Beginning for Eyong

Story by Storyteller Shell on SoFurry

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Eyong is starting her journey. She finds out her destiny.

Once upon a time there was a cheetah who was born and raised in Africa to an African father cheetah and a Japanese mother cheetah. She appeared normal as a kit, but quickly her parents noticed there was something unusual about her. "What is the matter with Eyong?" said her father. "Her brother Chin and her little sister Nia are already running, hunting, and jumping high and fast. But Eyong just seems to sit around all day. It makes me nervous." But her mother said, "Don't worry, dear. I'm sure Eyong has her own talents. When I look at her, I see an awesome patience. I think she might become a great mediator or even a sage." Eyong had other ideas. Soon she began to walk, and as she walked, she would stop from time to time, standing and simply seeing - looking at what was around her. And she noticed things that no one - not her mother, not her father, not her brother Chin, and not her sister Nia saw. It was a cloudy day when Eyong noticed that the color of the plants and trees were slowly changing from their natural color to a brownish. Suddenly she looked up into the sky, a green and black dragon flew above the clouds. She noticed that it breathe out fire from its nostrils. She stood her ground and growled softly. She had sensed that something was in danger, and now she had confirmed it. She turned to tell her family but realized that they didn't even noticed the change. Instead Eyong begun to walk around and watched her family. She remained alert to even the slightest movement. One day, her mother watch Eyong and commented, "At least she is doing something beside sitting around all day." Eynog was not the same since that cloudy day. Since then, Eyong remained alert and protective of her family. But she was careful not to let her family noticed of her sudden change in behavior. Eyong trained and prepared herself in secret. Every night, she crept out of the cave where her family slept. She ran back and forth on the plains. She turned sharply left and right to be able to run cleverly. Soon she was able to run quickly, quietly, and cleverly at top speed. She practiced her jumping in the nearby forest. Soon she was able to jump very high and grab things quickly with her teeth. She practiced in all kinds of weather. She knew she had to be able to fight even in the toughest weather. Unknown to her family, she had surpassed her brother and sister's skills in just a few months. A few months later, her father noticed that she was really creeping around and said, "Something strange is happening to Eyong. She is acting as though an enemy is about to attack." He crawled away to his favorite place where he sat and watched his family from a distance. He watched his daughter, Eyong for a while. He wondered, "Can it be? Does she really have my true talents?..." He looked around carefully as though he never forgotten his talents. At once he too begun to see what Eyong saw. He noticed that some of the nearby trees were changing colors. He realized that the animals were slowly dying out. He remembered when their lives were in total danger once before when a T-Rex tried to eat all of the animals. Now it was happening again. But this time it was, his daughter, Eyong's turn to defend them. He glanced around one last time before heading home. Several months had past, her mother had kept a watchful eye on Eyong. She noticed that she was acting more like a ninja then a sage. she said worriedly, "I hope everything is alright for Eyong. She had changed a lot over the last few months." But her father had confident in his daughter. He said comfortingly, "Don't worry, she knows what she is doing." Her mother noticed that her husband was completely calm. She trusted her husband and life went on. Two days later, The family rested near the cave tired out from hunting the zebras. Eyong approached her family with determination in her eyes. Her mother stood up and went over to her. On the other paw, her father eyed his daughter carefully. Her brother and sister didn't really cared about Eyong. Her mother asked, "What is wrong my little Eyong?" Eyong paused and watched her family for a moment. Her father shifted uncomfortably while her siblings rested. Before Eyong said anything a loud roar was heard outside their cave. She immediately raced out and found a very hungry bear approaching them. But the bear never noticed the silent cheetah in the tall grass. Eyong crouched down and crept toward the bear. Meanwhile the father immediately saw the bear and herd his family deeper into the cave. Then he silently crawled to the entrance of the cave. He watched the battle between the hungry bear and Eyong. The hungry bear moved toward the cave at a slow rate. Suddenly Eyong roared, jumped up and scratched its furry face. The surprised bear reared back and roared. It tried to claw her but she was too quick. Eyong darted behind it, jumped and sank her teeth into its neck. The hungry bear fell to the ground and died. She made sure that the bear was dead before turning around to face her family. She saw her father coming toward her with pride in his eyes. In his mind, He confirmed his daughter's talents. Her mother and siblings came out and was shocked at the dead bear. Eyong said, "I have to go." Her father looked at her and said, "Go! For I know you will defend us and our land well." Eyong said good bye to her family and ran off into the distance. Her father turned and faced his family. He said, "You do not need to be afraid. She went off to explore the world." The father never told them the real reason that she left. The siblings were shocked at what happened but they never fully understood the transformation in their youngest sister. But the mother understood her husband completely. She realized that her husband knew what was really happening. She remembered her husband's real talents. she recalled all those times when she watched Eyong. She discovered that Eyong truly had his genes and his talents. She looked onward in the distance wondering if this was truly the beginning of Eyong's destiny.