The Cameron Hotel Chapter 1

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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A little blue car pulled to a stop in front of the Cameron Estate, and a young fox slid out and walked up the long path to the house, his face still soaked with tears and his breaths shaking.

He reached the door and rang the bell. Matt could help; Matt could always help. And besides, where else did the fox have to stay tonight? He was supposed to stay the night with Jasyn. And he couldn't go back to his and his brother's room, now...not when he was already feeling like this.

He rang the doorbell a second time.

Inside, a large lion grumbled and scratched his mane, standing up from the couch in only in his boxers and a stolen robe. Today was one of his days off, and the first one since he'd started back to work that he'd really been able to spend relaxing. He padded over slowly, opened the door with a yawn.

Alex and Chris stared at each other in the doorway for a moment...the lion looking down, and the fox's neck craning up.

Chris blinked at the small fox, "Uhm...can I help you, kid? You, like...selling cookies or something?"

Alex sniffled and shook his head, "Who...who are you?"

The lion raised an eyebrow, "...Chris."

Alex looked away, "Is Matt home?"

Chris shook his head, "Sorry kid, he's at work, do you know Matt?"

"My name is Alex...he..." The fox was cut off with a hiccup and a breath, "...he helped me out a while back. And I...I just...I need somewhere to stay. I thought he could help."

Chris tried to smile as he scratched his mane. He wasn't, at all, used to kids...much less crying ones, "Uhm...well...I guess if he knows you. I suppose you could stay. But I can't make any promises..."

Alex nodded silently, then looked back up, "Wh...where's Sirrus?"

The Cameron Hotel Chapter 1 -- Don't Worry

Jasyn stood up from his couch. He'd sat, staring out the window long enough. He'd already run out of tears, and there was no point in continuing to wallow in the silence of the late afternoon.

Solemnly he walked, mustering all of his strength to hold back from breaking down more, and pulled himself up the stairs and into his room. There, Luke still laid asleep in the bed, completely oblivious to any of what had happened...

...or to the fact that he'd now been trusted to Jasyn's care.

Jasyn padded over, quietly, and sat on the edge of the bed. Alex told him to take care of the raccoon, and he loved Alex. He loved Alex more than anyone in his life, and he'd made a promise. Broken up or not, he was going to keep that promise to his fox...HIS fox...

Luke wouldn't be lonely anymore...and Alex would see that Jasyn was still the wolf he fell for.

Luke felt the bed move and he stirred. He peaked open an eye and looked up at Jasyn, too asleep to notice that wolf had been crying.

Jasyn looked over, "Hey kid..."

"Hey Jasyn..." Luke yawned and hugged his pillow, looking up at Jasyn like nothing but the innocent kid he was, "Did you have fun? I...did good, right?" He shyly averted his eyes, "We're...friends now...?"

Jasyn smiled softly, though it stung hearing that that was the kid's only concern. "Yes, we're friends."

Jasyn placed a paw gently on the raccoon's head, and Luke blinked and turned to nuzzle the paw, with a smile.

Still smiling, the wolf stood back up and cocked his head at the door. "If you wanna' leave Rei up here to sleep and follow me downstairs, I'll cook us a little somethin'."

Luke nodded and sat up, "Just give me a minute to get dressed..."

"Why bother?" Jasyn looked down at himself, having never put on more than boxers after his shower, "I didn't."

Luke just smiled and blushed.

"But it's up to you." Jasyn waved a dismissive paw and stepped toward the door, "Just head on down whenever you're ready."

The wolf left the room, and stopped by the bathroom on his way downstairs, so he could clean his face of any remaining signs of his earlier crying. Lagging behind him, the raccoon stood in Jasyn's room, debating whether or not to wear more than his underwear. Unlike Jasyn, though, his underwear were tighty-whiteys, not boxers.

Shirtless, but at least wearing pants, Luke eventually joined Jasyn in the kitchen.

While the wolf wasn't looking, he sat down at the kitchen table with a wince and a grimace, and watched on as Jasyn cooked their food. Once the food was finished, Jasyn served Luke first, and the raccoon went right about eating, while Jasyn got his own ready.

