
Story by Riman on SoFurry

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#1 of Grounded

Hey everyone, this is my first attempt at writing for this site, so please be nice :3

All critiques of this story (If polite) will be met with the utmost enthusiasm.


It was just one of those nights, an uninteresting, boring, dead night. It was Friday, normally a happy time for the 16 year old Timber Wolf, but due to an unfortunate incident involving his report card from earlier in the week, he was grounded, or as he liked to call it 'Imprisoned.'

The Wolf looked out of his window longingly, the view, was quite spectacular, due to his parents middle class status, they had been able to purchase one of the larger houses on the block, giving the Wolf a view of the surrounding neighborhoods in the valley.

"I have got to get out of here" he said to no one in particular, gazing out at the valley below. Standing up, the wolf made his way over to his bed, crouching down to reach under it and pull out his 'collection' jolting up at the sound of his mother's voice from downstairs.

"Sam, get down here, I need help with the laundry" his mother called, grumbling to himself, Sam struggled to his feet, feeling his semi hard erection brush against the inside of his boxers at the same time. "Do I have to?" he yelled back hoping that he would be able to get out of helping his Mother fold, where she would undoubtedly talk about his 'Problem' as she referred to it.

"No! Get down here now. Your father left for the Greenway an hour ago, and I need help with this Laundry" His mother called back. Sam groaned realizing that the issue wasn't worth arguing about, His dad, A businessman with his own company was at the local VIP Golf Course with some of his buddies.

"Coming!" he called back, sliding the box of magazines back under the bed with his foot, heading for the door.

Sam slumped down the two flights of stairs to the basement where the washroom was, pouting at his interruption to his normal schedule. "Thanks for the help sweetie" his mom said, bending over into the dryer pulling out clothing to put into a basket. "Can you take this upstairs? We can fold in on the Dining room table." his mother asked.

Huffing, Sam picked up the proffered basket, turning to head upstairs, "Don't drop any socks! God knows we have a difficult time keeping track of them as it is." his mom said, starting to transfer clothing from the washer into the dryer.

Sam climbed the stairs grumbling under his breath before turning into the dining room and setting the basket down on a magnificent mahogany table. "I bet Fred isn't doing this right now" he thought to himself.

Fred Thompson, an Arctic Fox was his childhood friend, growing up as neighbors, before Sam's dad decided to start his own company; they had been inseparable often spending the nights over at one another's houses, and sharing the same interest in movies. The two didn't have many secrets between each other, having what almost seemed to the parents as a physic link between each other, there was one thing that Fred didn't know, however, and that was Sam was gay. Fred never found out, however, because when Sam's dad started his venture, and it became more successful, Sam's parents began to desire a larger home, with more lawn and a better view, and so they moved to their current house on the other side of the Valley, away from Thompson's, and Fred.

Sam had only recently contacted Fred again, looking him up on Pawbook, a social networking site that had only recently been gathering storm. Only to learn that Fred had found himself a Girl Friend named Larissa, who Sam vaguely remembered from Elementary School. Fred had been as excited as Sam was upon rediscovering his old friend, even asking for Sam's number and writing to him almost daily over Pawbook and text.

Sam shook his head, pulling out a pair of boxers from the basket, folding them and placing them aside. "Thank you, honey" his mom said walking into the room, "what were you day dreaming about? You seemed lost for a few seconds there" his mom asked looking concerned, "You're not running a fever are you?"

"No, No, just thinking" Sam said hoping she would get the hint to drop the thought, sighing when his mother continued, "Are you sure honey, I know that the grounding is hard on you, but If you had just done your work, instead of spending all that time on Pawbook, or Pawplace, whatever you call it, You would be out hanging out with your friends." Sam sighed, silently mocking his mom, even though he knew her to be right.

They finished the remainder of the folding in relative silence, only making slight small talk over school and if he had finished his homework, which he had. "There" his mom said, folding the last shirt, "For helping me and not complaining too much I'll let you have your computer back for tonight" she said, grabbing a pile of clothing and heading upstairs.

"YES!" Sam thought to himself, he would be able to talk with Fred later that night. Sam happily grabbed the remaining clothing from the table, turning to follow his mom.


Sam couldn't help but feel defeated, his mom had given him back his computer for one night only for Fred not to get on Pawbook, Sam had spent almost 3 hours with the webpage up hoping that he would get a message from his old friend.

No such luck it seemed, Sam powered down the laptop, unplugging the power cord, and wrapping it up before placing both into the case sitting on the floor.

Sam sighed, picking up the bag before heading downstairs and giving it back to his mom, only 4 more days of this before he would be able to get online again.

"Well, that sucked" he thought to himself, in his depression over his isolation from his friends._ _"I wonder what I can do now?" he thought again, brushing his paw lightly over his covered sheath. "I know." he said to himself softly, smiling slightly to no one in particular.

Getting on his knees, Sam reached down under his bed, pulling out the box which contained the magazines and photos he had obtained through the years. Leafing through he found one of his favorites, which showed two foxes engaged in anal play across the cover with "Naughty Lupis" emblazed across their middles.

Sam put the magazine on his bed, walking over and locking the door, Sam pulled off his shirt, revealing his slim stomach, and 4 abs, before his grounding he had been working on achieving the coveted 'swimmers body.'

Sam rubbed his hand across his abs, enjoying the sensation it provided. Murring softly, he reached down, closing his eyes rubbing his hand over the bulge that was growing in his shorts. Sam made his way over to the bed, sprawling across it snatching the Magazine from its resting place at the same time.

Turning the page Sam felt his mouth begin to water at the sight, of the two cover Foxes in the classic 69 position, their cocks held by the others maw, with their lips just above their swollen knots. Sam turned the page slowly, pulling off his shorts and boxers, Sam reached down taking his modest 6 inches, already extended from his sheath, into his hand squeezing, and causing him to sigh in delight.

Sam glanced down at the magazine, to see the larger of the two foxes, buried to the hilt in the smaller one's ass. Sam closed his eyes, slowly stroking his member, thinking and wishing it was someone else's paw wrapped around him. "Oh... Yes" Sam murred, feeling his knots begin to form at the base of his cock.

Sam leaned back, closing his eyes and rolling onto the magazine in the process, but not caring, he grasped his member again, giving it 4 short quick pulls along the tip, causing him to wine in pleasure. Sam returned to stroking his length, slowly feeling the pressure begin to build underneath his sack. "Fred, harder" he whispered, not really knowing why his friend, had infiltrated his sex hazed mind.

Sam humped into his paw, groaning loudly at the warmth that was splattering across his chest even hitting his face. Sam sighed in ecstasy, releasing his member, and reaching up to run his paw, now covered in his semen, across his tongue, savoring his taste.

Sam opened his eyes, glancing down at his body, "Wow that was a lot more powerful than usual" he remarked to himself, reaching over for the tissue box on his night stand.


Sam jumped; hearing the sound of a stone hit his window on the second story.


It happened again, Sam scrambled over his bed reaching for his shirt and shorts which lay discarded on the floor. Pulling them on quickly, he stalked carefully over to the window opening it and looking down at the grass below.


to be continue