Training a late night

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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[*grunts* this isn't my best work, far from it but it's something I wrote and figured I could just as well share with you guys. You're very much allowed to send criticism but I don't expect too much from this. It's M/M which is very rare in my case yet it's what started my whole career as a yiffy writer. Enjoy if you can]

As usual, he was the last one left. He let the others use the showers first so he could take his sweet time, making sure he got absolutely clean while enjoying the warm water flowing over his body. Basketball tended to get pretty sweaty in this team and it got quite rough at times too. Perhaps not the most disciplined team in the long, wide country but they won game after game so he could complain.

Coach Anderson, a quite proud stallion in his mid-thirties held a pair of pink panties in his hand, feeling how his member started to grow slowly, creating an uncomfortable bulge erupting in his shorts.

"Damn, Crawler, I never..."

He heard how the shower was turned off so he quickly tucked the panties back in the pack on the bench in front of him which he knew belonged to the feline the team called "Crawler".

Jason, mostly known as the "Crawler", is a sweet, young kid at the age of sixteen. He was part of one of the most successful basketball-teams in his country, they won championship after championship. He stood at roughly 5'7", black fur all over with no change in colour even on paw or ears, well-trained due to the intense training every week, his eyes a gentle green... but as everyone, he has his little secret.

Coach Anderson, the trainer of this successful team, was brown stallion with black, long hair. He stood at roughly 6'2", due to even more training each week muscles were quite visible under the usually quite tight clothes. His blue eyes always seemed to be so gentle, especially when it came to his basketball team. Many of the boys had little of a family elsewhere so it had come to be their family. Often did the boys rather come to the coach than to their parents to discuss things.

Crawler stopped dead in the door-way, looking at the coach who stood there watching him with a wide smile.

"Thought I heard someone in here... Crawler, learn to shower with the other guys, will ya?"

With a soft chuckle, wearing nothing but himself, he walked up to the coach and pass, taking his bag. Though what he saw made him freeze to the bones, seeing the panties on top of everything and below that the rest of his secret stash of clothes.

"Coach, did you..."

But he was soon silenced...

Wrapping his arms around the young panther, the coach whispered into his ear.

"Have you ever thought about... me, Crawler?"

Jason swallowed hard, unable to hide the face that he enjoyed the embrace. His second set of clothes was the reason he always tried to stay behind, dressing up as a female and more than often ending up in some other male's bed.

"Coach... please, I..."

But it was if his voice merely drained out in sand for it made little difference, feeling his coach lips on his neck, kissing in one of the gentlest fashions he had ever felt.

He was no virgin, Jason, but this was so different. He had always had a special place in his heart for the coach, you can almost call it a crush on him; it was a fantasy come true.

"Coach, you might be too big for me..."

But all he got in return was a chuckle and he could feel the coach's tongue against his neck, dragging through his fur softly.

"Mmm, Jason, my young lover, you don't have to worry..."

Jason could already feel the stiff bulge pushing against his lower back, sending shivers along his entire spine.


His voice was feeble, he had no strength left in his body to speak, and his mind had more or less shut down, only acting on instincts now.

Unnoticeable, the coach undid and discarded his short, leaving Jason with the sensation of having the coach's member rub against his back.

"Coach... I'm in love with you..."

There was a moment of silence before the coach spoke again while slipping an arm slowly around the young panther.

"Oh, Jason, Jason... all you ever had to do... was ask..."

His hand wrapped around Jason's already throbbing member, squeezing it softly to cause a thick flow of pre-cum pour from the tip.

Jason had no defence up for this dashing stallion, it almost felt like rape but Jason wanted the coach to please himself on him.

"Coach... on one condition, though... I want you to cum on me... on my chest..."

Without any answer, the coach grabbed Jason's neck and pushed him forward. His lusts were raging inside of him and needed to be drowned with the only thing capable to destroy these lusts.

"It's gonna hurt, I can't lie..."

Jason already knew this, he didn't want to scream so someone would come and find them, he wanted this.

But the coach was already ahead of him. During this time, he had a smaller towel hanging over his shoulder. Before the Crawler had any chance of protesting, he had wringed it hard and Jason only felt his pass his teeth.


But anything else was muffled by the towel, the coach leaning to softly speak in the panther's ear.

"To keep you from screaming... oh, and by the way... I wipe my crotch with that after I've jerked off..."

Jason closed his eyes, the smell from the towel, the taste even, confirmed what the coach had said. He felt used and he bloody hell loved it.

The coach took a firm grip of the towel and jerked Jason's head back some so he could look into his eyes.

