From Chains to Riches: Chapter 4

Story by Ikato on SoFurry

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#4 of FCTR


"He that lives upon hope shall die fasting."

-B. Franklin


Ikato exited the steam filled shower, a white towel hanging from his waist. A worried sigh escaped his mouth as he sat on the bed, his thoughts lingered on what awaited him. 'Maybe this is a different Matsu....or...he was just playing around when I saw him..." He laughed weakly as he tried positive thinking. But who could blame him? Growing up a slave your entire life you learn that if you don't think positively, well, you'll go close to insane.

Hiroto entered the room a few minutes later, his thoughts on his fathers' return. Seeing his fox's mind elsewhere he quietly crept up behind him, his body completely naked from just taking a shower. He stopped once he saw Ikato's ear move, had he heard him? No. Without without a word and with careful movements he jumped on the smaller furr, causing him to yell out in surprise and fear. His pure head looked up in fear to face his attacker, freezing in fear when he saw it was his master.

"What's the matter? I was only playing around." The wolf said before locking their muzzles together.

Ikato, obviously not amused with him 'playing around', pushed away from him. "You still scared the hell out of me!" He yelled, not caring if he spoke out of turn. "You shouldn't scare someone like that!" Ikato's face burned red from anger. He looked at his master's face, expecting to see rage, disappointment, sadness. And still, even after what he said, that same grin, further enraging him. "And another thing-" His words were cut short as Hiroto locked the two in a kiss. "'t...and....." He tried to speak in between kisses but the larger fur was making it increasingly difficult. Ikato eventually gave in.

The lights were turned off and the two kissed until they fell asleep, thoughts of next day washed away as they simply enjoyed being close to each other.


A dark shadow hovered above Ikato as he slept, watching him for a moment before slowly moving his hand toward the fox. The shadow ran his finger down the head of the sleeping fox's fur, wishing he didn't have to do this. He took hold of Ikato's arm and lifted it up in the air. "Get up."

Ikato, still being in sleep mode, starred blankly into space for a moment. "Yes, master?"

"I told you last night that you could..." He thought about the situation they were in, this would probably end up being the best thing for them at the time. "Forget everything that happened last night. You shall address me as any other slave that my father owns, no exceptions."

Ikato's face saddened seemingly with every word that came from Hiroto. Reluctantly letting go of everything that had happened the past few days he muttered, "Yes master. I'll do as you say."

"Don't worry." He kissed his fox on the lips. "It's only for a little while." He pulled back and straightened the tie on the suit he was wearing. "I need you to take a shower and make sure that you're 100% clean, although, I doubt that will be a problem for you. When you come out of the shower there shall be clothes on the bed, a uniform really. My father has all of his slaves wear them." Finishing his sentence, he left the room to give Ikato a chance to do as he had just instructed.

Hiroto closed the door behind him and let out a sigh as he sat on the couch, pulling on the collar on his suit. Words couldn't express how much he dressing up, he'd much rather wear a regular t-shirt. He didn't see what the big deal was with wearing clothes anyway, I mean, he had fur. Shouldn't that be enough to keep him warm? But there was no helping it. This was the price he had to pay for wealth. On the bright side, he was able to have met a beautiful fox in which he could call his own. What really made hiom happy was that Ikato wanted to be with him, which was good because he was never the type for one sided pleasure. The faint sound of a door opening distracted him from his thoughts. He looked up and saw Ikato leaving his room, wearing a grey shirt and dark blue shorts that were labled as a uniform. Hiroto examined the fox for a moment before clearing his throat, "Nicely done as usual. My father should be here any minute so be prepared. I should warn you beforehand. I can guarantee you that my father shall not treat you as kindly as I have, so show the utmost respect to him. Speak only when spoken to and don't look into his eyes."

Ikato shifted nervously from foot to foot. "I understand."

"Good. Oh, that reminds me! Matsu shall escort you to your temporary room after my father is done."

Before anymore words were exchanged, a knock came at the door, followed by a wolven figure entering the room. He was slightly taller than Hiroto but his face, unlike Hiroto's, resembled that of someone who has experienced many things in his life. His furr greatly resembled his sons except for the dulled color, due to his age. The elder wolf paid little to no attention to Ikato, walking straight to his son with a stack of papers in his hand. "My son, it has been far too long. How have you been?" He said as he gave Hiroto a hug.

"'s has." he replied.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could be home all the time but you know that-"

"This life that I have isn't exactly cheap. Yeah, I know."

"Well then," He sighed. "...I suppose I should get to newest addition to the house. He released his son and looked at the papers he held in his hands. "So his name is Ikato? Obedient, respectful, very good breeding..." He placed the papers down on a table. "I've never been the type to trust solely on what I see on paper." He turned his attention to the fox in front of him and walked up to him. He forced open Ikato's mouth to examine his teeth, making it obvious that he was much stronger than Ikato, or Hiroto, for that matter.

The elder wolf took several minutes examining Ikato, inspecting various places of his body and also taking longer on some areas more than others. " seems that you have indeed chosen a fitting new addition to the house."

"I'm glad that you approve of him."

