Troubles of Love, part 3

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#3 of Troubles of Love

Part 3 of my first furry series. Things finally get heated between the two lovers. Please leave comments so that I can become a better writer. Also, for those who might've heard about there being only four parts, that has changed. There will definitely be more than four. I don't know how many there will be, but I can tell you that this series will end when it's ready. Hope you enjoy! :)

Kevin sat at the bus stop, waiting impatiently. The bus was nearly ten minutes late. He checked his watch for the umpteenth time, wrapping his jacket tighter around him in the cold weather. He wiped it away. It had been six weeks since the assault had occurred, and today was the day that Derrik would be released form the hospital.

The assault had made all of the headlines in the city, especially the college. Reports indicated that five furs, who had been drinking underage, attacked a male, gay couple, severely injuring one of them.

Mathias, the bull, had been sentenced for ten years in federal prison for the assault. He had also been given another five years for resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. He would be given no bail and no early release.

Darren, the bear, was sentenced to five years in federal prison, and was granted early release if he stayed on good behavior.

The coyote twins, Julio and Jose, were each given twelve years in federal prison for the assault and for resisting arrest. They would be given no bail or early release.

Eric, the cougar, was given six months in federal prison, with early release. His sentence was drastically reduced not only because of his total cooperation with the police and their investigation, but also because he was the only one who had pleaded guilty, given true statements on everything that had occurred, and pleaded the judge for a chance at reform. Because of this, he was also required to do five years of community service upon release, was given no bail, and was assigned court-ordered group and private underage drinking awareness classes as well as anger management therapy for the next three years.

All five of them had been expelled from the college, which they had been attending, and strict restraining orders were issued against them by the school. The five of them were not allowed to ever set foot within one hundred yards of the college campus throughout their entire lives.

Finally, the bus approached the bus stop, and a bandaged otter stepped out onto the curb, smiling, to be greeted by his boyfriend with open arms.

Later that day, the couple lay on their bed in each other's arms, cuddling.

"I missed you," Kevin said, burying his muzzle in the otter's chest fur.

"I missed you too," Derrik held the wolf closer to him.

Kevin leaned forward a little in order to kiss his mate. Derrik returned the kiss, also leaning into it.

This kiss lasted longer than most of their kisses, and when the two broke apart they were breathing heavily.

Both of them paused for a minute, feeling an itch in their groins. They looked down, and saw that they were both hard and rubbing on each other.

"Derrik," the wolf said, "I want you. I want you so badly. Will you ... do me?"

The otter smiled. "Of course."

They began stripping each other, kissing and moaning and rubbing against one another.

Once the two were exposed, they lay upon the bed. Kevin snaked down and started to take his lover's member into his mouth, in order to make it slick. Meanwhile, Derrik used his fingers to loosen up his mate's tail hole. The two began moaning with lust and pleasure.

Kevin stopped sucking on his partner for a minute. "I think I'm ready." Derrik nodded.

Kevin rolled over and positioned himself so that he was more comfortable. Derrik pressed his cock up against his partner's tail hole, and pushed against it until he had penetrated him. Kevin gasped. It had hurt a little, but he knew that it wouldn't in a few moments.

Derrik slowly pushed himself in, inch by inch, until his entire length was inside the wolf. Then, he began to pull out, but stopped once he had reached the tip, and went back in. Repeating this, he fell into a slow, steady rhythm of thrusting in and out.

Kevin moaned loudly as his lover moved inside him. Derrik's arms wrapped around the wolf's chest and he pulled him closer, murring into his ear as he started to thrust harder and faster.

"Oh, Derrik! It feels so good!" Kevin cried out, placing his paws over the otter's.

"I'm, glad." Derrik whispered into his partner's ear, and then they both grunt with pleasure as he slides past the wolf's prostrate.

The two squirmed against each other, the room filled with the scent of glistening scent and musk.

Soon, both of them could feel a stirring in their balls.

"Oh, Derrik, I think I'm cumming!" Kevin cried out.

The otter gave one final, large thrust before the two of them came. Kevin shot off his load onto the bed sheets while Derrik pulsed inside of him, sending frothy white cum deep into his bowels. When the pair had finished their orgasms, they lay there together, panting.

Derrik pulled himself out of his lover, and cum spilled out of his tail hole as Kevin rolled over.

"That was wonderful," the wolf whispered.

"Mmhmm," the otter agreed, shoving his tongue into his lover's muzzle. He put his paw on the wolf's muzzle as they kissed.

Kevin broke off from the kiss, and curled up in his partner's arms. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too." Derrik replied, holding the wolf close to him. He reached down to pull the covers over them.

Kevin sighed, letting his body relax as he drifted away into sleep.

Derrik smiled, watching his mate sleep. He chuckled to himself, and closed his eyes, thinking to himself how he couldn't be any happier.
