Cat's for neighbors. chapter - 2

Story by Kattboy on SoFurry

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The morning light began to peer through the windows at an angle across the room as the sunrise began, and a tail twitched from a feline that layed on the floor in the living room of his friend. Tommy, the husky, was sleeping on the couch, and was first to awaken when the light through the windows blasted over his face, it only took a few moments before he covered his head with his blanket, but after laying there for a few minutes, he decided he was awake enough to get up.

He had gone to sleep fairly early the night before, after what had happened, he coudlnt help himself but to be alone in the bathroom and relieve himself. The cat's extreme submissive nature had turned him on, and he pawed in the bathroom. he was certin that the cat didnt even wonder he was done with the act so quickly, when he came back out, they spoke nothing of what had happened, and Cath was just playing the video game. They went on the rest of the night untill they went to sleep like it had never even happened.

Tommy shook his head a bit and tried to forget about it, standing up and streaching, he looked down at his feline friend, seeing that Cath was still sleeping, he just chuckled to himself and walked around him, then leaned down and poked his side whispering into his ear.

"Wake up, are ya awake? I told you that you cats sleep too darned much" The cats ear twitched and he pulled the covers over his head, but the husky pulled them back down and he shook his head "you're not gonna wake up one day i swear, but if ya dont get up now your mother might not like it" *he just let out a yawn and turned his head, then sat up and moved his paws and arms out with a streach, his muzzle open wide and fangs showing as his fur stood on its end and he let out a streach. "what time is it? it looks like its too early" *the husky just walked around the room a bit and looked outside, then looked back in at a clock that was above the television set* "its past 7.

The cat anthro got up, and stood out of bed before gathering himself, he didnt bring anything over, so he could just walk on back home and go lay back down, he walked to the door and stepped through, part of him still wanted to get reassurance that he would be safe and he wanted Tommy not to say anything about the previous night, but he dreaded even more the idea of even bringing it up, feeling he was safe since they didnt talk about it at all, he jsut stepped out the door, turned and smiled with a wave* "i might come over later, but im going to lay back down at home first, see ya later ok"

His friend just waved and they exchanged goodbyes, he walked over to his home, unlocked the door, and didnt even bother to look to his mother, who was probally sleeping, and layed down on the couch not even going to his room. he just closed his eyes, put a pillow over his head, and went to sleep.

He didnt get to sleep in as long as he did the previous day, this time, he awoke to a clock that red 11:30 am, and to his mother telling him there was someone at the door for him. he got up and saw that it was Tommy's other neighbor, another feline, this one was a leopard, the same age as Tommy was, 17. "Hello Linux" he said with a bit of a purr as he streached and got out of bed. "Hey Cath, wanna hang out? I was hangin out with Tommy but he had to go and I figured you were outta bed by now, or, the couch" *he chuckled a bit and sat o nth earm of the couch, as Cath sat up he asked his mother if it was ok if he went over to Linux's house, and she awnsered with a yes.

"just let me get something to eat first" he said as he walked over, looking into the cupboard, he grabbed a poptart and then walked back out. "ok im ready, want one?" *the leopard just shook his head and walked out the door, as Cath followed him, they shut the door and walked 2 homes over to Linux's pad, all the while Cath ate his poptarts, and when he got inside, he threw the wrapper into the first trash can he saw, in the kitchen.

"My brother is out with his friends like he always is" Linux said as he walked over to the domesticated feline, grabbing his paw and pulling him along "Lets go downstairs to my room, I got my own television in there now" Cath just nodded and followed, unlike his home, this one was a 2 story, though it looked more like a one story from the outside, being on a slope, the house was only visible as a 2 story from the backward* Cath walked into the room and sat down, turning on the television but it was hooked up to a vcr, so nothing showed but a blue screen. "I think you left the VCR on Linux" he said as he turned and saw Linux standing at the door, he didnt respond, just looking at the cat a bit and holding in a purr.

