you're quite a bit thicker than Eric."

The wolf leaned back until she was lying flat on the bed, then spread her legs and bent her knees. Leon got on top of her and pressed his lips to hers, with only mild hesitation she accepted his tongue into her mouth. With one hand on the bed for support, he used the other to guide his cock. She felt the lubricated shaft slide across the underside of her balls and let out a soft moan into the kiss, but broke lip lock with a groan when the mushroom shaped head of Leon's member parted her folds and nudged up inside.

Leon shifted, wrapping his arms around his partner and holding her close rather than propping himself up. He gave her a few seconds to squeeze around his girth, then continued to press inside once he felt her relax. He nudged his way into her tightness until the halfway mark, then drew his hips back until only the head remained inside. The feloxgar settled into a slow and easy rhythm, affectionately nuzzling Delilah's cheek while his listened to her subtle moans.

"Does it feel good?"

"Yes, very. Could you move a little faster?"

The feloxgar bucked his hips hard, burying his full length inside and making her yelp. He pulled back to the tip and began humping at a moderate pace, a bit faster and harder than before. Delilah dug her dull claws into his back and held him tight. The stretching was slightly uncomfortable, but she couldn't deny the pleasure he was giving her. The quiet, squishy noises made her blush, she couldn't tell if Leon had used too much artificial lubricant or if she was just getting that wet for him. Everything felt so warm and moist and thick, she was swimming in so much pleasant sensation that she couldn't focus enough to interpret it.

The wolf squirmed beneath her partner, unable to do much more than writhe and moan in her current position. Her vocalizations rose slightly in volume when Leon picked up the pace. The blissful trance came to an abrupt end when Leon stopped thrusting. Delilah opened her eyes just as she felt him tense up against her, then quickly clenched when she realized what was happening. Buried as deeply as possible, Leon's cock throbbed hard. He let out a loud groan, and an instant later several thick ropes of semen burst from the tip of his cock. Delilah moaned hotly and tried to milk his dick dry with clenches. It had been so long since a guy had cum in her pussy, the wonderful wet warmth made her regret not asking Eric for it more often.

After a brief rest, Leon detangled himself from Delilah and slowly pulled his still hard rod from her slobbering muff. A sticky blend of cum, wolf sauce, and lube dribbled out of her tight pink slit and made a mess on the sheets. Leon rolled onto his back next to Delilah and placed his hands behind his head. His cock jutted proudly into the air, glistening with moisture and with a little pearl of semen resting on the tip.

"You get to be on top for round two. Sit, girl!"

Delilah glowered, mildly offended by the dog joke, but the playful grin Leon gave in response reminded her that she was supposed to be having fun. She crawled over to him and licked the head of his dick, tasting their mixed fluids and collecting the little droplet of cum. Her lips closed around his tip, sucking softly and drawing out the last remnants of his load. Her tongue swirled around his urethra, teasing the feloxgar's sensitive meat. She tilted her head to the side and very lightly gnawed at his cock head, eliciting a sharp gasp from the feloxgar. Her sharp teeth only put the lightest pressure on his glans, but it was enough to make him squirm.

After torturing her friend for a short while, Delilah released his stiff pole from her muzzle and straddled his hips. She slid her cummy pussy against his shaft, then let his dick trail across her taint to poke her ass. Leon opened his mouth to speak, but was immediately silenced when Delilah sat down hard. Both furs moaned in unison as his dick burrowed deep into her tight ass. She got half of him inside and took a moment to rest, flexing around him to acquaint herself with his girth. She took him balls deep after getting used to the width, only to slide up to the head again. She settled into a slow but steady rhythm, easing his manhood in and out of her tight place.

Leon relaxed on the bed, allowing Delilah to do every bit of the work. His eyes prowled up and down her delicate form, taking in each succulent detail and defining curve. She put her hands on his chest and started to move faster, her modest breasts bounced with the motion.

Delilah's tight bottom had never taken anything wider than Eric, but she was experienced enough to appreciate the new stretching. Her inner muscles massaged his shaft, gripping and squeezing in perfect time with her movements. His rod twitched and throbbed in appreciation of her efforts, drooling hot precum into her rectum.

Something white caught Leon's eye. He looked down to see streams of cum oozing out of her ass and running down his shaft. "Looks like someone's already finished in you back there."

