Kalderan Forest Part 6

Story by Dehner on SoFurry

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#6 of Kalderan Forest

Falroth took a moment to catch his breath. He put his hands upon his knees and bent forward slightly as he panted hard and fast. He had chased the tiger for some time until he was sure of its destination, then sprinted as fast as he could away so he himself wouldn't be caught. He looked around from where he stopped, ten paces away a simple looking tree that had a stump growing out near the base and a hole where the stump and tree met caught his eye. Had he not been in such a huge rush right now, he would have stopped for a little lunch and some cock work.

"Maybe later, Mr. tree," he said between gasping breathes. His body starting to feel the urges growing, as not a single person in this forest could go a few hours without feeling the surging need for sex, and a day was nearly unthinkable! The travel pods that brought everyone to this place altered their bodies, making sex a first and foremost necessity, alongside increasing their seminal output and refresh rate.

He stood up, pointing his head to the canopy of leaves and breathing a few more times before running off again.

The forest was whipping past him as he ran. His speed was admirable, even for being part equine. His hooves were built to handle rough terrain like this, and his body was agile. More than once he was almost ensnared by some of the more brutal plants in this forest, but quick reflexes and luck were his allies today.

It was just past noon now, and his new friend would have been within the bulls' camp for almost a day. He shook his head and concentrated on what needed to be done. If he wanted to rescue the husky, he needed help, and there was plenty to be found if you knew where to look.

Evening was closing in and the surrounding landscape had become much more familiar. He cantered wearily into the small town where many furs of numerous species mingled, ate, slept, and more importantly, screwed each other senseless. His hooves felt like they had weights upon them, and he stomped down with each step as if they were.

"Falroth!" Devras called out, his long time companion and mate had been waiting outside their small hut, and had jumped up to run towards the equine the instant he noticed him. "Falroth, what's wrong?"

The equine looked up, the eyes of his mate glossy with worry. He gasped once, "The fucking bulls again," he said, gasping twice after and continuing, drawing a small crowd as he knelt down on one knee to rest, but he had to speak quickly. "They got a newcomer, they put him in their fucking pit. We," he took a long breath, his chest burning, "we need to rescue him, I'm not leaving another one behind again."

Devras knelt down as well, placing his hands under his friend's arms, and lifting him. Though not quite as strong as his mate, the lion was no weakling. "Come, you need to rest, we'll talk to the council tonight, but you need to rest, and," he took a glance down, noticing the full equine erection between his mates legs, "we need to attend to you before you get the sickness."

Falroth didn't answer, he only let his mate carry him. A sudden a vibrant energy, like bees stirring in their hive, could be felt within the village. Falroth's needs overpowered some of his more intelligent faculties, and did not notice.

The smell of his mate filtered into his large nostrils, a smell that was like home. He reached his hand down, stroking the lion's torso and groin, his mind slipping away a little, the onset of the sickness so close. He had seen it before, but had never felt it.

"In we go, we can do that inside," Devras said, helping his molesting mate onto the bed. He climbed in next to him, and his mouth was assaulted by the equine's mouth, sucking and biting at his lips in a near primal rage.

Devras moaned and growled, the pain and pleasure mixing together to both annoy and placate him, and he knew there was little time for such foreplay. He bit Falroth's lip gently, though hard enough to force the mouth to release him. He straddled his mate's body, pushing his golden-furred rump against the thick equine shaft.

Falroth's eyes glazed, but Devras didn't hesitate. He took a huge scoop of the clear-white lube beside the bed, smearing his backside and the shaft under him, which seemed to swell even more as it was bathed in the substance. He pulled his hand away and his mate suddenly bucked up, missing the mark and sliding up the lion's back.

"Easy, my lover," he soothed, his words spoken in the hopes Falroth's mind wasn't too far gone. "I'm, here. Devras is here for you."

The equine hips seemed to weaken a little, and it gave the time needed to angle the cock just right and to prepare for a rough breeding. He spoke again, his words breaching the haze of the onset of the sickness, "Easy my love, easy, I'm here for you."

Devras had but a second to prepare as he pushed himself back, his muscle parting reluctantly around the thick head. The moment that Falroth felt he could get inside, his hips pushed up hard and forced its way into the warm grip of heaven.

A loud roar escaped the hut, causing many of those chattering in their homes to quiet. The sounds of sex were often heard here, but this wasn't an ordinary fuck.

Inside the hut, Devros held his claws back, his hands pressed against his mate's chest, bracing himself. A small tear trickled down his left cheek; his eyes clenched shut. The thick cock slammed its way deep inside his body, mashing and rubbing his prostate with each of the fevered thrusts. He opened his eyes and looked to the door, having heard someone come inside.

"He's almost sick," Devros said between clenched teeth, his ass sure to be sore for a few days from this, "I didn't know what else to do."

The black wolf stood at the door, his pupils' wide open and the yellow iris glaring brightly. He stepped inside, holding a brown leather pouch around his waist, reaching inside it and pulling out a thick green root. A gentle voice, one more gentle than would be expected, came forth from the wolf. "I heard, I can help."

He watched as the lion was getting pounded by that huge shaft, and the feeling of need began to arise in the wolf. He closed his eyes a moment to concentrate, his needs could be satiated later.

He stepped closer, watching as the lion held back his anger, and felt a little pang of jealousy for not having a mate of his own.

A sudden and strong buck from Flaroth caused his cock to rip his mate's entryway, stretching the flesh too much and turning Devros' pleasure into a stinging agony. He roared again while he pushed his hands onto the bed, sharp claws digging into the hand-made mattress.

The wolf moved up next to the two lovers, his hand squeezing the root, causing it to ooze out its fluids. He chanted a soft prayer, his sounds nearly drowned out by the lion's roars and curses. The root was held over Falroth's mouth as the juice dripped.

The reaction was near instantaneous, the medicine from the root absorbed rapidly into the equine's body, it's healing powers moving right to the source in a few heartbeats. Falroth nickered out painfully as his muscles contracted and forced a premature and agonizingly pleasurable orgasm, pumping his spunk into his mate's body.

Devros lifted his head and opened his eyes wide, feeling the burning fluid stinging his already sore ass, but the pain was insignificant compared to his love for Falroth. He looked down, seeing the disgusted look on his mate's face from the flavor of the root.

Falroth blinked, his vision hazy and the sounds in his ears were hushed. A fluttering of his eyelids brought him almost all the way back, and he looked at his mate hugging his chest. His mind cleared of the sickness, he reached his hands up and around his mate's body and held him tight.

Devros spoke, his words tempered with suppressed emotions as they rushed out before Falroth could speak, "Hush my love, hush." They fell asleep together, the horse still impaling the lion.

Outside the hut, others had gathered as the black wolf emerged. "The bulls have gone too far, it's time they were taught a lesson." The crowed unanimously agreed.