"Yes. You always did have a talent for these kind of things."

A silence filled the room for a few minutes as the three of them stood motionless.

"Well," Hiroto's father said, breaking the silence. "...I have business to attend to in the house. I'll talk to you during dinner. Until then." With a slight flourish of his hand he left the room and went about his business.

Almost immediately after Hiroto's father left, Matsu, along with the black cat, Ray, entered the room and bowed once they reached earshot of Hiroto.

"I came as soon as I thought you were done." Spoke the tiger. "I also brought Ray with me. I hope my master does not mind."

Hiroto starred at the two for a moment. "Rise, and no I don't mind."

"Thank you." The two felines stood upright, Matsu towering over the group. Neither of them looking directly at Ikato.

"If the three of you are ready then you may go." Hiroto said before leaving the room.

Ikato's thoughts were still on Hiroto's father. He called him a 'new edition to the house'. It was almost as if he was treating him like an object that he owned. He quickly shook the thought out of his head. Of course he was treating him that way. He was still a slave, no matter how his master was treating him.

With a flick of his tail, Ray diverted his attention towards the fox who appeared to be lost in thought. "We're leaving." The two felines exited the room and began walking down the stairs, Ikato following close behind.

They walked down a seemingly endless staircase for several minutes before reaching a mahogany door. The shadow appeared under the doorway as a one of the slaves opened it for the three, revealing a long hallway lined with a door about five feet apart. The slaves that were walking down that hallway moved to the side. Most moved out of fear for the giant tiger or to whisper to others about the rumored new "pet".

"These are all Master Hiroto's property. He takes good care of them as long as they don't disobey him." Ray informed Ikato, not even bothering to turn around.

A few minutes later, they arrived at a room that was at the very end of the hallway. The door stood at 7'0 ft, looking almost as if it had been designed custom for the tiger. Since the door was open hey walked in. A twin sized bed was clearly visible upon entering the room. The bed was the only eye-cathcing thing in the room. The rest of the room consisted of a dresser, a small round table, a few chairs and a closet. Nothing fancy.

Matsu closed the door behind them and grinned at the two. "Kitten. Put on your uniform and start cleaning the place." He instructed Ray before turning his attention to Ikato. "As for the new pet, go and help your little slut of a friend with cleaning. There should be an extra uniform in the closet."

Ikato looked at him with a confused expression. He took in a deep breath and mumbled, "Only master Hiroto can tell me what to do."

Matsu's smile quickly faded. He placed his hue paw on Ikato's tail and pulled on it, making Ikato move closer to him. "Listen, bitch. As long as you're down here then I own you." He pulled Ikato's head close to his mouth and whispered, "That fool you call a master isn't here. You're all mine." With that siad, he let go of his head and tail and pushed him back. Ikato wanted to protest but there wasn't much he could do. Accepting defeat, he followed Ray to put on his uniform.

A few minutes later the two feminine furs returned to Matsu, wearing a black and white maids uniform. Ikato was blushing harder than he even though possible, due to embarrassment. This was indeed humiliating for him. The tiger looked at them with a toothy grin. "Very nice. Kitten, take the bitch with you and perform usual duties."

"Understood." Ray took Ikato by the hand and quickly lead him out of the room before the giant tiger decided on something else.


Ikato walked wearily through the long hallway, heading back to the room. He knew that he had to work hard, but this was a little much. If he had to guess, he cleaned over 100 rooms alone. Ray had decided on splitting up the number of rooms. On top of that, in almost every room he went in someone tried to lift the skirt on his uniform or tried to flirt with him. After all of that, he was ready for a nap.

Ikato pushed the door to the room open and yawned as he went to take off his uniform, stopping when he heard a chuckle. He quickly turned around to see three big figures sitting in a chair around the table. One of them being Matsu, while the other were unknown to him. To the right was a brown stallion, showing off the muscle and body that horses were known for. He was just about the same height as Matsu and wore nothing more than a tight t-shirt and shorts. To the left was a panda. He was a little chubby, but made up for it in height.

Just as quickly as he had turned around, he faced the direction he was originally going and started walking. He didn't get far. Before he could make his second step, a paw grabbed his hand pulled him backwards.

"Where ya goin', foxy?" The panda asked. "Come and sit on my lap. Here." He patted the seat that was being offered to Ikato and grinned.

kato briefly looked at Matsu, who was now giving him the same face as before when he had grabbed him. Admitting partial defeat, he sat on the bear's lap.

"So this is the new "pet" you were talking about, eh Matsu?" The stallion asked while examining Ikato.

"Yeah. He's the one." Matsu looked over at Ikato, becoming pleased by his discomfort.

Garret took one of his pudgy fingers and started exploring underneath Ikato's skirt. "You really are a pretty one, aren't you."

Ikato shifted in his lap in discomfort. "Please, don't do that." He said, pushing his finger away.

The panda looked up at Matsu, looking for some sign of aprrooval before continuing. "Trust me, you shouldn't do that, little fox." He took his paw and went under Ikato's skirt once again.

"I...I have to go." This time Ikato pushed away from the panda and stared at all of them.

