My brother, My mate

Story by OmegaDragon on SoFurry

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What's Taboo?

Today started out like any day for me, I woke up in my bed and got up then went about my morning routine of showering and eating breakfast, now the first thing about my family that you might find odd is the fact that we are all dragons...and when I say family I mean me, my brother and sister. My folks died a few years back after one too many incidencts at the plant, I always said that having sex in the nuclear coolant room was bad for their health but did they listen? no!...anyways, thats the past, Now days my sister provides for us pretty much and we get by ok with her. Let me introduce myself before I go any further, my name is Sal, thats an abbriviation for my full name, Salana orn Omega III. Now you see why I shortened my name, huh...anyways, welcome to Omnivon prime, my home world when my brother and sister live along with about 5000 others...most of them are human, like you but lets just say that the cosmic radiation has been unkind, most of them have either mutated or are on the road to mutating and the ones that have are cast out into the deserts to find their own way. Id like to tell you about something that happend not long ago, its just a little tale about how me and my brother got closer, we weren't always so buddy buddy, in fact it was pretty brutal between us until mom and dad died then we pretty much left each other alone until about 4 weeks ago anyways when we just started talking to each other again.

It was a day like any other day on this forsaken planet, hot, flat and immense for the most part so natually none of us wear clothing, luckily for us our scales are heat resistant but that doesn't mean we don't exactly like standing around in the heat in fact we prefer a dark cool room to the scorching sun any day of the week. Anyways, my bro and I had just started talking again and we were actually getting alone which is something I thought was abit of a miracle so we hung out together alot and even started picking up on each others activities, now im a silver dragon by nature and he's black but that wasn't what pushed us apart in the old days, it was the pain we shared from the lose of our home planet, we didn't want to talk about it and that anger just festured till it came to a head and we both said things we shouldn't the past few weeks we spent together we apologized to each other and even learned to hug every now and again when the stress of the day really started getting to us. Its been 4 weeks since we started getting close and now days we even sleep in the same room so our sis can have the other room as she has to work and Mythis' snoring usually kept her up when they shared a room but today my bro has called me out to the old water pump and im wondering what it could be that he wants to show me since he's usually the one following me around when I say the phrase "Hey, come look at this." and when I show it to him and nods a couple of times and then goes about his business.

Right about now I should be heading out to the old well to see what he wants so here I go. Ive been to the well many times and not seen anything intresting there before, mabye ive just been missing it. Oh well, Ill see when I get their. Well, here I am hey, where are ya bro....bro? I walk over to behind the well where I hear noises figuring its my bro so I look to see what it is and what do I find, my brother taking up an intrest in his rather large endowment and as im watching this I can't help but feel my own maleness getting larger and harder at the sight of my own brother pawing off, he had his eyes closed so he couldn't see me as I watched him for the whole time till he finally growled out his release and shot his black spunk onto the ground infront of him, then he turned and looked up in suprise as he saw me and his entire body went red which was very easy to see against his black scales and he remained like that until he noticed my own throbbing erection and then he looked up to me as if asking a question and I just nodded slowly and I sat down letting my large 3 foot shaft lightly bob under its own weight as he moved closer and reached out just barely touching it with the tip of his index claw then his middle finger and so on till his hand was wrapped tightly around it and was stroking it nice and hard up and down making me moan heavily. Now before I go to far into this story id like to say that im a virgin so all this is very exciting to me and its not taking me long to get off and he found that out soon enough when my sky blue cum spurted out in a torrential storm of gooey male juice covering his hand and his side completely as I sat there panting lightly, my erection was still throbbing though and he knew from the look in my eye what I wanted and he nodded abit and stood up, walked closer and sat down on my shaft but just the very head slipped in so he could lube up. His teeth were gritted the whole time my cock head was in his tailhole and it was obvious to me that he too was a virgin and he was in some pain but as his expression changed to one of pleasure I knew it hadn't lasted long.

After about a minute of lubing he finally started sliding down more onto my large shaft taking it into his body and as he hilted with me I moaned my enjoyment and he his as we shared the most forbidden of fruits together, after a few more minutes he started moving up and down on my shaft warming it up with the friction he was causing and the friction was really getting to me making me moan and gasp my every pleasure and I felt his shaft on my throat and I brought it up to my mouth and sucked on his night black cock for a nice long time with hard suckles and a few nips here and there. Meanwhile, my balls were starting to boil with my impending release and I couldn't exactly anounce it due to the large meat shoved in my mouth and before I could say anything anyways it hit me, like a ton of bricks from a 20th story window, I came so much that his stomach actually started to bulge out from all the cum filling it and he yeowled and sent his own load of black cum down my throat and into my awaiting stomach making it buldge out abit too, it took a good 3 minutes to stop after that having just had our first experiances, then he looked at me and said "Brother, was it as good for you as it was for me." I said "Yeah it was...I love ya bro." He looked at me with the most loving look ive ever seen and kissed my cum stained lips then looked up at me again with a warm smile and asked "Do you think that was really taboo?" and I asked "What's taboo really?" and then we both passed out behind the well with my throbbing shaft still stuffed into him nice and deep and after a few days had passed we started sleeping together but usually we didn't get much sleep done but that is a story for another time.

A chance meeting

A chance meeting Jake woke up one morning feeling strange and lonely, he needed some company but he was such a loser in his own eyes that he figured no one even cared he existed, which couldn't have been farther from the truth. He slowly got out of bed...

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