Delilah blushed. "Eric came in me before the fight started."

"What a jerk, forget him."

"Forget who?"

"That's the spirit!"

The wolf moved faster as she got used to Leon's thickness. Soon she was pounding her ass up and down his hard cock swiftly. The two furs moaned together, their voices blending in a beautiful harmony. After a few minutes of quick bouncing, Leon grabbed Delilah's hips. He pulled her down hard, making her take his full length and holding her down on it. With a loud groan, he exploded into her. Thick hybrid semen gushed from the tip of his cock, filling her ass.

Delilah timed her flexes, coaxing every out every last drop of feloxgar semen. After a brief rest on top of Leon, she slid off of his rod. She hovered over him briefly, relaxing and allowing his own cum to drip down onto his cock.

Leon suddenly grabbed Delilah and pulled her down onto the bed, making her yelp in surprise. He lifted one of her legs and put it over his shoulder, then rammed his dick into her pussy. The feloxgar's hips bucked hard and fast, pounding her slippery little puss as though he were trying to break it.

Delilah moaned and grunted, doing her best to wiggle in a helpful way. She had never been fucked sideways before, and wasn't sure how to move. After a few seconds of getting pummeled by his hard dick, she reached for her own stiff meat. Before she could touch herself, he grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the bed.


"If you don't cum by the time I'm finished, I'll finish you off personally."

"I'm going to hold you to that. But you should know, I've never been able to get off just by getting fucked."

"Oh? Not even if I do this?"

Leon adjusted his angle and began to thrust even harder, jackhammering directly into Delilah's g-spot. The little wolf grit her teeth and growled, her fingers tightening their death grip on the sheets. He was fucking her so good it hurt, she felt as if she'd overdosed on pure arousal.

The feloxgar's fingers found their way into the wolf herm's well-used ass, and began pumping away at the same brutal pace he was using on her pussy. She cried out and squirmed on the bed, overwhelmed by his actions and unable to control her clenching.

Leon tried to hold back, but the sensation of Delilah's silken vice crushing his cock made it all but impossible. Within just a few more seconds, he let out a series of moans. Each was punctuated by a spurt of hot cum, erupting directly against Delilah's sweet spot. The wolf tried to regain control of her flexing enough to milk his climax, but her tight little pussy was too preoccupied with reflexive gripping to follow orders.

Once Delilah had calmed down a little, Leon pulled out oh her sloppy muff. "Good for you, too?"

"That felt amazing, but I still didn't finish."

"Well, we can't have that. Let me take care of that for you."

Leon stuck his head between her legs and licked her cock, but before he could wrap his lips around it she pushed him away. "I have a different idea. It's kind of weird, but we can do something else if you don't like it. Sit up on your knees."

Leon did as he was asked, his stiff cock protruding out in front of him. Delilah got up on her knees as well and pressed her dick against Leon's. She applied a generous amount of lubricant to both dicks and began to vigorously stroke. Leon moaned and rolled his hips, doing his part to add to the mutual sensation.

After a bit of teasing, the wolf slid her cock out of her grip. Using one hand to hold Leon's dick still and the other to guide her own pick, she pressed her pointed tip against his bulbous head. She nudged, softly at first but then harder.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see. Just relax, it won't hurt...too much."

Leon gasped sharply to the feel of his urethra stretching. Delilah's tapered wolf prick inched its way inside and spread Leon's dickhole around it. He looked down to watch his penis bulging out as it accepted hers. She kept pressing forward until her knot kissed the tip of his dick, then sat with almost her entire length buried inside his.

"This feels weird."

"Is that bad?"

"I don't know yet."

"Do you want me to take it out?"

"No. I don't think you broke anything, if this gets you off then go ahead."

Delilah began to roll her hips, moving her thoroughly slippery penis in and out of Leon's stretched rod at a slow and easy pace. She stroked his slick shaft at a speed matching her thrusts, her hand gripping tight so that she could better feel the bulge of her own cock inside his. Her other hand disappeared under his tail to probe his ass with a couple of her slim fingers, coaxing an appreciative moan from the feloxgar.

"Eric had length going for him, but he was so slim. I don't think I could have done this with him even if he weren't disgusted by me."