"You're so young, Jason..."

He gently brushed the tip of his cock against Jason's wanting tail-hole, his cock not overly big but it was bigger than anything Jason had ever had before.

"But you're gonna like this, I'm sure..."

He started to push his hips towards Jason, the tip of his cock starting to penetrate the young feline.

He had nothing to do but to close his eyes, biting down on the towel firmly, muttering something but it mostly came out as a blur to the coach. But he knew, as an equine, the coach couldn't possibly at this point. His body convulsed with every inch that slipped into him, his muscles tightly squeezing the equine's hard cock.

"That's my boy, do as you..."

Coach had to grit his teeth hard suddenly, Jason's muscles squeezing quite tightly.

Jason felt how the teacher pumped out pre-cum after pre-cum into him. The more he got into himself of his coach, the more he felt he belonged to his beautiful stallion. His mind was raging, muscles trying to help the coach slide inside a bit by pulling on the cock. A sentence formed in his mind:

"Coach, I love you and forever I want to be with you..."

But all he could muster to sound out was a loud grunt as his coach pushed himself hard against him.

The coach panted deeply, looking down on the back of his newly found lover, caressing it softly with his big paw.

"You little slut... you took all of me... few can do that..."

Jason was unaware of the fact that the teacher had dug the whole feet of cock he was blessed with into him.

"My god..."

Coach leaned down and planted a soft kiss on the feline's neck before wrapping his arms around him.

His arms were muscular, the whole of coach had a strong, masculine scent to him and his embrace was so protective. Jason had never felt so secure in his entire life before yet this was his most naked moment in his entire life, so open. The coach was all he cared about right now, the coach might not love him but he sure as hell were gonna please to the best of his abilities.

In one single, swift move the coach swung himself around, sitting down on the bench and now with Jason in his lap, wrapped up completely around his hard shaft.

"Ride me, my lover, ride me like you should ride a good horse."

Against better judgement, he did as his coach told him to. No, what the coach ordered him to do. At first it was quite uncomfortable, he had never had anything so deeply inside of him and he had never ever had sex like this before.

None the less, Jason gritted his teeth and started to slide his coach's cock in and out, at first in very small humps, only a few inches. He worked up a slow yet pleasing pace, allowing the pre-cum to spread all over inside of him, helping to lube him up. The ride got slicker and with a hoarse voice, coach whispered into his lover's ear.

"Faster... deeper..."

Again, against his better knowing, Jason obeyed and started to ride his coach faster, allowing to let more of the cock slip further out before pushing it back in.

It all seemed so unrealistic. The next few minutes were such a blur, all he could remember was riding his coach's cock faster and deeper, feeling his hot breath against his neck and his paws so tightly gripping his hips. His own cock was throbbing, pounding more the right word, and each time his current lover's cock went bottom in him, his cock pumped out a good amount of pre-cum, following his cock's form down in his coach's lap.

The scents in the air would've driven any straight guy to hump another guy, loaded with hormones and sweat, filling the nostrils of both lovers, driving them to dare the edge.

"Crawler, faster... harder!"

He felt his balls fill up but never had forgotten the demand Jason had made and he planned on being a man of his word, his hands gripping tightly on the panther's hips to help his riding some.

"Good, keep it up and you'll get a nice reward..."

There was no warning, suddenly Jason opened his eyes wide, feeling all his muscles tighten around the coach's cock.

"Shit, Jason, no!"

It was too much for the coach who had been riding along the edge of orgasm for a while, groaning out loudly only to buck his hips against him, pushing his cock in deeply. Jason could care less as a wave of strongly concentrated emotions washed over him, feeling it rush up in his cock and hearing it splatter on the hard, wooden floor.

He curled his toes tightly as he felt the equine starting to unload inside of him, being torn back to reality rather quickly. He knew it could be damaging so with the help of his coach he managed to dismount, leaving a huge gaping hole that swiftly closed. He sat down in his coach's lap, his cock between his legs. A few large splatters landed on the floor but in a last attempt to be a man of his word, coach grabbed his own cock and bent it softly against his lover.

Both of them lay on the floor, coach holding Jason gently against his chest, Jason turned away from his coach, nestled in against his coach's firm yet protective grip.

"We need to shower, coach..."

There was again a moment of silence as the two cum-soaked lovers merely lay there before coach finally spoke up.

"It's Hank, Jason... it's Hank and yes... we do need to shower... before we go home to me..."

Jason, still lost in his thoughts since the orgasms, nodded some.

"I'd like that, Hank... no, I'd love that..."