"I said, i think you left the VCR on" *he became a bit puzzled when the leopard still didnt respond, he blinked and stood up "Linux, are you listening to me?" the leopard responded looking right into the domestic cat's eyes with slitted pupils "Tommy told me what you did last night" Cath froze, but tried not to show it, and just turned looking at the tv even though his heart beat fast in his chest as he spoke out as calmly as he could. "What that i couldnt beat that stupid level? yea it was fustrating but I finally beat it" *The leopard walked over and put a paw against his shoulder.

"You know that's not what i meant, but if you wanna lie about it, fine, I guess ill just tell your parents if you're not gonna say anything" *Cath whimpered and shook his head, then lowered his ears as he reckognized the act without auctually saying it. "I don't think that's a very good idea" *he said trying to persuade, the leopard thought for a moment as he moves his arms across his chest, his tail swaying slowly behind him. "Well, I suppose I could agree with you, but you should be punished for being naughty, dont you agree?" *Cath just whimpered more and shook his head, he breathed faster and it looked like he was about to cry as he pleaded with Linux not to say anything.

"Well, what if we made a deal?" he said with a bit of a sly grin and a purr, holding out his paw "would that be ok with you?" *the domesticated cat just nodded and held out his paw shaking in agreement as Cath spoke out. "Ok, what do you want though?" *The leopard just narrowed an eye as he purred more, he moved his paw underneath Cath's chin and scritched it. "1 hour"the leopard said. Cath responded: "1 hour? what do you want for an hour?"

*Linux just moved his paw against Cath's collar and wrapped his paw around it in a fist, he moved closer and almost whispering into his ear he spoke out in a low voice. "I get to do whatever i want to you for an hour, you hafta agree to everything and not try to get away or yell,and if you comply to everything, I will promise not to say anything, that sound good?" *Cath just nodded a bit and closed his eyes, trying to figure out just what the leopard would even want from him in such an odd request. Then he felt a lick against his ear as the leopard nibbled on it, and he whimpered slightly, the leopard moved off and he stood back for a bit thinking.

"I need to use the bathroom" the leopard stated, the cat just looked at him and after a moment of silence he spoke. "ok, then, go use the bathroom" Linux just stepped forward and put his paw on the boys collar, bringing him to his knees with both paws as he set his other one on his shoulder as he commanded* "Then open that cute little muzzle of yours" *Cath froze, and pushed his paws against the leopards wrists as he was held by his collar by the older male* "There is no way im doing that that's gross!" *he said as he lifted himself slightly, but the leopard clenched his claws out into his shoulder and pulled him back to his knees.

"Well, either you think its gross, or we tell your parents about what you did and see if they think that is gross" *The domesticated cat was sent to tears as the leopard threatened him, he just remained there on his knees for a moment, wiping his eyes with his paw as he kept them closed tightly, after pleading and getting nowhere he opened his muzzle and shivered, pressing his lips against the leopard's sex, he gaged, keeping his ears down in shame as he forced himself to submit.

He moved his lips against the end of the males sheathe and tooke the end of it into his muzzle causing himself to cry harder, after a moment, the leopard gripped his collar with both paws and pulled the cat forward moving in enough of his sheathe as his head poked out, unable to keep from purring at the feeling of a muzzle on his cock. he spread his toes apart and lifted his tail with a bit of a moan and began releasing his urine inside of the poor kittens muzzle. "Swallow it or i will make you clean it off the floor!" *the cat whimpered out, then held his breath, the leopard's urine filling into his muzzle untill it was full, then he held his tounge as his cheeks puffed, unable to keep any more in his muzzle, it began to leak out and run down his chin, the leopard stopped and held him in place, looking down at him.

Knowing the leopard wasnt going to let off or stop, he just curled his tail tightly beetween his legs and lowered his ears against the back of his head, embarassment ran through him as he gulped down the leopard's urine quickly, after a few gulps, his muzzle was clear and the leopard pulled off, and he took a breath through his nose. The leopard kept his paws on the domesticated cat's collar and removed his legnth, then rubbed it against his lips as he purred. he just gave one command, short and stern to the kitten that he held below him. "Suck on it" Cath just held a paw against himself on his stomach, the sour taste in his muzzle and in his tummy sent his stomach turning, he moved his lips once again against the males sex, stuck out his tounge, and cried to himself.