"I thought we were forgetting about him for tonight?"

"What I'm saying is, I don't think I want to go back."

"So you'd rather stay here and be my little wolf bitch then?"

"Maybe. Or maybe you'll be my bitch. You've got fox in you, so that seems like the natural order of things."

"Hey, I'm only half fox. The other half is cougar, and I'm pretty sure cougars top wolves."

"Time will tell, foxy."

Delilah started to fuck hard and fast, stroking more swiftly to match. Leon grunted and put his hands on her shoulders for balance, filling her with a delightful sense of power. Both furs edged closer and closer to a climax, their eager members throbbing in sync. Leon even began to roll his own hips as he got more worked up.

Suddenly, Delilah arched her back and let out an adorable little howl. Her knot flared up just outside Leon's cock and a torrent of hot wolf seed rushed into his dick. Leon squirmed a little, the feel of his urethra being packed with someone else's cum was strange but not entirely unpleasant. Without a tight grip behind it, the wolf's knot shrank swiftly. She continued to grind until the last trickles of her climax had been delivered.

The wolf pulled out of her lover's cock slowly, watching him writhe in a combination of near-orgasmic anticipation and mild discomfort. She turned away from him and got on all fours, tail held high. "Don't let too much of it leak out, I want you to blow both our loads up my ass!"

"Damn you're kinky! I think I'm falling in love."

Leon pinched the tip of his penis shut and got in position behind the little wolf. He hastily penetrated her upturned rear, giving her his entire manhood with one hard thrust. Delilah cried out in passion, a sharp yap that grew into an extended moan when Leon started jackhammering her like his life depended on it. His hands came around to manhandle her breasts, squeezing and twisting her furry fun bags in just the right way to make her squirm. His jaws latched down on the back of her neck, putting on just enough pressure with his sharp teeth to sting a little. The sound of his bestial growling sent a chill down her spin, he seemed to have taken her dominance comments seriously and she was definitely enjoying the results.

Leon had been frustratingly close when Delilah stopped, which was a good part of his driven roughness. His cock ached for release, but he almost regretted the idea of ejecting her hot cum. He couldn't hold on much longer though, and within seconds an intense orgasm hit him like a tidal wave. His grip on her tits tightened and he stuffed himself in as deeply as possible. His teeth released her scruff and he let out a loud moan of ecstasy. The feloxgar's cum mixed with the wolf seed and their combined fluids burst from the tip of his cock. Delilah blushed as she accepted the incredibly volumous load, knowing quite a bit of it was hers. Her bottom clenched rhythmically, milking that feloxgar for all he had.

Leon ground his hips against her ass, riding out his afterglow inside her. Then, he slowly pulled his cock free. Finally sated, he admired his handiwork. Pearly white jizz dribbled out of both well-used wolf holes, the amount on her hinting at even more in her and serving as a testament to his virility.

The feloxgar flopped down on the bed, only to be immediately pulled into a cuddle and assaulted with soft kisses by the cream-filled wolf herm. He wrapped his arms around her small form and squeezed her right back, and then met her lips for a deep kiss. She shamelessly tongued his mouth, and he accepted her oral affections gladly.

After what seemed like all eternity, Delilah pulled her tongue out of Leon's throat and broke the lip lock with a happy sigh. "What would you say if I told you I've changed my mind?"

"Changed it to what? From what?"

"I don't want to stay the night with you, Leon."

Leon frowned. "You don't?"

"No. I don't think it'd be good for either of us if I slept here and then left in the morning. So I should take out that whole 'leave' part, and just stay here for good. Right?"

Leon chuckled. "You had me going for a second there."

"So I can move in with you?"

"Definitely, just don't expect to get much rest. I can do this every night."

"Silly boy, if you make promises like that I might have to hold you to them later."

"You say that like you actually believe you can keep up."

"Is that a challenge?"

"More like a statement."

"You're on. Tomorrow night I'm not letting you stop until one of us can't move. Then, we'll see who can't keep up with who."

"Why not right now?"

Delilah squeezed Leon tighter and buried her muzzle in his neck fur. "Because I almost let myself forget how nice it feels to be held. I just want to stay like this for a while."

Leon blushed a bit, and stroked Delilah's back. "Tomorrow night it is, then. For now, we can just stay like we are."