The Greensville Misfits, Reborn: Chapter One, Arrival

Story by Kali the Cuddlewolf on SoFurry

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#2 of The Greensville Misfits, Reborn

Well, I decided to give up on the original Misfits story, but I am replacing it with something far, far better! Many of the original characters are still in the story, but it's still quite different, now including all of the species, a different main character, and a slightly different plot line! Enjoy, the Greensville Misfits!

Aiira pulled the hood of her jacket farther over her head as she glanced nervously around the interior of the old school bus as she sat down.

She was an Ashnavar, something that was not commonly seen in this primarily human area. She had long, soft red fur, along with white along her belly, chest, and inner thighs, while her paws were a darker tone - almost black. She had a tousled mane that often hung over her bright blue eyes.

Currently, she wore a pale grey hoodie over a white t-shirt, a pair of faded blue jeans covering her legs. They were mostly loose, though the shirt clung tighter than it had a few years ago. She was, after all, fifteen years old, going into her sophomore year, with a rapidly developing feminine figure.

She looked around again, taking note of the others on the bus with her. There were a few dozen other on board the bus, and there were still a few trickling in at the stop.

At the very front was a male, bookish-looking Kaisen with a pair of delicate eyeglasses perched upon his short snout. Sitting next to him was a female Sa'kri, appearing quite at ease in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, her paws folded behind her head. Across the walkway from them sat a pair of Dalynther, one a male with bright green scales, blue hair, and blue eyes, wearing a pair of black shorts and a grey t-shirt, the other a female with shiny black scales, red markings, hair, and eyes, wearing a pair of black jeans and a black, metal-studded jacket. They seemed to be chatting amicably, which could not be said of the Esquali behind them. Dressed in loose, light clothing, they seemed to be having a loud, heated argument - over, from what Aiira could gather, the contents of a sandwich. A pair of males, a Xartivi and a Sathi, seemed to be trying to get them to calm down and stop the argument, but did not seem to be having any effect.

A female Naiesha with tan fur, dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt, seemed to be discussing something important and serious with an altogether more relaxed Mauva with short grey fur, who dressed himself in a bright yellow jumpsuit, closer towards Aiira's seat. Near them sat a Saleeth and an Orc, who seemed on the verge of fighting, having apparently had their pride injured by each other. They, of course, were both male as well. Foolish male pride, Aiira thought with a shake of her head.

A dark-skinned Gnome, a pudgy Hin, and a solidly-built Kazura, all in what looked like work clothes, had managed to fit onto one seat near Aiira, and had started up what seemed to be what they considered a rousing drinking song, and several others, including a male Volenk with orange fur and smooth robes, a pale-furred male Mogram in a collared shirt and dress pants, and a scarred-up Drakonid in a trench coat had all joined in, making the noise so loud as to extremely bother Aiira. Across the walkway from her, there sat a female Aranii with black-and-yellow fur, dressed in bell-bottomed white jeans and an out-of-style green vest, along with a more up-to-date male Illani possessed of golden-brown fur, intelligent green eyes, and a surprisingly stylish jacket to go with a pair of equally fashionable pants. The song seemed to be annoying them just as much as herself.

She noticed that almost all the seats on the bus had been taken up now, with an Elden taking up refuge next to an orange-skinned, green-haired Goblin dressed in white overalls and a male Hyeli and a female Hyela, both dressed in light, soft leather bodysuits, swiftly stealing one of the very few remaining seats - the others all filled in quick succession, until only one more passenger was left to board, who strode along the walkway, stopping next to Aiira and speaking.

"Hey, is this seat taken?"

Startled from her consideration of the others, Aiira looked up to see a tall, lean, but well-built Phelgon male dressed in a white shirt emblazoned with a question mark and a pair of dark grey cargo pants. He had pitch-black, pure-ebon fur, with glittering eyes the colour of melted topaz. He had an old red schoolbag slung over his right shoulder. He was smiling.

"Excuse me? Do you mind if I sit here?"

"N-no! Not at all! Please, sit down, it's, uh, not my seat, after all." Hurriedly closing her gaping maw, she pulled her own bag into her lap to make room for this handsome Phelgon.

"Thanks!" He offered this simple word with a bright smile, then proffered a paw in greeting. "I'm Geoffrey. And you are?"

"Me? I'm Aiira." She was still flustered at the sight of him.

"Aiira? That's a nice name. Very nice." He nodded. "Better than mine, anyway."

"W-well thank you." She blushed, and pulled her hood further over her face in an attempt to disguise it, looking out the window to assist the effort. "I think we're on our way now... How old are you?"

"Fifteen. You?"

"Really? I'm fifteen, too!" She beamed at him. Something in common, at least. "You'll probably have the same classes as me, I bet."

He seemed to ponder this for a moment. "Yeah, you're probably right." He acknowledged this with a simple nod. "I hope you are, anyway."

They continued their small talk until they pulled up in front of their new school.

"Hot damn, it looks more like a prison than a school," the pudgy Hin near Aiira remarked.

"Welcome to the Greensville Penitentiary", added the Gnome.

"Home of the Stark Raving Mad", finished the Kazura, as they all shared a laugh.

They were, in fact, quite accurate in their description. TheGreensvilleHigh Schoolwas a massive building, despite being only two stories high. It was built out of massive slabs of polished grey stone, with only a few windows anywhere. It was not, by any means, inviting. Aiira sighed softly as their bus pulled to a stop in front of the imposing building.

Time for school, it seemed.