Linux just began to purr, the cat below him licking and sliding his rough kitten tounge slowly against his sheathe and balls and on his cock, it grew out more and more untill it was free and he moved himself lower, pressing the head against the catboy's lips, he shoved it in with a warning. "if you bite, i will make sure i bite you harder"

*Cath just nodded slightly, his eyes still watered as he licked and sucked on the head of the cock in his muzzle, he took more of it into his muzzle untill it was against his throat, choking and gaging as he tried to concentrate on pleasing the leopard, his fangs raking across his legnth gently. The leopard's barbs flared out a few times and after a few minutes of sucking and slow thrusting in the cats muzzle, the leopard's purring grew louder and louder, untill he finally pulled himself out and gasped, his pre stringing from the end of his cocktip to the cats tongue and lips, he took a few deep breaths, almost climaxing in Cath's muzzle but pulling out just in time.

Linux spoke: "Ok kitten, I have one more thing for you to clean, then you don't hafta clean for me anymore" He patted the domesticated catboy's head and kept one paw on his collar, his other arm reached to a drawer, and he pulled out a leashe, he leaned down and put his paw underneath his chin, lifting it before clipping the end of the leashe onto his collar* "don't plan on trying to leave, you understand?"

*Cath just nodded with a whimper, tugging his neck against the leashe on his collar and just whimpering, the leopard layed down on the bed onto his stomach, keeping his knees on the ground and he raised his tail, holding both paws on the end of the leashe* "Since you like licking guys footpaws, you are gonna clean my tailhole too, and if you try anything or refuse, then I will tell your parents you sucked on your friend's toes, and that you sucked my cock" *he just pulled the leashe, taking more and more of it into his paws, pulling the catboy ever so slowly twords his tailside, untill his muzzle was right against his cock, the leopard kept him on a short leashe for the moment and he pressed his tail back against Cath's nose. "Clean me!"

*The catboy just cried to himself again, closing his eyes, he moved his lips against the underside of the base of his tail, the musk of the leopard beetween his legs was strong and growing as his erect legnth dangled in front of the catboys face. He moved his paws against his sides in a fist as he muffled out a whimper, then forced himself to submit further to the male, sticking out his tounge and pressing it down against his tailhole, he gaged, then choked and just held his tongue against it for a moment, the taste was foul, he just wanted to get away but didnt see any way out of it. After a moment of whimpering, he licked the leopards tailhole a few times then moved off, but the leopard held him in place*

"you're not done, i said clean me, that means you put your tongue in and clean all of me" *he catboy just turned his head, he cried out and wiped his eyes with one paw as he pleaded. "It's gross, I dont think i can i dont want to" *the leopard growled and just lifted his tail higher, moving one paw off the leashe aand pressing it against himself on his ass, he spread his cheek apart and pressed his ass back against the catboys face without speaking.

*Cath just sobbed for the moment, then moved his muzzle back against the rump that pressed against his face, he pressed his lips against the leopards tailhole and stuck out his tounge prodding it into his tailhole as far as it would go, he licked a few times each way as quickly as possible, then turned his head and held his throat with both paws, the leopard just purred and moved his paw down stroking his own cock as he watched the domesticated cat suffer, he lowered his tail and got up, sitting down on the end of the bed and patting him on the head as he kept the leashe in his paw, watching the cat catch his breath after gaging and choking.

"Ok, now that you are done cleaning me, there is 1 more thing i want from you and then you can go" Linux said. Cath whimpered, and shook his head as he looked over at the clock, seeing it had only been about 20 minutes. "you said I would be done after cleaning you" *the leopard pulled on his leashe like a choke chain, sending the felines head forward as he let out a whimper and the leopard growled. "I said you dont hafta clean for me anymore, your punistment isnt over, I need to see if you learned your lesson now." the domesticated cat just sighed and put a paw on the leashe connected to his collar as the leopard spoke: "get on all fours, on the floor, im not gonna hurt you, and if you pass the test i will let you go"

*the cat just nodded a bit and crawled around, moving to his paws and his knees as he waited, the leopard grabbed the leashe, turning it around and holding it with one paw, then the leopard moved behind him pressing his muzzle underneath the cat's tail, the leopard exhaled out slowly and lifted the cats tail with his nose, exhaling on popurse right against the cats tailhole, then he moved his tongue against his hole and pressed his rough wet tongue across it a few times, licking for close to a minute, the leopard stroked himself as he licked and his purring grew.