After setting his food on the table, the wolf smiled and ruffled Luke's headfur, "Taste good, kid?"

Luke smiled a little and nodded, enjoying the paw in his hair. Despite the lingering pain, he was happy that he's finally done what he needed to do to get the wolf to like him, "It tastes great, Jasyn! You're a really good cook."

Moving his paw to the 'coon's shoulder, Jasyn raised an eyebrow, "Just a chicken sandwich. Basically cooks itself." The wolf chuckled softly and sat down in his chair, as Luke continued eating.

The two ate in silence for a bit, Jasyn shooting his little friend concerned glances from time to time. The raccoon seemed to be having trouble staying comfortable, and after a few minutes, he winced as he shifted in his seat. His eyes pinched closed and he grimaced, like he was in pain, and he groaned just a little, trying not to make too much noise as he relaxed again.

"K-kid?" Jasyn's ears perked up and his eyelids drooped, "You okay?"

Luke looked up, startled, and smiled, "Yeh-" He nearly yelped at first and then coughed lightly, "Yeah, I'm fine Jasyn. W-why?"

The wolf looked down, "I'm sorry I was so rough kid..."

"What? I-I..." Luke shook his head, "No, Jasyn! It's ok, really! I'm fine!"

Jasyn shook his head, "Kid, I saw you flinch. held it back, but I still heard you yelp. And I'm a canid...I know a yelp when I hear one."

The raccoon didn't respond; he only looked down and played with his food. He didn't know what to say, and didn't want to say what was on his mind.

"Come on kid. Talk..." Jasyn flattened his ears, "'ve been quite almost this whole time."

"I...I don't know what to say Jasyn." Luke's ears were flattened too, "I just, I don't wanna' look like a kid...y' you said I did earlier." He took a few bites of his food, "I'm just trying not talk so much, anymore."

"Don't worry about that. That was just me being an asshole." The wolf tilted his head, raising his ears with a friendly smile, "Come obviously have something on your mind."

"'s nothing you need to worry with, Jasyn...really." Luke looked up and smiled back.

Jasyn flattened his ears again and frowned, "P-please kid?"

"It's just...I don't want to complain about it." The raccoon shook his head, "I mean, it hurts...but if I complain, you may not want to do it again, and I don't want you to think you need to stop! I want you to like me."

Jasyn frowned and stood up. Tail low, he walked around the table and knelt, looking up at the raccoon, "Luke..."

"Don't do that Jasyn..." Luke shook his head and grabbed at a chair sitting at hand, "S-sit down!"

The wolf shook his head and placed a paw on the side of Luke's muzzle, " don't have to..." He sighed, "You don't have to be quiet to make me like you. You never did."

"But, I were so mean to me before. even told me that you didn't even like me! And when we kissed, and then everything after that..." Luke rubbed his paws together and sighed, "Jasyn, it's just been a couple of hours, and you're already being so much nicer to me." He looked up, "It's like we're friends. That's all I wanted."

Jasyn brushed his friend's head fur, "Luke, it would have taken me a while, but I would have liked you anyway. You have to understand...I just don't get along with people younger than me. That, and...I was a little scared of how close you and Alex were."

The raccoon just nodded.

"Kid..." Jasyn continued, " didn't have to let me fuck you just to have me as a friend."

Luke looked down again, "I tried everything else, Jasyn! I...I've tried so hard and I never make any friends! N-nothing else worked until I met Alex." His lip quivered lightly, "All I want is to make a few friends...but nothing ever works."

The wolf hesitated, and then kissed Luke softly on the forehead with a sigh, "What else have you tried?"

"I don't know Jasyn...I don't know." Luke blushed and looked down, "I mean: I've talked to people...I've been n-nice...I smoked to fit in...I drank...I dressed like the cooler kids...but nothing works. I don't know what I'm supposed to do...I try so hard to be someone they'll like."

"That's the problem." Jasyn placed both paws on the side of Luke's muzzle and raised it to look him right in the eyes, "Just be yourself Luke. Don't try and impress people. There's no reason to be something that you're not."

