Puppy Love

Puppy Love By: anonymous . . I creep from my safe haven made from cold dark strands of metal Your voice is such a sweet sound that brings joy to my boney spine when you call to me Restless, I scurry to your side . You stroke the strands from my...

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A Knight in the Woods

"Ok, now everyone listen up..." I heard my scoutmaster, a Beaver of fifty say to the gathered crowd of twelve fur cubs scattered around him. "This weekend we will be having our annual spring camping trip up the Appalachian Trail, right now the plan is...

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Red Handed

To say I like cock, would be the biggest understatement in the world. I LOVE cock; there I said it. I love it in and around my mouth, and buried my tight virgin of a hole, mostly though I love a tight asshole around my throbbing shaft. But, I guess I'm...

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Mistakes and Honesty

"whoa dude this room is hu......" I glanced back at the arctic fox, Fred, my best childhood friend, half expecting to watch him turn and walk out of my life forever. My immediate reaction was utter fear, _"what was he going to think?"_ I thought to...

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It was just one of those nights, an uninteresting, boring, dead night. It was Friday, normally a happy time for the 16 year old Timber Wolf, but due to an unfortunate incident involving his report card from earlier in the week, he was grounded, or as...

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-From Sam's viewpoint- "Fred?!" I gasped, startled at the sudden and random appearance of my old friend, an arctic fox named Fred Thompson, below me on the grass outside my house. "What are you doing here?!" I nearly shouted, struggling with being...

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