Cath's eyes went wide, and his pupils slitted, he lowered his head and his ears and lifted his tail almost instincitvley, he began to purr in his throat and he let out a bit of a moan. "Stop it, stop touching me like that!" *he said protesting but unable to physcially bring himself to move, the other male just continued to lick with his tongue, he pressed his tongue against his hole below his tail, taking in the scent of the cat, unlike Cath, Linux enjoyed the way it tasted and the smell of the cat's tail, he just purred constantly and slid his tongue in and out of his tailhole, smirking a bit as he heard the kitten purring and moaning*

*After he was sure he coated the cats tailhole with enough saliva, he moved off and crawled behind the kitten, watching him purr he moved one paw underneath his chest and tweaked a nipple, and his other paw he wrapped the leashe up and held it in his muzzle holding it with his fangs. He pressed his finger against the domesticated cats muzzle and shoved his finger in, ordering him to lick it. Cath complied, purring louder when the leopard shoved his finger into his tailhole, he let out a moan as the leopard fingered him, rubbing his finger back and forth and tweaking his nipples with his other paw, he stuck out his tongue under the leashe in his muzzle and licked on the back of the kittens ears. Cath just purred, for the moment he just felt pleasure, his eyes closed as he turned his head, then his purring lowered as the leopard stopped and moved his paws to his ass, giving his cheeks a squeeze*

the leopard spoke: "I'm sorry kitten, but you didnt pass the test, you still like being a slut too much" *he moved his paws onto the cats hips, holding the leashe in his fangs* "If you like the idea of being fucked so much, I will hafta make you think otherwise when you think about it" he gripped his claws tightly against the catboy's hips. Cath shook his head as he lifted his head up and pulled against the paws on his hips, at the feeling of the head of the leopard's cock against his tailhole, he panicked. He lunged forward clawing at the carpet, but the leopard held him in place, being a bit older and a leopard, he was able to overpower him easily.

"YOU CANT DO THIS!" *Cath cried out, he just lowered his head against his paws on the ground and cried hard, pulling his neck against the leashe, but the leopard just pulled back with his muzzle, holding him in place, he pushed his cock against the kittens tailhole, then pressed in harder, rubbing a few times before grinning evily as he held his hips in place, and pulled him back by his leashe with his muzzle, slamming his legnth into the domesticated catboy's tailhole with immense force, splitting his tailhole open and forcing it immensley and painfully tight around his sex, the leopard humped the cat wildly, pushing his legnth in more and more as fast and hard as he could, not giving the cat a chance to relax as he hilted himself into him untill his balls were pressed against the back of the kittens.

Cath was screaming, his eyes watered heavily as the cock moved into his hole below his tail, he shook, as he was thrusted into, he let out a shrieking scream and gripped his claws out against the ground, his legs spread apart at his knees and his tail lifted up, trying to ease some of the tightness as he cried out and begged* "Take it out! Please I swear I'll do anything!"

He remained there, inside of the kitten below him, he grinned evily as he lowered his head down and he kissed Cath on his back, then licked against his ears, nibbling on each one, he began to fill the kitten already, but it wasnt his seed. He was pissing, again, inside of the kitten, he rubbed the kittens stomach with one paw and whispered into his ear* "You feel that kitty?" *the kitten just sobbed, his ears down and his tail curled to his side in shame as he was filled with the leopards urine in his tailhole, Linux just purred louder and pet the kitten untill he was done using his ass for a toilet.

The leopard just grinned more evily, thrusting backwards and flaring bis barbs out on popurse, sending the cat screaming even louder, his back arched away from the leopard as he shook hard and his eyes flooded with tears. he clawed at the ground as his toes spread apart and his toeclaws poked out against the air, Linux didnt let up however, he just held him in place, clawing his hips he gripped so hard and pulling him back by the leashe in his muzzle with each thrust in.