"I can't be who I am, Jasyn." The raccoon's frustration began to show, and he tapped his chest in emphasis every time he said 'I,' "I don't like smoking or drinking. I like to dress nice, like polo shirts and things. I don't like sports, and I'm not smart or talented enough for any other extracurricular activities. And most importantly, I'M gay! How am I supposed to be ME, and fit in with anyone, Jasyn?"

Jasyn took a breath and furrowed his brow, thinking before he responded, "Maybe...maybe there's some truth to all of that. But, the thing is, you still can't just...try to be someone else. People can tell when you're trying too hard. I know I could tell..."

Luke huffed, "Well...well then what should I do? I mean, how did Alex do it?"

The wolf smiled, "He had me! And now you do, too."

Luke couldn't help but smile back at that, "Thank you."

"But...really, he just let things happen, y'know?" Jasyn patted his friend's thigh, "You don't have to tell people you're don't have to like sports, popular clothing, drinking or smoking...none of it! You just need to find what you DO like...and then find people that like it too."

"Well..." The raccoon shrugged, "I mean...I guess that DID work for me with Alex."

"And me." Jasyn cocked an eyebrow and stood up, placing a paw on Luke's head, "And this fall, you start at the high school, right? So, if anyone gives you any shit, you can come to me." He ruffled the raccoon's headfur and crossed his arms. "...I'll give them shit right back."

Luke smiled up at him, " really think that that'll work Jasyn?"

The wolf smiled and nodded, "Of course! It worked for Alex!"

Luke stood up and reached out like he was going to hug Jasyn, but didn't. Instead, he moved his paw to the back of his neck, rubbing it, "Thanks Jasyn..."

Jasyn chuckled and moved in, hugging Luke tightly, "No problem kid."

The raccoon hugged back, stepping back after a moment, becoming aware of how little clothing they both, especially the wolf, were wearing.

Jasyn kept a paw on his friend's shoulder, "Anything else?"

"Well..." Luke stammered nervously, "A-about the sex thing...I know you don't have to stop, right? I mean, if you still want to, doesn't hurt that bad. I really don't mind!"

The wolf sighed and scratched his head; Luke still wasn't quite getting his point, apparently, "Kid, I don't want to do it, if you don't. I'm not going to hurt you just...just because you think you have to, to win me over"

"No, r-really. I mean, the only thing that really bothered me about it was..." Luke trailed off into a mumble as he looked down.

Jasyn smirked, "...was?"

"I one..." The raccoon steeled himself enough to look back up, "I didn't get to finish."

Jasyn grunted in response, and then looked at Luke, tilted his head back and howled in laughter.

Luke looked up, "It's not funny!! You two had your fun and just left me there!" He recoiled and went wide eyed, shocking himself that he burst out like that. "Sorry!"

The wolf smiled and patted Luke's head, "See? I told you, you didn't need to hold back!"

"Th-thanks Jasyn." Luke blushed and looked down again, "But still, it wouldn't hurt to return the favor...yeah?"

"Maybe some other time kid." Jasyn ruffled Luke's head fur, "But for should probably just paw off." Jasyn smirked at the slight bulge growing in Luke's shorts.

"Why not?" The raccoon frowned, "What's wrong with you paying me back?"

"Kid...I..." Jasyn flattened his ears, "It's not like I don't want to...I just...I can't..."

Luke didn't want to ask why again, already feeling bad for being so forceful. "O-ok..." He flattened his own ears and looked down, visibly hurt.

"It's not you, kid..." The wolf frowned, "It's Alex...I...I've been bad enough already. I really can't do anything else if he's not around."

"Oh..." Luke nodded, but then suddenly stood straighter, "OH! Jasyn? Where IS Alex? I didn't even notice he was gone."

Jasyn gulped and averted his eyes, "He uhm...he probably went over to Matt's..."

"Jasyn?" The raccoon's brow furrowed and he turned a concerned gaze on the older fur, "Is everything okay?"

