The Sacrifice - Part II

Story by RainbowsHaven on SoFurry

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#2 of The Sacrifice

"Touching my stomach gently, I understood what the dragon had really wanted of me... Knowing that I could never return to camp, I secreted away into the woods, praying not to be found and wondering what sort of offspring would birth from the lapine/dragon pairing."

[ The second part of Sacrifice, which changes the nature of the story somewhat. This section is only mildly sexual, but involves oviposition, mind control, and subtle forms of internal transformation. :3 The idea of becoming a breeding slave/machine has always been somewhat appealing to me and while I didn't originally intend to include it in the story, I decided to because it seemed like a fitting end. This is the final part, although I may write some dragon/jackalope smut later! ( Yes, the main character is a jackalope! Sorry I never come right out and say it XD ) ]

When I awoke, I ached and every part of my body flared with pain. The chains that had restrained me earlier had disappeared, leaving burning imprints across the joints they had clung to. My stomach was swollen slightly and the dragon's seed still dripped between my legs when I finally found the strength to stand. The dragon was nowhere to be seen, leaving not even so much as the imprint of a single claw upon the floor.

_ Touching my stomach gently, I understood what it had wanted from me._

_ Naked and defiled, I knew that I couldn't return to my camp. My body was half-broken, covered in cum and scratches, and I was aware that womanhood may never work correctly again. My cheeks were sticky with the salt of my tears and I began to cry again as I sank to the floor. When I had had my fill, I ventured into the night to find nourishment and water._

_ I had been trained extensively on how to survive in the wild, should the need ever arise. Most of my team had been. As I stumbled around naked in the forest, I knew I would have a hard time hiding from the search party that would eventually be sent out, but I knew it was possible. Eventually, I found a rather pathetic stream where I was able to wash my body, though not without further tears at the pain of the water against my skin. I gathered berries, mushrooms, and edible leaves, stumbling back to the ruins to gather the small pack I'd kept with me and empty the pockets of my ruined clothing._

_ I spent the next several months watching my stomach grow as I cooked largely vegetarian meals for myself, my arms and legs thinning as the hybrid creatures inside of me fed off of my strength. As the months passed, I felt the weight growing in my form until it was almost unbearable. That night, I gathered enough food for several weeks (if I ate sparingly) and set myself up to live largely stationary for a while. In the weeks that followed, the growth of the offspring inside of me seemed to speed up exponentially until I literally could_ not move. My body had weakened considerably and near the end of the ordeal, I couldn't even sit up without losing my breathe and collapsing.

_ When it came time for the birth, I had many doubts that I would survive. I knew, however, that I was long dead to my friends and family and had little to lose. I hoped only that my boyfriend would move on and find someone else to make him happy. In those final few days, however, I began to feel certain changes taking place within my body. Despite the abuse the dragon had put me through, he had changed me, somehow. My skin would alternate between complete numbness and extreme sensitivity, in such a way that even a fly landing upon my bloated stomach was pleasurable. In those final days, I came several times from strong gusts of wind or leaves landing in opportune spots on my body. When it_ was time to give birth, I was delirious with pleasure.

_ My mind had faded during those last few days and I thought only of pleasing the dragon. I realized that it was a great honor to produce its children and understood how blessed I was. I came to understand that if I survived, the dragon would likely mate with me once more, having found a suitable candidate to fuck. I understood that the dragon was at least slightly more intelligent than I had first guessed and that, when the children were born the dragon would seek me out again. I shuddered with pleasure at the thought, hoping that I survived for his sake. All of this new found knowledge was also accompanied by the knowledge that I wouldn't be birthing the children directly, but rather, would be producing their eggs, which the dragon would guard while I recovered._

_ On the birthing day my body had become so sensitive that even shifting on the ground threw me into the mindless pleasure of orgasm. I felt the pressure in my body grow with each wave of pleasure until it seemed as though my stomach would tear and pour the eggs out right on to the ground. Instead, however, I felt the first egg shift within by body, falling towards my cervix. I spread my legs slowly, my fingers clutching at the ground as the egg began to slip from my body._

_ The sensation was indescribable. I had never felt more pleasure in my entire life, both physically and mentally. I had forgotten my old life now: I existed only to be used as the dragon's fuck toy. He would breed me and I would have his children as long as he desired it of me and never once would I complain, for I knew that following the incredible pain of sex would come the incredible pleasure of birth._

_ I felt my body shift and transform as the egg slowly slid from my femininity, stretching my cervix far beyond what my feral lover's cock had months earlier. I cried out and writhed in pleasure as the widest point of the egg crested my body, my aching cunt forced it out with an intensity that brought me to orgasm and slid next egg out smoothly, covered in my pleasured juices. The process continued until I was blind with ecstasy, continued through six eggs total, my stomach deflating gently every time I came. I screamed as the orgasms grew more and more intense, losing consciousness when they had all left my body._

_ When I awoke, I felt pride at the eggs I had created, now guarded by the giant, ember colored dragon who watched me intently, but I also felt emptiness. I watched him quietly, knowing that I wanted him to breed me again, as soon as possible... I lived for this incredible creature, and without his seed, my life was incomplete._

_ Somehow, he had managed to bathe and feed me in my unconscious state. My body felt complete and nourished. My skin was soft and clean. I felt pure and accomplished. I stared up at him with wide eyes and it seemed to me that he smirked for a moment, sensing my desire. I felt him tell me that we would mate again--soon... Once I had healed. I had to wait, but I knew the anticipation would kill me. Slowly, I walked toward him and he leant his head down, allowing me press my naked fur against the bridge of his nose, soaking in the warmth of his smooth, silken scales. His tongue snaked out between his lips and through my legs, forcing me to spread them as he supported me with the now smooth member. It seemed that he could control the texture at his will, and even as realization dawned on me he prodded softly at my ass with the tip of it. I smirked as I looked up at my new lover, who assured me that the months between breeding would be kept plenty interesting as he began to grind his tongue against my sensitive cunt, teasing at my tail hole as he did so..._