The leopard was relentless, thrusting in hard and fast, and with each thrust back, he flared the barbs out on his member, scraping and cutting into the cats tailhole as he bruised inside quickly, pre leaked out of the leopards tip and began coating the walls inside of his tailhole, the hot pre burned into his wounds as the barbs continued to scrape with each thrust inside of him. Cath screamed, crying hard, shaking even harder, his fur stood on its end and he tried desperatley to get away, he screamed for help, screamed for Linux to stop, screamed just to scream. But the Leopard showed no mercy as the cat begged for it with all he had, the leopard only showed a twisted form of affection, lickign against his ears and back of his neck, one paw moved against his chest and he pinched and played with his nipples.

As the leopard continued to fuck the kitten relentlessly, he growled out. "Does it feel good now? does it! do you want to be fucked now you cocksucking little whore! *he said growing more angered. Cath only pleaded out beetween screaming and crying. "No please! It hurts! you dont know how much it hurts please! *The leopard ignored his pleas, gripping both paws against the kittens chest, he stuck out his nails, piercing a claw from a finger and a thumb into each nipple, poking through and biting down onto the back of his neck with his fangs as he let the leashe drop, he bit into him hard, his fangs piercing and drawing blood as the kitten below him screamed, squirming and shaking hard, he let out a terrifying scream as his nipples were pierced by the leopards claws followed by another horrifying scream as the back of his neck was held by those sharp fangs.

*Cath could barely even plead anymore, he only screamed and cried as his body was ravaged and abused, breathing so rapidly as his heart raced in his chest, blood trickled from the fangs in his neck and the claws in his nipples, and a mixture of pre, piss and blood was stinging inside of his tailhole and trickling down one of his inner thighs in his fur.

The leopard continued to fuck him hard, slamming his legnth in and out of the poor kittens abused tailhole, as the cat below him scream and cried harder, he just purred louder and moaned out faster, he pulled on his neck with his fangs clamping and he twisted the kittens nipples with his thumbclaws that pierced through them, twisting them hard, he slammed into the kitten with full force, burying his cock into his ass so deeply the kitten slipped on his paws and his head hit the ground. his balls tingled and were pressed against the back of the kittens as he moved off his neck and he let out a growl of pure pleasure, spraying his leopard seed into the kittens tailhole deeply, so much so that it filled into his tummy and it dripped out of his tailhole, leaking out beetween the leopards cock and the kittens tailhole tight around it.

After the leopard came, he didnt pull out at first, and in a manner of more sick affection, he grabbed the kittens hair and pulled his head up, he licked his tears off his cheeks and kissed his lips, forcing his tongue into the poor kittens muzzle, he just cried harder at the leopards affection and kept his ears down.

The leopard slipped his tongue in, licking and kissing the kittens muzzle and purring from his throat, he licked along his tongue and fangs, lips and anywhere his tonge could reach, spitting and spreading as much of his saliva using his tongue into the kittens mouth before breaking the kiss and taking a deep breath, he moved both paws off his chest and onto his collar as he stood on his footpads, lifted himself up pushing the cat down, he arched his tail up against the air and held onto the cats collar tightly, with one quick thrust, he flared his barbs as much as they would go out, then pulled out of the kitten fast and turned collapsing next to him as the kitten let out another horrifying scream.

The kitten turned to his side, crying hard, he moved one paw against himself on his stomach and he closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath, as the leopard looked over at him, he pulled his leashe, the kitten let a whimper out and put his paw on the collar around his neck as he looked over at the leopard with heavy eyes. Whimpering as cum leaked from his tailhole and webbed beetween his thighs and to the underside of his tail as the leopard stared back with slitted pupils as the kitten asked. "Can I please go now?"

Cat's for neighbors.

It was a typical Saturday afternoon for the time of year it was. Warm enough to go outside in the daytime but still cold enough at night to turn on the fireplace. A pair of eyes blinked a few times before a yawn was followed, showing fangs and slitted...

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