Tony the Penectomized Stallion

Story by Foxxie Softpaws on SoFurry

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What happens if you're a stallion, but don't like big members?

Well, I had intended to finish this story with about 6 different guys pounding this poor stallion, but I changed my mind, mostly because I've got several more stories partially finished and partly because...Well, I think it might be better without a lot of explicit sex.

Caution: Contains implied gay and hetero sex, so not squeaky clean it's not very explicit either. Still, have to rate it Adult.

The badger entered the room, closing the door softly behind him, walking over to the bed and quietly sitting down in the chair beside it, watching the sleeping equine. "Tony?" he whispered softly, attempting to rouse him. "Tony? Time to wake up."

Slowly Tony opened one eye partway, then the other, yawning deeply and staring sleepily at the badger. "Yes?" He asked, followed by another yawn.

"Ah good. My name is Dr Frederick, you can just call me Doc. I am your appointed psychiatrist. It is my job to determine if you are legally sane" The badger replied, taking out a legal pad and pen from his bag, "Since you had to be brought here to the hospital due to actions you performed."

"You think I'm crazy for doing what I did?" Tony asked, sitting up a little, wincing slightly in pain.

"I don't think anything yet, I want to hear from you why you did it." The doctor replied, crossing his legs to give himself a writing surface. "Please, start from the first time you had the desire to do what you did, and be as descriptive as possible. Also be assured that anything you say stays between us, nothing in my final report will mention anything except my professional opinion."

"Well, alright" Tony said with a yawn, "I guess we better start from the beginning..."

"It all began really when I was about 10. I shared a room with my step brother, well not really my step brother, my parents had adopted him when I was about 3, and he was 3 as well so we were the same age. So anyway when you get that old you start getting curious about things, namely your privates, especially so since we did share a room and he was a fox whereas I am a stallion. We weren't very big at that age, we looked at each others often at night before we went to bed about how different they were, his was about half the length of mine and shaped differently."

"As we got a little older we discovered masturbation, and being that age we were always horny, so masturbation soon became masturbating each other, then to licking, then sucking. All the time we were noticing how different our cocks were. When we were 16 he was about 6 inches long, maybe an inch and a half around, with about a 2 inch knot when he came, with a pointed tip. Me on the other hand, I was about 12 inches long, maybe 2 and a half inches around with a flared tip."

"After that long of doing stuff it naturally came to the big one, anal sex. With him being smaller I let him in me, and it really felt good. But after he finished, and he wanted me inside of him, it just wouldn't fit, no matter what we tried. That's really what got me started..." Tony explained, all the while the doctor was making notes and listening carefully. "So, that's what really started it, want me to continue?"

"Yes yes, do go on" the doc replied, still scribbling down some notes.

"Well after we graduated high school we both applied and got into the same university, and we even were able to become roommates. And of course came sex. He would let me stay in the room when he had someone over, sometimes females, sometimes males, and I'd watch as he sank into them fairly effortlessly, how he made them moan, how he made them cum twice before he did once."

"Of course I would have people over too, but it never worked out very well. Sure they could suck me, but I could never get it inside them, even the sluttiest girls and loosest guys couldn't handle me. Sure there were other stallions there, mares too, but none of them were interested in me, even after they saw my cock. My brother understood, and he would take me every time I asked him to, but it just wasn't the same as being able to take others like he did..."

"Good good, I think I see now. Please, tell me about what made you finally do it." The doc said, interrupting Tony.

"Okay. Well I had been thinking about it for quite a while as you know, and I even looked up on the internet how to do it. I never told my brother I was thinking about doing it, so I waited until he was out on a date, and got everything ready. I took a scalpel I had from when I was in college, sanitized it with alcohol, and got in the bed, making sure I had plenty of that military surplus medical stuff that stops bleeding from deep wounds and amputated limbs."

"So I lay there naked, and I used some of that Betadine stuff that surgeons use before they operate, I got it at the surplus store with the other stuff, to make sure it was all clean and sterile down there. But as I put the scalpel against my cock, I did hesitate a bit, my heart was pounding, and my cock was throbbing. I stayed like that for several minutes, amazing how you may want something so bad but can't bring yourself to do it."

"Finally I summoned up all my courage. I took my cock in one hand and pulled it out as far as I could, and took the scalpel and slowly sliced into it. It felt weird as I was doing it, sure there was a little pain, but my heart was beating so fast and I was so aroused I didn't feel anything. Blood was starting to gush so I sped up. It was tougher than I thought it would be, but I sliced through it in a few seconds, feeling every millimeter as the blade slid through it, and finally the jerk as it finished cutting through and I held my cock in my hand. It didn't take me long to start feeling a little lightheaded, which brought me back to reality. Quickly I opened the jar of stuff and dumped it all over my crotch, and even some onto my severed cock to keep it erect. It did work, and I stopped bleeding almost at once. But it didn't hold, and pretty soon I started to bleed again, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. As I passed out I heard my brother come in, so I prayed he would find me in time, and since I'm talking to you I guess he did."

"So what do you think doc, am I sane?" Tony asked, reaching down to rub over his bandaged crotch under the sheets.

"Well..." The doc replied, finishing writing down some more notes before putting the pen and pad back in his bag. "I would say that you are suffering from a form of penis envy, except where most cases involve wanting a bigger or longer one, you wanted a shorter one, and I think that what happened to you over the years reenforced your desires. I will ask why you didn't go through the medical establishment instead of doing it yourself, you know you could have died?"

"I was afraid I would be branded a freak and no doctor would do it, plus I didn't want my brother and family to find out." Tony answered, looking down in embarrassment.

"I see. Well I can tell you now that I don't think you are crazy, and my report will say that you are perfectly sane and are at no risk of further bodily harm, so you should be able to go home when the doctors say you are healed enough." The doc replied as he was walked out, closing the door behind him.

A few minutes later a certain fox entered the room and sat down in the chair, "Hey bro, how're you doing?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Better now that you're here. Glad you came home when you did." Tony replied, reaching over to hold his brother's hand.

"So tell me what happened, why did you do this?" He asked.

"Well, it's a long story, you see...." He started, going into even more detail than he had given the psychiatrist.

"I see..." He said after several minutes and Tony had finished telling him the whole story.

"Mom and dad don't know do they?" Tony asked, very concerned.

"Nah, well they know you're in the hospital, but I told them it was a bad hernia" He replied as the nurse came in to check on her patient and tell the fox that visiting hours were over. He stood up and left as Tony took his sleeping pill.

A few weeks had passed since that day, and Tony was adjusting to being penis-less. After reading the psych report it was decided that he was not crazy and did not pose any danger to himself, so after a couple of days he was discharged with a supply of catheters and instructions on how to keep the area clean.

But as he lay there in bed, vibrator lodged firmly in his backside, and his cum squirting out of a nearly invisible hole above his balls, he was happy. Shortly after his climax ended, his brother appeared at the door with a giftwrapped box. "Hey bro, I got ya a get well present." He said, sitting on the bed and setting the box on Tony's cummy chest.

"Ooo, I love gifts" He said, sitting up a bit before unwrapping the box. Inside was a pelvic harness and a second box, which Tony opened to reveal an assortment of dildos.

"It's a pegging harness" the fox explained, "You put it on and you can attach any of those dildos there to it so you can have just the right size member you want."

"Really...." He said, looking over the dozen or so different dildos in the box, ranging from a 4 inch mouse or squirrel one to a 10 inch Colt, "Think ya could help me try em out?"

He just giggled, producing a bottle of flavored lube, "Sure, but that stallion endurance of yours better last through all of em!"

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