Jasyn leaned in and nuzzled Luke's forehead, softly, "Yeah, kid...don't worry about it." He leaned back with a sigh, not wanting to talk about it.

"Are you sure?" Luke flattened his ears again.

"Yeah," The wolf nodded, "But...y'know...could I ask a favor?"


"Would..." Jasyn tilted his head, "Would you mind going over there, later?"

"To Matt's?" The raccoon's ears perked, "I dunno, my parents kind of thought I'd be home...or staying here." He rubbed his neck, "...could we at least stop by the house so I could drop Rei off and tell my parents where I'll be?"

"Sure thing."


Across town, Matt Cameron stood by his downstairs hallway: the hall to his guest bedrooms.

The ottercoon hung his hat and coat on the coat rack, before turning to Chris, who was sitting on the couch, still in a robe and boxers. He'd just gotten home from work...unusual, as he usually had Saturdays off.

Matt smiled at the lion on his couch, "Have a nice day off, Chris?"

Chris smiled and nodded, but then perked up his ears, "Oh! I almost forgot! Some kid came of Alex."

"Hmm?" Matt walked into the middle of the living room and sat down in his recliner, "Little fox boy? What did he come by for?"

"I don't know. I don't do kids." The lion shrugged and grunted, "He was all weepy and stuff. He said he knew you and needed a place to stay, so he and Sirrus went into the guest room."

Matt choked a little and coughed, "Wait -- what? He's in the bedroom with Sirrus, right now?"

"Yeah, he's in the guest bedroom next to mine, with Sirrus. Why is...oh..." Chris smiled dumbly and scratched the back of his neck, "I see what you mean."

"That didn't occur to you before?" The ottercoon raised an eyebrow.

Chris just shrugged, "I seriously just thought he was going to sleep. He looked worn out."

"And Alex was all sad and vulnerable even?" Matt sighed, "Shit...I know he wouldn't normally do anything with Sirrus, because of how Jasyn would feel...but..."

"Jasyn?" The lion arched an eyebrow.

"His boyfriend."

"How many gay kids have you been having over here?"

"Two too many." Matt turned his head and looked down the hallway, " you think they did anything? I mean you've been here for like two months now. You know Sirrus."

Chris scratched his chin lightly and smirked, taking this way too lightly, "Probably."

The ottercoon chuckled, "Well, it's not like I should expect anything else. It IS Sirrus after all." He leaned back in his chair, "How long ago did Alex get here?"

Chris crossed his arms and thought for a moment, "Two hours?"

Matt sighed and stretched a bit, flicking his tail around and yawning before he got up, "Well, I hope they're done. I'm gonna' go check on him."

The lion chuckled lightly, "Have fun with that." He tilted his head back in a loud roaring yawn.

"Yep..." Matt loosened his tie and un-tucked his shirt as he turned and walked down the hall to the guest bedroom. Once there, he pushed open the door and peaked in.

It was pretty well lit in the little room, still only early evening, and Alex was lying shirtless under the blankets. He had his arm out and over Sirrus, who was snoring lightly and lying out on his back, asleep too. The blankets were over Alex's waist, and Matt couldn't tell whether he was wearing anything or not...but he could make an educated guess.

The ottercoon sighed and smiled, closing the door, "Sleep well kid. Whatever's going on...I'm sure we'll talk tomorrow."


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Lucas Joseph Trammel Alexander Collin Moen and Eric Matthew Cameron Cecil B. North as Jasyn Aiden Fuller and Christopher Phillip Eden *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

We're back! Forbidden returns with its second book, and the stage is set for The Cameron Hotel! So what's to come on the horizon? To begin with: what did Alex do with Sirrus? How will Jasyn react to it? Or even Matt for that matter? How will Luke react when he finds out what happened while he was asleep? How will Chris handle the pack of gay teenagers converging around him? What's happened with Matt, his dragon, and his new roomate since we last saw them? And what other surprises may be hiding around the corner? Stay tuned to see where The Cameron Hotel takes Forbidden from here! ^_^

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for the next 39 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^