If he could speak pt4

Story by delete341 on SoFurry

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#5 of If he could speak The Ivan story line

This story chapter was blocking my next story so I wrote it down.

Ivan's medical records summary

Subject: Espeon DOB: Unknown Gender: Male Pokémon doctor with ten years experiences.

It was fall when I received a call canceling a call for a male buneary named Jumper. They said, "We found his bloody collar and body he is dead." They sounded sad. The next day I received a walk-in for an espeon. He was really wild almost feral. He was trying to get out of the cage. I picked him up and he bit me hard. He was scared of people and we had to strap him down. I called in Nurse Joy for help. She held him down so I could do some blood work. The adults who brought him in told me the story about how their daughter brought him in the house and their deal. There was a large amount of sound as the table was rocking. He was terrified of a blissey trying to calm him down. I had to sedate him. I gave him some medication for any parasites and a general antibiotic.

The next week the blissey was away and they wanted to keep him. An ID chip was inserted and I did some further test. His x-rays showed several broken bones and cracked ribs that had healed. His CAT scan showed several concussions, and a malformed larynx so an MRI was taken. He had hyper brain activity for a physic type. They called him "Diamond" at first but he responded to "Ivan" after a client called. I wrote down "Ivan/Diamond" on the form and categorized as a house pet. I tried to convince them to castrate him but they said he had a good temperament and stayed away from females. He left as I began to process the tests. I wondered if he could use telepathy and consulted a neurologist at the hospital. She said, "It maybe possible but I cannot say for sure." I had a house call for the household a month later. I noticed he was covered in blood and the lack of evidence of pest pokémon. They were concerned he ate very little food and I told them what I saw. They were baffled at first when I said, "If he was wild for a long time he maybe eating the rattatas outside. It is free pest control and to keep an eye on the behavior." His next visit was an emergency call at three A.M. when the night shift nurse called my house. The patient leg had pierced the skin and he was in pain. I felt his pain for a moment and sedated him. He was telepathic. He was scared when he woke up with a cast on his leg. The next major visit was very expensive. A common disease to vaccinate against, but; a very rare disease to treat. He was give powerful medications for weeks. I noticed he was scared of female pokémon and the scrafty that came with him was giving birth. She looked like a wife treating her sick husband. I figured he was the father and never told the owners. He was released a week later.

Three months had past and a new emergency call. His leg was shatter and I told the nurse, "I will prep for amputation and you need to tell them. Time is of the essence!" He stared to trust me and he was terrified at the instruments and he really bit me drawing blood this time. I had no choice but to sedate him again. I shaved his leg and marked where to cut. I removed the skin and tendons. Then, the muscles to get to the bone after removing the shattered parts I made a clean cut with a bone saw and stitched the wound. He woke up and checked his genitals then, he checked his leg stub. He just stared at me and my bandaged hand. I gave him a rare steak and he ate it right up. He still did not trust me or he was mad at me. The next day I measured his stub and pulled out an artificial leg. The owner agreed to allow an experiential leg to be made for him. If it was successful, it would have far more applications to medical science. On one monthly check up on his recovery he allowed a blissey to approach him. It was near winter and male constantly battled. I gave the owners' special semen collectors that attached to the penis. They separated the semen from urine. The semen was going to be sold later. All natural males had to wear them. If they did not, the floors in the houses would be sticky and females would go nuts then they would be pregnant. They also served as contraception. His winter collection was low and I estimate his age at three based on the amount. His new leg was in by the early spring. He enjoyed his new leg and leaped everywhere. He looked excited. A week later a flareon named Jackal. Jackal growled at Diamond/Ivan as he walked by. Jackal had to have his eye socket cleaned out and stitched shut. Diamond would wander around the place hunting and he had his number tattooed in his ear. No poké ball could capture him with the leg. Most of the staff loved Diamond and the pokémon center never had rodents in the building. This winter I received a notice from the janitor that Ivan/Diamond had passed on. The staff agreed to make him an honorary employee of the month and we made a new account with pest control.

End of final report summary.

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak, and anyone I do not know

Characters are mine