Matsu stood up and smiled as he walked up to the smaller fox and grabbed him by the shoulders, the other two followed behind him. "Strip." Were the only words that came from matsu's mouth.

"What? N-no!" Ikato tried to push him away but he failed miserably, instead making himself fall on the bed.

The well built stallion stepped in front of them and stood in front of Ikato. "He tried to let you do this on your own free will, but..." He removed his shorts and revealed his 13 inches of horse meat, "...just don't blame us for what happens next."

Fear completely took over his face as he turned around and tried to run, but he was grabbed by his legs, flipped on his stomach and held down. Matsu replaced the horse and held from behind. He took off his pants with one hand while holding the struggling in place with his other hand.

Thinking that he now had the advantage, Ikato tried to get away while Matsu held him with one hand but his efforts were fruitless. "S-stop! P-please let me go!" His pleas went unanswered, the three larger furs surround him while he struggled. All he could hear was chuckling and the sound of zippers being undone.

Matsu proudly displayed his 12 inch cock from behind Ikato, teasingly pressing it against the skirt. He soon grew tired of this and ripped off his pink panties that he was wearing underneath of his skirt and pressed his cock tip against Ikato's tail hole.

Feeling something against his tailhole he started thrashing around. "No! Let me go! I don't want to! please!" His begging soon turned into tears as he felt himself being penetrated by the cock behind him. His tail hole had returned to it's virgin-like state from the night when he and Hiroto had mated.

"Augh...umph...damn, you...are really tight." The feline said behind him as he began violently thrusting, trying to get the rest of himself in.

Ikato yelled out as Matsu planted himself further into himself. To make things worse, he was going in dry. Ikato was in so much pain at that moment, crying like a little kid, he failed to notice a paw forciably opening his muzzle until it was done.

The panda caressed Ikato's muzzle with his free hand. "You are a cute one, aren't you. I wonder if that mouth of yours can suck. No teeth, or I swear I'll kill you."

Ikato looked up at him with pleading eyes, hoping for some sign of mercy or sympathy. He found none. Instead, he found himself face-to-face with the panda's throbbing member. He almost threw up as he smelled the musk coming from it.

"Suck!" The black and white fur ordered, only to be interrupted by a scream from the vulpine as he felt Matsu's barb-like flesh tearing into his delicate tissue. A few seconds went by with no reply, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He plunged his cock into the fox without any warning, grabbed Ikato by the scruff of his neck and began face fucking him; slowly at first but soon picking up speed.

Ikato no longer cried, for it even hurt to do that much. He was already having a hard time breathing as it was; having to take a large gasp of air every time the bear pulled out of his mouth. He tried several things to distract himself from the beating he was receiving by looking in another direction, away from one of his rapists, only to find the stallion rubbing his cock slowly. He even tried to hide in the deepest recesses of his mind in an attempt to escape his body, which worked for a while. But what he felt as escaping into his mind, Hiroto saw as passing out, which he would always give the fox a good hit on the head to return him to reality. He looked up to see the bear fucking his face at an alarming rate. Ikato knew what was about to happen. A final, powerful thrust finished it. All at once, several sprays of hot cum was sent flying down his throat. Several seconds later, he felt the large cock being removed from his mouth, a small string of cum connected Ikato's face to the cock.

Ikato grabbed the bed as tightly as he could as the massive beating he was receiving from behind continued, his claws ripping through the covers. He could hear grunts of pleasure from behind him. He felt the urge in his stomach to throw up, he refused to swallow what had been forced inside of him, but a swift blow to the face said otherwise.

"Swallow or you'll get another one twice as hard."

Ikato somehow found the strength to look him dead in the eye before spitting out the bear's thick cum from his mouth. A grin appeared on his face, he was happy that since he had arrived in this place, he was able to control one thing.

Anger overwhelmed the unnamed bear as he raised his fist. "You little shit!" Just before his fist landed, the stallion moved in the way and, without wasting time, shoved his long shaft in Ikato's mouth, sending it well past his tonsils.

"Don't get so upset. It's my turn and I guarantee that he won't have a choice in swallowing."

Matsu and the stallion seemed to agree on something without saying much, since they nodded heads.

Ikato, meanwhile, had no more strength left. He had used it up trying to escape and in that final act of deviance, he had no choice but to lay there helplessly.

Close to fifteen minutes before the torment came to a close. It should have been over a long time ago, at least that's what Ikato thought before realizing that after they sped up as if they were reaching there climax, they slowed down, even stopping if necessary. But that didn't really matter anymore because it was over. The three furs, including Matsu, were putting there clothes back on and leaving, his stomach and bowels were full to the brink with cum and a bloodied ass showed that it was. He could vaguely make out a conversation as his body forced him into sleep. He could see Ray holding what looked like cover and placing it over him.

It could hae been real or it could be the fact that he wasn't thinking to clearly, but he saw something in Ray's eyes right before his own eyes closed--sympathy.


End of part 4

I really appreciate comments on my writing, weather it be one to congratulate me or to criticize me, I still appreciate it. I know no bad comments, since they all help me to improve myself. Please leave a comment or e-mail me at [email protected]

